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1 | Elements
2 | Parts
3 | Rules
4 | Constraints
5 | Fields
6 | Aggregation
7 | DisCo VR
X | Experimental

Field Points

Generate a 3d point grid to be fed to the field component
Provided by Wasp 0.5


BOUBOUList of geometries defining the boundaries of the field. Geometries must be closed breps or meshes.Goo
RESRESResolution (Dimension of each cell)Goo


E_FIELDE_FIELDEmpty field. Assign values with the "Wasp_Field" componentGoo
PTSPTSField pointsGoo

Video Tutorials

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Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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