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Wallacei Analytics
Wallacei Utilities
Wallacei X


ADDON. Version 2.5. Released on 2019-Nov-17. Provides 16 components. Created by Wallacei Team (Mohammed Makki, Milad Showkatbakhsh, Yutao Song). Features 19 video tutorials.
Wallacei (which includes Wallacei Analytics and Wallacei X) is an evolutionary multi-objective optimization engine that allows users to run evolutionary simulations in Grasshopper 3D through utilising highly detailed analytic tools coupled with various comprehensive selection methods, including algorithmic clustering, to assist users to better understand their evolutionary runs, and make more informed decisions at all stages of their evolutionary simulations; including setting up the design problem, analysing the outputted results and selecting the desired solution or solutions for the final output. Wallacei also provides users with the ability to select, reconstruct and output any phenotype from the population after completing their simulation. The free plugin is streamlined to give users efficient access to the data outputted by their evolutionary simulations, and enable clear and efficient methods for analysis and selection – The aim is for users (of all degrees of expertise) to better understand their evolutionary simulations, gain a thorough understanding of the outputted numeric values, and seamlessly extract the optimised data; all within one user interface.

Wallacei Analytics

Parallel Coordinate Analysis
Analyses the data generated from the 'Wallacei_Parallel Coordinate Plot' component by comparing the fitness values across the different fitness criteria
Diamond Fitness Chart (Fitness Chart)
Displays the diamond fitness chart along with the fitness ranking for each solution for data exported from Wallacei.
Objective Space
Displays the objective space of the fitness values of the solutions.
Parallel Coordinate Plot (Paralel Coordinate Plot)
Evaluates the fitness values for each solution by comparing each fitness criteria to one another in the form of a parallel coordinate plot.
Standard Deviation Trend Line (SD Trend Line)
Plot the SD factor for each generation and create the trendline for the entire simulation for data exported from Octopus.
Pareto Front
This component evaluates the data generated by the 'Wallacei_Objective SPace' component and calculates the Pareto Front for a selected generation and plots the front line/mesh as well as outputs the Dominance rank for each solution in the selected generation
Mean Values Trend Line (Mean Trend Line)
Plot the Mean values for each generation and create the trendline for the entire simulation for data exported from Octopus.
Fitness Value Graphs (FV Graph)
Plot the Fitness Values for each individual per generation for data exported from Octopus
Standard Deviation Graph (SD Graph)
Calculates the SD value and draws the Normal distribution graph for each generation for data exported from Octopus.

Wallacei X

Wallacei X
Wallacei X is an evolutionary and analytic engine that gives users full control over their evolutionary simulations within one single user interface (purple logo indicates there is stored data within the component)
Decode Genome (GDecoder)
This component decodes wallacei genomes coming out of the WallaceiX solver and outputs the genes(sliders) values for each solution.
Distribute to Grid (Distributor)
This component distributes the exported phenotypes and their associated data onto a grid in Rhino scene
Decode Phenotype (PDecoder)
This component decodes the Wallacei phenotypes outputted by the WallaceiX component into three outputs – Geometry (points/curves/surfaces/breps), Meshes and Numbers.

Wallacei Utilities

Extract Octopus Text Files (Octopus FV)
Extract only the fitness values from an Octopus Simulation fitness value export file.
Order FVs From WallaceiX (WallaceiX FV)
This component orders the Fitness Value list outputted by the WallaceiX component for use with any of the Wallacei_Analytics Components
Gene Pool and Slider shuffler (Shuffler)
This component shuffles the gene pools and number sliders on the grasshopper canvas that have been renamed with wlc_ prefix

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   Wallacei and associated data © 2024 Wallacei Team (Mohammed Makki, Milad Showkatbakhsh, Yutao Song).  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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