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1 | Elements
2 | Parts
3 | Rules
4 | Constraints
5 | Fields
6 | Aggregation
7 | DisCo VR
X | Experimental


ADDON. Version 0.5.004. Released on 2021-May-20. Provides 59 components. Created by Andrea Rossi. Features 1 video tutorials.
Wasp is a set of Grasshopper components, developed in Python, directed at representing and designing with discrete elements. The description of each individual part includes basic information necessary for the aggregation process (part geometry, connections location and orientation). The set of connections define the topological graph of the part, which is then used to define the possibilities of aggregation with other parts. The core of the framework relies on a set of aggregation procedures, allowing generation of specific structures from the combination of different modules. Each of these procedures is composed of strategies for the selection of basic aggregation rules, described as an instruction to orient one module over a selected connection of another module. Currently available procedures include stochastic aggregation and field-driven aggregation.

1 | Elements

Attribute to be attached to a part
Generate a collider for a given geometry.
Connection From Direction
Create a connection on a given part geometry from center and X-asix direction
(Z direction is determined based on the normals of the component geometry)
Connection From Plane
Create a connection from a given plane.
It can create connections which cause collisions and overlapping of components
Deconstruct Attribute
Extract values stored in an atrribute
Deconstruct Collider
Deconstruct a collider object.
Deconstruct Connection
Extract information from a Connection.
Get Attribute by Name
Extract values stored in an atrribute with the given name.
Get Valid Smart Attributes
Get the valid smart attributes from a given aggregation.
Smart Attribute
Smart Attribute to be attached to a part

7 | DisCo VR

DisCo Aggregation Setup
Setup aggregation information for DisCo
DisCo Environment
DisCo enviroment data
DisCo IO Settings
DisCo placement settings
DisCo Placement Settings
DisCo placement settings
DisCo Player
DisCo Player settings
DisCo Rule Group
Export Wasp information for DisCo VR software
DisCo Tool Settings
DisCo tool settings
Export to DisCo
Export Wasp information for DisCo VR software
Load From DisCo
Loads an aggregation from a DisCo-generated .json file (e.g., a saved game session).
Save to DisCo
Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file, to be imported into DisCo for further aggregation

5 | Fields

Deconstruct Field
Generates a scalar field given a grid of points and their relative scalar values
Field Iso Voxels
Compute a voxel-mesh of the given field at the chosen iso-level.
Field Isolines
Draws isolines across a field object
--> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs! <--
Field Points
Generate a 3d point grid to be fed to the field component
Generates a scalar field given a grid of points and their relative scalar values
Load Field from File
Loads an aggregation from a previously saved .txt file
Orient Field
Changes the base plane of the field, with the effect of creating a transformed copy.
Save Field to File
Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file.

2 | Parts

Advanced Part
Create a Wasp Part with additional constraints (supports, additional colliders)
Basic Part
Create a basic Wasp Part to be used for aggregation
Deconstruct Part
Extract all information stored in a part. Useful for visualization or for further geometry processing
Filter Parts by Name
Filter a list of parts according to part names
Get Part Geometry
Extract the geometry of one part (for visualization or further processing).
Parts Catalog
Part Catalog. It allows to define a fixed number of each type of part to be used in a stochastic aggregation.
Transform Part
Applies a geometric transformation to an existing part, returning a transformed copy

6 | Aggregation

Aggregation Graph
Extract the aggregation graph.
Field-driven Aggregation
Aggregate the given parts according to a given scalar field
Graph-Grammar Aggregation
Sequential aggregation based on graph-grammars.
--> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <--
Load Aggregation from File
Loads an aggregation from a previously saved .txt file
Save Aggregation to File
Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file.
Save Graph to File
Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file.
Stochastic Aggregation
Aggregate the given parts in a stochastic process, selecting parts and rules randomly at every step

X | Experimental

Add Parts
Add specific parts to an aggregation.
--> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <--
Assemble Part Hierarchy
Applies a geometric transformation to an existing part, returning a transformed copy
Get Parts Hierarchy
Access sub-parts stored at different aggregation hierarchy levels
--> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <--
Remove Parts
Remove specific parts from an aggregation.
--> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <--
Serialize Object to File
Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file.
Update File
This component doesn't update the installation

3 | Rules

Deconstruct Rule
Extract information from a rule instance.
Rule From Text
Generate an aggregation rule from a text string description
Generate an aggregation rule from part names and connections ids
Rules from Aggregation
Extract aggregation rules from an aggregation
Rules Generator
Automated rules generator given a list of parts
Rules Visualizer
Visualize the provided rules.

4 | Constraints

Adjacency Exclusion Constraint
Part Adjacencies and Exclusions Constraint.
It allows to control if certain connection should be allowed to be in contact with other parts or not.
Mesh Constraint
Mesh collision global constraint
Orientation Constraint
Orientation Constraint.
It allows to control if the part should be placed according to a custom orientation.
Plane Constraint
Plane global constraint
Support definition for constrained parts.
Each set of lines defining support locations can be set

Video Tutorials

Tutorial Rhino 6 Wasp
Tutorial Rhino 6 Wasp

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Wasp and associated data © 2024 Andrea Rossi.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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