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0 | I/O
1 | Settings
2 | Run


ADDON. Version Released on 2021-Jun-15. Provides 9 components. Created by Marc Differding, Antoine Maes. Features 0 video tutorials.
Tapeworm is a free and open source multimedia plugin for Grasshopper for Windows and macOS written in Python. Tapeworm currently allows you to create videos from image sequences and vis versa, transcode between various image formats, rename entire image sequences, and much more. Past are the times, when you had to use some obscure websites, or sign up for an expensive software subscription. Tapeworm uses the free and open source FFmpeg project - a cross-platform command-line-based program for transcoding multimedia files -, and offers some of its functionality to Grasshopper users. For various reasons, we decided not to include a build of FFmpeg in the current Tapeworm release, which means that you have to install it yourself (if you don't already have it).

1 | Settings

Frames-to-Frames (Frames-Frames)
Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg frames-to-frames conversion
Frames-to-GIF (Frames-GIF)
Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg frames-to-GIF conversion
Frames-to-Video (Frames-Video)
Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg frames-to-video conversion
GIF-to-Video (GIF-Video)
Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg GIF-to-video conversion
Video-to-GIF (Video-GIF)
Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg video-to-GIF conversion
VidGIF-to-Frames (VidGIF-Frames)
Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg Video/GIF-to-frames conversion

2 | Run

Batch Rename (BatchRename)
Configures a set of instructions for a Batch Renaming operation
FFmpeg Remote (Remote)
Main Tapeworm component that remotely communicates with FFmpeg

0 | I/O

Input-Output Information (I/O)
Configures Tapeworm input/output information for file handling

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Tapeworm and associated data © 2024 Marc Differding, Antoine Maes.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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