Cloth From Mesh (Cloth) | |
Constraints: Anchors (Anchor) Flex anchor by index | |
Constraint: Shape Matching Constraint (Shape Matching) Group particles into shapes where they try to remain in their current formation | |
Constraints: Springs (Springs) Add spring constraints by particle indices. | |
Constraints: Triangles (Triangles) Add triangle constraints by particle indices. | |
Inflatable From Cloth (Inflatable) Inflatable from Flex Cloth Object | |
Particle Fountain (Fountain) Connect a timer to me and make sure to not be in Lock Mode (Flex Engine component). | |
Particles From Points (Particles) | |
Rigid From Mesh (Rigid) | |
Soft From Mesh (Soft) | |
Spring System From Lines / Meshes (Springs) |
Get All Particles (AllParts) Get all particles from engine object | |
Get All Springs (AllSprings) Get all springs from engine object | |
Get Particle Description (Particles) < | |
Get Rigid Tranformations (Transform) Get the transformation matrices of all rigid bodies in the simulation. This includes shape matching constraints in soft bodies. | |
Get Soft Bodies (Softs) Get soft bodies from engine object | |
Get Spring Systems (Springs) Get all particles that are parts of springs from engine object |
Flex Collision Geometry (CollGeometry) Specifiy static geometry as colliding objects | |
Flex Force Field (Force Field) | |
Flex Parameters from values (Parameters) Set environmental parameters for your simulation. Specify them here. | |
Flex Parameters from .xml file (Params) Set environmental parameters for your simulation. Link a .xml file (INFO: Auto update doesn't work yet, so if you change you .xml file you'll have to manually recompute the component. | |
Flex Scene (Scene) Create a scene object containing all moving geometry. |
Flex Engine (Flex) Main component | |
Flex Solver Options (Opts) |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
FlexHopper and associated data © 2024 Heinz Benjamin.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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