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UI Containers
UI Elements
UI Graphs + Charts
UI Main
UI Output

Human UI

ADDON. Version 0.8.8. Released on 20-Apr-2021. Provides 83 components. Created by Andrew Heumann. Features 3 video tutorials.

UI Elements

Attach Tooltip to Element (Tooltip)
Attach a tooltip to a UI element
Create Graph Mapper (GraphMapper)
Creates a Bezier Graph Mapper
Create Radio Button (RadioBtn)
Creates a single radio button. Be sure to assign a radio button group for proper switching behavior
Create Slider (Slider)
Create a slider with a label and a value readout.
Create File Picker (FilePicker)
Create a dialog box that lets you choose a path for a file, folder, or save path.
Create Gradient Editor (Gradient)
Creates an editable gradient in the UI
Create Data Table (DataTable)
Creates a Data Table view
Create Range Slider (RangeSlider)
Creates a double-slider that describes a range
Create Rhino Pick Button (PickBtn)
Create a special Button object to pick geometry from Rhino.
Create Separator (Separator)
Create a line separator object.
Create Toggle (Toggle)
Creates an on-off toggle.
Create Markdown Viewer (MDV)
Creates a block of formatted text based on Markdown-formatted input
Create Pulldown Menu (Pulldown)
Creates a pulldown menu from which items can be selected.
Create Multidimensional Slider (MD Slider)
Creates a 2D slider ranging from {0,0} to {1,1}
Create Rhino Command Button (CmdButton)
Create a Special Button object to trigger a Rhino command.
Create Text Box (TextBox)
Create a box for text entry, with a button to pass its value.
Create Browser (Browser)
Creates a web browser window.
Create Button (Button)
Create a Button object.
Create Color Picker (ColorPicker)
Creates an interactive color picker, with an optionally supplied set of colors
Create Objects from XAML (XAML)
Creates UI elements from typed XAML syntax
Create 3D View (3DView)
Creates an orbitable 3d viewport with a custom-defined mesh
Create Checkbox (Checkbox)
Creates a single checkbox
Create Checklist (Checklist)
Creates a listbox containing checkboxes.
Create Label (Label)
Creates a label in the window.
Create List Box (ListBox)
Creates a list box from which items can be selected.
Create Shapes (Shapes)
Creates shapes from a polylines
Create Shape (Shape)
Creates a simple shape from a polyline
Create Text Block (TB)
Creates a multi-line text block
Create True-Only Button (True Button)
Create a True only Button object.
Create Image (Image)
Creates an image object to be added to the window

UI Output

Add Elements to Shape(s) (AddElem2Shape)
Put UI Elements (Like text!) over the top of a shape/shapes element
Set Data Table (SetDataTable)
Update the contents of a Data Table
Set 3D View Properties (Set3DViewProps)
Additional controls for modifying a 3D view
Set Button (SetBtn)
Change the content of an existing Button element.
Set CheckBox (SetCheckBox)
Modify an existing Check Box object.
Set Color Picker (SetColorPicker)
Use this to set the values of a color picker
Set Expander (SetExp)
Sets the properties of an expander container
Set Tabbed View (SetTab)
Sets the properties of a tabbed view
Set 3D View Textured (Set3DViewTex)
Allows you to modify the contents of an existing 3D view.
Set Shapes (SetShapes)
Replace an existing shape in the window
Set Browser (SetBrowser)
Control the Browser element - with back/forward buttons, and control over the displayed site etc.
Set Checklist Contents (SetChecklist)
Use this to set the contents of a checklist
Set List Contents (SetList)
Use this to set the contents of either a List Box or a Pulldown Menu
Set TextBlock Contents (SetTextBlock)
Modify the contents of an existing Text Block object.
Set TextBox Contents (SetTextBox)
Modify the contents of an existing Text Box object.
Set 3D View (Set3DView)
Allows you to modify the contents of an existing 3D view.
Set Image (SetImg)
Change the content of an existing Image control.
Set Label Contents (SetLabel)
Modify the contents of an existing label object.
Set Shape (SetShape)
Replace an existing shape in the window
Set Multidimensional Slider (SetMDSlider)
Modify the value of a multidimensional slider.
Set Slider (SetSlider)
Modify the range and value of a slider.

UI Main

Container Contents (Contents)
Gets the child elements of a container element like a Stack or a Tab
Filter UI Elements (Filter)
This component allows you to select UI elements from a window by name, to let you listen for their values or set their properties dynamically.
Value Listener (Values)
This component is used to retrieve the values of UI elements from the window. By default it will automatically refresh when those values change.
Get Element Properties (GetProps)
Tries to get all properties of any element. This is experimental!
Set Element Property (SetProp)
Tries to set any property of an element. This is experimental!
Window Status (WinStat)
Gets the current status of the specified Window
Set Window Properties (WinProps)
Modify various properties of a Window.
Adjust Element Appearance (AdjustElem)
Adjust the color and appearance of individual elements.
Make Child Window (ChildWin)
Make one window a child of another
Capture Window or Element to File (Capture)
Capture a HUI Window or individual element to an image
Hide/Show Element (HideShow)
Allows you to hide or show an element
Launch Transparent Window (LaunchXPWin)
This component launches a new blank, transparent control window.
Add Elements (AddElems)
Add WPF Controls to a window
Adjust Element Positioning (AdjustPos)
Adjust the margins, sizing, and other positioning information of an element.
Absolute positioning can get a little wonky, use at your own risk.
Get Screen Dimensions (GetScreen)
Gets the dimensions of the current screen
Launch Window (LaunchWin)
This component launches a new blank control window.
Restore Element States (Restore)
Restore the saved states of UI elements
Save Element States (SaveStates)
This component lets you save the states of selected elements for later retrieval

UI Containers

Create Border (Border)
Wrap Elements with a border.
Create Expander (Expander)
A collapsible expander for content
Create Scroll Viewer (ScrollViewer)
Allows an element to scroll independently of the rest of the window
Create Simple Grid (SimpleGrid)
Create a container with elements in a grid according to the path structure provided
Create WrapPanel (WrapPanel)
Creates a group of UI elements WrapPaneled vertically or horizontally.
Create Grid (Grid)
Create a container with absolutely positioned elements
Create Stack (Stack)
Creates a group of UI elements stacked vertically or horizontally.
Create View Box (ViewBox)
Scale a group of UI Elements by placing them in a ViewBox.
Tabbed View (Tabs)
Creates a series of tabbed views that can contain UI element layouts

UI Graphs + Charts

Create Multi Chart (MultiChart)
Creates a Multi Chart from sets of Data and Categories.
Create Chart (Chart)
Creates a Chart from Data and Categories.
Chart Appearance (ChartAppearance)
Use this to set the appearance of a Chart
Set Chart Contents (SetChart)
Use this to set the contents of a Chart
Set Multi Chart Contents (SetMultiChart)
Use this to set the contents of a MultiChart

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Human UI and associated data © 2024 Andrew Heumann.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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