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ADDON. Version 1.1.0. Released on 01-Oct-2023. Provides 35 components. Created by Ioannis Mirtsopoulos. Features 0 video tutorials.
Libra is a Grasshopper plug-in which implements a topology grammar for generating structural topologies. Starting from an incomplete network, namely (a) the geometric boundaries that a network grows into and (b) the applied external forces, Libra operates an incremental transformative process that allows the transition to a complete network. In other words, the incremental elimination of interim forces in the network. At every intermediate step the network is in static equilibrium (interim when interim forces are still present, or global when no interim forces exist).


Model Export to Illustrator (animated) (ModelExport)
Model export to Adobe Illustrator
Model Topology (ModelTopology)
Model Topology As Matrix
Select Bar (SelectBar)
Select a bar
Visualize Transformations (VisualizeTransformationations)
Visualize an intermediate generation step and animate using t param
Construct Model (ConstructModel)
Construct an interim model with domain (geometric boundaries)
Deconstruct Model (DeconstructModel)
Deconstruct the model into its components
Model Export to Illustrator (ModelExport)
Model export to Adobe Illustrator
Model Geometry (ModelGeometry)
Extract the model geometry
Model History (ModelHistory)
Extract transformation history
Model Metrics (text) (ModelMetrics)
The model metrics as text
Model Undo (UndoModel)
Undo transformations on model
Model Metrics (tabular) (ModelMetricsCsv)
Extract infor regarding how the model performs
Model Metrics (spider graph) (ModelSpiderGraph)
The model metrics represented as spider graph
Model History (tabular) (ModelHistoryCsv)
Extract transformation history
Rebuild Model (RebuildModel)
Rebuilds a model from a .csv file
Select Force (SelectForce)
Retrieves a force from the Form Diagram


Apply Transformation Policy (Transform)
Apply transformation policy onto an interim model
Construct Node Placement Rule (NodePRule)
Construct a node placement rule
Construct Transformation Policy (Policy)
Construct a transformation policy
Construct Transformation Policy (fast) (PolicyFast)
Construct a fast transformation policy
Construct Force Indeterminacies Rule (ForceIRule)
Construct a force indeterminacies rule
Construct Force Selection Rule (ForceSRule)
Construct a force selection rule
Construct Transformation Constraint (Constraint)
Construct a transformation constraint
Automatic Placement (AutomaticPlacement)
Automatic placement of the necessary components to construct a policy


Construct Force Set (ConstructForceSet)
Select forces and construct a Monomial/Binomial/Trinomial
Deconstruct Force Set (DeconstructForceSet)
Deconstruct force set
Force Set Domains (ForceSetDomains)
Get the domains of a force set
Visualize Force Set (VisualizeForceSet)
Visualize a force set by highlighting its forces


Construct Domain (ConstructDomain)
Construct a domain of any type
Deconstruct Domain (DeconstructDomain)
Deconstruct a domain of any type
Visualize Domain (VisualizeDomain)
Visualize a domain


Convex Hull in 2D (ConvexHull2D)
Calculate the convex hull in 2D
IsoVist 2D (IsoVist2D)
Calculate the isovist polygon


Design Space Exploration (DSE+IGA)
Equilibrium-based Design Space Exploration (DSE) through policies, rules and interactive genetic algorithms(IGA)
Design Space Exploration Reader (DSEReader)
Design Space Exploration (DSE) Reader component to retrieve every single design candidate that was generated

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Libra and associated data © 2024 Ioannis Mirtsopoulos.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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