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ADDON. Version 1.0.0. Released on 15-Feb-2019. Provides 43 components. Created by Scott Overall, SHoP Architects. Features 0 video tutorials.
Sasquatch is a collection of general purpose grasshopper utilities focused on filling in some gaps in grasshopper modeling functionality or improving the speed and efficiency of already existing operations. Many components have been multi-threaded with additional checks built-in to prevent excess calculations that would otherwise slow down grasshopper scripts.


Document Angle Tolerance (DocAngleTol)
Retrieves the active Rhino document's angle tolerance in radians.
Document Tolerance (DocTol)
Retrieves the active Rhino document's absolute tolerance.
Document Units (DocUnit)
Retrieves the active Rhino document's model units
Remove First Item (ReFirst)
Removes the first items from a list
Remove Last Item (ReLast)
Removes the last items from a list
Find All Items (FindAll)
Returns the index of all items matching an item being searched for in a list.
Print To PDF (PrintPDF)
Prints a viewport to PDF. Work In Progress.
Replace Text List (FindReplace)
A list compatible componet for finding and replacing text
Group Document Objects (GroupObjs)
Groups lists of geometry within the document if the geometry is referenced geometry.
Generates a null item or list of null items
Record Data (Record)
Records Data
Rename Block (RenameBlk)
Renames blocks inside the active document.
Select In Document (Select)
Selects objects in Rhino Document if they are referenced objects.
View Capture (ViewCap)
Capture viewport to file
Text Regex Split (RegexSplit)
Split text with a text pattern.


Shrink Trimmed Faces (ShrinkFaces)
Shrinks underlying surfaces of each face of a brep or surface as much as possible to match the size of the face's trim.
Fillet Edges Variable (FilEdgeVar)
Multi-Threaded Variable Edge Fillet
Closest Brep (ClosestB)
Find the closest Brep to a Point
Extrude to Plane (ExtrudePl)
Extrude a curve or surface along vector until it reaches a plane.
Fast Solid Difference (FastSDiff)
Multi-threaded boolean difference with inside-outside check
3D Convex Hull From Planes (ConvHullPlMulti)
Brep convex hull from a collection of Planes
Brep is Solid (IsSolid)
Checks if brep is a closed solid
Fast Solid Intersect (FastSInt)
Multi-Threaded Boolean Intersection with bounding box check. Properly intersects sets of multiple Breps. Multi-threading benefits when grafted lists or multiple lists are input.
Fast Solid Union (FastSUnion)
Multi-Threaded Boolean Union with bounding box check. Multi-treading benefits when multiple lists are input.
Brep is Surface (IsSrf)
Checks to see if a brep is a surface and if it is trimmed
Offset Brep (OffsetBrep)
Offsets a brep into an open or solid shell.
Surface Border (Border)
Gets the exterior border and all interior borders of a trimmed or untrimmed surface.
Surface Is Planar Tolerance (IsPlanar)
Surface planarity check with a user-controlable tolerance.
Trim With Plane (TrimPl)
Trim breps using a plane
Trim With Many Planes (TrimPlMany)
Trim breps using a set of planes


Trim Curve with Many Planes (TrimCrvPlMany)
Trims a curve using a set of planes
Trim Curve with Plane (TrimCrvPl)
Trims a curve using a planes
Bisect Curve Corners (Bisect)
Bisects all corners of a curve at its vertices
Connect Curve Ends (ConnectEnds)
Connects the start points and end points of a pair of curves with a straight line, creating a closed curve.
Fast Trim Curve with Breps (TrimCrv)
Splits and Trims a curve with a collection of breps. Multithreaded with bounding box check.
2D Convex Hull From Planes (2DConvexHullPl)
2D convex hull bounded by planes
Curve Is Planar Tolerance (IsPlanar)
Surface planarity check with a user-controlable tolerance.
Flip Curve Clockwise (Clockwise)
Flips curves clockwise or counterclockwise relative to a base plane


Co-Planar (CoPln)
Checks if two planes are co-planar.
Are Planes Parallel (Parallel)
Checks if two planes are parallel
Are Vectors Parallel (Parallel)
Checks if two vectors are parallel
Fast Mesh-Ray Intersect (FastMeshRay)
Multi-threaded mesh-ray intersection with bounding box check
Sort Points Polar (SortPtPolar)
Sort points by polar angle relative to a plane.

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Sasquatch and associated data © 2024 Scott Overall, SHoP Architects.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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