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ADDON. Version 0.1. Released on 2019-11-26. Provides 43 components. Created by John Haddal Mork. Features 0 video tutorials.
Reindeer is an open-source, work in progress plugin for Grasshopper. It aims to simplify the process of designing, detailing and fabricating timber structures parametrically. The plugin includes tools for defining a timber element, search for details, analyze a structure according to Eurocode 5 and detail a structure using timber processing. The reindeer is an animal that lives around the polar circle. Through harsh and ever-changing climates and landscape topologies, he searches for food by sniffing out lichen beneath the snow. Similarly, the reindeer toolkit searches for parametric details using geometric properties. Search, don’t sort: No matter if the topology and typology changes, the toolkit will still find valid details.


Element Angle (EA)
Detail search by checking the angle of all neighbouring elements. Returns details with elements inside the range
Detail typology (T)
Detail search based on typical detail toplogies or shapes, like an L, T or X detail.
Element Tag Rule (T)
Detail search checking the tag of its elements. Several tags can be inputted for different modes.
Drill (D)
Define the Drill process
Pocket Parallelogram (P)
Define the Pocket process from parallelogram
Pocket Element (P)
Define the Pocket process from other element. NBNB!!! The component only works for rectangular composites!
Tenon (T)
Define Tenon process
Custom Subtraction (CS)
Add a Brep here to subtract material from the element. NB!! This subtractive operation does not export to BTL!!!!
Detail Plane Normal From Element Average (DetNorElem)
Sets the detail z-axis to surface normal at the closest point to the detail node. Optional Align X-axis along an element.
Detail Plane Normal From Mesh (DetNorMsh)
Sets the detail z-axis to Mesh normal at the closest point to the detail node. Optional Align X-axis along an element.
Detail Plane Normal From Vector (DetNorVec)
Sets the Detail Plane Z-axis to a Vector. Optional Align X-axis along an element.
Detail Plane Normal Along Element (DetNorElm)
Sets the Detail Plane Z-axis parallel to an element. Optional Align X-axis along an element.
Detail Plane Normal From Surface (DetNorSrf)
Sets the detail z-axis to surface normal at the closest point to the detail node. Optional Align X-axis along an element.
Align From Plane (Pl)
Align element Z-vectors to plane
Align From Points (P)
Aligns element Z-vector from point(s). Closest point is used when several points are inserted.
Align To Surface (S)
Aligns the element Z-vector to a surface normal at closest point from middle of element
Align To Vector (V)
Aligns element Z-vectors from a surface
Mortise (M)
Makes a mortise
BTLx Settings (X)
BTLx project settings
Process Model (PM)
This component lets process the timber processings(cut/drill/custom/etc) and output NURBS. Additonally, A BTLX file is saved. This file can be used by most manufacturers
Detail Search (DS)
Search For A Detail different search rules
Deconstruct Subelement (SE)
Deconstructs a SubeElement
Reindeer Assembly (Assembly)
Assemble all elements in this component.
Define the Cut process
Circular Cross Section (CirCroSec)
CrossSection is being generated based on width, height, alignment and height-direction
Composite Cross Section (Composite)
creates a sub element
creates a beam element.
Deconstruct Assembly (DA)
Deconstructs an assembly into elements, nodes and details
Deconstruct Element (DE)
Deconstruct an element into its properties
Deconstruct Node (DN)
Deconstructs a node into its properties. 0.5 Version has limited options
Load Structural Material Prop (Load SMP)
Loads structural material properties.
Material (Mat)
Creates a Material
Preview Element (PrevElem)
Preview Element
Rectangular Cross Section (RectSec)
CrossSection is being generated based on width, height, alignment and height-direction. GL26 as default material.
Element Amount Rule (A)
Detail search based on amount of elements at the detail
Element Length Rule (L)
Detail search based on the length of the elements
Node In Region (NodeInRegion)
Detail search checking if the details node is within one of the regions.
Local Alignment (LA)
LocalAlignment of crossSection.
Material Structural Prop (MatStrProp)
Creates Structural Material Properties


Disassemble Pareto Solution (DisassPareto)
Genetic Algorithm Optimization (GA)
Component that performs single-objective optimization using genetic algorithm
Parallel Coordinates Viewer (ParaCoorView)
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Component for multi-objective optimization with particle swarm optimization

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Reindeer and associated data © 2024 John Haddal Mork.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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