Grasshopper Docs

Community documentation for Grasshopper add-ons & plugins


ADDON. Version 1.02.0002. Released on 2019-Nov-18. Provides 58 components. Created by David Mans. Features 0 video tutorials.
Aviary is a multifaceted graphic toolkit operating on top of Grasshopper 3D. The goal of the project is the extension of Grasshopper’s incredible production capacity to the realm of presentation by providing a suite of tools for the parametric definition of formatting of content from interface and layouts though data and geometry. Leveraging and composing a wide array of open-source libraries, Aviary extends grasshoppers parameter-based model to the real-time creation and capturing of presentation content.


Add Layer (Layer)
Set layer image and properties
Built on the Dynamic Image Library
Apply Filters (Apply)
Apply filters to the image's bitmap
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Build Image (Build)
Build a fixed width and height bitmap from per pixel ARGB color values
Generate a proceedural cellular system or bitmap
Built on Auburns' FastNoise
Composite Images (Composite)
Quick composite two images with a mask and blend mode
Built on the Dynamic Image Library
Crop Image (Crop)
Crop a bitmap with a rectangular region
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Filter Adjust (Adjust)
Apply bitmap adjustment filters to an image
Filter Blob (Blob)
Filter out unique shape blob from an image
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Filter Difference (Difference)
Compare the difference between two images
Filter Dithering (Dithering)
Apply dither filters to an image
Filter Edges (Edges)
Apply edge detection filters to an image
Filter Effects (Effects)
Apply various effect filters to an image
Extract Channel (Extract)
Extract a channel filters to an image
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Filter Figures (Figures)
Identify or modify figure based filters to an image
Filter Filters (Filters)
Filter out channels on an image
Filter Grayscale (Grayscale)
Apply grayscale filters to an image
Filter Levels (Levels)
Modify the levels of an image
Filter Sharpen (Sharpen)
Apply sharpen filters to an image
Filter Threshold (Threshold)
Apply threshold detection filters to an image
Blob Boundaries (Boundaries)
Get blob boundaries from a bitmap
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Bitmap Corners (Corners)
Get blob corner points from a bitmap
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Bitmap Shapes (Shapes)
Get shapes from bitmap
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Image Properties (Properties)
Get the overall bitmap dimensions
Image To Bitmap (To Bmp)
Convert an Image to a Bitmap object
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Image Value At (Value At)
Get a requested value at a specific pixel location
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Image Values (Values)
Get a value type for each pixel
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Image Viewer (Image)
Display an Aviary Image or Bitmap in the canvas
Load Image (Bmp)
Create an Image from a filepath to a bitmap.
Merge Layers (Merge)
Build multiple layers into an Aviary Image
Built on the Dynamic Image Library
Mirror Image (Mirror)
Mirror an image about x and y axis
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Modify Layer (Modify)
Modify Layer filters
Built on the Dynamic Image Library
Move Image (Move)
Move an image by a translation vector
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Generate a proceedural noise bitmap
Built on Auburns' FastNoise
Polar Image (Polar)
Apply a polar transformation to an image
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Resize Image (Resize)
Resize an image to a specific width and height
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Rotate Image (Rotate)
Rotate an image about its center
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Scale Image (Scale)
Scale an image by a unit factor
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Shrink Image (Shrink)
Shrink and image by cropping out a context color
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Swap Channel (Swap)
Swap one channel for another
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Swap Channels (Swap*)
Swap out channels for multiple existing channels
Built on the Accord Imaging Library
Trace Image (Trace)
Xform Layer (Xform)
Apply transformations to a layer
Built on the Dynamic Image Library


Brep To Shape (BrepShp)
Convert a brep's naked edges to a compound shape
Compose Drawing (Drawing)
Compose a Drawing from curves and graphics
Curve To Shape (CrvShp)
Convert a curve to a shape
Drawing to Bitmap (Draw To Bitmap)
Viewer for an Aviary drawing
Export Bitmap (Bitmap)
Save a Aviary Drawing to a bitmap file
Export SVG (SVG)
Save a Aviary Drawing to a SVG file
View Drawing (Draw)
Viewer for an Aviary drawing
Mesh To Shape (MeshShp)
Convert a mesh to a compound shape
Point To Shape (PtShp)
Convert a point to a circular Shape


Blur Effect (Blur)
Add a blur effect
Shadow Effect (Shadow)
Add a drop shadow effect
Linear Gradient Fill (Linear)
Add a linear gradient fill
Radial Gradient Fill (Radial)
Add a radial gradient fill
Solid Fill (Solid)
Add a solid color fill
Set Stroke Properties

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Aviary and associated data © 2023 David Mans.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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