Gradient Represents a multiple colour gradient | |
Read File (File) Read the contents of a file | |
Boolean Toggle (Toggle) Boolean (true/false) toggle | |
Button Button object with two values | |
Colour Picker (Colour) Provides a colour picker object | |
Colour Swatch (Swatch) Colour (palette) swatch | |
Colour Wheel (Wheel) Creates a palette of related colours | |
Control Knob (Knob) A radial dial knob for settings numbers | |
Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers | |
Graph Mapper (Graph) Represents a numeric mapping function | |
Image Sampler (Image) Provides image (bitmap) sampling routines. | |
MD Slider A multidimensional slider | |
Number Slider Numeric slider for single values | |
Panel A panel for custom notes and text values | |
Value List (List) Provides a list of preset values to choose from | |
Import Coordinates (Coords) Import point coordinates from generic text files. | |
Import SHP (SHP) Import data from GIS *.shp files. | |
Import PDB (PDB) Import data from Protein Data Bank *.pdb files. | |
Atom Data (Atom) Get detailed information for an atom | |
Object Details (ObjDet) Retrieve some details about referenced Rhino objects. | |
Import 3DM (3DM) Import geometry into a RhinoDoc | |
Import Image (IMG) Import image data from bmp, jpg or png files. | |
Clock Represents a 24 hour clock | |
Calendar Represents a calendar |
Cluster Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Data Dam (Dam) Delay data on its way through the document | |
Data Recorder (Rec) Records data over time | |
Cherry Picker (Item) Pick a single item from a data tree | |
Param Viewer (Viewer) A viewer for data structures. | |
Relay A wire relay object | |
Suirify Suire-style simplification of data trees. | |
Context Bake Geometry for baking at the end of the GrasshopperPlayer command. | |
Context Print Textual data to print at the end of the GrasshopperPlayer command. | |
Fitness Landscape (LScape) Display a 2.5D fitness landscape | |
Gene Pool (Genes) Contains a collection of genes (i.e. variables) | |
Data Output (Output) Write a bunch of data to a file. | |
Data Input (Input) Read a bunch of data from a file. | |
Variant (Var) An expression variant | |
Expression (Exp) A textual expression |
Field Contains a collection of vector fields | |
Group (Grp) Contains a collection of geometric groups | |
Geometry Pipeline (Pipeline) Defines a geometry pipeline from Rhino to Grasshopper | |
Geometry Cache Bake or Load geometry to and from the Rhino document | |
Atom Contains a collection of atoms | |
Mesh Point (MPoint) Contains a collection of mesh points |
Text Tag 3D (Tag) Represents a list of 3D text tags in a Rhino viewport | |
Text Tag (Tag) Represents a list of text tags in a Rhino viewport | |
Pattern Hatch (PHatch) Create a patterned hatch | |
Gradient Hatch (GHatch) Create a gradient hatch | |
Marker Dimension (MarkDim) Create a text annotation at a point | |
Line Dimension (LineDim) Create a distance annotation along a line. | |
Aligned Dimension (AlignDim) Create a distance annotation between two points | |
Linear Dimension (LinearDim) Create a distance annotation between points, projected to a line. | |
Serial Dimension (SerialDim) Create a distance annotation between multiple points, projected to a line. | |
Angular Dimension (AngleDim) Create an angle annotation between points. | |
Circular Dimension (CircleDim) Create an angle annotation projected to a circle. | |
Arc Dimension (ArcDim) Create an angle annotation based on an arc. | |
Angular Dimensions (Mesh) (AngleDimMesh) Create angle annotations for all mesh corners. | |
Make2D Parallel View (M2D Parallel) Define a parallel view for a Make2D solution | |
Make2D Perspective View (M2D Perspective) Define a perspective view for a Make2D solution | |
Make2D Rhino View (M2D Rhino) Import a Rhino view for a Make2D solution | |
Make2D Create a hidden line drawing from geometry |
Colour RGB (RGB) Create a colour from {RGB} channels. | |
Colour RGB (f) (fRGB) Create a colour from floating point {RGB} channels. | |
Colour HSL (HSL) Create a colour from floating point {HSL} channels. | |
Colour HSV (HSV) Create a colour from floating point {HSV} channels. | |
Colour XYZ (XYZ) Create a colour from floating point {XYZ} channels (CIE 1931 spec). | |
Colour CMYK (CMYK) Create a colour from floating point {CMYK} channels. | |
Colour L*ab (L*AB) Create a colour from floating point {CIE L*ab} channels. | |
Colour LCH (LCH) Create a colour from floating point {CIE LCH} channels. | |
Split ARGB (ARGB) Split a colour into floating point {ARGB} channels. | |
Split AHSV (AHSV) Split a colour into floating point {AHSV} channels | |
Split AHSL (AHSL) Split a colour into floating point {AHSL} channels |
Custom Preview (Preview) Allows for customized geometry previews | |
Symbol (Simple) (SymSim) Simple symbol display properties | |
Symbol (Advanced) (SymAdv) Advanced symbol display properties | |
Symbol Display (Symbol) Display symbols | |
Custom Curve Preview (Curve Preview) Custom Curve Preview | |
Create Material (Material) Create an OpenGL material. | |
Deconstruct Material (DMaterial) Deconstruct a display material (ie. shader) into its various attributes | |
Cloud Display (Cloud) Draw a collection of points as a fuzzy cloud | |
Dot Display (Dots) Draw a collection of coloured dots |
Legend Display a legend consisting of Tags and Colours | |
Bar Graph Bar graph representation of a set of numbers | |
Pie Chart (Pie) Displays a set of text fragments as a pie chart | |
Quick Graph (Graph) Display a set of y-values as a graph | |
Value Tracker (Tracker) Track a collection of numeric values over time |
Point List (Points) Displays the indices in lists of points | |
Point Order (Order) Displays the order of a list of points | |
Vector Display (VDis) Preview vectors in the viewport | |
Vector Display Ex (VDisEx) Preview vectors in the viewport |
Curvature Graph (CrvGraph) Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs. | |
Length (Len) Measure the length of a curve. | |
Length Domain (LenD) Measure the length of a curve subdomain. | |
Length Parameter (LenP) Measure the length of a curve to and from a parameter. | |
Curve Domain (CrvDom) Measure and set the curve domain | |
Segment Lengths (LenSeg) Finds the shortest and longest segments of a curve. | |
Planar Test a curve for planarity. | |
Closed (Cls) Test if a curve is closed or periodic. | |
End Points (End) Extract the end points of a curve. | |
Deconstruct Arc (DArc) Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. | |
Deconstuct Rectangle (DRec) Retrieve the base plane and side intervals of a rectangle. | |
Polygon Center (PCen) Find the center point (average) for a polyline. | |
Control Points (CP) Extract the nurbs control points and knots of a curve. | |
Control Polygon (CPoly) Extract the nurbs control polygon of a curve. | |
Discontinuity (Disc) Find all discontinuities along a curve. | |
Evaluate Curve (Eval) Evaluate a curve at the specified parameter. | |
Evaluate Length (Eval) Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. | |
Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Torsion Evaluate the torsion of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Derivatives (CDiv) Evaluate the derivatives of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Curve Closest Point (Crv CP) Find the closest point on a curve. | |
Curve Proximity (CrvProx) Find the pair of closest points between two curves. | |
Curve Nearest Object (CrvNear) Find the object nearest to a curve. | |
Point In Curve (InCurve) Test a point for closed curve containment. | |
Point in Curves (InCurves) Test a point for multiple closed curve containment. | |
Extremes (X-tremez) Find the extremes (highest and lowest points) on a curve. | |
Curve Side (Side) Find on which side of a curve a point exists | |
Curve Middle (MidPt) Get the point in the middle of a curve | |
Point On Curve (CurvePoint) Evaluates a curve at a specific location | |
Curve Frame (Frame) Get the curvature frame of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Horizontal Frame (HFrame) Get a horizontally aligned frame along a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Perp Frame (PFrame) Solve the perpendicular (zero-twisting) frame at a specified curve parameter. |
Circle (Cir) Create a circle defined by base plane and radius. | |
Circle CNR (Circle) Create a circle defined by center, normal and radius. | |
Circle 3Pt (Circle) Create a circle defined by three points. | |
InCircle Create the incircle of a triangle. | |
Circle Fit (FCircle) Fit a circle to a collection of points. | |
Circle TanTan (CircleTT) Create a circle tangent to two curves. | |
Circle TanTanTan (CircleTTT) Create a circle tangent to three curves. | |
Ellipse Create an ellipse defined by base plane and two radii. | |
InEllipse Create the inscribed ellipse (Steiner ellipse) of a triangle. | |
Arc Create an arc defined by base plane, radius and angle domain. | |
Modified Arc (ModArc) Create an arc based on another arc. | |
Arc 3Pt (Arc) Create an arc through three points. | |
Arc SED (Arc) Create an arc defined by start point, end point and a tangent vector. | |
BiArc Create a bi-arc based on endpoints and tangents. | |
Tangent Arcs (TArc) Create tangent arcs between circles | |
Tangent Lines (Tan) Create tangent lines between a point and a circle | |
Tangent Lines (Ex) (TanEx) Create external tangent lines between circles | |
Tangent Lines (In) (TanIn) Create internal tangent lines between circles | |
Line (Ln) Create a line between two points. | |
Line SDL (Line) Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} | |
Line 4Pt (Ln4Pt) Create a line from four points. | |
Line 2Plane (Ln2Pl) Create a line between two planes. | |
Fit Line (FLine) Fit a line to a collection of points. | |
Rectangle Create a rectangle on a plane | |
Rectangle 3Pt (Rec 3Pt) Create a rectangle from three points | |
Rectangle 2Pt (Rec 2Pt) Create a rectangle from a base plane and two points | |
TwoByFourJam (2x4 Jam) Jam a two-by-four into a crooked room | |
Polygon Create a polygon with optional round edges. | |
Polygon Edge (PolEdge) Create a polygon from a single edge. |
Interpolate (IntCrv) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. | |
Interpolate (t) (IntCrv(t)) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points with tangents. | |
Tangent Curve (TanCurve) Create a curve through a set of points with tangents. | |
Nurbs Curve (Nurbs) Construct a nurbs curve from control points. | |
Kinky Curve (KinkCrv) Construct an interpolated curve through a set of points with a kink angle threshold. | |
Bezier Span (BzSpan) Construct a bezier span from endpoints and tangents. | |
Curve On Surface (CrvSrf) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points on a surface. | |
Iso Curve (Iso) Construct {uv} isocurves on a surface. | |
Geodesic Construct a surface geodesic between two points. | |
Sub Curve (SubCrv) Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. | |
Knot Vector (Knots) Construct a nurbs curve knot vector. | |
Nurbs Curve PWK (NurbCrv) Construct a nurbs curve from control points, weights and knots. | |
Catenary (Cat) Create a catenary chain between two points. | |
Catenary Ex (CatEx) Create a variable catenary chain between two points. | |
Blend Curve (BlendC) Create a blend curve between two curves. | |
Blend Curve Pt (BlendCPt) Create a blend curve between two curves that intersects a point. | |
Connect Curves (Connect) Connect a sequence of curves. | |
Tween Curve (TweenCrv) Tween between two curves. | |
PolyLine (PLine) Create a polyline connecting a number of points. | |
PolyArc (PArc) Create a polycurve consisting of arc and line segments. |
Offset Curve (Offset) Offset a curve with a specified distance. | |
Offset Curve Loose (Offset (L)) Offset the control-points of a curve with a specified distance. | |
Offset Loose 3D (Offset (3D)) Offset the control-points of a curve with a specified distance in 3D. | |
Offset on Srf (OffsetS) Offset a curve on a surface with a specified distance. | |
Flip Curve (Flip) Flip a curve using an optional guide curve. | |
Seam Adjust the seam of a closed curve. | |
Join Curves (Join) Join as many curves as possible | |
Rebuild Curve (ReB) Rebuild a curve with a specific number of control-points. | |
Fit Curve (Fit) Fit a curve along another curve. | |
Extend Curve (Ext) Extend a curve by a specified distance. | |
Simplify Curve (Simplify) Simplify a curve. | |
Curve To Polyline (ToPoly) Convert a curve to a polyline. | |
Project Project a curve onto a Brep. | |
Pull Curve (Pull) Pull a curve onto a surface. | |
Polyline Collapse (PCol) Collapse short segments in a polyline curve. | |
Reduce (RedPLine) Reduce a polyline by removing least significant vertices. | |
Smooth Polyline (SmoothPLine) Smooth the vertices of a polyline curve. | |
Fillet Fillet a curve at a parameter. | |
Fillet Distance (Fillet) Fillet the sharp corners of a curve by distance. | |
Explode Explode a curve into smaller segments. |
Shatter Shatter a curve into segments. | |
Dash Pattern (Dash) Convert a curve to a dash pattern. | |
Curve Contour (Contour) Create a set of Curve contours | |
Contour (ex) (Contour) Create a set of Curve contours | |
Divide Curve (Divide) Divide a curve into equal length segments | |
Divide Length (DivLength) Divide a curve into segments with a preset length | |
Divide Distance (DivDist) Divide a curve with a preset distance between points | |
Curve Frames (Frames) Generate a number of equally spaced curve frames. | |
Horizontal Frames (HFrames) Generate a number of equally spaced, horizontally aligned curve frames. | |
Perp Frames (PFrames) Generate a number of equally spaced, perpendicular frames along a curve. |
Occlusion (Occ) Solve occlusion for a collection of view rays and obstructions. | |
Exposure Solve mesh exposure for a collection of energy rays and obstructions. | |
Mesh Shadow (MShadow) Compute the shadow outline for a mesh object | |
Mesh Join (MJoin) Join a set of meshes into a single mesh | |
Disjoint Mesh (Disjoint) Split a mesh into disjoint pieces. | |
Mesh Split Plane (MSplit) Split a mesh with an infinite plane. | |
Align Vertices (AlignVert) Align nearby vertices in a mesh | |
Weld Mesh (Weld) Weld (merge) creases in a mesh | |
Unweld Mesh (Unweld) Unweld (split) creases in a mesh | |
Flip Mesh (FlipM) Flip the normal vectors of a mesh | |
Unify Mesh (UniM) Unify the normals of a mesh | |
Blur Mesh (MBlur) Blur the colours on a mesh | |
Settings (Speed) (Jagged) Represents 'Jagged & faster' mesh settings. | |
Settings (Quality) (Smooth) Represents 'Smooth & slower' mesh settings. | |
Settings (Custom) (Custom Mesh Settings) Represents custom mesh settings. | |
Mesh Brep (Mesh) Create a mesh that approximates Brep geometry | |
Mesh Surface (Mesh UV) Create a Surface UV mesh | |
Simple Mesh (SMesh) Create a mesh that represents a Brep as simply as possible | |
Triangulate (Tri) Triangulate all quads in a mesh | |
Quadrangulate (Quad) Quadrangulate as many triangles as possible in a mesh | |
Delete Faces (DeleteF) Delete faces from a mesh | |
Cull Faces (CullF) Cull faces from a mesh | |
Delete Vertices (DeleteV) Delete vertices from a mesh | |
Cull Vertices (CullV) Cull vertices from a mesh | |
Smooth Mesh (MSmooth) Smooth the vertices of a mesh |
MetaBall 2D Metaball isocurve through point | |
MetaBall(t) 2D Metaball isosurface by threshold | |
MetaBall(t) Custom (MetaBall(t)) 2D Metaball isosurface by threshold and custom charge values | |
ShrinkWrap (Wrap) ShrinkWrap a mesh or point cloud object | |
Quad Remesh Settings (QRSettings) Create setting for Quad-remeshing. | |
Quad Remesh (QRMesh) Perform quad-remeshing on a shape. | |
Convex Hull (Hull) Compute the planar, convex hull for a collection of points | |
Delaunay Mesh (Del) Delaunay triangulation | |
Delaunay Edges (Con) Delaunay connectivity | |
QuadTree (QT) A two-dimensional quadtree structure | |
OcTree (OcT) A three-dimensional oc-tree structure | |
Proximity 2D (Prox) Search for two-dimensional proximity within a point list | |
Proximity 3D (Prox) Search for three-dimensional proximity within a point list | |
Substrate Substrate algorithm inspired by Jared Tarbell ( | |
Voronoi Planar voronoi diagram for a collection of points | |
Voronoi Groups (VorGroup) Compute a custom set of nested voronoi diagrams. | |
Facet Dome (Facet) Create a facetted dome | |
Voronoi Cell (VCell) Compute a single 3D Voronoi cell | |
Voronoi 3D (Voronoi³) Volumetric voronoi diagram for a collection of points |
Construct Mesh (ConMesh) Construct a mesh from vertices, faces and optional colours. | |
Mesh Triangle (Triangle) Create a mesh triangle. | |
Mesh Quad (Quad) Create a mesh quad. | |
Mesh Plane (MPlane) Create a mesh plane. | |
Mesh Box (MBox) Create a mesh box. | |
Mesh Sphere (MSphere) Create a mesh sphere. | |
Mesh Sphere Ex (MSphereEx) Create a mesh sphere from square patches. | |
Mesh Colours (MCol) Assign a repeating colour pattern to a mesh object. | |
Mesh Spray (MSpray) Assign colours to a mesh based on spray points. |
Mesh Closest Point (MeshCP) Finds the closest point on a mesh | |
Mesh Eval (MEval) Evaluate a mesh at a given parameter | |
Deconstruct Mesh (DeMesh) Deconstruct a mesh into its component parts. | |
Deconstruct Face (DeFace) Deconstruct a mesh face into its four corner indices. | |
Face Normals (FaceN) Extract the normals and center points of all faces in a mesh | |
Face Circles (FaceC) Solve the circumscribed circles for all mesh faces | |
Face Boundaries (FaceB) Convert all mesh faces to polylines | |
Mesh Edges (MEdges) Get all the edges of a mesh | |
Mesh Inclusion (MInc) Test a point for Mesh inclusion |
Path Compare (Compare) Compare a path to a mask pattern | |
Split Tree (Split) Split a data tree into two parts using path masks. | |
Stream Filter (Filter) Filters a collection of input streams | |
Stream Gate (Gate) Redirects a stream into specific outputs. | |
Clean Tree (Clean) Removed all null and invalid items from a data tree. | |
Prune Tree (Prune) Remove small branches from a Data Tree. | |
Graft Tree (Graft) Graft a data tree by adding an extra branch for every item. | |
Simplify Tree (Simplify) Simplify a data tree by removing the overlap shared amongst all branches. | |
Flatten Tree (Flatten) Flatten a data tree by removing all branching information. | |
Unflatten Tree (Unflatten) Unflatten a data tree by moving items back into branches. | |
Trim Tree (Trim) Reduce the complexity of a tree by merging the outermost branches. | |
Match Tree (Match) Match one data tree with another. | |
Replace Paths (Replace) Find & replace paths in a data tree | |
Explode Tree (BANG!) Extract all the branches from a tree | |
Flip Matrix (Flip) Flip a matrix-like data tree by swapping rows and columns. | |
Shift Paths (PShift) Shift the indices in all data tree paths | |
Path Mapper Perform lexical operations on data trees. | |
Tree Item (Item) Retrieve a specific item from a data tree. | |
Tree Branch (Branch) Retrieve a specific branch from a data tree. | |
Tree Statistics (TStat) Get some statistics regarding a data tree. | |
Relative Item (RelItem) Retrieve a relative item combo from a data tree | |
Relative Items (RelItem2) Retrieve a relative item combo from two data trees | |
Construct Path (Path) Construct a data tree branch path. | |
Deconstruct Path (DPath) Deconstruct a data tree path into individual integers. | |
Merge Merge a bunch of data streams | |
Entwine Flatten and combine a collection of data streams |
List Item (Item) Retrieve a specific item from a list. | |
Item Index (Index) Retrieve the index of a certain item in a list. | |
Null Item (Null) Test a data item for null or invalidity | |
Replace Nulls (NullRep) Replace nulls or invalid data with other data | |
List Length (Lng) Measure the length of a list. | |
Insert Items (Ins) Insert a collection of items into a list. | |
Replace Items (Replace) Replace certain items in a list. | |
Partition List (Partition) Partition a list into sub-lists | |
Dispatch Dispatch the items in a list into two target lists. | |
Weave Weave a set of input data using a custom pattern. | |
Pick'n'Choose (P'n'C) Pick and choose from a set of input data. | |
Shortest List (Short) Shrink a collection of lists to the shortest length amongst them | |
Longest List (Long) Grow a collection of lists to the longest length amongst them | |
Cross Reference (CrossRef) Cross Reference data from multiple lists | |
Sift Pattern (Sift) Sift elements in a list using a repeating index pattern. | |
Combine Data (Combine) Combine non-null items out of several inputs | |
Shift List (Shift) Offset all items in a list. | |
Sub List (SubSet) Extract a subset from a list. | |
Split List (Split) Split a list into separate parts. | |
Reverse List (Rev) Reverse the order of a list. | |
Sort List (Sort) Sort a list of numeric keys. |
Text On Surface (TextSrf) Create a collection of textual symbols aligned on a surface. | |
Text Length (Len) Get the length (character count) of some text | |
Text Split (Split) Split some text into fragments using separators | |
Concatenate (Concat) Concatenate some fragments of text | |
Text Join (Join) Join a collection of text fragments into one | |
Characters (Chars) Break text into individual characters | |
Text Trim (Trim) Remove whitespace characters from the start and end of some text. | |
Text Case (Case) Change the CaSiNg of a piece of text | |
Text Fragment (Fragment) Extract a fragment (subset) of some text | |
Format Format some data using placeholders and formatting tags | |
Replace Text (Rep) Replace all occurences of a specific text fragment with another | |
Sort Text (TSort) Sort a collection of text fragments | |
Match Text (TMatch) Match a text against a pattern | |
Text Distance (TDist) Compute the Levenshtein distance between two fragments of text. |
Range Create a range of numbers. | |
Series Create a series of numbers. | |
Fibonacci (Fib) Creates a Fibonacci sequence. | |
Sequence (Seq) Generate a sequence of numbers | |
Char Sequence (CharSeq) Create a sequence of textual characters. | |
Random Generate a list of pseudo random numbers. | |
Jitter Randomly shuffles a list of values. | |
Duplicate Data (Dup) Duplicate data a predefined number of times. | |
Repeat Data (Repeat) Repeat a pattern until it reaches a certain length. | |
Stack Data (Stack) Duplicate individual items in a list of data | |
Cull Nth (CullN) Cull (remove) every Nth element in a list. | |
Cull Pattern (Cull) Cull (remove) elements in a list using a repeating bit mask. | |
Cull Index (Cull i) Cull (remove) indexed elements from a list. | |
Random Reduce (Reduce) Randomly remove N items from a list |
Create Set (CSet) Creates the valid set from a list of items (a valid set only contains distinct elements). | |
Set Union (SUnion) Creates the union of two sets (the collection of unique objects present in either set). | |
Set Intersection (Intersection) Creates the intersection of two sets (the collection of unique objects present in both sets). | |
Set Difference (Difference) Create the difference of two sets (the collection of objects present in A but not in B). | |
Set Difference (S) (ExDiff) Create the symmetric difference of two sets (the collection of objects present in A or B but not both). | |
SubSet Test two sets for inclusion. | |
Disjoint Test whether two sets are disjoint. | |
Carthesian Product (CProd) Create the Carthesian product for two sets of identical cardinality. | |
Set Majority (Majority) Determine majority member presence amongst three sets. | |
Replace Members (Replace) Replace members in a set. | |
Member Index (MIndex) Find the occurences of a specific member in a set. | |
Delete Consecutive (DCon) Delete consecutive similar members in a set. | |
Find similar member (FSim) Find the most similar member in a set. | |
Key/Value Search (KeySearch) Extract an item from a collection using a key-value match |
Map to Surface (Map Srf) Map a curve onto a surface via control points. | |
Splop Wraps geometry onto a surface. | |
Sporph Deforms an object from a source surface to a target surface | |
Stretch Deforms objects by stretching them along a finite axis. | |
Taper Deforms objects toward or away from an axis | |
Twist Deforms objects by twisting them around an axis. | |
Maelstrom Spirally deforms objects as if they were caught in a whirlpool | |
Flow Re-aligns objects from a base curve to a target curve. | |
Box Morph (Morph) Morph an object into a twisted box. | |
Surface Morph (SrfMorph) Morph geometry into surface UVW coordinates | |
Twisted Box (TBox) Create a twisted box from corner points. | |
Surface Box (SBox) Create a twisted box on a surface patch. | |
Blend Box (BlendBox) Create a twisted box between two surfaces. | |
Mirror Surface (Mirror) Mirror geometry in a freeform surface. | |
Mirror Curve (Mirror) Mirror a shape in a freeform curve. | |
Spatial Deform (Deform) Perform spatial deformation based on custom space syntax. | |
Spatial Deform (custom) (Deform) Perform spatial deformation based on custom space syntax. | |
Point Deform (PDeform) Deform a shape by moving control-points individually | |
Bend Deform (Bend) Deform a shape by bending it |
Camera Obscura (CO) Camera Obscura (point mirror) transformation. | |
Project Project an object onto a plane. | |
Project Along (ProjectA) Project an object onto a plane along a direction. | |
Scale Scale an object uniformly in all directions. | |
Scale NU Scale an object with non-uniform factors. | |
Triangle Mapping (TriMap) Transform geometry from one triangle into another. | |
Rectangle Mapping (RecMap) Transform geometry from one rectangle into another. | |
Box Mapping (BoxMap) Transform geometry from one box into another. | |
Shear Angle (Shear) Shear an object based on tilt angles. | |
Shear Shear an object based on a shearing vector. | |
Orient Direction (Orient) Orient an object using directional constraints only. |
Named Group (Group) Group a set of objects under a name | |
Group Group a set of objects | |
Ungroup Ungroup a set of objects | |
Merge Group (GMerge) Merge two groups | |
Split Group (GSplit) Split a group | |
Compound (Comp) Compound two transformations. | |
Split Split a compound transformation into fragments. | |
Transform Transform an object. | |
Inverse Transform (Inverse) Invert a transformation. | |
Transform Matrix (Matrix) A 4x4 Transformation matrix |
Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. | |
Move To Plane (MoveToPlane) Translate (move) an object onto a plane. | |
Move Away From (MoveAway) Translate (move) an object away from another object. | |
Mirror Mirror an object. | |
Orient Orient an object. Orientation is sometimes called a 'ChangeBasis tranformation'. It allows for remapping of geometry from one axis-system to another. | |
Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. | |
Rotate Direction (Rotate) Rotate an object from one direction to another. | |
Rotate Axis (RotAx) Rotate an object around an axis. | |
Rotate 3D (Rot3D) Rotate an object around a center point and an axis vector. |
Kaleidoscope (KScope) Apply a kaleidoscope transformation to an object. | |
Polar Array (ArrPolar) Create a polar array of geometry. | |
Linear Array (ArrLinear) Create a linear array of geometry. | |
Rectangular Array (ArrRec) Create a rectangular array of geometry. | |
Box Array (ArrBox) Create a box array of geometry. | |
Curve Array (ArrCurve) Create an array of geometry along a curve. |
Negative (Neg) Compute the negative of a value. | |
Absolute (Abs) Compute the absolute of a value. | |
Factorial (Fac) Returns the factorial of an integer. | |
Division (A/B) Mathematical division | |
Integer Division (A\B) Mathematical integer division | |
Addition (A+B) Mathematical addition | |
Subtraction (A-B) Mathematical subtraction | |
Multiplication (A×B) Mathematical multiplication | |
Modulus (Mod) Divides two numbers and returns only the remainder. | |
Power (Pow) Raise a value to a power. | |
Mass Addition (MA) Perform mass addition of a list of items | |
Mass Multiplication (MM) Perform mass multiplication of a list of items | |
Relative Differences (RelDif) Compute relative differences for a list of data | |
Smaller Than (Smaller) Smaller than (or equal to) | |
Larger Than (Larger) Larger than (or equal to) | |
Equality (Equals) Test for (in)equality of two numbers | |
Similarity (Similar) Test for similarity of two numbers | |
Gate And (And) Perform boolean conjunction (AND gate). | |
Gate Or (Or) Perform boolean disjunction (OR gate). | |
Gate Not (Not) Perform boolean negation (NOT gate). | |
Gate Xor (Xor) Perform boolean exclusive disjunction (XOR gate). | |
Gate Nand (Nand) Perform boolean alternative denial (NAND gate). | |
Gate Nor (Nor) Perform boolean joint denial (NOR gate). | |
Gate Xnor (Xnor) Perform boolean biconditional (XNOR gate). | |
Gate Majority (Vote) Calculates the majority vote among three booleans. |
Smooth Numbers (Smooth) Smooth out changing numbers over time | |
Clamp Restrict a number between two numeric extremes. | |
Pi Returns a factor of Pi. | |
Golden Ratio (Phi) Returns a factor of the golden ratio (Phi). | |
Epsilon (Eps) Returns a factor of double precision floating point epsilon. | |
Minimum (Min) Return the lesser of two items. | |
Maximum (Max) Return the greater of two items. | |
Extremes (Extrz) Find the extremes in a list of values | |
Round Round a floating point value. | |
Blur Numbers (NBlur) Blur a list of numbers by averaging neighbours | |
Truncate (Trunc) Perform truncation of numerical extremes | |
Average (Avr) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of items | |
Weighted Average (Wav) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of items | |
Create Complex (Complex) Create a complex number from a Real and an Imaginary component | |
Complex Components (Complex) Extract the Real and Imaginary components from a complex number | |
Complex Conjugate (z*) Create the conjugate of a Complex number | |
Complex Argument (Arg) Get the argument of a Complex number | |
Complex Modulus (CMod) Get the modulus of a Complex number | |
Interpolate data (Interp) Interpolate a collection of data. |
Sine (Sin) Compute the sine of a value | |
Sinc Compute the sinc (Sinus Cardinalis) of a value. | |
Cosine (Cos) Compute the cosine of a value | |
Tangent (Tan) Compute the tangent of a value | |
ArcSine (ASin) Compute the angle whose sine is the specified value. | |
ArcCosine (ACos) Compute the angle whose cosine is the specified value. | |
ArcTangent (ATan) Compute the angle whose tangent is the specified value. | |
Secant (Sec) Compute the secant (reciprocal of the Cosine) of an angle. | |
CoSecant (Csc) Compute the co-secant (reciprocal of the Sine) of an angle. | |
CoTangent (Cot) Compute the co-tangent (reciprocal of the Tangent) of an angle. | |
Degrees (Deg) Convert an angle specified in radians to degrees | |
Radians (Rad) Convert an angle specified in degrees to radians | |
Right Trigonometry (RTrig) Right triangle trigonometry | |
Triangle Trigonometry (Trig) Generic triangle trigonometry | |
Circumcentre (CCentre) Generate the triangle circumcentre from perpendicular bisectors. | |
Incentre (ICentre) Generate the triangle incentre from angle bisectors. | |
Orthocentre (OCentre) Generate the triangle orthocentre from altitudes. | |
Centroid Generate the triangle centroid from medians. |
Construct Domain (Dom) Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. | |
Deconstruct Domain (DeDomain) Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. | |
Consecutive Domains (Consec) Create consecutive domains from a list of numbers | |
Bounds (Bnd) Create a numeric domain which encompasses a list of numbers. | |
Bounds 2D (Bnd) Create a numeric two-dimensional domain which encompasses a list of coordinates. | |
Includes (Inc) Test a numeric value to see if it is included in the domain | |
Remap Numbers (ReMap) Remap numbers into a new numeric domain | |
Construct Domain² (Dom²) Create a two-dimensional domain from two simple domains. | |
Deconstruct Domain² (DeDom2) Deconstruct a two-dimensional domain into its component parts | |
Divide Domain (Div) Divide a domain into equal segments. | |
Divide Domain² (Divide) Divides a two-dimensional domain into equal segments. | |
Find Domain (FDom) Find the first domain that contains a specific value |
Square (Sqr) Compute the square of a value | |
Square Root (Sqrt) Compute the square root of a value | |
Cube Compute the cube of a value | |
Cube Root (Cbrt) Compute the cube root of a value | |
Logarithm (Log) Compute the Base-10 logarithm of a value. | |
Natural logarithm (Ln) Compute the natural logarithm of a value. | |
Power of E (Eº) Raise E to the power of N. | |
Power of 2 (2º) Raise 2 to the power of N. | |
Power of 10 (10º) Raise 10 to the power of N. | |
One Over X (1/x) Compute one over x. | |
Log N (LogN) Return the N-base logarithm of a number. |
Construct Date (Date) Construct a date and time instance. | |
Construct Exotic Date (DateEx) Construct a date using a specific calendar | |
Construct Time (Time) Construct a time instance | |
Construct Smooth Time (SmTime) Construct a time instance from smooth components | |
Deconstruct Date (DDate) Deconstruct a date into years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds | |
Combine Date & Time (CDate) Combine a pure date and a pure time into a single date | |
Interpolate Date (IntDate) Interpolate between two dates or times. | |
Date Range (RDate) Create a range of successive dates or times |
Construct Matrix (Matrix) Construct a matrix from initial values | |
Deconstruct Matrix (DeMatrix) Deconstruct a matrix into its component parts | |
Invert Matrix (MInvert) Invert a matrix | |
Transpose Matrix (Transpose) Transpose a matrix (swap rows and columns) | |
Swap Rows (SwapR) Swap two rows in a matrix | |
Swap Columns (SwapC) Swap two columns in a matrix | |
Display Matrix (Matrix) Display a matrix |
Evaluate (Eval) Evaluate an expression with a flexible number of variables. | |
Expression Evaluate an expression |
Area Moments (AMoments) Solve area moments for breps, meshes and planar closed curves. | |
Area Solve area properties for breps, meshes and planar closed curves. | |
Volume Moments (VMoments) Solve volume properties for closed breps and meshes. | |
Volume Solve volume properties for closed breps and meshes. | |
Box Corners Extract all 8 corners of a box. | |
Deconstruct Box (DeBox) Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. | |
Evaluate Box (Box) Evaluate a box in normalised {UVW} space. | |
Box Properties (BoxProp) Get some properties of a box | |
Deconstruct Brep (DeBrep) Deconstruct a brep into its constituent parts. | |
Brep Wireframe (Wires) Extract the wireframe curves of a brep. | |
Brep Edges (Edges) Extract the edge curves of a brep. | |
Brep Topology (Topology) Get and display the topology of a brep. | |
Dimensions (Dim) Get the approximate dimensions of a surface | |
Is Planar (Planar) Test whether a surface is planar | |
Surface Points (SrfPt) Get the control-points of a Nurbs Surface | |
Brep Closest Point (Brep CP) Find the closest point on a brep | |
Surface Closest Point (Srf CP) Find the closest point on a surface. | |
Point In Trim (TrimInc) Test whether a {uv} coordinate is inside the trimmed portion of a surface | |
Point In Brep (BrepInc) Test whether a point is inside a closed brep | |
Point In Breps (BrepsInc) Test whether a point is inside a collection of closed breps | |
Shape In Brep (ShapeIn) Tests whether a shape is inside a brep | |
Evaluate Surface (EvalSrf) Evaluate local surface properties at a {uv} coordinate. | |
Principal Curvature (Curvature) Evaluate the principal curvature of a surface at a {uv} coordinate. | |
Surface Curvature (Curvature) Evaluate the surface curvature at a {uv} coordinate. | |
Osculating Circles (Osc) Calculate the principal osculating circles of a surface at a {uv} coordinate. |
Control Point Loft (CPLoft) Create a loft through curve control points. | |
Fit Loft (FitLoft) Create a loft fitted through a set of curves. | |
4Point Surface (Srf4Pt) Create a surface connecting three or four corner points. | |
Surface From Points (SrfGrid) Create a nurbs surface from a grid of points. | |
Boundary Surfaces (Boundary) Create planar surfaces from a collection of boundary edge curves. | |
Sum Surface (SumSrf) Create a sum surface from two edge curves. | |
Edge Surface (EdgeSrf) Create a surface from two, three or four edge curves. | |
Loft Create a lofted surface through a set of section curves. | |
Loft Options (Loft Opt) Create loft options from atomic inputs | |
Ruled Surface (RuleSrf) Create a surface between two curves. | |
Network Surface (NetSurf) Create a surface from curve networks | |
Extrude (Extr) Extrude points, curves and surfaces along a vector. | |
Extrude Point (Extr) Extrude curves and surfaces to a point. | |
Extrude Linear (Extrude) Extrude curves and surfaces along a straight path. | |
Extrude Along (ExtrCrv) Extrude curves and surfaces along a curve. | |
Patch Create a patch surface | |
Fragment Patch (FPatch) Create a fragmented patch from a polyline boundary | |
Pipe Create a pipe surface around a rail curve. | |
Pipe Variable (VPipe) Create a pipe surface with variable radii around a rail curve. | |
Sweep1 (Swp1) Create a sweep surface with one rail curve. | |
Sweep2 (Swp2) Create a sweep surface with two rail curves. | |
Revolution (RevSrf) Create a surface of revolution. | |
Rail Revolution (RailRev) Create a surface of revolution using a sweep rail. |
Fillet Edge (FilEdge) Fillet some edges of a brep. | |
Edges from Points (EdgesPt) Select brep edges based on point coincidence | |
Edges from Faces (EdgesFaces) Select all brep edges that delineate certain faces | |
Edges from Directions (EdgesDir) Select brep edges based on edge direction | |
Edges from Length (EdgesLen) Select brep edges based on length | |
Edges from Linearity (EdgesLin) Select brep edges based on linearity | |
Convex Edges (EdgesCvx) Select concave or convex brep edges. | |
Closed Edges (EdgesCls) Select closed edges. | |
Isotrim (SubSrf) Extract an isoparametric subset of a surface. | |
Untrim Remove all trim curves from a surface. | |
Retrim Retrim a surface based on 3D trim data from another surface. | |
Copy Trim (Trim) Copy UV trim data from one surface to another. | |
Brep Join (Join) Join a number of Breps together | |
Merge Faces (FMerge) Merge all adjacent co-planar faces in a brep | |
Cap Holes (Cap) Cap all planar holes in a Brep. | |
Cap Holes Ex (CapEx) Cap as many holes as possible in a Brep. | |
Offset Surface (Offset) Offset a surface by a fixed amount. | |
Offset Surface Loose (Offset (L)) Offset a surface by moving the control points. | |
Flip Flip the normals of a surface based on local or remote geometry | |
Transpose Surface (Transpose) Transpose surface parameterization (swap U and V) | |
Divide Surface (SDivide) Generate a grid of {uv} points on a surface. | |
Surface Frames (SFrames) Generate a grid of {uv} frames on a surface |
Plane Through Shape (PxS) Make a rectangular surface that is larger than a given shape. | |
Plane Surface (PlaneSrf) Create a plane surface | |
Bounding Box (BBox) Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. | |
Center Box (Box) Create a box centered on a plane. | |
Domain Box (Box) Create a box defined by a base plane and size domains. | |
Box 2Pt (Box) Create a box defined by two points. | |
Box Rectangle (BoxRec) Create a box defined by a rectangle and a height. | |
Sphere (Sph) Create a spherical surface. | |
Quad Sphere (QSph) Create a spherical brep made from quad nurbs patches. | |
Sphere 4Pt (Sph4Pt) Create a spherical surface from 4 points. | |
Cone Create a conical surface | |
Cylinder (Cyl) Create a cylindrical surface. | |
Sphere Fit (SFit) Fit a sphere to a 3D collection of points |
SubD from Mesh (SubDMesh) Create a SubD from a control mesh | |
Mesh from SubD (MeshSubD) Get the approximation mesh of a SubD. | |
SubD Control Polygon (SubDPoly) Extract the control polygon from a SubD. | |
SubD Edges (SubDEdges) Extract all edge data from a SubD. | |
SubD Vertices (SubDVerts) Extract all vertex data from a SubD. | |
SubD Edge Tags (SubDTags) Set the edge tags of a SubD shape. | |
SubD Vertex Tags (SubDVTags) Set the vertex tags of a SubD shape. |
Curve | Line (CLX) Solve intersection events for a curve and a line. | |
Line | Line (LLX) Solve intersection events for two lines. | |
Curve | Plane (PCX) Solve intersection events for a curve and a plane. | |
Line | Plane (PLX) Solve intersection event for a line and a plane. | |
Point Cloud Section (PC Section) Create a planar section by intersecting a plane with a cloud of points | |
Point Cloud Contour (PC Contour) Create a series of planar curves by intersecting planes with a cloud of points | |
Brep | Plane (Sec) Solve intersection events for a Brep and a plane (otherwise known as section). | |
Brep | Line (BLX) Solve intersection events for a Brep and a line. | |
Mesh | Ray (MeshRay) Intersect a mesh with a semi-infinite ray | |
Mesh | Plane (Sec) Solve intersection events for a Mesh and a Plane (otherwise known as section). | |
Contour Create a set of Brep or Mesh contours | |
Contour (ex) (Contour) Create a set of Brep or Mesh contours | |
Surface | Line (SLX) Solve intersection events for a surface and a line. | |
IsoVist (IVist) Compute an isovist sampling at a location | |
IsoVist Ray (IVRay) Compute a single isovist sample at a location | |
Plane | Plane (PPX) Solve the intersection event of two planes. | |
Plane | Plane | Plane (3PX) Solve the intersection events of three planes. | |
Plane Region (PlReg) Create a bounded region from intersecting planes. |
Solid Union (SUnion) Perform a solid union on a set of Breps. | |
Solid Intersection (SInt) Perform a solid intersection on two Brep sets. | |
Solid Difference (SDiff) Perform a solid difference on two Brep sets. | |
Trim Solid (Trim) Cut holes into a shape with a set of solid cutters. | |
Split Brep (Split) Split one brep with another. | |
Split Brep Multiple (SplitMul) Split one brep with a bunch of others. | |
Boundary Volume (BVol) Create a closed polysurface from boundary surfaces | |
Region Union (RUnion) Union of a set of planar closed curves (regions) | |
Region Difference (RDiff) Difference between two sets of planar closed curves (regions) | |
Region Intersection (RInt) Intersection between two sets of planar closed curves (regions) | |
Box Slits (Slits) Add slits to a collection of intersecting boxes | |
Region Slits (RSlits) Add slits to a collection of intersecting planar regions | |
Mesh Union (MUnion) Perform a solid union on a set of meshes | |
Mesh Difference (MDif) Perform a solid difference on two sets of meshes | |
Mesh Intersection (MInt) Perform a solid intersection on a set of meshes | |
Mesh Split (MSplit) Mesh Mesh split |
Curve | Curve (CCX) Solve intersection events for two curves. | |
Multiple Curves (MCX) Solve intersection events for multiple curves. | |
Curve | Self (CX) Solve all self intersection events for a curve. | |
Brep | Brep (BBX) Solve intersection events for two Breps. | |
Brep | Curve (BCX) Solve intersection events for a Brep and a curve. | |
Surface | Curve (SCX) Solve intersection events for a surface and a curve. | |
Surface Split (SrfSplit) Split a surface with a bunch of curves. | |
Collision One|Many (ColOM) Test for one|many collision between objects | |
Collision Many|Many (ColMM) Test for many|many collision between objects | |
Mesh | Mesh (MMX) Mesh Mesh intersection | |
Mesh | Curve (MCX) Mesh Curve intersection | |
Clash Perform clash analysis on a set of shapes. |
Split with Brep (Split) Split a curve with a Brep. | |
Split with Breps (Split) Split a curve with multiple Breps. | |
Trim with Brep (Trim) Trim a curve with a Brep. | |
Trim with Breps (Trim) Trim a curve with multiple Breps. | |
Trim with Region (Trim) Trim a curve with a region. | |
Trim with Regions (Trim) Trim a curve with multiple regions. |
Point Cloud Attributes (Point Cloud) Point Cloud Attributes | |
Point Cloud Closest Point (Point Cloud CP) Find the closest point in a point cloud | |
Reduce Point Cloud (Reduce) Reduce the number of points in a point cloud | |
Project Point (Project) Project a point onto a collection of shapes | |
Construct Point (Pt) Construct a point from {xyz} coordinates. | |
Deconstruct (pDecon) Deconstruct a point into its component parts. | |
Point Polar (Pt) Create a point from polar {phi,theta,offset} coordinates. | |
To Polar (Polar) Convert a 3D point to plane polar coordinates. | |
Point Oriented (Pt) Create a point from plane {u,v,w} coordinates. | |
Point Cylindrical (Pt) Create a point from cylindrical {angle,radius,elevation} coordinates. | |
Barycentric (BCentric) Create a point from barycentric {u,v,w} coordinates | |
Distance (Dist) Compute Euclidean distance between two point coordinates. | |
Closest Point (CP) Find closest point in a point collection. | |
Closest Points (CPs) Find closest points in a point collection. | |
Pull Point (Pull) Pull a point to a variety of geometry. | |
Sort Points (Sort Pt) Sort points by Euclidean coordinates (first x, then y, then z) | |
Sort Along Curve (AlongCrv) Sort points along a curve | |
Points to Numbers (Pt2Num) Convert a list of points to a list of numbers | |
Numbers to Points (Num2Pt) Convert a list of numbers to a list of points | |
Point Groups (PGroups) Create groups from nearby points | |
Cull Duplicates (CullPt) Cull points that are coincident within tolerance |
XY Plane (XY) World XY plane. | |
XZ Plane (XZ) World XZ plane. | |
YZ Plane (YZ) World YZ plane. | |
Deconstruct Plane (DePlane) Deconstruct a plane into its component parts. | |
Construct Plane (Pl) Construct a plane from an origin point and {x}, {y} axes. | |
Plane Origin (Pl Origin) Change the origin point of a plane | |
Plane Offset (Pl Offset) Offset a plane. | |
Plane Normal (Pl) Create a plane perpendicular to a vector. | |
Plane 3Pt (Pl 3Pt) Create a plane through three points. | |
Plane Fit (PlFit) Fit a plane through a set of points. | |
Line + Pt (LnPt) Create a plane from a line and a point. | |
Line + Line (LnLn) Create a plane from two line segments. | |
Plane Closest Point (CP) Find the closest point on a plane. | |
Align Planes (Align) Align planes by minimizing their serial rotation. | |
Align Plane (Align) Perform minimal rotation to align a plane with a guide vector | |
Rotate Plane (PRot) Perform plane rotation around plane z-axis | |
Adjust Plane (PAdjust) Adjust a plane to match a new normal direction | |
Flip Plane (PFlip) Flip or swap the axes of a plane | |
Plane Coordinates (PlCoord) Get the coordinates of a point in a plane axis system. |
Solar Incidence (Solar) Gets the solar incidence vector for a certain time and place | |
Vector XYZ (Vec) Create a vector from {xyz} components. | |
Deconstruct Vector (DeVec) Deconstruct a vector into its component parts. | |
Vector Length (VLen) Compute the length (amplitude) of a vector. | |
Vector 2Pt (Vec2Pt) Create a vector between two points. | |
Unit Vector (Unit) Unitize vector. | |
Reverse (Rev) Reverse a vector (multiply by -1). | |
Multiply (VMul) Perform vector-scalar multiplication. | |
Divide (VDiv) Perform vector-scalar division. | |
Amplitude (Amp) Set the amplitude (length) of a vector. | |
Addition (VAdd) Perform vector-vector addition. | |
Rotate (VRot) Rotate a vector around an axis. | |
Cross Product (XProd) Compute vector cross product. | |
Dot Product (DProd) Compute vector dot product. | |
Angle Compute the angle between two vectors. | |
Unit X (X) Unit vector parallel to the world {x} axis. | |
Unit Y (Y) Unit vector parallel to the world {y} axis. | |
Unit Z (Z) Unit vector parallel to the world {z} axis. |
Break Field (BreakF) Break a field into individual elements | |
Merge Fields (MergeF) Merge a collection of fields into one | |
Point Charge (PCharge) Create a field due to a point charge | |
Line Charge (LCharge) Create a field due to a line charge | |
Vector Force (FVector) Create a field due to a vector force | |
Spin Force (FSpin) Create a field due to a spin force | |
Evaluate Field (EvF) Evaluate a field at a point | |
Field Line (FLine) Compute the field line through a certain point | |
Scalar Display (FScalar) Display the scalar values of a field section | |
Direction Display (FDir) Display the force directions of a field section | |
Perpendicular Display (FPerp) Display the perpendicularity of a field through a section | |
Tensor Display (FTensor) Display the tensor vectors of a field section |
Square (SqGrid) 2D grid with square cells | |
Rectangular (RecGrid) 2D grid with rectangular cells | |
Hexagonal (HexGrid) 2D grid with hexagonal cells | |
Triangular (TriGrid) 2D grid with triangular cells | |
Radial (RadGrid) 2D radial grid | |
Populate 2D (Pop2D) Populate a 2-Dimensional region with points | |
Populate 3D (Pop3D) Populate a 3-Dimensional region with points | |
Populate Geometry (PopGeo) Populate generic geometry with points |
Blend Colours (BlendCol) Interpolate (blend) between two colours. |
Query Directory (Directory) Query on the file system under the specified directory path. | |
Filter Content (Filter) Separate content by filter condition | |
Logical And Filter (And) Combine two filters together using a logical AND operator | |
Contains Text Filter (Contains) Create a filter that determines if a piece of text occurs within another text | |
Equality Filter (Equals) Create a filter that determines if a value is equal to another | |
Intersection Filter (Intersection) Combine multiple filters together into an intersection which returns true only if all input filters evaluate to true. | |
Greater Than Filter (Greater) Create a filter that determines if a value is greater than another | |
Logical Not Filter (Not) Create a filter as the logical NOT of another. | |
Logical Or Filter (Or) Combine two filters together using a logical OR operator. | |
Less Than Filter (Less) Create a filter that determines if a value is less than another | |
Match Text Filter (Match) Create a filter that determines if a text value matches a pattern. | |
Union Filter (Union) Combine multiple filters together into a union which returns true if at least one input filter evaluates to true. | |
Group Content (Group) Group content by key | |
Order Content (Order) Order content by key | |
Content Cache (Cache) Push or Pull content to and from a Rhino model | |
Text Field Expression (Field Expression) Build a field expression which can be used as a text field on annotations or as a user text value. | |
Evaluate Text Fields (Evaluate) Evaluates fields expressions of a text. | |
User Text (U-Text) Modify the key/value pair text collection of a model element. | |
Import Content (Import) Import a model from file | |
Content Details (Details) Retrieve some details about Rhino content elements. | |
Content Information (Information) Get or set some information about Rhino content elements. | |
Unit System (U-System) Unit System | |
Convert Units (C-Units) Performs a unit conversion on input Data |
Query Annotation Styles (Styles) Query a Rhino document for all available annotation styles | |
Query Installed Fonts (Fonts) Query for all available fonts | |
Angle Dimension (Lines) (Angle Dimension) Angle Dimension From Lines | |
Angle Dimension (Points) (Angle Dimension From Points) Angle Dimension | |
Angle Dimension (Arc) (Arc Dimension) Angle Dimension From Arcs | |
Annotation Style Overrides (A-Style) Get-Set annotation style and overriden attributes | |
Annotation Text Overrides (A-Text) Manage annotation text attributes | |
Annotation Arrow Settings (AS-Arrows) Annotation Style Arrow Settings | |
Annotation Dimension Settings (AS-Dimension) Annotation Style Dimension Settings | |
Annotation Leader Settings (AS-Leaders) Annotation Style Leader Settings | |
Annotation Text Settings (AS-Text) Annotation Style Text Settings | |
Annotation Tolerance Settings (AS-Tolerance) Annotation Style Tolerance Settings | |
Annotation Units Settings (AS-Units) Annotation Style Units Settings | |
Centermark Centermark | |
Leader Leader | |
Linear Dimension Linear Dimension | |
Aligned Dimension Aligned Dimension | |
Annotation Style Annotation Style | |
Model Font (Font) Typography Font | |
Ordinate Dimension Ordinate Dimension | |
Radial Dimension Radial Dimension | |
Text Dot Text Dot | |
Text Entity Text Entity |
Query Model Objects (Objects) Query a Rhino document for all available rhino objects | |
Display Attributes (Display) Object display attributes | |
Display Colour Object display colour attributes | |
Drafting Attributes (Drafting) Object drafting attributes | |
Print Colour Object print colour attributes | |
Print Width Object print width attributes | |
Object Linetype Object linetype attributes | |
Render Attributes (Render) Object render attributes | |
Render Material (Object Material) Object render material attributes | |
Visibility Attributes (Visibility) Object visibility attributes | |
Explode Object (Explode) Explode Object | |
Model Object (Object) Model Object |
Query Model Linetypes (Linetypes) Query a Rhino document for all available linetypes | |
Query Model Hatch Patterns (Hatches) Query a Rhino document for all available hatch patterns | |
Model Space Scale (Ms-Scale) Get or set the model space scale factor for linetypes and/or hatch patterns. | |
Model Hatch (Hatch) Model Hatch | |
Import Hatch Pattern (Hatch) Import Hatch Pattern | |
Hatch Line Hatch Line | |
Model Hatch Pattern (Hatch Pattern) Model Hatch Pattern | |
Model Linetype (Linetype) Model Linetype | |
Colour Gradient Colour Gradient | |
Gradient Colour Stop (Colour Stop) Gradient Colour Stop |
Query Model Block Definitions (Block Definition) Query a Rhino document for all available block definitions | |
Query Model Layers (Layers) Query a Rhino document for all available layers | |
Model Block Instance (Block Instance) Block Instance | |
Model Layer (Layer) Model Layer | |
Hide Model Layer (L-Hide) Controls layer visibility on model viewports and new details. | |
Model Block Definition (Block Definition) Block Definition | |
Import Model Block Definition (Import Definition) Import a file and create a new block definition. | |
Export Model Block Definition (Export Definition) Export a block definition as a Rhino (*.3dm) file. |
Model Viewport Model Viewport | |
Model View (View) Model View | |
Zoom Extents (Zoom Ext) Zoom view to show all objects | |
Query Viewports (Viewports) Query a Rhino document for all available viewports | |
Query Pages (Pages) Query a Rhino document for all available page layouts |
Query Model Materials (Materials) Query a Rhino document for all available render materials | |
Model Material (Material) Model Material |
Voronoi 3d (Voronoi3d) Voronoi 3d Algorithm |
BioBrick Categories of Parts (BB Categories) Provides a list of part categories for inputinto the BB Library | |
BioBrick Prefix and Suffix Adder (Pre~Suf) Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
BioBricks Library (BB Library) library of all the parts in the BioBricks registry. | |
BioBricks Prefix Standard (BB Pre) simply the sequence of the standard BioBricks prefix used to enable ligation with compatible sticky ends | |
BioBricks Prefix ATG (BB Pre ATG) simply the sequence of the standard BioBricks prefix used, with sequences starting with ATG, to enable ligation with compatible sticky ends | |
BioBricks Suffix (BB Suf) simply the sequence of the standard BioBricks suffix used to enable ligation with compatible sticky ends | |
E0240 GFP with RBS, and Terminator (GFP RET) RBS: B0032 + GFP Reporter: E0040 + Terminators: B0010 & B0012 | |
GFP with Promoter, RBS, and Terminator (GFP PRET) Tet Promotor R0040 + RBS: B0034 + GFP Reporter: E0040 + Terminators: B0010 & B0012 | |
Plasmid Backbones DNA (Backbones) Provides the DNA for teh 4 commonly use BioBrick backbones. | |
Plasmid Insert (Insert) Insert a gene into a plasmid backbone, optionall add in the BB prefix and suffix. Index reamins at beginning of gene; the prefix is at the end of the sequence. | |
Promoter DNA (Promoters) Provides a list of the 10 most commomnly used BioBrick promoters, and outputs the DNA of the selected part. | |
Protein Coding DNA (Coding) Provides a list of the 10 most commomnly used BioBrick protein codeing sequences, and outputs the DNA of the selected part. | |
Resistance to Chloramphenicol (CamR) DNA sequence to produce Chloramphenicol resistance | |
Resistance to Kanamycine (KanR) DNA sequence to produce Kanamycine resistance | |
Resistance to Tetracycline (TetR) DNA sequence to produce Tetracycline resistance. On BioBrick plasmid backbone pSB1T3 this gene is on the primary strand. | |
Resitance to Amp (AmpR) DNA sequence to produce Ampicillin resistance | |
RFP with RBS, and Terminator (RFP RET) RBS: B0034 + RFP Reporter: E1010 + Terminators: B0010 & B0012 | |
Ribosome Binding Site DNA (RBS) Provides a list of the 10 most commomnly used BioBrick RBS, and outputs the DNA of the selected part. | |
Teminator DNA (Terminators) Provides a list of the 10 most commomnly used BioBrick terminators, and outputs the DNA of the selected part. | |
YFP with RBS, and Terminator (YFP RET) RBS: B0034 + YFP Reporter: E0030 + Terminators: B0010 & B0012 |
Complementary Strand (Comp) creates a complementary strand based in the input sequence | |
DNA Clean gets rid of anything that is not a, A,T,G, or C and capitalizes all characters | |
DNA Find (Find) Finds a sequence within a sequence and return the domain of its location. | |
Primer Design (Primer Des) to find a primer with good melt temp and GC content and avoiding bad hairpins | |
Random DNA (Ran DNA) create a ramndom string of GTAC | |
Reverse DNA (Rev) reverses the sequence of DNA | |
Reverse Subdomain (Rev Sub) reverses the position and direction of a subdomain |
E. coli Optimization (E.coli Opt) create an optimized RNA sequence for E coli to produce the input AA chain. | |
Simple Transcription (Tx) simple conversion DNA to RNA changing T to U | |
Simple Translation (Tl) converts RNA into Amino Acids | |
Transcription Promoter to Terminator (Transcription) Transcribes DNA to RNA starting just after the promoter site and ending just prior to the termitator site | |
Transcription σ Converts DNA to RNA based on -35 and -10 sites | |
Translation Translates RNA to amino acid chain with options for finding the proper reading frame |
Amino Acid Visualizer (AA Viz) Creates and displays an offset complementary strand | |
DNA Subdomain Visualizer (DNA Sub Viz) Visualizes the specified subdomain of a strand | |
DNA Complementary Strand Visualizer (DNA Comp Viz) Creates and displays an offset complementary strand | |
DNA Complementary Subdomain Visualizer (DNA Comp Sub Viz) Visualizes the specified subdomain of a created offset complementary strand | |
DNA Visualizer (DNA Viz) Visualizes the DNA in the Rhino viewport |
PDB Sort (PDB Sort) sort protein data base file | |
PDB Open make the pdb info accessible | |
PDB Plot create a visual energy plot of a pdb file | |
Protein Query Search the RCSB Protein DataBase for matching Amino Acis sequences and the address of a corresponding .pdb file. | |
Protein Ribbon visualizes the structure of a protein |
A Simple Ligation (Lig) Concatenates two DNA sequences | |
Ligate Ligate tests to see if 2 strands have matching sticky ends. Is sothey are joined together. If both ends connect, plasmid is set to true. | |
Sticky Ends (Sticky) identifies the overhanging ends of DNA. |
Enzyme List (Enzymes) A list of enzymes to choose from that passes the proper index for the Restriction Enzymes output object | |
Restriction Enzyme Digest (Digest) Cuts up DNA based on target sits of the input restriction enzyme and outputs double stranded DNA with sticky ends. | |
Restriction Enzymes Cut Locations (Restrict. Enzymes) outputs the cut locations of any major restriction enzyme. use the Enzymes List to choose the enzyme you want or enter the index if you know it already |
Analysis Step (AnalysisStep) | |
Damping This command is used to assign damping to all previously-defined elements and nodes | |
Integrator Central Difference (CD) | |
Integrator Load Control (LC) | |
Integrator Newmark (NM) | |
Natural Vibration Analysis (NV) | |
Run Analysis (RA) | |
Analysis Settings (AnalysisSettings) | |
Test |
Fiber Stress Strain (FBS) Read the stress strain in a fiber | |
Fiber Section (FiberSection) Construct a FiberSection | |
Layer Fiber Construct a LayerFiber | |
Patch Construct a Patch | |
Fiber Point Construct a FiberPoint | |
Concrete01 (Concrete) Construct a concrete material with Zero Tensile Strength (Conrete01) | |
ReinforcingSteel Construct an ReinforcingSteel | |
Steel01 Construct a Steel01 | |
MomentCurvature (MC) |
Beam Forces (BF) Read the Beam Forces | |
Brick Stresses (BS) Read the Brick Stresses | |
Modal Analysis Report (MAR) Read the Modal Analysis Report | |
Nodal Displacements (ND) Read Nodal Displacements | |
Reaction Forces (RF) Read Reaction Forces | |
Shell Forces (SF) Read the Shell Forces | |
Shell Stresses (SS) Read the Shell Stresses |
Custom code (CC) Add a custom OpenSees code | |
Deconstruct Deconstruct any object | |
Deserialise (DSLRZ) Geometry representation of an OpenSeesFile. Not all the elements have been implemented! | |
Colors (CLR) Preset of gradient colors perfect for Data Visualisation | |
MeshLoft (ML) Mesh Loft | |
MeshSeriesToBrick (MSTB) MeshSeriesToBrick | |
Serialize (SLRZ) Serialize a model and write the content to a file |
CircleCS Construct an Circle Cross Section | |
Generic Section Construct an Generic Section | |
I Section Construct an I Cross Section | |
Plate Fiber Section (PFS) Construct an Plate Fiber Section | |
RectangleCS Construct an Rectangle Cross Section | |
RectangleHollow (RectangleHollowCS) Construct an Rectangle Hollow Section Cross Section |
ASD ShellQ4 (ASDQ4/DKGT) Construct a ASDShellQ4 element or DKGT Shell | |
Force Beam Column Construct a ForceBeamColumn | |
FourNodeTetrahedron (FNT) Construct a FourNodeTetrahedron element | |
SSP Brick (SSP) Construct a SSP (Stabilized Single Point) Brick element | |
Support Construct a Support |
Constant Time Series Construct a Constant Time Series | |
Linear Time Series Construct a Linear Time Series | |
Path Time Series (PTS) Construct a Path Time Series | |
Read Time Series (RTS) Read a Path Time Series | |
Trigonometric Time Series (TTS) Construct a Trigonometric Time Series |
Linear Load (LinearLoad) Construct a LinearLoad | |
Gravity Load Construct a Gravity Load | |
Mass Point (MP) Construct a PointLoad | |
Mesh Load (MeshLoad) Construct a MeshLoad | |
Point Load Construct a PointLoad |
Benchmark Get website with Alpaca4d/OpenSees Benchmark | |
Donation Donation | |
Sponsor Sponsor | |
License License |
Elastic Isotropic Material (EIM) Construct an ElasticIsotropicMaterial | |
Elastic Orthotropic Material (EOM) Construct an ElasticOrthotropicMaterial | |
Uniaxial Material Elastic Construct an UniaxialMaterialElastic |
Deformed Model View Deformed Model View | |
Model View (ModelView) ModelView |
Rigid Diaphragm Construct a Rigid Diaphgram |
AssembleModel (Assemble Model) Assemble a Model |
Browse History (Browse) Browse recorded history from Loop End. | |
Password Set password for this loop | |
Time Buffer (Buffer) Tries to suspend thread, so the definition takes some more time to compute. |
Loop Input (LoopInput) Set inputs for Run Loop | |
Loop Output (LoopOutput) Set outputs for Run Loop | |
Run Loop (RunLoop) Runs the loop from a file. Right click to assign the .gh file. |
Loop End End the loop with this one. Double click to pause the loop. | |
Loop Start Start the loop with this one. Double click to rerun. |
Fast Loop End (FastLoopEnd) Loop End | |
Fast Loop Start (FastLoopStart) Loop Start |
Bell Term (BellTerm) Bell-shaped Term. | |
Crisp Term (CrispTerm) Crisp term. | |
Gaussian Term (GaussianTerm) Gaussian distibution term. | |
Left Edge Term (LeftEdgeTerm) Left edge term. | |
Piecewise Term (PiecewiseTerm) Piecewise term. | |
Right Edge Term (RightEdgeTerm) Right edge term. | |
Trapezoidal Term (TrapezoidalTerm) Trapezoidal term. | |
Triangular Term (TriangularTerm) Triangular term. | |
FuzzyTerm Fuzzy linguistic term. |
To Rule List (ToRuleList) Converts an AFL rule block to a list of rules. | |
Fuzzy Inference System (FuzzySystem) Fuzzy inference system. | |
Parse AFL (AFL) Read an Angora Fuzzy Language file. | |
Update Rule Weight (UpdateRuleWeight) Modify rule weight. | |
Update Rule Weights (UpdateRuleWeights) Modify rule weights. | |
FuzzyInferenceSystem (FuzzySystem) Fuzzy inference system. |
Fuzzy Methods (Methods) Fuzzy methods configuration. | |
Custom Binary Operator (CustomBinaryOp) Custom binary operator for union and intersections. | |
Custom Unary Operator (UnaryOp) Custom unary operator for complement and modifiers. | |
FuzzyBinaryOp (BinaryOp) Fuzzy binary operator. | |
FuzzyMethods (Methods) Fuzzy methods. | |
FuzzyUnaryOp (UnaryOp) Fuzzy unary operator. |
Fuzzy Input Variable (InputVar) Fuzzy Input Variable. | |
Fuzzy Output Variable (OutputVar) Fuzzy Output Variable. | |
FuzzyImputVar (FuzzyInputVar) Fuzzy linguistic input variable. | |
FuzzyOutputVar Fuzzy linguistic output variable. | |
Display Variable (DisplayVar) Display the fuzzy sets of a linguistic variable. |
Accumulate Rules (Accumulate) Accumulate all the rules for an output variable. | |
Defuzzify Defuzzify a linguistic variable | |
Fuzzify Fuzzify an output linguistic variable. |
Apply Camera (SC) Set animation camera in active viewport | |
Bake Material (BM) Bake the render material to the current rhino document | |
Camera (C) Define cameras for animation | |
Custom Material (CM) Define custom materials for animation. | |
Default Material (DM) Define default materials for animation. | |
Material From Rhino (MfR) Get the material from the current rhino document | |
Save Frames (SF) Save frames captruing rhino viewport. |
Display Assemblage (AOaDisp) Display Assemblage with a set of modes | |
Extract Handles (AOeHandles) Extract essential Handle information for an AssemblyObject | |
Remove AssemblyObjects (AORem) Removes AssemblyObjects from an Assemblage given their indexes - updating Topology | |
Associate XData (AO<>XD) Associates XData to a list of AssemblyObjects Make sure the XData matches the corresponding AssemblyObject kinds present in the list | |
Deconstruct Assemblage (AOaDecon) Deconstructs an Assemblage Tree Branch indexes are the unique indexes of objects in the assemblage | |
Display Candidates (AOaDispCand) Displays Candidate Objects at last step in the Assemblage | |
Extract AOSet (AOaSet) Extracts the set of unique AssemblyObjects kinds used in an Assemblage | |
Extract Collision Mesh (AOeCMesh) Extract the collision mesh of an AssemblyObject | |
Extract Reference Plane (AOeRPlane) Extract AssemblyObject Reference Plane | |
ExtractTopology (AOaTopo) Extract connection data from an Assemblage | |
Extract Type (AOeType) Extract the Type of an AssemblyObject |
Construct AssemblyObject (AOCon) Construct an Assembly Object from relevant data | |
ConstructHandle (HandCon) Construct a Handle | |
Construct XData (XDCon) Construct an XData instance XData can be any kind of Xtended/Xtra data (Geometry, String, Numbers, ...) associated to an AssemblyObject Type | |
Deconstruct AssemblyObject (AODecon) Deconstruct an AssemblyObject | |
Deconstruct XData (XDDecon) Deconstructs an XData item | |
DisplayHandles (HandDisp) Displays Handle Type, weight, sender and receiver planes with rotations for all Handles in the input list | |
Reset AssemblyObject (AOReset) Resets an AssemblyObject's values to default | |
Construct Composite AssemblyObject (AOComCon) Construct a composite Assembly Object | |
Deconstruct Handle (HandDecon) Deconstruct Handle | |
Transform XData (XDTran) Apply a transformation to an XData item |
Construct Field N (AFieldN) Constructs an empty Field from a Box N cells along largest Box dimension | |
Construct Sparse Field (AFieldSp) Constructs an empty Field from a sparse list of points and optional topology information | |
Color Field (AFCol) Generates Field Point colors by scalar values | |
Construct Field XYZ (AFieldXYZ) Constructs an empty Field from a Box Individual n. of cells along Box XYZ dimensions | |
Deconstruct Field (AFDecon) Deconstructs a Field | |
Exogenous Settings (ExoSet) Collects exogenous related settings | |
Populate Field (AFPop) Populates a Field with Scalar, Vector, and integer Weight values (optional) |
Heuristic Display (HeuD) Display Heuristics as visual combination of AssemblyObjects | |
Heuristics Display Ex (HeuDeX) Display Heuristics as visual combination of AssemblyObjects - extended version | |
Heuristics Settings (HeuSet) Collects Heuristics related settings | |
Heuristics Writer (HeuWri) Generates Heuristics Set for an AssemblyObjects Set | |
Weigh Heuristics (HeuWeigh) Assigns custom integer weights to the Heuristics rules |
AssemblyObjects From JSON (JSON>AO) Load a list of AssemblyObjects from a JSON file saved with brute force method | |
AssemblyObjects To JSON (AO>JSON) Save a list of AssemblyObjects to a JSON file - brute force method |
Assembler Engine (AOaEngine) Assembler Engine Where the magic happens... |
Boolean Intersect Boolean Intersect | |
Boolean Subtract Boolean Subtract | |
Boolean Union Boolean Union | |
Sum Sum | |
DivComponent (Division) Division | |
Mercury Based on hg_sdf by the demogroup MERCURY ( | |
Metaball Metaball | |
Morph Morph | |
MultComponent (Multiplication) Multiplication | |
SmoothIntersection Smooth intersection between two objects | |
SmoothSubtraction SmoothSubtraction description | |
SmoothUnion SmoothUnion | |
SmoothUnionList Smooth Union of an entire list of distance objects | |
WaveComponent (Wave) Wave |
Box Box | |
Capsule Capsule | |
Ellipsoid Ellipsoid | |
Cone Cone | |
Cylinder Cylinder | |
Sphere Sphere | |
Egg Egg | |
Ellipse 2D Ellipse 2D | |
Plane Plane | |
PlatonicSolid PlatonicSolid | |
PolygonExtrusion PolygonExtrusion | |
Spiral Spiral | |
Torus Torus |
Array Array description | |
Array Limited Array Limited | |
Blend Blend | |
Blur Blur description | |
Orient Orient from world XY plane to another plane | |
Shell Shell | |
Levelset Levelset | |
MatrixTransform MatrixTransform | |
Overlay Overlay | |
Polar Array Polar Array | |
Twist TwistComponent description |
Sine Sine | |
Lattice Lattice | |
LatticePolar LatticePolar | |
Voronoi Voronoi | |
Noise Noise description | |
Sine 3D Sine 3D | |
TPMS D (TPMS Distance Object Modifier) TPMS D | |
TPMS P (TPMS Polar) TPMS P | |
TPMS S (TPMS Spherical) TPMS S |
Contour2DValues Contour2DValues | |
EvaluatePoints EvaluatePoints description | |
Gradient Vector Gradient Vector | |
Slice2D Slice2D | |
Slice2DSimple Slice2DSimple |
Isosurface Distancefield Isosurface Distancefield | |
Isosurface Distancefunction Isosurface Distancefunction | |
Isosurface Octree Isosurface Octree | |
Dense Grid Dense Grid | |
Voxel Size Voxel Size |
Pipe This component creates a pipe of circular cross section around an input curve.If two radii are specified, the radius linearly blends from R1 to R2 along the curve. | |
Sweep Sweep description | |
Distance Wrapper Distance Wrapper |
Fastener (Fast) Creates Beaver fastener element for assembly into a Beaver connection element | |
CrossScrews Assembles a cross screws connection based on two timber frame elements and an angle | |
SemiRigidConnection Assembles the connection spacings to be used in the connection analysis | |
Axial Connection Spacings (Spacings) Assembles the connection spacings to be used in the connection analysis. It will also tell you whether the spacings satisfy the requirements. | |
Timber to Steel Connection (T2S) Assembles a timber to steel Beaver connection | |
Timber to Timber Connection (T2T) Assembles a timber to timber connection | |
Shear Connection Spacings (Spacings) Assembles the connection spacings to be used in the connection analysis |
Displamcements (Disp) Creates a displacement object for assigning it to a TimberFrame Point | |
Force Creates a force object for assigning it to a TimberFrame Point | |
TimberFramePoint (FramePoint) Definition of a single timber frame point | |
CrossSection (CS) Computes a Beaver Crossection | |
Material (BMat) Creates a Beaver Material with properties needed to ULS checks | |
TimberFrame Definition of a Timber Frame element |
CrossSectionOptimizer This component will get a TimberFramePoint and optimize its CrossSection to meet a target utilization factor using ULS verifications | |
FastenerDecompose Decomposes a fastener into its calculated properties. This is useful for checking calculated values in a connection or double-checking parameters | |
CrossSectionCapacity This component will take a TimberFramePoint and calculate its ultimate limit capacity. | |
TimberFrameView (timberFrameView) This component will calculate your model and display the results according to the selected Utype input. | |
ViewNumericResults (NumericResults) Displays numerical results on timber frame | |
VisualizeCriticalCheck (CriticalCheck) Displays the critical utilization of the timber frames based in colors |
Spacing Fastener Spacing | |
T2SCapacity (SConnection) T2SCapacity | |
T2TCapacity (SConnection) T2TCapacity | |
Cross Section (CroSec) Timber Cross Section | |
Displacement Nodal Displacement | |
ConnectionAxial (SConnection) ConnectionAxial |
KarambaToBeaver (K2B) Retrieves TimberFrames from Karamba beams | |
BeaverToKarambaMaterial (B2Kmat) Converts a Beaver Material into a Karamba Material | |
Karamba add beaver parameters (B2KBeams) Adds Beaver parameters to a Karamba Beam Element for performing ULS and SLS checks in Beaver | |
ImportCSVMaterials (ImportCSVMat) Imports a |
GetBeaverLicense (Beaver) Calls GetLicense using CloudZoo licenses | |
CombinationSettings Sets combination values in relation to combination factors |
Align Curve Start/End (AlignCrvS/E) Align curve on a line based on its start/end points. | |
Assemble Curves (AsmblCrvS/E) Assemble curves based on their start/end points. | |
Classify Curves (ClCrvS/E) Classify curves based on their start/end points. | |
Curve To Line Start/End (Crv2LnS/E) Convert curves to lines, based on their start/end points. | |
Divide Curves on Intersects (DivCCX) Divide curves on all of their intersects. | |
Flip curve toward a point (Flip2Pt) Flip a curve toward a point. | |
Star Lines (StarLn) Create an simple star and give its lines. |
WiiIn (Wii>>) Read data from wii controller | |
WiiOut (Wii<<) Send data to wii controller | |
Wii Start (Wii*) Connect to available wii controllers... |
Websocket Client Receiver (WS>>) Read data from websocket | |
Websocket Client Sender (WS<<) Send data to websocket server | |
Websocket Client Start (WS*) Start a new connection to a Websocket server. |
Http Input (HttpIn) Start create an http server, listening to an address. | |
Http Output (HttpOut) Send response to client using and close connection. |
Expire Dam (<>) Expire down stream object only if the gate is open |
Solar Calculations (SolarCals) All of the calculations to get sun properties at specific location, in a specific time. |
Biomorpher Interactive Genetic Algorithms for Grasshopper | |
BiomorpherReader Uses Biomorpher data to display paramter states |
Concavity Relative approximate concavity analysis for surface meshes | |
Viewshed Viewshed analysis for surface mesh faces. | |
CutFill Calculate cut and fill volumes from proposed and existing mehes. | |
Watershed Calculate the watershed for given points on a surface mesh. | |
Shade Shading analysis for surface mesh faces. | |
Slope Slope analysis for surface meshes. | |
Flow Flow tracing for surface mehes. | |
Elev Elevation analysis for surface meshes | |
Aspect Slope aspect analysis for surface meshes. | |
Roughness Relative roughness analysis for surface meshes |
Slope Point Calculate local slope percentage for a point on a mesh | |
Slope Path Calculate local slope percentage for points along a curve on a mesh | |
Slope Line Calculate slope percentage for the end points of curves | |
Contour Draws major and minor contours with elevation tags | |
Spot Elevation Draw elevation tags for points projected to a mesh | |
Spot Elevation Point Draw elevation tags for points | |
Spot Elevation Path Draw elevation tags for a points along a curve on a mesh | |
Spot Elevation Grid Draw elevation tags for a point grid on a mesh | |
Slope Grid Calculate local slope percentage for a point grid on a mesh | |
HP LP Calculate local high and low points on a surface mesh |
Reduce Slope Reduce mesh slopes to given limit | |
Mesh Curve Pull Edit mesh with deformations following curves, strength defined by curve elevation | |
Mesh Point Pull Edit mesh with deformations at points, strength defined by point elevation | |
Mesh Curve Edit mesh with an edge curve with a given slope | |
Mesh Flat Edit mesh with a flat region defined by a curve | |
Mesh Point Edit mesh with points and a given slope | |
Mesh Path Edit mesh with a flattened path along a given curve |
Triangulate Mesh Create a surface mesh from points and/or curves | |
Remesh Random Resample a landscape mesh with a random grid | |
Remesh Square Resample a landscape mesh with a square grid | |
Remesh Triangular Resample a landscap emesh with a triangular grid |
Section Serial Dist Cuts serial sections pependicular to a centerline curve at a given distances along curve | |
Section Serial Cuts serial sections pependicular to a centerline curve at a given interval | |
Section To XY Cuts serial sections pependicular to a centerline curve at a given interval | |
Section Profile Cuts a section along an irregular profile curve. |
Import Mesh LandXML Import mesh from a LandXML TIN surface | |
Import Mesh DEM Import mesh from a Tiff DEM file encoded in single-channel 32 bit floats |
Bison About Bison |
Adjustment Filter (Adjustment) Apply a Adjustment filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Blob Filter (Blob) Apply a Blob filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Difference Filter (Difference) Apply a Difference filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Dithering Filter (Dithering) Apply a Dithering filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Canny Edges Filter (Canny Edges) Apply an Canny Edges filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Edges Filter (Edges) Apply an Edges filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Effects Filter (Effects) Apply an Effects filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Extract Filter (Extract) Apply an Extract filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Iterate Filter (Iterate) Iteratively apply filters to a bitmap Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Smooth Filter (Smooth) Apply a Smooth filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Streak Filter (Streak) Apply a Streak filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Figure Filter (Figure) Apply a Figure filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Filtering Filter (Filtering) Apply a Filtering filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Grayscale Filter (Grayscale) Apply a Grayscale filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Levels Filter (Levels) Apply a Levels filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Sharpen Filter (Sharpen) Apply a Sharpen filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Threshold Filter (Threshold) Apply a Threshold filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Convolution Filter (Convolution) Apply Convolution Matrix filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library |
Crop Image (CropImg) Crop an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Mirror Image (MirrorImg) Mirror an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Move Image (MoveImg) Move an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Polar Image (PolarImg) Apply a Polar Transformation to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Resize Image (ResizeImg) Resize an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Rotate Image (RotateImg) Rotate an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Scale Image (ScaleImg) Scale an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Shrink Image (ShrinkImg) Shrink an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library |
Build Bitmap (BuildBmp) Build a bitmap from a width, height, and list of colors | |
Procedural Cellular (Cellular) Generate a procedural cellular image | |
Image to Bitmap (ImgToBmp) Converts a Bitmap Plus Image to a System.Drawing.Bitmap | |
Reaction Diffusion (ReactDiffuse) Applies Grey Scott reaction diffusion to an image | |
Procedural Fractal Pass (Fractal) Generate a procedural fractal pass on Cellular or Noise | |
Procedural Noise (Noise) Generate a procedural noise image |
Deconstruct Bitmap (DeBmp) Deconstruct a Bitmap into it's colors | |
Evaluate Bitmap (EvalBmp) Evaluates a bitmap by parameterized values in the x and y directions and returns the color. | |
Get Pixel (Pixel) Gets a color from a bitmap at a column and row pixel location. | |
Bitmap Properties (BmpProp) Get a bitmap's properties |
Trace Bitmap (Trace) Trace a Bitmap Built on the Potrace.cs Library | |
Bitmap Blobs (BmpBlobs) Get Blobs from a Bitmap Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Bitmap Corners (BmpCorners) Get Corners from Bitmap Figures Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Bitmap Shapes (BmpShapes) Get Shapes from a Bitmap Built on the Accord Imaging Library |
Set Layer (SetLyr) Applies a layer to an image Built on the Dynamic Image Library | |
Merge Images (MergeImgs) Merge Images into a single image. Input can be a list of Bitmaps, Images, or Images with Layers assigned Built on the Dynamic Image Library | |
Modify Layer (ModLyr) Modify a layer Built on the Dynamic Image Library | |
Transform Layers (XfrmLyr) Transform a layer Built on the Dynamic Image Library |
Open Bitmap (OpenBmp) Open an Bitmap file and return a Bitmap object | |
Save Bitmap (SaveBmp) Save an Image or Bitmap to File |
Prev Colors (PrevClr) Previews a list of Colors as swatches | |
Prev Image (PrevImg) Previews a bitmap image in canvas |
Swap 2 Channels (Swap2) Swap one bitmap channel for another one. Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Replace Channels (Replace) Replace the Channels of a Bitmap. Built on the Accord Imaging Library |
Blindfold Hide or show geometry in Rhino that is referenced into the Grasshopper document. |
Deconstruct Rectangle (Rec Info) Deconstruct Rectangle | |
Make Rec Vertical (Vertical Rec) Make Rec Vertical | |
Offset Rec By Edge (Offset Rec Edge) Offset Rec Edge Seprately To Inside | |
Offset Rec Edge in Direction Offset rec edge to arrowSize distance that is measured in certain direction | |
Point At Quadrilateral (Point At Rec) Point At Quadrilateral from XY Point | |
Point To Rec (Center To Rec) Center To Rec | |
Rec Diamond Subdivide (Diamond Panel) Subdivide arrowSize quadrilateral in Diamonds | |
Rec Move One Side (Move Rec Side) Move one side of arrowSize rec with arrowSize vector | |
Rec Remove Buttom (Remove Buttom) Rec Remove Buttom | |
Rec Remove Left (Remove Left) Rec Remove Left | |
Rec Remove Right (Remove Right) Rec Remove Right | |
Rec Remove Top (Remove Top) Rec Remove Top | |
Rec Subdivide (Subd Rec) Rec Subdivide, Also can be Quadrilateral | |
Rec Subdivide Side (Divide Side) Subdivide one side of arrowSize rec | |
Rec To Mesh (Rec Mesh) Rec Polyline To Mesh | |
Rec To Srf (Rec Srf) Rec Polyline To Srf | |
RecXYLine RecXYLine | |
Split Rec With Curve (Split Rec) Split Quadrilateral with arrowSize curve into to two recs, which means split at rec side. | |
Split Rec With Plane (Split Rec) Split Quadrilateral with arrowSize plane into to two recs, which means split at rec side. | |
TwoLinesToRec TwoLinesToRec |
Bounding Rectangle (Bounding Rec) Bounding Rectangle Like Bounding Box | |
Deconstruct Circle (Circle Data) Deconstruct Circle | |
Divide Evenly (Divide Curve) Divide Curve Evenly | |
Extend Lines (Extend) Extend And Trim To Boundary | |
Offset Cap Offset Cap | |
Offset Inner Offset Inner | |
Offset Z Offset Curve Z | |
Curve Start (Curve From) Get Curve Start Point | |
Curve End (Curve To) Get Curve End Point | |
Curve Plane Intersect (Curve Plane) Intersect curves with planes to get sorted points, same list structure with planes list | |
Curves to Region (Curves Region) Curves To Closed Planar Region | |
Divide From Mid (Divide Curve Mid) Divide curve from mid parameter | |
Divide Crv By Plane (Divide Mid) Divide curve by length and keep dividing start point align with curve - plane intersection | |
Line To Plane (Line Plane) Extend Line To Plane | |
Project Curve Loose (Project Loose) Project Curve Loose to geometries with on vector | |
Curve Direction Preview Curve Direction | |
Shrink Curve Shrink Curve if input negative value can be extend | |
Slope Line Create arrowSize slope line from two point and slope rate |
Bmp To Jpeg (To Jpeg) Bmp To Jpeg | |
Face Screen Auto rotate rhino object To face the screen | |
PanoramaView PanoramaView | |
Bake To Layer (Bake Layer) Bake To Layer | |
Select And Tag (Select Tag) Select And Tag | |
Converger (Converge Tools) Converge Linear Process | |
Find GHA Find GHA File | |
Version Version | |
Midi Keys (Midi) Connect To Midi | |
Scatter From Library (Lib Scatter) Scatter From Library 3dm File | |
ScreenSlider ScreenSlider | |
Solver Dam Set True To Pass Data | |
Clip Image Clipping arrowSize image from rhino or Drag and drop from img file | |
INTERNALISE Internalize All Reference Input Params |
Mesh Beam Extrude Mesh Beam From Curve | |
Set Floor Heights (Floor Heights) Decode Numbers List as 3.1 * 3 to arrowSize list of three 3.1 | |
Get Ramp (Ramp) Get Ramp From Curve | |
Line To Collum (Column) Line To Collum | |
Lines to Panel (Panel From LinesUse Lines to Generate Panels) Generate Panels From Lines | |
Points to Panel (Panel From Points) Use Linear Points to Generate Panels, First And Last Points are locations for rec if no rec input | |
Subdivide Surface (Paneling Srf) Paneling or Subdivide Surface | |
Paneling Polyline (Paneling Rec) Paneling Quadrilateral | |
Point To Collum (Column) Point To Collum | |
Brep To Stairs (Stairs) Stairs from brep | |
Ramp Get Ramp From Side Curves |
Distribute Array X (Dense Array X) Distribute Array in X Direction | |
Distribute Array Y (Dense Array Y) Distribute Array in Y Direction | |
Distribute Array Z (Dense Array Z) Distribute Array in Z Direction | |
EveryTwo EveryTwo | |
Fill From Source (Fill From) Random Fill A List From A Source List, Result list elements comes from source but Count same with List | |
Neg Posi (+-) Negtive & Positive | |
Remove List Ends (Cull List Ends) Remove list first and last item | |
Relative Position (XYZ Position) Relative Position | |
DispatchByProportion (Dispatch Proportion) Dispatch List Randomly By Proportion and Export Trees | |
JitterList JitterList | |
Rule Numbers (Rule) GroupBy Numbers by rules |
Bake Block Reference (Bake Block) Bake Block Reference, Input DataTree Will Become Different Groups | |
Bake Definition (Create Definition) Create Block Definition From Geometry | |
Definition From Name (Block From Name) Get Block Definition From Name | |
Definition from Block (Deconstruct Block) Get Block Definition Ifos | |
Definition To Block (Block From Definition) Create Block Reference From Definition | |
Exist Definition (Block Definition) Exist Block Definition | |
Explode Block Explode Block | |
Import Block Reference (Set Block) Import Block Reference From Rhino | |
Preview Block (Block Preview) Preview Block | |
Transform Block (Move Block) Transform Block |
AlignVertices AlignVertices | |
Extrude Mesh From Curve (Extrude Mesh) Extrude Mesh From Curve | |
LoftMesh LoftMesh | |
MeshPipe MeshPipe | |
Mesh Planar Ngons (Ngons) Mesh Planar Ngons | |
Mesh To Nurbs (ToNurbs) Mesh To Nurbs | |
Morph Mesh Morph Mesh | |
OffsetMesh (Offset Mesh) Offset Mesh | |
Tween Curve Mesh (Two Rec Mesh) Mesh From Two Polyline | |
Extrude Mesh Extrude Mesh With One Vector |
FilterByArea FilterByArea | |
FilterByContain Select Geometries Contained in arrowSize Boundary | |
FilterByLength Filter By Length | |
FilterClosed FilterClosed | |
GroupBy All Equal GroupBy Refs will be put into one branch | |
Curve Region Filter (Curve Region) Curve Region Filter | |
SelectRhinoObject SelectRhinoObject | |
Plane Filter (Filter By Plane) Plane Filter |
Box To Vertical Surfaces (Box to Recs) Box To Vertical Surfaces | |
BrepBottomTop (Top Bottom) Brep Bottom Top | |
Brep Loops (Loops) Get Brep Loops | |
BrepSide (Brep Side) Brep Side | |
Swap UV (Transpose) Transpose Swap Surface UV | |
Diamond Surface (Diamond Srf) Diamond Surface Paneling | |
Triangular Surface (Tri Srf) Paneling surface In triangle shape |
XYCPlane XYCPlane | |
XZCPlane XZCPlane | |
YZCPlane YZCPlane | |
Plane Normal Y (PlaneNY) Construct Plane from normal and Y-Axis | |
SetCPlane (SetCP) Set CPlane | |
Preview Plane (Show Plane) Preview Plane |
Cage Transform (Cage Edit) Box Cage Edit Geometries | |
Cage (Set Cage) Set Cage | |
Two Plane Transform (Plane Plane Shear) Shear Transform Based On Two Planes | |
Rec Rec Shear (Rec Shear) Rec to Rec Shear Transform |
MinimalAnchor (Minimal Anchor) Minimal Anchor form Curves | |
Minimal Surface Engine (Minimal) Calculate Minimal Surface | |
Movable Anchors Movable Anchors From Curves |
Curve Charge Curve Charge | |
Solve Strength Lines (Field Strength) Solve field strength distribution |
BB Closest Point CurveOnSurface (CP) Find the closest point on an embedded curve | |
BB Construct CurveOnSurface (CrvOnSrf) Embed a curve on a surface | |
BB Curvature CurveOnSurface (κ) Evaluate the curvature of an embedded curve at a specified parameter | |
BB Deconstruct CurveOnSurface (Deconstruct) Deconstruct an embedded curve into its components | |
BB Evaluate CurveOnSurface (BBEval) Evaluate an embedded curve at a specified parameter | |
BB Extrude CurveOnSurface (Extrude) Extrude an embedded curve in direction of its normal vector | |
BB Geodesic Curvature CurveOnSurface (κg) Evaluate the geodesic curvature of an embedded curve at a specified parameter | |
BB Geodesic Torsion CurveOnSurface (τg) Evaluate the geodesic torsion of an embedded curve at a specified parameter | |
BB Integrate CurveOnSurface (BBIntegrate) Integrate the curvature of an embedded curve over a specified domain | |
BB Normal Curvature CurveOnSurface (κn) Evaluate the normal curvature of an embedded curve at a specified parameter | |
BB CurveOnSurface (CrvOnSrf) |
BB Geodesic Torsion Path (BBτg) Follow the surface along a specified geodesic torsion | |
BB Normal Curvature Path (BBκn) Follow the surface along a specified normal curvature | |
BB Pathfinder (BBPathfinder) Find a specified path type on a surface or Brep | |
BB Principal Curvature Path (BBk) Beta! Interface might change! | |
BB Evaluate Path (BBEvalPath) Beta! Interface might change! | |
BB Curvature Field (Field) Show the direction field to a given path type |
BB Boolean (BBBool) Boolean operation between two sets of planar closed polylines | |
BB Difference (BBDiff) Difference of a set of planar closed polylines | |
BB Intersection (BBInt) Intersection of a set of planar closed polylines | |
BB Offset (BBOffset) Offset a polyline with a specified distance | |
BB Union (BBUnion) Union of a set of planar closed polylines | |
BB XOR (BBXor) XOR of a set of planar closed polylines |
BB Layer (BBLayer) Create a layer model from a mesh | |
BB Radial (BBRadial) Create a radial waffle structure from a mesh | |
BB Section (BBSection) Create a section model from a mesh | |
BB Waffle (BBWaffle) Create a waffle structure from a mesh |
BB Text (BBText) Create a single line text |
BB Principal Stress (σ) |
Box2DCircle (Box2DCir) Generate Box2D Circle from Grasshopper Circle | |
Box2DPolygon (Box2DP) Generate Box2D Polygon from Grasshopper Closed Polyline | |
Box2DRectangle (Box2DRec) Generate Box2D Rectangle from Grasshopper Rectangle |
Box2DPreview Simulate (PreviewSimulate) Box2D Simulation Solver | |
Box2DSimulate (Simulate) Box2D Simulation Solver | |
Box2DStep Simulate (StepSimulate) Solver wich advances only when input refresed. Useful for making animation. |
Convex (Conv) Test if a polygon is convex. | |
Convex Decompose (CD) Decompose concave polygon into several smaller convex polygon. Based on Convex decomposition algorithm created by Mark Bayazit ( |
Get Layer By Selection (GetLayer) Gets the currently selected layers in Rhino. | |
Find Layer By Name (FindLayerByName) Get layer information by layer name. | |
Set Layer Property (SetLayer) Set the properties of the layer. | |
Bake Block Bake block to the document with the specified attributes. | |
Transform Rhino Object (Transform RhinoObject) Transform an Rhinoobject. | |
Get Guid By Selection (GetGuid) Gets the currently selected objects in Rhino. | |
Explode Block Get information about block object. | |
Explode Dot Get information about textdot object. | |
Get Layer Objects (Layer Object) Get objects by layer name. | |
Get Layer Name (Layer Name) Get the layer name in the active document or get the layer name of the Rhino file. | |
Explode Text Get information about text object. | |
Lock Guid Lock objects by Guid. | |
Hide Guid Hide objects by Guid. | |
Delete Guid Delete objects by Guid. | |
Save Guid Save Guid.It is convenient for us to select, hide, and delete the named Guid in the future. | |
Select Guid Select objects by Guid. | |
Object Type Filters (filters) This component is ObjectTypeFilters. |
Curve Deviation (CrvDeviation) Computes the distances between two arbitrary curves that overlap. | |
Curve To Poly Line (CurveToPolyLine) Fit curve to polyline within specified tolerance. | |
Curve Offset Direction Shows the offset direction of the curve. | |
Is Clockwise (IsClockwise) Test whether the direction of the curve is clockwise.Only works with simple (no self intersections). | |
Offset on Srf Offset a curve on a surface with a specified distance. | |
Offset Curve Offset a curve with a specified distance. | |
Poly Line Curve Angle (Angle) Get the angle of a polyline. | |
Curve Min Bounding Box (Curve MinBoundingBox) Get the minimum bounding rectangle of the planar curve. | |
Extend Crv On Srf (ExtendCrvOnSrf) Extends a curve on a surface. | |
Fillet Corners (Fillet) Fillet the sharp corners of a curve. | |
Split Curves Split a intersecting curves into curve segments. | |
Line Create a line between two points.(You can create line on both sides) | |
Polygon Create a circumscribed polygon with optional round edges. | |
Line SDL (Line) Create a line segment defined by location point, tangent,start length and end length. |
Boolean Split (BooleanSplit) Boolean split a brep . | |
Offset Brep (OffsetBrep) Offsets a Brep. | |
Offset Normal To Surface (OffsetNormalToSurface) Offset the curve in the direction of the surface normal. | |
Shrink Trimmed Srf To Edge (ShrinkSrf) Shrinks the trimmed surface to the trimming boundaries. | |
Extract Render Mesh (ExtractRenderMesh) Copies the render mesh to create a separate mesh object. | |
Surface Extrusion Create extrusion by extruding a planar surface. | |
Surface Type (SurfaceType) Tests a surface to see if it is planar surface、single curved surface, double curved surface to a givens tolerance. | |
Box Extrusion Gets an extrusion from a box. | |
Curve Extrusion Create extrusion by extruding a planar curve. | |
Cylinder Extrusion (Cylinder) Create a cylinder. | |
Tube Extrusion (Tube) Create a tube. |
Get Rhino Object Grips (GetRhinoObjectGrips) Get the control points of the object(For example:Light). | |
Aligned Dimension Object (AlignDim Object) Create a distance annotation object between two points. | |
Explode Clipping Plane (Explode ClippingPlane) Get information about clipping plane. | |
Move Clipping Plane (Move ClippingPlane) Transform an ClippingPlane. | |
Text Object (TextObject) Create text object. | |
Add Geometrys (AddGeometrys) Plant a Vray proxy tree (Multiple tree species). | |
Add Geometry (AddGeometry) Plant a Vray proxy tree (a tree species). | |
Geometry Location Find location point of the geometry. |
Find Components By Name (FindComponents By Name) Get components by name. | |
Set Components Property (SetComponentsProperty) Set the properties of the components. | |
Find Components By Selection (FindComponents) Gets the currently selected components in Grasshopper. | |
Delete Dup Geometry (DeleteDupGeometry) Remove duplicate geometrys. | |
Bifocals Plus (BifocalsPlus) Enhancements to the Bifocals plugin. | |
Component Info Get information about a selected components. | |
Delete Dup Curve (DeleteDupCurve) Remove duplicate curves. | |
Delete Dup Data (DeleteDupData) Remove duplicate data. |
Set Pt XYZ (SetPt XYZ) Change the XYZ coordinates of a point. | |
Is Parallel (IsParallel) Determines whether this vector is parallel to another vector, within a provided tolerance. | |
Vector Angle Compute the angle from vector1(v1) to vector(v2). | |
Populate 2C (Populate_2C) Populate a two planar curve region with points . | |
Sort Point List (SortPoints) Sort points along a "reasonable polyline". |
Pick Chinese Select Chinese characters in the string. | |
Pick English Select English characters in the string. | |
Pick Number Select the number in the string. | |
Is Number Check whether a string is a number. |
List Statistics Get some statistics regarding a data list. | |
Random Partition List (Partition List) According to the ratio random partition a list into sub-lists. | |
Random Int (Random_Int) Generate a list of pseudo random integers or doubles. | |
List Slice Use list slice to get a part of the list.Same as python list slice [start:end:step]. |
Camera Plane Get the working plane facing the camera. | |
Geometry Face To Camera (GeometryFaceToCamera) Rhino objects follow the camera rotation. | |
Text Tag Camera Draw the text tag on the camera plane. |
Insert Point (ggIP) Generate Insertion Point | |
Fractional To Double (ggFtD) FractionalToDoubler | |
Objects By Color (ggOBC) List of Guid of objects by Color | |
Create Block (ggCB) Create Block definition in the Rhino Document | |
Break Down Blocks (ggBB) Break Blocks down to base geometry and layer names | |
Break Blocks Flat (ggBBF) Break Blocks down to base geometry and layer names | |
Create Tree From Lists (ggTFL) Create Tree from two Lists | |
Dynamic Path Mapper (ggDPM) Dynamic Path Mapper | |
CC (ggCC) Test | |
Conv Curve (ggCC) Convert Curve to polycurve consisting of lines and arcs | |
Polyline To Poly Curve (ggPl2Pc) Convert Polyline to polycurve consisting of lines and arcs | |
Simplify Polyline (ggSPl) Simplify Polyline by merging co-linear segments | |
Poly Curve (ggPC) Interpolate Poly Curve | |
Geo Dome (ggGD) Geodesic Dome | |
Geo Dome Type (ggGDT) Geodesic Polyhedron Type: 0 - ICOSAHEDRON, 1 - OCTAHEDRON, 2 - TETRAHEDRON | |
Cell Fillet (ggCF) Fillets a cell polygon | |
Network To Mesh (ggCNM) Convert a curve network to Mesh | |
Network Patch (ggCNP) Create a curve network patch | |
Network Polygons (ggCNP) Polygon from Curve network | |
Network Fillet (ggCNF) Fillets a curve network | |
Truss Type (ggTT) Truss Type: 0 - PRATT, 1 - WARREN, 2 - VIERENDEEL, 3 - BROWN, 4 - HOWE | |
Truss From Curves (ggTC) Divide and Connect curves, Truss Style | |
Truss From Curves Length (ggTCL) Divide and Connect curves by length, Truss Style | |
Connect Points (ggCP) Dot to Dot, Truss Style | |
Connect Point Sets (ggCPS) Dot to Dot in Sets of points | |
Lines To Segments (ggLTS) Split list of lines into colinear segments | |
Remove Duplicates (ggRD) Make set of curves without duplicates | |
Curves Split Intersect (ggCS) Split curves at Intersection Locations | |
Mesh False Color (ggMFC) False Color applied to Mesh | |
Inflate Surface (ggInflateSrf) Inflate Surface | |
Inflate Mesh (ggInflate) Inflate Mesh | |
Inflate Mesh Target Height (ggInflateToHeight) Inflate Mesh to Target Height | |
Inflate Params (ggIP) Inflate Params | |
Force Density Relax Params (ggFDRP) Force Density Mesh Relaxation Params | |
Force Density Relax (ggFDR) Force Density Mesh Relaxation | |
Curve Network Force Density (ggCNFD) Force Density application to Curve Network | |
Mesh Srf (ggMS) Mesh Surface | |
Mesh Paths (ggMP) Mesh Paths along face edges | |
Curve Network Force Eq Length (ggCNEqL) Force Density application to Curve Network to achieve equal length | |
Mesh Repel Verts (ggMRV) Force Density Mesh Vertex Repelling | |
Mesh Resize (ggMR) Resize Mesh | |
Mesh To Brep (ggMTB) Convert Mesh to Brep | |
Oc Tree (ggOT) Geometry Gym OcTree | |
Proximity Points (ggPP) Geometry Gym Proximity Points | |
Vector Streams (ggVS) Geometry Gym Vector Streams, work in progress, do not rely on results as may change in future revisions | |
Identify Voids (ggV) Identify Voids from a Brep | |
Poly Hedron Type (ggPHT) Polyhedron Type: 0-Cube, 1-Cuboctahedron, 2-DiPyramid, 3-Dodecahedron, 4-Tetrahedron, 5-Tetrakaidecahedron, 6-TruncatedCube, 7-TruncatedTetrahedron, 8-TruncatedOctahedron, 9-TruncatedCuboctahedron | |
Polyhedron (ggPH) Generate Polyhedron | |
Tessellation Type (ggTT) Tessellation Type: 0-WeairePhelan, 1-BitruncatedCubic, 2-CantitruncatedCubic,3-CantitruncatedAltCubic,4-TruncatedAlternatedCubic | |
Tessellation Arrange (ggTA) Tessellation Arrangement: 0-BoundingBox, 1-Intersect, 2-Enclosing | |
Tessellation Nature (ggTN) Tessellation Nature: 0-AllFaces, 1-SingleFaces, 2-WireFrame | |
Tessellation (ggT) Generate Tessellation | |
Unroll (ggU) Unroll Surface |
Create Section Prop (ggSP) Create Structural Section Property | |
Search Profile (ggSP) Search Catalog for Profile | |
Sweep Profile (ggSweep) Sweeps Profile on Curve | |
Profile On Curve (ggPOC) Orients Profile on Curve | |
Profile I (ggIB) Generates an I (Universal Beam) Profile | |
Profile Asymmetric I (ggAI) Generates an Asymmetric I Profile | |
Profile Angle (ggAng) Generates an Angle Profile | |
Profile Channel (ggU) Generates an Channel (U) Profile | |
Profile C (ggC) Generates an Circular Section Profile | |
Profile CHS (ggCHS) Generates an Circular Hollow Section Profile (Solid if no Thickness) | |
Profile Rect (ggRect) Generates a Rectangular | |
Profile RHS (ggRHS) Generates a Rectangular or Square Hollow Section Profile (solid if no thickness) | |
Catalogue Profile (ggCP) Select Catalogue profile |
Objects By Layer Name (ggOBL) List of Guid of objects by Layer Name, recompute definition to refresh |
Refinement Region Butterfly refinement range. - | |
Create Case from Geometries Create an OpenFOAM Case from geometries. - | |
Wind Tunnel Parameters Wind tunnel parameters. - | |
Update block Mesh Dict Update blockMeshDict. - | |
Create Case from Tunnel Create Case from wind tunnel. - | |
Meshing Parameters Set meshing parameters for blockMesh and snappyHexMesh. | |
Location Refinement Mode Inside/Ouside region refinement. - | |
Butterfly This component downloads butterfly library from github to: C:sersUSERNAME%ppDataoamingcNeelhinoceros.0criptsutterfly - | |
Create Butterfly Geometry Create Butterfly surface. - | |
Distance Refinement Mode Distance refinement. - | |
Make2d Parameters Make a case 2d. | |
Create Case from Folder Create an OpenFOAM Case from an existing case in a local folder. - | |
Wind Vector Wind vector. - |
Segment Grading Segment Grading. Use this component to create a grading for a segment of the block based on ratio or length. - | |
Load Points Load points from the case for preview. - | |
chek Mesh Chek the metrics about the mesh. - | |
Grading XYZ Grading XYZ Create a grading for different XYZ. - | |
wind Tunnel Grading Windtunnel auto grading This component generates gradingXYZ for an outdoor study (wind tunnel). - | |
snappy Hex Mesh Dict Set parameters for snappyHexMeshDict. Read more about snappyHexMeshDict here: | |
Multi Grading MultiGrading Create a grading for multiple segment_gradings. - | |
snappy Hex Mesh snappyHexMesh - | |
Load Mesh Load mesh from the case for preview. - | |
block Mesh blockMesh - |
decompose Par Dict simple Simple decomposeParDict. Dictionary for parallel runs. - | |
Get Geometry Update fvSchemes values based on mesh orthogonalities. - | |
div Schemes library Generate fvSchemes based on mesh non-orthogonalities. - | |
Fv Schemes from Non-orthogonality Generate fvSchemes based on mesh non-orthogonalities. - | |
decompose Par Dict scotch Scotch decomposeParDict. Dictionary for parallel runs. - | |
Look Up Case Folder Look Up Case Folder. - | |
purge Case Purge case folder. - |
epsilon Wall Function Epsilon Wall Function boundary condition. - | |
kq RWall Function kqR Wall Function boundary condition. - | |
nutk Wall Function nutk Wall Function boundary condition. - | |
fixed Value Fixed value boundary condition. - | |
zero Gradient Zero gradient boundary condition. - | |
calculated calculated boundary condition. - |
Solution Run recipes using OpenFOAM. - | |
Solution Parameter Solution Parameter. | |
control Dict Set parameters for runDict | |
Function Object Function Object. | |
probes Create Butterfly probes | |
Solution Parameters Solution Parameters. |
Outlet Boundary Create an outlet boundary with uniform pressure value. - | |
Wall Boundary Create a wall boundary. - | |
Boundary Create a custom boundary. - | |
Inlet Flow-Rate Boundary Create an inlet boundary with flow rate in m3/s. - | |
Inlet Boundary Create an inlet boundary with uniform velocity value. - |
Load Probes Load probes from a folder. - | |
Load Probes Value Load results for a field in probes. - | |
Sample Case Sample the results for a case. Use this component yo load the results for a case that you have ran already. - | |
Plot Residuals Load residual values for a case. - | |
Load Skipped Probes Load results for a field in probes. - |
residual Control Set residual control convergance values. | |
Steady Incompressible Recipe Steady Incompressible Recipe. - | |
relaxtion Factors Set relaxtionFactors values | |
Heat Transfer Recipe Heat Transfer Recipe. - |
Laminar Turbulence Model Laminar turbulence modelling. Read more: Watch this: | |
RAS Turbulence Model Reynolds-averaged simulation (RAS) turbulence model. Read more: Watch this: | |
LES Turbulence Model Large eddy simulation (LES) modelling. Read more: Watch this: |
Extract Buildings (Buildings) Load and parse node (e.g. point) data from an OSM file based on its metadata | |
Extract Nodes (Nodes) Load and parse node (e.g. point) data from an OSM file based on its metadata | |
Extract Ways (Ways) Load and parse way (e.g. polyline) data from an OSM file based on its metadata |
Specify Features (OSM Specify) Provides a graphical interface to specify a list of OSM features that the Extract components will then find. | |
Filter Tags (OSM Filter) Provides a graphical interface of OSM features to filter the results of an Extract component based on common tags. |
About Caribou (AB) Displays information about this plugin, including documentation sources and current/latest versions. |
Carve Perform boolean operations on two meshes using the Carve library. |
Angular Unit Conversion (Angles) Scales a Angle value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Energy Conversion (Energy) Scales a Energy value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Force Conversion (Forces) Scales a Force value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Mass Conversion (Masses) Scales a Mass value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Pressure Conversion (Pressures) Scales a Pressure value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Speed Conversion (Speeds) Scales a Speed value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Temperature Conversion (Temperatures) Scales a Temperature value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Time Conversion (Times) Scales a Time value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Area Conversion (Areas) Scales a Area value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Length Conversion (Length) Scales a Length value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Volume Units Conversion (Volumes) Scales a Volume value from a source unit to a target unit |
Shimizu-Morioka System Shimizu-Morioka System | |
Chen-Lee System Chen-Lee System | |
Moore-Spiegel System Moore-Spiegel System | |
Hadley System Hadley System | |
Finance System Finance System | |
Newton-Leipnik System Newton-Leipnik System | |
Rikitake System (Rikitake Systemt) Rikitake System | |
Zhou-Chen System Zhou-Chen System | |
Burke-Shaw System Burke-Shaw System | |
Coupled Lorenz System Coupled Lorenz System | |
Rucklide System Rucklide System | |
Sprott C System Sprott C System | |
Bouali System 3 Bouali System 3 | |
Hindmarsh-Rose System Hindmarsh-Rose System | |
Sakarya System Sakarya System | |
Rabinovich-Fabrikant System Rabinovich-Fabrikant System | |
Bouali System 2 Bouali System 2 | |
Thomas Cyclically Symmetric System Thomas Cyclically Symmetric System | |
Qi-Chen System Qi-Chen System | |
Chen System Chen System | |
Dadras-Momeni System Dadras-Momeni System | |
Rayleigh-Benard System Rayleigh-Benard System | |
Nose-Hoover System Nose-Hoover System | |
Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System (TSUCS 2) (TSUCS 2) Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System (TSUCS 2) | |
Aguirre-Letellier System Aguirre-Letellier System | |
Xing-Yun System Xing-Yun System | |
Yu-Wang System Yu-Wang System | |
Bouali System 1 Bouali System 1 | |
Willamowski-Rossler System Willamowski-Rossler System | |
Rossler System Rossler System | |
3-Cells CNN System 3-Cells CNN System | |
Halvorsen System Halvorsen System | |
Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System (TSUCS 1) (TSCUS 1) Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System (TSUCS 1) | |
Elhadj-Sprott System Elhadj-Sprott System | |
Lorenz System Lorenz System |
Mira Map Mira Map | |
Tinkerbell Map Tinkerbell Map | |
Peter de Jong Map Peter de Jong Map | |
Duffing Oscillator Duffing Oscillator | |
Ikeda Map Ikeda Map | |
Elhadj-Sprott A Map Elhadj-Sprott A Map | |
MacMillan Map MacMillan Map | |
Ueda Oscillator Ueda Oscillator | |
Henon Map Henon Map | |
Gingerbread Map Gingerbread Map | |
Hopalong Map Hopalong Map | |
Folded-Towel Map Folded-Towel Map | |
Multifold Henon Map Multifold Henon Map | |
Gumowski-Mira Map Gumowski-Mira Map | |
Cubic Henon Map Cubic Henon Map |
Barnsley Fern Barnsley Fern | |
Sierpinski Carpet Sierpinski Carpet (IFS) | |
Tree (IFS) Tree (IFS) | |
Sierpinski Triangle Sierpinski Triangle (IFS) | |
Maple Leaf (IFS) Maple Leaf (IFS) | |
Swirl (IFS) Swirl (IFS) | |
Harter-Heighway Dragon Harter-Heighway Dragon | |
Dragon (IFS) Dragon (IFS) | |
Levy C Curve Levy C Curve |
4D Mathieu van der Pol System 4D Mathieu van der Pol System | |
4D Jha System 4D Jha System | |
Matsumoto-Chua-Kobayashi System (MCK) Matsumoto-Chua-Kobayshi System (MCK) | |
4D Sprott C System 4D Sprott C System | |
4D Rossler System 4D Rossler System | |
4D Bouali System B 4D Bouali System B | |
4D Qi System 4D Qi System | |
4D Bouali System A 4D Bouali System A |
Mandelbrot Set Mandelbrot Set | |
Julia Set Julia Set | |
Burning Ship Burning Ship |
Brep Charge Metaball charge from Brep | |
Cocoon Wrap geometry with marching cubes | |
Curve Charge Metaball charge from curve | |
Curve Group Charge (Group Charge) Metaball charge for group of curves | |
Point Charge Metaball point charge | |
Refine Refine the output from cocoon |
Colibri Aggregator (CA) Aggregates design data, images & Spectacles models into a data.csv file (and corresponding data set that data.csv links to) that can be uploaded to Thread. | |
Colibri Outputs (Colibri Out) Collects design parameters (us engineer types would call these 'performance metrics') to chart in Design Explorer | |
Colibri Image Setting (Set Img) Set the parameters for view captures from each iteration. You can specify which viewport[s] to capture, and the resolution of the image. | |
Colibri Inputs (Iterator) (Colibri In) Iterates through all possible combinations of input sliders, panels, or valueLists. | |
Colibri Iteration Subdomain (Sub Domain) Sets an iteration sub selection for the Colibri Inputs Iterator | |
Colibri Geometry Preview (Material Prev) Lets you preview geometry like the standard Custom Preview component but with a geometry output that is updated when the preview is completed. | |
Colibri Lineweights Preview (Line Prev) Lets you preview curves with Lineweights but with a geometry output that is updated when the preview is completed. |
Color Palettes (Palette) Get a list of colors from premade palettes from Windows, common web standards, and industry color sets. | |
Colour Name (Named Clr) Select a Color from existing palettes by name or index | |
Average Colors (AvgClr) Find the average color when a list of values is summed and divided by the total count. | |
Color Sets (ClrSets) Generate a color palette from a varity of color theory based groupings including Complimentary, Triad, Tetradic, and many more. | |
Construct Gradient (ConstGrad) Parametrically construct a gradient. | |
Invert Color (Invert) Invert a color | |
Tween Colors (TweenClr) Get a tweened color between a two colors | |
Colour Ole (Ole) Get a color from its Ole integer | |
To Hex (ToHex) Gets the Hex value of a color | |
To Ole (ToOle) Gets the Ole integer of a color |
Preview Colors (PrevClr) Previews a list of Colors as swatches | |
Itemize Colors (ClrItems) Itemize a list of colors |