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Grasshopper Curve

SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Version Released on 12-Dec-2023. Provides 111 components. Created by David Rutten. Features 0 video tutorials.


Curvature Graph (CrvGraph)
Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs.
Length (Len)
Measure the length of a curve.
Length Domain (LenD)
Measure the length of a curve subdomain.
Length Parameter (LenP)
Measure the length of a curve to and from a parameter.
Curve Domain (CrvDom)
Measure and set the curve domain
Segment Lengths (LenSeg)
Finds the shortest and longest segments of a curve.
Test a curve for planarity.
Closed (Cls)
Test if a curve is closed or periodic.
End Points (End)
Extract the end points of a curve.
Deconstruct Arc (DArc)
Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc.
Deconstuct Rectangle (DRec)
Retrieve the base plane and side intervals of a rectangle.
Polygon Center (PCen)
Find the center point (average) for a polyline.
Control Points (CP)
Extract the nurbs control points and knots of a curve.
Control Polygon (CPoly)
Extract the nurbs control polygon of a curve.
Discontinuity (Disc)
Find all discontinuities along a curve.
Evaluate Curve (Eval)
Evaluate a curve at the specified parameter.
Evaluate Length (Eval)
Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes.
Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter.
Evaluate the torsion of a curve at a specified parameter.
Derivatives (CDiv)
Evaluate the derivatives of a curve at a specified parameter.
Curve Closest Point (Crv CP)
Find the closest point on a curve.
Curve Proximity (CrvProx)
Find the pair of closest points between two curves.
Curve Nearest Object (CrvNear)
Find the object nearest to a curve.
Point In Curve (InCurve)
Test a point for closed curve containment.
Point in Curves (InCurves)
Test a point for multiple closed curve containment.
Extremes (X-tremez)
Find the extremes (highest and lowest points) on a curve.
Curve Side (Side)
Find on which side of a curve a point exists
Curve Middle (MidPt)
Get the point in the middle of a curve
Point On Curve (CurvePoint)
Evaluates a curve at a specific location
Curve Frame (Frame)
Get the curvature frame of a curve at a specified parameter.
Horizontal Frame (HFrame)
Get a horizontally aligned frame along a curve at a specified parameter.
Perp Frame (PFrame)
Solve the perpendicular (zero-twisting) frame at a specified curve parameter.


Circle (Cir)
Create a circle defined by base plane and radius.
Circle CNR (Circle)
Create a circle defined by center, normal and radius.
Circle 3Pt (Circle)
Create a circle defined by three points.
Create the incircle of a triangle.
Circle Fit (FCircle)
Fit a circle to a collection of points.
Circle TanTan (CircleTT)
Create a circle tangent to two curves.
Circle TanTanTan (CircleTTT)
Create a circle tangent to three curves.
Create an ellipse defined by base plane and two radii.
Create the inscribed ellipse (Steiner ellipse) of a triangle.
Create an arc defined by base plane, radius and angle domain.
Modified Arc (ModArc)
Create an arc based on another arc.
Arc 3Pt (Arc)
Create an arc through three points.
Arc SED (Arc)
Create an arc defined by start point, end point and a tangent vector.
Create a bi-arc based on endpoints and tangents.
Tangent Arcs (TArc)
Create tangent arcs between circles
Tangent Lines (Tan)
Create tangent lines between a point and a circle
Tangent Lines (Ex) (TanEx)
Create external tangent lines between circles
Tangent Lines (In) (TanIn)
Create internal tangent lines between circles
Line (Ln)
Create a line between two points.
Line SDL (Line)
Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.}
Line 4Pt (Ln4Pt)
Create a line from four points.
Line 2Plane (Ln2Pl)
Create a line between two planes.
Fit Line (FLine)
Fit a line to a collection of points.
Create a rectangle on a plane
Rectangle 3Pt (Rec 3Pt)
Create a rectangle from three points
Rectangle 2Pt (Rec 2Pt)
Create a rectangle from a base plane and two points
TwoByFourJam (2x4 Jam)
Jam a two-by-four into a crooked room
Create a polygon with optional round edges.
Polygon Edge (PolEdge)
Create a polygon from a single edge.


Interpolate (IntCrv)
Create an interpolated curve through a set of points.
Interpolate (t) (IntCrv(t))
Create an interpolated curve through a set of points with tangents.
Tangent Curve (TanCurve)
Create a curve through a set of points with tangents.
Nurbs Curve (Nurbs)
Construct a nurbs curve from control points.
Kinky Curve (KinkCrv)
Construct an interpolated curve through a set of points with a kink angle threshold.
Bezier Span (BzSpan)
Construct a bezier span from endpoints and tangents.
Curve On Surface (CrvSrf)
Create an interpolated curve through a set of points on a surface.
Iso Curve (Iso)
Construct {uv} isocurves on a surface.
Construct a surface geodesic between two points.
Sub Curve (SubCrv)
Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve.
Knot Vector (Knots)
Construct a nurbs curve knot vector.
Nurbs Curve PWK (NurbCrv)
Construct a nurbs curve from control points, weights and knots.
Catenary (Cat)
Create a catenary chain between two points.
Catenary Ex (CatEx)
Create a variable catenary chain between two points.
Blend Curve (BlendC)
Create a blend curve between two curves.
Blend Curve Pt (BlendCPt)
Create a blend curve between two curves that intersects a point.
Connect Curves (Connect)
Connect a sequence of curves.
Tween Curve (TweenCrv)
Tween between two curves.
PolyLine (PLine)
Create a polyline connecting a number of points.
PolyArc (PArc)
Create a polycurve consisting of arc and line segments.


Offset Curve (Offset)
Offset a curve with a specified distance.
Offset Curve Loose (Offset (L))
Offset the control-points of a curve with a specified distance.
Offset Loose 3D (Offset (3D))
Offset the control-points of a curve with a specified distance in 3D.
Offset on Srf (OffsetS)
Offset a curve on a surface with a specified distance.
Flip Curve (Flip)
Flip a curve using an optional guide curve.
Adjust the seam of a closed curve.
Join Curves (Join)
Join as many curves as possible
Rebuild Curve (ReB)
Rebuild a curve with a specific number of control-points.
Fit Curve (Fit)
Fit a curve along another curve.
Extend Curve (Ext)
Extend a curve by a specified distance.
Simplify Curve (Simplify)
Simplify a curve.
Curve To Polyline (ToPoly)
Convert a curve to a polyline.
Project a curve onto a Brep.
Pull Curve (Pull)
Pull a curve onto a surface.
Polyline Collapse (PCol)
Collapse short segments in a polyline curve.
Reduce (RedPLine)
Reduce a polyline by removing least significant vertices.
Smooth Polyline (SmoothPLine)
Smooth the vertices of a polyline curve.
Fillet a curve at a parameter.
Fillet Distance (Fillet)
Fillet the sharp corners of a curve by distance.
Explode a curve into smaller segments.


Shatter a curve into segments.
Dash Pattern (Dash)
Convert a curve to a dash pattern.
Curve Contour (Contour)
Create a set of Curve contours
Contour (ex) (Contour)
Create a set of Curve contours
Divide Curve (Divide)
Divide a curve into equal length segments
Divide Length (DivLength)
Divide a curve into segments with a preset length
Divide Distance (DivDist)
Divide a curve with a preset distance between points
Curve Frames (Frames)
Generate a number of equally spaced curve frames.
Horizontal Frames (HFrames)
Generate a number of equally spaced, horizontally aligned curve frames.
Perp Frames (PFrames)
Generate a number of equally spaced, perpendicular frames along a curve.

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