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Curve on Surface


ADDON. Version 2.8.0. Released on 28-Apr-2021. Provides 29 components. Created by Unknown. Features 2 video tutorials.

Curve on Surface

BB Closest Point CurveOnSurface (CP)
Find the closest point on an embedded curve
BB Construct CurveOnSurface (CrvOnSrf)
Embed a curve on a surface
BB Curvature CurveOnSurface (κ)
Evaluate the curvature of an embedded curve at a specified parameter
BB Deconstruct CurveOnSurface (Deconstruct)
Deconstruct an embedded curve into its components
BB Evaluate CurveOnSurface (BBEval)
Evaluate an embedded curve at a specified parameter
BB Extrude CurveOnSurface (Extrude)
Extrude an embedded curve in direction of its normal vector
BB Geodesic Curvature CurveOnSurface (κg)
Evaluate the geodesic curvature of an embedded curve at a specified parameter
BB Geodesic Torsion CurveOnSurface (τg)
Evaluate the geodesic torsion of an embedded curve at a specified parameter
BB Integrate CurveOnSurface (BBIntegrate)
Integrate the curvature of an embedded curve over a specified domain
BB Normal Curvature CurveOnSurface (κn)
Evaluate the normal curvature of an embedded curve at a specified parameter
BB CurveOnSurface (CrvOnSrf)


BB Geodesic Torsion Path (BBτg)
Follow the surface along a specified geodesic torsion
BB Normal Curvature Path (BBκn)
Follow the surface along a specified normal curvature
BB Pathfinder (BBPathfinder)
Find a specified path type on a surface or Brep
BB Principal Curvature Path (BBk)
Beta! Interface might change!
BB Evaluate Path (BBEvalPath)
Beta! Interface might change!
BB Curvature Field (Field)
Show the direction field to a given path type


BB Boolean (BBBool)
Boolean operation between two sets of planar closed polylines
BB Difference (BBDiff)
Difference of a set of planar closed polylines
BB Intersection (BBInt)
Intersection of a set of planar closed polylines
BB Offset (BBOffset)
Offset a polyline with a specified distance
BB Union (BBUnion)
Union of a set of planar closed polylines
XOR of a set of planar closed polylines


BB Layer (BBLayer)
Create a layer model from a mesh
BB Radial (BBRadial)
Create a radial waffle structure from a mesh
BB Section (BBSection)
Create a section model from a mesh
BB Waffle (BBWaffle)
Create a waffle structure from a mesh


BB Text (BBText)
Create a single line text


BB Principal Stress (σ)

Video Tutorials

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