Name | ID | Description | Type |
Bake? | Bake? | Bake the geometry of the selected viewport | Boolean |
Model | Model | The model to export | Generic Data |
Mirror plane | MirrorPlane | The plane to mirror the structure; The mirrored structure is not displayed but baked and exported directly to Illustrator | Plane |
Circle radius | NodalRadius | The circle radius that represents nodes | Number |
Force scale | ForceScale | The scaling factor for the forces | Number |
Export? | Export? | Export the model as .ai | Boolean |
File path | FilePath | File path of the exported form diagram | Text |
File name | FileName | File name of the exported form diagram | Text |
Plane | GraphPlane | The spider graph plane | Plane |
Weights | GraphWeight | The weight values for the spider graph; To be given as 'gene pool' with 8 inputs | Number |
Scale | GraphScale | Scale the spider graph | Number |
Height | TextHeight | Height; spider graph legend | Number |
Vertical Distance | VerticalDistance | The vertical distance between the titles and the values | Number |
Radial Distance | RadialDistance | The radial distance between the graph and the titles | Number |
Additional domain | Domain | An additional domain to export | Generic Data |
Hatch scale | HatchScale | The hatch scale | Number |
Hatch rotation | HatchRotation | The hatch rotation in radians | Number |
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