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Model Export to Illustrator

Model export to Adobe Illustrator


Bake?Bake?Bake the geometry of the selected viewportBoolean
ModelModelThe model to exportGeneric Data
Mirror planeMirrorPlaneThe plane to mirror the structure; The mirrored structure is not displayed but baked and exported directly to IllustratorPlane
Circle radiusNodalRadiusThe circle radius that represents nodesNumber
Force scaleForceScaleThe scaling factor for the forcesNumber
Export?Export?Export the model as .aiBoolean
File pathFilePathFile path of the exported form diagramText
File nameFileNameFile name of the exported form diagramText
PlaneGraphPlaneThe spider graph planePlane
WeightsGraphWeightThe weight values for the spider graph; To be given as 'gene pool' with 8 inputsNumber
ScaleGraphScaleScale the spider graphNumber
HeightTextHeightHeight; spider graph legendNumber
Vertical DistanceVerticalDistanceThe vertical distance between the titles and the valuesNumber
Radial DistanceRadialDistanceThe radial distance between the graph and the titlesNumber
Additional domainDomainAn additional domain to exportGeneric Data
Hatch scaleHatchScaleThe hatch scaleNumber
Hatch rotationHatchRotationThe hatch rotation in radiansNumber

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