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Grasshopper Display

SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Version 1.0.0007. Released on 2022-Mar-08. Provides 46 components. Created by David Rutten. Features 0 video tutorials.


Text Tag 3D (Tag)
Represents a list of 3D text tags in a Rhino viewport
Text Tag (Tag)
Represents a list of text tags in a Rhino viewport
Pattern Hatch (PHatch)
Create a patterned hatch
Gradient Hatch (GHatch)
Create a gradient hatch
Marker Dimension (MarkDim)
Create a text annotation at a point
Line Dimension (LineDim)
Create a distance annotation along a line.
Aligned Dimension (AlignDim)
Create a distance annotation between two points
Linear Dimension (LinearDim)
Create a distance annotation between points, projected to a line.
Serial Dimension (SerialDim)
Create a distance annotation between multiple points, projected to a line.
Angular Dimension (AngleDim)
Create an angle annotation between points.
Circular Dimension (CircleDim)
Create an angle annotation projected to a circle.
Arc Dimension (ArcDim)
Create an angle annotation based on an arc.
Angular Dimensions (Mesh) (AngleDimMesh)
Create angle annotations for all mesh corners.
Make2D Parallel View (M2D Parallel)
Define a parallel view for a Make2D solution
Make2D Perspective View (M2D Perspective)
Define a perspective view for a Make2D solution
Make2D Rhino View (M2D Rhino)
Import a Rhino view for a Make2D solution
Create a hidden line drawing from geometry


Colour RGB (RGB)
Create a colour from {RGB} channels.
Colour RGB (f) (fRGB)
Create a colour from floating point {RGB} channels.
Colour HSL (HSL)
Create a colour from floating point {HSL} channels.
Colour HSV (HSV)
Create a colour from floating point {HSV} channels.
Colour XYZ (XYZ)
Create a colour from floating point {XYZ} channels (CIE 1931 spec).
Colour CMYK (CMYK)
Create a colour from floating point {CMYK} channels.
Colour L*ab (L*AB)
Create a colour from floating point {CIE L*ab} channels.
Colour LCH (LCH)
Create a colour from floating point {CIE LCH} channels.
Split a colour into floating point {ARGB} channels.
Split a colour into floating point {AHSV} channels
Split a colour into floating point {AHSL} channels


Custom Preview (Preview)
Allows for customized geometry previews
Symbol (Simple) (SymSim)
Simple symbol display properties
Symbol (Advanced) (SymAdv)
Advanced symbol display properties
Symbol Display (Symbol)
Display symbols
Custom Curve Preview (Curve Preview)
Custom Curve Preview
Create Material (Material)
Create an OpenGL material.
Deconstruct Material (DMaterial)
Deconstruct a display material (ie. shader) into its various attributes
Cloud Display (Cloud)
Draw a collection of points as a fuzzy cloud
Dot Display (Dots)
Draw a collection of coloured dots


Display a legend consisting of Tags and Colours
Bar Graph
Bar graph representation of a set of numbers
Pie Chart (Pie)
Displays a set of text fragments as a pie chart
Quick Graph (Graph)
Display a set of y-values as a graph
Value Tracker (Tracker)
Track a collection of numeric values over time


Point List (Points)
Displays the indices in lists of points
Point Order (Order)
Displays the order of a list of points
Vector Display (VDis)
Preview vectors in the viewport
Vector Display Ex (VDisEx)
Preview vectors in the viewport

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