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Oasys GSA

Oasys GSA

ADDON. Version 1.1.0. Released on 2023-Feb-01. Provides 120 components. Created by Oasys Software, ARUP Group. Features 0 video tutorials.
Official Oasys GSA Grasshopper plugin wrapping the GSA.NET API, to allow you to perform structural, geotechnical and pedestrian movement simulation/analysis. Oasys GSA allows users to analyse the structural design of any structure which needs to be iterated through many cycles of geometry definition, internal force analysis and code design. GSA gives engineers a versatile analysis and design software that integrates well within traditional and parametric workflows.

Oasys GSA

Analyse Model (Analyse)
Assemble and Analyse a GSA Model
Analysis Case Info (CaseInfo)
Get information about the properties of a GSA Analysis Case (Load Case or Combination)
Annotate (An)
Show the ID of a Node, Element, or Member parameters, or get Result or Diagram values
Annotate Detailed (An+)
Show the detailed information of Element or Member parameters
Beam Derived Stresses (vonMises)
Element1D Derived Stress results like von Mises
Beam Displacements (BeamDisp)
Element1D Translation and Rotation result values
Beam Forces and Moments (BeamForces)
Element1D Force and Moment result values
Beam Strain Energy Density (StrainEnergy)
Element1D Strain Energy Density result values
Beam Stresses (BeamStress)
Element1D Stress result values
Combination Case Info (CombinationInfo)
Get information of a GSA Combination Case
Contour 1D Results (Contour1d)
Displays GSA 1D Element Results as Contour
Contour 2D Results (Contour2d)
Displays GSA 2D Element Results as Contour
Contour 3D Results (Contour3D)
Displays GSA 3D Element Results as Contour
Contour Node Results (NodeContour)
Diplays GSA Node Results as Contours
Create 1D Element (Elem1D)
Create GSA 1D Element
Create 1D Member (Mem1D)
Create GSA 1D Member
Create 2D Element (Elem2D)
Create GSA 2D Element
Create 2D Elements from Brep (Elem2dFromBrep)
Mesh a non-planar Brep
Create 2D Member (Mem2D)
Create GSA Member 2D
Create 2D Property (Prop2d)
Create a GSA 2D Property
Create 2D Property Modifier (Prop2dModifier)
Create GSA 2D Property Modifier
Create 3D Member (Mem3D)
Create GSA Member 3D
Create 3D Property (Prop3d)
Create GSA 3D Property
Create ()
Create a
Create ()
Create a
Create Beam Load (BeamLoad)
Create GSA Beam Load
Create Beam Thermal Load (BeamThermalLoad)
Create GSA Beam Thermal Load
Create ()
Create a
Create Combination Case (CreateCombination)
Create a new GSA Combination Case
Create Custom Material (Material)
Create a Custom GSA Analysis Material
Create Effective Length Options (EffectiveLengthOptions)
Create 1D Member Design Options for Effective Length, Restraints and Buckling Factors
Create Elements from Members (ElemFromMem)
Create Elements from Members
Create Face Load (FaceLoad)
Create GSA Face Load
Create Face Thermal Load (FaceLoad)
Create GSA Face Thermal Load
Create Gravity Load (GravityLoad)
Create GSA Gravity Load
Create Grid Area Load (AreaLoad)
Create GSA Grid Area Load
Create Grid Line (CreateGridLine)
Create a GSA Grid Line from a line or arc.
Create Grid Line Load (LineLoad)
Create GSA Grid Line Load
Create Grid Plane (GridPlane)
Create GSA Grid Plane
Create Grid Point Load (PointLoad)
Create GSA Grid Point Load
Create Grid Surface (GridSurface)
Create GSA Grid Surface
Create List (CreateList)
Create a GSA List with Name, Type and Definition or reference objects (Nodes, Elements, Members). You can add a GSA List to a model through the 'GSA' input.
Create Load Case (LoadCase)
Create GSA Load Case
Create (Create a)
for a GSA Section, Prop2d or Prop3d
Create Member End Restraint (EndRestraint)
Create Member End Restraint Settings for Effective Length Properties
Create Model (Model)
Assemble a GSA Model
Create Node Load (NodeLoad)
Create GSA Node Load
Create Offset (Offset)
Create an GSA Offset
Create Profile (Profile)
Create Profile text-string for a GSA Section
Create Section (Section)
Create a GSA Section
Create Section Modifier (SectionModifier)
Create a GSA Section Modifier
Create Spring Property (Spring)
Create a GSA Spring Property
Create Support (Support)
Create GSA Node Support
Edit 1D Element (Elem1dEdit)
Modify GSA 1D Element
Edit 1D Member (Mem1dEdit)
Modify GSA 1D Member
Edit 2D Element (Elem2dEdit)
Modify GSA 2D Element
Edit 2D Member (Mem2dEdit)
Modify GSA 2D Member
Edit 2D Property (EditPA)
Modify GSA 2D Property
Edit 3D Element (Elem3dEdit)
Modify GSA 3D Element
Edit 3D Member (Mem3dEdit)
Modify GSA 3D Member
Edit 3D Property (EditPV)
Modify a GSA 3D Property
Edit Analysis Task (EditTask)
Modify GSA Analysis Tasks
Edit Bool6 (EditB6)
Modify a GSA Bool6 or just get information about existing
Edit Material (EditMat)
Modify a GSA Material
Edit Node (NodeEdit)
Modify GSA Node
Edit Offset (EditOff)
Modify GSA Offset or just get information about existing
Edit Profile (EditPf)
Transform a Profile by rotation or reflection.
Edit Section (EditPB)
Modify GSA Section
Element 2D Displacements (Disp2D)
2D Translation and Rotation result values
Element 2D Forces and Moments (Forces2D)
2D Projected Force and Moment result values
Element 2D Stresses (Stress2D)
2D Projected Stress result values
Element 3D Displacements (Disp3D)
3D Translation and Rotation result values
Element 3D Stresses (Stress3D)
3D Element Stress result values
Expand Beam to Shell (B2S)
Expand 1D Entities to 2D Entities from profile, orientation and offset
Footfall Results (Footfall)
Node Resonant or Transient Footfall result values
Get 2D Property Modifier (GetP2M)
Get GSA 2D Property Modifier
Get Effective Length Options (EffectiveLengthOptions)
Get information of a 1D Member's Design Options for Effective Length, Restraints and Buckling Factors
Get Model Analysis (GetAnalysis)
Get Analysis Tasks and their Cases from GSA model
Get Model Grid Lines (GetGridLines)
Get Grid Lines from a GSA model.
Get Model Lists (GetLists)
Get Entity Lists from GSA model
Get Model Loads (GetLoads)
Get Loads and Grid Planes/Surfaces from GSA model
Get Model Materials (GetMats)
Get Standard and Custom Materials from a GSA model
Get Model Properties (GetProps)
Get Sections, 2D, 3D and Spring Properties from a GSA model
Get Result (GetRes)
Get AnalysisCase or Combination Result from an analysed GSA model
Get Result Cases (GetCases)
Get Analysis or Combination Case IDs from a GSA model with Results
Get Section Modifier (GetPBM)
Get GSA Section Modifier
Get Spring Property (GetPS)
Get GSA Spring Property
Global Performance Results (GlobalPerformance)
Get Global Performance (Dynamic, Model Stability, and Buckling) Results from a GSA model
Grid Line Info (GridLineInfo)
Get the information of a GSA Grid Line
Grid Plane Surface Properties (GridPlaneSurfaceProp)
Get GSA Grid Plane Surface Properties
GWA Command (GWA)
Create a model from a GWA string, inject data into a model using GWA command, or retrieve model data or results through a GWA command.
Line Result Info (LnResInfo)
Get Element 1D Contour Result values
List Info (ListInfo)
Get information of like ID, Name, Type and Definition, as well as all objects (Nodes, Elements, Members or Cases) from a GSA List
Load Case Info (LCInfo)
Get the parameters of a Load Case
Load Diagrams (LoadDiagram)
Displays GSA Load Diagram
Load Properties (LoadProp)
Get properties of a GSA Load
Local Axes (Axes)
Get the local axes from a 1D Element or Member
Material Properties (PropMat)
Get GSA Material Properties for Elastic Isotropic material type
Member 1D Displacements (Mem1dDisp)
1D Member Translation and Rotation result values
Member 1D Forces and Moments (Mem1dForces)
1D Member Force and Moment result values
Member End Restraint Info (MemberEndRestraintInfo)
Get information of a 1D Member's End Restraint settings for Effective Length Properties
Mesh Result Info (MeshResInfo)
Get Element 2D or Element 3D Contour Result values
Model Titles (Titles)
Get or set the titles in a GSA Model
Model Units (Units)
Get or set the units used by GSA when opening this GSA Model
Node Displacements (NodeDisp)
Node Translation and Rotation result values
Open Model (Open)
Open an existing GSA model
Point Result Info (PtResInfo)
Get Node Contour Result values
Preview 3D Sections (Preview3d)
Show the 3D cross-section of 1D/2D GSA Elements and Members in a GSA model.
Preview Deformed 3D Sections (DeformedPreview3d)
Show the deformed 3D cross-section of 1D/2D GSA Elements and Members from a GSA Result.
Profile Dimensions (PfDims)
Get GSA Section Dimensions
Reaction Force Diagrams (ReactionForce)
Diplays GSA Node Reaction Force Results as Vector Diagrams
Reaction Forces (ReactForce)
Reaction Force result values
Result Diagrams (ResultDiagram)
Displays GSA 1D Element Result Diagram
Save GSA Model (Save)
Saves your GSA model from this parametric nightmare
Section Alignment (Align)
Automatically create Offset based on desired Alignment and Section profile
Section Properties (PropPB)
Get GSA Section Properties
Select Result (SelRes)
Select AnalysisCase or Combination Result from an analysed GSA model
Spring Reaction Forces (SpringForce)
Spring Reaction Force result values
Taper Profile (TaperPf)
Create a Profile that tapers along its length from start and end profiles
Total Loads and Reactions (TotalResults)
Get Total Loads and Reaction Results from a GSA model

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Oasys GSA and associated data © 2024 Oasys Software, ARUP Group.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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