Gradient Represents a multiple colour gradient | |
Read File (File) Read the contents of a file | |
Boolean Toggle (Toggle) Boolean (true/false) toggle | |
Button Button object with two values | |
Colour Picker (Colour) Provides a colour picker object | |
Colour Swatch (Swatch) Colour (palette) swatch | |
Colour Wheel (Wheel) Creates a palette of related colours | |
Control Knob (Knob) A radial dial knob for settings numbers | |
Digit Scroller Numeric scroller for single numbers | |
Graph Mapper (Graph) Represents a numeric mapping function | |
Image Sampler (Image) Provides image (bitmap) sampling routines. | |
MD Slider A multidimensional slider | |
Number Slider Numeric slider for single values | |
Panel A panel for custom notes and text values | |
Value List (List) Provides a list of preset values to choose from | |
Import Coordinates (Coords) Import point coordinates from generic text files. | |
Import SHP (SHP) Import data from GIS *.shp files. | |
Import PDB (PDB) Import data from Protein Data Bank *.pdb files. | |
Atom Data (Atom) Get detailed information for an atom | |
Object Details (ObjDet) Retrieve some details about referenced Rhino objects. | |
Import 3DM (3DM) Import geometry into a RhinoDoc | |
Import Image (IMG) Import image data from bmp, jpg or png files. | |
Clock Represents a 24 hour clock | |
Calendar Represents a calendar |
Cluster Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Data Dam (Dam) Delay data on its way through the document | |
Data Recorder (Rec) Records data over time | |
Cherry Picker (Item) Pick a single item from a data tree | |
Param Viewer (Viewer) A viewer for data structures. | |
Relay A wire relay object | |
Suirify Suire-style simplification of data trees. | |
Context Bake Geometry for baking at the end of the GrasshopperPlayer command. | |
Context Print Textual data to print at the end of the GrasshopperPlayer command. | |
Fitness Landscape (LScape) Display a 2.5D fitness landscape | |
Gene Pool (Genes) Contains a collection of genes (i.e. variables) | |
Data Output (Output) Write a bunch of data to a file. | |
Data Input (Input) Read a bunch of data from a file. | |
Variant (Var) An expression variant | |
Expression (Exp) A textual expression |
Field Contains a collection of vector fields | |
Group (Grp) Contains a collection of geometric groups | |
Geometry Pipeline (Pipeline) Defines a geometry pipeline from Rhino to Grasshopper | |
Geometry Cache Bake or Load geometry to and from the Rhino document | |
Atom Contains a collection of atoms | |
Mesh Point (MPoint) Contains a collection of mesh points |
Text Tag 3D (Tag) Represents a list of 3D text tags in a Rhino viewport | |
Text Tag (Tag) Represents a list of text tags in a Rhino viewport | |
Pattern Hatch (PHatch) Create a patterned hatch | |
Gradient Hatch (GHatch) Create a gradient hatch | |
Marker Dimension (MarkDim) Create a text annotation at a point | |
Line Dimension (LineDim) Create a distance annotation along a line. | |
Aligned Dimension (AlignDim) Create a distance annotation between two points | |
Linear Dimension (LinearDim) Create a distance annotation between points, projected to a line. | |
Serial Dimension (SerialDim) Create a distance annotation between multiple points, projected to a line. | |
Angular Dimension (AngleDim) Create an angle annotation between points. | |
Circular Dimension (CircleDim) Create an angle annotation projected to a circle. | |
Arc Dimension (ArcDim) Create an angle annotation based on an arc. | |
Angular Dimensions (Mesh) (AngleDimMesh) Create angle annotations for all mesh corners. | |
Make2D Parallel View (M2D Parallel) Define a parallel view for a Make2D solution | |
Make2D Perspective View (M2D Perspective) Define a perspective view for a Make2D solution | |
Make2D Rhino View (M2D Rhino) Import a Rhino view for a Make2D solution | |
Make2D Create a hidden line drawing from geometry |
Colour RGB (RGB) Create a colour from {RGB} channels. | |
Colour RGB (f) (fRGB) Create a colour from floating point {RGB} channels. | |
Colour HSL (HSL) Create a colour from floating point {HSL} channels. | |
Colour HSV (HSV) Create a colour from floating point {HSV} channels. | |
Colour XYZ (XYZ) Create a colour from floating point {XYZ} channels (CIE 1931 spec). | |
Colour CMYK (CMYK) Create a colour from floating point {CMYK} channels. | |
Colour L*ab (L*AB) Create a colour from floating point {CIE L*ab} channels. | |
Colour LCH (LCH) Create a colour from floating point {CIE LCH} channels. | |
Split ARGB (ARGB) Split a colour into floating point {ARGB} channels. | |
Split AHSV (AHSV) Split a colour into floating point {AHSV} channels | |
Split AHSL (AHSL) Split a colour into floating point {AHSL} channels |
Custom Preview (Preview) Allows for customized geometry previews | |
Symbol (Simple) (SymSim) Simple symbol display properties | |
Symbol (Advanced) (SymAdv) Advanced symbol display properties | |
Symbol Display (Symbol) Display symbols | |
Custom Curve Preview (Curve Preview) Custom Curve Preview | |
Create Material (Material) Create an OpenGL material. | |
Deconstruct Material (DMaterial) Deconstruct a display material (ie. shader) into its various attributes | |
Cloud Display (Cloud) Draw a collection of points as a fuzzy cloud | |
Dot Display (Dots) Draw a collection of coloured dots |
Legend Display a legend consisting of Tags and Colours | |
Bar Graph Bar graph representation of a set of numbers | |
Pie Chart (Pie) Displays a set of text fragments as a pie chart | |
Quick Graph (Graph) Display a set of y-values as a graph | |
Value Tracker (Tracker) Track a collection of numeric values over time |
Point List (Points) Displays the indices in lists of points | |
Point Order (Order) Displays the order of a list of points | |
Vector Display (VDis) Preview vectors in the viewport | |
Vector Display Ex (VDisEx) Preview vectors in the viewport |
Curvature Graph (CrvGraph) Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs. | |
Length (Len) Measure the length of a curve. | |
Length Domain (LenD) Measure the length of a curve subdomain. | |
Length Parameter (LenP) Measure the length of a curve to and from a parameter. | |
Curve Domain (CrvDom) Measure and set the curve domain | |
Segment Lengths (LenSeg) Finds the shortest and longest segments of a curve. | |
Planar Test a curve for planarity. | |
Closed (Cls) Test if a curve is closed or periodic. | |
End Points (End) Extract the end points of a curve. | |
Deconstruct Arc (DArc) Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. | |
Deconstuct Rectangle (DRec) Retrieve the base plane and side intervals of a rectangle. | |
Polygon Center (PCen) Find the center point (average) for a polyline. | |
Control Points (CP) Extract the nurbs control points and knots of a curve. | |
Control Polygon (CPoly) Extract the nurbs control polygon of a curve. | |
Discontinuity (Disc) Find all discontinuities along a curve. | |
Evaluate Curve (Eval) Evaluate a curve at the specified parameter. | |
Evaluate Length (Eval) Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. | |
Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Torsion Evaluate the torsion of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Derivatives (CDiv) Evaluate the derivatives of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Curve Closest Point (Crv CP) Find the closest point on a curve. | |
Curve Proximity (CrvProx) Find the pair of closest points between two curves. | |
Curve Nearest Object (CrvNear) Find the object nearest to a curve. | |
Point In Curve (InCurve) Test a point for closed curve containment. | |
Point in Curves (InCurves) Test a point for multiple closed curve containment. | |
Extremes (X-tremez) Find the extremes (highest and lowest points) on a curve. | |
Curve Side (Side) Find on which side of a curve a point exists | |
Curve Middle (MidPt) Get the point in the middle of a curve | |
Point On Curve (CurvePoint) Evaluates a curve at a specific location | |
Curve Frame (Frame) Get the curvature frame of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Horizontal Frame (HFrame) Get a horizontally aligned frame along a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Perp Frame (PFrame) Solve the perpendicular (zero-twisting) frame at a specified curve parameter. |
Circle (Cir) Create a circle defined by base plane and radius. | |
Circle CNR (Circle) Create a circle defined by center, normal and radius. | |
Circle 3Pt (Circle) Create a circle defined by three points. | |
InCircle Create the incircle of a triangle. | |
Circle Fit (FCircle) Fit a circle to a collection of points. | |
Circle TanTan (CircleTT) Create a circle tangent to two curves. | |
Circle TanTanTan (CircleTTT) Create a circle tangent to three curves. | |
Ellipse Create an ellipse defined by base plane and two radii. | |
InEllipse Create the inscribed ellipse (Steiner ellipse) of a triangle. | |
Arc Create an arc defined by base plane, radius and angle domain. | |
Modified Arc (ModArc) Create an arc based on another arc. | |
Arc 3Pt (Arc) Create an arc through three points. | |
Arc SED (Arc) Create an arc defined by start point, end point and a tangent vector. | |
BiArc Create a bi-arc based on endpoints and tangents. | |
Tangent Arcs (TArc) Create tangent arcs between circles | |
Tangent Lines (Tan) Create tangent lines between a point and a circle | |
Tangent Lines (Ex) (TanEx) Create external tangent lines between circles | |
Tangent Lines (In) (TanIn) Create internal tangent lines between circles | |
Line (Ln) Create a line between two points. | |
Line SDL (Line) Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} | |
Line 4Pt (Ln4Pt) Create a line from four points. | |
Line 2Plane (Ln2Pl) Create a line between two planes. | |
Fit Line (FLine) Fit a line to a collection of points. | |
Rectangle Create a rectangle on a plane | |
Rectangle 3Pt (Rec 3Pt) Create a rectangle from three points | |
Rectangle 2Pt (Rec 2Pt) Create a rectangle from a base plane and two points | |
TwoByFourJam (2x4 Jam) Jam a two-by-four into a crooked room | |
Polygon Create a polygon with optional round edges. | |
Polygon Edge (PolEdge) Create a polygon from a single edge. |
Interpolate (IntCrv) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. | |
Interpolate (t) (IntCrv(t)) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points with tangents. | |
Tangent Curve (TanCurve) Create a curve through a set of points with tangents. | |
Nurbs Curve (Nurbs) Construct a nurbs curve from control points. | |
Kinky Curve (KinkCrv) Construct an interpolated curve through a set of points with a kink angle threshold. | |
Bezier Span (BzSpan) Construct a bezier span from endpoints and tangents. | |
Curve On Surface (CrvSrf) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points on a surface. | |
Iso Curve (Iso) Construct {uv} isocurves on a surface. | |
Geodesic Construct a surface geodesic between two points. | |
Sub Curve (SubCrv) Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. | |
Knot Vector (Knots) Construct a nurbs curve knot vector. | |
Nurbs Curve PWK (NurbCrv) Construct a nurbs curve from control points, weights and knots. | |
Catenary (Cat) Create a catenary chain between two points. | |
Catenary Ex (CatEx) Create a variable catenary chain between two points. | |
Blend Curve (BlendC) Create a blend curve between two curves. | |
Blend Curve Pt (BlendCPt) Create a blend curve between two curves that intersects a point. | |
Connect Curves (Connect) Connect a sequence of curves. | |
Tween Curve (TweenCrv) Tween between two curves. | |
PolyLine (PLine) Create a polyline connecting a number of points. | |
PolyArc (PArc) Create a polycurve consisting of arc and line segments. |
Offset Curve (Offset) Offset a curve with a specified distance. | |
Offset Curve Loose (Offset (L)) Offset the control-points of a curve with a specified distance. | |
Offset Loose 3D (Offset (3D)) Offset the control-points of a curve with a specified distance in 3D. | |
Offset on Srf (OffsetS) Offset a curve on a surface with a specified distance. | |
Flip Curve (Flip) Flip a curve using an optional guide curve. | |
Seam Adjust the seam of a closed curve. | |
Join Curves (Join) Join as many curves as possible | |
Rebuild Curve (ReB) Rebuild a curve with a specific number of control-points. | |
Fit Curve (Fit) Fit a curve along another curve. | |
Extend Curve (Ext) Extend a curve by a specified distance. | |
Simplify Curve (Simplify) Simplify a curve. | |
Curve To Polyline (ToPoly) Convert a curve to a polyline. | |
Project Project a curve onto a Brep. | |
Pull Curve (Pull) Pull a curve onto a surface. | |
Polyline Collapse (PCol) Collapse short segments in a polyline curve. | |
Reduce (RedPLine) Reduce a polyline by removing least significant vertices. | |
Smooth Polyline (SmoothPLine) Smooth the vertices of a polyline curve. | |
Fillet Fillet a curve at a parameter. | |
Fillet Distance (Fillet) Fillet the sharp corners of a curve by distance. | |
Explode Explode a curve into smaller segments. |
Shatter Shatter a curve into segments. | |
Dash Pattern (Dash) Convert a curve to a dash pattern. | |
Curve Contour (Contour) Create a set of Curve contours | |
Contour (ex) (Contour) Create a set of Curve contours | |
Divide Curve (Divide) Divide a curve into equal length segments | |
Divide Length (DivLength) Divide a curve into segments with a preset length | |
Divide Distance (DivDist) Divide a curve with a preset distance between points | |
Curve Frames (Frames) Generate a number of equally spaced curve frames. | |
Horizontal Frames (HFrames) Generate a number of equally spaced, horizontally aligned curve frames. | |
Perp Frames (PFrames) Generate a number of equally spaced, perpendicular frames along a curve. |
Occlusion (Occ) Solve occlusion for a collection of view rays and obstructions. | |
Exposure Solve mesh exposure for a collection of energy rays and obstructions. | |
Mesh Shadow (MShadow) Compute the shadow outline for a mesh object | |
Mesh Join (MJoin) Join a set of meshes into a single mesh | |
Disjoint Mesh (Disjoint) Split a mesh into disjoint pieces. | |
Mesh Split Plane (MSplit) Split a mesh with an infinite plane. | |
Align Vertices (AlignVert) Align nearby vertices in a mesh | |
Weld Mesh (Weld) Weld (merge) creases in a mesh | |
Unweld Mesh (Unweld) Unweld (split) creases in a mesh | |
Flip Mesh (FlipM) Flip the normal vectors of a mesh | |
Unify Mesh (UniM) Unify the normals of a mesh | |
Blur Mesh (MBlur) Blur the colours on a mesh | |
Settings (Speed) (Jagged) Represents 'Jagged & faster' mesh settings. | |
Settings (Quality) (Smooth) Represents 'Smooth & slower' mesh settings. | |
Settings (Custom) (Custom Mesh Settings) Represents custom mesh settings. | |
Mesh Brep (Mesh) Create a mesh that approximates Brep geometry | |
Mesh Surface (Mesh UV) Create a Surface UV mesh | |
Simple Mesh (SMesh) Create a mesh that represents a Brep as simply as possible | |
Triangulate (Tri) Triangulate all quads in a mesh | |
Quadrangulate (Quad) Quadrangulate as many triangles as possible in a mesh | |
Delete Faces (DeleteF) Delete faces from a mesh | |
Cull Faces (CullF) Cull faces from a mesh | |
Delete Vertices (DeleteV) Delete vertices from a mesh | |
Cull Vertices (CullV) Cull vertices from a mesh | |
Smooth Mesh (MSmooth) Smooth the vertices of a mesh |
MetaBall 2D Metaball isocurve through point | |
MetaBall(t) 2D Metaball isosurface by threshold | |
MetaBall(t) Custom (MetaBall(t)) 2D Metaball isosurface by threshold and custom charge values | |
ShrinkWrap (Wrap) ShrinkWrap a mesh or point cloud object | |
Quad Remesh Settings (QRSettings) Create setting for Quad-remeshing. | |
Quad Remesh (QRMesh) Perform quad-remeshing on a shape. | |
Convex Hull (Hull) Compute the planar, convex hull for a collection of points | |
Delaunay Mesh (Del) Delaunay triangulation | |
Delaunay Edges (Con) Delaunay connectivity | |
QuadTree (QT) A two-dimensional quadtree structure | |
OcTree (OcT) A three-dimensional oc-tree structure | |
Proximity 2D (Prox) Search for two-dimensional proximity within a point list | |
Proximity 3D (Prox) Search for three-dimensional proximity within a point list | |
Substrate Substrate algorithm inspired by Jared Tarbell ( | |
Voronoi Planar voronoi diagram for a collection of points | |
Voronoi Groups (VorGroup) Compute a custom set of nested voronoi diagrams. | |
Facet Dome (Facet) Create a facetted dome | |
Voronoi Cell (VCell) Compute a single 3D Voronoi cell | |
Voronoi 3D (Voronoi³) Volumetric voronoi diagram for a collection of points |
Construct Mesh (ConMesh) Construct a mesh from vertices, faces and optional colours. | |
Mesh Triangle (Triangle) Create a mesh triangle. | |
Mesh Quad (Quad) Create a mesh quad. | |
Mesh Plane (MPlane) Create a mesh plane. | |
Mesh Box (MBox) Create a mesh box. | |
Mesh Sphere (MSphere) Create a mesh sphere. | |
Mesh Sphere Ex (MSphereEx) Create a mesh sphere from square patches. | |
Mesh Colours (MCol) Assign a repeating colour pattern to a mesh object. | |
Mesh Spray (MSpray) Assign colours to a mesh based on spray points. |
Mesh Closest Point (MeshCP) Finds the closest point on a mesh | |
Mesh Eval (MEval) Evaluate a mesh at a given parameter | |
Deconstruct Mesh (DeMesh) Deconstruct a mesh into its component parts. | |
Deconstruct Face (DeFace) Deconstruct a mesh face into its four corner indices. | |
Face Normals (FaceN) Extract the normals and center points of all faces in a mesh | |
Face Circles (FaceC) Solve the circumscribed circles for all mesh faces | |
Face Boundaries (FaceB) Convert all mesh faces to polylines | |
Mesh Edges (MEdges) Get all the edges of a mesh | |
Mesh Inclusion (MInc) Test a point for Mesh inclusion |
Path Compare (Compare) Compare a path to a mask pattern | |
Split Tree (Split) Split a data tree into two parts using path masks. | |
Stream Filter (Filter) Filters a collection of input streams | |
Stream Gate (Gate) Redirects a stream into specific outputs. | |
Clean Tree (Clean) Removed all null and invalid items from a data tree. | |
Prune Tree (Prune) Remove small branches from a Data Tree. | |
Graft Tree (Graft) Graft a data tree by adding an extra branch for every item. | |
Simplify Tree (Simplify) Simplify a data tree by removing the overlap shared amongst all branches. | |
Flatten Tree (Flatten) Flatten a data tree by removing all branching information. | |
Unflatten Tree (Unflatten) Unflatten a data tree by moving items back into branches. | |
Trim Tree (Trim) Reduce the complexity of a tree by merging the outermost branches. | |
Match Tree (Match) Match one data tree with another. | |
Replace Paths (Replace) Find & replace paths in a data tree | |
Explode Tree (BANG!) Extract all the branches from a tree | |
Flip Matrix (Flip) Flip a matrix-like data tree by swapping rows and columns. | |
Shift Paths (PShift) Shift the indices in all data tree paths | |
Path Mapper Perform lexical operations on data trees. | |
Tree Item (Item) Retrieve a specific item from a data tree. | |
Tree Branch (Branch) Retrieve a specific branch from a data tree. | |
Tree Statistics (TStat) Get some statistics regarding a data tree. | |
Relative Item (RelItem) Retrieve a relative item combo from a data tree | |
Relative Items (RelItem2) Retrieve a relative item combo from two data trees | |
Construct Path (Path) Construct a data tree branch path. | |
Deconstruct Path (DPath) Deconstruct a data tree path into individual integers. | |
Merge Merge a bunch of data streams | |
Entwine Flatten and combine a collection of data streams |
List Item (Item) Retrieve a specific item from a list. | |
Item Index (Index) Retrieve the index of a certain item in a list. | |
Null Item (Null) Test a data item for null or invalidity | |
Replace Nulls (NullRep) Replace nulls or invalid data with other data | |
List Length (Lng) Measure the length of a list. | |
Insert Items (Ins) Insert a collection of items into a list. | |
Replace Items (Replace) Replace certain items in a list. | |
Partition List (Partition) Partition a list into sub-lists | |
Dispatch Dispatch the items in a list into two target lists. | |
Weave Weave a set of input data using a custom pattern. | |
Pick'n'Choose (P'n'C) Pick and choose from a set of input data. | |
Shortest List (Short) Shrink a collection of lists to the shortest length amongst them | |
Longest List (Long) Grow a collection of lists to the longest length amongst them | |
Cross Reference (CrossRef) Cross Reference data from multiple lists | |
Sift Pattern (Sift) Sift elements in a list using a repeating index pattern. | |
Combine Data (Combine) Combine non-null items out of several inputs | |
Shift List (Shift) Offset all items in a list. | |
Sub List (SubSet) Extract a subset from a list. | |
Split List (Split) Split a list into separate parts. | |
Reverse List (Rev) Reverse the order of a list. | |
Sort List (Sort) Sort a list of numeric keys. |
Text On Surface (TextSrf) Create a collection of textual symbols aligned on a surface. | |
Text Length (Len) Get the length (character count) of some text | |
Text Split (Split) Split some text into fragments using separators | |
Concatenate (Concat) Concatenate some fragments of text | |
Text Join (Join) Join a collection of text fragments into one | |
Characters (Chars) Break text into individual characters | |
Text Trim (Trim) Remove whitespace characters from the start and end of some text. | |
Text Case (Case) Change the CaSiNg of a piece of text | |
Text Fragment (Fragment) Extract a fragment (subset) of some text | |
Format Format some data using placeholders and formatting tags | |
Replace Text (Rep) Replace all occurences of a specific text fragment with another | |
Sort Text (TSort) Sort a collection of text fragments | |
Match Text (TMatch) Match a text against a pattern | |
Text Distance (TDist) Compute the Levenshtein distance between two fragments of text. |
Range Create a range of numbers. | |
Series Create a series of numbers. | |
Fibonacci (Fib) Creates a Fibonacci sequence. | |
Sequence (Seq) Generate a sequence of numbers | |
Char Sequence (CharSeq) Create a sequence of textual characters. | |
Random Generate a list of pseudo random numbers. | |
Jitter Randomly shuffles a list of values. | |
Duplicate Data (Dup) Duplicate data a predefined number of times. | |
Repeat Data (Repeat) Repeat a pattern until it reaches a certain length. | |
Stack Data (Stack) Duplicate individual items in a list of data | |
Cull Nth (CullN) Cull (remove) every Nth element in a list. | |
Cull Pattern (Cull) Cull (remove) elements in a list using a repeating bit mask. | |
Cull Index (Cull i) Cull (remove) indexed elements from a list. | |
Random Reduce (Reduce) Randomly remove N items from a list |
Create Set (CSet) Creates the valid set from a list of items (a valid set only contains distinct elements). | |
Set Union (SUnion) Creates the union of two sets (the collection of unique objects present in either set). | |
Set Intersection (Intersection) Creates the intersection of two sets (the collection of unique objects present in both sets). | |
Set Difference (Difference) Create the difference of two sets (the collection of objects present in A but not in B). | |
Set Difference (S) (ExDiff) Create the symmetric difference of two sets (the collection of objects present in A or B but not both). | |
SubSet Test two sets for inclusion. | |
Disjoint Test whether two sets are disjoint. | |
Carthesian Product (CProd) Create the Carthesian product for two sets of identical cardinality. | |
Set Majority (Majority) Determine majority member presence amongst three sets. | |
Replace Members (Replace) Replace members in a set. | |
Member Index (MIndex) Find the occurences of a specific member in a set. | |
Delete Consecutive (DCon) Delete consecutive similar members in a set. | |
Find similar member (FSim) Find the most similar member in a set. | |
Key/Value Search (KeySearch) Extract an item from a collection using a key-value match |
Map to Surface (Map Srf) Map a curve onto a surface via control points. | |
Splop Wraps geometry onto a surface. | |
Sporph Deforms an object from a source surface to a target surface | |
Stretch Deforms objects by stretching them along a finite axis. | |
Taper Deforms objects toward or away from an axis | |
Twist Deforms objects by twisting them around an axis. | |
Maelstrom Spirally deforms objects as if they were caught in a whirlpool | |
Flow Re-aligns objects from a base curve to a target curve. | |
Box Morph (Morph) Morph an object into a twisted box. | |
Surface Morph (SrfMorph) Morph geometry into surface UVW coordinates | |
Twisted Box (TBox) Create a twisted box from corner points. | |
Surface Box (SBox) Create a twisted box on a surface patch. | |
Blend Box (BlendBox) Create a twisted box between two surfaces. | |
Mirror Surface (Mirror) Mirror geometry in a freeform surface. | |
Mirror Curve (Mirror) Mirror a shape in a freeform curve. | |
Spatial Deform (Deform) Perform spatial deformation based on custom space syntax. | |
Spatial Deform (custom) (Deform) Perform spatial deformation based on custom space syntax. | |
Point Deform (PDeform) Deform a shape by moving control-points individually | |
Bend Deform (Bend) Deform a shape by bending it |
Camera Obscura (CO) Camera Obscura (point mirror) transformation. | |
Project Project an object onto a plane. | |
Project Along (ProjectA) Project an object onto a plane along a direction. | |
Scale Scale an object uniformly in all directions. | |
Scale NU Scale an object with non-uniform factors. | |
Triangle Mapping (TriMap) Transform geometry from one triangle into another. | |
Rectangle Mapping (RecMap) Transform geometry from one rectangle into another. | |
Box Mapping (BoxMap) Transform geometry from one box into another. | |
Shear Angle (Shear) Shear an object based on tilt angles. | |
Shear Shear an object based on a shearing vector. | |
Orient Direction (Orient) Orient an object using directional constraints only. |
Named Group (Group) Group a set of objects under a name | |
Group Group a set of objects | |
Ungroup Ungroup a set of objects | |
Merge Group (GMerge) Merge two groups | |
Split Group (GSplit) Split a group | |
Compound (Comp) Compound two transformations. | |
Split Split a compound transformation into fragments. | |
Transform Transform an object. | |
Inverse Transform (Inverse) Invert a transformation. | |
Transform Matrix (Matrix) A 4x4 Transformation matrix |
Move Translate (move) an object along a vector. | |
Move To Plane (MoveToPlane) Translate (move) an object onto a plane. | |
Move Away From (MoveAway) Translate (move) an object away from another object. | |
Mirror Mirror an object. | |
Orient Orient an object. Orientation is sometimes called a 'ChangeBasis tranformation'. It allows for remapping of geometry from one axis-system to another. | |
Rotate Rotate an object in a plane. | |
Rotate Direction (Rotate) Rotate an object from one direction to another. | |
Rotate Axis (RotAx) Rotate an object around an axis. | |
Rotate 3D (Rot3D) Rotate an object around a center point and an axis vector. |
Kaleidoscope (KScope) Apply a kaleidoscope transformation to an object. | |
Polar Array (ArrPolar) Create a polar array of geometry. | |
Linear Array (ArrLinear) Create a linear array of geometry. | |
Rectangular Array (ArrRec) Create a rectangular array of geometry. | |
Box Array (ArrBox) Create a box array of geometry. | |
Curve Array (ArrCurve) Create an array of geometry along a curve. |
Negative (Neg) Compute the negative of a value. | |
Absolute (Abs) Compute the absolute of a value. | |
Factorial (Fac) Returns the factorial of an integer. | |
Division (A/B) Mathematical division | |
Integer Division (A\B) Mathematical integer division | |
Addition (A+B) Mathematical addition | |
Subtraction (A-B) Mathematical subtraction | |
Multiplication (A×B) Mathematical multiplication | |
Modulus (Mod) Divides two numbers and returns only the remainder. | |
Power (Pow) Raise a value to a power. | |
Mass Addition (MA) Perform mass addition of a list of items | |
Mass Multiplication (MM) Perform mass multiplication of a list of items | |
Relative Differences (RelDif) Compute relative differences for a list of data | |
Smaller Than (Smaller) Smaller than (or equal to) | |
Larger Than (Larger) Larger than (or equal to) | |
Equality (Equals) Test for (in)equality of two numbers | |
Similarity (Similar) Test for similarity of two numbers | |
Gate And (And) Perform boolean conjunction (AND gate). | |
Gate Or (Or) Perform boolean disjunction (OR gate). | |
Gate Not (Not) Perform boolean negation (NOT gate). | |
Gate Xor (Xor) Perform boolean exclusive disjunction (XOR gate). | |
Gate Nand (Nand) Perform boolean alternative denial (NAND gate). | |
Gate Nor (Nor) Perform boolean joint denial (NOR gate). | |
Gate Xnor (Xnor) Perform boolean biconditional (XNOR gate). | |
Gate Majority (Vote) Calculates the majority vote among three booleans. |
Smooth Numbers (Smooth) Smooth out changing numbers over time | |
Clamp Restrict a number between two numeric extremes. | |
Pi Returns a factor of Pi. | |
Golden Ratio (Phi) Returns a factor of the golden ratio (Phi). | |
Epsilon (Eps) Returns a factor of double precision floating point epsilon. | |
Minimum (Min) Return the lesser of two items. | |
Maximum (Max) Return the greater of two items. | |
Extremes (Extrz) Find the extremes in a list of values | |
Round Round a floating point value. | |
Blur Numbers (NBlur) Blur a list of numbers by averaging neighbours | |
Truncate (Trunc) Perform truncation of numerical extremes | |
Average (Avr) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of items | |
Weighted Average (Wav) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of items | |
Create Complex (Complex) Create a complex number from a Real and an Imaginary component | |
Complex Components (Complex) Extract the Real and Imaginary components from a complex number | |
Complex Conjugate (z*) Create the conjugate of a Complex number | |
Complex Argument (Arg) Get the argument of a Complex number | |
Complex Modulus (CMod) Get the modulus of a Complex number | |
Interpolate data (Interp) Interpolate a collection of data. |
Sine (Sin) Compute the sine of a value | |
Sinc Compute the sinc (Sinus Cardinalis) of a value. | |
Cosine (Cos) Compute the cosine of a value | |
Tangent (Tan) Compute the tangent of a value | |
ArcSine (ASin) Compute the angle whose sine is the specified value. | |
ArcCosine (ACos) Compute the angle whose cosine is the specified value. | |
ArcTangent (ATan) Compute the angle whose tangent is the specified value. | |
Secant (Sec) Compute the secant (reciprocal of the Cosine) of an angle. | |
CoSecant (Csc) Compute the co-secant (reciprocal of the Sine) of an angle. | |
CoTangent (Cot) Compute the co-tangent (reciprocal of the Tangent) of an angle. | |
Degrees (Deg) Convert an angle specified in radians to degrees | |
Radians (Rad) Convert an angle specified in degrees to radians | |
Right Trigonometry (RTrig) Right triangle trigonometry | |
Triangle Trigonometry (Trig) Generic triangle trigonometry | |
Circumcentre (CCentre) Generate the triangle circumcentre from perpendicular bisectors. | |
Incentre (ICentre) Generate the triangle incentre from angle bisectors. | |
Orthocentre (OCentre) Generate the triangle orthocentre from altitudes. | |
Centroid Generate the triangle centroid from medians. |
Construct Domain (Dom) Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. | |
Deconstruct Domain (DeDomain) Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. | |
Consecutive Domains (Consec) Create consecutive domains from a list of numbers | |
Bounds (Bnd) Create a numeric domain which encompasses a list of numbers. | |
Bounds 2D (Bnd) Create a numeric two-dimensional domain which encompasses a list of coordinates. | |
Includes (Inc) Test a numeric value to see if it is included in the domain | |
Remap Numbers (ReMap) Remap numbers into a new numeric domain | |
Construct Domain² (Dom²) Create a two-dimensional domain from two simple domains. | |
Deconstruct Domain² (DeDom2) Deconstruct a two-dimensional domain into its component parts | |
Divide Domain (Div) Divide a domain into equal segments. | |
Divide Domain² (Divide) Divides a two-dimensional domain into equal segments. | |
Find Domain (FDom) Find the first domain that contains a specific value |
Square (Sqr) Compute the square of a value | |
Square Root (Sqrt) Compute the square root of a value | |
Cube Compute the cube of a value | |
Cube Root (Cbrt) Compute the cube root of a value | |
Logarithm (Log) Compute the Base-10 logarithm of a value. | |
Natural logarithm (Ln) Compute the natural logarithm of a value. | |
Power of E (Eº) Raise E to the power of N. | |
Power of 2 (2º) Raise 2 to the power of N. | |
Power of 10 (10º) Raise 10 to the power of N. | |
One Over X (1/x) Compute one over x. | |
Log N (LogN) Return the N-base logarithm of a number. |
Construct Date (Date) Construct a date and time instance. | |
Construct Exotic Date (DateEx) Construct a date using a specific calendar | |
Construct Time (Time) Construct a time instance | |
Construct Smooth Time (SmTime) Construct a time instance from smooth components | |
Deconstruct Date (DDate) Deconstruct a date into years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds | |
Combine Date & Time (CDate) Combine a pure date and a pure time into a single date | |
Interpolate Date (IntDate) Interpolate between two dates or times. | |
Date Range (RDate) Create a range of successive dates or times |
Construct Matrix (Matrix) Construct a matrix from initial values | |
Deconstruct Matrix (DeMatrix) Deconstruct a matrix into its component parts | |
Invert Matrix (MInvert) Invert a matrix | |
Transpose Matrix (Transpose) Transpose a matrix (swap rows and columns) | |
Swap Rows (SwapR) Swap two rows in a matrix | |
Swap Columns (SwapC) Swap two columns in a matrix | |
Display Matrix (Matrix) Display a matrix |
Evaluate (Eval) Evaluate an expression with a flexible number of variables. | |
Expression Evaluate an expression |
Area Moments (AMoments) Solve area moments for breps, meshes and planar closed curves. | |
Area Solve area properties for breps, meshes and planar closed curves. | |
Volume Moments (VMoments) Solve volume properties for closed breps and meshes. | |
Volume Solve volume properties for closed breps and meshes. | |
Box Corners Extract all 8 corners of a box. | |
Deconstruct Box (DeBox) Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. | |
Evaluate Box (Box) Evaluate a box in normalised {UVW} space. | |
Box Properties (BoxProp) Get some properties of a box | |
Deconstruct Brep (DeBrep) Deconstruct a brep into its constituent parts. | |
Brep Wireframe (Wires) Extract the wireframe curves of a brep. | |
Brep Edges (Edges) Extract the edge curves of a brep. | |
Brep Topology (Topology) Get and display the topology of a brep. | |
Dimensions (Dim) Get the approximate dimensions of a surface | |
Is Planar (Planar) Test whether a surface is planar | |
Surface Points (SrfPt) Get the control-points of a Nurbs Surface | |
Brep Closest Point (Brep CP) Find the closest point on a brep | |
Surface Closest Point (Srf CP) Find the closest point on a surface. | |
Point In Trim (TrimInc) Test whether a {uv} coordinate is inside the trimmed portion of a surface | |
Point In Brep (BrepInc) Test whether a point is inside a closed brep | |
Point In Breps (BrepsInc) Test whether a point is inside a collection of closed breps | |
Shape In Brep (ShapeIn) Tests whether a shape is inside a brep | |
Evaluate Surface (EvalSrf) Evaluate local surface properties at a {uv} coordinate. | |
Principal Curvature (Curvature) Evaluate the principal curvature of a surface at a {uv} coordinate. | |
Surface Curvature (Curvature) Evaluate the surface curvature at a {uv} coordinate. | |
Osculating Circles (Osc) Calculate the principal osculating circles of a surface at a {uv} coordinate. |
Control Point Loft (CPLoft) Create a loft through curve control points. | |
Fit Loft (FitLoft) Create a loft fitted through a set of curves. | |
4Point Surface (Srf4Pt) Create a surface connecting three or four corner points. | |
Surface From Points (SrfGrid) Create a nurbs surface from a grid of points. | |
Boundary Surfaces (Boundary) Create planar surfaces from a collection of boundary edge curves. | |
Sum Surface (SumSrf) Create a sum surface from two edge curves. | |
Edge Surface (EdgeSrf) Create a surface from two, three or four edge curves. | |
Loft Create a lofted surface through a set of section curves. | |
Loft Options (Loft Opt) Create loft options from atomic inputs | |
Ruled Surface (RuleSrf) Create a surface between two curves. | |
Network Surface (NetSurf) Create a surface from curve networks | |
Extrude (Extr) Extrude points, curves and surfaces along a vector. | |
Extrude Point (Extr) Extrude curves and surfaces to a point. | |
Extrude Linear (Extrude) Extrude curves and surfaces along a straight path. | |
Extrude Along (ExtrCrv) Extrude curves and surfaces along a curve. | |
Patch Create a patch surface | |
Fragment Patch (FPatch) Create a fragmented patch from a polyline boundary | |
Pipe Create a pipe surface around a rail curve. | |
Pipe Variable (VPipe) Create a pipe surface with variable radii around a rail curve. | |
Sweep1 (Swp1) Create a sweep surface with one rail curve. | |
Sweep2 (Swp2) Create a sweep surface with two rail curves. | |
Revolution (RevSrf) Create a surface of revolution. | |
Rail Revolution (RailRev) Create a surface of revolution using a sweep rail. |
Fillet Edge (FilEdge) Fillet some edges of a brep. | |
Edges from Points (EdgesPt) Select brep edges based on point coincidence | |
Edges from Faces (EdgesFaces) Select all brep edges that delineate certain faces | |
Edges from Directions (EdgesDir) Select brep edges based on edge direction | |
Edges from Length (EdgesLen) Select brep edges based on length | |
Edges from Linearity (EdgesLin) Select brep edges based on linearity | |
Convex Edges (EdgesCvx) Select concave or convex brep edges. | |
Closed Edges (EdgesCls) Select closed edges. | |
Isotrim (SubSrf) Extract an isoparametric subset of a surface. | |
Untrim Remove all trim curves from a surface. | |
Retrim Retrim a surface based on 3D trim data from another surface. | |
Copy Trim (Trim) Copy UV trim data from one surface to another. | |
Brep Join (Join) Join a number of Breps together | |
Merge Faces (FMerge) Merge all adjacent co-planar faces in a brep | |
Cap Holes (Cap) Cap all planar holes in a Brep. | |
Cap Holes Ex (CapEx) Cap as many holes as possible in a Brep. | |
Offset Surface (Offset) Offset a surface by a fixed amount. | |
Offset Surface Loose (Offset (L)) Offset a surface by moving the control points. | |
Flip Flip the normals of a surface based on local or remote geometry | |
Transpose Surface (Transpose) Transpose surface parameterization (swap U and V) | |
Divide Surface (SDivide) Generate a grid of {uv} points on a surface. | |
Surface Frames (SFrames) Generate a grid of {uv} frames on a surface |
Plane Through Shape (PxS) Make a rectangular surface that is larger than a given shape. | |
Plane Surface (PlaneSrf) Create a plane surface | |
Bounding Box (BBox) Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. | |
Center Box (Box) Create a box centered on a plane. | |
Domain Box (Box) Create a box defined by a base plane and size domains. | |
Box 2Pt (Box) Create a box defined by two points. | |
Box Rectangle (BoxRec) Create a box defined by a rectangle and a height. | |
Sphere (Sph) Create a spherical surface. | |
Quad Sphere (QSph) Create a spherical brep made from quad nurbs patches. | |
Sphere 4Pt (Sph4Pt) Create a spherical surface from 4 points. | |
Cone Create a conical surface | |
Cylinder (Cyl) Create a cylindrical surface. | |
Sphere Fit (SFit) Fit a sphere to a 3D collection of points |
SubD from Mesh (SubDMesh) Create a SubD from a control mesh | |
Mesh from SubD (MeshSubD) Get the approximation mesh of a SubD. | |
SubD Control Polygon (SubDPoly) Extract the control polygon from a SubD. | |
SubD Edges (SubDEdges) Extract all edge data from a SubD. | |
SubD Vertices (SubDVerts) Extract all vertex data from a SubD. | |
SubD Edge Tags (SubDTags) Set the edge tags of a SubD shape. | |
SubD Vertex Tags (SubDVTags) Set the vertex tags of a SubD shape. |
Curve | Line (CLX) Solve intersection events for a curve and a line. | |
Line | Line (LLX) Solve intersection events for two lines. | |
Curve | Plane (PCX) Solve intersection events for a curve and a plane. | |
Line | Plane (PLX) Solve intersection event for a line and a plane. | |
Point Cloud Section (PC Section) Create a planar section by intersecting a plane with a cloud of points | |
Point Cloud Contour (PC Contour) Create a series of planar curves by intersecting planes with a cloud of points | |
Brep | Plane (Sec) Solve intersection events for a Brep and a plane (otherwise known as section). | |
Brep | Line (BLX) Solve intersection events for a Brep and a line. | |
Mesh | Ray (MeshRay) Intersect a mesh with a semi-infinite ray | |
Mesh | Plane (Sec) Solve intersection events for a Mesh and a Plane (otherwise known as section). | |
Contour Create a set of Brep or Mesh contours | |
Contour (ex) (Contour) Create a set of Brep or Mesh contours | |
Surface | Line (SLX) Solve intersection events for a surface and a line. | |
IsoVist (IVist) Compute an isovist sampling at a location | |
IsoVist Ray (IVRay) Compute a single isovist sample at a location | |
Plane | Plane (PPX) Solve the intersection event of two planes. | |
Plane | Plane | Plane (3PX) Solve the intersection events of three planes. | |
Plane Region (PlReg) Create a bounded region from intersecting planes. |
Solid Union (SUnion) Perform a solid union on a set of Breps. | |
Solid Intersection (SInt) Perform a solid intersection on two Brep sets. | |
Solid Difference (SDiff) Perform a solid difference on two Brep sets. | |
Trim Solid (Trim) Cut holes into a shape with a set of solid cutters. | |
Split Brep (Split) Split one brep with another. | |
Split Brep Multiple (SplitMul) Split one brep with a bunch of others. | |
Boundary Volume (BVol) Create a closed polysurface from boundary surfaces | |
Region Union (RUnion) Union of a set of planar closed curves (regions) | |
Region Difference (RDiff) Difference between two sets of planar closed curves (regions) | |
Region Intersection (RInt) Intersection between two sets of planar closed curves (regions) | |
Box Slits (Slits) Add slits to a collection of intersecting boxes | |
Region Slits (RSlits) Add slits to a collection of intersecting planar regions | |
Mesh Union (MUnion) Perform a solid union on a set of meshes | |
Mesh Difference (MDif) Perform a solid difference on two sets of meshes | |
Mesh Intersection (MInt) Perform a solid intersection on a set of meshes | |
Mesh Split (MSplit) Mesh Mesh split |
Curve | Curve (CCX) Solve intersection events for two curves. | |
Multiple Curves (MCX) Solve intersection events for multiple curves. | |
Curve | Self (CX) Solve all self intersection events for a curve. | |
Brep | Brep (BBX) Solve intersection events for two Breps. | |
Brep | Curve (BCX) Solve intersection events for a Brep and a curve. | |
Surface | Curve (SCX) Solve intersection events for a surface and a curve. | |
Surface Split (SrfSplit) Split a surface with a bunch of curves. | |
Collision One|Many (ColOM) Test for one|many collision between objects | |
Collision Many|Many (ColMM) Test for many|many collision between objects | |
Mesh | Mesh (MMX) Mesh Mesh intersection | |
Mesh | Curve (MCX) Mesh Curve intersection | |
Clash Perform clash analysis on a set of shapes. |
Split with Brep (Split) Split a curve with a Brep. | |
Split with Breps (Split) Split a curve with multiple Breps. | |
Trim with Brep (Trim) Trim a curve with a Brep. | |
Trim with Breps (Trim) Trim a curve with multiple Breps. | |
Trim with Region (Trim) Trim a curve with a region. | |
Trim with Regions (Trim) Trim a curve with multiple regions. |
Point Cloud Attributes (Point Cloud) Point Cloud Attributes | |
Point Cloud Closest Point (Point Cloud CP) Find the closest point in a point cloud | |
Reduce Point Cloud (Reduce) Reduce the number of points in a point cloud | |
Project Point (Project) Project a point onto a collection of shapes | |
Construct Point (Pt) Construct a point from {xyz} coordinates. | |
Deconstruct (pDecon) Deconstruct a point into its component parts. | |
Point Polar (Pt) Create a point from polar {phi,theta,offset} coordinates. | |
To Polar (Polar) Convert a 3D point to plane polar coordinates. | |
Point Oriented (Pt) Create a point from plane {u,v,w} coordinates. | |
Point Cylindrical (Pt) Create a point from cylindrical {angle,radius,elevation} coordinates. | |
Barycentric (BCentric) Create a point from barycentric {u,v,w} coordinates | |
Distance (Dist) Compute Euclidean distance between two point coordinates. | |
Closest Point (CP) Find closest point in a point collection. | |
Closest Points (CPs) Find closest points in a point collection. | |
Pull Point (Pull) Pull a point to a variety of geometry. | |
Sort Points (Sort Pt) Sort points by Euclidean coordinates (first x, then y, then z) | |
Sort Along Curve (AlongCrv) Sort points along a curve | |
Points to Numbers (Pt2Num) Convert a list of points to a list of numbers | |
Numbers to Points (Num2Pt) Convert a list of numbers to a list of points | |
Point Groups (PGroups) Create groups from nearby points | |
Cull Duplicates (CullPt) Cull points that are coincident within tolerance |
XY Plane (XY) World XY plane. | |
XZ Plane (XZ) World XZ plane. | |
YZ Plane (YZ) World YZ plane. | |
Deconstruct Plane (DePlane) Deconstruct a plane into its component parts. | |
Construct Plane (Pl) Construct a plane from an origin point and {x}, {y} axes. | |
Plane Origin (Pl Origin) Change the origin point of a plane | |
Plane Offset (Pl Offset) Offset a plane. | |
Plane Normal (Pl) Create a plane perpendicular to a vector. | |
Plane 3Pt (Pl 3Pt) Create a plane through three points. | |
Plane Fit (PlFit) Fit a plane through a set of points. | |
Line + Pt (LnPt) Create a plane from a line and a point. | |
Line + Line (LnLn) Create a plane from two line segments. | |
Plane Closest Point (CP) Find the closest point on a plane. | |
Align Planes (Align) Align planes by minimizing their serial rotation. | |
Align Plane (Align) Perform minimal rotation to align a plane with a guide vector | |
Rotate Plane (PRot) Perform plane rotation around plane z-axis | |
Adjust Plane (PAdjust) Adjust a plane to match a new normal direction | |
Flip Plane (PFlip) Flip or swap the axes of a plane | |
Plane Coordinates (PlCoord) Get the coordinates of a point in a plane axis system. |
Solar Incidence (Solar) Gets the solar incidence vector for a certain time and place | |
Vector XYZ (Vec) Create a vector from {xyz} components. | |
Deconstruct Vector (DeVec) Deconstruct a vector into its component parts. | |
Vector Length (VLen) Compute the length (amplitude) of a vector. | |
Vector 2Pt (Vec2Pt) Create a vector between two points. | |
Unit Vector (Unit) Unitize vector. | |
Reverse (Rev) Reverse a vector (multiply by -1). | |
Multiply (VMul) Perform vector-scalar multiplication. | |
Divide (VDiv) Perform vector-scalar division. | |
Amplitude (Amp) Set the amplitude (length) of a vector. | |
Addition (VAdd) Perform vector-vector addition. | |
Rotate (VRot) Rotate a vector around an axis. | |
Cross Product (XProd) Compute vector cross product. | |
Dot Product (DProd) Compute vector dot product. | |
Angle Compute the angle between two vectors. | |
Unit X (X) Unit vector parallel to the world {x} axis. | |
Unit Y (Y) Unit vector parallel to the world {y} axis. | |
Unit Z (Z) Unit vector parallel to the world {z} axis. |
Break Field (BreakF) Break a field into individual elements | |
Merge Fields (MergeF) Merge a collection of fields into one | |
Point Charge (PCharge) Create a field due to a point charge | |
Line Charge (LCharge) Create a field due to a line charge | |
Vector Force (FVector) Create a field due to a vector force | |
Spin Force (FSpin) Create a field due to a spin force | |
Evaluate Field (EvF) Evaluate a field at a point | |
Field Line (FLine) Compute the field line through a certain point | |
Scalar Display (FScalar) Display the scalar values of a field section | |
Direction Display (FDir) Display the force directions of a field section | |
Perpendicular Display (FPerp) Display the perpendicularity of a field through a section | |
Tensor Display (FTensor) Display the tensor vectors of a field section |
Square (SqGrid) 2D grid with square cells | |
Rectangular (RecGrid) 2D grid with rectangular cells | |
Hexagonal (HexGrid) 2D grid with hexagonal cells | |
Triangular (TriGrid) 2D grid with triangular cells | |
Radial (RadGrid) 2D radial grid | |
Populate 2D (Pop2D) Populate a 2-Dimensional region with points | |
Populate 3D (Pop3D) Populate a 3-Dimensional region with points | |
Populate Geometry (PopGeo) Populate generic geometry with points |
Blend Colours (BlendCol) Interpolate (blend) between two colours. |
Query Directory (Directory) Query on the file system under the specified directory path. | |
Filter Content (Filter) Separate content by filter condition | |
Logical And Filter (And) Combine two filters together using a logical AND operator | |
Contains Text Filter (Contains) Create a filter that determines if a piece of text occurs within another text | |
Equality Filter (Equals) Create a filter that determines if a value is equal to another | |
Intersection Filter (Intersection) Combine multiple filters together into an intersection which returns true only if all input filters evaluate to true. | |
Greater Than Filter (Greater) Create a filter that determines if a value is greater than another | |
Logical Not Filter (Not) Create a filter as the logical NOT of another. | |
Logical Or Filter (Or) Combine two filters together using a logical OR operator. | |
Less Than Filter (Less) Create a filter that determines if a value is less than another | |
Match Text Filter (Match) Create a filter that determines if a text value matches a pattern. | |
Union Filter (Union) Combine multiple filters together into a union which returns true if at least one input filter evaluates to true. | |
Group Content (Group) Group content by key | |
Order Content (Order) Order content by key | |
Content Cache (Cache) Push or Pull content to and from a Rhino model | |
Text Field Expression (Field Expression) Build a field expression which can be used as a text field on annotations or as a user text value. | |
Evaluate Text Fields (Evaluate) Evaluates fields expressions of a text. | |
User Text (U-Text) Modify the key/value pair text collection of a model element. | |
Import Content (Import) Import a model from file | |
Content Details (Details) Retrieve some details about Rhino content elements. | |
Content Information (Information) Get or set some information about Rhino content elements. | |
Unit System (U-System) Unit System | |
Convert Units (C-Units) Performs a unit conversion on input Data |
Query Annotation Styles (Styles) Query a Rhino document for all available annotation styles | |
Query Installed Fonts (Fonts) Query for all available fonts | |
Angle Dimension (Lines) (Angle Dimension) Angle Dimension From Lines | |
Angle Dimension (Points) (Angle Dimension From Points) Angle Dimension | |
Angle Dimension (Arc) (Arc Dimension) Angle Dimension From Arcs | |
Annotation Style Overrides (A-Style) Get-Set annotation style and overriden attributes | |
Annotation Text Overrides (A-Text) Manage annotation text attributes | |
Annotation Arrow Settings (AS-Arrows) Annotation Style Arrow Settings | |
Annotation Dimension Settings (AS-Dimension) Annotation Style Dimension Settings | |
Annotation Leader Settings (AS-Leaders) Annotation Style Leader Settings | |
Annotation Text Settings (AS-Text) Annotation Style Text Settings | |
Annotation Tolerance Settings (AS-Tolerance) Annotation Style Tolerance Settings | |
Annotation Units Settings (AS-Units) Annotation Style Units Settings | |
Centermark Centermark | |
Leader Leader | |
Linear Dimension Linear Dimension | |
Aligned Dimension Aligned Dimension | |
Annotation Style Annotation Style | |
Model Font (Font) Typography Font | |
Ordinate Dimension Ordinate Dimension | |
Radial Dimension Radial Dimension | |
Text Dot Text Dot | |
Text Entity Text Entity |
Query Model Objects (Objects) Query a Rhino document for all available rhino objects | |
Display Attributes (Display) Object display attributes | |
Display Colour Object display colour attributes | |
Drafting Attributes (Drafting) Object drafting attributes | |
Print Colour Object print colour attributes | |
Print Width Object print width attributes | |
Object Linetype Object linetype attributes | |
Render Attributes (Render) Object render attributes | |
Render Material (Object Material) Object render material attributes | |
Visibility Attributes (Visibility) Object visibility attributes | |
Explode Object (Explode) Explode Object | |
Model Object (Object) Model Object |
Query Model Linetypes (Linetypes) Query a Rhino document for all available linetypes | |
Query Model Hatch Patterns (Hatches) Query a Rhino document for all available hatch patterns | |
Model Space Scale (Ms-Scale) Get or set the model space scale factor for linetypes and/or hatch patterns. | |
Model Hatch (Hatch) Model Hatch | |
Import Hatch Pattern (Hatch) Import Hatch Pattern | |
Hatch Line Hatch Line | |
Model Hatch Pattern (Hatch Pattern) Model Hatch Pattern | |
Model Linetype (Linetype) Model Linetype | |
Colour Gradient Colour Gradient | |
Gradient Colour Stop (Colour Stop) Gradient Colour Stop |
Query Model Block Definitions (Block Definition) Query a Rhino document for all available block definitions | |
Query Model Layers (Layers) Query a Rhino document for all available layers | |
Model Block Instance (Block Instance) Block Instance | |
Model Layer (Layer) Model Layer | |
Hide Model Layer (L-Hide) Controls layer visibility on model viewports and new details. | |
Model Block Definition (Block Definition) Block Definition | |
Import Model Block Definition (Import Definition) Import a file and create a new block definition. | |
Export Model Block Definition (Export Definition) Export a block definition as a Rhino (*.3dm) file. |
Model Viewport Model Viewport | |
Model View (View) Model View | |
Zoom Extents (Zoom Ext) Zoom view to show all objects | |
Query Viewports (Viewports) Query a Rhino document for all available viewports | |
Query Pages (Pages) Query a Rhino document for all available page layouts |
Query Model Materials (Materials) Query a Rhino document for all available render materials | |
Model Material (Material) Model Material |
Voronoi 3d (Voronoi3d) Voronoi 3d Algorithm |
BioBrick Categories of Parts (BB Categories) Provides a list of part categories for inputinto the BB Library | |
BioBrick Prefix and Suffix Adder (Pre~Suf) Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
BioBricks Library (BB Library) library of all the parts in the BioBricks registry. | |
BioBricks Prefix Standard (BB Pre) simply the sequence of the standard BioBricks prefix used to enable ligation with compatible sticky ends | |
BioBricks Prefix ATG (BB Pre ATG) simply the sequence of the standard BioBricks prefix used, with sequences starting with ATG, to enable ligation with compatible sticky ends | |
BioBricks Suffix (BB Suf) simply the sequence of the standard BioBricks suffix used to enable ligation with compatible sticky ends | |
E0240 GFP with RBS, and Terminator (GFP RET) RBS: B0032 + GFP Reporter: E0040 + Terminators: B0010 & B0012 | |
GFP with Promoter, RBS, and Terminator (GFP PRET) Tet Promotor R0040 + RBS: B0034 + GFP Reporter: E0040 + Terminators: B0010 & B0012 | |
Plasmid Backbones DNA (Backbones) Provides the DNA for teh 4 commonly use BioBrick backbones. | |
Plasmid Insert (Insert) Insert a gene into a plasmid backbone, optionall add in the BB prefix and suffix. Index reamins at beginning of gene; the prefix is at the end of the sequence. | |
Promoter DNA (Promoters) Provides a list of the 10 most commomnly used BioBrick promoters, and outputs the DNA of the selected part. | |
Protein Coding DNA (Coding) Provides a list of the 10 most commomnly used BioBrick protein codeing sequences, and outputs the DNA of the selected part. | |
Resistance to Chloramphenicol (CamR) DNA sequence to produce Chloramphenicol resistance | |
Resistance to Kanamycine (KanR) DNA sequence to produce Kanamycine resistance | |
Resistance to Tetracycline (TetR) DNA sequence to produce Tetracycline resistance. On BioBrick plasmid backbone pSB1T3 this gene is on the primary strand. | |
Resitance to Amp (AmpR) DNA sequence to produce Ampicillin resistance | |
RFP with RBS, and Terminator (RFP RET) RBS: B0034 + RFP Reporter: E1010 + Terminators: B0010 & B0012 | |
Ribosome Binding Site DNA (RBS) Provides a list of the 10 most commomnly used BioBrick RBS, and outputs the DNA of the selected part. | |
Teminator DNA (Terminators) Provides a list of the 10 most commomnly used BioBrick terminators, and outputs the DNA of the selected part. | |
YFP with RBS, and Terminator (YFP RET) RBS: B0034 + YFP Reporter: E0030 + Terminators: B0010 & B0012 |
Complementary Strand (Comp) creates a complementary strand based in the input sequence | |
DNA Clean gets rid of anything that is not a, A,T,G, or C and capitalizes all characters | |
DNA Find (Find) Finds a sequence within a sequence and return the domain of its location. | |
Primer Design (Primer Des) to find a primer with good melt temp and GC content and avoiding bad hairpins | |
Random DNA (Ran DNA) create a ramndom string of GTAC | |
Reverse DNA (Rev) reverses the sequence of DNA | |
Reverse Subdomain (Rev Sub) reverses the position and direction of a subdomain |
E. coli Optimization (E.coli Opt) create an optimized RNA sequence for E coli to produce the input AA chain. | |
Simple Transcription (Tx) simple conversion DNA to RNA changing T to U | |
Simple Translation (Tl) converts RNA into Amino Acids | |
Transcription Promoter to Terminator (Transcription) Transcribes DNA to RNA starting just after the promoter site and ending just prior to the termitator site | |
Transcription σ Converts DNA to RNA based on -35 and -10 sites | |
Translation Translates RNA to amino acid chain with options for finding the proper reading frame |
Amino Acid Visualizer (AA Viz) Creates and displays an offset complementary strand | |
DNA Subdomain Visualizer (DNA Sub Viz) Visualizes the specified subdomain of a strand | |
DNA Complementary Strand Visualizer (DNA Comp Viz) Creates and displays an offset complementary strand | |
DNA Complementary Subdomain Visualizer (DNA Comp Sub Viz) Visualizes the specified subdomain of a created offset complementary strand | |
DNA Visualizer (DNA Viz) Visualizes the DNA in the Rhino viewport |
PDB Sort (PDB Sort) sort protein data base file | |
PDB Open make the pdb info accessible | |
PDB Plot create a visual energy plot of a pdb file | |
Protein Query Search the RCSB Protein DataBase for matching Amino Acis sequences and the address of a corresponding .pdb file. | |
Protein Ribbon visualizes the structure of a protein |
A Simple Ligation (Lig) Concatenates two DNA sequences | |
Ligate Ligate tests to see if 2 strands have matching sticky ends. Is sothey are joined together. If both ends connect, plasmid is set to true. | |
Sticky Ends (Sticky) identifies the overhanging ends of DNA. |
Enzyme List (Enzymes) A list of enzymes to choose from that passes the proper index for the Restriction Enzymes output object | |
Restriction Enzyme Digest (Digest) Cuts up DNA based on target sits of the input restriction enzyme and outputs double stranded DNA with sticky ends. | |
Restriction Enzymes Cut Locations (Restrict. Enzymes) outputs the cut locations of any major restriction enzyme. use the Enzymes List to choose the enzyme you want or enter the index if you know it already |
Analysis Step (AnalysisStep) | |
Damping This command is used to assign damping to all previously-defined elements and nodes | |
Integrator Central Difference (CD) | |
Integrator Load Control (LC) | |
Integrator Newmark (NM) | |
Natural Vibration Analysis (NV) | |
Run Analysis (RA) | |
Analysis Settings (AnalysisSettings) | |
Test |
Fiber Stress Strain (FBS) Read the stress strain in a fiber | |
Fiber Section (FiberSection) Construct a FiberSection | |
Layer Fiber Construct a LayerFiber | |
Patch Construct a Patch | |
Fiber Point Construct a FiberPoint | |
Concrete01 (Concrete) Construct a concrete material with Zero Tensile Strength (Conrete01) | |
ReinforcingSteel Construct an ReinforcingSteel | |
Steel01 Construct a Steel01 | |
MomentCurvature (MC) |
Beam Forces (BF) Read the Beam Forces | |
Brick Stresses (BS) Read the Brick Stresses | |
Modal Analysis Report (MAR) Read the Modal Analysis Report | |
Nodal Displacements (ND) Read Nodal Displacements | |
Reaction Forces (RF) Read Reaction Forces | |
Shell Forces (SF) Read the Shell Forces | |
Shell Stresses (SS) Read the Shell Stresses |
Custom code (CC) Add a custom OpenSees code | |
Deconstruct Deconstruct any object | |
Deserialise (DSLRZ) Geometry representation of an OpenSeesFile. Not all the elements have been implemented! | |
Colors (CLR) Preset of gradient colors perfect for Data Visualisation | |
MeshLoft (ML) Mesh Loft | |
MeshSeriesToBrick (MSTB) MeshSeriesToBrick | |
Serialize (SLRZ) Serialize a model and write the content to a file |
CircleCS Construct an Circle Cross Section | |
Generic Section Construct an Generic Section | |
I Section Construct an I Cross Section | |
Plate Fiber Section (PFS) Construct an Plate Fiber Section | |
RectangleCS Construct an Rectangle Cross Section | |
RectangleHollow (RectangleHollowCS) Construct an Rectangle Hollow Section Cross Section |
ASD ShellQ4 (ASDQ4/DKGT) Construct a ASDShellQ4 element or DKGT Shell | |
Force Beam Column Construct a ForceBeamColumn | |
FourNodeTetrahedron (FNT) Construct a FourNodeTetrahedron element | |
SSP Brick (SSP) Construct a SSP (Stabilized Single Point) Brick element | |
Support Construct a Support |
Constant Time Series Construct a Constant Time Series | |
Linear Time Series Construct a Linear Time Series | |
Path Time Series (PTS) Construct a Path Time Series | |
Read Time Series (RTS) Read a Path Time Series | |
Trigonometric Time Series (TTS) Construct a Trigonometric Time Series |
Linear Load (LinearLoad) Construct a LinearLoad | |
Gravity Load Construct a Gravity Load | |
Mass Point (MP) Construct a PointLoad | |
Mesh Load (MeshLoad) Construct a MeshLoad | |
Point Load Construct a PointLoad |
Benchmark Get website with Alpaca4d/OpenSees Benchmark | |
Donation Donation | |
Sponsor Sponsor | |
License License |
Elastic Isotropic Material (EIM) Construct an ElasticIsotropicMaterial | |
Elastic Orthotropic Material (EOM) Construct an ElasticOrthotropicMaterial | |
Uniaxial Material Elastic Construct an UniaxialMaterialElastic |
Deformed Model View Deformed Model View | |
Model View (ModelView) ModelView |
Rigid Diaphragm Construct a Rigid Diaphgram |
AssembleModel (Assemble Model) Assemble a Model |
Browse History (Browse) Browse recorded history from Loop End. | |
Password Set password for this loop | |
Time Buffer (Buffer) Tries to suspend thread, so the definition takes some more time to compute. |
Loop Input (LoopInput) Set inputs for Run Loop | |
Loop Output (LoopOutput) Set outputs for Run Loop | |
Run Loop (RunLoop) Runs the loop from a file. Right click to assign the .gh file. |
Loop End End the loop with this one. Double click to pause the loop. | |
Loop Start Start the loop with this one. Double click to rerun. |
Fast Loop End (FastLoopEnd) Loop End | |
Fast Loop Start (FastLoopStart) Loop Start |
Bell Term (BellTerm) Bell-shaped Term. | |
Crisp Term (CrispTerm) Crisp term. | |
Gaussian Term (GaussianTerm) Gaussian distibution term. | |
Left Edge Term (LeftEdgeTerm) Left edge term. | |
Piecewise Term (PiecewiseTerm) Piecewise term. | |
Right Edge Term (RightEdgeTerm) Right edge term. | |
Trapezoidal Term (TrapezoidalTerm) Trapezoidal term. | |
Triangular Term (TriangularTerm) Triangular term. | |
FuzzyTerm Fuzzy linguistic term. |
To Rule List (ToRuleList) Converts an AFL rule block to a list of rules. | |
Fuzzy Inference System (FuzzySystem) Fuzzy inference system. | |
Parse AFL (AFL) Read an Angora Fuzzy Language file. | |
Update Rule Weight (UpdateRuleWeight) Modify rule weight. | |
Update Rule Weights (UpdateRuleWeights) Modify rule weights. | |
FuzzyInferenceSystem (FuzzySystem) Fuzzy inference system. |
Fuzzy Methods (Methods) Fuzzy methods configuration. | |
Custom Binary Operator (CustomBinaryOp) Custom binary operator for union and intersections. | |
Custom Unary Operator (UnaryOp) Custom unary operator for complement and modifiers. | |
FuzzyBinaryOp (BinaryOp) Fuzzy binary operator. | |
FuzzyMethods (Methods) Fuzzy methods. | |
FuzzyUnaryOp (UnaryOp) Fuzzy unary operator. |
Fuzzy Input Variable (InputVar) Fuzzy Input Variable. | |
Fuzzy Output Variable (OutputVar) Fuzzy Output Variable. | |
FuzzyImputVar (FuzzyInputVar) Fuzzy linguistic input variable. | |
FuzzyOutputVar Fuzzy linguistic output variable. | |
Display Variable (DisplayVar) Display the fuzzy sets of a linguistic variable. |
Accumulate Rules (Accumulate) Accumulate all the rules for an output variable. | |
Defuzzify Defuzzify a linguistic variable | |
Fuzzify Fuzzify an output linguistic variable. |
Apply Camera (SC) Set animation camera in active viewport | |
Bake Material (BM) Bake the render material to the current rhino document | |
Camera (C) Define cameras for animation | |
Custom Material (CM) Define custom materials for animation. | |
Default Material (DM) Define default materials for animation. | |
Material From Rhino (MfR) Get the material from the current rhino document | |
Save Frames (SF) Save frames captruing rhino viewport. |
Display Assemblage (AOaDisp) Display Assemblage with a set of modes | |
Extract Handles (AOeHandles) Extract essential Handle information for an AssemblyObject | |
Remove AssemblyObjects (AORem) Removes AssemblyObjects from an Assemblage given their indexes - updating Topology | |
Associate XData (AO<>XD) Associates XData to a list of AssemblyObjects Make sure the XData matches the corresponding AssemblyObject kinds present in the list | |
Deconstruct Assemblage (AOaDecon) Deconstructs an Assemblage Tree Branch indexes are the unique indexes of objects in the assemblage | |
Display Candidates (AOaDispCand) Displays Candidate Objects at last step in the Assemblage | |
Extract AOSet (AOaSet) Extracts the set of unique AssemblyObjects kinds used in an Assemblage | |
Extract Collision Mesh (AOeCMesh) Extract the collision mesh of an AssemblyObject | |
Extract Reference Plane (AOeRPlane) Extract AssemblyObject Reference Plane | |
ExtractTopology (AOaTopo) Extract connection data from an Assemblage | |
Extract Type (AOeType) Extract the Type of an AssemblyObject |
Construct AssemblyObject (AOCon) Construct an Assembly Object from relevant data | |
ConstructHandle (HandCon) Construct a Handle | |
Construct XData (XDCon) Construct an XData instance XData can be any kind of Xtended/Xtra data (Geometry, String, Numbers, ...) associated to an AssemblyObject Type | |
Deconstruct AssemblyObject (AODecon) Deconstruct an AssemblyObject | |
Deconstruct XData (XDDecon) Deconstructs an XData item | |
DisplayHandles (HandDisp) Displays Handle Type, weight, sender and receiver planes with rotations for all Handles in the input list | |
Reset AssemblyObject (AOReset) Resets an AssemblyObject's values to default | |
Construct Composite AssemblyObject (AOComCon) Construct a composite Assembly Object | |
Deconstruct Handle (HandDecon) Deconstruct Handle | |
Transform XData (XDTran) Apply a transformation to an XData item |
Construct Field N (AFieldN) Constructs an empty Field from a Box N cells along largest Box dimension | |
Construct Sparse Field (AFieldSp) Constructs an empty Field from a sparse list of points and optional topology information | |
Color Field (AFCol) Generates Field Point colors by scalar values | |
Construct Field XYZ (AFieldXYZ) Constructs an empty Field from a Box Individual n. of cells along Box XYZ dimensions | |
Deconstruct Field (AFDecon) Deconstructs a Field | |
Exogenous Settings (ExoSet) Collects exogenous related settings | |
Populate Field (AFPop) Populates a Field with Scalar, Vector, and integer Weight values (optional) |
Heuristic Display (HeuD) Display Heuristics as visual combination of AssemblyObjects | |
Heuristics Display Ex (HeuDeX) Display Heuristics as visual combination of AssemblyObjects - extended version | |
Heuristics Settings (HeuSet) Collects Heuristics related settings | |
Heuristics Writer (HeuWri) Generates Heuristics Set for an AssemblyObjects Set | |
Weigh Heuristics (HeuWeigh) Assigns custom integer weights to the Heuristics rules |
AssemblyObjects From JSON (JSON>AO) Load a list of AssemblyObjects from a JSON file saved with brute force method | |
AssemblyObjects To JSON (AO>JSON) Save a list of AssemblyObjects to a JSON file - brute force method |
Assembler Engine (AOaEngine) Assembler Engine Where the magic happens... |
Boolean Intersect Boolean Intersect | |
Boolean Subtract Boolean Subtract | |
Boolean Union Boolean Union | |
Sum Sum | |
DivComponent (Division) Division | |
Mercury Based on hg_sdf by the demogroup MERCURY ( | |
Metaball Metaball | |
Morph Morph | |
MultComponent (Multiplication) Multiplication | |
SmoothIntersection Smooth intersection between two objects | |
SmoothSubtraction SmoothSubtraction description | |
SmoothUnion SmoothUnion | |
SmoothUnionList Smooth Union of an entire list of distance objects | |
WaveComponent (Wave) Wave |
Box Box | |
Capsule Capsule | |
Ellipsoid Ellipsoid | |
Cone Cone | |
Cylinder Cylinder | |
Sphere Sphere | |
Egg Egg | |
Ellipse 2D Ellipse 2D | |
Plane Plane | |
PlatonicSolid PlatonicSolid | |
PolygonExtrusion PolygonExtrusion | |
Spiral Spiral | |
Torus Torus |
Array Array description | |
Array Limited Array Limited | |
Blend Blend | |
Blur Blur description | |
Orient Orient from world XY plane to another plane | |
Shell Shell | |
Levelset Levelset | |
MatrixTransform MatrixTransform | |
Overlay Overlay | |
Polar Array Polar Array | |
Twist TwistComponent description |
Sine Sine | |
Lattice Lattice | |
LatticePolar LatticePolar | |
Voronoi Voronoi | |
Noise Noise description | |
Sine 3D Sine 3D | |
TPMS D (TPMS Distance Object Modifier) TPMS D | |
TPMS P (TPMS Polar) TPMS P | |
TPMS S (TPMS Spherical) TPMS S |
Contour2DValues Contour2DValues | |
EvaluatePoints EvaluatePoints description | |
Gradient Vector Gradient Vector | |
Slice2D Slice2D | |
Slice2DSimple Slice2DSimple |
Isosurface Distancefield Isosurface Distancefield | |
Isosurface Distancefunction Isosurface Distancefunction | |
Isosurface Octree Isosurface Octree | |
Dense Grid Dense Grid | |
Voxel Size Voxel Size |
Pipe This component creates a pipe of circular cross section around an input curve.If two radii are specified, the radius linearly blends from R1 to R2 along the curve. | |
Sweep Sweep description | |
Distance Wrapper Distance Wrapper |
Fastener (Fast) Creates Beaver fastener element for assembly into a Beaver connection element | |
CrossScrews Assembles a cross screws connection based on two timber frame elements and an angle | |
SemiRigidConnection Assembles the connection spacings to be used in the connection analysis | |
Axial Connection Spacings (Spacings) Assembles the connection spacings to be used in the connection analysis. It will also tell you whether the spacings satisfy the requirements. | |
Timber to Steel Connection (T2S) Assembles a timber to steel Beaver connection | |
Timber to Timber Connection (T2T) Assembles a timber to timber connection | |
Shear Connection Spacings (Spacings) Assembles the connection spacings to be used in the connection analysis |
Displamcements (Disp) Creates a displacement object for assigning it to a TimberFrame Point | |
Force Creates a force object for assigning it to a TimberFrame Point | |
TimberFramePoint (FramePoint) Definition of a single timber frame point | |
CrossSection (CS) Computes a Beaver Crossection | |
Material (BMat) Creates a Beaver Material with properties needed to ULS checks | |
TimberFrame Definition of a Timber Frame element |
CrossSectionOptimizer This component will get a TimberFramePoint and optimize its CrossSection to meet a target utilization factor using ULS verifications | |
FastenerDecompose Decomposes a fastener into its calculated properties. This is useful for checking calculated values in a connection or double-checking parameters | |
CrossSectionCapacity This component will take a TimberFramePoint and calculate its ultimate limit capacity. | |
TimberFrameView (timberFrameView) This component will calculate your model and display the results according to the selected Utype input. | |
ViewNumericResults (NumericResults) Displays numerical results on timber frame | |
VisualizeCriticalCheck (CriticalCheck) Displays the critical utilization of the timber frames based in colors |
Spacing Fastener Spacing | |
T2SCapacity (SConnection) T2SCapacity | |
T2TCapacity (SConnection) T2TCapacity | |
Cross Section (CroSec) Timber Cross Section | |
Displacement Nodal Displacement | |
ConnectionAxial (SConnection) ConnectionAxial |
KarambaToBeaver (K2B) Retrieves TimberFrames from Karamba beams | |
BeaverToKarambaMaterial (B2Kmat) Converts a Beaver Material into a Karamba Material | |
Karamba add beaver parameters (B2KBeams) Adds Beaver parameters to a Karamba Beam Element for performing ULS and SLS checks in Beaver | |
ImportCSVMaterials (ImportCSVMat) Imports a |
GetBeaverLicense (Beaver) Calls GetLicense using CloudZoo licenses | |
CombinationSettings Sets combination values in relation to combination factors |
Align Curve Start/End (AlignCrvS/E) Align curve on a line based on its start/end points. | |
Assemble Curves (AsmblCrvS/E) Assemble curves based on their start/end points. | |
Classify Curves (ClCrvS/E) Classify curves based on their start/end points. | |
Curve To Line Start/End (Crv2LnS/E) Convert curves to lines, based on their start/end points. | |
Divide Curves on Intersects (DivCCX) Divide curves on all of their intersects. | |
Flip curve toward a point (Flip2Pt) Flip a curve toward a point. | |
Star Lines (StarLn) Create an simple star and give its lines. |
WiiIn (Wii>>) Read data from wii controller | |
WiiOut (Wii<<) Send data to wii controller | |
Wii Start (Wii*) Connect to available wii controllers... |
Websocket Client Receiver (WS>>) Read data from websocket | |
Websocket Client Sender (WS<<) Send data to websocket server | |
Websocket Client Start (WS*) Start a new connection to a Websocket server. |
Http Input (HttpIn) Start create an http server, listening to an address. | |
Http Output (HttpOut) Send response to client using and close connection. |
Expire Dam (<>) Expire down stream object only if the gate is open |
Solar Calculations (SolarCals) All of the calculations to get sun properties at specific location, in a specific time. |
Biomorpher Interactive Genetic Algorithms for Grasshopper | |
BiomorpherReader Uses Biomorpher data to display paramter states |
Concavity Relative approximate concavity analysis for surface meshes | |
Viewshed Viewshed analysis for surface mesh faces. | |
CutFill Calculate cut and fill volumes from proposed and existing mehes. | |
Watershed Calculate the watershed for given points on a surface mesh. | |
Shade Shading analysis for surface mesh faces. | |
Slope Slope analysis for surface meshes. | |
Flow Flow tracing for surface mehes. | |
Elev Elevation analysis for surface meshes | |
Aspect Slope aspect analysis for surface meshes. | |
Roughness Relative roughness analysis for surface meshes |
Slope Point Calculate local slope percentage for a point on a mesh | |
Slope Path Calculate local slope percentage for points along a curve on a mesh | |
Slope Line Calculate slope percentage for the end points of curves | |
Contour Draws major and minor contours with elevation tags | |
Spot Elevation Draw elevation tags for points projected to a mesh | |
Spot Elevation Point Draw elevation tags for points | |
Spot Elevation Path Draw elevation tags for a points along a curve on a mesh | |
Spot Elevation Grid Draw elevation tags for a point grid on a mesh | |
Slope Grid Calculate local slope percentage for a point grid on a mesh | |
HP LP Calculate local high and low points on a surface mesh |
Reduce Slope Reduce mesh slopes to given limit | |
Mesh Curve Pull Edit mesh with deformations following curves, strength defined by curve elevation | |
Mesh Point Pull Edit mesh with deformations at points, strength defined by point elevation | |
Mesh Curve Edit mesh with an edge curve with a given slope | |
Mesh Flat Edit mesh with a flat region defined by a curve | |
Mesh Point Edit mesh with points and a given slope | |
Mesh Path Edit mesh with a flattened path along a given curve |
Triangulate Mesh Create a surface mesh from points and/or curves | |
Remesh Random Resample a landscape mesh with a random grid | |
Remesh Square Resample a landscape mesh with a square grid | |
Remesh Triangular Resample a landscap emesh with a triangular grid |
Section Serial Dist Cuts serial sections pependicular to a centerline curve at a given distances along curve | |
Section Serial Cuts serial sections pependicular to a centerline curve at a given interval | |
Section To XY Cuts serial sections pependicular to a centerline curve at a given interval | |
Section Profile Cuts a section along an irregular profile curve. |
Import Mesh LandXML Import mesh from a LandXML TIN surface | |
Import Mesh DEM Import mesh from a Tiff DEM file encoded in single-channel 32 bit floats |
Bison About Bison |
Adjustment Filter (Adjustment) Apply a Adjustment filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Blob Filter (Blob) Apply a Blob filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Difference Filter (Difference) Apply a Difference filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Dithering Filter (Dithering) Apply a Dithering filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Canny Edges Filter (Canny Edges) Apply an Canny Edges filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Edges Filter (Edges) Apply an Edges filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Effects Filter (Effects) Apply an Effects filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Extract Filter (Extract) Apply an Extract filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Iterate Filter (Iterate) Iteratively apply filters to a bitmap Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Smooth Filter (Smooth) Apply a Smooth filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Streak Filter (Streak) Apply a Streak filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Figure Filter (Figure) Apply a Figure filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Filtering Filter (Filtering) Apply a Filtering filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Grayscale Filter (Grayscale) Apply a Grayscale filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Levels Filter (Levels) Apply a Levels filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Sharpen Filter (Sharpen) Apply a Sharpen filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Threshold Filter (Threshold) Apply a Threshold filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Convolution Filter (Convolution) Apply Convolution Matrix filter to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library |
Crop Image (CropImg) Crop an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Mirror Image (MirrorImg) Mirror an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Move Image (MoveImg) Move an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Polar Image (PolarImg) Apply a Polar Transformation to an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Resize Image (ResizeImg) Resize an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Rotate Image (RotateImg) Rotate an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Scale Image (ScaleImg) Scale an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Shrink Image (ShrinkImg) Shrink an Image Built on the Accord Imaging Library |
Build Bitmap (BuildBmp) Build a bitmap from a width, height, and list of colors | |
Procedural Cellular (Cellular) Generate a procedural cellular image | |
Image to Bitmap (ImgToBmp) Converts a Bitmap Plus Image to a System.Drawing.Bitmap | |
Reaction Diffusion (ReactDiffuse) Applies Grey Scott reaction diffusion to an image | |
Procedural Fractal Pass (Fractal) Generate a procedural fractal pass on Cellular or Noise | |
Procedural Noise (Noise) Generate a procedural noise image |
Deconstruct Bitmap (DeBmp) Deconstruct a Bitmap into it's colors | |
Evaluate Bitmap (EvalBmp) Evaluates a bitmap by parameterized values in the x and y directions and returns the color. | |
Get Pixel (Pixel) Gets a color from a bitmap at a column and row pixel location. | |
Bitmap Properties (BmpProp) Get a bitmap's properties |
Trace Bitmap (Trace) Trace a Bitmap Built on the Potrace.cs Library | |
Bitmap Blobs (BmpBlobs) Get Blobs from a Bitmap Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Bitmap Corners (BmpCorners) Get Corners from Bitmap Figures Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Bitmap Shapes (BmpShapes) Get Shapes from a Bitmap Built on the Accord Imaging Library |
Set Layer (SetLyr) Applies a layer to an image Built on the Dynamic Image Library | |
Merge Images (MergeImgs) Merge Images into a single image. Input can be a list of Bitmaps, Images, or Images with Layers assigned Built on the Dynamic Image Library | |
Modify Layer (ModLyr) Modify a layer Built on the Dynamic Image Library | |
Transform Layers (XfrmLyr) Transform a layer Built on the Dynamic Image Library |
Open Bitmap (OpenBmp) Open an Bitmap file and return a Bitmap object | |
Save Bitmap (SaveBmp) Save an Image or Bitmap to File |
Prev Colors (PrevClr) Previews a list of Colors as swatches | |
Prev Image (PrevImg) Previews a bitmap image in canvas |
Swap 2 Channels (Swap2) Swap one bitmap channel for another one. Built on the Accord Imaging Library | |
Replace Channels (Replace) Replace the Channels of a Bitmap. Built on the Accord Imaging Library |
Blindfold Hide or show geometry in Rhino that is referenced into the Grasshopper document. |
Deconstruct Rectangle (Rec Info) Deconstruct Rectangle | |
Make Rec Vertical (Vertical Rec) Make Rec Vertical | |
Offset Rec By Edge (Offset Rec Edge) Offset Rec Edge Seprately To Inside | |
Offset Rec Edge in Direction Offset rec edge to arrowSize distance that is measured in certain direction | |
Point At Quadrilateral (Point At Rec) Point At Quadrilateral from XY Point | |
Point To Rec (Center To Rec) Center To Rec | |
Rec Diamond Subdivide (Diamond Panel) Subdivide arrowSize quadrilateral in Diamonds | |
Rec Move One Side (Move Rec Side) Move one side of arrowSize rec with arrowSize vector | |
Rec Remove Buttom (Remove Buttom) Rec Remove Buttom | |
Rec Remove Left (Remove Left) Rec Remove Left | |
Rec Remove Right (Remove Right) Rec Remove Right | |
Rec Remove Top (Remove Top) Rec Remove Top | |
Rec Subdivide (Subd Rec) Rec Subdivide, Also can be Quadrilateral | |
Rec Subdivide Side (Divide Side) Subdivide one side of arrowSize rec | |
Rec To Mesh (Rec Mesh) Rec Polyline To Mesh | |
Rec To Srf (Rec Srf) Rec Polyline To Srf | |
RecXYLine RecXYLine | |
Split Rec With Curve (Split Rec) Split Quadrilateral with arrowSize curve into to two recs, which means split at rec side. | |
Split Rec With Plane (Split Rec) Split Quadrilateral with arrowSize plane into to two recs, which means split at rec side. | |
TwoLinesToRec TwoLinesToRec |
Bounding Rectangle (Bounding Rec) Bounding Rectangle Like Bounding Box | |
Deconstruct Circle (Circle Data) Deconstruct Circle | |
Divide Evenly (Divide Curve) Divide Curve Evenly | |
Extend Lines (Extend) Extend And Trim To Boundary | |
Offset Cap Offset Cap | |
Offset Inner Offset Inner | |
Offset Z Offset Curve Z | |
Curve Start (Curve From) Get Curve Start Point | |
Curve End (Curve To) Get Curve End Point | |
Curve Plane Intersect (Curve Plane) Intersect curves with planes to get sorted points, same list structure with planes list | |
Curves to Region (Curves Region) Curves To Closed Planar Region | |
Divide From Mid (Divide Curve Mid) Divide curve from mid parameter | |
Divide Crv By Plane (Divide Mid) Divide curve by length and keep dividing start point align with curve - plane intersection | |
Line To Plane (Line Plane) Extend Line To Plane | |
Project Curve Loose (Project Loose) Project Curve Loose to geometries with on vector | |
Curve Direction Preview Curve Direction | |
Shrink Curve Shrink Curve if input negative value can be extend | |
Slope Line Create arrowSize slope line from two point and slope rate |
Bmp To Jpeg (To Jpeg) Bmp To Jpeg | |
Face Screen Auto rotate rhino object To face the screen | |
PanoramaView PanoramaView | |
Bake To Layer (Bake Layer) Bake To Layer | |
Select And Tag (Select Tag) Select And Tag | |
Converger (Converge Tools) Converge Linear Process | |
Find GHA Find GHA File | |
Version Version | |
Midi Keys (Midi) Connect To Midi | |
Scatter From Library (Lib Scatter) Scatter From Library 3dm File | |
ScreenSlider ScreenSlider | |
Solver Dam Set True To Pass Data | |
Clip Image Clipping arrowSize image from rhino or Drag and drop from img file | |
INTERNALISE Internalize All Reference Input Params |
Mesh Beam Extrude Mesh Beam From Curve | |
Set Floor Heights (Floor Heights) Decode Numbers List as 3.1 * 3 to arrowSize list of three 3.1 | |
Get Ramp (Ramp) Get Ramp From Curve | |
Line To Collum (Column) Line To Collum | |
Lines to Panel (Panel From LinesUse Lines to Generate Panels) Generate Panels From Lines | |
Points to Panel (Panel From Points) Use Linear Points to Generate Panels, First And Last Points are locations for rec if no rec input | |
Subdivide Surface (Paneling Srf) Paneling or Subdivide Surface | |
Paneling Polyline (Paneling Rec) Paneling Quadrilateral | |
Point To Collum (Column) Point To Collum | |
Brep To Stairs (Stairs) Stairs from brep | |
Ramp Get Ramp From Side Curves |
Distribute Array X (Dense Array X) Distribute Array in X Direction | |
Distribute Array Y (Dense Array Y) Distribute Array in Y Direction | |
Distribute Array Z (Dense Array Z) Distribute Array in Z Direction | |
EveryTwo EveryTwo | |
Fill From Source (Fill From) Random Fill A List From A Source List, Result list elements comes from source but Count same with List | |
Neg Posi (+-) Negtive & Positive | |
Remove List Ends (Cull List Ends) Remove list first and last item | |
Relative Position (XYZ Position) Relative Position | |
DispatchByProportion (Dispatch Proportion) Dispatch List Randomly By Proportion and Export Trees | |
JitterList JitterList | |
Rule Numbers (Rule) GroupBy Numbers by rules |
Bake Block Reference (Bake Block) Bake Block Reference, Input DataTree Will Become Different Groups | |
Bake Definition (Create Definition) Create Block Definition From Geometry | |
Definition From Name (Block From Name) Get Block Definition From Name | |
Definition from Block (Deconstruct Block) Get Block Definition Ifos | |
Definition To Block (Block From Definition) Create Block Reference From Definition | |
Exist Definition (Block Definition) Exist Block Definition | |
Explode Block Explode Block | |
Import Block Reference (Set Block) Import Block Reference From Rhino | |
Preview Block (Block Preview) Preview Block | |
Transform Block (Move Block) Transform Block |
AlignVertices AlignVertices | |
Extrude Mesh From Curve (Extrude Mesh) Extrude Mesh From Curve | |
LoftMesh LoftMesh | |
MeshPipe MeshPipe | |
Mesh Planar Ngons (Ngons) Mesh Planar Ngons | |
Mesh To Nurbs (ToNurbs) Mesh To Nurbs | |
Morph Mesh Morph Mesh | |
OffsetMesh (Offset Mesh) Offset Mesh | |
Tween Curve Mesh (Two Rec Mesh) Mesh From Two Polyline | |
Extrude Mesh Extrude Mesh With One Vector |
FilterByArea FilterByArea | |
FilterByContain Select Geometries Contained in arrowSize Boundary | |
FilterByLength Filter By Length | |
FilterClosed FilterClosed | |
GroupBy All Equal GroupBy Refs will be put into one branch | |
Curve Region Filter (Curve Region) Curve Region Filter | |
SelectRhinoObject SelectRhinoObject | |
Plane Filter (Filter By Plane) Plane Filter |
Box To Vertical Surfaces (Box to Recs) Box To Vertical Surfaces | |
BrepBottomTop (Top Bottom) Brep Bottom Top | |
Brep Loops (Loops) Get Brep Loops | |
BrepSide (Brep Side) Brep Side | |
Swap UV (Transpose) Transpose Swap Surface UV | |
Diamond Surface (Diamond Srf) Diamond Surface Paneling | |
Triangular Surface (Tri Srf) Paneling surface In triangle shape |
XYCPlane XYCPlane | |
XZCPlane XZCPlane | |
YZCPlane YZCPlane | |
Plane Normal Y (PlaneNY) Construct Plane from normal and Y-Axis | |
SetCPlane (SetCP) Set CPlane | |
Preview Plane (Show Plane) Preview Plane |
Cage Transform (Cage Edit) Box Cage Edit Geometries | |
Cage (Set Cage) Set Cage | |
Two Plane Transform (Plane Plane Shear) Shear Transform Based On Two Planes | |
Rec Rec Shear (Rec Shear) Rec to Rec Shear Transform |
MinimalAnchor (Minimal Anchor) Minimal Anchor form Curves | |
Minimal Surface Engine (Minimal) Calculate Minimal Surface | |
Movable Anchors Movable Anchors From Curves |
Curve Charge Curve Charge | |
Solve Strength Lines (Field Strength) Solve field strength distribution |
BB Closest Point CurveOnSurface (CP) Find the closest point on an embedded curve | |
BB Construct CurveOnSurface (CrvOnSrf) Embed a curve on a surface | |
BB Curvature CurveOnSurface (κ) Evaluate the curvature of an embedded curve at a specified parameter | |
BB Deconstruct CurveOnSurface (Deconstruct) Deconstruct an embedded curve into its components | |
BB Evaluate CurveOnSurface (BBEval) Evaluate an embedded curve at a specified parameter | |
BB Extrude CurveOnSurface (Extrude) Extrude an embedded curve in direction of its normal vector | |
BB Geodesic Curvature CurveOnSurface (κg) Evaluate the geodesic curvature of an embedded curve at a specified parameter | |
BB Geodesic Torsion CurveOnSurface (τg) Evaluate the geodesic torsion of an embedded curve at a specified parameter | |
BB Integrate CurveOnSurface (BBIntegrate) Integrate the curvature of an embedded curve over a specified domain | |
BB Normal Curvature CurveOnSurface (κn) Evaluate the normal curvature of an embedded curve at a specified parameter | |
BB CurveOnSurface (CrvOnSrf) |
BB Geodesic Torsion Path (BBτg) Follow the surface along a specified geodesic torsion | |
BB Normal Curvature Path (BBκn) Follow the surface along a specified normal curvature | |
BB Pathfinder (BBPathfinder) Find a specified path type on a surface or Brep | |
BB Principal Curvature Path (BBk) Beta! Interface might change! | |
BB Evaluate Path (BBEvalPath) Beta! Interface might change! | |
BB Curvature Field (Field) Show the direction field to a given path type |
BB Boolean (BBBool) Boolean operation between two sets of planar closed polylines | |
BB Difference (BBDiff) Difference of a set of planar closed polylines | |
BB Intersection (BBInt) Intersection of a set of planar closed polylines | |
BB Offset (BBOffset) Offset a polyline with a specified distance | |
BB Union (BBUnion) Union of a set of planar closed polylines | |
BB XOR (BBXor) XOR of a set of planar closed polylines |
BB Layer (BBLayer) Create a layer model from a mesh | |
BB Radial (BBRadial) Create a radial waffle structure from a mesh | |
BB Section (BBSection) Create a section model from a mesh | |
BB Waffle (BBWaffle) Create a waffle structure from a mesh |
BB Text (BBText) Create a single line text |
BB Principal Stress (σ) |
Box2DCircle (Box2DCir) Generate Box2D Circle from Grasshopper Circle | |
Box2DPolygon (Box2DP) Generate Box2D Polygon from Grasshopper Closed Polyline | |
Box2DRectangle (Box2DRec) Generate Box2D Rectangle from Grasshopper Rectangle |
Box2DPreview Simulate (PreviewSimulate) Box2D Simulation Solver | |
Box2DSimulate (Simulate) Box2D Simulation Solver | |
Box2DStep Simulate (StepSimulate) Solver wich advances only when input refresed. Useful for making animation. |
Convex (Conv) Test if a polygon is convex. | |
Convex Decompose (CD) Decompose concave polygon into several smaller convex polygon. Based on Convex decomposition algorithm created by Mark Bayazit ( |
Get Layer By Selection (GetLayer) Gets the currently selected layers in Rhino. | |
Find Layer By Name (FindLayerByName) Get layer information by layer name. | |
Set Layer Property (SetLayer) Set the properties of the layer. | |
Bake Block Bake block to the document with the specified attributes. | |
Transform Rhino Object (Transform RhinoObject) Transform an Rhinoobject. | |
Get Guid By Selection (GetGuid) Gets the currently selected objects in Rhino. | |
Explode Block Get information about block object. | |
Explode Dot Get information about textdot object. | |
Get Layer Objects (Layer Object) Get objects by layer name. | |
Get Layer Name (Layer Name) Get the layer name in the active document or get the layer name of the Rhino file. | |
Explode Text Get information about text object. | |
Lock Guid Lock objects by Guid. | |
Hide Guid Hide objects by Guid. | |
Delete Guid Delete objects by Guid. | |
Save Guid Save Guid.It is convenient for us to select, hide, and delete the named Guid in the future. | |
Select Guid Select objects by Guid. | |
Object Type Filters (filters) This component is ObjectTypeFilters. |
Curve Deviation (CrvDeviation) Computes the distances between two arbitrary curves that overlap. | |
Curve To Poly Line (CurveToPolyLine) Fit curve to polyline within specified tolerance. | |
Curve Offset Direction Shows the offset direction of the curve. | |
Is Clockwise (IsClockwise) Test whether the direction of the curve is clockwise.Only works with simple (no self intersections). | |
Offset on Srf Offset a curve on a surface with a specified distance. | |
Offset Curve Offset a curve with a specified distance. | |
Poly Line Curve Angle (Angle) Get the angle of a polyline. | |
Curve Min Bounding Box (Curve MinBoundingBox) Get the minimum bounding rectangle of the planar curve. | |
Extend Crv On Srf (ExtendCrvOnSrf) Extends a curve on a surface. | |
Fillet Corners (Fillet) Fillet the sharp corners of a curve. | |
Split Curves Split a intersecting curves into curve segments. | |
Line Create a line between two points.(You can create line on both sides) | |
Polygon Create a circumscribed polygon with optional round edges. | |
Line SDL (Line) Create a line segment defined by location point, tangent,start length and end length. |
Boolean Split (BooleanSplit) Boolean split a brep . | |
Offset Brep (OffsetBrep) Offsets a Brep. | |
Offset Normal To Surface (OffsetNormalToSurface) Offset the curve in the direction of the surface normal. | |
Shrink Trimmed Srf To Edge (ShrinkSrf) Shrinks the trimmed surface to the trimming boundaries. | |
Extract Render Mesh (ExtractRenderMesh) Copies the render mesh to create a separate mesh object. | |
Surface Extrusion Create extrusion by extruding a planar surface. | |
Surface Type (SurfaceType) Tests a surface to see if it is planar surface、single curved surface, double curved surface to a givens tolerance. | |
Box Extrusion Gets an extrusion from a box. | |
Curve Extrusion Create extrusion by extruding a planar curve. | |
Cylinder Extrusion (Cylinder) Create a cylinder. | |
Tube Extrusion (Tube) Create a tube. |
Get Rhino Object Grips (GetRhinoObjectGrips) Get the control points of the object(For example:Light). | |
Aligned Dimension Object (AlignDim Object) Create a distance annotation object between two points. | |
Explode Clipping Plane (Explode ClippingPlane) Get information about clipping plane. | |
Move Clipping Plane (Move ClippingPlane) Transform an ClippingPlane. | |
Text Object (TextObject) Create text object. | |
Add Geometrys (AddGeometrys) Plant a Vray proxy tree (Multiple tree species). | |
Add Geometry (AddGeometry) Plant a Vray proxy tree (a tree species). | |
Geometry Location Find location point of the geometry. |
Find Components By Name (FindComponents By Name) Get components by name. | |
Set Components Property (SetComponentsProperty) Set the properties of the components. | |
Find Components By Selection (FindComponents) Gets the currently selected components in Grasshopper. | |
Delete Dup Geometry (DeleteDupGeometry) Remove duplicate geometrys. | |
Bifocals Plus (BifocalsPlus) Enhancements to the Bifocals plugin. | |
Component Info Get information about a selected components. | |
Delete Dup Curve (DeleteDupCurve) Remove duplicate curves. | |
Delete Dup Data (DeleteDupData) Remove duplicate data. |
Set Pt XYZ (SetPt XYZ) Change the XYZ coordinates of a point. | |
Is Parallel (IsParallel) Determines whether this vector is parallel to another vector, within a provided tolerance. | |
Vector Angle Compute the angle from vector1(v1) to vector(v2). | |
Populate 2C (Populate_2C) Populate a two planar curve region with points . | |
Sort Point List (SortPoints) Sort points along a "reasonable polyline". |
Pick Chinese Select Chinese characters in the string. | |
Pick English Select English characters in the string. | |
Pick Number Select the number in the string. | |
Is Number Check whether a string is a number. |
List Statistics Get some statistics regarding a data list. | |
Random Partition List (Partition List) According to the ratio random partition a list into sub-lists. | |
Random Int (Random_Int) Generate a list of pseudo random integers or doubles. | |
List Slice Use list slice to get a part of the list.Same as python list slice [start:end:step]. |
Camera Plane Get the working plane facing the camera. | |
Geometry Face To Camera (GeometryFaceToCamera) Rhino objects follow the camera rotation. | |
Text Tag Camera Draw the text tag on the camera plane. |
Insert Point (ggIP) Generate Insertion Point | |
Fractional To Double (ggFtD) FractionalToDoubler | |
Objects By Color (ggOBC) List of Guid of objects by Color | |
Create Block (ggCB) Create Block definition in the Rhino Document | |
Break Down Blocks (ggBB) Break Blocks down to base geometry and layer names | |
Break Blocks Flat (ggBBF) Break Blocks down to base geometry and layer names | |
Create Tree From Lists (ggTFL) Create Tree from two Lists | |
Dynamic Path Mapper (ggDPM) Dynamic Path Mapper | |
CC (ggCC) Test | |
Conv Curve (ggCC) Convert Curve to polycurve consisting of lines and arcs | |
Polyline To Poly Curve (ggPl2Pc) Convert Polyline to polycurve consisting of lines and arcs | |
Simplify Polyline (ggSPl) Simplify Polyline by merging co-linear segments | |
Poly Curve (ggPC) Interpolate Poly Curve | |
Geo Dome (ggGD) Geodesic Dome | |
Geo Dome Type (ggGDT) Geodesic Polyhedron Type: 0 - ICOSAHEDRON, 1 - OCTAHEDRON, 2 - TETRAHEDRON | |
Cell Fillet (ggCF) Fillets a cell polygon | |
Network To Mesh (ggCNM) Convert a curve network to Mesh | |
Network Patch (ggCNP) Create a curve network patch | |
Network Polygons (ggCNP) Polygon from Curve network | |
Network Fillet (ggCNF) Fillets a curve network | |
Truss Type (ggTT) Truss Type: 0 - PRATT, 1 - WARREN, 2 - VIERENDEEL, 3 - BROWN, 4 - HOWE | |
Truss From Curves (ggTC) Divide and Connect curves, Truss Style | |
Truss From Curves Length (ggTCL) Divide and Connect curves by length, Truss Style | |
Connect Points (ggCP) Dot to Dot, Truss Style | |
Connect Point Sets (ggCPS) Dot to Dot in Sets of points | |
Lines To Segments (ggLTS) Split list of lines into colinear segments | |
Remove Duplicates (ggRD) Make set of curves without duplicates | |
Curves Split Intersect (ggCS) Split curves at Intersection Locations | |
Mesh False Color (ggMFC) False Color applied to Mesh | |
Inflate Surface (ggInflateSrf) Inflate Surface | |
Inflate Mesh (ggInflate) Inflate Mesh | |
Inflate Mesh Target Height (ggInflateToHeight) Inflate Mesh to Target Height | |
Inflate Params (ggIP) Inflate Params | |
Force Density Relax Params (ggFDRP) Force Density Mesh Relaxation Params | |
Force Density Relax (ggFDR) Force Density Mesh Relaxation | |
Curve Network Force Density (ggCNFD) Force Density application to Curve Network | |
Mesh Srf (ggMS) Mesh Surface | |
Mesh Paths (ggMP) Mesh Paths along face edges | |
Curve Network Force Eq Length (ggCNEqL) Force Density application to Curve Network to achieve equal length | |
Mesh Repel Verts (ggMRV) Force Density Mesh Vertex Repelling | |
Mesh Resize (ggMR) Resize Mesh | |
Mesh To Brep (ggMTB) Convert Mesh to Brep | |
Oc Tree (ggOT) Geometry Gym OcTree | |
Proximity Points (ggPP) Geometry Gym Proximity Points | |
Vector Streams (ggVS) Geometry Gym Vector Streams, work in progress, do not rely on results as may change in future revisions | |
Identify Voids (ggV) Identify Voids from a Brep | |
Poly Hedron Type (ggPHT) Polyhedron Type: 0-Cube, 1-Cuboctahedron, 2-DiPyramid, 3-Dodecahedron, 4-Tetrahedron, 5-Tetrakaidecahedron, 6-TruncatedCube, 7-TruncatedTetrahedron, 8-TruncatedOctahedron, 9-TruncatedCuboctahedron | |
Polyhedron (ggPH) Generate Polyhedron | |
Tessellation Type (ggTT) Tessellation Type: 0-WeairePhelan, 1-BitruncatedCubic, 2-CantitruncatedCubic,3-CantitruncatedAltCubic,4-TruncatedAlternatedCubic | |
Tessellation Arrange (ggTA) Tessellation Arrangement: 0-BoundingBox, 1-Intersect, 2-Enclosing | |
Tessellation Nature (ggTN) Tessellation Nature: 0-AllFaces, 1-SingleFaces, 2-WireFrame | |
Tessellation (ggT) Generate Tessellation | |
Unroll (ggU) Unroll Surface |
Create Section Prop (ggSP) Create Structural Section Property | |
Search Profile (ggSP) Search Catalog for Profile | |
Sweep Profile (ggSweep) Sweeps Profile on Curve | |
Profile On Curve (ggPOC) Orients Profile on Curve | |
Profile I (ggIB) Generates an I (Universal Beam) Profile | |
Profile Asymmetric I (ggAI) Generates an Asymmetric I Profile | |
Profile Angle (ggAng) Generates an Angle Profile | |
Profile Channel (ggU) Generates an Channel (U) Profile | |
Profile C (ggC) Generates an Circular Section Profile | |
Profile CHS (ggCHS) Generates an Circular Hollow Section Profile (Solid if no Thickness) | |
Profile Rect (ggRect) Generates a Rectangular | |
Profile RHS (ggRHS) Generates a Rectangular or Square Hollow Section Profile (solid if no thickness) | |
Catalogue Profile (ggCP) Select Catalogue profile |
Objects By Layer Name (ggOBL) List of Guid of objects by Layer Name, recompute definition to refresh |
Refinement Region Butterfly refinement range. - | |
Create Case from Geometries Create an OpenFOAM Case from geometries. - | |
Wind Tunnel Parameters Wind tunnel parameters. - | |
Update block Mesh Dict Update blockMeshDict. - | |
Create Case from Tunnel Create Case from wind tunnel. - | |
Meshing Parameters Set meshing parameters for blockMesh and snappyHexMesh. | |
Location Refinement Mode Inside/Ouside region refinement. - | |
Butterfly This component downloads butterfly library from github to: C:sersUSERNAME%ppDataoamingcNeelhinoceros.0criptsutterfly - | |
Create Butterfly Geometry Create Butterfly surface. - | |
Distance Refinement Mode Distance refinement. - | |
Make2d Parameters Make a case 2d. | |
Create Case from Folder Create an OpenFOAM Case from an existing case in a local folder. - | |
Wind Vector Wind vector. - |
Segment Grading Segment Grading. Use this component to create a grading for a segment of the block based on ratio or length. - | |
Load Points Load points from the case for preview. - | |
chek Mesh Chek the metrics about the mesh. - | |
Grading XYZ Grading XYZ Create a grading for different XYZ. - | |
wind Tunnel Grading Windtunnel auto grading This component generates gradingXYZ for an outdoor study (wind tunnel). - | |
snappy Hex Mesh Dict Set parameters for snappyHexMeshDict. Read more about snappyHexMeshDict here: | |
Multi Grading MultiGrading Create a grading for multiple segment_gradings. - | |
snappy Hex Mesh snappyHexMesh - | |
Load Mesh Load mesh from the case for preview. - | |
block Mesh blockMesh - |
decompose Par Dict simple Simple decomposeParDict. Dictionary for parallel runs. - | |
Get Geometry Update fvSchemes values based on mesh orthogonalities. - | |
div Schemes library Generate fvSchemes based on mesh non-orthogonalities. - | |
Fv Schemes from Non-orthogonality Generate fvSchemes based on mesh non-orthogonalities. - | |
decompose Par Dict scotch Scotch decomposeParDict. Dictionary for parallel runs. - | |
Look Up Case Folder Look Up Case Folder. - | |
purge Case Purge case folder. - |
epsilon Wall Function Epsilon Wall Function boundary condition. - | |
kq RWall Function kqR Wall Function boundary condition. - | |
nutk Wall Function nutk Wall Function boundary condition. - | |
fixed Value Fixed value boundary condition. - | |
zero Gradient Zero gradient boundary condition. - | |
calculated calculated boundary condition. - |
Solution Run recipes using OpenFOAM. - | |
Solution Parameter Solution Parameter. | |
control Dict Set parameters for runDict | |
Function Object Function Object. | |
probes Create Butterfly probes | |
Solution Parameters Solution Parameters. |
Outlet Boundary Create an outlet boundary with uniform pressure value. - | |
Wall Boundary Create a wall boundary. - | |
Boundary Create a custom boundary. - | |
Inlet Flow-Rate Boundary Create an inlet boundary with flow rate in m3/s. - | |
Inlet Boundary Create an inlet boundary with uniform velocity value. - |
Load Probes Load probes from a folder. - | |
Load Probes Value Load results for a field in probes. - | |
Sample Case Sample the results for a case. Use this component yo load the results for a case that you have ran already. - | |
Plot Residuals Load residual values for a case. - | |
Load Skipped Probes Load results for a field in probes. - |
residual Control Set residual control convergance values. | |
Steady Incompressible Recipe Steady Incompressible Recipe. - | |
relaxtion Factors Set relaxtionFactors values | |
Heat Transfer Recipe Heat Transfer Recipe. - |
Laminar Turbulence Model Laminar turbulence modelling. Read more: Watch this: | |
RAS Turbulence Model Reynolds-averaged simulation (RAS) turbulence model. Read more: Watch this: | |
LES Turbulence Model Large eddy simulation (LES) modelling. Read more: Watch this: |
Extract Buildings (Buildings) Load and parse node (e.g. point) data from an OSM file based on its metadata | |
Extract Nodes (Nodes) Load and parse node (e.g. point) data from an OSM file based on its metadata | |
Extract Ways (Ways) Load and parse way (e.g. polyline) data from an OSM file based on its metadata |
Specify Features (OSM Specify) Provides a graphical interface to specify a list of OSM features that the Extract components will then find. | |
Filter Tags (OSM Filter) Provides a graphical interface of OSM features to filter the results of an Extract component based on common tags. |
About Caribou (AB) Displays information about this plugin, including documentation sources and current/latest versions. |
Carve Perform boolean operations on two meshes using the Carve library. |
Angular Unit Conversion (Angles) Scales a Angle value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Energy Conversion (Energy) Scales a Energy value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Force Conversion (Forces) Scales a Force value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Mass Conversion (Masses) Scales a Mass value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Pressure Conversion (Pressures) Scales a Pressure value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Speed Conversion (Speeds) Scales a Speed value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Temperature Conversion (Temperatures) Scales a Temperature value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Time Conversion (Times) Scales a Time value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Area Conversion (Areas) Scales a Area value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Units of Length Conversion (Length) Scales a Length value from a source unit to a target unit | |
Volume Units Conversion (Volumes) Scales a Volume value from a source unit to a target unit |
Shimizu-Morioka System Shimizu-Morioka System | |
Chen-Lee System Chen-Lee System | |
Moore-Spiegel System Moore-Spiegel System | |
Hadley System Hadley System | |
Finance System Finance System | |
Newton-Leipnik System Newton-Leipnik System | |
Rikitake System (Rikitake Systemt) Rikitake System | |
Zhou-Chen System Zhou-Chen System | |
Burke-Shaw System Burke-Shaw System | |
Coupled Lorenz System Coupled Lorenz System | |
Rucklide System Rucklide System | |
Sprott C System Sprott C System | |
Bouali System 3 Bouali System 3 | |
Hindmarsh-Rose System Hindmarsh-Rose System | |
Sakarya System Sakarya System | |
Rabinovich-Fabrikant System Rabinovich-Fabrikant System | |
Bouali System 2 Bouali System 2 | |
Thomas Cyclically Symmetric System Thomas Cyclically Symmetric System | |
Qi-Chen System Qi-Chen System | |
Chen System Chen System | |
Dadras-Momeni System Dadras-Momeni System | |
Rayleigh-Benard System Rayleigh-Benard System | |
Nose-Hoover System Nose-Hoover System | |
Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System (TSUCS 2) (TSUCS 2) Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System (TSUCS 2) | |
Aguirre-Letellier System Aguirre-Letellier System | |
Xing-Yun System Xing-Yun System | |
Yu-Wang System Yu-Wang System | |
Bouali System 1 Bouali System 1 | |
Willamowski-Rossler System Willamowski-Rossler System | |
Rossler System Rossler System | |
3-Cells CNN System 3-Cells CNN System | |
Halvorsen System Halvorsen System | |
Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System (TSUCS 1) (TSCUS 1) Three-Scroll Unified Chaotic System (TSUCS 1) | |
Elhadj-Sprott System Elhadj-Sprott System | |
Lorenz System Lorenz System |
Mira Map Mira Map | |
Tinkerbell Map Tinkerbell Map | |
Peter de Jong Map Peter de Jong Map | |
Duffing Oscillator Duffing Oscillator | |
Ikeda Map Ikeda Map | |
Elhadj-Sprott A Map Elhadj-Sprott A Map | |
MacMillan Map MacMillan Map | |
Ueda Oscillator Ueda Oscillator | |
Henon Map Henon Map | |
Gingerbread Map Gingerbread Map | |
Hopalong Map Hopalong Map | |
Folded-Towel Map Folded-Towel Map | |
Multifold Henon Map Multifold Henon Map | |
Gumowski-Mira Map Gumowski-Mira Map | |
Cubic Henon Map Cubic Henon Map |
Barnsley Fern Barnsley Fern | |
Sierpinski Carpet Sierpinski Carpet (IFS) | |
Tree (IFS) Tree (IFS) | |
Sierpinski Triangle Sierpinski Triangle (IFS) | |
Maple Leaf (IFS) Maple Leaf (IFS) | |
Swirl (IFS) Swirl (IFS) | |
Harter-Heighway Dragon Harter-Heighway Dragon | |
Dragon (IFS) Dragon (IFS) | |
Levy C Curve Levy C Curve |
4D Mathieu van der Pol System 4D Mathieu van der Pol System | |
4D Jha System 4D Jha System | |
Matsumoto-Chua-Kobayashi System (MCK) Matsumoto-Chua-Kobayshi System (MCK) | |
4D Sprott C System 4D Sprott C System | |
4D Rossler System 4D Rossler System | |
4D Bouali System B 4D Bouali System B | |
4D Qi System 4D Qi System | |
4D Bouali System A 4D Bouali System A |
Mandelbrot Set Mandelbrot Set | |
Julia Set Julia Set | |
Burning Ship Burning Ship |
Brep Charge Metaball charge from Brep | |
Cocoon Wrap geometry with marching cubes | |
Curve Charge Metaball charge from curve | |
Curve Group Charge (Group Charge) Metaball charge for group of curves | |
Point Charge Metaball point charge | |
Refine Refine the output from cocoon |
Colibri Aggregator (CA) Aggregates design data, images & Spectacles models into a data.csv file (and corresponding data set that data.csv links to) that can be uploaded to Thread. | |
Colibri Outputs (Colibri Out) Collects design parameters (us engineer types would call these 'performance metrics') to chart in Design Explorer | |
Colibri Image Setting (Set Img) Set the parameters for view captures from each iteration. You can specify which viewport[s] to capture, and the resolution of the image. | |
Colibri Inputs (Iterator) (Colibri In) Iterates through all possible combinations of input sliders, panels, or valueLists. | |
Colibri Iteration Subdomain (Sub Domain) Sets an iteration sub selection for the Colibri Inputs Iterator | |
Colibri Geometry Preview (Material Prev) Lets you preview geometry like the standard Custom Preview component but with a geometry output that is updated when the preview is completed. | |
Colibri Lineweights Preview (Line Prev) Lets you preview curves with Lineweights but with a geometry output that is updated when the preview is completed. |
Color Palettes (Palette) Get a list of colors from premade palettes from Windows, common web standards, and industry color sets. | |
Colour Name (Named Clr) Select a Color from existing palettes by name or index | |
Average Colors (AvgClr) Find the average color when a list of values is summed and divided by the total count. | |
Color Sets (ClrSets) Generate a color palette from a varity of color theory based groupings including Complimentary, Triad, Tetradic, and many more. | |
Construct Gradient (ConstGrad) Parametrically construct a gradient. | |
Invert Color (Invert) Invert a color | |
Tween Colors (TweenClr) Get a tweened color between a two colors | |
Colour Ole (Ole) Get a color from its Ole integer | |
To Hex (ToHex) Gets the Hex value of a color | |
To Ole (ToOle) Gets the Ole integer of a color |
Preview Colors (PrevClr) Previews a list of Colors as swatches | |
Itemize Colors (ClrItems) Itemize a list of colors |
Draw a bubble chart (Bubble Chart) Draw a bubble chart in the HUD | |
Color list from ColorPalette (Colors) Generate colors from a Conduit ColorPalette | |
Conduit ColorPalette (Palette) Custom color generator for Conduit | |
Conduit Curve Style (Curve Style) Custom curve style settings for Conduit | |
Conduit Chart (Chart) A Conduit chart object | |
Draw Lines (HUD Line) Draw lines in the HUD | |
Draw a Mesh (HUD Mesh) Draw a mesh in the HUD | |
Draw Pie Chart (HUD Pie) Draw pie chart in the HUD | |
Draw Text (HUD Text) Draw text in the HUD | |
Conduit Font (Font) Custom font settings for Conduit | |
Grid Tiles Subdivide a rectangle with a grid of evenly sized tiles | |
Horizontal Tiles (Horz Tiles) Subdivide a rectangle with horizontally stacked tiles | |
Heads Up Display (HUD) (HUD) The core node for drawing a heads up display. | |
Irregular Grid Tiles (Irreg Tiles) Subdivide a rectangle with a grid of irregular, user-specified size tiles | |
Load Style Sheet (Style Sheet) Explicit loader for saved style sheets. | |
Conduit Pie Style (Pie Style) Custom pie style settings for Conduit | |
Conduit Style Sheet (Style Sheet) Custom style sheet for Conduit | |
Vertical Tiles (Vert Tiles) Subdivide a rectangle with vertically stacked tiles | |
Get viewport boundary dimensions (Bounds) A rectangle that reflects the current viewport boundary. Refresh to update |
Anchor Anchor constraints of between selected vertices and input points. Numbers of both list must be equal. | |
AnchorToGround Anchor to ground constraint of selected vertices | |
Developable Add Developability | |
EqualLength Equal length constraint between selected edges. You can also set length of selected edges | |
FlatFoldable Add FlatFoldability | |
GlueVertices (GlueVerts) Glue selected vertices | |
OnCurve OnCurveConstraint | |
OnPlane On plane constraint of selected vertices | |
OnSurface On surface constraint of selected vertices | |
SetFoldAngles Equal fold angle constraint between selected edges. You can also set fold angle of selected edges |
AddTabs Add tabs on debeloped mesh. | |
Cutting Line (Cut) Draw cutting lines according to panel thickness and each folding angle. | |
Double Hinge Create double hinged solids. | |
Finger Joint Cutting Lines (Finger Joint) Draw finger joint cutting lines. | |
Panels with Thickness (Thick Panels) Construct thick panels from a Mesh and its developed panel's polylines | |
Single Hinge Create single hinged solids according to panel thickness and each folding angle.. | |
Tapered Solid with Thin Layer Hinge (Tapered Solid) Create tapered solids with thin layer hinge | |
V-Cutting Lines (V-Cut) Draw V-cutting lines which allow folding until 90 degrees. |
DeconstructCMesh Deconstruct CMesh into Mesh and information | |
EdgeCentor EdgeCentor | |
Preview Edge IDs Preview edge ids for CMesh | |
Preview Tapered Panels Preview tapered panels with thickness. | |
Preview Vertex IDs Preview vertex ids for CMesh | |
PreviewCMesh Preview CMesh | |
PreviewPanelsSelective (PrevPanSel) Preview panels with selective directions. |
CMesh Generate CMesh from mesh | |
CMesh_MVlines (CMeshMVlines) Description | |
CMesh_MVTlines (CMeshMVTlines) Description | |
PaperMesh Generate flat mesh from scanned img | |
CMesh from Lines Create CMesh from boundary, mountain, and valley lines. (This component needs Weaver Bird's Mesh From Lines) |
Chickenwire Pattern (Chickenwire) Generate Chickenwire pattern | |
Eggbox Pattern (Eggbox) Generate Eggbox pattern | |
Miuraori Pattern (Miuraori) Generate Miuraori pattern | |
Yoshimura Pattern (Yoshimura) Generate Yoshimura pattern |
Auto Assign Mountain or Valley (Auto MV) Assign mountain or valley according to each folding angle sign | |
Develop Mesh Develop input mesh. | |
Folding Angles (Fold Angle) Get foding angles. |
CraneSolver Solver for simulation and design |
Controller (BC) Behavior Merging Controller, you can add/remove/rearrange behaviors. The input order will be the behavior execution stack | |
Flocking (FL) Flocking Algorithm | |
Flocking Mapped (FM) Flocking Algorithm with image color sampling override for any flocking attributes and remaping of color values | |
Mesh Crawl II (MC) Mesh Crawling allows agent to move along a mesh object and is capable of spawning children | |
Mesh Crawl (MC) Mesh Crawling allows agent to move along a mesh object | |
Noise (N) 2D/3D Improved Perlin Noise | |
Noise Mapped (NM) 2D Improved Perlin Noise with image color sampling override for any behavior attribute | |
Separation (SB) Separation Behavior II - avoids crowding neighbors (short range repulsion) | |
Stigmergy (ST) 2D/3D Trail Chasing Algorithm - Agents will chase agents trails | |
Weaving Wandering (SW) Expanded 2D Wandering Algorithm using step triggers to create a weaving type movement 2D Wandering Algorithm, Wandering is a type of random steering which has some long term order | |
Multi Path Tracking II (TT) MultiShape Path Following Algorithm capable of spawning children - see example files | |
Multi Path Tracking (T) Multi Path Following Algorithm | |
Multi Path Tracking II Mapped (TT) MultiShape Path Following Algorithm capable of spawning children with image color sampling override for any path attributes and remaping of color values - see example files | |
Wandering (WA) 2D Wandering Algorithm, Wandering is a type of random steering which has some long term order. Force Values from Move Settings have a strong effect on behavior | |
Wandering Mapped (WM) 2D Wandering Algorithm with image color sampling override for any wandering attributes and remaping of color values, Wandering is a type of random steering which has some long term order |
Disco_Color (DC) Controls the Disco Color trail options for the Visual Settings Component | |
Gradient_Color (GC) Controls the Gradient Color trail options for the Visual Settings Component | |
Graphic_Polyline (GP) Controls the Graphic Polyline Color trail options for the Visual Settings Component | |
Trail Data (TD) Controls the Trail Data for the Visual Settings Component | |
Visual Settings (VS) Controls the visual settings for the Creeper Engine Outputs |
Attraction Force (AF) Attracts a object towards a set of targets. Differs from Seek | |
Bundling (B) Settings for Self Organization of Curve Networks | |
Bundling II (BM) Settings for Self Organization of Curve Networks with image color sampling override for bundling attributes and remaping of color values | |
Repulsion Force (RF) Repels a object away from a set of targets |
Bundling_Engine (Nickname) Engine for Self Organization of Curve Networks | |
Creeper_Engine_Dual (CED) Culebra Multi Object Engine | |
Creeper_Engine (CE) Culebra Objects Engine | |
Creeper_ZombieEngine (CZE) Culebra Object Zombie Engine |
Move Settings (MS) Sends the move settings to the Creeper Engine. | |
Init Settings (IS) Sends the init settings to the Creeper Engine. |
Box Spawn (BS) Uses a box to contain the creepers spawn area in 2D or 3D | |
Point Spawn (PS) Uses a list of points as starting positions for the creepers in 2D or 3D |
Curve To Volume (vCurve) Create a volume from a list of curves | |
Points To Volume (vPoints) Create a volume from a point set | |
Mesh to Volume (vMesh) Create a volume that approximates mesh geometry | |
Create Settings (vSettings) Settings for converting different geometry types to and from volumes | |
Volume to Mesh (mVolume) Create a mesh that approximates volume geometry |
Create Mask (Mask) Create a mask from a volume to be used in volume filter operations | |
Volume Blend (vBlend) Blend between two volumes | |
Offset Volume (vOffset) Offset a volume by a fixed amount | |
Smooth Volume (vSmooth) Apply smoothing to volume |
Volume Difference (vDiff) Perform a diference operation on a set of volumes | |
Volume Intersection (vInt) Perform a intersection operation on a set of volumes | |
Volume Union (vUnion) Perform a union operation on a set of volumes |
Read Volume (vRead) Read a volume file and create a volume | |
Write Volume (vWrite) Write a Volume to a file |
Capture A general iterator that automatically generates many different design options and records an image, performance score, and/or other properties of each design. WORKS ON DOUBLECLICK | |
DesignLogger (DLogger) Logs a design exploration session | |
Reader Reads in .csv files as nested lists. | |
Sampler Generates a list of parametric design vectors, called a “Design Map”, based on user-defined variable properties. WORKS ON DOUBLECLICK | |
Sift Selects specific designs from a design map. WORKS ON DOUBLECLICK | |
Writer Writes a nested list to a .csv file in the specified directory. |
Cluster Clusters designs using the K-means algorithm and adjusts variable bounds based on each cluster. WORKS ON DOUBLECLICK | |
Diversity Calculates the diversity of a set of design vectors | |
Effects Calculates the average effect of each variable on performance. WORKS ON DOUBLECLICK | |
Tilde Surrogate modeling tool for approximating objective functions |
Contort Explore design space using synthetic variables mapped back to the original variables | |
MOO Executes the NSGA-II multi-objective optimization algorithm. WORKS ON DOUBLECLICK | |
Radical Optimization component featuring Radical | |
Stepper Optimization component featuring Radical and Stepper |
StormCloud Interactive Evolutionary Optimization |
Create Dictionary (CreateDictionary) Create a new dictionary. | |
Dict Join (DictJoin) Join two dictionaries. | |
Dict Read (DictRead) Read key-value pairs. | |
Dict Select (DictSelect) Select value from key. | |
Dict (D) A dictionary. |
Apply indicators (Indicators) Apply indicators | |
Construction Construction | |
Gas material (Gas) Gas material for glazing constructions | |
Glazing Material Glazing Material | |
Layer Creates a construction layer | |
Library Launches the library editor | |
Opaque Material Opaque Material | |
Simple Window Simple Window | |
Thermal Bridge (Bridge) Generates an equivalent construction based on the primary costruction provided |
Boundary condition object (Bc) Creates a boundary condition object that can be used to attach special boundary conditions to the thermal model | |
Face Creates a Thermal Zone Face | |
Zone Connectivity Network (Networker) Creates a connectivity network between thermal zones | |
Simulation Engine (Run E+) Takes thermal model and runs Energy Plus | |
Shading Surface (Shading) Creates a Shading Surface | |
Window Creates a thermal zone window | |
Thermal Zone (Zone) Creates a Thermal Zone |
Zone domestic hot water (Zone DHW) Zone domestic hot water | |
Window settings Window settings | |
Zone conditioning Zone conditioning | |
Zone constructions Zone constructions | |
Zone loads Zone loads | |
Zone settings Zone settings | |
Zone ventilation Zone ventilation |
IntegrateIndicators IntegrateIndicators | |
Load result file (Results) Load result file and filter columns by tags | |
Load Zone Results Load Zone Results | |
SurfaceAnalysis SurfaceAnalysis | |
UTCI Universal Thermal Climate Index, | |
Weather Weather | |
XYPlot Creates 2D plots |
Floor cutter Floor cutter | |
GeometryFilter GeometryFilter | |
AS_GetObjNameLayer AS_GetObjNameLayer | |
FromRhinoDoc (FromRhDoc) Load from Rhino Doc | |
Shading Mask Shading Mask | |
Intersector Intersect Breps with each other |
Grid Viewer (Grid V) Displays grid data and deconstructs grid into constituent parts | |
Image Viewer Displays an image file | |
Deconstruct Zone (DeZone) Deconstructs DIVA lighting zone into constituent parts | |
Window Viewer (Win V) Displays window and extracts schedules | |
Hour Of Year (HOY) Gets hour of year and day of year from month/day/hour inputs | |
MonthDayHour (MDH) Converts hour of year to month/day/hour |
Array Schedule (Schedule) Creates schedules based on number arrays | |
Day Schedule Day Schedule | |
Week Schedule Week Schedule | |
Year Schedule Year Schedule |
Takes surfaces, generates PV panels (PV) Takes surfaces, generates PV simulation IDF | |
Runs a PV simulation (PV) Runs a PV simulation |
Solar Envelope (Envelope) Creates a buildable envelope for a given boundary curve based on the latitude and time of solar access for an entire year | |
Solar Fan (Fan) Creates a no-obstruction envelope which ensures solar access for sites like parks, landscaping, etc... |
BatchRunner (Batch) Creates and launches a multi-run batch file |
Construct Tensor Field (ConstructTF) Constructs a tensor field | |
Custom Field (CustomField) Generate a user-defined vector field | |
Deconstruct Tensor Field (DeconstructTensField) Deconstruct a tensor field into a connectivity mesh and a list of tensors | |
Discrete Field (DiscrField) Generate a continuous field from a discrete vector set | |
Field From Mesh (FieldFromMesh) Generates a field based on a mesh's principal curvature | |
Field From Surface (FieldFromSurface) Generates a field based on a surface's principal curvature | |
Field Potential (FieldPotential) Provided the field is conservative, this calculates the potential in each pointas the negative of the work done by a particle from the sampling point (A) to the source (B) | |
Image Charge (ImageCharge) Create a field due to an image charge | |
Point Trajectory (IntegFieldPoint) Find the trajectory of a point in a field | |
Integrate Tensor Field (IntegrateTFMesh) Integrate Tensor Field on Mesh | |
Path on Object (PathOnObj) Integrate a field using an object as a constraint | |
Rotate Tensor Field (RotateTF) Description | |
Smoothen Field (Smoothen a field) See html help in the component | |
Iso-Potential Surface (IsoPotSurf) Calculates the iso-potential surfaces of a field | |
Tensor Field - Vector (TFtoVF) Calculate a vector field from a tensor field and a single direction The resulting vector will be V(x) = TF(x) * D, where M is the tensor field in a point and D the direction given | |
Tensor Field - Component (TFtoVF2) Creates a vector field by choosing a component of the Tensor Field. By default it takes the first direction. Right-click on the component to change that. |
Construct Node Value (ConKDNodeVal) Construct a kd-Node with a value associated to it | |
Construct Node (ConKDNode) Construct a kd-Node | |
Construct Tree (ConKDTree) Construct a kd-Tree | |
Deconstruct Node (DeConKDNode) Deconstruct a kd-Node | |
Nearest Neighbours Hypercube (NearKDNCube) Finds kdNodes in a hypercube | |
Nearest Neighbours Distance (NearKDNNum) Finds kdNode within a certain distance from a given one | |
Nearest Neighbours Number (NearKDNNum) Finds n nearest neighbours to the specified kdNode |
Convex Hull 3D (ConvexHull3D) Create a convex hull 3d from a poiont cloud | |
Geodesic (GeodesicMesh) Geodesic on a mesh | |
Integrate Mesh Curvature (IntegrateMshCrv) Integrates the principal directions field of a mesh | |
Iso Mesh (IsoMesh) Creates and Iso Mesh | |
Mesh Curvature (MeshCrv) Find the curvature field of a mesh | |
Umbilic Points (UmbilicPoints) Find umbilc points on a mesh | |
Voxels Samples the field for creating the Voxels |
Dancing Banana (Banana) A funny dancing banana | |
Series from List (SeriesList) Create a series of numbers having the same length of the given list | |
Group Numbers (GroupNums) Group numbers | |
Run Executable (RunExec) Run an executable with attributes | |
Sort Curves (Sort curves) Sort curves along a given curve |
Generate Graph (GenGraph) Create graph from curves | |
Find Path (PathGraph) Visualize the shortest path | |
Graph search (GraphSrch) Find distances in a graph | |
Generate Network (GenGraph) Create graph from curves |
Run Neural Network (RunNN) Run data through a trained neural network | |
Supervised Training NN (SupTrainNN) Supervised training | |
Unsupervised Training NN (UnsupTrainNN) Unsupervised training |
Integrate Curvature Field Integrate Curvature Field |
Statistics (Stats) Calculate statistics for a series of numbers |
Bring Layer To Front (BringToFront) Bring Layer to Front | |
Close Document (CloseDoc) Close a specified document | |
Create Text on Layer (CreateText) Use this component to create text items on a layer. Specify points for point text, or a rectangle for area text. | |
Curves To Paths (CrvsToPaths) Convert Rhino Curves to bezier curve paths in Illustrator | |
Curve To Path (CrvToPath) Convert a Rhino Curve to a bezier curve path in Illustrator | |
Document Bounds (DocBounds) Get the rectangle representing the document bounds | |
Documents (Docs) Get Open Illustrator Documents | |
Export Document (Export) Export a document to a specified location | |
Layer By Name (LayByName) Get a layer from a document by name | |
Get Paths on Layer (LayPaths) Gets the Path items on a layer | |
Layers Get/Create Document Layers | |
New Document (NewDoc) Create a new Illustrator Document | |
Open File (OpenFile) Open an Illustrator Document | |
Open Illustrator (Illustrator) Opens Illustrator and retrieves the running app. | |
Path Geometry (PathGeom) Get the curve / polyline geometry of the path items | |
Run Script (Script) Run script (written in javascript) in Illustrator | |
Scale Transforms (ScaleXForms) Map to and from Illustrator document scale. All Doodlebug components take / output points, so this lets you smartly map to and from other units. | |
Send Layer To Back (SendToBack) Send a layer to back of the document | |
Set Layer Properties (SetLay) Sets the opacity and blend mode of a layer | |
Set Layer Order (LayOrder) Set the desired layer order for a document | |
Set Path Properties (SetPathProp) Set the display properties of Paths |
Envimet Source (DFEnvimetSource) Use this component to generate sources for "Dragonfly Envimet Spaces". E.g. a fountain to apply evaporation strategy. | |
Envimet Read Building Avg Results (DFReadBuildingAvgResults) Use this component to read building results. (WIP) | |
Envimet Config (DFenvimetConfig) This component writes simulation file (SIMX) of ENVI_MET. | |
Envimet Config MainSettings (DFenvimetConfigMainSettings) This component contain main settings to generate simulation file (SIMX). Connect the output DF Envimet Config. | |
Envimet 2d Plant (DFEnvimet2dPlant) Use this component to generate plant2d for "Dragonfly Envimet Spaces". E.g. grass, simple tree of 10 meters and so on. | |
Envimet Information (DFEnvimetInformation) News and Info from DF Envimet developer! Use this component to see roadmap of Dragonfly Envimet or patches released by developer | |
Envimet Spaces (DFEnvimetSpaces) Use this component to generate ENVI-Met v4 | |
Envimet Receptor Folder (DFReceptorFolder) Use this component to get all output folders of receptors. | |
Envimet 3d Plant (DFEnvimet3dPlant) Use this component to generate 3d trees for "Dragonfly Envimet Spaces". ENVI_MET has a big library of 3d tree divided into Coniferous and Deciduous | |
Envimet Timesteps Settings (DFenvimetTimestepsSettings) This component let you change the timestep of the sun. For more info see the official website of ENVI_MET. | |
Envimet Run Simulation (DFEnvimetRunSimulation) Use this component to run directly simulation by Grasshopper. | |
Envimet Building Temp (DFenvimetBuildingTemp) This component let you change the indoor temperature of the buildings. | |
Envimet Grid (DFEnvimetGrid) Use this component to generate inputs for "Envimet Spaces". Each Point of grid represent a centroid of an envimet cube. | |
Envimet Receptor (DFEnvimetReceptor) Use this component to generate inputs for "Dragonfly Envimet Spaces" | |
Envimet Output interval Settings (DFenvimetOutputintervalSettings) This component let you change the timestep of the sun. For more info see the official website of ENVI_MET. | |
Envimet Soil (DFEnvimetSoil) Use this component to generate inputs for "Dragonfly Envimet Spaces" | |
Visualize Buildings (DFvisualizeBuildings) Use this component to see buildings centroids of ENVI_MET model file. | |
Envimet Installation Directory (DFEnvimetInstallationDirectory) Use this component to set Installation Directory of Envimet on your machine. E.g. C:NVImet444 | |
Envimet Simple Force by EPW This component let you force climate condition of the simulation | |
Envimet Building Files (DFBuildingFiles) Use this component to get avg output files of buildings. | |
Edit Building Materials (DFeditBuildingMaterials) Use this component to edit building materials. You can use it to generate windows. You need to use both Curve and Shapes inputs for windows. Check where the points are using"DFvisualizeBuildings" | |
Envimet Buildings (DFEnvimetBuildings) Use this component to generate buildings for "Dragonfly Envimet Spaces" | |
Envimet Soil settings (DFenvimetSoilSettings) EXPERT SETTINGS: This component let you change initial condition of the soil. | |
Envimet Config SimpleForcing (DFenvimetConfigSimpleForcing) This component let you force climate condition of the simulation. You can connect lists of values or data which comes from EPW file. Use outputs of DF Envimet Simple Force by EPW. | |
Envimet Nesting Grid (DFEnvimetNestingGrid) Use this component to generate inputs for "df_envimet Spaces" | |
Envimet Read Receptor Results (DFReadReceptorResults) Use this component to read receptor results. Right click on icon of component to set output type: Atmosphere; Soil; Flux. | |
Horizontal Overhang (DFhorizontalOverhang) Use this component to horizontal overangs "Dragonfly Envimet Spaces". | |
Envimet Read Library (DFReadLibrary) Use this component to read the library of materials of ENVI_MET. Use the "id" to change materials to enviment objects. Use DF XML Reader to look at details of materials. | |
Envimet Terrain (DFenvimetTerrain) Use this component to generate inputs for "Dragonfly Envimet Spaces" | |
Envimet Manage Workspace (DFEnvimetManageWorkspace) Use this component to create a Workspace folder | |
Envimet Run INX (DFEnvimetRunINX) Use this component to open your ENVI_MET model directly with GH. | |
XML Reader (DFXMLReader) Use this component to see details about materials. Connect "XML" output of "DF Library Reader" and keywords to extract details. E.g. "Density", "Description"... | |
Envimet Default Material (DFEnvimetDefaultMaterial) Use this component to override common wall material, common roof material and common soil material inputs for "Dragonfly Envimet Spaces" | |
Envimet Location (DFEnvimetLocation) Use this component to generate inputs for "df_envimet Spaces" |
Dragonfly_Bldg Age (bldg_age) Provides a list of available building programs from the template | |
Typology From Params Use this component to generate a default building typology to be used with the "DF City" component | |
City Use this component to generate a Dragonfly City object from Dragonfly Bldgg Typology objects | |
City From Parameters Use this component to generate a Dragonfly City object from numerical parameters like building height and site coverage ratio | |
Typology from Footprints Use this component to generate a building typology to be used with the "DF City" component from footprint geometry. - Provided by Dragonfly 0.0.03 | |
Dragonfly_Bldg Program (bldg_program) Provides a list of available building programs from the template | |
Boundary Layer Parameters Use this component to generate boundary layer parameters that can be plugged into the "DF Run Urban Weather Generator" component | |
Vegetation Parameters Use this component to generate vegetation parameters that can be plugged into the "DF uwg City" component. - Provided by Dragonfly 0.0.03 | |
Building Typology Use this component to generate a default building typology to be used with the "DF City" component | |
Pavement Parameters Use this component to generate parameters that describe the pavement of the urban area, which can be plugged into the "DF uwg City" component. - Provided by Dragonfly 0.0.03 | |
Reference EPW Parameters Use this component to generate refernce EPW site parameters that can be plugged into the "DF Run Urban Weather Generator" component | |
Edit Typology Envelope Use this component to generate a default building typology to be used with the "DF City" component | |
Traffic Parameters Use this component to generate traffic parameters that can be plugged into the "DF uwg City" component. - Provided by Dragonfly 0.0.03 | |
Run Urban Weather Generator Use this component to morph a rural or airport EPW to reflect the conditions within an urban street canyon |
Export Dragonfly Code Developers of Dragonfly can use this component to export Dragonfly user objects and source code that they create to the Github folder on their computer | |
Update This component installs the uwg libraries to: C:sersUSERNAME%ppDataoamingcNeelhinoceros |
Import LANDSAT Image Use this component to import a LADNSAT image that has been downloaded from GloVis into Grassoppper | |
AMY from NCDC Data Use this component to create an AMY weather file from a year of data downloaded from the National Climactic Data Center (NCDC) database and an existing TMY weather file for the location |
Dragonfly This component carries all of Dragonfly's main classes |
Droid Volume (Cartesian) (DVolC) Defines the Volume of the printable area of machine | |
Droid Volume (Delta) (DVolD) Defines the Volume of the printable area of machine | |
Droid Parameters (DPmters) Custom Parameter creation for Droid | |
Droid Paths (DPath) Set custom user defined curves (Polylines) for 3d Printing. Input order is important (Unless Sort Z is true) | |
Droid Slicer (Dslice) Slicer of Droid Mesh in preparation for 3D Printing |
Droid Gcode Footer (DGFoot) Gcode Footer creation | |
Droid Gcode Creator (GCode) Creates Gcode infomation from Droid components | |
Droid Gcode Header (DGHead) Gcode Header creation | |
Droid Save Gcode (SaveG) Save Gcode File |
Sort Curves clockwise (SortCurvesclockwise) Sort a list of curves clockwise | |
Sort Point Clockwise (clockwise points) sorting a list og points clockwisely based on the assigned plane | |
Sort points anti-clockwise (Anti-clockwise points) Sorting a list of points anti-clockwisely based on the assigned plane | |
SortBrepAnticlockwise sort a list of breps anticlockwise | |
SortBrepClockwise Sort a list of breps clockwise | |
SortCurveAnticlockwise (SortCurveAtni) Sort a list of curces anticlockwise | |
SortMeshAnticlockwise sort a list of meshes anticlockwise | |
SortMeshClockwise Sort a list of meshes clockwise | |
SortSurfaceAnticlockwise sort a list of surafce anticlockwise | |
SortSurfaceClockwise sort a list of surfaces clockwise |
Sort Surface Area Sorting a list of surfaces according to the surface area | |
Sort Surface UV Sorting a list of surfaces according to the distance from the reference point to the point on the surfaces by assigning UV parameters | |
Sort Surface X Sorting a list of surfaces according to the X coordinate sequences of the center points | |
Sort Surface Y Sorting a list of surfaces according to the Y coordinate sequences of the center points | |
Sort Surface Z Sorting a list of surfaces according to the Z coordinate sequences of the center points | |
Sort Surfaces Point Sorting a list of surfaces according to the distance to the reference point | |
SSUV (SortSurfaceUV) Sorting a list of sub-surfaces in a correct order by UV srf: the original untrimmed surface srfs : the messed up sub-surfaces waiting to be sorted u: number of branches( int required) v: number of items in one branch( int required) |
Sort Brep X Sorting a list of Breps according to the X coordinate of the center points | |
Sort Breps Point Sorting a list of breps according to the distance from the reference point to the center points of the closed brpes | |
Sort Breps Volume Sorting a list of breps according to the volumes | |
Sort Breps Y Sorting a list of Breps according to the Y coordinate of the center points | |
Sort Breps Z Sorting a list of Breps according to the Z coordinate of the center points |
Sort Curves Length Sorting a list of curves according to the length | |
Sort Curves Point Sorting a list of curves according to the distance from the reference point to the evaluated point | |
Sort Curves X Sorting a list of curves according to the X coordinates of the evaluated points. | |
Sort Curves Y Sorting a list curves according to the Y coordinates of the evaluated points | |
Sort Curves Z (3.0) (Sort Curves Z) Sorting a list curves according to the Z coordinates of the evaluated point |
Sort Mesh Area Sorting a list of meshes according to the area | |
Sort Mesh Point Sorting a list of meshes according to the distance from the reference point to the center points of the meshes. | |
Sort Mesh X Sorting a list of meshes according to the X coordinate of the center points | |
Sort Mesh Y Sorting a list of meshes according to the Y coordinate of the center points | |
Sort Mesh Z Sorting a list of meshes according to the Z coordinate of the center points |
SortBoxDimension(1.0) (SortBoxDimension) Sorting a list of boxes according to the XYZ dimension of the boxes. | |
SortDuckSrfs Deconstruct the brep to surfaces, pairing srfs by assigning index (trail version 30 elments limited) | |
SortDuckSurfaceX(1.0) (SortDuckSurfaceX) Sort the Duck surfaces with x dimension and return a referenced plane | |
SortDuckSurfaceY(1.0) (SortDuckSurfaceY) Sort the Duck surfaces with y dimension and return a referenced plane | |
SortDuckSurfaceZ(1.0) Sort the Duck surfaces with z dimension and return a referenced plane |
Sort Points X Sorting a list of points according to the X coordinate of the poins | |
Sort Points Y Sorting a list of points according to the Y coordinate of the points | |
Sort Points Z Sorting a list of points according to the Z coordinate of the points | |
SortPointsPoint Sorting a list of points according to the distance from the reference point |
DUCK Font (DF) A list of font opsions in rhino system which can be determined by assigning index number. |
Sort Points Along Curve Sorting a list of points by giving a guide line (direction matters) |
Divide List Divide a list into sub-lists by the predefined number (divisor). | |
Partition List Adv (Partition) Partition a list into sub-lists by partition size | |
Split List Multi (Split Multi) Split a list into separate parts at a specified index number. Similar to the existing Split List Component, each index indicates the first item in each list. | |
SubTree Retrieve a specific branch / sub-branches from a data tree. |
EleFront Attributes (EF Att) Create, Modify, or Deconstruct Attributes. | |
AttributesFromJSON (AttFromJSON) Deserialize a JSON Object into eleFront Attributes. | |
AttributesToJSON (AttToJSON) Serialize EleFrontAttributes into a JSON format | |
EleFront Layer (EF Layer) Create, Modify or Deconstruct a Layer. It can be assigned to Object attributes, or baked with "Bake Layer" | |
Modify Rhino Object Attributes (ModRAtt) Modify attributes of Rhino Object | |
Remove User Text (RemUT) Remove User Keys and Values from Objects in the Rhino Document | |
Detach Attributes (DetAtt) Split an object into its geometry and eleFront attributes | |
Get All Keys/Values (GetKV) Get all Keys, Values, and BakeName from Attributes | |
Define Color (Color) Define Color | |
Get Rhino Attributes (RhAtt) Get the Rhino Attributes of an object. | |
Attach Attributes (AttAtt) Attach attributes to geometry, creating a complete attributed object. | |
Get User Value (GetUV) Returns a User Attributes value corresponding to a User Attributes key.Works on either referenced geometry or EleFront Attributes |
Deconstruct Text (DeText) Deconstruct text object | |
Deconstruct Hatch (DeHatch) Deconstruct hatch | |
Define Angular Dimension (AngularDim) Define Angular Dimension Object | |
Define Hatch (Hatch) Define hatch object to send to eleFront bake component | |
Define Text Dot (TextDot) Define text dot object | |
Define Leader (Leader) Define Leader Object | |
Define Radial Dimension (RadialDim) Define Radial Dimension Object | |
Define Linear Dimension (Linear Dim) Define Linear Dimension | |
Define Text Object (Text) Define text object. | |
Deconstruct Dimension (DeDim) Deconstruct dimension object |
Reference Block by Name (RefBlock) Reference Block Instance by Block Name | |
Reference by Name (RefName) Reference Rhino objects by name. | |
Manifest Ghost Geometry (Man) Import the real geometry for a ghost object. | |
Reference by Type (refType) Reference Rhino Objects by type. | |
Reference by Key/Value (RefKV) Reference objects based on Key/Value pairs | |
Deconstruct Ghost (DeGho) Split the Guid and Attributes from Ghost Geometry | |
Interact with Rhino Object (IntObj) Interact with objects from the Rhino Document | |
Reference by BakeName (RefBake) Reference objects based on Bake Name and User Attributes | |
Reference by Layer (RefLay) Reference Rhino objects by Layer. |
Define Linked Block (DefLnkBlock) Create a Linked Block Definition. Definition can be instantiated as a block. | |
Define Embedded Block (DefEmbed) Define an Embedded Block. | |
Push Block Definitions (PushBlk) Push block definitions to Rhino document | |
Get Block Info (Block Info) Returns information about a block instance | |
Explode Block (ExpBlock) Explode a block to get its geometry. | |
List Blocks In Document (ListBlockD) List all block names from the Rhino document | |
Insert Block (Insert) Insert a block from the active document |
Export Generic (ExpGen) Export to any file type that Rhino supports. | |
Export to Rhino File (Exp3dm) Export Objects to a 3dm File | |
Get Current File (File) Returns the file name and directory of current file. | |
Modify Rhino File (Modify3dm) Add or remove objects from an external Rhino file. | |
Merge Rhino Files (MergeF) Merge Rhino files into a single, with various settings. | |
Deconstruct FilePath (DecPath) Split a file path string into folder and filename | |
List Files (Files) List all files within a directory, matching a search mask |
Get Matching Branches (GetBrn) Grab the branches from parallel tree with the same paths. Can remove empties. | |
Clean Parallel (CleanP) Clean the primary data tree and output all respective secondary objects per item | |
Shift To Depth (ShfDep) Shift a data tree to a specified depth | |
ShiftMatch (ShiftM) Shift a data tree to match the structure of a guide tree | |
Graft Parallel (GraftP) Graft the primary data tree and output all respective secondary objects per item | |
Create Tree (Tree) Create tree by specifying a branch path for each item |
Filter by User Attributes (FilterAtt) Filter objects by their user attributes. Optional Parallel filtering as well. | |
Filter By Name (FilterName) Filter Objects by their Name | |
Filter By Layer (FilterLay) Filter Objects by their Layer | |
Filter by Type (FilterType) Filter objects by their Object Type. | |
Sort By Key (SortKey) Graft a tree by its User Text keys. Will create a new branch for each unique key. |
Bake Objects To File (BakeToFile) Bake objects to an external Rhino File with Rhino attributes and user attributes | |
Bake Objects (Bake) Bake objects to Rhino with Rhino attributes and user attributes | |
Bake Settings (BkSettings) Select Preset Bake Settings, with options to override for custom settings. | |
Bake Layers (BkLay) Bake Layers to Rhino |
Location (Loc) OpenStreetMap and Topograhy | |
OSM Data (OSM) Get Point and Tag data from an OSM file. | |
Topography (Topo) Generate Topography surfaces from USGS IMG Raster files or from SRTM HGT files. |
Element Index Selector (ElementIndexSelector) Retrieve element indices by filtering based on material, section and group. | |
Element Force Viewer (ElemForceView) Ouput the internal forces and moments of elements | |
Diagram Viewer (DiagramViewer) Show force diagrams on elements. | |
Results On Mesh Viz (MeshViz) Visualize structural data on a beam mesh. | |
Centerline Viewer (CLineView) View the centerline geometry. Plug your relax output into this component to see the geometry for each iteration. | |
Reaction Forces (ReactForce) View the reaction forces in of model | |
Node Forces (NodeForce) Extract the internal forces and moments of the nodes | |
Section Viewer (SectionView) Visualize the extruded sections of the members in the model represented as meshes. The sections will correspond to what's been defined for each element. |
Spring Create a 6 DOF spring element. The spring can be used for geometrical form-finding, when structural quantaties (such as forces and moments) are not important. | |
Cable Create a 6 DOF cable element. Cables are capable of transferring tension, but not compression. | |
Model Defines a Structural model. Assemble all elements, loads, restraints, materials and cross sections using this component. | |
Beam Create a 12 DOF Beam element from a line, material and cross section. By default a steel material and a circular section is assigned to the beam. | |
Bar Create a 6 DOF bar/truss element. No bending will occur in the elment, only axial force. In other words, the end nodes are only capable of transferring force, no moments. | |
Restraint Restrain a node's degrees of freedom | |
Lath Defines a continous grid-shell lath element |
Solid Box Section (SolidBoxSection) Create a solid box section by providing a height and width. | |
Generic Section (GenericSection) Create a generic cross section by providing numerical data. | |
Circular Section (CircularSection) Create a Circular Hollow Section (CHS) based on a radius and a thickness. | |
IShape Section (IShapeSection) Create an I Shape section by providing overall depth, overall width, top flange depth, web width, bottom flange width, and bottom flange depth | |
Hollow Box Section (HollowBox) Create a Hollow Box Section by providing height, width and thickness. |
Linear Load (LinearLoad) Define a load per length unit [N/m]. Note that the line has to coincide with an existing linear element in the model. | |
Point Load (PointLoad) Define a point load with a force vector [N] and a anchor point. | |
Area Load (AreaLoad) Define an area load by a force vector [N/m2] and a mesh. Note that the all vertices of the mesh have to coincide with nodes in the model. | |
Gravity Load (GravityLoad) Apply gravity load on a structure. The dead load of an element is calculated using information such as material density, the cross section applied and the geomety. |
Dynamic Relaxation Properties (DrProp) Properties to manually set the options for the Dynamic Relaxation solver. | |
Matrix Stiffness Solver (MatrixStiffnessSolver) Solves the static equilibrium state of a Model. The underlying algorithm is based on solving the system of linear system of equations Ka=f. | |
Dynamic Relaxation Solver (DrSolver) Solver using the Dynamic Relaxation method to find the equilibrium state of a model through time stepping. Connect the timer to this component to animate the process. |
Mesh Vextex Normals (MeshVertexNormals) Computes the vertex normals of a mesh. This is done by averaging the surrounding face normals around a vertex. | |
PluginInfo Gets information about the plugin |
Custom Material (CustomMaterial) Create a custom isotropic homogenious material | |
Material Database (Mat DB) Material Database. |
Advanced Bake (AdvancedBake) Advanced Bake allows to bake all kinds of geometry Objects with attributes (see BakeAttributes and PlotAttributes by blickfeld7 | |
BakeArrows (BakeArrow) Add arrowheads as bake attributes to curves. This only works with Advanced Bake (by Version 0.92 | |
Layer Attributes (LayerAttributes) Layer attributes (by Version 0.92 | |
Object Attributes for Bake (BakeAttributes) Bake attributes for Advanced Bake (by Version 0.92 | |
Object Attributes for Plot (PlotAttributes) Bake attributes for Advanced Bake (by Version 0.92 | |
View Bake and Plot Attributes (ViewAttributes) Prints out all the bake and plot attributes from your geometry. To assign Attributes see BakeAttributes and PlotAttributes by Version 0.92 |
Aligned Dimension (AlignedDimension) This component ceates aligned dimensions | |
Angular Dimension (AngularDimension) This component creates an angular dimension from circles and arcs. The resulting AngularDimension object can be baked with the Advanced Bake (by Version 0.92 | |
Diameter Dimension (DiameterDimension) This component creates a diameter dimension from circles and arcs. The resulting RadialDimension object can be baked with the Advanced Bake (by Version 0.92 | |
Dimensional Chain (DimensionalChain) This component ceates a single dimension or a dimensional chain, when more than 2 points are provided | |
Edit Dimension (EditDimension) This component extracts the numerical value, plane and text from the dimension object | |
Hatch This component creates a hatch from closed planar curves. The resulting Hatch object can be baked with the Advanced Bake (by Version 0.92 |
Engrave Text (EngraveText) Creates text as a single line curve, ideal for engraving purposes. Version 0.92 | |
Text 3D Advanced (3D Text) Creates 3D Text with custom color, font and alignment. Version 0.92 | |
Text Contour (TextContour) This creates Contours from TextEntitys. To make TextEntitys see Text3d Advanced by Version 0.92 | |
Text Dot (TextDot) This component creates a TextDot from location and text. The TextDot object can be baked with the Advanced Bake component (by Version 0.92 |
Unroll Unrolls Breps and Surfaces with additional curves and points. by | |
View Direction (ViewDir) Gets the vector of the view direction from the active viewport or a specified view. (by Version 0.92 |
Assign Rigid End Zone (AsnREZ) Assigns the rigid end zone for the design frame element. | |
Frame Max DCR (FrameDCR) Returns the maximum DCR for the frame element. | |
Deconstruct Cross Section (DecXS) Deconstructs a design cross section, giving access to properties | |
All Design Frames (AllDFEs) Gets all of the design frame elements defined in the model. | |
Deconstruct Design Frame (DeconDFE) Deconstructs a design frame element, giving access to properties | |
Deconstruct End Release (DeconER) Deconstructs a frame element end release. | |
Deconstruct Force Ordinate (DecFO) Deconstructs a frame element internal force ordinate | |
Deconstruct Frame Displacement Diagram (DeconFD) Deconstructs the displacement diagram into points and displacement vectors. Points and displacements are returned in the results display unit system. | |
Deconstruct Frame Modifiers (DeconFrameKMod) Deconstructs a FrameStiffnessModifiers object. | |
Deconstruct Rigid End Zone (DeconREZ) Deconstructs a frame element rigid end zone. | |
Assign Frame Axes (SetAxes) Overrides the local axes of the frame element by orienting either the local 2 or local 3 axis along a specified vector. Works by computing and assigning the approrpiate cross section rotation. | |
Frame Force at Loc (FFaRL) Returns a frame internal force ordinate at the specified relative location (from 0 to 1) along the frame. | |
Frame Force at Point (FFaP) Returns a frame internal force ordinate at the specified point. If multiple frames are found, returns a list of force ordinates (one for each frame). | |
Add XS Boundary (ASB) Adds a list of custom cross section boundaries to the global model parameters static list. This allows the boundaries to be accessed in Model Definitions. IMPORTANT | |
Create XS Boundary (XSB) Creates a custom cross section boundary from a polygon or planar surface. | |
Select Steel Section from Catalog (SelectSteelSection) Selects a Steel Section from the Catalog | |
Create Offset Frame Element (DOFE) Creates an offset design frame element | |
XS from Name (XSN) Retrieves a cross section from a string name value, if it is defined in the model definitions. | |
Create Frame Bracing (FrBr) Creates a frame bracing options object that can be assigned to a frame element. | |
Assign End Release (AsnFrmRel) Overrides the end releases for the frame element. | |
Assign Frame Load (AssFrmLoad) Assigns a frame load to the frame element. | |
Assign Frame Section (AssFrmXS) Overrides the cross-section for the frame element. | |
Assign RBS (AsnRBS) Overrides the reduced beam section (RBS) for the frame element. The frame elemen must be a wide-flange steel frame element. Otherwise, this component will do nothing. | |
Assign Frame Rotation (AsnFrmRot) Overrides the cross-section rotation for the frame element. | |
Frame Force Diagram (FFD) Outputs a list of frame internal force ordinates for the given design frame and load combination. | |
Frame Displacement Diagram (FD) Retrieves the global displacement diagram for the specified design frame element at the specified load combination. | |
Frame from GUID (FfGuid) Retrieves a design frame element from the specified GUID, if it exists. | |
Global to Local Disp Diagram (GlobToLocDispDiag) Given a global frame displacement diagram and local axes, computes the local frame displacement diagram. | |
Local Frame Displacement Diagram (LocFrameDisp) Retrieves the local displacement diagram for the specified design frame element at the specified load combination. | |
Max Abs Frame Force (MaxAbsFFF) Retrieves the maximum absolute internal frame forces for the specified design frame element and load combination. | |
Min/Max Frame Force (MinMaxFF) Retrieves the minimum or maximum (NOT absolute) internal frame forces for the specified design frame element and load combination. | |
Create Design Frame Element (CreateDFE) Creates a Design Frame Element | |
All Analytical Frames (AnlysFrames) Retrieves all analytical frame elements from the analysis model. These are not design frames, but instead the internal discretized analysis elements. |
Analysis Springs (Springs) Retrieves all analytical one-node spring elements from the analysis model. | |
Create Area Spring Properties (ArSprProp) Create area spring properties to assign to a design area spring. | |
Create Area Spring (ArSpr) Creates an area spring that applies a unique spring stiffness to the nodes of any shell elements that fall on the area spring polygon. This is a delayed restraint (or support). | |
Create Area Support (CreateAS) Creates an area support that applies the given fixities to nodes that fall on the planar area provided. This is a delayed restraint (or support). | |
Deconstruct Analysis Spring (DecAnalysSpr) Deconstructs an analysis spring. | |
Spring Reaction (SprReac) Returns the reaction (if any) from the input analysis spring. | |
All Nodes (AllNodes) Returns all nodes (as AnalysisNodes) from the analysis model. These include mid-side nodes. | |
Deconstruct Reaction (DecNR) Deconstructs a nodal reaction providing broken-out forces and moments. | |
Connected Elements (ConnElem) Returns all design elements connected to this node. Only available once the model has been meshed. | |
Connected Frames (ConnFram) Returns all design frame elements connected to this node. Only available once the model has been meshed. | |
Node Reaction (NR) Returns the reaction (if any) from the input analysis node. | |
Delayed Support Nodes (DSN) Gets all of the analysis nodes (vertex + internal) along the input line or area support. | |
Point Reaction (PtReac) Retrieves the reaction for the given design point element and load combination. | |
Deconstruct Analysis Node (DeconAN) Deconstructs an analysis node and generates a Rhino point in model coordinates. | |
Deconstruct Design Point Element (DeconDPE) Deconstructs a design point element, giving access to properties | |
Deconstruct Drift Stack (DeconDS) Deconstructs a drift stack into a list of points and a list of drift vectors. | |
Deconstruct Nodal Displacement (DecND) Deconstructs a nodal displacement objects into the three translations and three rotations. | |
Maximum Displacement (MaxDisp) Retrieves the maximum displacement (NOT absolute) from the model at the specified load combination. | |
Maximum Drift (MaxDrift) Retrieves the maximum absolute drift from the model at the specified load combination. | |
Minimum Displacement (MinDisp) Retrieves the minimum displacement from the model at the specified load combination. | |
Retrieve Nodal Displacement (GetND) Retrieves the nodal displacement for an analysis node at the specified load combination. | |
Create Spring Properties (CreateSP) Create spring properties to assign to a design point. | |
Assign to Drift Group (AssignDG) Assigns a point to a drift group. | |
Create Drift Group (CreateDG) Create a drift group for calculating drifts between points. | |
Create Line Support (CreateLS) Creates a line support that applies the given fixities to nodes along the define line. This is a delayed restraint (or support). | |
Create Design Point Element (CreateDPE) Creates a Design Point Element | |
All Vertices (Verts) Returns all vertices (as AnalysisNodes) from the analysis model. These are only physical nodes used to model the elements, and do not include mid-side nodes. | |
Element Vertices (ElemVerts) Returns a list of AnalysisNode that define the vertices of the analytical element. | |
Retrieve Drift Stack (GetDS) Retrieve a drift stack for a particular load combination from its load group. |
Surface Holes (SrfHole) Returns a list of internal boundaries that constitute holes in a surface. | |
Surface Outer Edge (OuterEdge) Returns the outer boundary of a surface. Does not return internal boundaries (i.e. holes). | |
Create Design Area Element from Mesh (DAEFM) Creates a design area element from the specified Rhino or Grasshopper mesh. Note that this element will NOT automesh itself. Thus, connectivity is not guaranteed. | |
Split Brep Faces (SBF) Splits brep faces by projecting input curves onto the brep and splitting the brep faces. | |
Create Offset Area Element (ODAE) Creates an offset design area element, utilizing the same mesh as the host area element, but offset by the specified amount. | |
Deconstruct Shell (DecSE) Deconstructs an analytical shell element, giving access to properties | |
Rhino Mesh from Shells (RMfS) Creates a mesh from shell elements defined by 3 or 4 points | |
Shell Displacement (ShDsp) Returns the maximum or minimum shell displacements from the nodal values. | |
All Design Areas (AllDA) Gets all of the design area elements defined in the model. | |
Deconstruct Design Area (DecDA) Deconstructs a design area element, giving access to properties | |
Deconstruct Shell Modifiers (DeconSKMod) Deconstructs a ShellStiffnessModifiers object. | |
Create Design CLT Element (CreateDCLTE) Creates a Design CLT Element | |
Create Design Area Element (CreateDAE) Creates a Design Area Element | |
Create Design Area Element From Surface (DEAFS) Creates a design area element from a surface, which allows holes to be included. | |
Create Shell Element (CreateSE) Creates a Shell Element | |
Average Shell Stress Envelope (AvgShStEnv) Returns the envelope of the average shell stress for the given design context. The average shell stress ic omputed by summing the average nodal stresses and dividing by the number of nodes. | |
Shell Nodal Stresses (ShNodSt) Returns a list of total average local shell stress at each node of the shell element. | |
All Analytical Shells (AnlysShells) Returns all analytical shell elements from the analysis model. These are not design elements, but instead the internal, discretized shell elements. | |
Deconstruct Shell Stress (DeconSS) Deconstructs a shell stress tensor into primitive vaules. | |
Shell Stress to String (SST-to-Str) Converts a shell stress tensor into a string using the specified delimeter | |
Rhino Surface from Points (SP) Creates a surface from a list of points (3 or 4 long) | |
Assign Mesh to Area (AssignMesh) Assigns parts of a mesh that fall within the design area element to that element's analysis elements. | |
Mesh From Surface (SrfMsh) Meshes a surface with lines and points included. | |
Average Shell Force (AvgShFor) Average shell forces, computed by taking the average of the average nodal forces. Returns a single value for each shell. | |
Average Shell Stress (AvgShSt) Average shell stress, computed by taking the average of the average nodal stresses. Returns a single value for each shell. | |
Assign Shell Axes (SetAreaAxes) Overrides the local axes of the area (shell) element by orienting either the local 1 or local 2 axis along a specified vector. Works by computing and assigning the approrpiate cross section rotation. |
Assign Element Name (AEN) Sets a string name to a design element | |
Bake Fenix Geom (Bake) Bakes Fenix geometry output, including attached user attributes. | |
Create Grid System (CreateGS) Create a grid system containing horizontal, vertical, and general grid lines. | |
Load Generic Design Model (LoadGDM) Load a Generic Design Model | |
Save Generic Design Model (SaveGDM) Save a Generic Design Model | |
Deconstruct Material (DecMat) Deconstructs a material. | |
Mat from Name (MN) Retrieves a material from a string name value, if it is defined in the model definitions. | |
Export E2K (E2K) Exports an ETABS .E2K file. | |
Export Shell Connectivity (ExportShells) Exports two files for shell connectivity, a 'Nodes' and a 'Shells' file, to the users temp folder. | |
Preview Analysis Model (PM) Previews Analysis Model | |
Automate Design (AD) Runs model analysis and design iterations | |
Mode Information (MI) Returns information for the specified mode number. | |
Mode Shape (MS) Returns the mode shape from modal analysis. | |
Zero K (ZK) Reads the zero stiffness dictionary of the GDM and outputs any nodes that have zero stiffness. | |
Set Display Units (DispUnits) Sets the units that results are displayed in. | |
Base Reaction (BaseReac) Gets the base reaction for the specified load combination and result type.. | |
Assign to Group (Assign Group) Assigns an element to a group. | |
Create Element Group (CreateEG) Create an element group | |
Create Generic Design Model (CreateGDM) Creates a Generic Design Model | |
ModelDefinitions (MD) Create and Edit Global Model Definitions | |
All Analytical Elements (AnlysElem) Returns all analysis elements. These are not design elements, but instead the individual, discretized analysis elements. | |
Analyze Model (AM) Runs Model Analysis | |
Element Local Axes (LocAxes) Returns the local axes of an analytical element (IGeneralElement). | |
Sum of Reactions (SumReac) Sum of all reactions for the specified load combination. Sums the individual reactions for each node. Not appropriate for RSA results (use Base Reactions instead). | |
Deconstruct Local Axes (DecAxes) Deconstructs local axes into X, Y, and Z vectors. |
Response Spectrum Utility (RSU) Allows the user to display the response spectrum utility window, which provides the means to generate response spectra (elastic & inelastic) from time history files. | |
Compare Text (CT) Compares two text strings. Returns true if the texts are equalt. Otherwise returns false. | |
Curve from Polysurface (PolyCrv) Returns the curve that forms the boundary of the largest surface. | |
Grow List (GL) Grows a list to the specified size. If it is already larger, does nothing. | |
If Gate (If) Creates an 'If' statement, taking in a boolean, value if true, and value if false | |
InterpolateXY (IntXY) Interpolates between X-Y data points. | |
List To String (L2S) Returns a single string constructed by concatenating the items in a list with an optional delimeter. | |
Max of List (ListMax) Returns the maximum of a list of numbers | |
Max of List Indeces (ListIndMax) Returns the maximum of each index between a group of lists. | |
Min of List (ListMin) Returns the minimum of a list of numbers | |
Get Attribute (GetAttr) Retrieves an attribute from a Rhino object or a Grasshopper geometry object with a valid ReferenceID. Returns the default value if the attribute is not found. | |
Sign Returns the sign of the input number. If input is > 0, returns 1. If input is less than 0, returns -1. If input is 0, returns 0. | |
To File (S2F) Writes the given list of string to a file. Each string is written on its own line. | |
Discover Physical Cores (PhysCores) Discovers the number of phyiscal cores that the computer has. | |
Unique Values (ULV) Filters a list by culling duplicate values. Uses an object's equality comparer. |
Create Design Frame Point Load (CreateDFPL) Creates a DesignFramePointLoad object representing a point load on a frame element. | |
Create Percent Weight Line Load (CreatePWLL) Creates a new percent weight line load. This creates a linear element line load that is equivalent to a percent of the element'sself weight applied in the specified direction. | |
Create Varying Area Load (VarArLd) Creates a linearly varying area load (or body force) to be applied to the design element | |
Load Combo From Name (LCn) Returns the load combination with the specified name, from the list of load combinations that were anlayzed. | |
Create Solid Load (SldLd) Creates a solid load (or body force) to be applied to the design element. Body forces for solid elements are in units of force or moment per volume. | |
Deconstruct Load Combo (DeconLC) Deconstructs a load combination and outputs primitive values. | |
Create Design Nodal Displacement (CreateDND) Create a new imposed nodal displacement. | |
Create Area Load (ArLd) Creates an area load (or body force) to be applied to the design element. Body forces for area elements are in units of force or moment per area. | |
Create Design Frame Thermal Load (CreateDFTL) Creates a DesignFrameThermalLoad object representing a thermal load on a frame element. | |
Create Design Frame Line Load (CreateDFLL) Creates a new DesignFrameLineLoad object representing a line load on a frame element. | |
Create Design Nodal Force (CreateDNF) Create Design Nodal Force | |
Create Wind Parameters (CreateWindParameters) WindParameters | |
Load Combinations (AllLCs) Rturns all load combinations that were run by the analysis model. | |
Load Combo From Index (LCi) Returns the load combination at the specified index, i, from the list of load combinations that were anlayzed. |
Add Section Strips (AddStrips) Adds section strips to an analysis model | |
All Section Strips (SecStrips) Returns all section strips defined in the design model | |
Create Section Strip (SecStrip) Creates a section strip that auto generates section cuts along its length. | |
Deconstruct Section Cut (DecSecCut) Deconstructs a section cut providing detailed information about the cut. | |
Deconstruct Section Strip (DecStrip) Deconstructs a section strip providing detailed information about the strip. | |
Deconstruct Strip Force (DecSF) Deconstructs a section strip force. | |
Strip Forces at Combo (StripForce) Returns the section strip forces at the specified load combination. | |
Add Section Cuts (AddCuts) Adds section cuts to an analysis model | |
Create Section Cut (SecCut) Create a section cut | |
All Section Cuts (SecCuts) Returns all section cuts defined in the design model | |
Create Surface Section Cut (SurfSecCut) Create a section cut defined by a line that must lie on a surface (or closed polygon). | |
Cut Forces at Combo (CutForce) Returns the section cut forces at the specified load combination. |
Create Local Link Element (CreateLLE) Creates a local link element, which is a link whose stiffness is defined in the link's local coordinate system. | |
Deconstruct Design Link (DeconDLE) Deconstructs a design link element, giving access to properties | |
Link from GUID (LfGuid) Retrieves a design link element from the specified GUID, if it exists. | |
Create Global Link Element (CreateGLE) Creates a global link element, which is a link whose stiffness is defined in the global coordinate system. | |
Deconstruct Link Forces (DeconLF) Deconstructs a link forces object into primitive values | |
All Link Elements (AllLEs) Returns all link elements in the design model. | |
Link Forces (LF) Returns the link internal forces associated with the link and load combo. |
Create Solid Extrusion (SolEx) Creates a solid extrusion element that extrudes all shells from the host design area element and creates solids. Does not delete any shell elements. | |
Create Design Solid (CreateDSE) Creates a solid pentahedron or hexahedron element, depending on the geometry input. Input must be closed (capped) breps representing either a pentahedron (5-sided wedge) or hexahedron (6-sided box). | |
Solid Surfaces (SS) Creates a list of surfaces from the input solids | |
Create Design Hexahedron (CreateDHE) Creates a Hexahedron solid element. | |
Create Design Pentahedron (CreateDPE) Creates a Pentahedron solid element. | |
All Analytical Solids (AnlysSolids) Returns a list of all analytical solid elements. These are not design elements, but instead the internal, discretized solid elements. |
Print Summary Report (Report) Prints a summary report of all elements that had design checks performed. | |
Required Steel Area (AsReq) Calculates the required area of steel for a rectangular singly-reinforced concrete section based on ACI 318-19. | |
Print Element Designs (PrintED) Prints design results for the specified elements. | |
DesignEquations (DE) Preview design equations | |
Run Design Checks (DesignChecks) Runs design checks for all elements that are set to be designed. |
Ellipse Tangent Line (EllipseTanLine) Create an ellipse from point and tangent line | |
Multiples Curves & Shatter (Shatter) Shatter intersected curves | |
Parabola From Focus (ParFocus) Create parabola from focus | |
Offset to points (Offset) Offset Curve to points | |
Fillet & Chamfer (Fil&Cham) Create fillet and chamfer curve | |
Helix around Curve (HelCrv) Create helix around curve | |
Knot Create knots from single curve | |
Ellipse Fit (EllipseFit) Fit an ellipse to a collection of points | |
Ellipse Tangent Vector (EllipseTanVec) Create and ellipse from two points and tangent vector or line | |
Circle 2 Points (Cir2Pnt) Create a circle from two points | |
Smallest Enclosing Circle (SmallEnclosCir) Find the smallest enclosing circle around list of points | |
Regions Create regions from intersected curves | |
Ellipse 3 Points (Ellipse3Pts) Create ellipse from 3 Points: Center, Radius, Point | |
Polygon (Plygon) Create polygon | |
Extend to Geometry (Ext to Geo) Extend curve to geometry | |
Curves Tangent (CrvTan) Tangent between two closed curves | |
Angle between 2 lines (Ang2Lin) Measures the angle between two lines | |
Ribbon Ribbon Offset | |
Closed Curve Orientation (Cls Crv Ort) Determines the orientation (counterclockwise or clockwise) of a closed, planar curve in a given plane | |
Parabola From Vertex (ParVert) Create parabola from vertex | |
Knot2 Knot simplified version | |
Thick Offset (ThickOffset) Create Thick Offset | |
Arc SER (ArcSER) Create arc from start,end points and radius | |
Curve Part (Part) Curve part at point with specified length | |
Circle Tangent (CirTan) Find tangent circle between two lines | |
Extend by Length (Ext by len) Extends a curve by a specific length | |
Extend to Point (Ext to Pnt) Extend curve to point | |
Polygon Star (Star) Create polygon star | |
Offset Curve (Offset) Offset curve with a specified distance | |
Polyline Fillet & Chamfer (PolyChamFil) Create fillet and chamfer polyline | |
Spiral & Helix (SpiHel) Create 2D helix and 3D spiral | |
Circle Line TanTan (CirLineTT) Tangent circle between two curves with guide line | |
Circle Tan Tan Tan (CTTT) Create a circle tangent to three circles | |
Short Curves (IsShort) Used to quickly find short curves | |
Circle Tan Tan (CTT) Create a circle tangent to two circles | |
Pull Curve (Pull) Pull curves onto brep | |
Duplicate Border (DupBor) Duplicate border | |
Offset Intersection (Offset Int) Create offset from intersected curves |
Unroll Oloid (UnrollOloid) Unroll Oloid shape | |
Pyramid (Pyr) Create pyramid | |
Oloid Shape (Oloid) Create Oloid shape | |
Planar Difference (PlanDiff) Create Planar Difference | |
Cylinder Extrusion (CylExtrusion) Create Cylinder Extrusion | |
Planar Union (PlanUnion) Create Planar Union | |
Extract Faces (ExtractFaces) Brep Extract Faces | |
Extrusion Create Extrusion | |
Boolean Split All (SSplit2) Splits shared areas of All Breps | |
Pipe Create Pipe | |
Remove Faces (RemFaces) Brep Remove Faces | |
Baseball Sphere (Baseball) Create Baseball Sphere | |
Boolean Split (SSplit) Splits shared areas of Breps | |
Truncated Cone (TruncCone) Truncated Cone | |
Trim Brep with Plane (TrimPlane) Trims a Brep with an oriented cutter | |
Inner Profile (InnerProfile) Create Inner Profile | |
Offset Brep (OffsetBrep) Offset brep | |
Pipe Extrusion (PipeExtrusion) Create Pipe Extrusion | |
SuBD Oloid Convert Oloid shape to SuBD |
Sort Points (SortPoints) Sort Point List | |
Project Points (ProjectPts) Project points on geometries (mesh or brep) | |
Inflection Points (InfPts) Find curve's inflection points | |
Points On Curves (PtsOnCrvs) Points on curves | |
Arc from Tangent (ArcTan) Find tangent point of an arc from two given lines | |
Angle between Two points (Ang2Pnts) Find angles and dimensions between 2 points | |
Points in Curves (PtsInCrvs) Find points in curves | |
Tangent Point (TangPoint) Search for a location on the curve, near seedParmameter, that is tangent to a test point | |
Sort Point List (SortPointList) Sort Point List | |
Curve S.M.E (CrvPoints) Curve middle and endpoints | |
Extremes (Extreme) Find the extremes points on a curve | |
Perpendicular Point (PerPoint) Search for a location on the curve, near seedParmameter, that is perpendicular to a test point | |
Max Curvature Points (MaxCurvPoints) Find curve's maximum curvature points |
Components Folder (CompFol) Open components folder | |
Create Maze (Maze) Create a maze using the depth-first algorithm described at Christian Hill, April 2017 | |
Renumber Tree (RenumTree) Renumber Tree | |
Component Data (CompData) Retrieve Component input & output Data | |
Solve Maze (SolveMaze) Solve the maze created with Create Maze component | |
Wire Display (Wire) Change wire display | |
Visualize Script (VisScr) Convert Grasshopper script to geometries | |
Remove Placeholders (Placeholders) Remove Placeholders | |
Table (ExcelTable) Create text table from tree of values | |
Par & Mer (ParMer) Compute the parallel and the meridian | |
Read Data (ReadData) Read Data from Component Data | |
Toggle Toggle | |
Components List (Component) Components list |
Text Style (Style) Text style | |
Arabic Text Fix Arabic Text | |
Text Entity (Text) Text entity | |
Replace Text (RepText) Replace Text in Rhino Document | |
Replace Text Attributes (RepTextAttrib) Replace Text Attributes | |
Dimensions Styles (DimStyles) Dimensions styles available in RhinoDoc | |
Text To Geometry (TextGeo) Convert TextEntity to curves,surfaces,solids | |
Text Outlines (TextOutline) Creates outline curves created from a text string | |
Fonts List of Fonts | |
Text Attributes (TextAttrib) TextEntity Attributes | |
Alphabet Alphabet fro A to Z |
Hyperbolic functions (Hyp Func) Hyperbolic functions | |
Geometric Progression (Geo Prog) Arithmetic Progression | |
Trigonometric functions (Tri Func) Trigonometric functions | |
Golden Spiral (GoldSpiral) Create Golden Spiral | |
Quadratic Equation (QuadEqu) Solve Quadratic Equation | |
Greatest common divisor & Least common multiple (GCD & LCM) GCD & LCM of set of numbers | |
Arithmetic Progression (Arith Prog) Arithmetic Progression | |
Shuffle & Choice (ShCh) Shuffle and choice | |
General Root (GR) General Root, nth root | |
Range Create a range of numbers |
Trace Image (TraceImage) Set trace image in the active view | |
Image Viewport (ImgView) Show image in viewport | |
View Image (ViewImage) View Image in viewport | |
Pixelate Image (Pixel) Pixelate Image | |
Curves in Viewport (CrvViewport) Show curves in the viewport | |
3 Views Images (3ViewsImages) View images in 3 views: Top, Front, Right | |
Pixelate Data Points (PixelPoints) Pixelate Data Points | |
Image Boundary (ImageBound) Image Boundary |
Stair From Plan Create stair from plan | |
Architectural Grid (ArchGrid) Create architectural grid | |
Single Door (SingleDoor) Single Door | |
Column Column | |
Spiral Stair (SpiralStair) Create spiral stair | |
Stair Create stair from curve | |
Window Create Window | |
Double Doors (DoubleDoors) Double Doors |
Mesh Pipe (MeshPipe) Create Mesh pipe | |
EdgeSoftening (EdgeSoft) Edge Softening | |
ShutLining (ShutLin) ShutLining | |
Ornament Create Ornament from curve | |
Mesh to NGon (MeshNGon) Convert mesh to NGon | |
ShutLining Info (ShutLinInfo) ShutLining Curve Info | |
Join & Weld Meshes (JoinWeldMesh) Join and Weld Meshes |
Zebra Preview (Zebra) Draw ZebraPreview | |
Random Colors (RandColors) Random Colors | |
Create Hatch (CreateHatch) Create hatch from curves | |
Explode Hatch (ExpHatch) Explode hatch geomety | |
Curve Display (CurveDisplay) Set curve color with thickness | |
Dotted Curve (DottCurve) Display dotted curve | |
Curve Direction (AnalyseDirection) Analyse curve direction |
Sweep Curve (SwpCrv) Create a sweep with curve | |
HemiSphere (HemiSph) Create Hemisphere | |
Torus (Tor) Create torus | |
Egg https://scipython | |
Swap UV (SwapUV) Transposes surface parameterization (swap U and V) | |
Ruled Surface New (RuleSrfNew) Create a surface between two curves | |
Sphere 2 Points (Sp2pnt) Create a sphere from two points |
Geometry Plane (GeoPlane) Geo|Plane: Brep or Mesh | |
Mesh Outlines (MeshOutlines) Mesh Outlines from different views | |
Silhouette Vector (SilVector) Create Silhouette from Vector view | |
Silhouette Perspective (SilPersp) Create Silhouette from Perspective view | |
Silhouette Parallel (SilParal) Create Silhouette from Parallel view |
Mesh to Subd (MeshSubd) Convert mesh to subd | |
Subd to Mesh (SubdMesh) Convert subd to mesh | |
Mesh Offset to Subd (MeshOffset2Subd) Create subd from mesh offset | |
SubDDisplayToggle (SubDDispTog) SubD DisplayToggle | |
SubD Offset (SubDOffset) SubD offset |
Model Unit System (ModelUnit) Change model unit system | |
Show Hide Grid (ShowHideGrid) Show Hide Grid in activeview or all views | |
Sun Control Rhino Sun | |
Zoom Extents (Zoom) Zoom extents selected view or all views | |
Modify Tolerance (ModTol) Modify absolute and angle tolerance |
Curve From 2Views (Crv2View) Creates a third curve from two curves that are planar in different construction | |
Curve SoftEdit (CrvSoftEdit) Create soft edit curve | |
Surface Variable Offset (SrfVarOffset) Create Surface variable offset | |
Fillet Edges (FilEdg) Fillet edges of a brep |
List Index (Ind) List index | |
Sets Intersection (Set Int) Intersection between sets | |
Consecutive Numbers (ConsecN) Create consecutive numbers from a number (for example: list length) | |
Cull Dupl Numbers (CullNum) Cull duplicate numbers with tolerance |
X Line (XLine) Create X axis line | |
V Line (VLine) Create a line from vector | |
Y Line (YLine) Create Y axis line | |
Z Line (ZLine) Create Z axis line |
Curve To PointCloud (CrvToPc) Convert Curve To PointCloud | |
PointCloud Colors (PcColors) Assign colors to PointCloud | |
PointCloud Display (PointCloud) PointCloud Display |
Create Material (CreateMaterial) Create Material from image | |
Materials List (MaterialsList) List of exist materials in Rhino | |
Remove Materials (RemoveMaterials) Remove list of materials from Rhino |
About About the plugin |
reacTIVision Listener (reacTIVision) The reacTIVision Listener draws the position and rotation of each fiducial marker | |
Kinect V1 Depth To Point (Depth) Get Points from Kinect Depth Map | |
Kinect V1 Skeletal Tracker (Skeleton) The Kinect V1 Skeletal Tracker will allow tracking of up to two people at a time. | |
Kinect V1 Color Stream (Video Stream) Kinect Color Video Stream | |
Kinect V1 Depth Stream (Depth Stream) Kinect Depth Video Stream | |
Kinect V2 Skeleton Tracker (Skeleton) The Kinect V2 Skeletal Tracker will allow tracking of up to six people at a time. | |
Kinect V2 Mesh Reconstruction (Mesh Reconstruction) Returns a reconstructed colored mesh based on the color/depth information from the Kienct sensor. | |
Kinect V2 Video Stream (Video Stream) Stream video data from the Kinect sensor. | |
Exposure (Accumulative) (Exposure) Temporally add color information to a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Additive Time Lapse (Time Lapse) Additive Time Lapse | |
Bitmap Decompose (Decompose) Decompose a bitmap into its constituent channels | |
Bitmap Info (Info) Statistics about a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Bitmap Layers (Layers) Bitmap Layers | |
Bitmap Painter (Painter) Bitmap Painter | |
Bitmap Recompose (Recompose) Recompose a bitmap from its constituent channels | |
Bitmap Sampler (Sample) Sample a Firefly Bitmap based on an incoming set of points for a specified filter type. | |
Snapshot Save a snapshot of a Firefly Bitmap | |
Snapshot Sequence (Sequence) Create a sequence of image snapshots | |
Bitmap Threshold (Threshold) Using the Average Dithering, find the threshold color quantization of an image. | |
Bitmap Tracer Spawn a series of particles which trace the edges of a bitmap using the nearest contour vector | |
Blur Blur a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Color Correction (Color) Modify the color properties (red, green, blue) for a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Contour Vector Generate a Contour Vector for a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Contrast Modify the contrast of a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Convolution Filter (Convolver) Create your own filter based on a 3x3 convolution matrix (kernel). | |
Edge Detection (Edge) Find edges in a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Emboss Emboss a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Image Region (Region) Extract a smaller region within a Firefly Bitmap | |
Video Averages (Average) Find movement vectors and color averages within an area of a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Flip Image (Flip) Flip or Mirror a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Gamma Correction (Gamma) Specify the Gamma Correction for a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Gradient Vector Generate a Gradient Vector for a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Resize Bitmap (Resize) Change the resolution of a Firefly Bitmap | |
Invert Invert a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Leap Finger Tracker (Leap) Return frame information from LEAP sensor | |
Load Bitmap Load Bitmap | |
Mesh From Image (Mesh) Create a mesh where the height of the mesh is determined by the brightness of a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Exposure (Movement) (Exposure) Temporally add movement information (in greyscale) to a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Optical Flow Generate an Optical Flow for a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Replace Color (Replace) Replace a color in a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Brightness and Saturation (Saturation) Modify the brightness and saturation properties of a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Sharpen Sharpen a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Swirl Vector Generate a Swirl Vector for a Firefly Bitmap. | |
Test Color Test whether a color is included within a second list of colors | |
Video Player Load or play a movie or video file. | |
WebCam Video Stream (Video Stream) WebCam Video Stream |
Binary Blink (Blink) Oscillates 0's and 1's based on an incoming pattern of integers | |
Buffer Store the last number of values based on the buffer domain | |
Constrain Constrains a number to a specific numeric range. | |
Data Log (Log) Create a log of incoming data. | |
Fader One Way (Fader1) Fade between one value to another based on a time interval (ms). Use the GH_Timer component (Parameters/Special/Timer) to update the Fader values in real-time. | |
Fader Two Way (Fader2) Fade between a minimum and maximum value based on the fade in and fade out time interval (ms). Use the GH_Timer component (Parameters/Special/Timer) to update the Fader values in real-time. | |
Playback Retrieve a text file and return individual lines at a given frame rate. | |
Smoothing Moving Average (Smooth) Find the Mean Smoothing value (or average) based on a sampling level (number of samples to average). Larger sample sizes result in greater smoothing | |
AND Flip Flop (AND FlipFlop) The AND flip-flop differs from the NOR flip-flop in the sense that the output gate is determined by its present output state as well the states of both of its inputs | |
Bang Detects when an input boolean has switched states. The equivalent of a 'Bang' component in other programs like MAX/MSP, Pd, and VVVV. | |
Counter Counts upwards and downwards. | |
Frame Rate (FrameRate) Time in milliseconds since the data was updated. | |
Is Geometry Selected (Selected) Test whether or not some Rhino geometry is selected. | |
Is Key Pressed (Pressed) Test whether or not a specified key has been pressed on the keyboard. | |
NOR Flip Flop (NOR FlipFlop) The NOR flip-flop has two inputs, namely, a Set input (S) and a Reset (R) input | |
PID Calculates the error value as the difference between a measured process variable and a desired set point. | |
State Detection (Detect) Used when you want to detect when something has switched from LOW to HIGH (0 or 1) or vice versa. For more information see: | |
Stop Watch (Elapsed) Elapsed time in milliseconds since the stop watch was started | |
Smoothing Temporal (Smoothing) This smoothing algorithm returns a smoothed value that is the sum of the weighted average of the previous observations and the current value. |
Due Read This component will read values to all corresponding digital and analog pins on an Arduino Mega board | |
Due Write This component will write values to all corresponding digital pins on an Arduino Due board. | |
Mega Read This component will read values to all corresponding digital and analog pins on an Arduino Mega board | |
Mega Write This component will write values to all corresponding digital pins on an Arduino Mega board. | |
Open/Close Port (Open Port) Open or Close the Serial Port Connection | |
COM Ports Available (Ports Available) Check to see which COM Ports are curretly available | |
Serial Read (Generic) (Read) Retrieve a value coming over the serial port. Use the Timer component (Parameters/Special/Timer) to update the sensor values. | |
Serial Write (Generic) (Write) Write a string value to the Serial Port. | |
Uno Read This component will read values to all corresponding digital and analog pins on the Arduino Uno board | |
Uno Write This component will write values to all corresponding digital pins on an Arduino Uno board | |
Wii Nunchuck This component will read all of the sensor values from the Wii Nunchuck. | |
Code Generator (CodeGen) This component will attempt to convert a Grasshopper definition into Arduino compatible code. The code can be simultaneously saved as a .ino file to be opened in the Arduino IDE. | |
Convert Degrees To Steps (Convert To Steps) Convert an angle value in degrees to the appropriate amount of steps to move a Stepper Motor. | |
Quad Stepper Motor Stream (Stepper Motor) This component will stream data to control up to four stepper motors. |
OSC Listener OSC Listener. | |
OSC Sender OSC Sender. The OSC Sender will automatically format incoming data into the appropriate OSC format and send the message over a UDP port to a specified IP address. | |
UDP Listener UDP Listener. | |
UDP Sender UDP Sender. The UDP Sender will automatically send any message (string) over a UDP port to a specified IP address. | |
XML Search Search an XML file (either from the web or from a local directory) for a specific element tag |
Sound Capture (Capture) Capture the audio frequencies from the left and right channel from an input (eg. microphone). | |
Frequency Spectrum (Spectrum) Map the incoming frequency spectrum | |
Note To Frequency (Notes) Generate frequency from notes. For more information visit | |
Tone Generator (Tones) Create tones based on incoming frequencies |
Fold pattern Get the fold pattern of a Graph2D | |
Graph3D Fold a Graph2D into a Graph3D my parameter m |
Graph2D Miura Ori Creates a Graph2D from u and v count, resembling a Miura Ori fold pattern. | |
Graph2D Creates a Graph2D from four angle arrays |
Cloth From Mesh (Cloth) | |
Constraints: Anchors (Anchor) Flex anchor by index | |
Constraint: Shape Matching Constraint (Shape Matching) Group particles into shapes where they try to remain in their current formation | |
Constraints: Springs (Springs) Add spring constraints by particle indices. | |
Constraints: Triangles (Triangles) Add triangle constraints by particle indices. | |
Inflatable From Cloth (Inflatable) Inflatable from Flex Cloth Object | |
Particle Fountain (Fountain) Connect a timer to me and make sure to not be in Lock Mode (Flex Engine component). | |
Particles From Points (Particles) | |
Rigid From Mesh (Rigid) | |
Soft From Mesh (Soft) | |
Spring System From Lines / Meshes (Springs) |
Get All Particles (AllParts) Get all particles from engine object | |
Get All Springs (AllSprings) Get all springs from engine object | |
Get Particle Description (Particles) < | |
Get Rigid Tranformations (Transform) Get the transformation matrices of all rigid bodies in the simulation. This includes shape matching constraints in soft bodies. | |
Get Soft Bodies (Softs) Get soft bodies from engine object | |
Get Spring Systems (Springs) Get all particles that are parts of springs from engine object |
Flex Collision Geometry (CollGeometry) Specifiy static geometry as colliding objects | |
Flex Force Field (Force Field) | |
Flex Parameters from values (Parameters) Set environmental parameters for your simulation. Specify them here. | |
Flex Parameters from .xml file (Params) Set environmental parameters for your simulation. Link a .xml file (INFO: Auto update doesn't work yet, so if you change you .xml file you'll have to manually recompute the component. | |
Flex Scene (Scene) Create a scene object containing all moving geometry. |
Flex Engine (Flex) Main component | |
Flex Solver Options (Opts) |
Apply UV Curves (Apply Curves) Flexibility Apply Curves | |
Arc Flexibility Arc start center End or Angle | |
Curve Array along curve (Crv Array_along_curve) Flexibility Curve Array_along_curve | |
Blend Arc Line (BlendArcLine) Flexibility BlendArcLine | |
Blend Curve (BlendCrvs) Flexibility BlendCurve**** | |
Blend Curve2 (BlendCrv+) Flexibility BlendCurve+ Simple | |
Chamfer Curve (ChamferCurve) Flexibility ChamferCurve | |
Close Curve Flexibility Close Curve | |
Connect Curve (ConnectCrv) Flexibility Connect Curves | |
Curve Fit Flexibility Curve Fit | |
Curve from 2 views (Curve2view) Flexibility Curve from 2 views | |
Curve from cross section2 (Curve cross sec2) Flexibility Curve from cross section profiles+ by divide point | |
Curve from cross section profiles (Curve cross sec prof) Flexibility Curve from cross section profiles | |
Curve Orientation (CurveOrientation) Flexibility CurveOrientation | |
Curve Region3 (urveRegion3) Flexibility CurveRegion doesn't Need CPlane | |
Curve Region2 (CurveRegion+) Flexibility CurveRegion+ pts | |
Curve Region (CrvRegion) Flexibility CurveRegion | |
Divide Area Flexibility Divide_Close Curve by Area and splitterCurve thanks for @DanielPiker @laurent_delrieu | |
Divide Curve m Distance (Divide distance) Flexibility Divide distance and lenght | |
Divide Distance multi (Divide Distance) Flexibility Divide Distance | |
Extend Curve (ExtendCrv) Flexibility ExtendCurve | |
Extremes+ Flexibility Extremes (X-tremez) Find the extremes (highest and lowest points) on a curve. | |
Fabric Curves Flexibility Fabric Curves | |
Fillet Curve (FilletCurve) Flexibility Fillet and Chamfer Curve | |
Fillet Poly Curve (FilletPoly) Flexibility Fillet and Chamfer PolyCurve | |
Flip and Sort Curves (Flip and SortCurves) Flexibility Flip and SortCurves | |
Fractal A (FractalA) Flexibility FractalA | |
Fractal B (FractalB) Flexibility FractalB | |
Grids Flexibility Grids | |
Line SDL2side (LineS2sid) Flexibility LineSDL2sid | |
Line2side Flexibility Line2side | |
lotfollah Flexibility - پترن گنبد شیخ لطف الله- lotfollah in isfahan/Iran Pattern Dome | |
Make periodic Curve (Make periodic Crve) Flexibility Make periodic Crve- | |
offset Curve+ (offsetCrv+) Flexibility offsetCruve | |
Offset Point Avg (OffsetPtAvg) Flexibility OffsetPointAvg | |
Point in Curves+ (Pts in Curves) Flexibility Point in Curves+ Test a point for multiple closed curve containment | |
Points On Curves Flexibility Points On Curves+Side | |
polygon loop Flexibility polygon loop | |
Polygon Angle (PolygonAngle) Flexibility PolygonAngle | |
Polyine Edge (PolyineEdge) Flexibility Draw polyline by target Area | |
Random Rectangle Flexibility Random Rectangle | |
Ribbon Offset (RibbonOffset) Flexibility RibbonOffset | |
Seam Curves (SeamCurves) Flexibility SeamCurves By Parameter | |
sierpinski Fractal sierpinski Fractal | |
Soft Edit Curve (Nickname) Flexibility SoftEditCurve | |
Sort Along Curve (Sort Along Curve+) Flexibility Sort Objects Along Curve | |
Spiral Variable Flexibility Spiral Variable | |
Spiral Ngon (SpiralNgon) Flexibility SpiralNgon | |
Split join Flexibility Split join | |
Split Self Curve (Split Self Crv) Flexibility Split Self Curve intersection | |
Split All Crv (SplitAllCrv) Flexibility SplitAllCrv | |
Triangle Curve Flexibility Triangle Curve | |
Trim Curve By Curve (TrimCRV) TrimCurveByCurve | |
Tween Close Curves (TweenCurves) Flexibility Tween between Close Curves thanks @DanielPiker for share it |
Baseball Baseball | |
Blend Surface (BlendSrf) Flexibility BlendSurface | |
Boolean Split (BooleanSplit) Flexibility BooleanSplit | |
Brep Split Plan (BrepSplitPlanS) Flexibility BrepSplitPlan(solid) | |
Chamfer Surface (ChamferSrf) Flexibility ChamferSurface | |
Created Solide (CreatedSolide) Flexibility CreatedSolide from Brep | |
Edge Surface (EdgeSrf) Flexibility EdgeSurface | |
Extrude2Side Flexibility Extrude BothSide | |
Fillet Chamfer Edge1 (Fillet(ch)EdgeVar) Flexibility Fillet(chamfer)(blend)EdgeVarible | |
Fillet Surface (FilletSrf) Flexibility FilletSurface | |
Flip Flexibility Flip Surface Normal Normal | |
Flip Direction (FlipDirection) Flexibility Flip_direction Normal or U or V ASurface | |
iso Trim parameter (isoTrim parameter) Flexibility Parameter Subdivide Surface | |
Loft Points (LoftPoints) Flexibility Loft+point or not | |
Make Periodic Surface (Make periodic Srf) Flexibility Make periodic Srf | |
Merge All Coplanar Faces (MergeAllrFaces) Flexibility MergeAllCoplanarFaces | |
Network Crv (Network) Flexibility Network+Autoarrange | |
Patch Flexibility Patch(Geometry) | |
Plane Surface (PlaneSurface) Flexibility Plane Surface | |
Rail Revolve (RailRevolve) Flexibility RailRevolve | |
Rebuild Surface (Rebuildsrf) Flexibility RebuildSurface (UntrimSurface) and (TrimSurface) | |
Refit Trim (RefitTrim) Flexibility RefitTrim | |
Remove Holes (RemoveHoles) Flexibility RemoveHoles in Brep | |
Retrim Flexibility Retrim a surface based on 3D trim data from another surface. | |
Revolve Flexibility Revolve | |
Shell Flexibility Shell | |
Shrink Trimmed Srf (ShrinkTrimmedSrf) Flexibility ShrinkTrimmedSrf | |
Soft Edit Surface (SoftEditSrf) Flexibility SoftEditSurface | |
Split Kinky Surface Flexibility Split Kinky Surface | |
Split Brep (SplitBrep) Flexibility SplitBrep | |
Surface From Point UV (Srf FromPt(uv)) Flexibility Surface From Point(u,v) | |
Surface Merge (SurfMerge) Flexibility SurfaceMerge | |
Sweep12 (Sweep1-2) Flexibility Sweep1,2 | |
Sweep2point (Sweep2) Flexibility Sweep2+Point | |
Sweep Segmented (SweepSegmented) Flexibility SweepSegmented | |
Unify UVN Flexibility Unify UVN Surface u and V and normal to guide Surface |
Change Viewport (Viewport) Flexibility ChangeViewport_Names in Current Viewport | |
Curve Preview (CurvePreview) Flexibility CurvePreview Thanks for @DavidRutten for share this code in | |
Make2d+ Flexibility Make2d+Section Cliping Plan separate in Active view Windows Rhino best Remove dublicate Curve in Section | |
Named Views Flexibility Named Views List | |
extract Value List (extractValueList) Flexibility extractValueList Thanks @mahdiyar in for share this code | |
Bake Brep Unsplit (BakeBrep) Flexibility BakeBrepUnsplit Or Split | |
Bonding Box+ (BondingBox+) Flexibility BondingBox+ | |
bottom Flexibility Add bottom to Canvas Toolbar | |
Delete Object From Rhino (Delete input) Flexibility Delete input Object From Rhino | |
Directional Morpher (DirectionalMorpher) Flexibility Directional Morpher | |
Find Cluster Adress (Find Cluster) Flexibility Find Cluster Adress | |
hatch boundary (Nickname) Flexibility Get hatch boundary | |
leader Flexibility leader | |
Move2Point Flexibility Move2Point+Vector | |
Offset Geometry (OffsetGeometry) Flexibility OffsetGeometry(Brep ,Mesh,SuBD) | |
Over Kill (OverKill) Flexibility Cleans up overlapping Curves by removing duplicated and/ or unneeded objects | |
Pull Point Flexibility PullPoint | |
Remove Duplicate Geometry (RemoveDupGeo) Flexibility RemoveDuplicate Geometry | |
Remove Duplicate Brep (RemoveDupBrep) Flexibility RemoveDuplicateBrep | |
Remove Duplicate Curves (RemoveDupCrvs) Flexibility RemoveDuplicateCurves | |
Remove Duplicate Line (Remove Dup Line) Flexibility RemoveDuplicateLine | |
Remove Duplicatr Points (Remove Dup Points) Flexibility Remove Duplicate Points | |
Remove Placeholder (RemovePlaceholder) Flexibility RemovePlaceholder | |
Reparameterize Srf Curve (ReparamSrf-Crv) Flexibility Reparameterize Surface Or Curve | |
Rotate Camera (RotateCamera) Flexibility RotateCamera | |
Rotate View (RotateView) Flexibility RotateView | |
Sketch Flexibility Sketch show Line from Curves also in My Sketch plugin | |
Text Outlines (TextOutlines) Flexibility CreateTextOutlines | |
Wire Preview Flexibility Wire Preview | |
Zoom Select (ZoomSelect) Flexibility ZoomSelect |
Brep To Mesh (Mesh Brep) Flexibility Brep To Mesh | |
hexagon Mesh (hexagonMesh) Flexibility hexagonMesh thanks @DanielPiker | |
Mesh Boolean Split (MeshBooleanSplit) Flexibility Mesh BooleanSplit | |
Mesh Explode+ (Mesh Explode) Flexibility -Mesh Explode+ | |
Mesh Explode Info (MeshExpInfo) Flexibility Mesh ExplodeInfo | |
Mesh Fill Holes (Mesh FillHoles) Flexibility Mesh FillHoles | |
Mesh from Poly Curve (MeshFpoly) Flexibility Mesh_from_Close polyLine Or Lines | |
Mesh Explode Fast (M exp f) Flexibility MeshexplodeFast | |
Mesh Explode (Meshexplode) Flexibility Meshexplode | |
Mesh From Surface Control Net (MeshFromSrfNet) Flexibility Created Mesh From Surface Control Net | |
Mesh Pipe (MeshPipe) Flexibility MeshPipe | |
Mesh Split (MeshSplit) Flexibility MeshSplit | |
Mesh To Nurbs (MestToNurbs) Flexibility MeshToNurbs | |
Offset Polyline Mesh (OffsetPolyMesh) Flexibility OffsetPolylineMesh | |
patch Mesh (patchMesh) Flexibility patch Mesh | |
Quad Remesh Flexibility Quad Remesh | |
Rebuild Normal Mesh (RebuildNormalMesh) Flexibility RebuildNormalMesh | |
Reduce Mesh (Reduce_Mesh) Flexibility Reduce_Mesh | |
Unweld Mesh Flexibility Unweld Mesh + | |
Unweld Mesh Edge (Unweld MeshEdge) Flexibility Unweld Mesh Edge |
Sub DNetwork (SubD Network) Flexibility SubD Network | |
Subd Offset (SubdOffset) Flexibility SubdOffset | |
Sub DPlane (SubD_Plane) Flexibility SubD_Plane | |
Sub DRail Revolve (SubDRailRevolve) Flexibility SubD Rail Revolve | |
Sub D Revolve (SubD Revolve) Flexibility SubD Revolve | |
Sub D Sphere (SubDSphere) Flexibility SubD Sphere | |
Sub D Torus (SubDTorus) Flexibility SubD Torus | |
Sub D Box (SubDBox) Flexibility SubD Box | |
Sub DMesh Bridge (SubDBridge) Flexibility SubD or (mesh)Bridge | |
Sub DCone (SubDCone) Flexibility SubDCone | |
Subd Corner Point (SubdCornerPt) Flexibility after you chang Subd for exmple inset Or Bridge Subd SubdCornerPoint to Crease from tag first SubD To result SubD! | |
Sub DCylinder (SubDCylinder) Flexibility SubDCylinder | |
Subd Tag Dispatch (SubdTagDis) Flexibility SubdTagDispatch | |
Sub DTo Nurbs (SubDToNurbs) Flexibility SubDToNurbs | |
Sub Pack Faces (SubPackFaces) Flexibility SubD Sphere |
Curve To Sub DFriendely (ToSubDFriendely) Flexibility CurveToSubDFriendely | |
Inset Mesh Or Sub D (InsetMeshSubd) Flexibility InsetMesh Or ASubD | |
Nurbs To Sub D (NurbsToSubD) Flexibility NurbsToSubD | |
Sub DFriendely Curve (SubDFriendelyCrv) Flexibility SubDFriendelyCurve | |
Subdivide Flexibility Subdivide SbD | |
Sub DLoft (SubDLoft) Flexibility SubDLoft | |
Sub Ds Join (SubDsJoin) Flexibility SubDs Join | |
Sub DSweep1 (SubDSweep1) Flexibility SubDSweep1 | |
Sub DSweep2 (SubDSweep2) Flexibility Sweep1 |
Dispatch Branch 🌿 Flexibility DivideBranch | |
Insert in Tree (Insert inTree) Flexibility Insert data branch in Tree | |
Tree Statistics Flexibility Tree Statistics+ | |
Branch by key Flexibility Branchby keyList | |
Dispatch Index Flexibility Dispatch Index | |
Partition List Flexibility Partition List+divide list +divide list in equal part n | |
Random Reduce Flexibility Random Reduce At in and Not in | |
Renumbered Data (Renumbered_Data) Flexibility Renumbered_Data Sort path name Serialize and Simplify |
Angle Unit (Angle_unit) Flexibility unit to degree or to radiance | |
Random Flexibility Random Integer and Double | |
Remap Numbers (Remap) Flexibility Remap Numbers | |
Remove Duplicate Number Flexibility Remove Duplicate Number | |
Round(N,d) Flexibility Round(N,d) |
Equi2D Calculates 2D equipotentiallines of a vectorfield projected onto World_xy_plane (implementation of RK4) | |
StreamLines2D Calculates 2D streamlines of a vectorfield projected onto World_xy_plane (implementation of RK4) | |
StreamLines2DVortex Calculates 2D streamlines of a vectorfield projected onto World_xy_plane (implementation of RK4)with optional vortexes | |
StreamLines3D Calculates 3D streamlines of a vectorfield (implementation of RK4).Streamlines are everywhere tangent to the vectorfield |
Clusterize Points By Distance (f_PtsCBD) Clusterize a list of points by distance | |
Get Euler Angles ZYX (f_EuZYX) the Euler angles for a rotation transformation in ZYX order Also known as Yaw, Pitch, Roll | |
Get Euler Angles ZYZ (f_EuZYZ) the Euler angles for a rotation transformation in ZYZ sequence Most common in robotics | |
L Polyline From Plane (f_LPP) Generates an L shaped polyline (X-O-Y order) from a Plane | |
Points In Sphere (RTree) (f_PtsSphRT) Detects Points within a Sphere of given center and radius in a given RTree Use this for fixed search sets For dynamic search sets use the other Points In Sphere | |
Rotation from ZYX Euler Angles (f_RotZYX) Create a Rotation Transform from Euler Angles ZYX (aka yaw, pitch, roll) | |
Rotation from ZYZ Euler Angles (f_RotZYZ) Create a Rotation Transform from Euler Angles ZYZ | |
RTree Closest Point (f_RTreeCP) Returns the Closest Point to a given RTree | |
Smallest Enclosing Circle (f_SEC) Finds the Smallest Enclosing Circle for the given points in the given plane original code Copyright (c) 2020 Project Nayuki | |
Text To Geometry (f_T2Geom) Converts text into geometry (Polylines, Curves or Surfaces) use single-line fonts for best results in fabrication | |
Adaptive Fillet (f_AdFlt) Fillets a polyline proportionally to the segment length and angle | |
Divide Curve By Tangent Angle (f_DivTanAng) Adaptively Divides a Curve By Tangent Angle threshold | |
Frenet Serret Frame (f_FSFrame) Solves the Frenet-Serret Frame (Tangent, Normal and Binormal) for a Polyline | |
Flapper (f_Flap) builds flaps on a planar mesh naked edges Suggested use with mesh strips Automatic compensation for overlaps | |
Is Polyline Clockwise (f_PlCW) Determines if a planar Polyline direction is clockwise | |
Orient 3 Points_DEPRECATED (f_C3PO) Orient objects by sets of 3 points | |
Plane From L Polyline (f_PLP) Generates a plane from an L shaped polyline (X-O-Y order) | |
Points In Sphere (f_PtsSph) Detects Points within a Sphere of given center and radius Use this in case of dynamic sets to search For fixed sets, use the RTree version | |
Sort Points By Angle (f_PtsByAng) Sorts a list of points by angle from their average point | |
Surface QuadTree By Curvature (f_SQTreeK) Subdivides iteratively a surface based on local curvature | |
Surface QuadTree By Curve (f_SQTreeC) Subdivides iteratively a surface based on a set of curves | |
Trilateration (f_TriLat) Finds intersection of 3 spheres with algebraic method (faster than geometric intersection of solids) | |
Signed Vector Angle (f_SVAng) Computes angle between vectors with direction-dependent sign clockwise is -, counter-clockwise is + |
Extract Mesh Edges (f_MEdges) Extract Mesh Edges as Lines | |
Mesh Point Inside (f_MPInside) Verify if a Point is inside or outside a closed Mesh This component uses the Mesh Winding Number (MWN) method see Jacobson et al | |
Mesh Report (f_MRep) Generates a report on a Mesh geometry. Previews naked (Magenta) & non-manifold (Blue) edges | |
Extract Mesh Faces (f_MFaces) Extract Mesh Faces (by index) as Mesh | |
Mesh Connectivity - Edge Proximity Map (f_MC-EPM) Mesh edge-centered Topological connectivity map | |
Mesh Connectivity - Edge Proximity Single (f_MC-EPS) Mesh Topological connectivity for a single edge | |
Mesh Connectivity - Face Proximity Map (f_MC-FPM) Mesh face-centered Topological connectivity map | |
Mesh Connectivity - Face Proximity Single (f_MC-FPS) Mesh Topological connectivity for a single face | |
Mesh Connectivity - Vertex Proximity Map (f_MC-VPM) Mesh vertex-centered Topological connectivity map | |
Mesh Connectivity - Vertex Proximity Single (f_MC-VPS) Mesh Topological connectivity for a single vertex | |
Mesh Closest Vertex Index (f_MCVi) Closest vertex index in a mesh (absolute and face-relative) for a given list of points | |
Mesh De-Noising (f_MDN) Reduces noise in a mesh (i.e. from scanned pointclouds or messy ones) algorithm by Paul Bourke - 1997 - | |
Meshes Extract Edges with tolerance angle (f_MmEEA) Extract Mesh edges with specific angle tolerance. Optimized for many meshes | |
Mesh Extract Edges with tolerance angle (f_MsEEA) Extract Mesh edges with specific angle tolerance. Optimized for a single mesh | |
Mesh Faces To Vertices Values (f_MF2VVal) Converts per-face into per-vertex values | |
Mesh Isocurves (f_MIso) Generates isocurves on colored quad meshes | |
Mesh Pseudo-Curvature (f_MPC) A quick and dirty method to evaluate something like curvature on triangulate meshes This one seems to have a penchant for peaks and valleys | |
Mesh Rebuild Normals (f_MReNorm) Rebuilds Mesh Normals | |
Mesh Subdivide Quad Faces (f_SubMQF) Subdivides a Quad Mesh Face in a custom UV number of sub-faces | |
Mesh To C# Snippet (f_M2CS) Generates C# code for a given Mesh | |
Mesh Unlooper (f_MUnl) Opens closed Mesh loop strips | |
Mesh Vertices To Faces Values (f_MV2FVal) Converts per-vertex into per-face values | |
Reduce Mesh (f_RedMesh) Reduce Mesh polygon count |
Create RTree (f_CRTree) Creates an RTree from Points, PointClouds or Meshes | |
DataTreeGraph (f_DTG) Generates a graphics representation of a Data Tree inscribed in an input Circle Original VB | |
Froggle (f_Fro) Like a Toggle, but flipped by a Button you can also double click on the component to flip status BY DESIGN, it resets to False when opening a file containing it, and the Froggle status flips only when a True value is input | |
SelectRhinoObjects (f_SelRhObj) Select referenced Objects in Rhino by their GUID All kinds of Rhino entities can be selected | |
Toggle Autostop (f_TAS) Stops a Toggle (reverting its status from True to False) when a condition is met | |
Bake Attributes Enhanced (f_Bake++) Bakes objects with attributes (such as color, material, layer, object name, isocurve density) Option for baking into groups | |
Centered Domain (f_CDom) Generates a domain of length L, centered in 0 | |
Deconstruct Block From ID (f_BlDecon) Deconstructs a Rhino Block from its name | |
Deconstruct Dot (f_DotDecon) Deconstructs a Rhino Dot Object (best used in combination with Deconstruct Block) | |
Double Shift (f_DShift) Performs a double shift on a list - with optional wrap | |
Indexes From List (f_iFromL) Generates a list of 0-based integer indexes from a given list of data | |
IndexesFromNumber (f_iFromN) Generates a list of 0-based integer indexes from a given amount | |
Mass Boolean (f_MassBool) Mass boolean operator on a list of values | |
ObjectLayer (f_OLay) Gets the Layer of a Rhino referenced object | |
Serial Branch Path (f_SBPath) Retrieves the data tree path and data for a specific branch serial index | |
Symmetric Domain (f_SDom) Generates a (-X, X) domain | |
Weighted Random Choice (f_WRC) Generates weighted random sequences from a given list of values and weights |
Camera Control And Zoom To Geometry (f_CamConZ2Geo) Controls Rhino camera from Grasshopper, with the ability to Zoom to a given geometry | |
CameraReport (f_CamRep) Gets information about Rhino view camera | |
Custom Material (f_MatC) Create Custom Render Materials | |
Custom Mesh Vertices Display (f_CMVD) Render-compatible custom Mesh vertices display | |
Custom Mesh Wires Display (f_CMWD) Render-compatible custom Mesh wires display | |
Named Views To Cinema 4D (f_NV2C4D) Translates Named Views Data for Cinema 4D | |
Orient To Camera (f_O2Cam) Creates a Camera-aligned Plane centered on a given point | |
PointCloud Display (f_PCD) Render-compatible Point Cloud display | |
Slider Value display (f_SlVDisp) Display Slider values on screen | |
Turntable (f_TT) Simulates a turntable animation around selected objects | |
View Capture To File (f_VC2F) Saves a bitmap of the selected Rhino viewport - with options Make sure this object is on top of all other objects (i.e.executes last) | |
Weighted Spheres Cloud Display (f_WSCD) Render-compatible Weighted Sphere Cloud display Suitable for volumetric scalar field display |
COM Port Writer (f_COMpW) Sends data to a COM port | |
Export Curves to AI (f_AIexp) Export curves to Adobe Illustrator format, retaining layers | |
Save GH File (f_GHSave) Saves a copy of the current GH document as a new file Use with a Button or a Froggle (not a Toggle) | |
Directory Reader (f_DirRead) Returns the list of Files and subdirectories in a Directory Double click the component to update | |
GH File Path Info (f_GHFilePath) Provides info on current Grasshopper Document file name and path Useful for exporting files with the same name as the gh file and in the same directory | |
Load STL Binary File (f_STLBinLoad) Loads a Binary STL Mesh file | |
Path Generator (f_PathG) Generates a path based on local directories such as Desktop, Documents, GH file path | |
Read File From URL (f_URLr) Reads a file from a URL | |
Save String To File (f_Str2File) Saves a text sequence to a file |
Mesh Offset Extended (f_MeshOffEx) Offsets a Mesh using several possible options Integrates algorithms by Daniel Piker, from this post: | |
Fast Mesh From Polyline (f_FMesh) Creates a fast mesh from a closed polyline | |
Mesh Bridge (f_MBridge) Builds a Mesh Bridge between lists of points | |
Polylines Mesh Loft (f_PMLoft) Lofts polylines with the same number of vertices into a mesh | |
Space-Filling Polyhedra Generator (f_SPHGen) Creates a space filling Polyhedron |
Clusterizer (f_Clstr) Groups topology data into clusters of indexes | |
Topologizer (f_TLN) Solves line network topology | |
Topology Inverter (f_TInv) Invert topology tree indexes ex. in a network, from nodes sorted by lines to lines sorted by node and vice - versa |
A wise frog (froGH) Here's some simple advice: Always be yourself |
Astar (Nickname) A star | |
SE3To Twist (STT) Convert SE3 to twist | |
Twist To SE3 (T2S) Convert twist to SE3 | |
Download Set Tool (Nickname) Download and set the tool | |
Down Load Tool (Nickname) Description | |
Compose Twist2 (Twist) Compose Twist | |
Motion Planning Robot3 (Nickname) Description | |
Motion Planning Robot4 (Nickname) Description | |
Motion Planning Robot5 (Nickname) Description | |
Data Smooth (Nickname) Description | |
DLT3D Get Affine transform by DLT3D | |
File Remove External Axis (ReMoveEA) Just remove E1~E4 ,just for KUKA robot | |
Fourier Series (FS) FourierSeries with threshold | |
Get Angle Axis From Matrix (M2R) Get AxisAngle from transform maxtrix | |
Get Axis Angle From Rot Vec (Nickname) Description | |
Get Info (Info) Get info | |
Get Lie Algebra From Matrix (Nickname) Description | |
Get Matrix From Axis Angle (R2M) Get transform matrix from axis angle | |
Get Matrix From Rot Vec (R2M) Get transform matrix from rotation vector | |
Get Matrix Fromse3 (GMse3) Get Matrix From se3 | |
Get Matrix From XYZABC (M2XYZABC) Get matrix from xyzabc | |
Get Transform From XYZQuat Get transform from xyzQuat | |
Get Rot Vec From Axis Angle (Nickname) Description | |
Get Rot Vec From Matrix (M2R) Get rotation vector from transform maxtrix | |
Get File Path (GSFP) Get the path file. | |
Get XYZABCFrom Matrix (ABC2M) Get XYZABC from a transform matrix | |
Get XYZQuat From Matrix (Nickname) Description | |
Ransac Line (RansacLine) Using RANSAC to fit line. | |
Fit Plane (FitPlane) Using RANSAC to fit plane. | |
Render Plane Geo (GPG) Render the plane geometroy | |
Rotate For ABB (RotRABB) Rotate the target plane 180 degrees about Y axis for ABB when using NonPro mode | |
Rotate For KUKA (RotKUKA) Rotate the target plane 90 degrees about Y axis for KUKA when using NonPro mode | |
Rotate For UR (RotUR) Rotate the target plane 180 degrees about X axis,then rotate it's z axis 180 degrees for UR when using NonPro mode | |
TCPSend (TCPS) TCP client for sending and receiving string | |
TCPListener (TCPL) TCP server as a Listener | |
Load Tool From File (Nickname) Description | |
Up Load Tool (UpLoadTool) UpLoad Tool to server | |
Obstacle Solver (OS) Obstacle Solver | |
Construct Twist (Twist) Construct twist without unit convertion | |
Deconstruct Twist (DeTwist) Construct twist without unit convertion |
IRB120 (R) IRB120 robot | |
IRB140 IRB140 | |
IRB1600r1200 (R) IRB1600r1200 robot | |
IRB4600r205 (R) IRB4600r205 robot | |
IRB4600r255 (R) IRB4600r255 robot | |
IRB6650s125r350 IRB6650s125r350 | |
IRB6650s200r300 IRB6650s200r300 | |
IRB6700 150r320 IRB6700 150r320 | |
IRB7600 325/3.10 IRB7600 325/3.10 | |
IRB2600 20 165 (IRB2600_20_165) IRB2600_20_165 | |
KR120 R2500 (R) KR120R2500 | |
KR16 R1610 KR16 R1610 | |
KR16 R2010 (R) KR16 R2010 Robot | |
KR20 R1810 (R) KR90r2900 robot | |
KR210-2 R2700 | |
KR90-270 R2700 (R) KR90-270 R2700 Robot | |
T KR280R3080 (R) KR280 R3080 | |
KR30 60HA (R) KR30_60HA | |
KR340 R3330 KR340 R3330 | |
Agilus KR3 R540 Agilus KR3 R540 | |
KR500 R2830 (R) KR500 R2830 Robot | |
Agilus KR6 KR10 R700 Agilus KR6 KR10 R700 | |
Iontec KR30-70 R2100 Iontec KR30 R2100|KR50 R2100|KR70 R2100 | |
KR90 R2900 rmit (R) KR90r2900 robot_rmit | |
KR90 R3100 KR90 R3100 | |
KR90-KR150 R3700 KR90-KR150 R3700 | |
KR1000 Titan Robot (R) KR1000 Titan Robot | |
KR100 HA-2 KR100 HA-2 | |
Agilus KR6-KR10 R1100 (R) Agilus KR6-KR10 R1100 | |
Cybertech Nano KR10 R1420 Cybertech Nano KR10 R1420 | |
KR10 R900-2 (R) KR10 R900 | |
KR120 R1800 (R) KR120 R1800 | |
Agilus KR6-KR10 R900 (R) Agilus KR6-KR10 R900 | |
KR90 R2900 (R) KR90r2900 robot | |
Luna Arm (R) Luna Arm | |
Luna Arm Extend (R) Luna arm extend. | |
UR10 (R) UR10 robot | |
UR16e (R) UR16e robot | |
UR3 (R) UR3 robot | |
UR5 (R) UR5 robot |
ABBTool Convert (ABBToolConvert) ABBTool Convert | |
Plastic Print Tool (T) FabUnion Plastic Print tool | |
Plastic Print Tool For XYZAxis (T) FabUnion PlasticPrint Tool For XYZAxis | |
Mecanum Wheel Demo v2 (MWD) Get the wheel velocity by inputing 8-wheel-car's velocity | |
Mecanum Wheel Demo v3 (MWD) Get the wheel velocity by inputing 8-wheel-car's target pose | |
Mecanum Wheel Demo (MWD) Get the wheel velocity by inputing 8-wheel-car's velocity | |
Forward Kinematics (FK) Get the end pose by forward kinematics | |
Inverse Kinematics (IK) Get Inverse Kinematics | |
Compose Custom EAPart (CEAP) Compose Custom External Axis Part | |
FU Wood EA (FUWEA) FabUnion wood external axis | |
General Axis Optimization Custom Robot V13In Meter (GAO) General Axis Optimization with coefficient | |
Num IK6Dv8 (NIK) Numeric IK solver for 6D robot | |
Num IK7D Joint Value v7 (NIK) Numeric IK solver for 6D robot | |
Custom6D (C6D) Customize a 6D Robot | |
Custom7D (C7D) Custom 7D robot | |
Compose Custom Root (CCR) Compose custom root for robot. | |
External Axis compose (EAC) External axis of robot | |
Compose Work Base (B) ComposeWorkBase | |
Construct4by4Matrix (Nickname) Description | |
Get Jacobian Matrix From Angle In Degree (GetJ) Get Jacobian Matrix From Angle In Degree | |
Custom Robot Part (Nickname) Description | |
Custom ABB2 (Nickname) Description | |
Custom KUKA2 (Nickname) Description | |
Deconstruct External Axis (EAx) External axis of robot | |
Set A4Zero For KUKA (Nickname) Description | |
Light Plastic Toolhead (T) FabUnion LightPlastic tool | |
FUMetal Weld Tool (T) FabUnion metal weld tool | |
Turn Table | |
Tank Robot Root (Nickname) Description | |
TJLab Single Axis (A) Tongji University fabrication lab single axis. | |
Turn Table2Dof | |
URTool Convert (URToolConvert) URTool Convert | |
Custom Tool (CustomTool) Custom tool | |
Compose External Axis V2 (Nickname) Description | |
EAGroup (EAG) External axis part group | |
Construct Robot Mesh Group (CRC) Customize robot component for user-defined robot | |
Robot Dynamics (RobotDynamics) Robot dynamics solver | |
Robot Arm Dynamics Simulation (DS) Robot arm dynamics simulation | |
Inverse Dynamics From Commands Get torque or force by inverse dynamics from commands |
100A-270 (R) STEP: 100A-270 | |
IRB1600 R1200 (R) ABB: IRB1600 R1200 | |
IRB2600 R165 (R) ABB: IRB2600 R165 | |
IRB4600 R205 (R) ABB: IRB4600 R205 | |
IRB4600 R255 (R) ABB: IRB4600 R255 | |
IRB6650s125 R350 (R) ABB: IRB6650s125 R350 | |
IRB6650s200 R300 (R) ABB: IRB6650s200 R300 | |
IRB6700-150/3.20 (R) ABB: IRB6700-150/3.20 | |
IRB7600-325/3.10 (R) ABB: IRB7600-325/3.10 | |
LR 10i A (R) Fanuc: LR_10iA | |
KR100HA2 (R) KUKA: KR100HA2 | |
KR10R1100 (R) KUKA: KR10R1100 | |
KR10R1420 (R) KUKA: KR10R1420 | |
KR270 R2700 (R) KUKA: KR270 R2700 | |
KR280 R3080 (R) KUKA: KR280 R3080 | |
KR3 R540 (R) KUKA: KR3 R540 | |
Agilus KR6 KR10 R900 (R) KUKA: Agilus KR6 KR10 R900 | |
KR70 R2100 (R) KUKA: KR70 R2100 | |
KR90 R3700 (R) KUKA: KR90 R3700 | |
TX2 40 (R) Staubli: TX2_40 |
ABBCom File Up Load (Nickname) ABB File UpLoad. | |
Get ABBPose And Axis Angles | |
Get ABBControllers (GC) Get the ABB controller | |
Get Signal ABB (GSABB) Get the signal from IO of ABB | |
Set Signal ABB (SetSignalABB) SetSignalABB | |
ABBEGMJoint (Nickname) Description | |
Http Post (HP) Convert cmd to JSON compressed and send it to server. | |
RSIJoint (RSI) Description | |
HTTPDelete (Nickname) Send delete by http | |
HTTPGet (Nickname) Description | |
Http Delete (Nickname) Send delete by http | |
Get IP address list (GetIPList) Get IP address list | |
Get Socket (GS) Get socket for TCP communication | |
Get UDP (Nickname) Description | |
Receive Data By Socket (RS) Receive data by soceket | |
Send Data By Socket (SS) Send data by socket | |
UDPReceiver Auto Update (Nickname) UDP Receiver Auto Update. | |
UDPSender (Nickname) Description |
Change Vel By Corner (Nickname) Description | |
Robot Core (Core) Generate offline program file and simulation | |
Deconstruct Joint Value Group (DJVG) Deconstruct Joint Value Group | |
Compose Velocity (CmpVel) Compose velocity for move command | |
Construct Custom Command (CCMD) Construct Custom Command | |
Line Cmd (LC) Line command | |
Construct Line Command (LCMD) Construct Line Command | |
Construct PTP Command (PTPCMD) Construct PTP Command | |
Robot Check (RobotCheck) Check the robot | |
Set Dig Out Cmd (SDO) SetDigOutCommand | |
Stop Cmd (SC) Stop command | |
Construct Wait Command (WCMD) Construct Wait Command | |
Example (LE) Load Example | |
Construct Torque or Force (CTF) Construct Torque or Force | |
Construct Joint Command (CJC) Construct Joint Command | |
Collision Test (Nickname) Description |
Single line external axis (SL) Single line external axis device | |
Construct Euler Angle (CEA) Construct Euler Angle | |
Rotation Convertor (RotationConvertor) Rotation Convertor | |
Construct Moving Joint (CMJ) Construct Moving Joint | |
Construc Rotation Joint (Nickname) Description | |
Construct Robot Link Group (CLG) Customize robot link group for user-defined robot | |
Construct mass property (CMP) Construct mass property | |
Make serial robot (MSR) Make serial robots into one serial robot | |
Construct Offset (Nickname) Description | |
Custom Robot v6 (Nickname) Description | |
Robot packge (RP) Make robot with attachments | |
Construct Robot Link (CRL) Construct Robot Link | |
Light Plastic Print Tool | |
Custom tool (CT) Custom tool |
Band Saw Cutting Programmed by HUA CHAI | |
Chain Saw Slotting Programmed by HUA CHAI | |
Circular Saw Cutting (CircularSawCutting) Circular Saw CuttingProgrammed by HUA CHAI | |
Drilling DrillingProgrammed by HUA CHAI | |
Milling Brep Programmed by HUA CHAI | |
Milling Hole Programmed by HUA CHAI | |
Notch Milling (wood) Notch millingProgrammed by HUA CHAI | |
Surface Equidistant Sub Programmed by HUA CHAI | |
Surface Structure Line Sub Programmed by HUA CHAI |
Add Base (AB) Add the base of model | |
Arrange Contour (CC) Arrange the contours | |
Check Angle (CA) check the angle of model | |
Contour (C) Create contours | |
Cv Only Horizontal Divide Keep Corner (COHDKC) divide curve only in horizontal level segment and keep corner | |
First Pt (FP) First point in a curve | |
Sort Curve (SC) Sort Curve in the Same Level | |
Total Cut Cv (TCC) Get the cut curve in whole model |
BIConstruct Path (BICP) Provide some kinds of paths for fiber winding.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU | |
Branching Path (BP) Construct separate paths for revelant winding points regarding each anchor points.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU | |
Construct Winding Path (CWP) Analyse points' position and construct winding paths.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU | |
Exterior Path Optimization (EPO) Provide a kind of strategy to make winding path safe.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU | |
Group Points (GP) Take some points into one group if they are in the same times of the robot's winding movement.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU | |
Interior Path Optimization (IPO) Provide a kind of strategy to make winding path safe.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU | |
Output Plane (OPlanes) Points to Planes for winding.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU | |
Output Points (OPoints) Resulting points grouped by their revelant bidirectional position.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU |
Customize Rib With Target Curve (Nickname) Description | |
Optimize A4Axis (OptimizeA4Axis) Optimize the A4 axis value to zero or near zero when the toolhead is not orthogonal | |
Change Seam By Geo (CSBG) change the seam by geometry | |
Clean And Close Curve (CCC) clean the small curve and make the curves closed | |
Tech Print Clean And Close Curve Multiple (TechPrintCleanAndCloseCurveMultiple) clean the small curve and make the curves closed multiple edtion | |
Create Contour (CC) Create the contour of geometry | |
Divide By Seg With Length (DBSL) divide curve by segment with given length |
FUxyz No E3Coupling81 (FUxyzNoE3Coupling81) FUxyzNoE3Coupling81 | |
Default XYZAxis (E) Default XYZAxis | |
External Axis FUM (EAFUM) External Axis processing for FU master robot | |
External Axis TJLab (EATJL) External Axis processing for TongJi Laboratory robot | |
FUXYZAxis FabUnion XYZAxis | |
FUxyz No E3Coupling (FUxyzNoE3Coupling) FUxyzNoE3Coupling |
Line command (LCMD) Construct Line command with fixed values | |
Construct PTJ command (PTJCMD) Construct PTJ command. | |
Custom text Command (CTXTCMD) Custom text command | |
Joint Command (JCMD) Joint command | |
Wait command (WAITCMD) Construct Wait command |
Arm ABB Format Arm KUKA Format | |
Arm KUKA Format Generate offline program for Arm KUKA robot. | |
Arm Step Format Arm Step robot. | |
Arm UR Format Arm UR Format |
UDPRemote Receiver (recv) Receive topic message from remote server. Default address is : 5235. Msg received will automatically trigger update. | |
UDPRemote Sender (send) Send topic message to remote server. Default address is : 5235. |
Find Bug Test the whole task to find bug. | |
Robot Simulator |
Export Mesh2File (Nickname) Description |
De Licence (Nickname) Description |
Fitness Landscape (LScape) Display a 2.5D fitness landscape |
BevelGear (BevelG) Build Bevel Gear from Pitch Circles | |
HelicalGear (HelicalG) Build helical gear from profile | |
HelicalRack (HelicalR) Build helical rack from Line with Circle or Module | |
Rack Build 2D rack from tangent line with circle or module | |
Ratchet&Pawl (Ratchet) Create ratchet and inside pawl | |
SpurGear (spurG) Spur Gear from Circles |
Angle2Pitch (AnglePitch) Make Pitch Circles from base Circle with angle and Radius | |
Axe2Pitch (AxePitch) Make Pitch Circles from 3 Points base Polyline |
Closed Curve Plots (Closed) A series of curve equations | |
Cyclic Curve Plots (Cyclic) A series of curve equations | |
Fixed Curve Plots (Fixed) A series of curve equations | |
Intersecting Surface Plots (Intersecting) A series of surface equations | |
Loop Surface Plots (Loop) A series of surface equations | |
Open Surface Plots (Open) A series of surface equations | |
Open Curve Plots (Open) A series of curve equations | |
Other Curve Plots (Other) A series of curve equations | |
Periodic Curve Plots (Periodic) A series of curve equations | |
Spatial Curve Plots (Spatial) A series of curve equations | |
Spiral Curve Plots (Spiral) A series of curve equations | |
Volume Plots (Volumes) A Series of volume shell equations |
Query Node Displacements (ggQNodeDisp) Query Node Displacements | |
Query Node Reaction Force (ggQNodeReactF) Query Node Reaction Force | |
Query Node Acceleration (ggQNodeAcc) Query node accelearations from response spectrum or time history analysis | |
Query Node Velocity (ggQueryNodeVel) Query node velocities from response spectrum or time history analysis | |
Query Global Reaction (ggQGlobalReact) Query Global Reaction | |
Query Node Reaction Moment (ggQNodeReactM) Query Node Reaction Moment | |
Query Frame Force (ggQueryFrameFor) Query Frame Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set Frame Force (ggRD1dSet) Decomposes 1d Element Result Set | |
Query Frame Forces (ggQueryFrameFor) Query Frame Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set2d (ggRD2dSet) Decompose 2d Elemnt Result Set | |
Decompose Result Set2d Principal Stress (ggRDPrinStress) Decompose 2d Principal Stress Result | |
Query2d Principal Stress (ggQPS) Query Principal Stress, derived from averaged point values so will not match precisely SAP results | |
Decompose Result Set Modal Freq (ggRDMF) Decompose Modal Frequency Result Set | |
Query Modal Frequencies (ggQMF) Query Modal Frequencies | |
Decompose Result Set Node (ggRDN) Decompose Node Set Result | |
Full Load Application Control (ggFLAC) Full Load Application Control | |
Displacement Load Application Control (ggDLAC) Displacement Load Application Control | |
Solver (ggS) This component will execute Structural Analysis solution process and query results | |
Solver Options (ggSO) Solver Options | |
Query (ggQ) This component will extract results from SAP/Etabs Application, most applicable to existing models so use Solve component for GH generated. | |
Decompose Result Global Reaction (ggRDGlobReact) Decompose Global Reaction Result | |
Query Result2d Options (ggQueryResult2dOpt) Query Result 2d option | |
Query2d Projected Forces (ggQ2dProjectedForces) Query 2d Element Projected (Direct) Forces | |
Query2d Derived Forces (ggQ2dElemDerivedForces) Query 2d Element Derived (Principle) Forces | |
Query2d Projected Stress (ggQ2dProjectedStress) Query 2d Element Projected (Direct) Stress | |
Query2d Derived Stress (ggQ2dDerStrss) Query 2d Element Derived Stress | |
Query2d Projected Strains (ggQ2dProjectedStrains) Query 2d Area Element Projected Strains | |
Query2d Derived Strains (ggQ2dDerivedStrains) Query 2d Area Element Derived Strains | |
Query Database Table (ggQDBT) This will enable you to query any database table within Etabs. XXX Database Tables are accessible in versions ETABS18 and SAP23 and newer | |
Decompose Result Database Table (ggRDDBT) Decompose a Database Table Query Result into Rows of Data | |
Query Mass By Story (ggQMassStorey) Query Etabs Storey Mass | |
Query Mass By Diaphragm (ggQMassDiaphragm) Query Etabs Diaphragm Mass | |
Decompose Result Set Diaphragm (ggRDMD) Decompose Diaphragm Result | |
Query Story Drifts (ggQStoreyD) Query Etabs Storey Drifts | |
Query Storey Forces (ggQStoreyF) Query Etabs storey forces from load cases and combinations | |
Query Storey Moments (ggQStoreyM) Query Etabs storey moments from load cases and combinations | |
Decompose Result Set Storey (ggRDStoreyR) Decompose a Storey Force/Moment/Drift Resultant | |
Decompose Result Set Storey Force (ggRDStoreyF) Decompose Storey Forces Resultant | |
Query Material List By Object Type (ggQMatO) Query Material List by Object Type. This query does not require analysis to run | |
Decompose Material List (ggRDML) Decompose a Material List by Object Type | |
Query Material List By Section (ggQMatS) Query Material List by Section Property Type. This query does not require analysis to run | |
Query Material List By Story (ggQMatSt) Query Material List by Story. This query does not require analysis to run | |
Decompose Material List By Section (ggRDMLS) Decompose a Material List by Section | |
Decompose Material List By Story (ggRDMLSt) Decompose a Material List by Story | |
Decompose Result Set Frame Forces (ggRDFFSet) Decomposes Frame Forces (1d Forces) Result Set |
Shell Property Modifier (ggSPM) Create Shell Property Modifier | |
Finite Element Generation Option (ggFEO) Options for generation of Finite Element | |
Element Orientation (ggEO) Element Orientations | |
Create Frame Prop (ggFP) Create Frame Property | |
Void Prop (ggVAP) Create Void Area Prop | |
Frame Auto Mesh (ggFAM) Create Frame AutoMesh | |
Create Link Prop Linear (ggLP) Create Linear Link Property | |
Create Link Prop GAP (ggLP) Create Structural Link Gap Property. | |
Link Prop Dir Params Gap (ggLPP) Directional and rotational values for creating a Linear link in SAP2000 | |
Create Link Prop Multi Linear (ggLML) Create Structural Link Multi-Linear Elastic or Plastic Property. | |
Link Prop Dir Params Multi Linear (ggLPP) Directional and rotational values for creating a Multi Linear (Elastic/Plasctic) link in SAP2000 | |
Create Spandrel Label (ggSP) Create an Etabs Spandrel Label to be applied to Walls and Frame elements | |
Create Pier Label (ggP) Create an Etabs Pier Label to be applied to Walls and Frame elements | |
Create Frame Prop Filled Pipe (ggFPFP) Create Frame Element Filled Pipe Section Property | |
Create Frame Prop Filled Tube (ggFPFT) Create Frame Element Filled Tube Section Property | |
Create Prop Hinge User Non Interacting (ggHPUNI) Create a User Defined Non-Interacting Hinge Property | |
Hinge Non Interacting Control Force (ggHUNIFC) Specify Force Control Properties for a Non-Interacting User Defined Hinge Property | |
Hinge Non Interacting Control Deform (ggHUNIFC) Specify Force Control Properties for a Non-Interacting User Defined Hinge Property | |
Hinge Deformation Points (ggHDP) Deformation Points for a Non-Interacting User Defined Deformation Hinge Property. Inputs are Point3d where the z value is ignored | |
Hinge Acceptance Criteria (ggHAC) Non-Interacting User Defined Deformation Hinge Property | |
Hinge Non Interacting Deform Scale Fac Params (ggHNIS) Scaling Factor Parameters for Non-Interacting User Defined Deformation Hinge Property | |
Create Prop Deck (ggDP) Create Deck Prop | |
Create Deck Profile (ggDP) Create Deck Profile for Deck Property | |
Create Shear Stud Prop (ggSSP) Create ShearStudProp for Deck Property | |
Create Slab Prop (ggSP) Create Slab Prop | |
Create Wall Prop (ggWP) Create Wall Prop | |
Deconstruct Area Prop (ggDFP) Deconstruct Area Property | |
Create Shell Prop (ggAP) Create Shell Prop | |
Frame Atts (ggFA) Create Frame Attributes | |
Slab Atts (ggSA) Create Slab Attributes | |
Wall Atts (ggWA) Create Wall Attributes | |
Area Spring (ggAS) Create a Area Spring Support to Apply to an Area Element | |
Prop Hinge By Ref (ggHPR) Reference a Hinge Property in an Existing Model by a String | |
Prop Shell By Ref (ggSPR) Reference a Shell Property in an Existing Model by a String |
Concrete Frame Design (ggCD) This component will execute Structural Analysis Solution and Concrete Frame Design process. XXX THIS COMPONENT WILL ONLY WORK WITH ETABSv18 AND LATER | |
Query Concrete Beam Design Summary (ggQCBDS) Query Frame Element Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Set Conc Beam Design Summary (ggRDCB) Decompose Concrete Beam Design Utilisation Summary set results | |
Query Concete Column Design Summary (ggQCCDS) Query Frame Element Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Set Conc Column Design Summary (ggRDCC) Decompose Concrete Column Design Utilisation Summary Set Results | |
Query Shear Wall Design Pier Summary (ggQSWDPS) Query Shear Wall Design Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Shear Wall Design Pier Summary (ggRDSWP) Decompose Concrete Column Design Utilisation Summary Set Results | |
Decompose Result Pier Story Design Summary (ggRDSPS) Decompose a Story Pier Design Result | |
Decompose Result Pier Story Design Reo Summary (ggRDSPS) Decompose a Story Pier Design Reo Result | |
Query Composite Beam Design Summary (ggQCompBDS) Query Frame Element Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Composite Beam Design Summary (ggRDCompB) Decompose Composite Beam Design Utilisation Summary Set Results | |
Concrete Design ACI318 (ggCDACI318) Concrete Fram Design ACI318 | |
Steel Design ACI318Over Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design ACI318 OverWrite | |
Concrete Design Eurocode2 (ggCDEC2) Concrete Fram Design Eurocode | |
Concrete Design Eurocode2Over Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design Eurocode2 OverWrite | |
Concrete Beam Design Section Atts (ggCDB) Assign Concrete Design Section Parameters to a Frame Section Property | |
Concrete Column Design Section Atts (ggCDB) Assign Concrete Design Section Parameters to a Frame Section Property | |
Design Code By Ref (ggDCR) Reference a Design Code in an Existing Model by a String. Use already preset default values as per the file | |
Steel Frame Design (ggSD) This component will execute Structural Analysis solution and Steel Design process. | |
Composite Beam Design (ggCSD) This component will execute the Composite Steel Design Process. | |
Query Steel Design Summary (ggQueryFrameFor) Query Frame Element Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Set Steel Design Summary (ggRUSD) Decompose SAP Steel Design Utilisation Summary set results | |
Steel Design AISC360 (ggSDAISC360) Steel Design Code AISC360 | |
Steel Design AISC360Over Write (ggSDAISCOW) Steel Design AISC360 OverWrite | |
Steel Design CSA (ggSDCSA) Steel Design CSA | |
Steel Design CSAOver Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design CSA OverWrite | |
Steel Design AS4100 (ggSDAS4100) Steel Design AS 4100-1998 | |
Steel Design AS4100Over Write (ggSDAS4100OW) Steel Design AS4100 OverWrite | |
Steel Design NZ3404 (ggSDNZ3404) Steel Design NZ 3404-1997 | |
Steel Design NZ3403Over Write (ggSDNZ3403OW) Steel Design NZ3403 OverWrite | |
Steel Design Eurocode3 (ggSDEC) Steel Design Eurocode3 | |
Steel Design Eurocode3Over Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design Eurocode OverWrite |
Create Or Find Point (ggPoint) Locate Existing or Create StructuralPoint | |
Transform Structure (ggTransform) Transform Structure | |
Create Group (ggGroup) Create Group | |
Brep Convert Finite Elements (ggBFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from brep with plane faces | |
Mesh Convert Finite Elements (ggMFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from mesh | |
Create Axis (ggAxis) Create Structural Axis | |
Create Building Storey (ggBS) Create Building Storey | |
Create Grid Axis System (ggGAS) Generate an Etabs Grid Axis System | |
Create Reference Plane (ggRF) Create Reference Plane | |
Decompose Grid Axis System (ggDGS) Decompose Structural Grid System into Grids | |
Diaphragm (ggCD) Create a diaphragm | |
Create Stage (ggStage) Create a Stage for a Staged Construction Load Case. This is early work in progress so please contact if not behaving as intended or to implement further options | |
Create Stage Op Add (ggStOpAdd) Create a Stage Operation which adds objects for a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Create Stage Op Load (ggStOpLoad) Create a Stage Operation which adds load patterns to a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Create Stage Op Remove (ggStOpRem) Create a Stage Operation which removes objects from a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Create Stage Op Change Frame Prop (ggStOpFP) Create a Stage Operation which adds or removes objects from a for a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Group Options (ggGO) Group Options | |
Decompose Group (ggDecomposeGroup) Decompose Group | |
Test Catologue (ggStage) Create a Stage for a Staged Construction Load Case. This is early work in progress so please contact if not behaving as intended or to implement further options | |
Create Frame (ggFE) Create Structural Frame Element | |
Decompose Frame (ggF) Decompose Frame Element | |
Create Link (ggLink) Create Structural Link | |
Create Area Perimeter (ggCAP) Create Area by Perimeter Curve | |
Decompose Area Element (ggDA) Decompose an Area Element such as Floor or Wall | |
Create Wall By Extrusion (ggCW) Create Wall by extruding a axis line a certain height |
Load Combination (ggLC) Create Load Combination | |
Decompose Combo (ggDecomposeCombo) Decompose Combo | |
Load Pattern (ggLP) Create Load Pattern | |
Decompose Load Pattern (ggDecomposeLP) Decompose a Pattern and retrieve all associated loading | |
Load Pattern Auto Seismic NZ1170 (ggLPASNZ) Create Load Pattern AutoSeismic NZ1170.5 | |
Target Force Options (ggTFO) Target Force Options | |
Results Saved Options (ggRSO) Results Saved Options | |
Non Linear Solution Control (ggNLSC) Non Linear Solution Control | |
Load Case Response Spectrum (ggLCRS) Create Response Spectrum Load Case | |
Load Case Modal Eigen (ggMLC) Create Modal Eigen Load Case | |
Load Case Modal Ritz (ggMRLC) Create Ritz Modal Load Case | |
Load Pattern Auto Seismic User (ggLPASUser) Create Load Pattern AutoSeismic Based on User Load Input Loadsets | |
Load Pattern Auto Wind User (ggLPASUser) Create Load Pattern AutoWind Based on User Load Input Loadsets | |
Load Pattern Auto Seismic User Loadset (ggLPASUS) Create User Load Input Loadsets to be provided inputed into Load Pattern AutoSeismic | |
Load Pattern Auto Wind User Loadset (ggLPASUS) Create User Load Input Loadsets to be inputed into Load Pattern AutoWind | |
Load Pattern Auto Seismic User Coeff (ggLPASUC) Create Load Pattern AutoSeismic User Coefficient | |
Auto Seismic Ecc Overwrite (ggASEO) Create a Eccentricity Override to be applied to a Auto Seismic Load Pattern | |
Load Case Static (ggSLC) Create Static Load Case | |
Load Case Hyper Static (ggSLHC) Create Hyper Static Load Case | |
Load Case Non Linear Staged (ggNLSt) Create NonLineaer Staged Construction Load Case. Works with SAP2000 V19 and above. | |
Load Case Non Linear Static (ggNLS) Create NonLineaer Static Load Case | |
Load Pattern By Ref (ggLP) Reference a Load Pattern in an Existing Model by name text | |
Load Combo By Ref (ggLC) Reference a Load Combination in an Existing Model by name text | |
Load Case By Ref (ggLCR) Reference a Load Case in an Existing Model by name text |
Load Point (ggPL) Create Point Load | |
Load Network Trib Area (ggTAL) Create Tributory Area Loads for structure grid | |
Load Frame UDL (ggFUDL) Create Uniform Distributed Loads for Frame Elements | |
Load Frame Patch (ggFP) Create Patch Loads for Frame Elements | |
Load Frame Temp (ggLFT) Create Temperature Load for Frame Elements | |
Load Point Displacment (ggPDL) Create Point Displacement Load, use settlement if node has restraint in applied direction | |
Load Area Uniform (ggFL) Create Uniform Loads for Area Elements | |
Decompose Uniform Area Load (ggDecomposeUAL) Decompose Uniform Area Load | |
Decompose Frame Uniform Load (ggDecomposeFUL) Decompose Frame Uniform Load | |
Mass Source (ggMS) Create Mass Source | |
Shell Uniform Load Set (ggLP) Create Shell Uniform Load Set to Apply to Area Object | |
Assign Shell Uniform Load Set (ggLP) Create Shell Uniform Load Set to Apply to Area Object | |
Load Crv Point (ggCLP) Create Point Loads for Curve Elements | |
Applied Load Response Spectrum (ggSPL) Create a Load Applied for a Response Spectrum Load Case Direction | |
Applied Load Modal (ggMAL) Create a Load Applied for a Modal Eigin or Modal Ritz Load Case | |
Function Response Spectrum Euro Code8 (ggRSEC) Create a response spectrum function based on Eurocode8 | |
Function Response Spectrum NZ1170 (ggRSNZ) Create a response spectrum function based on NZ1170 | |
Function Response Spectrum User (ggRSUD) Create a User Defined response spectrum function from a list of Periods and Values |
Create Elastic Orthotropic Material (ggEOM) Create Elastic Orthotropic Material | |
Point Restraint (ggPR) Create PointRestraint | |
Point Atts (ggPA) Create Structural Point Attributes | |
Create Point Mass (ggPointMass) Create Point Mass Data | |
Point Support Link (ggPSL) Create Point Support Spring by Link, units consistent with ETABS application | |
Point Spring Prop (ggPS) Create Point Spring Property, units consistent with ETABS application | |
Line Spring Prop (ggLS) Create Line Spring Prop, Units consistent with SAP application | |
Generate C (ggC) Generates a ColdFormed C Section | |
Material Library (ggML) Use Sap Library Material, usually in C:rogram Filesomputers and StructuresAP2000 XXroperty Libraries or equivalent for ETABS, CsiBridge etc | |
Material Params Concrete (ggMPC) Generate Concrete Material Parameters for input into the user defined Material Component. | |
Material Concrete Time EC2 (ggMCTDEC2) Generate Concrete Material Time Dependent Parameters for EC2. | |
Material Params Rebar (ggMPRB) Generate Rebar Material Parameters for input into the user defined Material Component. | |
Material Params Steel (ggMPSteel) Generate Steel Material Parameters for input into the user defined Material Component. | |
Material Create-Elastic Isotropic (ggEIM) Create Elastic Isotropic Material | |
Material By Ref (ggMR) Reference a Material in an Existing Model by a String |
Frame Release Stiffness (RS) Frame Release | |
Frame Release (R) Frame Release | |
Find Frame Prop (ggFFP) Find Frame Property | |
Create Frame Prop General (ggFPG) Create General Frame Property, all values must be derived from rhino document units (ie mm, inches, metres etc) | |
Frame Prop Params (ggFPP) Frame Property Parameters | |
Create Frame Prop Non Prismatic (ggNPFP) Create Non Prismatic Frame Element Section Property | |
Create Lateral Bracing Point (ggLBP) Create a Frame Lateral Bracing at a Point | |
Create Lateral Bracing Uniform (ggLBU) Create a Frame Uniform Lateral Bracing | |
Frame Hinge Assign (ggFHA) Create Frame Hinge Assignment | |
Frame Prop Auto Selection Set (ggFPAS) Create Frame Property Auto Selection Set. Set a list of section properties to that can applied to a SAP Frame Element in design | |
Deconstruct Frame Prop (ggDFP) Deconstruct Frame Property | |
Frame Prop Modifier (ggSPM) Create Frame Section Property Modifier | |
Frame Station (ggFS) Create Frame Station Attributes | |
Frame Prop By Ref (ggFPR) Reference a Frame Property in an Existing Model by a String |
Modify Bake (ggMB) This component will open existing model, and then perform the nominated modifications. Advised to have only one bake component on the canvas | |
Modify Inline (ggMI) This component will modify a model AFTER the bake process has occured | |
Modify Design Section Inline (ggMDSI) This component will can change the Design Section of a Designed model AFTER the bake, analysis and design process has occured | |
Nominate Frame Section (ggNFS) Nominate Section name to assign to frame | |
Nominate Frame Section Group (ggNFSG) Nominate Section name to assign to group of frames | |
Set Hinge Property (ggSHP) Modification to set hinge property | |
Assign Hinge Property (ggAHP) Modification to assign hinge property to frame element | |
Modify Frame Element Delete (ggNFS) Nominate Frame Element to Delete from Existing Model | |
Relocate Point (ggPR) Relocate Point in an Existing Model by providing an updated Point3d Location | |
Modify Steel Frame Design Section (ggNFS) Modify the Steel Frame Design Section after the Design Process. Use this component with the Inline Modify component to test different sections after performing analysis and design | |
Modify Conc Frame Design Section (ggMFS) Modify the Concrete Frame Design Section after the Design Process. Use this component with the Inline Modify component to test different sections after performing analysis and design | |
Modify Append Frame Distributed Load (ggMAFDL) Modify the model appending distributed loads to frame elements | |
Modify Append Frame Point Load (ggMAFPL) Modify the model appending point loads to frame elements | |
Modify Append Point Force (ggMAPF) Modify the model appending forces to points |
Map Profile (ggMP) Map a profile to an IFC profile | |
gg Etabs To Karamba (ggEtabsToKaramba) Import Etabs model into Karamba | |
Stream Bake To Ifc (ggSBI) Stream Bake Ifc | |
Convert Ifc Options (O) Options for converting from IFC | |
Convert Ifc Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for converting from IFC to Structural Analysis | |
Convert From Ifc (ggCFI) Convert From Ifc | |
Bake Model (ggBS) Bake Structure | |
Model Options (ggFO) Additional analysis option that can be set to the associated ggETABSModel File. | |
Model P-Delta Options (ggPDO) Model P-Delta Options. P-Delta Options are specified into the Model File Options of the Bake Component. | |
Model Automatic Mesh Options (ggAMO) File Automatic Meshing Options. File Meshing Options are specified into the File Options of the Bake Component. | |
Model Decompose (ggMD) Decompose Model after solve or import | |
Import Data (ggID) Import Structural Analaysis Data |
gg Karamba To Etabs (ggKarambaEtabs) Export Karamba model to Etabs | |
gg Etabs File To Karamba (ggEtabsToKaramba) Import Etabs model into Karamba from file |
Create Elastic Isotropic Material (ggEIM) Create Elastic Isotropic Material | |
Create Elastic Orthotropic Material (ggEOM) Create Elastic Orthotropic Material | |
Create Fabric Material (ggFM) Create Fabric Material | |
Create Material (ggMat) Create Structural Material | |
Beam Release Stiffness (RS) Beam Release | |
Beam Release (R) Beam Release | |
Find Section Prop (ggFSP) Find Structural Section Property | |
Node Restraint (ggNR) Create NodeRestraint | |
Finite Element Generation Option (ggFEO) Options for generation of Finite Element | |
Element Orientation (ggEO) Element Orientations | |
Member1DAtts (ggM1DA) Create Member 1D Attributes GSA10.1 + | |
Member Mesh Params (ggMMP) Create Member 1D and 2D Meshing Parameters | |
Member Fire Params (ggMFP) Create Member 1D and 2D Fire Resistance Parameters | |
Member Time Exp Params (ggMTEP) Create Member 1D and 2D Time Exposure Parameters | |
Member2DAtts (ggM2DA) Create Member 2D Attributes | |
Node Atts (ggNA) Create Structural Node Attributes | |
Beam Atts (ggBA) Create Beam Attributes | |
Finite Elem Atts (ggFEA) Create Finite Element Attributes | |
Profile IBeam Cellular (ggIBC) Generate an Cellular I Beam Profile | |
Create Section Prop (ggSP) Create Structural Section Property | |
Create Prop Cable (ggCP) Create Cable Property | |
Create Line Seg Section Prop (ggLSP) Create Line Segment Structural Section Property | |
Create Explicit Section Prop (ggESP) Create Explicit Structural Section Property | |
Section Property Parameters (ggSPP) Structural Section Property Parameters | |
Beam Prop Modifier (ggSPM) Create Beam Section Property Modifier | |
Area Atts (ggAA) Create Area Attributes | |
Mesh Quad Build (ggQM) Create QuadBuildMesh | |
Mesh CM2 (ggCM2) Create CM2Mesh | |
Region Atts (ggRA) Create Region Attributes | |
Line Atts (ggLA) Create Line Attributes | |
Material Curve (ggMC) Create Material Curve | |
Material Create Steel (ggSTM) Create Steel Material | |
Material Create Concrete (ggCM) Create Concrete Material | |
Concrete Mat Atts (ggCA) Concrete Material Attributes | |
Concrete Mat Design Params (ggCP) Concrete Material Design Parameters | |
Material Create Rebar (ggRM) Create Rebar Material | |
Material Create Rebar Atts (ggRMA) Create Reinforcement Material Attributes | |
Material Create Timber (ggCTM) Create Timber Material | |
Create Prop Fabric (ggPF) Create Fabric Property | |
Create Prop Mass (ggPropMass) Create Structural Mass Property | |
Create Prop Link (ggPropLink) Create Structural Link Property | |
Create Stage (ggStage) Create Stage | |
Create Stage Prop (ggStageProp) Create Stage Property | |
Create Prop Spring General (ggPropSpringGen) Create General Spring Property | |
Create Prop Spring General Curves (ggPropSpringGenCurves) Create General Spring Property with Curves | |
Create Prop Spring Lock Up (ggPSLU) Create Structural Lock Up Spring Property | |
Create Prop Spring Axial (ggPAS) Create Structural Compression/Tension Spring Property | |
Create Prop Spring Matrix (ggPSM) Create Structural Matrix Spring Property | |
Create Spring Matrix (ggSpringMatrix) Create Spring Matrix | |
Create Prop Spacer (ggPropSpacer) Create Structural Spacer Property | |
Create Soap Stress1D (ggSS1) Create Structural Soap Stress 1D | |
Create Soap Stress2D (ggSS2) Create Structural Soap Stress 2D | |
Create Force Density1D (ggFD1) Create Structural ForceDensity1D | |
Create 2d Load Panel Prop (ggLP2d) Create 2d Load Panel Prop | |
Create2DProp (ggP2d) Create 2d Finite Element Prop | |
Create2DProfile Decking (gg2DPD) Create a user defined 2d decking profile which can be applied to a 2D property | |
Prop2d Params (ggSP2dP) Structural Property 2d Parameters |
Analysis Case (ggAC) Create Analysis Case | |
Query Node Displacements (ggQNodeDisp) Query Node Displacements | |
Query Node Reaction Force (ggQNodeReactF) Query Node Reaction Force | |
Query Node Reaction Moment (ggQNodeReactM) Query Node Reaction Moment | |
Query Node Mass (ggQNodeMass) Query Node Mass | |
Query Member Utilization (ggQMemberUtil) Query Member Utilizations | |
Query Beam Force (ggQueryBeamFor) Query Beam Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set Beam Force (ggRD1dSet) Decomposes 1d Element Result Set | |
Query Beam Forces (ggQueryBeamFor) Query Beam Element Forces | |
Query Assembly Forces (ggQueryAssemblyFor) Query Assembly Forces | |
Decompose Result Set Beam Forces (ggRDBFSet) Decomposes Beam Forces (1d Forces) Result Set | |
Decompose Result Set Member Utilization (ggRDMemberUtil) Decompose Member Utilization Result Set | |
Query2d Principal Stress (ggQ2dPrinStrss) Query 2d Element Principal Stress | |
Query Result2d Options (ggQResult2dOpt) Query Result 2d options | |
Decompose Result Set2d Principal Stress (ggRDPrincStress) Decompose 2d Principal Stress Result | |
Query Buckling Factor (ggQueryBucklingFactor) Query Buckling Factor | |
Decompose Result Set2d (ggRD2dSet) Decompose 2d Elemnt Result Set | |
Query Result1d Options (ggQResult1dOpt) Query Result 1d options | |
Query Footfall Summary Results (ggQueryFF) Query Footfall Analysis Results for a give node and loadscase | |
Decompose Result Set Footfall Summary (ggRDFootfallSummary) Decompose Footfall Summary Result | |
Query Frequency (ggQueryFrequency) Query Frequency | |
Query Weight (ggQueryWeight) Query Weight | |
Query1d Element Strain (ggQ1dElemStrain) Query 1d (Curve) Element Strain | |
Query1d Element Strain Energy (ggQ1dElemStrnEnrgy) Query Curve Element StrainEnergy | |
Query1d Element Stress (ggQ1dElemStrss) Query Curve Element Stress | |
Query Mesh Projected Moments (ggQueryMeshProjMom) Query Mesh Projected Moments | |
Query Mesh Projected Forces (ggQMeshProjFor) Query Mesh Projected Forces | |
Query Mesh Derived Stress (ggQMeshDerStrss) Query Mesh Derived Stress | |
Query2d Projected Moments (ggQ2dProjMom) Query 2d Element Projected Moments | |
Query2d Projected Forces (ggQuery2dProjFor) Query 2d Element Projected Forces | |
Query2d Derived Forces (ggQ2dElemDerivedForces) Query 2d Element Derived Forces | |
Query2d Derived Stress (ggQ2dDerStrss) Query 2d Element Derived Stress | |
Decompose Result Set Node (ggRDN) Decompose Node Set Result | |
Decompose Result Set Node Mass (ggRDNodeMass) Decompose Node Mass Result | |
Solver (ggS) This component will execute Structural Analysis solution process and query results | |
Query (ggQ) This component will extract results from an existing gsa model with saved results, use in conjunction with open component. | |
Result Store (ggRS) Nominate Results to Store | |
Analysis Solver Param (ggSP) Create Analysis Solver Param | |
Analysis Static (ggSA) Create Analysis Static | |
Analysis Non Linear Static (ggNL) Create Analysis NonLineaer Static | |
Analysis PDelta (ggSAPD) Create Analysis PDelta | |
Analysis Modal Buckling (ggMBA) Create Modal Buckling Analysis | |
Analysis Modal (ggMA) Create Analysis Modal | |
Analysis Modal Options (ggMA) Create Analysis Modal Options | |
Analysis Footfall (ggFA) Create Analysis Footfall | |
Analysis Response Spectrum (ggRS) Create Response Spectrum Analysis Task | |
Analysis Bridge (ggBA) Create Analysis Bridge | |
Analysis Form Find (ggFF) Create Analysis Form Find | |
Form Finding (ggFF) Form Finding | |
Solve (ggSM) Solver with opportunity to add additional features |
Transform Structure (ggTransform) Transform Structure | |
Decompose Beam (ggBeam) Decompose Structural Beam Element | |
Create List By Definition (ggListDef) Create List by Definition | |
Create List (ggList) Create Lists | |
Decompose List (ggDecomposeList) Decompose List | |
Brep Convert Finite Elements (ggBFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from brep with plane faces | |
Mesh Convert Finite Elements Tied (ggMFET) Create Structural Finite Elements from list of mesh with Tied edges | |
Create Member1d (ggMember1d) Create Linear Member | |
Create Member End (ggMemberEnd) Create Member End | |
Create Member2d (ggMember2d) Create Area Member | |
Create2d Topology (gg2dTopology) Create 2d Member Topology | |
Node List (ggNodeList) Create List of Nodes for 2d Member Topology | |
Create Or Find Node (ggNode) Locate Existing or Create StructuralNode | |
Create Beam (ggBeam) Create Structural Beam part | |
Cable (ggCable) Create Cable Element | |
Link (ggLink) Create Link Element | |
Generate Perim Beams (ggPB) Generate Curve Elements From Brep | |
Generate Line Segment Beams (ggLSB) Create Line Segment Beam | |
Create Axis (ggAxis) Create Structural Axis | |
Create Grid Plane (ggGP) Create Structural GridPlane | |
Create Grid Surface (ggGP) Create Structural Grid Surface | |
Create Restraint (ggRestraint) Create Rigid Restraint | |
Create Constraint (ggConstraint) Create Rigid Constraint | |
Create Joint (ggJoint) Create Structural Joint | |
Ground Spring (ggGSpring) Create Ground Spring | |
Mass (ggMass) Create Mass Element | |
Create Area (ggArea) Create Structural Area | |
Create Finite Element (ggFE) Create Structural Finite Element from points | |
Mesh Convert Finite Elements (ggMFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from mesh | |
Create Region (ggRegion) Create Structural Region | |
Create Region Brep (ggRegion) Create Structural Region From Surface | |
Create Polyline (ggPL) Create Structural Polyline | |
Create Line (ggLine) Create Structural Line | |
Decompose FE (ggDFE) Decompose Structural Finite Element | |
Create Assembly (ggA) Create GSA Assembly |
Load Case (ggLC) Create Load Case | |
Case Combination (ggCC) Create Case Combination | |
Decompose Load Case (ggDecomposeLoadCase) Decompose a LoadCase and retrieve all associated loading | |
Decompose Combo (ggDecomposeCombo) Decompose Combo | |
Load Gravity (ggGL) Create Gravity Load | |
Load Network Trib Area (ggTAL) Create Tributory Area Loads for structure grid | |
Load Crv Patch (ggCP) Create Patch Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load2d Face (ggFL) Create Face Loads for 2d Elements | |
Load2d Face Var (ggFLV) Create Variable Face Loads for 2d Elements | |
Load Crv Lack Of Fit (ggCLOF) Create Lack of Fit Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Temp (ggLCT) Create Temperature Load for Curve Elements | |
Load2DTemp (ggL2DT) Create Temperature Load for 2d Elements | |
Load Crv Prestress (ggCP) Create Prestress Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Strain (ggCS) Create Strain Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Node (ggNL) Create Node Load | |
Load Node Displacment Vector (ggNDLV) Create Node Displacement Load, use settlement if node has restraint in applied direction | |
Load Node Displacment (ggNDL) Create Node Displacement Load, use settlement if node has restraint in applied direction | |
Load Crv UDL (ggCUDL) Create Uniform Distributed Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Point (ggCLP) Create Point Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Node Settlement (ggSL) Create Settlement Load, node should have restraint in applied directions | |
Load2d Prestress (gg2dPS) Create Load 2d Prestress | |
Load2d Strain (gg2dS) Create Load 2d Strain | |
Load Intensity (ggLI) Define Load Intensity | |
Load Direction (ggRGL) Create LoadDirection | |
Load Grid Area (ggGA) Create Grid Area load | |
Decompose Grid Area Load (ggDecomposeGAL) Decompose Grid Area Load | |
Load Grid Line (ggGA) Create Grid Line load | |
Load Grid Point (ggGA) Create Grid Point load | |
Load Grid Linear (ggGLL) Create linear loads for Adjacent Grids | |
Response Spectra Euro Code8 (ggRSEC) Create a response spectrum based on Eurocode8 |
to Karamba (ggGSAtoKaramba) Import GSA model into Karamba | |
Stream Bake To Ifc (ggSBI) Stream Bake Ifc | |
Convert Ifc Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for converting from IFC to Structural Analysis | |
Convert From Ifc (ggCFI) Convert From Ifc | |
Import Data (ggID) Import Structural Analaysis Data | |
Model Decompose (ggMD) Decompose Existing Model, WARNING WORK IN PROGRESS NOT ALL FIELDS BEING POPULATED | |
Bake Model (ggBS) Bake model to GSA Application | |
Project Settings (ggPS) Project setting options to be set to the associated ggGSAProject File. | |
Units (ggU) Specify GSA Project Units. Note this will change the Units Once the Baking Process has been completed (baked in SI units) so you do not need to complete the step manually. | |
Stream Bake (ggSB) Stream Bake | |
Project Title (ggCP) GSA Project Title Information. Wire into the Bake Components Project Settings to Set | |
Location (ggPL) GSA Project Location. Wire into the Bake Components Project Settings to Set | |
s ID (ggsID) Set sID on structural object | |
Convert Ifc Options (O) Options for converting from IFC |
Bridge Spec5100 (ggBS5100) GSA BridgeSpec Aus 5100. | |
Bridge Spec EC1 (ggBS_EC1) GSA BridgeSpec EC1, Only one bridge spec should be generated in each Grasshopper document | |
Alignment Point (ggAP) GSA Alignment Point | |
Alignment (ggA) GSA Alignment | |
Path (ggP) GSA Path | |
Infl Node (ggIN) GSA Influence Node | |
Infl Beam (ggIB) GSA Influence Beam | |
Basic Bridge Load (ggBBL) GSA Basic Bridge Load | |
Moving Bridge Load (ggMBL) GSA Moving Bridge Load | |
Path Load (ggPL) GSA Path Load | |
User Vechicle (ggUV) GSA UserVechicle | |
Vechicle Axle (ggVA) GSA VechicleAxle |
Code Steel Design (ggSteel) Specify Steel Member Code Checking. Wire into the Bake Components Project Settings to Set | |
Code Concrete Design (ggConcrete) Specify Concrete Member Code Checking. Wire into the Bake Components Project Settings to Set | |
Code Loading (ggLoad) Specify Load Member Code Checking. Wire into the Bake Components Project Settings to Set | |
Create Steel Beam Design (ggSD) Create Steel Beam Design | |
Create Steel Restraint (ggSR) Create Steel Restraint | |
Create Steel Restraint Property (ggSRP) Create Steel Restraint Property | |
Common Steel Restraint Property (ggCSRP) Common Steel Restraint Property | |
Create Member Effective Length (ggMemberEL) Create Member Effective Length | |
Concrete Slab Property (ggCSP) Create a Concrete Slab Property to Apply to a 2D Property | |
Concrete Slab Property Calc Options (ggCSPO) Concrete Slab Property Calculation Options |
gg Karamba To GSA (ggKarambaGSA) Export Karamba model to GSA | |
Fileto Karamba (ggGSAtoKaramba) Import GSA model into Karamba from file |
Ifc External Reference Relationship (ggIFCERR) IfcExternalReferenceRelationship | |
Measure With Unit (ggIFCMWU) Create IFC Measure With Unit | |
SI Unit (ggIFCSIU) Create IfcSIUnit | |
Derived Unit (ggIFCDU) Create IfcDerivedUnit | |
Derived Unit Element (ggIFCDUE) Create IfcDerivedUnitElement | |
Conversion Unit (ggIFCCBU) Create IfconversionBasedUnit | |
Replace Unit (ggIFCRU) Replace Context Unit | |
Compound Plane Angle (ggIFCCPA) Create IFC CompoundPlaneAngle | |
Boolean (ggIFCB) Create IFC Boolean | |
Integer (ggIFCI) Create IFC Integer | |
Real (ggIFCR) Create IFC Real Number | |
Time In Seconds (ggIFCTS) Create IFC TimeInSeconds | |
Identifier (ggIFCI) Create IfcIdentifier | |
Logical (ggIFCL) Create IFC Logical | |
Label (ggIFCL) Create IfcLabel | |
Text (ggIFCT) Create IfcText | |
URIReference (ggIFCURI) Create IfcURIReference | |
Area Measure (ggIFCAM) Create IFC Area Measure | |
Count Measure (ggIFCCM) Create IFC Count Measure | |
Length Measure (ggIFCLM) Create IfcLengthMeasure | |
Parameter Value (ggIFCPV) Create IfcParameterValue | |
Positive Length Measure (ggIFCPLM) Create IfcPositiveLengthMeasure | |
Non Negative Length Measure (ggIFCNNLM) Create IfcNonNegativeLengthMeasure | |
Pressure Measure (ggIFCPM) Create IFC Pressure Measure | |
Time Measure (ggIFCTM) Create IFC Time Measure | |
Volume Measure (ggIFCVM) Create IFC Volume Measure | |
Ratio Measure (ggIFCR) Create IfcRatioMeasure | |
Normalised Ratio Measure (ggIFCNR) Create IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure | |
Ifc Simple Property Template (ggIFCSPT) Create IfcSimplePropertyTemplate | |
Property Single Value (ggIFCPSV) Create IFC PropertySingleValue | |
Modify Property Single Value (ggIFCMPSV) Modify IFC PropertySingleValue | |
Property Bounded Value (ggIFCPBL) Create IFC Property Bounded Value | |
Property List Value (ggIFCPLV) Create IFC PropertyListValue | |
Property Set Add Property (ggIFCPSAP) Add an IfcProperty to an IfcPropertySet | |
Element Quantity (ggIFCEQ) Create IfcElementQuantity | |
Property Set (ggIFCPS) Create IFC PropertySet | |
Create Or Find Property Set (ggIFCCFPS) Create IFC PropertySet or append properties to existing | |
Property Set Template (ggIFCPST) Create IFC PropertySet Template | |
Rel Defines By Template (ggIFCRDBT) Create IfcRelDefinesByTemplate | |
Rel Assigns Group (ggIFCRAG) Assigns to Group | |
Rel Assigns Product (ggIFCRAP) Assigns to Product | |
Rel Declares (ggIFCRD) Definitions Declared | |
Rel Nests (ggIFCRN) Nested Objects | |
Rel Aggregates (ggIFCRA) Aggregate Objects | |
Assign Properties (ggIFCAP) Assign IFC Properties | |
Quantitive Property Set (ggIFCGPS) Create IFC QuantitivePropertySet | |
Physical Quantity (ggIFCPQ) Create IFC PhysicalQuantity | |
Author (ggIFCAI) Author Information for header/owner history |
Actor Role (ggIFCAR) Create IFC Actor Role | |
Organization (ggIFCO) Create IfcOrganization | |
Person (ggIFCP) Create IfcPerson | |
Person And Org (ggIFCPO) Create IfcPersonAndOrganization | |
Application (ggIFCA) Create IfcApplication | |
Postal Address (ggIFCPA) Create IfcPostalAddress | |
Telecom Address (ggIFCTA) Create IfcTelecomAddress | |
Date Time (ggIFCD) Create IfcDateTime | |
Duration (ggIFCD) Create IFC Duration | |
Duration Precise (ggIFCD) Create IFC Duration Precise | |
Process Precedence (ggIFCPP) Create IFC Process Precedence | |
Rel Assigns To Process (ggIFCRATP) Create IfcRelAssignsToProcess | |
Cost Schedule (ggIFCCS) Create IFC Cost Schedule | |
Cost Value (ggIFCCV) Create IFC Cost Value | |
Start and Finish Times (ggIFCSFT) Create IFC Start Finish Time | |
Task Time (ggIFCTT) Create IFC Task Time | |
Task Time Duration (ggIFCTTD) Create IFC Task Time Duration | |
Task (ggIFCT) Create IFC Task | |
Task Type (ggIFCTT) Create IFC Task Type | |
Rel Sequence (ggIFCRS) Create IFC RelSequence | |
Time Period (ggIFCTP) Create IFC Time Period | |
Lag Time (ggIFCLT) Create IFC Lag Time | |
Work Time (ggIFCWT) Create IFC Work Time | |
Work Calendar (ggIFCWC) Create IFC Work Calendar | |
Work Plan (ggIFCWP) Create IFC Work Plan | |
Work Schedule (ggIFCWS) Create IFC Work Schedule | |
Recurrence Pattern (ggIFCRP) Create IFC Recurrence Pattern | |
Construction Resource (ggIFCCR) Create IfcConstructionResource | |
Dimension Style (ggIFCDS) Identify Dimension Style | |
Stage Display (ggIFCSD) Create Stage Display Mode | |
Stage View Port (ggIFCVP) Create Stage ViewPort | |
Create Page Views From Tasks (ggIFCPVT) Create Page Views from list of IfcTasks | |
Create Page Views From Parts (ggIFCPVP) Create Page Views from list of Parts | |
Assemble Task (ggAssembleTask) Assemble Task | |
Assemble Part (ggAssemblePart) Assemble Part | |
Text Dot (ggTextDot) Define TextDot | |
Page Text (ggPageText) Define Page Text | |
Create Table (ggCreateTable) Create Table | |
Create Table Header (ggCreateTableHeader) Create Table Header | |
Create Table Row (ggCreateTableRow) Create Table Row | |
Assign Named View (ggAssignNamedView) Assign a Rhino Named View to a ViewPort at a Particular Stage |
Distribution System (ggIFCDS) Create IfcDistributionSystem | |
Distribution Port (ggIFCDP) Create IFC DistributionPort | |
Transport Element (ggIFCTE) Create IFC Transport Element | |
Actuator Type (ggIFCAT) Create IFC Actuator Type | |
Actuator Element (ggIFCAE) Create IFC Actuator Element | |
Alarm Type (ggIFCAT) Create IFC Alarm Type | |
Alarm Element (ggIFCAE) Create IFC Alarm Element | |
Controller Type (ggIFCCT) Create IFC Controller Type | |
Burner Type (ggIFCBT) Create IFC Burner Type | |
Controller Element (ggIFCCE) Create IFC Controller Element | |
Flow Instrument Type (ggIFCFIT) Create IFC Flow Instrument Type | |
Sensor Type (ggIFCST) Create IFC Sensor Type | |
Cable Carrier Segment Type (ggIFCCCST) Create IFC Cable Carrier Segment Type | |
Cable Segment Type (ggIFCCST) Create IFC Cable Segment Type | |
Flow Segment (ggIFCFS) Create IFC Flow Segment including Cable, CableCarrier, Duct and Pipe | |
Duct Segment Type (ggIFCDST) Create IFC Duct Segment Type | |
Pipe Segment Type (ggIFCPST) Create IFC Pipe Segment Type | |
Duct Segment (ggIFCDS) Create IFC Duct Segment | |
Pipe Segment (ggIFCPS) Create IFC Pipe Segment | |
Flow Elements (ggIFCFE) Create IFC Flow Elements | |
Pipe Segment Common Properties (ggIFCPSP) Create IFC Pipe Segment Common Properties | |
Duct Fitting Type (ggIFCDFT) Create IFC Duct Fitting Type | |
Duct Fitting Element (ggIFCDS) Create IFC Duct Fitting Element | |
Pipe Connector Fitting Type (ggIFCPCFT) Create IFC Pipe Connector Fitting Type | |
Pipe Bend Fitting Type (ggIFCPBFT) Create IFC Pipe Bend Fitting Type | |
Pipe Fitting Type (ggIFCPFT) Create IFC Pipe Fitting Type | |
Fitting (ggIFCF) Create IFC Fitting | |
Connect Distribution (ggIFCCD) Connect Distribution Elements | |
Air Terminal Element (ggIFCAT) Create IFC Air Terminal Element | |
Electric Appliance Element (ggIFCEA) Create IFC Electric Appliance Element | |
Fire Suppression Terminal Type (ggIFCFST) Create IFC Fire Suppression Terminal Type | |
Fire Suppression Terminal (ggIFCFST) Create IFC Fire Suppression Terminal | |
Lamp Element (ggIFCL) Create IFC Lamp Element | |
Light Fixture Type (ggIFCLFT) Create IFC Light Fixture Type | |
Light Fixture (ggIFCLF) Create IFC Light Fixture | |
Outlet (ggIFCO) Create IFC Outlet | |
Sanitary Terminal Type (ggIFCSTT) Create IFC Sanitary Terminal Type | |
Sanitary Terminal (ggIFCST) Create IFC Sanitary Terminal | |
Stack Terminal (ggIFCST) Create IFC Stack Terminal | |
Waste Terminal (ggIFCST) Create IFC Waste Terminal |
Sign Document (ggIFCSD) Sign Document for GG Components for creating scripts that work without explicit Geometry Gym license checks. Contact for more details on how to access this. | |
Global Id Pool (ggIFCGIP) Nominate GlobalId Pool | |
Specific Bake (ggIFCSB) Create IFC Stream Bake of specific products | |
Duplicated Bake (ggIFCDB) Create IFC Stream Bake of duplicated project (filters out unused IFC entities) | |
Stream Bake (ggIFCSB) Create IFC Stream Bake | |
Stream (ggIFCS) Create IFC Stream | |
Space Common Props (ggIFCSP) Create IFC Space Common Properties | |
Geometric Representation Sub Context (ggIFCGRSC) Create IFC Geometric Representation Sub Context | |
Building (ggIFCB) Create IFC Building | |
Site (ggIFCS) Create IFC Site | |
Facility Part Common (ggIFCFPC) Create IfcFacilityPartTypeSelect from IfcFacilityPartCommonTypeEnum | |
Railway Part (ggIFCRPT) Create IfcFacilityPartTypeSelect from IfcRailwayPartTypeEnum | |
Marine Part (ggIFCMPT) Create IfcFacilityPartTypeSelect from IfcMarinePartTypeEnum | |
Road Part (ggIFCRPT) Create IfcFacilityPartTypeSelect from IfcRoadPartTypeEnum | |
Bridge Part (ggIFCBP) Create IfcBridgePart | |
Facility Part (ggIFCFP) Create IfcFacilityPart | |
Building Storey (ggIFCBS) Create IFC Building Storey | |
Facility (ggIFCF) Create IfcFacility | |
Bridge (ggIFCB) Create IfcBridge | |
Marine Facility (ggIFCM) Create IfcMarineFacility | |
Railway (ggIFCR) Create IfcRailway | |
Road (ggIFCR) Create IfcRoad | |
Tunnel (ggIFCT) Create IfcTunnel | |
Spatial Zone (ggIFCSZ) Create IFC SpatialZone | |
Space Type (ggIFCST) Create IFC Space Type | |
Space (ggIFCS) Create IFC Space | |
Building System (ggIFCBS) Create IfcBuildingSystem | |
Grid Axis (ggIFCGA) Create IFC GridAxis | |
Project Library (ggIFCPL) Create IfcProjectLibrary, Only one Project should be generated in each Grasshopper document | |
Project (ggIFCP) Create IFC Project, Only one Project should be generated in each Grasshopper document | |
File Info (ggIFCFI) Create Information for File Header | |
Geometric Representation Context (ggIFCGRC) Create IfcGeometricRepresentationContext | |
System (ggIFCS) Create IfcSystem | |
Group (ggIFCG) Create IfcGroup | |
Assign To Group (ggIFCG) Assign To IfcGroup | |
Zone (ggIFCZ) Create IFC Zone | |
Read File (ggIFC) Read IFC File Data | |
Recognize (ggIFCR) Recognize IFC Object | |
Import (ggIFCI) Import IFC Data |
Cardinal Point (ggIFCCP) Generate IFC Cardinal Point | |
Derived Profile (ggIFCRP) Create IFC Derived Profile | |
Circle(Hollow)Profile Def (ggIFCCHP) Create IFC Circle (Hollow if thickness nominated) Profile Def | |
IProfile Def (ggIFCIP) Create IFC I Profile Def | |
Asym IProfile Def (ggIFCAIP) Create IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef | |
LProfile Def (ggIFCLP) Create IFC L Profile Def | |
Rect(Hollow)Profile Def (ggIFCRHP) Create IFC Rectangle (Hollow if thickness nominated) Profile Def | |
TProfile Def (ggIFCTP) Create IFC T Profile Def | |
CProfile Def (ggIFCCP) Create IFC C Profile Def | |
UProfile Def (ggIFCUP) Create IFC U Channel Profile Def | |
Rectangle Profile (ggIFCRP) Create IFC Rectangle Profile | |
Profile Def (ggIFCPD) Create IFC Profile Def | |
Composite Profile Def (ggIFCCPD) Create IFC Composite Profile Def | |
Profile Properties (ggIFCPP) Create IFC Profile Properties | |
Associate Material (ggIFCAM) Associate IfcMaterial | |
Assign Material (ggIFCAM) Assign IFC Materials | |
Colour RGB (ggIFCC) Create IfcColourRGB | |
Material (ggIFCM) Create IFC Material | |
Mat Mech Props (ggIFCMMP) Create IFC Material Mechanical Properties | |
Mat Props (ggIFCMP) Create IFC Material Properties | |
Mat Comm Props (ggIFCMPS) Create IFC Material Common Properties | |
Material Constituent (ggIFCMC) Create IFC Material Constituent | |
Material Constituent Set (ggIFCMCS) Create IFC Material Constituent Set | |
Door Window Material Set (ggIFCDWMCS) Create Door/Window IFC Material Constituent Set | |
Steel Common Props (ggIFCMSPS) A set of extended mechanical properties related to steel (or other metallic and isotropic) materials. | |
Material Layer (ggIFCML) Create IFC Material Layer | |
Material Layer Set (ggIFCMLS) Create IFC Material Layer Set | |
Material Profile (ggIFCMP) Create IFC Material Profile, not all characeristics will be utilized in IFC2x3 | |
Material Profile Set (ggIFCMPS) Create IFC Material Profile Set, IFC4 only | |
Material Profile Set Tapering (ggIFCMPST) Create IFC Material Profile Set Tapering, IFC4 only | |
Material Definition Representation (ggIFCMDR) Create IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation | |
Referenced In Spatial Structure (ggIFCRSS) IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure | |
Associate Document (ggIFCAD) Associate IfcDocument | |
Associate Library (ggIFCAL) Associate IfcLibrary | |
Document Information (ggIFCDI) Create IfcDocumentInformation | |
Document Reference (ggIFCDR) Create IfcDocumentReference | |
External Reference Relationship (ggIFCER) Create IfcExternalReferenceRelationship | |
Library Information (ggIFCLI) Create IfcLibraryInformation | |
Library Reference (ggIFCLR) Create IfcLibraryReference |
Decompose Context (ggIFCDC) IFC Decompose Context | |
Decompose Project (ggIFCDP) IFC Decompose Project | |
Decompose SIUnit (ggIFCDSU) Decompose IfcSIUnit | |
Decompose Geom Context (ggIFCDGC) Decompose IfcGeometricRepresentationContext | |
Decompose Spatial Reference Select (ggIFCDSRS) Decompose IfcSpatialReferenceSelect | |
Decompose Spatial Element (ggIFCDSE) IFC Decompose SpatialElement | |
Decompose Site (ggIFCDS) IFC Decompose Site | |
Decompose Building (ggIFCDB) IFC Decompose Building | |
Decompose Building Storey (ggIFCDBS) IFC Decompose Building Storey | |
Decompose Space (ggIFCDS) IFC Decompose Space | |
Decompose Space Boundaries (ggIFCDSB) IFC Decompose Space Boundaries | |
Decompose Grid (ggIFCDG) IFC Decompose Grid | |
Decompose Port (ggIFCDP) IFC Decompose Port | |
Decomposes (ggIFCFD) Find relating from Decomposition | |
Decompose Object Definition (ggIFCDOD) IFC Decompose Object Definition | |
Product Get Geometry (ggIFCPGG) IFC Product Get Geometry | |
Manifold Solid (ggIFCPMS) IFC Product Manifold Solid from faceted brep needing repair | |
Product Dectect Sweep (ggIFCPDS) Detect underlying sweep rep of IfcProduct | |
Product Representation Id (ggIFCPRI) Get Product Representations by identifier such as Body | |
Decompose Product (ggIFCDP) IFC Decompose Product | |
Decompose Element (ggIFCDE) IFC Decompose Element | |
Get Element Material (ggIFCGEM) Get Primary material of IfcElement | |
Decompose Distribution Element (ggIFCDDE) IFC Decompose Distribution Element | |
Decompose Beam (ggIFCDB) IFC Decompose Beam | |
Decompose Member (ggIFCDB) IFC Decompose Member | |
Decompose Column (ggIFCDC) IFC Decompose Column | |
Decompose Door (ggIFCDD) IFC Decompose Door | |
Decompose Slab (ggIFCDS) IFC Decompose Slab | |
Decompose Group (ggIFCDG) IFC Decompose Group | |
Decompose Wall (ggIFCDW) IFC Decompose Wall | |
Decompose Window (ggIFCDW) IFC Decompose Window | |
Decompose Opening Element (ggIFCDOE) IFC Decompose Opening Element | |
Decompose Type Product (ggIFCDTP) IFC Decompose TypeProduct | |
Decompose Element Type (ggIFCDET) IFC Decompose Element Type | |
Decompose Object Type Of (ggIFCOTO) IFC Decompose Object Type Of | |
Object Bounding Box (ggIFCOBB) IfcObject BoundingBox | |
Product Bounding Box (ggIFCPBB) IfcProduct BoundingBox | |
Decompose Work Control (ggIFCDWC) IFC Decompose Work Control |
Bounding Box (ggIFCBB) Create IFC BoundingBox | |
BSpline Surface (ggIFCBS) Create IFC BSpline Surface | |
Surface Of Revolution (ggIFCRS) Create IfcSurfaceOfRevolution | |
Surface Of Extrusion (ggIFCSE) Create IFC SurfaceOfExtrusion | |
Advanced Brep (ggIFCAB) Create IFC Advanced Brep | |
Boolean Difference (ggIFCBD) Create IFC Boolean Difference | |
Boolean Intersection (ggIFCBI) Create IFC Boolean Intersection | |
Boolean Union (ggIFCBD) Create IFC Boolean Union | |
Shell (ggIFCS) Create IFC Shell | |
Face Based Surface Model (ggIFCFSM) Create IFC Face Based Surface Model (similar to Rhino Mesh) | |
Shell Based Surface Model (ggIFCSSM) Create IFC Shell Based Surface Model (similar to Rhino Mesh) | |
Extruded Area Solid (ggIFCEA) Create Ifc Extruded Area Solid | |
Extruded Area Solid Tapered (ggIFCEAT) Create Ifc Extruded Area Solid Tapered | |
Extruded Area Solid CL (ggIFCEACL) Create IfcExtrudedAreaSolid each way from Planar Perimeter | |
Faceted Brep (ggIFCFB) Create IFC Faceted Brep | |
Faceted Swept Disk Solid (ggIFCFSDS) Create Ifc faceted from SweptDiskSolid inputs | |
Half Spaced Solid (ggIFCHSS) Create IFC Half Spaced Solid for boolean operations | |
Revolved Solid (ggIFCRS) Create IFC Revolved Area Solid | |
Cylinder (ggIFCC) Create IFC Cylinder | |
Sectioned Spine (Swept Blend) (ggIFCSS) Create IFC Sectioned Spine similar to a swept blend in Revit. IFC does not stipulate surface interpolation between section profiles and is determined by software implementation which may differ. | |
Sectioned Sectioned Solid Horizontal (ggIFCSSH) Create IfcSectionedSolidHorizontal | |
Sectioned Spine Profiles (ggIFCSS) Create IFC Sectioned Spine. Similar to a loft in Rhino. IFC does not stipulate surface interpolation between section profiles and is determined by software implementation which may differ. | |
Sectioned Spine (ggIFCSS) Create IFC Sectioned Spine. Similar to a loft in Rhino. IFC does not stipulate surface interpolation between section profiles and is determined by software implementation which may differ. | |
Sphere (ggIFCS) Create IFC Sphere | |
Csg Solid (ggIFCCS) Create IfcCsgSolid | |
Geometry Convert Options (ggIFCGCO) Options for converting Rhinocommon geometry to IFC | |
Geometry (ggIFCG) Create Ifc Geometry from Mesh or Brep with Mesh Settings | |
Solid Model (ggIFCSM) Create IFC Solid Model with Mesh Settings | |
Model Mesh (ggIFCM) Create Shape with input Mesh Settings | |
Swept Disk (ggIFCSD) Create IFC Swept Disk Solid | |
Fixed Reference Swept Area Solid (ggIFCFRSAS) Create IFC Fixed Reference Swept Area Solid | |
Surface Curve Swept Area Solid (ggIFCSCSAS) Create IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid | |
Swept Area Solid (ggIFCSAS) Create IFC Swept Area Solid | |
Tessellated Face Set (ggIFCTFS) Create Topological IFC Tessellated Face set (similar to Mesh) | |
Connected Face Set List Faces (ggIFCCS) Create IFC Connected Face set (similar to Rhino Mesh) | |
Face (ggIFCF) Create IFC Face |
Beam Type (ggIFCBT) Create IFC Beam Type | |
Beam Common Properties (ggIFCBP) Create IFC Beam Common Properties | |
Column Type (ggIFCCT) Create IFC Column Type | |
Slab Type (ggIFCST) Create IFC Slab Type | |
Slab Common Properties (ggIFCSP) Create IFC Slab Common Properties | |
Wall Common Props (ggIFCWP) Create IFC Wall Common Properties | |
Wall Type (ggIFCWT) Create IFC Wall Type | |
Footing Type (ggIFCFT) Create IFC Footing Type | |
Member Type (ggIFCMT) Create IFC Member Type | |
Pile Type (ggIFCPT) Create IFC Pile Type | |
Plate Type (ggIFCPT) Create IFC Plate Type | |
Plate Common Properties (ggIFCCPP) Create IFC Plate Common Properties | |
Curtain Wall Type (ggIFCCWT) Create IFC Curtain Wall Type | |
Covering Type (ggIFCCT) Create IfcCoveringType | |
Curtain Wall Common Properties (ggIFCCWP) Create IFC CurtainWall Common Properties | |
Railing Type (ggIFCRT) Create IFC Railing Type | |
Roof Type (ggIFCRT) Create IFC Roof Type IFC4 ONLY | |
Shading Device Type (ggIFCSDT) Create IFC Shading Device Type | |
Stair Flight Type (ggIFCSFT) Create IFC Flight Stair Type | |
Stair Type (ggIFCST) Create IFC Stair Type | |
Door Common Properties (ggIFCDCP) Create IFC Door Common Properties | |
Door Lining Props (ggIFCDLP) Create IFC Door Lining Properties | |
Door Panel Properties (ggIFCDPP) Create IFC Door Panel Properties | |
Door Type (ggIFCDT) Create IFC Door Type | |
Door Window Glazing Common Props (ggIFCDWGCP) Create IFC Door Window Glazing Type Common Properties | |
Door Window Shading Common Props (ggIFCDWSCP) Create IFC Door Window Shading Type Common Properties | |
Window Lining Props (ggIFCWLP) Create IFC Window Lining Properties | |
Window Mat Props (ggIFCWMP) Create IFC Window Material Properties | |
Window Panel Props (ggIFCWPP) Create IFC Window Panel Properties | |
Window Type (ggIFCWT) Create IFC Window Type | |
Window Type Quantities (ggIFCWTP) Create IFC Window Type Quantities | |
Building Element Part Type (ggIFCBEPT) Create IFC Building Element Part Type | |
Building Element Proxy Type (ggIFCBEPT) Create IFC Building Element Proxy Type | |
Discrete Accessory Type (ggIFCDAT) Create IFC Discrete Accessory Type | |
Reinforcing Bar Type (ggIFCRBT) Create Ifc Reinforcing Bar Type | |
Mechanical Fastener Type (ggIFCMFT) Create IFC MechanicalFastener Type |
Brep Faceted (ggIFCBF) Create Rhino faceted BREP using Geometry Gym Routine | |
Parse JSON (ggIFCPJ) Parse Ifc JSON string | |
To JSON (ggIFCJ) Get JSON of Ifc Instance | |
To XML (ggIFCX) Get XML of Ifc Instance | |
Get Database (ggIFCDB) Get Database of Ifc Instance | |
Get Class Name (ggIFCCN) Get ClassName of Ifc Instance | |
Get By Name (ggIFCSBN) Get collection of entities by Name | |
Merge Files (ggIFCMF) Merge IFC files, should have consistent base points, units etc | |
Change Release (ggIFCChangeRelease) ChangeRelease | |
Summarize Size (ggIFCSS) Summarize Size of IFC File | |
Insert Spatial (ggIFCIS) Insert Spatial and reassign existing products | |
Extract Delegate (ggIFCFED) Extract Objects from IFC Entity using Delegate Functions | |
Extract (ggIFCFE) Extract Objects from IFC Entity | |
Dispatch (ggIFCD) Dispatch List of elements based on expression | |
Delta IFC (ggIFCD) Delta of two IfcProjects using GlobalIds | |
Dispatch By Boxes (ggIFCDBB) Dispatch elements By Boxes | |
Dispatch By Planes (ggIFCDBP) Dispatch elements By Planes | |
Dispatch Elements to Models (ggIFCDEM) Dispatch elements to models nominated by delegate function generating path | |
Dispatch By Definitions (ggIFCDBD) Dispatch elements By Definitions (ie planes, breps) | |
Dispatch Definition (ggIFCDD) Definition to Dispatch elements | |
Options Dispatch (ggIFCOD) Options for Dispatch elements By Definitions (ie planes, breps) | |
Find Ifc Duplicates (ggIFCFD) Find duplicate IFC Entities from list of objects | |
Find Ifc Entity (ggIFCFE) Find IFC Entity by name from list of objects | |
Delete Product (ggIFCFP) Delete IFC Product | |
Find Product (ggIFCFP) Find IFC Product | |
Find Element By Tag (ggIFCFEBT) Find IfcElementByTag | |
Product Attributes (ggIFCFPA) Get IFC Product Attributes from Rhino Object User Text | |
Find Property (ggIFCFP) Find IFC Property | |
Find Quantity (ggIFCFQ) Find IfcQuantity | |
Find Property Set (ggIFCFPS) Find IFC Property Set |
Decompose Ifc Presentation Layer (ggIFCDPL) Decompose IfcPresentationLayerAssignment | |
Decompose Profile Def (ggIFCDPD) IFC Decompose ProfileDef | |
Decompose IProfile Def (ggIFCDPD) IFC Decompose ProfileDef | |
Decompose Open Cross Profile Def (ggIFCDOPD) IFC Decompose OpenCrossProfileDef | |
Decompose Product Representation (ggIFCDPR) IFC Decompose Product Representation | |
Decompose Ifc Rel Associates (ggIFCDR) IFC Decompose RelAssociates | |
Decompose Representation Item (ggIFCDRI) Decompose IfcRepresentationItem | |
Decompose Shape Model (ggIFCDSM) Decompose IfcShapeModel | |
Decompose Styled Item (ggIFCDSI) Decompose IfcStyledItem | |
Decompose Presentation Style Assignment (ggIFCPSA) Decompose IfcPresentationStyleAssignment | |
Decompose Surface Style (ggIFCSS) Decompose IfcSurfaceStyle | |
Decompose Surface Style Shading (ggIFCSSS) Decompose IfcSurfaceStyleShading | |
Decompose Local Placement (ggIFCDLP) IFC Decompose Local Placement | |
Decompose Ifc Colour Rgb (ggIFCC) Decompose IfcColourRgb | |
Decompose Ifc Material (ggIFCDM) Decompose IfcMaterial | |
Decompose Ifc Material List (ggIFCDML) Decompose IfcMaterialList | |
Decompose Ifc Material Layer Set (ggIFCDMLS) Decompose IfcMaterialLayerSet | |
Decompose Ifc Material Layer Set Usage (ggIFCDMLSU) Decompose IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage | |
Decompose Ifc Material Layer (ggIFCDML) Decompose IfcMaterialLayer | |
Decompose Ifc Material Profile (ggIFCDMP) Decompose IfcMaterialProfile | |
Decompose Ifc Material Profile Set (ggIFCDMPS) Decompose IfcMaterialProfileSet | |
Decompose Ifc Material Profile Set Usage (ggIFCDMPSU) Decompose IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage | |
Decompose Ifc Material Profile Set Usage Tapering (ggIFCDMPSUT) Decompose IfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering | |
Decompose Classification Reference (ggIFCDCR) IFC Decompose ClassificationReference | |
Decompose Property Single Value (ggIFCDPSV) IFC Decompose PropertySingleValue | |
Decompose Property Set (ggIFCDPS) IFC Decompose PropertySet | |
Decompose Complex Property (ggIFCDCP) IFC Decompose Complex Property | |
Decompose Element Quantity (ggIFCDEQ) IFC Decompose Element Quantities | |
Decompose Simple Quantity (ggIFCDPQ) IFC Decompose SimpleQuantity | |
Decompose Property Set Template (ggIFCDPS) IFC Decompose PropertySetTemplate |
CTO2D (ggIFCCTO2D) Create IFC Cartesian Transformation Operator 2D | |
CT2d Mirror (ggIFCCTM) Create IFC Cartesian Transformation Operator Mirror | |
CTMirror (ggIFCCTM) Create IFC Cartesian Transformation Operator Mirror | |
CTOrient (ggIFCCTO) Create IFC Cartesian Transformation Operator Mirror | |
CTRotate (ggIFCCTR) Create IFC Cartesian Transformation Operator Rotate | |
Geometric Set (ggIFCGS) Create IFC Geometric Set | |
Direction (ggIFCD) Create IfcDirection | |
Point (ggIFCP) Create IFC Point | |
Point On Curve (ggIFCPOC) Create IFC Point On Curve | |
Circle (ggIFCC) Create IfcCircle | |
Clothoid (ggIFCC) Create IfcClothoid | |
Line (ggIFCL) Create IFC Line | |
Curve (ggIFCBC) Create IFC Bounded Curve | |
Curve Segment (ggIFCCS) Create IfcCurveSegment | |
Trimmed Curve (ggIFCTC) Create IfcTrimmedCurve | |
Composite Curve (ggIFCCC) Create IfcCompositeCurve | |
Curve Bounded Plane (ggIFCCBP) Create IFC Curve Bounded Plane | |
Plane (ggIFCP) Create IFC Plane | |
Weld SSPPBW (ggIFCWSSPPBW) Create Weld Prep Single Sided Partial Penetration Butt Weld | |
Weld DSPPBW (ggIFCWDSPPBW) Create Weld Prep Double Sided Partial Penetration Butt Weld | |
Weld Prep B (ggIFCWPB) Create Weld Prep | |
Swept Area (ggIFCS) Create IFC Swept Area | |
Point By Distance Expression (ggIFCPBDE) Create IfcPointByDistanceExpression | |
Edge (ggIFCEC) Create IfcEdge Curve | |
Vertex Point (ggIFCV) Create IFC Vertex Point | |
Text Literal (ggIFCTL) Create IfcTextLiteral | |
Product Definition Shape (ggIFCPDS) Create IfcProductDefinitionShape | |
Shape Representation (ggIFCSR) Create IfcShapeRepresentation | |
Mapped Item (ggIFCMI) Create IFC MappedItem |
Ifc Alignment Horizontal Segment (ggIFCAHS) Create IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment | |
Ifc Alignment Horizontal (ggIFCAH) Create IfcAlignmentHorizontal from segments | |
Ifc Alignment Horizontal By Curve (ggIFCAHC) Create IfcAlignmentHorizontal from 2d polycurve | |
Ifc Alignment Vertical By Curve (ggIFCAVC) Create IfcAlignmentVertical segments from polyline | |
Ifc Alignment Vertical Segment (ggIFCAVS) Create IfcAlignmentVerticalSegment | |
Ifc Alignment Vertical (ggIFCAV) Create IfcAlignmentVertical from segments | |
Ifc Alignment Cant Segment (ggIFCACS) Create IfcAlignmentCantSegment | |
Ifc Alignment Cant (ggIFCAC) Create IfcAlignmentCant from segments | |
Ifc Alignment (ggIFCA) Create IfcAlignment | |
Alignment Cant Segment (ggIFCACS) Create IfcAlignmentCantSegment | |
Alignment Cant Segment Plane (ggIFCACSP) Compute IfcAlignmentCantSegment compute plane | |
Ifc Referent (ggIFCR) Create IfcReferent | |
Ifc Alignment Plane At (ggIFCAPA) Compute plane on alignment by distance along | |
Axis2Placement2D (ggIFCA2) Create IFC Axis2Placement2D | |
Axis2Placement Linear (ggIFCA2L) Create IfcAxis2PlacementLinear | |
Projected CRS (ggIFCPCRS) Create IfcProjectedCRS | |
Map Conversion (ggIFCPMC) Create IfcMapConversion | |
Plane NE (ggIFCPNE) Create a plane from Northings, Eastings and elevation | |
Local Placement (ggIFCLP) Create IfcLocalPlacement | |
Linear Placement (ggIFCLP) Create IfcLinearPlacement | |
Grid (ggIFCG) Create IFC Grid | |
Decompose Alignment (ggIFCDA) IFC Decompose Alignment | |
Decompose Ifc Aligment Curve (ggIFCDAC) Decompose IfcAlignmentCurve | |
Decompose Ifc Aligment Horizontal (ggIFCDAH) Decompose IfcAlignmentHorizontal | |
Decompose Ifc Aligment Horizontal Segment (ggIFCDAHS) Decompose IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment | |
Decompose Ifc Aligment Vertical (ggIFCDAV) Decompose IfcAlignmentVertical | |
Decompose Ifc Aligment Vertical Segment (ggIFCDAVS) Decompose IfcAlignmentVerticalSegment |
gg Rvt Stream Bake (ggRvtSB) Revit IFC Stream Bake | |
gg Rvt Stream (ggRvtS) Revit IFC Stream | |
gg Rvt Material (ggRvtM) Create Revit Material | |
gg Rvt Material Layer (ggRvtML) Create Revit Material Layer | |
gg Rvt Global Id (ggRvtGlobalId) Extract Element GlobalID (Rhino Inside) | |
gg Rvt Profile (ggRvtP) Create Revit Profile | |
gg Rvt Taper Profile (ggRvtTP) Create Revit Taper Profile | |
gg Rvt Circle Profile (ggRvtCP) Create Revit Circular Profile | |
gg Rvt Rectangle Profile (ggRvtRP) Create Revit Rectangle Profile | |
gg Rvt IProfile Def (ggRvtIP) Create Revit I Profile Def | |
gg Rvt TProfile Def (ggRvtTP) Create Revit T Profile Def | |
gg Rvt CProfile Def (ggRvtCP) Create Revit C Profile Def | |
gg Rvt Extrusion (ggRvtE) Create an extrusion in Revit | |
gg Rvt Extrusion Symmetric (ggRvtES) Create an extrusion in Revit both sides from profile | |
gg Rvt Swept Blend (ggRvtSB) Create a swept blend in Revit. | |
gg Rvt Sweep (ggRvtS) Create a sweep in Revit | |
gg Rvt Blend (ggRvtB) Create a Blend in Revit | |
gg Rvt Loft (ggRvtL) Create a loft for a mass in Revit | |
gg Rvt Brep (ggRvtB) Create a Brep for Revit | |
gg Rvt Cut (ggRvtC) Create a Revit cut shape | |
gg Rvt Level (ggRvtLevel) Create Revit Level | |
gg Rvt Set Host (ggRvtSetHost) Nominate Host of element | |
gg Rvt Grid (ggRvtG) Create Revit Grid | |
gg Rvt Project Info (ggRvtPI) Revit Project Information |
Change Host (ggIFCCH) Change Object Host | |
Remove Product Rep (ggIFCRPR) Remove Product Representation | |
Absorb Products (ggIFCAP) Absorb product representations into a master element | |
Transform Product (ggIFCTP) Work in Progress Transform Product | |
Transform Representation (ggIFCTR) Work in Progress Transform Product Representation | |
Morph Element (ggIFCME) Morph Element into another | |
Morph Element Type (ggIFCMET) Morph Element Type into another | |
Substitute Representation (ggIFCSR) Substitute Representation | |
Split Multi Representations (ggIFCSMR) Split elements that have multiple representations | |
Split Heights (ggIFCSH) Split vertical elements at height | |
Substitute Style Assignments (ggIFCSSA) Substitute StyledItem StyleAssignments | |
Replace Or Add Property (ggIFCRAP) Replace or Add a property in an IfcPropertySet | |
Remove Property (ggIFCRP) Remove a property from an IfcPropertySet | |
Unassign Property Set (ggIFCUPS) Remove assignment of a PropertySet from a type or instance, won't undo if component recalculates | |
Trim By Planes (ggIFCTBP) Trim By Planes | |
Remove Overlap (ggIFCRO) Remove overlap of IfcProducts, Initial implementation only mesh geometry | |
Modify Local Placement (ggIFCMLP) Modify IfcLocalPlacement | |
Modify Site (ggIFCMS) Modify IfcSite | |
Modify Object (ggIFCMO) Modify IfcObject | |
Modify Styling (ggIFCMS) Modify IfcRepresentationItem Styling | |
Decompose Plates (ggIFCDP) Generate plates from element geometry | |
Duplicate Options (ggIFCDO) Create options for IFC duplication | |
Duplicate Project (ggIFCDP) Duplicate an IFC project into a new database | |
Duplicate (ggIFCD) Duplicate an IFC concept |
Type Product (ggIFCTP) Create IfcTypeProduct | |
Element Type (ggIFCET) Create IFC Element Type, right click on component for context menu to nominate type | |
Relate Type (ggIFCRT) Relate IfcTypeObject (or sub types) to an element or product, use with care that classes match | |
Shape Aspect (ggIFCSA) Create IfcShapeAspect | |
Representation Map (ggIFCRM) Create IFC RepresentationMap | |
Representation Map Block (ggIFCRM) Create IFC RepresentationMap From Rhino Block | |
Elements from layer (ggIFCELB) Create IFC elements from layer objects (including blocks) | |
Built System (ggIFCBS) Create IfcBuiltSystem | |
GUID (ggIFCGUID) Create IFC Global ID, use this component carefully to not use a unique identifier multiple times. Duplicating this component (Cut/Copy and Paste) will generate a new set of ids | |
Hash GUID (ggIFCDG) Create Deterministic IfcGlobalID using a hash | |
Convert GUID (ggIFCCGUID) Convert GUID to IFC Format | |
Decode Global Id (ggIFCCDId) Decode IfcGloballyUniqueId to GUID | |
Set GUID (ggIFCCSGUID) Set GUID to IfcRoot based Object | |
Create Element (ggIFCE) Create relocated/mapped IFC Element from a product type | |
Curve Based Element (ggIFCCBE) Create IFC Element from IfcElementType with IfcMaterialProfile assigned | |
Opening Element (ggIFCOE) Create IFC Opening Element | |
Voiding Feature (ggIFVF) Create IFC Voiding Feature | |
Fills Opening (ggIFCF) Create IFC Fills | |
Furnishing Element (ggIFCFE) Create IFC Furnishing Element | |
Furniture Type (ggIFCFT) Create IFC Furniture Type | |
Geographic Element Type (ggIFCGET) Create IFC Geographic Element Type | |
Element Assembly Type (ggIFCEAT) Create IFC Element Assembly Type | |
Element Assembly (ggIFCEA) Create IFC Element Assembly | |
Product (ggIFCP) Create IfcProduct |
Redefine Representation Map (ggIFCRRM) Redefine Representation Map | |
Beam Standard Case (ggIFCBSC) Create IFC Beam Standard Case | |
Column Standard Case (ggIFCCSC) Create IFC Column Standard Case | |
Slab Standard Case (ggIFCSSC) Create IFC Slab Standard Case | |
Wall Standard Case (ggIFCWSC) Create IFC Wall Standard Case | |
Pile Standard Case (ggIFCPSC) Create IFC Pile Standard Case | |
Plate Standard Case (ggIFCPSC) Create IFC Plate Standard Case | |
Plate Standard Case CL (ggIFCPSCCL) Create IFC Plate Standard Case Centreline | |
Member Standard Case (ggIFCMSC) Create IFC Member Standard Case | |
Curtain Wall Standard Case (ggIFCCWSC) Create IFC Curtain Wall | |
Covering (ggIFCC) Create IfcCovering | |
Curtain Wall (ggIFCCW) Create IFC Curtain Wall | |
Curtain Wall Adapt Comp (ggIFCCWSC) Create IFC Curtain Wall Adaptive Component | |
Railing Standard Case (ggIFCRSC) Create IFC Railing Standard Case | |
Roof Standard Case (ggIFCRSC) Create IFC Roof Standard Case | |
Door Standard Case (ggIFCDSC) Create IFC Door Standard Case | |
Window Standard Case (ggIFCWSC) Create IFC Window Standard Case | |
Morph To Building Element Proxy (ggIFCMBEP) Morph To BuildingElementProxy | |
Create Bolt Group XY (ggIFCBGXY) Create IFC Bolt Group XY | |
Create Bolt Properties (ggIFCBP) Create IFC Bolt Properties | |
Fastener Bolt Properties (ggIFCFBP) Create IFC Fastener Bolt Properties | |
Fastener Weld Properties (ggIFCFWP) Create IFC Fastener Weld Properties | |
Reinforcing Bar Property (ggIFCRBP) Create IFC Reinforcing Bar Property | |
Reinforcing Bar (ggIFCRB) Create IFC Reinforcing Bar |
Decompose Structural Analysis Model (ggIFCDSAM) IFC Decompose Structural Analysis Model | |
Decompose Structural Load Group (ggIFCDSLG) IFC Decompose Structural Load Group | |
Structural Analysis Model (ggIFCSAM) Create IFC StructuralAnalysisModel | |
Detect Structural Analysis (ggIFCDSA) Detect IFC StructuralAnalysis Data | |
Detect Struct Analysis Options (O) Options for detection IFC Structural Analysis | |
Detect Struct Analysis Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for detecting IFC Structural Analysis Model | |
Structural Point (ggIFCSP) Create IFC StructuralPoint | |
Boundary Node Condition (ggIFCBC) Create IFC BoundaryNodeCondition | |
Boundary Node Condition Stiffness (ggIFCBCS) Create IFC BoundaryNodeConditionStiffness | |
Create Curve Memb (ggIFCCM) Create Structural Curve Member | |
Define Curve Memb (ggIFCDCM) Define Structural Curve Member | |
Curve Memb Params (ggIFCCMP) Create Structural Curve Member Parameters | |
Define Surface Memb (ggIFCDSM) Define Structural Surface Member | |
Surface Memb Params (ggIFCSMP) Create Structural Surface Member Parameters | |
Curve Memb End Params (ggIFCCMEP) Create Structural Curve Member End Parameters | |
Mesh To Finite Elem (ggIFCMFE) Create IFC StructuralSurfaceMembers from Mesh | |
Create Structural Load Case (ggIFCSLC) Create Structural Load Case | |
Load Case Params (ggIFCLCP) Load Case Params | |
Create Structural Point Load (ggIFCSPL) Create Structural Point Load | |
Create Structural Load Linear (ggIFCSLL) Create Structural Load Linear | |
Create Structural Planar Load (ggIFCSPL) Create Structural Planar Load |
Building Common Props (ggIFCBP) Create IFC Building Common Properties | |
Land Registration Props (ggIFCLRP) Create Pset_LandRegistration | |
Pset Space Common (ggIFCPSC) Create IFC Pset_SpaceCommon | |
Space Occ Req Props (ggIFCSP) Create IFC Space Occupancy Requirement Properties concerning work activities occurring or expected to occur within one or a set of similar spatial structure elements. | |
Space Therm Req Props (ggIFCSP) Create IFC Space Thermal Requirement Properties related to the comfort requirements for thermal and other thermal related performance properties of spaces that apply to the occurrences of IfcSpace, IfcSpatialZone or IfcZone | |
Pset Manufacturer Type Information (ggIFCPSMTI) Create Ifc Pset_ManufacturerTypeInformation | |
Pset Slab Common (ggIFCPSC) Create IFC Pset_SlabCommon | |
Pset Stationing (ggIFCPS) Create IFC Pset_Stationing | |
Pset Space Thermal Requirements (ggIFCPST) Create IFC Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements | |
Pset Wall Common (ggIFCPWC) Create IFC Pset_WallCommon | |
Pset Window Common (ggIFCPWC) Create IFC Pset_WindowCommon | |
Qto Beam Base Quantities (ggIFCBBQ) Create IFC Qto_BeamBaseQuantities | |
Qto Column Base Quantities (ggIFCCBQ) Create IFC Qto_ColumnBaseQuantities | |
Qto Slab Base Quantities (ggIFCSBQ) Create IFC Qto_SlabBaseQuantities | |
Qto Space Base Quantities (ggIFCSBQ) Create IFC Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities | |
Qto Wall Base Quantities (ggIFCWBQ) Create IFC Qto_WallBaseQuantities | |
Qto Window Base Quantities (ggIFCWBQ) Create IFC Qto_WindowBaseQuantities |
Decompose Representation Map (ggIFCDRM) IFC Decompose Representation Map | |
Decompose Manifold Solid (ggIFCDMS) IFC Decompose Manifold Solid | |
Decompose Extruded Area Solid (ggIFCDEAS) IFC Decompose Extruded Area Solid | |
Decompose Swept Area Solid (ggIFCDSAS) IFC Decompose Swept Area Solid | |
Decompose Swept Disk Solid (ggIFCDSDS) IFC Decompose Swept Area Solid | |
Decompose Polygonal Face Set (ggIFCDPFS) IFC Decompose PolygonalFaceSet | |
Decompose Cartesian Point List3D (ggIFCDCPL) IFC Decompose CartesianPointList3D | |
Decompose Boolean Result (ggIFCDBR) IFC Decompose Building Result | |
Decompose Gradient Curve (ggIFCDGC) IFC Decompose GradientCurve | |
Decompose Segmented Reference Curve (ggIFCDSRC) IFC Decompose SegmentedReferenceCurve | |
Decompose Curve Segment (ggIFCDCS) IFC Decompose CurveSegment | |
Decompose Ifc Geometric Set (ggIFCDGS) IFC Decompose GeometricSet | |
Decompose Offset Curve By Distances (ggIFCDOCD) Decompose IfcOffsetCurveByDistances | |
Decompose Distance Expression (ggIFCDDE) Decompose IfcDistanceExpression | |
Decompose Ifc Sectioned Surface (ggIFCDSS) IFC Decompose SectionedSurface | |
Compute Plane At (ggIFCCPA) Ifc Compute Plane At | |
Decompose Mapped Item (ggIFCDMI) IFC Decompose Mapped Item |
gg BCFTransform (ggBCFT) Transform | |
gg BCFWrite File (ggBCFWF) WriteFile | |
gg BCFProject (ggBCFP) Project | |
gg BCFTopic (ggBCFT) Topic | |
gg BCFMarkup (ggBCFM) Markup | |
gg BCFViewpoint (ggBCFVP) Viewpoint | |
gg BCFVisualization Info (ggBCFVI) VisualizationInfo | |
gg BCFCreate Bitmap (ggBCFCB) A list of bitmaps can be used to add more information, for example, text in the visualization. | |
gg BCFComponents (ggBCFC) Components | |
gg BCFComponents Visibility (ggBCFC) BCF Components Visibility | |
gg BCFComponents Color (ggBCFCC) BCF Components Color | |
gg BCFComponent (ggBCFC) Component | |
gg BCFPerspective Camera (ggBCFPC) Describes a viewpoint using perspective camera | |
gg BCFOrthogonal Camera (ggBCFOC) Describes a viewpoint using orthogonal camera | |
gg BCFDefine Snapshot (ggBCFDS) Defines a snapshot (image calculated upon export) | |
gg BCFZip (ggBCFZ) Zip folder to BCF file, no content validation | |
gg BCFUnzip (ggBCFU) UnZip folder from BCF file |
gg Rvt Element Attributes (ggRvtEA) Create Revit Element Attributes | |
gg Rvt Floor (ggRvtF) Create Revit Floor | |
gg Rvt Roof (ggRvtR) Create Revit Roof | |
gg Rvt Wall (ggRvtW) Create Revit Wall | |
gg Rvt Framing (ggRvtSF) Create Revit Structural Framing | |
gg Rvt Deconstruct Framing (ggRvtDSF) Deconstruct Revit Structural Framing | |
gg Rvt Framing Void (ggRvtSFV) Create Void for Revit Structural Framing | |
gg Rvt Column (ggRvtC) Create Revit Column | |
gg Rvt Foundation (ggRvtF) Create Revit Foundation | |
gg Rvt Door (ggRvtD) Create Revit Door | |
gg Rvt Window (ggRvtW) Create Revit Window | |
gg Rvt Create Instance (ggRvtCI) Create instance of a family | |
gg Rvt Cut Geometry (ggRvtCG) Cut an element with a void | |
gg Rvt Create Adaptive Component (ggRvtAC) Create instance of an Adaptive Component | |
gg Rvt Model Curve (ggRvtMC) Create Model Curve | |
gg Rvt Arch Direct Shape (ggRvtADSI) Create Architecture DirectShape Instance, works well with Geometry Gym importer for Revit 2015 and newer, or native IFC import by Autodesk in earlier (so use Ifc2x3) |
Beam (ggIFCB) Create IFC Beam | |
Building Element Proxy (ggIFCBEP) Create IfcBuildingElementProxy | |
Column (ggIFCC) Create IFC Column | |
Door (ggIFCD) Create IFC Door | |
Footing (ggIFCF) Create IFC Footing | |
Member (ggIFCM) Create IFC Member | |
Opening (ggIFCO) Create IFC Opening, primarily for revit shaft openings. Note the resulting IFC is not strictly compliant, but will work with GeomGym Revit Importer! | |
Pile (ggIFCP) Create IFC Pile | |
Plate (ggIFCP) Create IFC Plate | |
Railing (ggIFCR) Create IFC Railing | |
Roof (ggIFCR) Create IFC Roof | |
Slab (ggIFCS) Create IFC Slab | |
Stair (ggIFCSt) Create IFC Stair | |
Wall (ggIFCW) Create IFC Wall | |
Window (ggIFCW) Create IFC Window | |
Geographic Element (ggIFCGE) Create IFC Geographic Element |
gg Rvt (ggRvtF) Create Revit Family | |
gg Rvt Floor Type (ggRvtFT) Create Revit Floor Type | |
gg Rvt Roof Type (ggRvtRT) Create Revit Roof Type | |
gg Rvt Wall Type (ggRvtFT) Create Revit Floor Type | |
gg Rvt Type Attributes (ggRvtTA) Create Revit Type Attributes | |
gg Rvt Framing Type (ggRvtFT) Create Revit Framing Type | |
gg Rvt Column Type (ggRvtCT) Create Revit Column Type | |
gg Rvt Foundation Type (ggRvtFT) Create Revit Foundation Type | |
gg Rvt Door Type (ggRvtDT) Assign a Revit Door Type. This should be an existing door type loaded in the revit project prior to import (else an opening should be created). | |
gg Rvt Window Type (ggRvtWT) Assign a Revit Window Type. This should be an existing Window type loaded in the revit project prior to import (else an opening should be created). | |
gg Rvt Struct Generic Model Type (ggRvtSGMType) Create Architecture Generic Model Type | |
gg Rvt Arch Generic Model Type (ggRvtAGMType) Create Architecture Generic Model Type | |
gg Rvt Arch Adapt Comp Type (ggRvtAACT) Create Architecture Adaptive Component Type | |
gg Rvt Mass Type (ggRvtMType) Create a Mass Type |
Curve Style (ggIFCCS) Create IFC Curve Style | |
Fill Area Style (ggIFCFAS) Create IfcFillAreaStyle | |
Ext Hatch (ggIFCEDSG) Create IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle | |
Presentation Style Assignment (ggIFCPSA) Create IfcPresentationStyleAssignment | |
Colour Rgb List (ggIFCCL) Create IfcColourRgbList | |
Indexed Colour Map (ggIFCICM) Create IfcIndexedColourMap | |
Surface Style (ggIFCSS) Create IFC Surface Style | |
Surface Style Shading (ggIFCSSR) Create IFC Surface Style Shading | |
Surface Style Refraction (ggIFCSSR) Create IFC Surface Style Refraction | |
Styled Item (ggIFCSI) Create IfcStyledItem | |
Presentation Layer (ggIFCPL) Create IFC Presentation Layer Assignment | |
Presentation Layer With Style (ggIFCPLWS) Create IFC Presentation Layer With Style |
Classification (ggIFCC) Create IFC classification | |
Classification Reference (ggIFCCR) Create IfcClassificationReference | |
Uniclass2015 (ggIFCUC) Uniclass2015 IfcClassificationReference | |
Find Classification (ggIFCFCR) Find IfcClassificationReference | |
Read Classification (ggIFCRC) Read IfcClassification. Right click on middle banner for context menu to generate classification reference components | |
Associate Classification (ggIFCAC) Associate IfcClassification | |
Product By Classification (ggIFCPBC) Create IfcProduct from IfcClassificationReference (mapping should be associated) | |
Type Object By Classification (ggIFCTOBC) Create IfcTypObject from IfcClassificationReference (mapping should be associated) | |
System By Classification (ggIFCSBC) Create IfcSystem from IfcClassificationReference (mapping should be associated) |
gg Rvt Boolean Parameter (ggRvtBP) Create Revit Boolean Parameter | |
gg Rvt Integer Parameter (ggRvtIP) Create Revit Integer Parameter | |
gg Rvt Number Parameter (ggRvtNP) Create Revit Number Parameter | |
gg Rvt Text Parameter (ggRvtTP) Create Revit Text Parameter | |
gg Rvt Length Parameter (ggRvtLP) Create Revit Length Parameter | |
gg Rvt Angle Parameter (ggRvtAP) Create Revit Angle Parameter | |
gg Rvt Area Parameter (ggRvtAP) Create Revit Area Parameter | |
gg Rvt Volume Parameter (ggRvtVP) Create Revit Volume Parameter |
gg Rvt Nominate View (ggRvtNV) Nominate Revit View by Id | |
gg Rvt Plan View (ggRvtPV) Create Revit Plan View | |
gg Rvt Sheet (ggRvtS) Create Revit Sheet | |
gg Rvt View Port (ggRvtVP) Create Revit ViewPort | |
gg Rvt Nominate Filled Region Type (ggRvtNFRT) Nominate Revit Filled Region Type | |
gg Rvt Filled Region (ggRvtFR) Create Revit Filled Region |
gg Rvt Curve Analytic Member (ggRvtCAM) Assign Structural Curve Analytic Member | |
gg Rvt Point Restraint (ggRvtPR) Create Revit Point Restraint | |
gg Rvt End Release (ggRvtER) Create Revit Element End Release | |
gg Rvt Boundary Node Condition (ggRvtBC) Create Revit BoundaryNodeCondition |
Split Linear (ggIFCSL) Breakdown product by directrix and parameter intervals | |
Assign Construction Spaces (ggIFCACS) Breakdown construction to linear spaces | |
Split Disjoint (ggIFCSD) Split Products that are disjoint | |
Normalize Ifc (ggIFCNI) NormalizeIfc |
Convert Land XML (ggIFCfromLandXML) Convert LandXML File to isolated IFC database | |
Convert XTR (ggIFCfromXTR) Convert XTR File to isolated IFC database | |
Convert CSV (ggIFCfromCSV) Convert Bentley Open Track csv to alignment |
Bake Model (ggBS) Bake Structure | |
Stream Bake To Ifc (ggSBI) Stream Bake Ifc | |
Convert Ifc Options (O) Options for converting from IFC | |
Convert Ifc Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for converting from IFC to Structural Analysis | |
Convert From Ifc (ggCFI) Convert From Ifc |
Load Case (ggLC) Create Load Case | |
Case Combination (ggCC) Create Case Combination | |
Load Node (ggNL) Create Node Load |
Element Orientation (ggEO) Element Orientations |
Stream Bake Revit IFC Stream Bake | |
Stream Revit IFC Stream | |
Swept Blend Create a swept blend in Revit. | |
Blend Create a Blend in Revit | |
Brep Create a Brep for Revit | |
Cut Create a Revit cut shape | |
Extrusion Create an extrusion in Revit | |
Extrusion Symmetric Create an extrusion in Revit both sides from profile | |
Grid Create Revit Grid | |
Level Create Revit Level | |
Loft Create a loft for a mass in Revit | |
Material Create Revit Material | |
Material Layer Create Revit Material Layer | |
Profile Create Revit Profile | |
Taper Profile Create Revit Taper Profile | |
Sweep Create a sweep in Revit | |
Project Info Revit Project Information | |
Set Host Nominate Host of element | |
Circle Profile Create Revit Circular Profile | |
CProfile Def Create Revit C Profile Def | |
IProfile Def Create Revit I Profile Def | |
Rectangle Profile Create Revit Rectangle Profile | |
TProfile Def Create Revit T Profile Def |
Create Adaptive Component Create instance of an Adaptive Component | |
Arch Direct Shape Create Architecture DirectShape Instance, works well with Geometry Gym importer for Revit 2015 and newer, or native IFC import by Autodesk in earlier (so use Ifc2x3) | |
Column Create Revit Column | |
Door Create Revit Door | |
Element Attributes Create Revit Element Attributes | |
Floor Create Revit Floor | |
Foundation Create Revit Foundation | |
Framing Create Revit Structural Framing | |
Framing Void Create Void for Revit Structural Framing | |
Create Instance Create instance of a family | |
Model Curve Create Model Curve | |
Roof Create Revit Roof | |
Wall Create Revit Wall | |
Window Create Revit Window | |
Cut Geometry Cut an element with a void |
Arch Adapt Comp Type Create Architecture Adaptive Component Type | |
Arch Generic Model Type Create Architecture Generic Model Type | |
Column Type Create Revit Column Type | |
Door Type Assign a Revit Door Type. This should be an existing door type loaded in the revit project prior to import (else an opening should be created). | |
Floor Type Create Revit Floor Type | |
Foundation Type Create Revit Foundation Type | |
Framing Type Create Revit Framing Type | |
Mass Type Create a Mass Type | |
Roof Type Create Revit Roof Type | |
Struct Generic Model Type Create Architecture Generic Model Type | |
Type Attributes Create Revit Type Attributes | |
Wall Type Create Revit Floor Type | |
Window Type Assign a Revit Window Type. This should be an existing Window type loaded in the revit project prior to import (else an opening should be created). |
Angle Parameter Create Revit Angle Parameter | |
Area Parameter Create Revit Area Parameter | |
Boolean Parameter Create Revit Boolean Parameter | |
Integer Parameter Create Revit Integer Parameter | |
Length Parameter Create Revit Length Parameter | |
Number Parameter Create Revit Number Parameter | |
Text Parameter Create Revit Text Parameter | |
Volume Parameter Create Revit Volume Parameter |
Filled Region Create Revit Filled Region | |
Plan View Create Revit Plan View | |
Sheet Create Revit Sheet | |
View Port Create Revit ViewPort | |
Nominate Filled Region Type Nominate Revit Filled Region Type | |
Nominate View Nominate Revit View by Id |
Curve Analytic Member Assign Structural Curve Analytic Member | |
End Release Create Revit Element End Release | |
Point Restraint Create Revit Point Restraint |
Convert Ifc (ggSBI) Convert Ifc | |
Create Timber Material (ggTM) Create Timber Material | |
Beam Atts (ggBA) Create Beam Attributes | |
Shell Property Modifier (ggSPM) Create Shell Property Modifier | |
Find Section Prop (ggFSP) Find Structural Section Property | |
Finite Element Generation Option (ggFEO) Options for generation of Finite Element | |
Element Orientation (ggEO) Element Orientations | |
Support (ggNS) Create Support for Nodal, Linear or Planar Element | |
Beam Release (R) Beam Release | |
Support Dir Param (ggSDP) Directional and rotational values for a support | |
Create Design Group (ggDG) Create Design Group | |
Nominate Material (ggNominateMaterial) Nominate a Robot Cataglogue Material by Name | |
Create Cable Section Property (ggRCSP) Create Cable Section Property | |
Create Section Explicit (ggExplicitSection) Generates a Explicit Section based on Numerical Input Values | |
Create Bar Prop Non Prismatic (ggNPBP) Create Non Prismatic Bar Section Property | |
Generate Welded Box (ggWeldedBox) Generates a Rectangular Welded Box | |
Generate T (ggT) Generates a Tee Section | |
Create RC Beam Section Property (ggRCBP) Create RC Beam Section Property | |
Create RC Column Section Property (ggRCCP) Create RC Column Section Property | |
Create Timber Section Property (ggTP) Create Timber Section Property | |
Edge Support (ggEdgeSupport) Create Edge Support | |
Edge Release (ggEdgeRelease) Create Edge Release | |
Create Coons Meshing (ggCoons) Create Coons Meshing Parameters | |
Create Del Meshing (ggDel) Create Delaunay Meshing Parameters | |
Create Thickness Prop Orthotropic (ggTP) Create Orthotropic Thickness Property for panels and finite elments | |
Create Thickness Hollow Core (ggTHC) Create Orthotropic Thickness Property for HollowCore Slabs | |
Create Elastic Isotropic Material (ggEIM) Create Elastic Isotropic Material | |
Create Section Prop (ggSP) Create Section Property | |
Create Thickness Prop (ggTP) Create Thickness Property for panels and finite elments | |
Create Linear Release (ggLR) Create Linear Release |
Load Case (ggLC) Create Load Case | |
Case Combination (ggCC) Create Case Combination | |
Load Gravity (ggGL) Create Gravity Load | |
Load Node (ggNL) Create Node Load | |
Node Displacment Load (ggNDL) Create Node Displacement Load, use settlement if node has restraint in applied direction | |
Load Network Trib Area (ggTAL) Create Tributory Area Loads for structure grid | |
Load Crv UDL (ggCUDL) Create Uniform Distributed Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Patch (ggCP) Create Patch Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load2d Face (ggFL) Create Face Loads for 2d Elements | |
Load Crv Dilation (ggCLD) Create Dilation or Lack of Fit Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Case Footfall (ggLC) Create Footfall Load Case | |
Load Case Modal (ggLCM) Create Modal Load Case | |
Load To Mass Converion (ggLMC) Set an auto Load to Mass conversion in Robot | |
Load Panel Line Load (ggPLL) Create Line Load on Panel Elements | |
Load2d Contour3Point (ggCL) Create Contour loads for 2d Elements. Specify Loading Data with 3 Points | |
Load2d Contour Uniform (ggCL) Create Contour loads for 2d Elements | |
Load Crv UDM (ggCUDM) Create Uniform Distributed Moment Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv CF (ggCCF) Create Concentrated Force Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv CM (ggCCM) Create Concentrated Moment Load for Curve Elements |
Solver (ggS) This component will execute Structural Analysis solution process and query results. Advised to have only one solver component per model and manage result extraction using list access in Grasshopper. | |
Query Node Displacements (ggQNodeDisp) Query Node Displacements | |
Query Node Reaction Force (ggQNodeReactF) Query Node Reaction Force | |
Query Beam Force (ggQueryBeamFor) Query Beam Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set Beam Force (ggRD1dSet) Decomposes 1d Element Result Set | |
Query Beam Forces (ggQueryBeamFor) Query Beam Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set Beam Forces (ggRDBFSet) Decomposes Beam Forces (1d Forces) Result Set | |
Query Footfall (ggQueryFootfall) Query Footfall | |
Query Modal (ggQueryModal) Query Modal | |
Decompose Result Set Modal Freq (ggRDMF) Decompose Modal Frequency Result Set | |
Decompose Result Set Panel Reduced (ggRDPanelRed) Decompose Panel Reduced Forces Result Set | |
Query Panel Reduced (ggQueryPanelRed) Query Panel Reduced Results | |
Query Principal Stress Panel (ggQueryPrinStrssPanel) Query Principal Stress Panel, derived from averaged point values so will not match precisely SAP results | |
Query2d Principal Stress (ggQ2dPrinStrss) Query 2d Element Principal Stress, derived from averaged point values so will not match precisely SAP results | |
Query Result2d Options (ggQResult2dOpt) Query Result 2d options | |
Decompose Result Set2d Principal Stress (ggRDPrincStress) Decompose 2d Principal Stress Result | |
Decompose Result Set Node (ggRDN) Decompose Node Set Result | |
Decompose Result Set Footfall (ggRDF) Decompose Set Result Footfall |
Transform Structure (ggTransform) Transform Structure | |
Create Beam (ggBeam) Create Structural Beam part | |
Decompose Beam (ggBeam) Decompose Structural Beam Element | |
Rigid Link (ggRL) Create Rigid Link (Master Slave) | |
Create Group (ggGroup) Create Group | |
Create Finite Element (ggFE) Create Structural Finite Element from points | |
Brep Convert Finite Elements (ggBFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from brep with plane faces | |
Mesh Convert Finite Elements (ggMFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from mesh | |
Mesh Convert Panel (ggMP) Create Structural Panel from mesh | |
Create Building Storey (ggBS) Create Building Storey | |
Create Or Find Node (ggNode) Locate Existing or Create Structural Node | |
Create Revolution (ggRev) Create Geometrical Revolution | |
Create Cladding (ggClad) Create Cladding Panel | |
Create Panel (ggPanel) Create Panel | |
Create Solid (ggSolid) Create Solid |
to Karamba (ggRobottoKaramba) Import Robot model into Karamba | |
Stream Bake To Ifc (ggSBI) Stream Bake Ifc | |
Convert Ifc Options (O) Options for converting from IFC | |
Convert Ifc Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for converting from IFC to Structural Analysis | |
Convert Ifc To Database (ggSBI) Convert Ifc File to a Robot Database. Use a model decompose component to view the contents of the Model Database. | |
Convert From Ifc (ggCFI) Convert From Ifc | |
Import Data (ggID) Import Structural Analaysis Data | |
Model Decompose (ggMD) Decompose Existing Model, WARNING WORK IN PROGRESS NOT ALL FIELDS BEING POPULATED | |
Bake Model (ggBS) Bake Structure |
gg Karamba Robot (ggKarambaRobot) Export Karamba model to Autodesk Robot |
Load Combination (ggLC) Create Load Combination | |
Decompose Combo (ggDecomposeCombo) Decompose Combo | |
Load Pattern (ggLP) Create Load Pattern | |
Decompose Load Pattern (ggDecomposeLP) Decompose a Pattern and retrieve all associated loading | |
Load Pattern Auto Seismic NZ1170 (ggLPASNZ) Create Load Pattern AutoSeismic NZ1170.5 | |
Target Force Options (ggTFO) Target Force Options | |
Results Saved Options (ggRSO) Results Saved Options | |
Non Linear Solution Control (ggNLSC) Non Linear Solution Control | |
Load Case Response Spectrum (ggLCRS) Create Response Spectrum Load Case | |
Load Case Modal Eigen (ggMLC) Create Modal Eigen Load Case | |
Load Case Modal Ritz (ggMRLC) Create Ritz Modal Load Case | |
Response Spectrum Options (ggRSO) Modal and directional Response Spectrum Analysis combination options | |
Load Case PSD (ggLCPSD) Create Power Spectral Density Load Case | |
Frequency Data (ggPSDFO) Load Case Frequency Data Options for Power Spectral Density and Steady State | |
Interpolated Damp Data (ggRSO) Interpolated Damping Data Options for PSD and Steady State Load Cases | |
Load Case Steady State (ggLCSS) Create Steady State Analysis Load Case | |
Load Case Modal Time History Linear (ggLCTHL) Create a Modal Time History Linear Load Case | |
Time History Constant Damp Overrides (ggIDDTH) Constant Damping Overrides for Time History Load Cases | |
Time History Interpolated Damp Data (ggIDDTH) Interpolated Damping Data Options for Time History Load Cases | |
Time History Proportional Damp Data (ggPDDTH) Interpolated Damping Data Options for Time History Load Cases | |
Load Case Buckling (ggBLC) Create Buckling Load Case | |
Auto Wind User Load (ggLPASUS) Create User Load Input Loads to be inputed into Load Pattern AutoWind | |
Load Pattern Auto Wind User (ggLPASUser) Create Load Pattern AutoWind Based on User Load Input Loadsets | |
Load Pattern Auto Seismic ASCE716 (ggLPASASCE) Create Load Pattern AutoSeismic ASCE716 | |
Load Pattern Auto Seismic NBCC2005 (ggLPASNBCC) Create Load Pattern AutoSeismic NBCC2005 | |
Load Pattern Auto Wind NBCC (ggLPAWNBCC) Create Load Pattern AutoWind NBCC | |
Load Pattern Auto Wind NBCC2005 (ggLPAWNBCC) Create Load Pattern AutoWind NBCC2005 | |
Load Case Static (ggSLC) Create Static Load Case | |
Load Case Hyper Static (ggSLHC) Create Hyper Static Load Case | |
Load Case Non Linear Staged (ggNLSt) Create NonLineaer Staged Construction Load Case. Works with SAP2000 V19 and above. | |
Load Case Non Linear Static (ggNLS) Create NonLineaer Static Load Case | |
Load Pattern By Ref (ggLP) Reference a Load Pattern in an Existing Model by name text | |
Load Combo By Ref (ggLC) Reference a Load Combination in an Existing Model by name text | |
Load Case By Ref (ggLCR) Reference a Load Case in an Existing Model by name text |
Query Node Displacements (ggQNodeDisp) Query Node Displacements | |
Query Node Reaction Force (ggQNodeReactF) Query Node Reaction Force | |
Query Node Acceleration (ggQNodeAcc) Query node accelearations from response spectrum or time history analysis | |
Query Node Velocity (ggQueryNodeVel) Query node velocities from response spectrum or time history analysis | |
Query Global Reaction (ggQGlobalReact) Query Global Reaction | |
Query Node Reaction Moment (ggQNodeReactM) Query Node Reaction Moment | |
Query Frame Force (ggQueryFrameFor) Query Frame Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set Frame Force (ggRD1dSet) Decomposes 1d Element Result Set | |
Query Frame Forces (ggQueryFrameFor) Query Frame Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set2d (ggRD2dSet) Decompose 2d Elemnt Result Set | |
Decompose Result Set2d Principal Stress (ggRDPrinStress) Decompose 2d Principal Stress Result | |
Query2d Principal Stress (ggQPS) Query Principal Stress, derived from averaged point values so will not match precisely SAP results | |
Decompose Result Set Modal Freq (ggRDMF) Decompose Modal Frequency Result Set | |
Query Modal Frequencies (ggQMF) Query Modal Frequencies | |
Decompose Result Set Node (ggRDN) Decompose Node Set Result | |
Solver (ggS) This component will execute Structural Analysis solution process and query results | |
Solver Options (ggSO) Solver Options | |
Query (ggQ) This component will extract results from SAP/Etabs Application, most applicable to existing models so use Solve component for GH generated. | |
Decompose Result Global Reaction (ggRDGlobReact) Decompose Global Reaction Result | |
Query Result2d Options (ggQueryResult2dOpt) Query Result 2d option | |
Query2d Projected Forces (ggQ2dProjectedForces) Query 2d Element Projected (Direct) Forces | |
Query2d Derived Forces (ggQ2dElemDerivedForces) Query 2d Element Derived (Principle) Forces | |
Query2d Projected Stress (ggQ2dProjectedStress) Query 2d Element Projected (Direct) Stress | |
Query2d Derived Stress (ggQ2dDerStrss) Query 2d Element Derived Stress | |
Query2d Projected Strains (ggQ2dProjectedStrains) Query 2d Area Element Projected Strains | |
Query2d Derived Strains (ggQ2dDerivedStrains) Query 2d Area Element Derived Strains | |
Query Database Table (ggQDBT) This will enable you to query any database table within SAP2000. XXX Database Tables are accessible in versions ETABS18 and SAP23 and newer | |
Decompose Result Database Table (ggRDDBT) Decompose a Database Table Query Result into Rows of Data | |
Decompose Result Section Cut Forces (ggRDSectCut) Decompose Section Forces | |
Query Section Cut Forces (ggQSectCutForces) Query Section Cut Forces from Defined Section Cut. Analysis or Design analysis results will be derived from the Section Cut Definition | |
Decompose Result Set Frame Forces (ggRDFFSet) Decomposes Frame Forces (1d Forces) Result Set | |
Full Load Application Control (ggFLAC) Full Load Application Control | |
Displacement Load Application Control (ggDLAC) Displacement Load Application Control |
Create Or Find Point (ggPoint) Locate Existing or Create StructuralPoint | |
Transform Structure (ggTransform) Transform Structure | |
Create Group (ggGroup) Create Group | |
Create Area (ggA) Create Structural Area from points | |
Brep Convert Finite Elements (ggBFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from brep with plane faces | |
Mesh Convert Finite Elements (ggMFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from mesh | |
Create Axis (ggAxis) Create Structural Axis | |
Create Frame (ggFE) Create Structural Frame Element | |
Decompose Frame (ggF) Decompose Frame Element | |
Create Link (ggLink) Create Structural Link | |
Create Cable (ggCable) Create Structural Cable | |
Create Tendon (ggFE) Create Structural Tendon Element | |
Tendon Layout Data Point (ggTLDP) Create a Tendon Layout Data Point to Assign to a Tendon Profile. | |
Create Area Perimeter (ggCAP) Create Area by Perimeter Curve | |
Decompose Area Element (ggDA) Decompose an Area Element such as Floor or Wall | |
Create Grid Axis System (ggGAS) Generate an Etabs Grid Axis System | |
Decompose Grid Axis System (ggDGS) Decompose Structural Grid System into Grids | |
Create Stage (ggStage) Create a Stage for a Staged Construction Load Case. This is early work in progress so please contact if not behaving as intended or to implement further options | |
Create Stage Op Add (ggStOpAdd) Create a Stage Operation which adds objects for a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Create Stage Op Load (ggStOpLoad) Create a Stage Operation which adds load patterns to a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Create Stage Op Remove (ggStOpRem) Create a Stage Operation which removes objects from a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Create Stage Op Change Frame Prop (ggStOpFP) Create a Stage Operation which adds or removes objects from a for a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Group Options (ggGO) Group Options | |
Decompose Group (ggDecomposeGroup) Decompose Group | |
Create Solid Prop (ggSP) Create Solid Prop | |
Create Solid (ggS) Create Structural Solid from 8 points | |
Constraint Local (ggCL) Create Local Constraint | |
Constraint Body (ggCB) Create Body Constraint | |
Constraint Equal (ggCE) Create Equal Constraint | |
Constraint Diaphragm (ggCD) Create a diaphragm constraint about an axis | |
Constraint Diaphragm Semi Rigid (ggCDSR) Create a semi rigid diaphragm constraint about Z axis | |
Create Section Cut (ggSC) Creates a SAP Analysis or Design Section Cut by Group or by Group and Planar Brep |
Shell Property Modifier (ggSPM) Create Shell Property Modifier | |
Finite Element Generation Option (ggFEO) Options for generation of Finite Element | |
Element Orientation (ggEO) Element Orientations | |
Create Prop Hinge Fiber (ggHPHF) Create a Fiber Hinge Property | |
Create Hinge Fiber Data (ggHHFD) Create data for a Fiber Hinge Property | |
Create Prop Hinge User Non Interacting (ggHPUNI) Create a User Defined Non-Interacting Hinge Property | |
Hinge Non Interacting Control Force (ggHUNIFC) Specify Force Control Properties for a Non-Interacting User Defined Hinge Property | |
Hinge Non Interacting Control Deform (ggHUNIFC) Specify Force Control Properties for a Non-Interacting User Defined Hinge Property | |
Hinge Deformation Points (ggHDP) Deformation Points for a Non-Interacting User Defined Deformation Hinge Property. Inputs are Point3d where the z value is ignored | |
Hinge Acceptance Criteria (ggHAC) Non-Interacting User Defined Deformation Hinge Property | |
Hinge Non Interacting Deform Scale Fac Params (ggHNIS) Scaling Factor Parameters for Non-Interacting User Defined Deformation Hinge Property | |
Notional Size User (ggPNSU) Create Time Dependent Notional User Size | |
Notional Size Scale (ggPNSS) Create Time Dependent Notional Size auto scale | |
Deconstruct Area Prop (ggDFP) Deconstruct Area Property | |
Create Shell Prop (ggAP) Create Shell Prop | |
Prop Hinge By Ref (ggHPR) Reference a Hinge Property in an Existing Model by a String | |
Prop Shell By Ref (ggSPR) Reference a Shell Property in an Existing Model by a String | |
Point Support (ggPS) Create Point Support Spring, Units consistent with SAP application | |
Frame Auto Mesh (ggFAM) Create Frame AutoMesh | |
Area Spring Simple (ggANSS) Create Simple Normal Area Spring, Units consistent with SAP application | |
Area Axis Spring Simple (ggAASS) Create Simple Area Spring, Units consistent with SAP application | |
Solid Spring Simple (ggSSS) Create Simple Normal Solid Spring, Units consistent with SAP application | |
Create Link Prop Linear (ggLP) Create Linear Link Property | |
Create Link Prop GAP (ggLP) Create Structural Link Gap Property. | |
Link Prop Dir Params Gap (ggLPP) Directional and rotational values for creating a Linear link in SAP2000 | |
Create Link Prop Multi Linear (ggLML) Create Structural Link Multi-Linear Elastic or Plastic Property. | |
Link Prop Dir Params Multi Linear (ggLPP) Directional and rotational values for creating a Multi Linear (Elastic/Plasctic) link in SAP2000 | |
Area Mesh General Divide (ggAMGD) Create General Mesh Divide option for Area meshing | |
Area Mesh Max Area (ggAMMA) Create Mesh Max Area for Area meshing | |
Area Mesh Cookie Cut Lines (ggAMCCL) Create Mesh by Cookie Cut Lines | |
Area Mesh Perim Points (ggAMPP) Create Mesh area based on points on area edges |
Load Point (ggPL) Create Point Load | |
Load Network Trib Area (ggTAL) Create Tributory Area Loads for structure grid | |
Load Frame UDL (ggFUDL) Create Uniform Distributed Loads for Frame Elements | |
Load Frame Patch (ggFP) Create Patch Loads for Frame Elements | |
Load Frame Temp (ggLFT) Create Temperature Load for Frame Elements | |
Load Frame Strain (ggFS) Create Strain Load for Frame Elements | |
Load Point Displacment (ggPDL) Create Point Displacement Load, use settlement if node has restraint in applied direction | |
Load Area Uniform (ggFL) Create Uniform Loads for Area Elements | |
Decompose Uniform Area Load (ggDecomposeUAL) Decompose Uniform Area Load | |
Decompose Frame Uniform Load (ggDecomposeFUL) Decompose Frame Uniform Load | |
Load Area Wind Pressure (ggWP) Create Wind Pressure for Area Elements | |
Load Area To Frame (ggFL) Create Area Load to Frame Elements | |
Load Tendon Force (ggTF) Set Target Tendon Forces or Stress for Tendon Element/s. ONE Load per Tendon Object | |
Load Target Force (ggTF) Create Target Load for Curve Element/s. ***ONLY CABLE ELEMENT TYPE SUPPORTED*** contact for further options | |
Joint Pattern (ggJP) Create Joint Pattern | |
Load Joint Pattern By XYZ (ggJPXYZ) Create Joint Pattern By XYZ | |
Load Area Pressure (ggAP) Create Pressure Loads for Area Elements | |
Load Area Temp (ggLAT) Create Temperature Load for Area Elements | |
Mass Source (ggMS) Create Mass Source | |
Load Crv Point (ggCLP) Create Point Loads for Curve Elements | |
Applied Load Response Spectrum (ggSPL) Create a Load Applied for a Response Spectrum Load Case Direction | |
Applied Load Modal (ggMAL) Create a Load Applied for a Modal Eigin or Modal Ritz Load Case | |
LCApplied Load PSD (ggPSDAL) Create a Load Applied for a PSD Load Case | |
LCApplied Load Steady State (ggSSAL) Create a Load Applied for a Steady State Load Case | |
LCApplied Load Time History (ggTHAL) Create a Load Applied for a Time History Load Case | |
Function Response Spectrum Euro Code8 (ggRSEC) Create a response spectrum function based on Eurocode8 | |
Function Response Spectrum NZ1170 (ggRSNZ) Create a response spectrum function based on NZ1170 | |
Function Response Spectrum User (ggRSUD) Create a User Defined response spectrum function from a list of Periods and Values | |
Function PSDUser (ggFPSDU) Create a User Defined PSD function from a list of Frequencies and Values | |
Function Time History User (ggFTHU) Create a User Defined Time History function from a list of Times and Values | |
Function Steady State User (ggFSSU) Create a User Defined Steady State function from a list of Frequencies and Values |
Frame Release Stiffness (RS) Frame Release | |
Frame Release (R) Frame Release | |
Find Frame Prop (ggFFP) Find Frame Property | |
Create Frame Prop (ggFP) Create Frame Property | |
Create Frame Prop Non Prismatic (ggNPFP) Create Non Prismatic Frame Element Section Property | |
Create Lateral Bracing Point (ggLBP) Create a Frame Lateral Bracing at a Point | |
Create Lateral Bracing Uniform (ggLBU) Create a Frame Uniform Lateral Bracing | |
Frame Hinge Assign (ggFHA) Create Frame Hinge Assignment | |
Frame Prop Auto Selection Set (ggFPAS) Create Frame Property Auto Selection Set. Set a list of section properties to that can applied to a SAP Frame Element in design | |
Deconstruct Frame Prop (ggDFP) Deconstruct Frame Property | |
Frame Prop Modifier (ggSPM) Create Frame Section Property Modifier | |
Create Prop Cable (ggCP) Create Cable Property | |
Create Prop Tendon (ggPT) Create Tendon Property | |
Tendon Atts (ggTA) Create Tendon Attributes | |
Frame Atts (ggFA) Create Frame Attributes | |
Frame Station (ggFS) Create Frame Station Attributes | |
Cable Atts (ggCA) Create Cable Attributes | |
Frame Prop By Ref (ggFPR) Reference a Frame Property in an Existing Model by a String | |
Create Frame Prop General (ggFPG) Create General Frame Property, all values must be derived from rhino document units (ie mm, inches, metres etc) | |
Create Frame Prop Section Designer (ggSDFP) Creates Section Designer Frame Property from a list of Profile Shapes | |
Frame Section Designer Shape (ggSDS) Create a Section Designer Shape Profile | |
Frame Section Designer Shape Polygon (ggSDS) Create a Section Designer Polygon Shape from a Polyline | |
Frame Prop Params (ggFPP) Frame Property Parameters | |
Line Spring Simple (ggLSS) Create Simple Parrallel Line Spring, Units consistent with SAP application | |
Line Spring Link (ggLS) Create Line Spring by Link Property, Units consistent with SAP application |
Design Code By Ref (ggDCR) Reference a Design Code in an Existing Model by a String. Use already preset default values as per the file | |
Concrete Frame Design (ggCD) This component will execute Structural Analysis Solution and Concrete Frame Design process. XXX THIS COMPONENT WILL ONLY WORK WITH ETABSv18 AND LATER | |
Query Concrete Beam Design Summary (ggQCBDS) Query Frame Element Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Set Conc Beam Design Summary (ggRDCB) Decompose Concrete Beam Design Utilisation Summary set results | |
Query Concete Column Design Summary (ggQCCDS) Query Frame Element Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Set Conc Column Design Summary (ggRDCC) Decompose Concrete Column Design Utilisation Summary Set Results | |
Concrete Design ACI318 (ggCDACI318) Concrete Fram Design ACI318 | |
Steel Design ACI318Over Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design ACI318 OverWrite | |
Concrete Design Eurocode2 (ggCDEC2) Concrete Fram Design Eurocode | |
Concrete Design Eurocode2Over Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design Eurocode2 OverWrite | |
Concrete Beam Design Section Atts (ggCDB) Assign Concrete Design Section Parameters to a Frame Section Property | |
Concrete Column Design Section Atts (ggCDB) Assign Concrete Design Section Parameters to a Frame Section Property | |
Steel Frame Design (ggSD) This component will execute Structural Analysis solution and Steel Design process. | |
Query Steel Design Summary (ggQueryFrameFor) Query Frame Element Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Set Steel Design Summary (ggRUSD) Decompose SAP Steel Design Utilisation Summary set results | |
Steel Design AISC360 (ggSDAISC360) Steel Design Code AISC360 | |
Steel Design AISC360Over Write (ggSDAISCOW) Steel Design AISC360 OverWrite | |
Steel Design CSA (ggSDCSA) Steel Design CSA | |
Steel Design CSAOver Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design CSA OverWrite | |
Steel Design AS4100 (ggSDAS4100) Steel Design AS 4100-1998 | |
Steel Design AS4100Over Write (ggSDAS4100OW) Steel Design AS4100 OverWrite | |
Steel Design NZ3404 (ggSDNZ3404) Steel Design NZ 3404-1997 | |
Steel Design NZ3403Over Write (ggSDNZ3403OW) Steel Design NZ3403 OverWrite | |
Steel Design Eurocode3 (ggSDEC) Steel Design Eurocode3 | |
Steel Design Eurocode3Over Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design Eurocode OverWrite |
Modify Bake (ggMB) This component will open existing model, and then perform the nominated modifications. Advised to have only one bake component on the canvas | |
Modify Inline (ggMI) This component will modify a model AFTER the bake process has occured | |
Modify Design Section Inline (ggMDSI) This component will can change the Design Section of a Designed model AFTER the bake, analysis and design process has occured | |
Nominate Frame Section (ggNFS) Nominate Section name to assign to frame | |
Nominate Frame Section Group (ggNFSG) Nominate Section name to assign to group of frames | |
Set Hinge Property (ggSHP) Modification to set hinge property | |
Assign Hinge Property (ggAHP) Modification to assign hinge property to frame element | |
Modify Frame Element Delete (ggNFS) Nominate Frame Element to Delete from Existing Model | |
Relocate Point (ggPR) Relocate Point in an Existing Model by providing an updated Point3d Location | |
Assign Point Spring (ggAPS) Assign Point spring in an Existing Model | |
Modify Steel Frame Design Section (ggNFS) Modify the Steel Frame Design Section after the Design Process. Use this component with the Inline Modify component to test different sections after performing analysis and design | |
Modify Conc Frame Design Section (ggMFS) Modify the Concrete Frame Design Section after the Design Process. Use this component with the Inline Modify component to test different sections after performing analysis and design | |
Modify Append Frame Distributed Load (ggMAFDL) Modify the model appending distributed loads to frame elements | |
Modify Append Frame Point Load (ggMAFPL) Modify the model appending point loads to frame elements | |
Modify Append Point Force (ggMAPF) Modify the model appending forces to points |
Create Elastic Orthotropic Material (ggEOM) Create Elastic Orthotropic Material | |
Point Restraint (ggPR) Create PointRestraint | |
Point Atts (ggPA) Create Structural Point Attributes | |
Generate C (ggC) Generates a ColdFormed C Section | |
Generate Z (ggZ) Generates a ColdFormed Z Section | |
Material Library (ggML) Use Sap Library Material, usually in C:rogram Filesomputers and StructuresAP2000 XXroperty Libraries or equivalent for ETABS, CsiBridge etc | |
Material Params Concrete (ggMPC) Generate Concrete Material Parameters for input into the user defined Material Component. | |
Material Params Rebar (ggMPRB) Generate Rebar Material Parameters for input into the user defined Material Component. | |
Material Params Steel (ggMPSteel) Generate Steel Material Parameters for input into the user defined Material Component. | |
Material Create-Elastic Isotropic (ggEIM) Create Elastic Isotropic Material | |
Material By Ref (ggMR) Reference a Material in an Existing Model by a String | |
Generate Asymmetric IShape (ggAI) Generates an Asymmetric I Shape Profile | |
Create Point Mass (ggPointMass) Create Point Mass Data |
Map Profile (ggMP) Map a profile to an IFC profile | |
2000To Karamba (ggSAPToKaramba) Import SAP2000 model into Karamba | |
Stream Bake To Ifc (ggSBI) Stream Bake Ifc | |
Convert Ifc Options (O) Options for converting from IFC | |
Convert Ifc Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for converting from IFC to Structural Analysis | |
Convert From Ifc (ggCFI) Convert From Ifc | |
Bake Model (ggBS) Bake Structure | |
Model Decompose (ggMD) Decompose Model after solve or import | |
Import Data (ggID) Import Structural Analaysis Data |
gg Karamba To SAP2000 (ggKarambaSAP) Export Karamba model to SAP2000 | |
File2000To Karamba (ggSAPToKaramba) Import SAP2000 model into Karamba from file |
Open Modeland Extract (ggOM) Open Model and Extract Model Objects |
Query Node Displacements (ggQNodeDisp) Query Node Displacements | |
Query Node Reaction Force (ggQNodeReactF) Query Node Reaction Force | |
Query Node Reaction Moment (ggQNodeReactM) Query Node Reaction Moment | |
Decompose Result Set Beam Force (ggRD1dSet) Decomposes 1d Element Result Set | |
Decompose Result Set Beam Forces (ggRDBFSet) Decomposes Beam Forces (1d Forces) Result Set | |
Query Buckling Factor (ggQueryBucklingFactor) Query Buckling Factor | |
Decompose Result Buckling Load Factors (ggRDBucklingLF) Decompose Buckling Load Factor reults for a given number of load cases. | |
Decompose Result Set Modal Freq (ggRDMF) Decompose Modal Frequency Result Set | |
Query Modal Frequencies (ggQMF) Query Modal Frequencies | |
Decompose Result Set Node (ggRDN) Decompose Node Set Result | |
Design Steel (ggD) This component will execute Structural Analysis solution and Steel design process | |
Design Task Steel AS4100 (ggDTS4100) Steel Design Code Task AS 4100-1998 | |
Steel Design Task Params (ggSDTP) Space Gass Steel Design Parameters. To be used when performing Steel Design Check Analysis. | |
Steel Design Task Filter (ggSDTF) Filter which elements are included in a steel design task. | |
Query Beam Utilisation Summary (ggQueryBeamFor) Query Beam Element Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Set Utilisation Summary (ggRUSD) Decompose SAP Steel Design Utilisation Summary set results | |
Solver (ggS) This component will execute Structural Analysis solution process and query results | |
Query (ggQ) This component will open and then Query an existing Structural Analysis Model which already has results avaliable | |
Create Result DBFrom File Txt (ggRST) This component will create and Store a Database of SpaceGass Results which can be queried. You can have mulitple databases on the Canvas | |
Query From Result DB (ggQRDB) Query result from an imported SpaceGass Result Database. You can have as many of these components as you like. The Database store from file component is required to import the DB | |
Query From File Txt (ggQT) This component will Query result from an Exported SpaceGass Result txt file. | |
Solve Export Options (ggSEO) Additional Options which allow the automatic export of Data from SpaceGass during the solve procedure. | |
Analysis Result Options (ggARO) Result Output Options avaliable for Results Extraction in SpaceGass | |
Solver Options (ggSolverOptions) Space Gass Solver/Analysis Options | |
Analysis Task Static Linear (ggSGAT) Space Gass Solver/Analysis Task to be used for performing Linear Static Analysis. | |
Analysis Task Static Non Linear (ggSGAT) Space Gass Solver/Analysis Task to be used for performing Non-Linear Analysis | |
Analysis Task Buckling (ggBATask) Space Gass Buckling Analysis Task and Options. To be used when performing Buckling analysis | |
Analysis Task Dynamic Freq (ggFAO) Space Gass Frequency Analysis Task and Options. To be used when performing Dynamic Frequency analysis | |
Analysis Task Spectral (ggSAT) Space Gass Spectral Analysis Task and Options. To be used when performing Spectral Analysis. | |
Query Beam Force (ggQueryBeamFor) Query Beam Element Forces | |
Query Beam Forces (ggQueryBeamFor) Query Beam Element Forces |
Create Section Prop (ggSP) Create Section Property | |
Create 2d Finite Element Prop (ggP2d) Create 2d Finite Element Prop | |
Find Section Prop (ggFSP) Find Structural Section Property | |
Node Restraint (ggNR) Create NodeRestraint | |
Finite Element Generation Option (ggFEO) Options for generation of Finite Element | |
Element Orientation (ggEO) Element Orientations | |
Steel Design Member Params (ggSDP) Generate a SpaceGass Design Member Group from a List of Beam Elements | |
Steel Design Member Atts (ggSDA) SpaceGass Design Member Group Design Attributes | |
Steel Member Restraint (ggD) Generate a SpaceGass Design Member Group from a List of Beam Elements | |
Material Create Elastic Isotropic (ggEIM) Create Elastic Isotropic Material | |
Material Std (ggSGSM) Retrieve standard material from SpaceGass material library by name | |
Node Support (ggNS) Create Node Support | |
Beam Atts (ggBA) Create Beam Attributes | |
Section Property Parameters (ggSPP) Structural Section Property Parameters | |
Beam Prop Modifier (ggSPM) Beam Section property modifier factor | |
Create Section Prop Explicit (ggESP) Create explicit section property | |
Profile Std (ggSGP) Retrieve standard section profile from SpaceGass section library by Library, group and name | |
Beam Release (R) Beam Release |
Load Case (ggLC) Create Load Case | |
Case Combination (ggCC) Create Case Combination | |
Load Gravity (ggGL) Create Gravity Load | |
Load Node (ggNL) Create Node Load | |
Load Network Trib Area (ggTAL) Create Tributory Area Loads for structure grid | |
Node Displacment Load (ggNDL) Create Node Displacement Load, use settlement if node has restraint in applied direction | |
Load Therm (ggLT) Create Thermal Load for Plates/Members | |
Load Crv UDL (ggCUDL) Create Uniform Distributed Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Prestress (ggCP) Create Prestress Load for Curve Elements | |
Lumped Mass Node (ggLMN) Create Lumped Mass Node Load | |
Load Crv Patch (ggCP) Create Patch Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Torsion (ggCT) Create Patch Torsion Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Point (ggCLP) Create Point Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Sprectral (ggLS) Create Spectral Load | |
Load2d Face (ggFL) Create Face Loads for 2d Elements |
Transform Structure (ggTransform) Transform Structure | |
Decompose Beam (ggBeam) Decompose Structural Beam Element | |
Constraint (ggC) Create Constraint (Master Slave) | |
Decompose List (ggDecomposeList) Decompose List | |
Create Finite Element (ggFE) Create Structural Finite Element from points | |
Brep Convert Finite Elements (ggBFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from brep with plane faces | |
Mesh Convert Finite Elements (ggMFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from mesh | |
Create Member Group Auto (ggMember) Automate the creation of design member groups by intersecting Structural Members with other curve elements. COMPONENT IN DEVELOPMENT. Please contact to enable further | |
Create Member Group (ggSDM) Generate a SpaceGass Design Member Group from a List of Beam Elements | |
Create Or Find Node (ggNode) Locate Existing or Create Structural Node | |
Create Beam (ggBeam) Create Structural Beam part | |
Create Section Filter (ggFilter) Create Filter by Sections, request other filters if needed | |
Create List (ggList) Create Lists of Nodes, Elements, Areas, Cases and Combos, Design Groups or Sections. |
Moving Load Settings (ggMLS) SpaceGass Moving Load Settings. These are the settings that are used when applying a SpaceGass moving Load File using the SpaceGass14 options. XX ONLY WORKS IN SPACEGASS 14 | |
Moving Load Scenario (ggMLS) SpaceGass Moving Load Scenario | |
Moving Load Scenario Combine (ggMLSC) Generate a Moving Load Scenario Combination | |
Path (ggP) Vehicle Path | |
Path Alignment (ggA) GSA Alignment | |
Path Alignment Point (ggPAP) Path Alignment Point | |
Path Alignment Point Node (ggPAPBN) Path Alignment Point By Node | |
Path Load (ggPL) SPACEGASS Path Load | |
User Vechicle (ggUV) UserVechicle | |
Vechicle Axle (ggVA) Create a Vechicle Axle to be added to a User Vehicle | |
Library Vechicle (ggUV) GSA UserVechicle | |
Path Pressure Load (ggPPL) Define a equivalent Vehcile Path Pressure Load | |
Bake Moving Load File (ggUV) Use this component to Bake a SG Moving Load file to be imported into the Moving Load Module of SpaceGass |
Map Profile (ggMP) Map a profile to an IFC profile | |
Stream Bake To Ifc (ggSBI) Stream Bake Ifc | |
Convert Ifc Options (O) Options for converting from IFC | |
Convert Ifc Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for converting from IFC to Structural Analysis | |
Convert From Ifc (ggCFI) Convert From Ifc | |
Model Decompose (ggMD) Decompose Existing Model, WARNING WORK IN PROGRESS NOT ALL FIELDS BEING POPULATED | |
Bake Model (ggBS) Bake Structure | |
Model Settings (ggMS) Additional model settings that can be set to the associated ggSGModel File. | |
Import Data (ggID) Import Structural Analaysis Data |
gg Karamba SPACEGASS (ggKarambaSPACEGASS) Export Karamba model to SPACEGASS |
Map Profile (ggMP) Map a profile to an IFC profile | |
gg Strand7to Karamba (ggStrand7toKaramba) Import Strand7 model into Karamba | |
Bake Model (ggBS) Bake Structure | |
Stream Bake (ggSB) Stream Bake | |
Stream Bake To Ifc (ggSBI) Stream Bake Ifc | |
Convert Ifc Options (O) Options for converting from IFC | |
Convert Ifc Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for converting from IFC to Structural Analysis | |
Convert From Ifc (ggCFI) Convert From Ifc | |
Create Elastic Isotropic Material (ggEIM) Create Elastic Isotropic Material | |
Decompose Frame Prop (ggDFP) Decompose Frame Property | |
Beam Release (R) Beam Release | |
Find Section Prop (ggFSP) Find Structural Section Property | |
Node Restraint (ggNR) Create NodeRestraint | |
Import Data (ggID) Import Structural Analaysis Data | |
Model Decompose (ggMD) Decompose Existing Model, WARNING WORK IN PROGRESS NOT ALL FIELDS BEING POPULATED | |
Transform Structure (ggTransform) Transform Structure | |
Decompose Beam (ggBeam) Decompose Structural Beam Element | |
Create Group (ggGroup) Create Group | |
Finite Element Generation Option (ggFEO) Options for generation of Finite Element | |
Brep Convert Finite Elements (ggBFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from brep with plane faces | |
Element Orientation (ggEO) Element Orientations | |
Create Axis (ggAxis) Create Structural Axis | |
Function Table (ggFTU) Create a User Defined Function Table for a given Table Type from a list of X (Item 1) and Y (Item 2) Values | |
Create Or Find Node (ggNode) Locate Existing or Create Structural Node | |
Node Support (ggNS) Create Node Support | |
Create Connection Prop (ggCP) Create Structural Connection Property | |
Create Beam (ggBeam) Create Structural Beam | |
Beam Atts (ggBA) Create Beam Attributes | |
Beam Support (ggBS) Create Beam Support | |
Create Prop Plate (ggPSP) Create Plate Shell Property | |
Create Prop Plate Shell (ggPSP) Create Plate Shell Property | |
Create Prop Plate Patch (ggPSP) Create Plate Shell Property | |
Create Finite Element (ggFE) Create Structural Finite Element from points | |
Mesh Convert Finite Elements (ggMFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from mesh | |
Create Section Prop (ggSP) Create Section Property | |
Create Truss Prop (ggTP) Create Truss Property | |
Create Cut Off Prop (ggCOP) Create CutOff Property | |
Create Cable Prop (ggCP) Create Cable Property | |
Create Spring Damper Prop (ggSDP) Create Spring Damper Property | |
Create Section Prop Explicit (ggESP) Create explicit section property | |
Create Stage (ggStage) Create Stage | |
Create Link (ggLink) Create pinned or rigid link contraint between 2 nodes | |
Create Link Master Slave (ggLinkMS) Create a master slave link contraint between 2 nodes | |
Create Link Master Slave MP (ggLinkMSMP) Create a master slave link contraint between mulitple points, Strand7 R3 or newer |
Case Combination (ggCC) Create Case Combination | |
Load Node (ggNL) Create Node Load | |
Load Network Trib Area (ggTAL) Create Tributory Area Loads for structure grid | |
Load Crv Temp (ggLCT) Create Temperature Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Face Point (ggLFT) Create Point Load for Area Elements | |
Load Crv Prestress (ggCP) Create Prestress Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Strain (ggCS) Create Strain Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Case (ggLC) Create Load Case | |
Load Case Gravity (ggLCG) Create gravity load case | |
Load Case Seismic (ggLCG) Create gravity load case | |
Load Area Pressure (ggFL) Create Uniform Pressure for Area Elements | |
Load Area Face (ggFL) Create Uniform Pressure for Area Elements | |
Load Plate Patch Type (ggPP) Create Plate Patch Type for Plate Elements | |
Load Node Non Str Mass (ggNLNSM) Create Non Structural Mass for Nodes | |
Load Beam Non Str Mass (ggBNSMass) Create Beam Non Structural Mass | |
Load Crv UDL (ggCUDL) Create Uniform Distributed Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Patch (ggCP) Create Patch Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Plate Non Str Mass (ggPLNSM) Create Non Structural Mass for Plate Elements | |
Spectral Direction Vector (ggSDV) Create Spectral Direction Vector for Spectral Analysis | |
Spectral Load Factor (ggSLF) Create Spectral Load Factors for Spectral Analysis |
Query (ggQ) This component will extract results from an existing STRAND7 Result File ( | |
Query Node Displacements (ggQNodeDisp) Query Node Displacements | |
Query Node Reaction Force (ggQNodeReactF) Query Node Reaction Force | |
Query Node Reaction Moment (ggQNodeReactM) Query Node Reaction Moment | |
Query Beam Force (ggQueryBeamFor) Query Beam Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set Beam Force (ggRD1dSet) Decomposes 1d Element Result Set | |
Decompose Result Set Node (ggRDN) Decompose Node Set Result |
gg Karamba To Strand7 (ggKarambaStrand7) Export Karamba model to Strand7 | |
gg Strand7Fileto Karamba (ggStrand7toKaramba) Import Strand7 model into Karamba from file |
Mesh Breps (ggMBS) Mesh Breps in Strand7 |
gg Tekla Create Numbering Series (ggTNS) Create Tekla Numbering Series | |
gg Tekla Create Phase (ggTP) Create Tekla Phase | |
gg Tekla Create User Defined String (ggUDS) Create Tekla User Defined String | |
gg Tekla Create User Defined Number (ggUDN) Create Tekla User Defined Number | |
gg Tekla Create User Defined Integer (ggUDI) Create Tekla User Defined Integer | |
gg Tekla Create Assembly (ggTA) Create Tekla Assembly | |
gg Tekla Create Item (ggTI) Create Tekla Item | |
gg Tekla Create Control Point (ggP) Create a Tekla Control Point | |
gg Tekla Create Control Line (ggL) Create a Tekla Control Line | |
gg Tekla Create Control Circle (ggC) Create a Tekla Control Circle | |
gg Tekla Create Control Plane (ggP) Create a Tekla Control Plane | |
gg Tekla Create Bolt Group XY (ggTBGXY) Create Tekla Bolt Group XY | |
gg Tekla Bolt Active (ggTBA) Tekla Bolt Active | |
gg Tekla Create Bolt Properties (ggTBP) Create Tekla Bolt Properties | |
gg Tekla Create Bolt Holes (ggTBH) Create Tekla Bolt Holes | |
gg Tekla Line Weld Properties (ggTLWP) Line Weld Properties | |
gg Tekla Weld Properties (ggTWP) Weld Properties | |
gg Tekla Weld (ggTW) Tekla Weld | |
gg Tekla Weld Polygon (ggTWP) Tekla Weld Polygon | |
gg Tekla Connection (ggTC) Tekla Connection | |
gg Tekla Reverse Engineer Brep (ggREB) gg Reverse Engineer Brep | |
Reverse Engineer Brep RHS (ggREBRHS) gg Reverse Engineer Brep RHS | |
Reverse Engineer Brep Ortho Planar (ggREBROP) gg Reverse Engineer Brep OrthoPlanar | |
gg Tekla Create Plate (ggPlate) Create Structural Plate | |
gg Tekla Create Faceted Plate (ggFacetedPlate) Convert Mesh to faceted plate | |
gg Tekla Decompose Beam (ggDecomposeBeam) Decompose Structural Beam | |
gg Tekla Create Beam (ggBeam) Create Structural Beam | |
gg Tekla Insert Point (ggIP) Generate Insert Point | |
gg Tekla Beam Attributes (ggBA) Generate Beam Attributes | |
gg Tekla Reverse Engineer Brep Plate (ggREBP) gg Reverse Engineer Brep Plate | |
gg Tekla Create Beam Profile (ggBP) Create Beam Profile | |
gg Tekla Load LIS Profiles (ggLP) Load LIS Profile | |
gg Tekla Save LIS Profiles (ggSP) Save LIS Profile | |
gg Tekla Create Plate Prop (ggAP) Create Plate Prop | |
gg Tekla Create Single Rebar (ggRebar) Create Single Rebar | |
gg Tekla Create Rebar Hook (ggRebarHook) Create Rebar Hook |
ExcelDynamicRead (ExDRead) Read data dynamically from excel | |
ExcelStaticRead (ExSRead) Read data statically from excel | |
ExcelWrite (ExWrite) Write data to excel |
Network Source (NetSource) Discovers an external internet connection, and retrieve name and properties if one is available | |
OSC Channel (OSC_C) Store OSC data from a single source | |
OSC Dispatch (OSC_D) Store OSC data from multiple sources | |
UDP Receiver (>UDP<) Allows to receive data on the network | |
UDP Sender ( Allows to send data through the network to any computer |
Read Pachube (Pachube) This component reads a Pachube Feed | |
Pachube Update (Update Pachube) Updates a Pachube Feed | |
Xml Parser (XML) Parses an XML File | |
Write XML (XML) Writes a data in a Grasshopper Tree to an XML file |
Get Elevation (E) Given WGS84 coordinates, this component will return the elevation(s) | |
Format Geo (DMs -> DD) Formats WSG84 coordinates | |
Geo to XYZ (Geo->XYZ) Map WSG84 Coordinates to XYZ |
KML Exporter (KML Out) Export from Rhino model to KML format | |
KML Style (S) KML Object Attributes: Fill Color, Line Color, Line Width |
XYZ to Geo (XYZ->Geo) Map XYZ Coordinates to WSG84 |
OSM 3D Forest (OSM3Dforest) Use this component to create 3d trees geometry on inputed surfaces | |
OSM 3D Road (OSM3Droad) Use this component to create 3d roads geometry | |
OSM 3D Roof (OSM3Droof) Use this component to create 3d roofs geometry | |
OSM 3D (OSM3D) Use this component to create 3d geometry of structures/building and tree shapes created with Gismo "OSM shapes" component | |
OSM Clean Values (OSMcleanValues) A lot of times the items coming from the "values" output of OSM components may have empty data ( | |
OSM Ids (OSMids) Use this component to define lists of Open Street Map ids | |
OSM Keys (OSMKeys) Use this component to generate a list of keys for the "requiredKeys_" input of "OSM shapes" component | |
OSM Objects (OSMobjects) Use this dropdown list to chose an OSM object. - Provided by Gismo 0.0.3, JAN_29_2019 | |
OSM Render Mesh (OSMrenderMesh) Use this component to create a render mesh from the 3d shapes generated by the "OSM 3D" component | |
OSM Search (OSMsearch) Use this component to search through OSM 2D and 3D shapes | |
OSM Shapes (OSMshapes) Use this component to generate Open Street Map shapes for the chosen _location and radius_ | |
OSM Tag (OSMtag) Use this component to generate "requiredTag" output |
Address To Location (AddressToLocation) Use this component to find coordinates of a specific location using an address. It uses Nominatim API - Provided by Gismo 0.0.3 | |
Create Location (CreateLocation) Use this component to construct a location based on latitude, longitude coordinates. - Provided by Gismo 0.0.3 | |
Deconstruct Location (DeconstructLocation) Use this component to exlode an epw location to its parts: locationName, latitude, longitude, timeZone, elevation. - Provided by Gismo 0.0.3 | |
DMS To DD (DMSToDD) Use this component to convert a coordinate in degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS) format to decimal degrees (DD) format | |
Gismo This component contains all Gismo classes | |
Location To XY (LocationToXY) Use this component to calculate the point in Rhino scene based on latitude and longitude coordinates (_location input) | |
Url To Location (UrlToLocation) Use this component to find coordinates of a specific location using an url from openstreetmap, google maps, bing maps, and waze. - Provided by Gismo 0.0.3 | |
XY To Location (XYtoLocation) Use this component to calculate latitude and longitude coordinates of the _point in Rhino scene | |
Z To Elevation (ZtoElevation) Use this component to calculate the elevation height of particular point |
Color Palette (ColorPalette) Use this component define color palette (gradient colors) for the Gismo's "Legend Bake Parameters" component - Provided by Gismo 0.0.3 | |
Create Legend (CreateLegend) Use this component to create a legend for particular geometry and recolor the geometry based on that legend. - Provided by Gismo 0.0.3 | |
Legend Bake Parameters (LegendBakeParameters) Use this component to define the parameters important for legend and baking. Any component which has a "legendBakePar_" input can be used to define these. - Provided by Gismo 0.0.3 | |
New Component Example (NewComponentExample) [Gismo welcomes new developers | |
Rhino Boolean Union (RhinoBooleanUnion) Grasshopper's "Solid Union" component may sometimes fail to perform boolean union of the 3d buildings coming from Gismo "OSM shapes" component | |
Rhino Text To Number (RhinoTextToNumber) Use this component to convert Rhino text (representing number) to Grasshopper number. - This can be useful in creating terrain or coordinate points from text. - Provided by Gismo 0.0.3 | |
Rhino Unit To Meters (RhinoUnitToMeters) Use this component to convert values from Rhino units to meters | |
Support Gismo (SupportGismo) If you like Gismo, use this component to see in which ways you can contribute and support it. - Provided by Gismo 0.0.3 |
Flow Paths (FlowPaths) Use this component to perform the analysis of gravitational water flow | |
Horizon Angles (HorizonAngles) Use this component to create a horizon file ( | |
Terrain Analysis (TerrainAnalysis) Use this component to perform the following terrain analysis types: - - Slope - Grade - Aspect - Elevation - Visibility - Hillshade - TRI (Terrain Ruggedness Index by Riley) - TRI categories (Terrain Ruggedness Index categories by Riley) - SRF (Surface Roughness Factor by Hobson) - TPI (Topographic Position Index) - Mean curvature ------ Component mainly based on: "DEM Surface Tools for ArcGIS", Jenness Enterprises, 2013 | |
Terrain Generator (TerrainGenerator) Use this component to create a geometry of the terrain surrounding the chosen location | |
Terrain Shading Mask (TerrainShadingMask) Use this component to create a 3D Terrain shading mask for a particular location |
Shape Preview Beta (ShpPrev) A beta fill and stroke preview in Rhino. | |
Gradient Linear Fill (Linear Gradient) Applies a Linear Gradient Fill to a Shape | |
Gradient Radial Fill (Radial Gradient) Applies a Radial Gradient Fill to a Shape | |
Solid Fill (Solid) Applies a Solid Fill color to a Shape | |
Stroke Applies Stroke properties to a Shape | |
Font Applies a Font to a Text Shape | |
Text Shape (Text) Construct a Text Shape | |
Blur Applies a Blur Effect to a Shape | |
Glow Applies an Inner or Outer Glow Effect to a Shape | |
Drop Shadow (Shadow) Applies a Drop Shadow Effect to a Shape | |
Construct Drawing (Drawing) Constructs a Drawing from a list of Shapes | |
SVG Text (SVGtxt) Converts a Drawing to SVG txt ( | |
Save Bitmap (SaveBmp) Save a Bitmap file of a Drawing. | |
Drawing Viewer (View) Preview a Drawing in canvas. | |
Save Svg (SaveSvg) Save a SVG file of a Drawing. | |
Drawing to Bitmap (DrawingToBmp) Create a Bitmap file of a Drawing. | |
Shape Data (Data) Optionally override Id and add a series of data items to a Shape. | |
Shape Link (Link) A hyperlink to open when the element is clicked. | |
Shape Settings (Settings) Optionally override Id and set a group / layer. | |
Shape Tooltip (Tooltip) Add a tooltip description to a shape |
Grevit Revit Adaptive Component (Revit Adaptive) Grevit Revit Adaptive Component | |
Grevit Revit Column (Revit Column) Grevit Revit Column | |
Grevit Revit Extrusion (Revit Extrusion) Grevit Revit Extrusion | |
Grevit Revit FaceWall (Revit FaceWall) Grevit Revit FaceWall | |
Grevit Revit Family instance (Revit Family) Grevit Revit Family instance | |
Grevit Revit Grid (Revit Grid) Grevit Revit Grid | |
Grevit Revit Hatch (Revit Hatch) Grevit Revit Hatch | |
Grevit Revit Level (Revit Level) Grevit Revit Level | |
Grevit Revit Curve (Revit Curve) Grevit Revit Curve | |
Grevit Revit ReferencePlane (Revit RefPlane) Grevit Revit ReferencePlane | |
Grevit Revit Roof (Revit Roof) Grevit Revit Roof | |
Grevit Revit Room (Revit Room) Grevit Revit Room | |
Grevit Revit SelectionSet (Revit SelectionSet) Grevit Revit SelectionSet | |
Grevit SetCurtainPanel (Revit SetCurtainPanel) Grevit SetCurtainPanel | |
Grevit Revit Shaft (Revit Shaft) Grevit Revit Shaft | |
Grevit Revit Slab (Revit Slab) Grevit Revit Slab | |
Grevit Revit Text Note (Revit Text) Grevit Revit Text Note | |
Grevit Revit Topography (Revit Topography) Grevit Revit Topography | |
Grevit Revit Wall (Revit Wall) Grevit Revit Wall | |
Grevit Revit Profile based wall (Revit PbWall) Grevit Revit Profile based wall |
Grevit Autocad Column (Acad Column) Grevit pointbased Autocad Column | |
Grevit Autocad Curve (Acad Curve) Grevit Autocad Curve | |
Grevit Autocad Door (Acad Door) Grevit Autocad Door | |
Grevit Autocad Point (Acad Point) Grevit Autocad Point | |
Grevit Autocad Room (Acad Room) Grevit Autocad Room | |
Grevit Autocad Slab (Acad Slab) Grevit Autocad Slab | |
Grevit Autocad Wall (Acad Wall) Grevit linebased Autocad Wall |
Grevit Revit Structural Beam (Revit StructBeam) Grevit Revit Structural Beam | |
Grevit Revit Structural Brace (Revit StructBrace) Grevit Revit Structural Brace | |
Grevit Revit Structural Column (Revit StructColumn) Grevit Revit Structural Column | |
Grevit Revit Structural Footing (Revit StructFooting) Grevit Revit Structural Footing | |
Grevit Revit Structural UnknownFraming (Revit StructUnknownFraming) Grevit Revit Structural UnknownFraming |
Grevit Bakery (Bakery) Grevit Bakery | |
Grevit Config Grevit Config no GIDs | |
Grevit ID (GID) Grevit ID | |
Grevit Layer (Layer) Grevit Layer | |
Grevit Send (Send) Send Grevit data to target application |
Grevit Revit ElementID (Revit ElementID) Grevit Revit ElementID | |
Grevit Revit Parameter (Revit Parameter) Grevit Revit Parameter | |
Grevit Revit Search ElementID (Revit Search ElementID) Grevit Revit Search ElementID |
Grevit Revit Filter (Revit Filter) Grevit Revit Filter | |
Grevit Revit Filter Rule (Revit Filter Rule) Grevit Revit Filter Rule | |
Filter Rule Comparer Grevit Filter Rule Comparer |
Grevit Curve Loop (Curve Loop) Grevit Curve Loop | |
Grevit RevitCategory (RevitCategory) Grevit RevitCategory | |
Grevit RevitFamily (RevitFamily) Grevit RevitFamily |
Channel Region (CRegion) Determine the submerged region of a channel given a quantity of water | |
Channel Info (CInfo) Calculate characteristics of water flow in a channel from its submerged region | |
River Flood Levels (River Floods) Examine flooding levels along a surface from a river source | |
Sea Flood Levels (Sea Floods) Examine flooding levels along a surface from a tidal source | |
Flow Saturation (Saturation) Identify the saturation levels across terrain given flow paths | |
Flow Catchments (Catchments) Identify the catchments within a set of flow paths | |
Flow Projection (Mesh) (Mesh Flows) Construct flow paths over a mesh | |
Flow Projection (Surface) (Srf Flows) Construct flow paths over a surface |
Generic Species (PGeneric) Output plant objects from pre-defined generic types | |
Species Importer (PImport) Create plant attributes from an imported spreadsheet | |
Plant Appearance (root mesh) (Shower (root mesh)) Simulate the appearance of a particular plant instance's root using a mesh between canopy and trunk | |
Plant Appearance (canopy mesh) (Shower (canopy mesh)) Simulate the appearance of a particular plant instance's canopy using a mesh between canopy and trunk | |
Plant Appearance (discs) (Shower (discs)) Simulate the appearance of a particular plant instance using circles |
Field Mapper (Field) Create a field representation from collections of bounded curves/lines. | |
Field Visualisation (Grid) (Field Grid) Translate a field into a grid based visualisation. Outputs a number constrained by a range which can be used to then make a color or shape. | |
Random Path (RandPath) Calculates a random path (in 2 dimensions) | |
Shortest Path (ShortPath) Calculates the shortest path in a network of curves |
Contour Gap Fix (Contour Gaps) Checks if contours have gaps, and bridges them if so | |
Contour Planarity Fix (Contour Planarity) Checks contours are planar and corrects them if not | |
Contour Clipper (Contour Clip) Checks contours meet a specific boundary, otherwise extend/trim them | |
Mesh Color by Face (Mesh Paint) Colors each mesh face with a solid color, in order. Like mesh spray, but without any blending between faces. |
Mesh Aspect (Aspect) Analyses the aspect of a Mesh, outputting separated faces for coloring and the aspect | |
Mesh Slope (Slope) Analyses the slope of a Mesh, outputting separated faces for coloring and the slope/grade | |
Surface Aspect (Aspect) Analyses the aspect of a Surface, outputting separated faces for coloring and the aspect | |
Surface Slope (Slope) Analyses the slope of a Surface, outputting separated faces for coloring and the slope/grade |
Multi SDiff (MSDiff) This multithreaded boolean solid difference (SDiff) component spreads the branches of input over threads for the boolean operation | |
GDAL Details (GD) This component enumerates the current version of GDAL and it's available raster and vector drivers. | |
Topiary Flatten (TF) Flatten branches by a set depth from the deepest path in a data tree. The resulting tree will look more like a topiary. This can be useful for data trees with uneven path depths. | |
Hex to Color (H2C) Convert a hexidecimal color to RGBA format. | |
Color to Hex (C2H) Convert an RGBA color to hexidecimal format. | |
Image Filtered Colors (ImageFC) Get a filtered pixel count of colors contained in an image based on color list. | |
Cubemap From View Plus (CM+) Generate a cubemap from a given plane using the specified display mode. This component is also able to visualize ray casting based on colors in the cubemap. | |
Cubemap From View (CM) Generate a cubemap from a given plane using the specified display mode. | |
Cubemap To Equirectangular (CubeToEqui) Convert a cube map panorama to an equirectangular panorama. | |
Image Top Colors (ImageTC) Get a sorted list of the top colors contained in an image. | |
Rotate Image (RotateImage) Roate an image 90, 180 or 270 degrees. | |
Flip Image (FlipImage) Flip an image along its vertical, horizontal axis or both. | |
Multi Mesh Patch (MMPatch) Multithreaded creation of mesh patches from planar polylines | |
Visual Center (VC) Find the visual center of closed planar curves. The resulting point will lie within the boundary of the curve and multiple curves on a branch will be treated as a surface with holes. | |
Multi Move to Topo (MMoveToTopo) Move breps, surfaces, meshes, polylines and points to a topography mesh |
DMStoDD (DMS to DD) Convert Latitude and Longitude coordinates formatted in Degree Mintue Seconds (DMS) to Decimal Degree (DD) format | |
Gdal Fill No Data (GFND) Fill raster regions that have no data by interpolation from edges with the GDAL FillNoData program. More information can be found at | |
Gdal Info (GI) Gdalinfo program lists various information about a GDAL supported raster dataset. More information about Gdalinfo options can be found at | |
Set EarthAnchorPoint (SetEAP) Set the Rhino EarthAnchorPoint using either an address or Lat/Lon coordinates | |
Set Spatial Reference System (SRS) Set the spatial reference system to be used by Heron SRS-enabled components | |
GdalOgr2Ogr Manipulate vector data with the GDAL OGR2OGR program given a source dataset, a destination dataset and a list of options | |
GdalWarp Manipulate raster data with the GDAL Warp program given a source dataset, a destination dataset and a list of options | |
GdalTranslate Manipulate raster data with the GDAL Translate program given a source dataset, a destination dataset and a list of options | |
Decimal Degrees to XY (DDtoXY) Convert WGS84 Decimal Degrees Longitude/Latitude to X/Y | |
Coordinate Transformation (CT) Transform points from a source SRS to a destination SRS. The source points should be in the coordinate system of the source SRS. | |
XY to Decimal Degrees (XYtoDD) Convert X/Y to Decimal Degrees Longitude/Latitude in the WGS84 spatial reference system | |
Gdal Convex Hull (GCVH) Create a convex hull around geometry using Gdal's convex hull function. GDAL convex hull only works in 2D, so the results will be on the XY plane. | |
Gdal Buffer (GdalBuffer) Create a buffer around a geometry using Gdal's buffer function. GDAL buffering only works in 2D, so the results will be on the XY plane. |
Mapbox Isochrone (MapboxIsochrone) The Mapbox Isochrone API allows you to request polygon features that show areas which are reachable within a specified amount of time from a location | |
Yelp Search business on Yelp. | |
Mapbox Raster (MapboxRaster) Get raster imagery from a Mapbox service. Requires a Mapbox Token. | |
Mapbox Topography (MapboxTopo) Get mesh topography from a Mapbox service. Requires a Mapbox Token. | |
Mapbox Vector (MapboxVector) Get vector data from a Mapbox service. Requires a Mapbox Token. | |
Slippy Raster Get raster imagery from a tile-based map service. Use the component menu to select the service. | |
Slippy Tiles (SlippyTiles) Visualize boundaries of slippy map tiles within a given boundary at a given zoom level. See for more information about map tiles. | |
Slippy Viewport (SlippyVP) Projects the boundary of a given Viewport to the World XY plane and calculates a good Zoom level for use with tile-based map components. |
Import Vector Lite (IVL) This is a basic version of the Import Vector component allowing the import of GIS data, including SHP, GeoJSON, OSM, KML, MVT and GDB folders | |
Import Vector (IV) Import vector GIS data clipped to a boundary, including SHP, GeoJSON, OSM, KML, MVT and GDB folders. Use the SetSRS component to set the spatial reference system used by this component. | |
Export Vector (ExportVector) Export Grasshopper geometry to Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML and GML file formats in the WGS84 (EPSG:4326) spatial reference system | |
Import LAZ (ImportLAZ) Import LAS & LAZ files. | |
Import OSM (ImportOSM) Import vector OpenStreetMap data clipped to a boundary. Nodes, Ways and Relations are organized onto their own branches in the output. | |
Import Raster (ImportRaster) Import georeferenced raster data. | |
Import Topo (ImportTopo) Create a topographic mesh from a raster file (IMG, HGT, ASCII, DEM, TIF, etc) clipped to a boundary |
Get REST Raster (RESTRaster) Get raster imagery from ArcGIS REST Services. Use the SetSRS component to set the spatial reference system used by this component. | |
Get REST Vector (RESTVector) Get vector data from ArcGIS REST Services | |
Get REST Service Layers (RESTLayer) Discover ArcGIS REST Service Layers | |
Get REST OSM (OSMRest) Get an OSM vector file within a boundary from web services such as the Overpass API. Use a search term to filter results and increase speed. | |
ESRI REST Service Reverse Geocode (RESTRevGeo) Get the closest addresses to XY coordinates using the ESRI reverse geocode service. | |
Get REST Topography (RESTTopo) Get STRM, ALOS, GMRT and USGS topographic data from web services | |
ESRI REST Service Geocode (RESTGeocode) Get coordinates based on a Point-of-Interest or Address using the ESRI geocode service. |
Display Tensors (Field@Point) Display Field at point | |
Display Fied (Display Field) Display Field | |
Field Contour (Contour) Create MetaBall-Like contours out of a field | |
Field Wiper (FWiper) Wipe out a field locally ba a geometric element as an attractor element. It either weakens or enervates the tensors nearby to the given geometric object. | |
Field Booster (FBooster) Boost a field's tensors by another field. | |
Field Projector (FProjector) Project a field on a datum. A datum can be: a Plane, MetaVector, Mesh, Surface, or another field | |
Rotate Field (FRotate) Rotate a field's tensors by other fields | |
Traverse On Field (F-Traveler) Creates the traverse path on a field from a source point | |
Transform By Field (Field-Xform) Transform a geometry recursively through a field | |
Noise Field (Noise-F) Generate a Simplex-Noise Field | |
Trap Field (TrapF) Create 'Trap Field' by a Point, Curve, Plane, Surface, or a mesh | |
Monotone Field (MonoF) Create a simple monotone field out of a vector | |
Curve Along Field (AlongF) Create a field that is tangent-aligned to the given curve | |
Curvature Field (CurvatureF) Create a field based on a curve's curvature' | |
On-Curve Field (CurF) Create a curve Gaussian attractor field | |
Drag Field (DragF) Create a drag field, 'Drag Field' represents the Gaussian effect of a single vector in an area with a certain distance. | |
Gaussian Effect Field (GPF) Create a point attractor field with Gaussian decay within a certain distance | |
Radio Field (RadioF) Create a Radio field out of a meta-vector's' elements | |
Surface Curvature Field (SCF) Create a field influenced by a surface's curvature' | |
Radar Vector (Radar) Generate circular antenna distributed vectors from input vectors | |
Eponential Effective Vectors (E-Vectors) Calculates the exponential effective attraction vectors | |
Gaussian Effective Vectors (G-Vectors) Calculates the Gaussian effective attraction vectors | |
Attractor Magnetic attractor with normalized value. It is a quick multi-type multi-attractor returning a congestive always-normal value between 0~1 | |
Bionic Attractor (Biottractor) Advanced multi-attraction system for finding a Congestive value | |
Bulge Bulge set of points by some Bulger points Transforming Vectors are generated in 3-dimensional space by default, but Right-click to choose [Planar] mode if you desire to calculate it along the given plane | |
Similar Vectors (Similar Vector) Selected Meta-Vector Element | |
Construct Meta-Vector (Meta-Vector) Construct a meta-vector out of set of vector elements. A Meta-Vector is a conceptual class consisting of a set of vectors as its components. | |
Plane By Line (LinePlane) Creates a plane by its corresponding line | |
Translated Plane (TransPlane) Move a plane along its axises | |
Project On Vector (PVector) Project a vector on another vector(direction). |
Display Topology (TopoDisplay) Display a network connection topology | |
Cell from Coordinated Network (NetRegion) Create Regions and Dual-Topology from network topology | |
Decompose Dual-Network (CellTopology) Extract all features of a dual topology | |
Cell from Topology (Cell By Topo) Computes Topologic-Cells of a network | |
Flatten Inter-Network (FlatNet) Breaks down inter-topology to flat topology | |
Construct Hyper-Index (HyperIndex) Constructs a Hyper-Index | |
Modify Inter-Network (InterTopDraw) Modify and visualize a network's Inter-Topology | |
Inter-Networt Topology (InterTopologyComponent) Topology of connected nodes of different branches | |
Unflatten Inter-Network (UnflattNet) Unflatten an Network into a InterNetwork. It creates Inter-Topology from flat topology by partitioning the nodes | |
Network From Geometry (GeoNet) Create a network topology from Mesh or Brep | |
Network From Lines (L-Net) Creates a network from a set of crossing lines. | |
Proximity Network (ProxyNet) Extract Proximity Network out of a list of points. | |
Proximity Inter-Network (H-Net) Create an Inter-Network between adjacent points from multiple sets | |
Modify Topology (NetworkEditor) Edit the topology of a network or create a network by topology | |
Reconstruct Topology (ReConstNet) Recreate Lines from topology or convert different types of network topology. | |
Boolean Topology (TopoBoolean) Perform Union, Subtraction, or Intersection on a pair of networks | |
Container Items Matcher (MatchContainers) This component indicates which containers contain which items and which items belong to which containers. It determines which items and containers are associated with each other. | |
Adjacent Items Matcher (MatchAdjacents) Indicates which geometry is closest to which point and the reverse | |
Topology Of Adjacencies (Adjacency) It Computes the adjacency relationship among a list of polylines | |
Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Solves TSP within the given network with ant-colonies algorithm. It finds the optimum Path s which visits every node | |
Weighted MinSpanTree (MST) Creates 'Minimum Spanning Tree' based on a pre-existed network including connection weights. | |
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) It creates Minimum Spanning Tree | |
Networt Matching Path (MatchingPath) Find the closest path in the network related to the given curved | |
Shortest Route (ShortestRoute) Find the shortest route through a network between two nodes | |
Space Syntax (SpaceSyntax) Generate Space-Syntax out of a network | |
Display ArrowLines (DisplayArrowLines) Displays lines with arrow | |
Enumerator Enumerate geometries | |
Topology Embody (Embody) Create Lines or Closed Polylines from topology |
Noise Oscilator (Noise) Noise Oscillator(streaming noise) Right-click to choose the internal timer (with three options), or turn-off the self-engine and use a grasshopper timer instead. | |
Wandering Vectors (Wandering) Generating multiple live wandering vectors Right-click to choose options if needed | |
Biased Distribution (Distribution) It distributes a set of input points to different branches | |
Possibility By Attractor (Possib^A) Calculates the possibility of existing points by their adjacency to set of attractors | |
Positional Possibility (PositionalPosib) Calculates the possibility of the existing points by assigning the given values to them | |
Cheater Dice (Cheater_Dice) Dice with unequal chances for items | |
Dice Rolling a Dice containing possible Data, for N times and extract N random items | |
Slingshot Allocator (Slingshot) Allocate each item of one list to random branches; distributions can be made by three different algorithms | |
Weighted Allocator (Chance) Randomly Allocates Items to different branches by defining the chance of each branch. so each item tends to belong to the branch with a higher chance | |
Simplex Vector (SimplexVector) Generates a Simplex-Noise Vector set | |
Curvy Point-Emiter (C-Emitter) Emit a bunch of random point around the give curve | |
Random Direction (RND Direction) Create random unit vectors by each iteration | |
Gaussian Random (GaussianRandom) Generates Gaussian random numbers | |
Point Emitter (Emitter) Emit a bunch of points from each source point (You can also use F5 key or Grasshopper Timer to refresh the component) Right-click to choose [Planar] mode to generate points forced-lied on the given Plane | |
Random Position (RNDPOS) Generate Random positions bounded by a rectangle, Z value Defines the Maximum possible distance for positions along the rectangle's normal direction. | |
Random Plane (RandomPlane) Create a random plane on a point | |
Random Vectors (RandVect) Create random vectors in random directions with diverse lengths in a specific domain. Right-click to choose [Planar] mode if needed | |
Careless Range (CarelessRange) Divide a domain into careless equivalent parts and return the numbers | |
Random Numbers (Random) Generates random numbers Random numbers are generated in a range of [0 to 1] in case of using 'Normal Mode' otherwise the range would be [-1 to 1] in 'Standard' or 'Gaussian' modes. | |
Randomize Numbers (Randomize) Randomize Numbers by percentage | |
Seed Generator (Seed) Generates a set of unique seeds in each recalling | |
Simplex Noise (SimplexNoise) Generates a Simplex-Noise number set |
Interpolate + (Interp+) Interpolate a collection of almost every interpolative data | |
Weighted Average + (Wav+) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of items The items could be: {Number, Complex, Color, Vector, Point, Line, Domain 1D&2D, Plane, Box, TwistedBox, Rectangle, Circle, Arc, Transform, Curve, Surface and Mesh} | |
Closest Numbers (CN) Find a set of closest Numbers to a specific number (The closest numbers in set D to number S) | |
Number Digitizer (Digitizer) modularize(digitize) a number by specific Scope size | |
Numbers On Grid (GridNums) Put numbers in a grid with a specified max column number and return the row number and the column number | |
In-Common Numbers (LCM/GMD) Retrieve 'Greatest common divisor' and 'Least common multiple' from a set of integers | |
Min / Max (Extremes) Extract the minimum and the maximum value of a list of numbers | |
Normalizer (Edge) Normalize a list of numbers | |
Number Limiter (Boundary) Limit a number within a specific domain | |
Interval Connection (IntervalConnection) Check the connectivity of a pair of intervals | |
Intersect Domains (Domain^) Calculate an interval by intersecting two intervals | |
Expand Domain (DExpand) Expand or shrink a domain | |
Subtract Domains (Dom-) Calculate the result of subtraction from a set of domains by another set of domains | |
Symmetric Domain (SymmetricDomain) Generate the symmetrical domain based on 'O' and length of 'X' | |
Symmetric Domain Expand (SymetricDomainExpand) BiExtend or shrink a domain with symmetrical value | |
Union Intervals (Dom+) Merge and union a set of domains | |
Incline Value (Bias) Bias a set of numbers by conic function Right-click to use "Bipolar" mode if you need to bias numbers based on Bipolar Conic Function instead of Conic Function. | |
Graph-Mapper + (Mapper+) External Graph mapper Right-click to choose [AutoDomain] mode if you want to define Output domain based on input domain interval; otherwise it'll be set to 0-1 in "Normalized" mode. |
Camera Crane (Camera) Adjusting the active or the specified viewport camera | |
Camera Story (Cam Story) Create a storyline for camera.. Right-click and select [Automatic!] option to put this on auto sequenced mode or choose different available 'Interpolation modes' if you need. | |
Capture Auto-naming Viewport Capture. Right-click and select [Automatic!] option to to automatic mode or choose the other options if you need. | |
Allocate By Key (Key-Allocator) Allocate each item to a specific string for each branch Right-click to choose [Preserve structure] if you want to maintain the given data structure and just add Sub Branches to the main Branches | |
Allocate By Index (i-Allocator) Allocate each item to a specific index of branches. Right-Click to choose[Preserve structure] to maintain the given data structure and add Sub Branches to the main branches if needed. | |
Tools EmptyStructure (O-Tree) Create an empty tree structure out of a list of paths | |
Tools ExtendBranch (ExtendPath) Add an extra element at the beginning (Prepend) or end (Append) of a path | |
ToolsHeteroDispatch (Dispatch) Dispatch the items in a list into multiple target lists based on a pattern of indexes. Right-click to choose the [Purge Outputs] option to remove useless Output parameters | |
Pick Object (Selection) Pick selected objects in rhino. . Right-click and select [Automatic!] option to interactively update with selection change if you need. | |
Allocate By Value (Domain-Allocator) Allocate each item to specific branches by the position of its value within the range Right-click on branch allocator icon and choose "Preserve structure" if you want to maintain data's structure and just add Sub Branches to the main Branches | |
GraphMapper Controller (GraphMapperController) Controlling Interval, Decimal-Number and the number of sliders in a GenePool | |
GenePool Controller (Pool Controller) GNC | |
Http Request (Http_Request) Restful API Request | |
Encrypt / Decrypt (CodeMachine) Encrypt and Decrypt a string with a password (key string) Right-click to choose the method of encryption/decryption | |
ToolsUnicode (Unicode) Generating Unicode Character | |
Pick Item (PickItem) Allows to pick one or multiple items from a data-list or a data-tree. The Rhino's reference object name will be displayed if the item is a referenced geometry and has a name. |
Mesh Traveler (MeshTraveler) Mass additive Vector buffer, considering a mesh as a constraint | |
Number Buffer (NumberBuffer) After being recalled, the input number is added to the sum of the previous input numbers. | |
Vector Buffer (VectorBuffer) Once recalled, it adds the input vector to the previous stack of inputted vectors | |
Event Gate (Event) Checks whether the data has been updated (data with a different value from the previous one) and only passes data (Kicks) if it new | |
Stream Freeze / Gate (Freeze/Gate) The 'Gate' switch determines whether streaming data will be allowed to pass through or not | |
Holding Gate (Hold) This feature prevents any issues caused by NULL items in the output. Instead of allowing NULL items to be inputted, it replaces them with the most recent valid data from its history. | |
Event Toggle (e-Toggle) Boolean toggle responding to the first True value after a False. It can prevent downstream kicks by the menu option. | |
Ease Changes (Ease) It changes numbers smoothly during lapses. | |
Glitch Reduction (GlitchReduction) De-Glitching/Smoothing streaming numbers (replacing the irrelevant numbers with the earlier relevant ones) | |
Time-Shifter (TimeShift) shift a list of changing data to n step before in its history | |
Capacitor Multi-Step Buffer | |
Oil-Can (OilCan) Every time it is invoked, it drops one item from the given list respectively | |
Tap Buffer (Tap) Return an increasing number each time that the component is called (You can also use Internal timer, trigger button, [Win:F5] , [MacOs:Ctrl+R] key or Grasshopper Timer to refresh the component) | |
Display Particles (AgentDisplay) Displays a trailing chain of a set of moving nodes (if N>1 output is represented in Tree-structure) | |
Particle Trailer (Trailer) Generate a set of lines from each point of the current list to their peers from the previous list of points |
Anchor Sweep (AnchorSweep) Quick section sweep with anchor Right-click to either impose [RoadLike] mode, or use [Horizontal] balancing | |
Fast Sweep (FastSweep) Quick single-section sweep Right-click to either impose [RoadLike] or [Horizontal] balancing modes | |
Directional Curve (DireCurve) Convert a line to a directional curve based on a plane | |
Overlay Overlay shapes in order | |
Geometric Shadow (Shadow) Create a 2d drawing on a plane out of a set of objects. Right-click and select [Automatic!] option to put it into interactive computation mode if you need. | |
Find Regions (GeoRegion) Create Regions from a list of curves | |
Group By Axis (AxisGroup) Group a list of 2d lines by their own axis | |
Center Returns the center of geometry and the Diameter of its bounding box as the Dimension | |
Planarize Curve (CPL) Planarizing a curve Once working with multiple Curves: you can Right-click to choose the "ForAll" option if desire to Planarize all curves Based on the same Plane | |
Evaluate Rectangle (EvalRect) Evaluate a rectangle at normalized{uv} parameter | |
Grid In Rectangle (Grid) Create a grid of points using a rectangle. If you're not satisfied using the [Exact Size] of the cells, you can Right-click to choose the related option. | |
Modular Points (Modular) Modularize(digitize) a point by specific Scope size Right-click to choose Which Directions (X/Y/Z) are affected by Modularpoints | |
Shell From Grid (Shell) Create Surface, Mesh or net from a Tree of points |
Find Regional Cells (Region) Create Regions from a list of curves | |
Backing Capture (Baking-capture) {This component is no longer exists}Bake objects and capture auto-naming shots from them, it's useful for creating animation, using viewport's graphical-style |
Dual-Net ([NET]) Dual-Topology Network containing topological Regions | |
Hyper Index (h.Index) Item Hyper-Index |
Surface Data Based On Type Use this component to separate grafed lists of surface data that come out of the "Honeybee_Read EP Surface Result" component based on rough surface type | |
Read Microclimate Matrix This component reads the results of an Adaptive Indoor Comfort Analysis | |
Energy Shade Benefit Evaluator This is a component for visualizing the desirability of shade in terms of energy simulation results by using solar vectors, the outdoor temperature, and the simulation hating load, cooling load, and beam gain | |
Make Adiabatic Make Adiabatic | |
Visualize Microclimate Map Use this component to produce a colored mesh from a comfResultsMtx | |
Read generation system results This component reads the results of an EnergyPlus simulation from the WriteIDF Component or any EnergyPlus result | |
Open Studio to gb XML Use this component to export OpenStudio model to gbXML file | |
PMV Comfort Analysis Recipe Use this component to assemble an adaptive comfort recipe for the "Honeybee_Annual Indoor Comfort Analysis" component | |
Export To Open Studio Use this component to export HBZones into an OpenStudio file, and run them through EnergyPlus | |
Run Energy Simulation Use this component to export HBZones into an IDF file, and run them through EnergyPlus | |
Shadow Par EnergyPlus Shadow Parameters | |
Read HVAC Sizing This component parses an | |
gb XML to Honeybee Import gbXML files as Honeybee zones | |
Simulation Control Use this component to set EnergyPlus Simulation Controls such as whether to run certain types of HVAC sizing calculations, etc | |
Read EP Result This component reads the results of an EnergyPlus simulation from the WriteIDF Component or any EnergyPlus result | |
Color Surfaces by EP Result Use this component to color zone surfaces based on EnergyPlus data out of the "Honeybee_Read EP Surface Result" component | |
Thermal Autonomy Analysis Use this component to calculate 'Occupied Thermal Comfort Percent' (occTCP) and 'Thermal Autonomy' (TA) from the resultd of a Microclimate Map Analysis | |
Generate EP Output This component helps select simulation outputs that can be hooked into the "Honyebee_Export to OpenStudio" component | |
Make Adiabatic by Name Make Adiabatic | |
Construct Energy Balance This component accepst the outputs of the "Read EP Result" and the "Read EP Surface Result" components and outputs a data tree with all of the building-wide energy balance terms | |
Normalize Data by Floor Area This component takes data that has been output from a simulation and normalizes the results by the floor area of the HBZones | |
Apply Open Studio Measure This component applies an OpenStudio measure to an OpenStudio file | |
Adaptive Comfort Analysis Recipe Use this component to assemble an adaptive comfort recipe for the "Honeybee_Annual Indoor Comfort Analysis" component | |
Color Zones by EP Result Use this component to color zones based on EnergyPlus data out of the "Honeybee_Read EP Result" component or zone comfort analyses out of the comfort calculator components | |
EP context Surfaces prepare shading/context geometries | |
Balance Temperature Calculator Use this component to calculate a rough building (or zone) balance temperatrue from a Honeybee energy simulation | |
Read Result Dictionary This component parses an | |
Indoor View Factor Calculator Use this component to generate test points within a zone and calculate the view factor from each of these points to the other zurfaces in a zone as well as the sky | |
Re-run IDF This is a component for running a previoulsy-generated | |
PET Analysis Recipe Use this component to assemble an adaptive comfort recipe for the "Honeybee_Annual Indoor Comfort Analysis" component | |
Re-run OSM This is a component for running a previoulsy-generated | |
Energy Simulation Par EnergyPlus Shadow Parameters | |
Read EP Custom Result This component reads the results of an EnergyPlus simulation from the "Export to OpenStudio" Component or any EnergyPlus result | |
Read EP Surface Result This component reads the results of an EnergyPlus simulation from the WriteIDF Component or any EnergyPlus result | |
Lookup Energy Plus Folder Search Energy Simulation Folder | |
Read EP HVAC Result This component reads the results of an EnergyPlus simulation from the WriteIDF Component or any EnergyPlus result | |
Microclimate Map Analysis Use this component runs an annual comfort assessment off of EnergyPlus results and write all values into csv files | |
Matrix to Data Tree This component converts a comfort result matrix into a Grasshopper Data Tree with numerical values | |
Surface Data Based On Type Detailed Use this component to separate grafed lists of surface data that come out of the "Honeybee_Read EP Surface Result" component based on rough surface type | |
Outdoor Comfort Analysis Recipe Use this component to assemble an adaptive comfort recipe for the "Honeybee_Annual Indoor Comfort Analysis" component | |
Energy Plus Window Shade Generator Use this component to generate shades for Honeybee zone windows | |
Add Internal Mass to Zone Use this component to assign internal thermal masses to zones, which can be used to account for the effects of furniture inside zones or massive building components like hearths and chimneys | |
Make Adiabatic By Type Use this component to make certain surface types of a zone adiabatic |
Move Honeybee Move Honeybee Objects | |
Honeybee This component carries all of Honeybee's main classes | |
Separate Zones By Orientation Separate zones based on orientation | |
Separate conditioned and unconditioned zones Separate zones into conditioned and unconditioned | |
Decompose Based On Type Use this component to break down the geometry of your zone by the surface type | |
Separate Zones By Program Separate zones based on zone program | |
Item Selector (List) Allows you to select an item or items from an input list | |
Intersect Masses Use this component to take a list of closed breps (polysurfaces) that you intend to turn into HBZones and split their component surfaces to ensure that there are matching surfaces between each of the adjacent zones | |
create HBSrfs Create a Honeybee surface, which can be plugged into the "Run Daylight Sumilation" component or combined with other surfaces to make HBZones with the "createHBZones" component | |
Change HBObj Name Change Honeybee Object Names | |
Decompose Based On Boundary Condition Decompose zone surfaces by boundary condition | |
Ask Me Use this component to get basic information on Honeybee Objects, whether they are HBSrfs or HBZones | |
Dump Honeybee Objects Dump Honeybee Objects Use this component to dump Honeybee objects to a file on your system | |
Find Non-Convex In EnergyPlus, Solar distribution determines how EnergyPlus treats the beam solar radiation and reflectances from exterior surfaces that strike the building, and ultimately, enter the zone | |
Skylight Based on Ratio Use this component to generate windows for a HBSurface or HBZone based on a desired window-to-wall ratio | |
Masses2Zones Use this component to take any list of closed breps and turn them into Honeybee Zones with all of the properties needed to run them through an energy simulation | |
Split Floor2Thermal Zones Use this component to divide up a brep (polysurface) representative of a building floor into smaller volumes that roughly correspond to how a generic EnergyPlus model should be zoned | |
Extrude Windows Extrude pseudo walls from window polygons | |
orient HBGlz Use this component to set the orientation(s) of the glazing | |
Zone Attribute List (zoneAttributeList) Provides a list of preset values to choose from | |
Surface Attribute List (srfAttributeList) Provides a list of surface attributes to choose from and plug into the Honeybee_Label Surfaces Component | |
Perimeter Core Zoning Separate zones into perimeter and core | |
Open File Directory Ues this component to Open a file/directory in windows explorer | |
create HBZones Create an HBZone from HB Surfaces | |
Label Zones Use this component to lablel zones with their names in the Rhino scene | |
Mirror Honeybee Mirror Honeybee Objects | |
add HBGlz Use this component to add a custom glazing surface to a HBSurface or HBZone | |
Scale Honeybee Scale Honeybee Objects Non-Uniformly | |
Solve Adjacencies Solve adjacencies | |
Decompose HBZone Decompose Honeybee Zone | |
Glazing Parameters List Use this component to generate lists of glazing ratios, breakUp diatance, window heigths, sill heights, or vertical glazing splits for the four primary cardinal directions | |
Select by Type Select surfaces by type | |
Get or Set HB Object Name Change Honeybee Object Names | |
Remove Glazing Remove Glazing | |
Label Zone Surfaces Use this component to lablel HBSurfaces or HBZones with their names or energy/daylight properties in the Rhino scene | |
Separate Zones By Floor Separate zones based on floor height | |
Rotate Honeybee Rotate Honeybee Objects | |
Split Building Mass2Floors Use this component to divide up a brep (polysurface) representative of a complete building massing into floors | |
Load Honeybee Objects Load Honeybee Objects Use this component to load Honeybee objects from a file on your system | |
Glazing based on ratio Use this component to generate windows for a HBSurface or HBZone based on a desired window-to-wall ratio |
False Color False Color | |
Daysim Occupancy Generator Based On List Daysim Occupancy Generator Daysim calculates the outputs for the hours that the space is occupied | |
Read All the Hourly Results from Annual Daylight Study Read the results of the annual study for a all the hours of the year for all the points | |
Daysim Occupancy Generator Daysim Occupancy Generator Daysim calculates the outputs for the hours that the space is occupied | |
Lighting control Recipe Daysim electrical lighting control | |
Convert TIF to HDR Convert HDR to TIF | |
Set Exposure for HDR Set Exposure for HDR | |
Convert HDR to GIF Convert HDR to GIF | |
Convert IMG Convert Image | |
Convert HDR to TIF Convert HDR to TIF | |
Read Annual Result I Read Annual Daylight Results I [Standard Daysim Results] | |
Read Annual Result II Read Annual Daylight Results II [Daysim] | |
Lookup Daylighting Folder Search Simulation Folder | |
Glare Analysis Glare Analysis This component is using evalglare for glare calculations | |
Read Hourly Results from Annual Daylight Study Read the results of the annual study for a single hour of the year | |
Read RAD Result Read Radiance Results | |
Read DS Result for a point Read Daysim result for a test point | |
Import rad Import a rad file to gh This component is just a proof of concept for now and needs major modifications | |
MSH2RAD Convert a mesh to RAD file | |
Import dgp File Import Annual Daylight Glare Probability | |
Import Pts File Import Radiance Test Grid | |
Run Daylight Simulation export geometries to rad file, and run daylighting/energy simulation | |
Refine Daylight Simulation Refine simulation for an existing Radiance scene ( | |
Daysim Electrical Lighting Use Daysim's electrical lighting use | |
Daysim shading group sensors Daysim shading group sensors Read here for more information about Daysim sensors here: http://daysim | |
Daysim Annual Profiles Read Daysim Annual Profiles |
Set Energy Plus Zone Loads Use this component to change the occupancy, lighting, equipment, etc | |
Create EP Ground Use this component to change the properties of a zone to refelct those of a ground | |
Set EP Zone Interior Construction Set EP Zones Interior Construction | |
inf ORvent Per Area Calculator Use this component to transform ACH or inifitration per area of facade to m3/s-m2 | |
Set Energy Plus Zone Schedules Use this component to change the schedules of your HBZones | |
Lighting Density Calculator Use this component to calculate the Lighting Density Per Area Load from information about your bulb, fixture type, mainteneance, and required lighting level | |
Set EP Air Flow Use this component to edit the airflow between your zones's air walls and/or set natural ventilation | |
Set Loads And Schedules Set schedules and loads for zones based on program | |
Set EP Surface Construction Add Glazing | |
Set EP Zone Underground Construction Update EP construction of zone based on type | |
Set Zone Properties Use this component to set HBZone properties By default these values will be automatically calculated by EnergyPlus | |
Set Energy Plus Zone Thresholds Use this component to set Zone Thresholds like daylighting thresholds and setpoints | |
Add Earthtube Use this component to add an Energy Plus earth tube to a Zone | |
Set EP Zone Construction Update EP construction of zone based on type | |
Create EP Plenum Use this component to turn a HBZone into a 'Plenum Zone' with no internal loads |
Radiance Trans Material By Color Radiance Trans Material This component is useful to create translucent materials | |
Radiance Mirror Material By Color Radiance Mirror Material By Color Read more here to understand Radiance materials: http://www | |
Radiance Mirror Material Radiance Mirror Material Read more here to understand Radiance materials: http://www | |
Set Radiance Materials Radiance Default Materials | |
Radiance Metal Material By Color Radiance Metal Material By Color Create a Standard Radiance Metal Material | |
Radiance Trans Material Radiance Trans Material This component is useful to create translucent materials | |
Radiance Opaque Material Radiance Opaque Material Create a Standard Radiance Opaque Material | |
Radiance BSDF Material Radiance BSDF Material Create RADIANCE BSDF material | |
Radiance Materials Info Radiance Materials Info | |
Radiance Glass Material Radiance Glass Material Read more here to understand Radiance materials: http://www | |
Radiance Glass Material By Color Radiance Glass Material By Color Read more here to understand Radiance materials: http://www | |
Radiance Metal Material Radiance Opaque Material Create a Standard Radiance Opaque Material | |
Radiance Opaque Material By Color Radiance Opaque Material By Color Create a Standard Radiance Opaque Material | |
Call from Radiance Library Call Radiance Materials from Library | |
Add to Radiance Library Add Radiance Materials to Library |
Advanced Dynamic Shading Recipe Advanced Shading Recipe for Annual Simulation with Daysim | |
Conceptual Dynamic Shading Recipe Conceptual Shading Recipe for Annual Simulation with Daysim You need to add sensor points later in the Daysim result reader | |
Image Based Simulation Analysis Recipie for Image-Based Analysis | |
Generate Zone Test Points Genrate Test Points for all Floor Surfaces in Honeybee Zone | |
Vertical Sky Component Analysis Recipie for Vertical Sky Component, which is typically used to evaluate daylight and sky access in urban areas | |
DSParameters Analyses Recipe for Annual Daylight Simulation with Daysim | |
Annual Daylight Simulation Analysis Recipe for Annual Daylighting Simulation | |
RADParameters Radiance Parameters - Standard Check here for more details: http://radsite | |
Daylight Factor Simulation Analysis Recipie for Daylight Factor Analysis | |
Ambient Resolution Use this component to calculate the ambient resoluation (ar) needed to resolve a detail of a diven dimension in Rhino model units | |
Generate Test Points Genrate Test Points | |
Daysim Glare Control Recipe Glare Control Recipe for Annual Simulation with Daysim "Based on exterior illuminance and/or position of the sun" You need to add an external sensor later in the Daysim result reader | |
Daysim Shading State Daysim Shading State for Advanced Dynamic Shading | |
Grid Based Simulation Analysis Recipie for Grid-Based Analysis |
Energy Plus Glass Material Use this component to create a custom material for glass, which can be plugged into the "Honeybee_EnergyPlus Construction" component | |
Search EP Construction Search EnergyPlus construction based on Energy modeling standards, climate zone, surface type and building program | |
Energy Plus Shade Material Use this component to create a custom material for shades, which can be plugged into the "Honeybee_EnergyPlus Window Shade Generator" component | |
Energy Plus No Mass Opaque Material Use this component to create a custom opaque material that has no mass, which can be plugged into the "Honeybee_EnergyPlus Construction" component | |
Energy Plus Construction Use this component to make your own EnergyPlus construction | |
Energy Plus Window Material Use this component to create a custom window material that has no mass, which can be plugged into the "Honeybee_EnergyPlus Construction" component | |
R-Value With Air Films Use this component to account for air films in the U-Value and R-Value of any decomposed Honeybee construction or material | |
Add to Energy Plus Library Add EnergyPlus Material, Construction or Schedule to Library | |
Energy Plus Opaque Material Use this component to create a custom opaque material, which can be plugged into the "Honeybee_EnergyPlus Construction" component | |
Decompose EP Construction Decompose EnergyPlus Construction | |
Decompose EP Material Decompose EnergyPlus Material | |
Call from EP Construction Library Call from EP Library | |
Energy Plus Window Air Gap Use this component to create a custom material for a window air gap, which can be plugged into the "Honeybee_EnergyPlus Construction" component |
Create Therm Boundaries Use this component to create a THERM boundary condition | |
Import THERM XML Use this component to read the content of a THERM XML file into Grasshopper | |
Import WINDOW Glz System Use this component to import the content of a LBNL WINDOW text file report as a series of polygons and boundary conditions that can be plugged into the "Write THERM File' component | |
Read THERM Result Use this component to import the colored mesh results from a THERM simulation | |
Assembly Uvalue Use this component to calculate the assembly U-Value for a window given an input window geometry, center of glass U-value, and frame+edge U-value | |
Therm Material to Energy Plus Material Use this component to create a custom opaque material, which can be plugged into the "Honeybee_EnergyPlus Construction" component | |
Therm Material Use this component to create a custom THERM material, which can be plugged into the "Honeybee_Create Therm Polygons" component | |
Import WINDOW IDF Report Use this component to import an EnergyPlus window construction from LBNL WINDOW | |
Create Therm Polygons Use this component to create a THERM polygon with material properties | |
Custom Radiant Environment Use this component to create a custon radiant environment for THERM boundary condition | |
Thermally Bridged EP Construction Use this component to adjust the U-value an EP construction without any thermal bridges to account for birdges by adjusting the condutivity of one of the materials | |
Write THERM File Use this component to write your THERM polygons and boundary conditions into a therm XML that can be opened ready-to-run in THERM |
Generate Sky With Certain Illuminance level Genrate a Uniform CIE Sky Based on Illuminace Value | |
Generate Dark Sky This component generates a dark sky with 0 illuminance | |
IES Luminaire This is the core component for adding photometric data into a lighting simulation | |
Generate Average Sky Generate Average Climate Based Sky This component generate an average climate based data for a single hour during a month | |
IES Luminaire Zone This component is to be used for specifying the location of luminaires for electric lighting simulations | |
Generate Cumulative Sky This component generate a cumulative sky using GenCumulativeSky | |
Generate Custom Sky Genrate Custom Sky This component generate a custom sky based on user's input | |
Generate Standard CIE Sky Genrate Standard CIE Sky | |
Generate Climate Based Sky Genrate Climate Based Sky This component generate a climate based sky for any hour of the year | |
IES Custom Lamp This component can be used to specify a lamp of custom chromaticity, color or color temperature | |
IES Project This component is meant for summarizing the details of all the luminaires used in a simulation | |
Watch The Sky Watch The Sky |
generationsystem Use this component to create a Honeybee generator system | |
Load Open Studio Measure This component loads OpenStudio measureds into Honeybee | |
simple Inverter Provided by Honeybee 0 | |
HVACSystems List (HVACSystemsList) List of available HVAC templates that can be assigned to HBZones | |
Assign HVAC System Use this component to assign OpenStudio Systems to your HBZones | |
HVAC Cooling Details Use this component to set the parameters of a HVAC cooling system that has been assigned with the "Honeybee_HVAC Systems" component | |
HVAC Air Details Use this component to set the parameters of a HVAC ventilation system (or air side) that has been assigned with the "Honeybee_Assign HVAC System" component | |
HVAC Heating Details Use this component to set the parameters of a HVAC heating system that has been assigned with the "Honeybee_HVAC Systems" component | |
Generator PV Provided by Honeybee 0 |
Daily Schedule Use this component to make daily schedules for "Honeybee_AnnualSchedule" | |
Create CSV Schedule Use this component to write custom | |
Seasonal Schedule Use this component to generate a seasonal schedule (aka | |
Constant Schedule Use this component to generate a schedule with a constant value or a schedule with 24 values that repeat in the same 24-hour pattern every day | |
Search EP Schedule Library Filter EP Schedule Library | |
Annual Schedule Use this component to generate schedules that can be assigned to HBZones | |
Decompose Energy Plus Schedule Decompose Schedule | |
Call from EP Schedule Library Call from EP Schedule Library | |
Convert Energy Plus Schedule to Values Use this component to make a 3D chart in the Rhino scene of any climate data or hourly simulation data |
List Zone Programs Find list of spaces for each space based on program | |
Get Zone Energy Plus Loads Look up loads for a Honeybee Zone | |
Get Energy Plus Loads Look up loads for an specific bldgProgram and zoneProgram | |
bldg Programs (bldgPrograms) Provides a list of available building programs from the template | |
Get Energy Plus Schedules Look up schedules for an specific bldgProgram and zoneProgram | |
Get Zone Energy Plus Schedules Look up schedules for a Honeybee Zone |
Import idf import an idf file to gh This version only imports the geometries Constructions, schedules and systems will be neglected | |
Visualise Honeybeegeneration cashflow Use this component to the calculate and visualise the financial value of Honeybee generation systems over 25 years | |
Condensation calculator Use this component to calculate the Dew Point, Relative Humidity and Condensation on each layer of a wall | |
Customize Energy Plus Objects Customize EnergyPlus Objects [NOT READY YET!] | |
Export EPC Export to Energy Performace Calculator (EPC) |
Update Honeybee This component [removes | updates] Honeybee components from [grasshopper | a source folder] |
HoopSnake (HS) HoopSnake Feedback Component |
Explode Blocks (BlockExplode) Explodes a set of Instance Objects into their proper geometry | |
Explode Blocks Recursively (BlockExplode R) Recursively explodes a set of Instance Objects into their proper geometry, structured in a Data Tree according to block nesting. | |
Dynamic Geometry Pipeline (DPipeline) Defines a Geometry Pipeline from Rhino to Grasshopper, with variable filters for name, object type, and layer. | |
Hatch Explode (HatchExp) Gets the geometry and properties of a referenced hatch object | |
LightProperties (LightProps) Reads Light Properties from a Rhino.DocObjects.LightObject | |
Object Attributes (ObjAtts) Access the individual attributes of a RhinoObject or an ObjectAttributes type. | |
Reinstate Tree (ReTree) This component works to bring back data tree structure for referenced geometry that has been baked with "Bake Geometry" with the "Preserve Trees" option enabled. | |
Objects By Selection (SelObj) Gets the currently selected objects in Rhino | |
Sort Objects By Type (SortByType) Sorts a set of Rhino Objects by type and extracts the Geometry for types that already exist in Grasshopper. | |
Text Object Info (TxtObjInfo) Gets the location, orientation plane, alignment, and text from a referenced text object. |
Clickable Mesh (ClickM) Allows you to click in the Rhino Viewport to select from a list of meshes. WARNING! This will harvest ALL Rhino mouse clicks - while enabled you will not be able to use Rhinoas normal. | |
Convert To Document Units (DocUnits) Parses a formatted distance string (like 5'-10") and converts it to numerical format in the active document units. | |
DeleteOnLayer (DelOnLay) Deletes all objects on specified Layers, then passes true. Useful for appearing to change an object directly in a Rhino document, in order to take advantage of advanced display capabilities. | |
Deserialize Image from String (Str2Img) Converts a Base-64 encoded string representing an image to a temp image file and returns the path. | |
Directory Contents (Dir) Lists the files in a specified directory. | |
Filter By Item (IFilter) Filter a list or lists by a guide list and a subset of that guide list. | |
Dispatch Multiple (MDispatch) Dispatch multiple lists at a time. Only retrieves true values - use invert to get the others. | |
Read 3dm File (3dm) Reads objects from an external .3dm file | |
Save Viewport To File (SaveView) Saves a viewport screenshot or render to a specified filepath. | |
Serialize Image to String (Img2Str) Converts an image file into a text string that can be embedded in your file. Don't use it for large images! |
Render Curve to Screen (CrvToScreen) Displays a Curve object in a fixed position on screen | |
Custom Preview Lineweights (PreviewLW) Custom Preview with Lineweights | |
Custom Preview Materials (PreviewMat) Custom Preview with Materials | |
Render Mesh to Screen (MeshToScreen) Displays a Mesh object in a fixed position on screen | |
Render Point to Screen (PtToScreen) Displays a Point object in a fixed position on screen | |
Screen-Oriented Mesh (ScreenMesh) Displays a Mesh object that remains consistently oriented relative to the screen | |
Screen-Oriented Text (ScreenText) Displays text that remains consistently oriented relative to the screen | |
Screen-To-World Tag (S2WTag) Creates a special display tag anchored to a location on screen and a location in your model. | |
Render Text to Screen (TextToScreen) Displays a text object in a fixed position on screen |
Bake Geometry (Bake) Bake geometry to the document with the specified attributes | |
CreateAttributes (CreateAtts) Create Object Attributes | |
CreateHatch Create Hatch Objects with specified pattern, scale, rotation, and attributes | |
CreateLight Create Light Object. So far works well for point lights and directional lights | |
Define Block (DefBlock) This component allows you to define or replace a block definition. | |
JustifiedText3d (Justified Text) Creates 3d Text objects with specified size, location, alignment, and font. | |
PlaceBlock Places a specified block with the desired transform |
Font Table (Fonts) Retrieves the list of system fonts. | |
Hatch Table (HatchTable) Gets the hatches from the active Rhino Document | |
Layer Table (LayerTable) Gets the list of layers in the active document | |
Linetype Table (LT Table) Gets the linetypes from the active Rhino Document | |
Material Table (MatTable) Accesses the render materials in the document | |
Named Views and Display Modes (ViewsAndModes) Gets a list of the Named Views and Display Modes in this document | |
Viewport Properties (Viewports) Get a list of viewports and their properties |
BoxMapping (BoxMap) Applies a box texture mapping to a mesh. | |
Custom Mapping (Custom Map) Applies per-vertex mesh texture coordinates to a mesh | |
CylinderMapping (CylinderMap) Applies a cylindrical texture mapping to a mesh. | |
PlanarMapping (PlanarMap) Applies a planar texture mapping to a mesh. | |
SphericalMapping (SphericalMap) Applies a spherical texture mapping to a mesh. | |
SurfaceMapping (SurfaceMap) Applies a surface UV texture mapping to a mesh. |
Create/Modify Layers (Layers) Create and Modify Rhino Layers | |
Create/Modify Materials (Materials) Create or Edit document Render Materials. | |
Modify Object Attributes (ModAtts) Use this component to modify the object attributes of geometry in Rhino. | |
Modify Viewport (Mod Viewport) Use this component to restore a named view in a viewport, set its display mode, or set its camera. |
Attach Tooltip to Element (Tooltip) Attach a tooltip to a UI element | |
Create Graph Mapper (GraphMapper) Creates a Bezier Graph Mapper | |
Create Radio Button (RadioBtn) Creates a single radio button. Be sure to assign a radio button group for proper switching behavior | |
Create Slider (Slider) Create a slider with a label and a value readout. | |
Create File Picker (FilePicker) Create a dialog box that lets you choose a path for a file, folder, or save path. | |
Create Gradient Editor (Gradient) Creates an editable gradient in the UI | |
Create Data Table (DataTable) Creates a Data Table view | |
Create Range Slider (RangeSlider) Creates a double-slider that describes a range | |
Create Rhino Pick Button (PickBtn) Create a special Button object to pick geometry from Rhino. | |
Create Separator (Separator) Create a line separator object. | |
Create Toggle (Toggle) Creates an on-off toggle. | |
Create Markdown Viewer (MDV) Creates a block of formatted text based on Markdown-formatted input | |
Create Pulldown Menu (Pulldown) Creates a pulldown menu from which items can be selected. | |
Create Multidimensional Slider (MD Slider) Creates a 2D slider ranging from {0,0} to {1,1} | |
Create Rhino Command Button (CmdButton) Create a Special Button object to trigger a Rhino command. | |
Create Text Box (TextBox) Create a box for text entry, with a button to pass its value. | |
Create Browser (Browser) Creates a web browser window. | |
Create Button (Button) Create a Button object. | |
Create Color Picker (ColorPicker) Creates an interactive color picker, with an optionally supplied set of colors | |
Create Objects from XAML (XAML) Creates UI elements from typed XAML syntax | |
Create 3D View (3DView) Creates an orbitable 3d viewport with a custom-defined mesh | |
Create Checkbox (Checkbox) Creates a single checkbox | |
Create Checklist (Checklist) Creates a listbox containing checkboxes. | |
Create Label (Label) Creates a label in the window. | |
Create List Box (ListBox) Creates a list box from which items can be selected. | |
Create Shapes (Shapes) Creates shapes from a polylines | |
Create Shape (Shape) Creates a simple shape from a polyline | |
Create Text Block (TB) Creates a multi-line text block | |
Create True-Only Button (True Button) Create a True only Button object. | |
Create Image (Image) Creates an image object to be added to the window |
Add Elements to Shape(s) (AddElem2Shape) Put UI Elements (Like text!) over the top of a shape/shapes element | |
Set Data Table (SetDataTable) Update the contents of a Data Table | |
Set 3D View Properties (Set3DViewProps) Additional controls for modifying a 3D view | |
Set Button (SetBtn) Change the content of an existing Button element. | |
Set CheckBox (SetCheckBox) Modify an existing Check Box object. | |
Set Color Picker (SetColorPicker) Use this to set the values of a color picker | |
Set Expander (SetExp) Sets the properties of an expander container | |
Set Tabbed View (SetTab) Sets the properties of a tabbed view | |
Set 3D View Textured (Set3DViewTex) Allows you to modify the contents of an existing 3D view. | |
Set Shapes (SetShapes) Replace an existing shape in the window | |
Set Browser (SetBrowser) Control the Browser element - with back/forward buttons, and control over the displayed site etc. | |
Set Checklist Contents (SetChecklist) Use this to set the contents of a checklist | |
Set List Contents (SetList) Use this to set the contents of either a List Box or a Pulldown Menu | |
Set TextBlock Contents (SetTextBlock) Modify the contents of an existing Text Block object. | |
Set TextBox Contents (SetTextBox) Modify the contents of an existing Text Box object. | |
Set 3D View (Set3DView) Allows you to modify the contents of an existing 3D view. | |
Set Image (SetImg) Change the content of an existing Image control. | |
Set Label Contents (SetLabel) Modify the contents of an existing label object. | |
Set Shape (SetShape) Replace an existing shape in the window | |
Set Multidimensional Slider (SetMDSlider) Modify the value of a multidimensional slider. | |
Set Slider (SetSlider) Modify the range and value of a slider. |
Container Contents (Contents) Gets the child elements of a container element like a Stack or a Tab | |
Filter UI Elements (Filter) This component allows you to select UI elements from a window by name, to let you listen for their values or set their properties dynamically. | |
Value Listener (Values) This component is used to retrieve the values of UI elements from the window. By default it will automatically refresh when those values change. | |
Get Element Properties (GetProps) Tries to get all properties of any element. This is experimental! | |
Set Element Property (SetProp) Tries to set any property of an element. This is experimental! | |
Window Status (WinStat) Gets the current status of the specified Window | |
Set Window Properties (WinProps) Modify various properties of a Window. | |
Adjust Element Appearance (AdjustElem) Adjust the color and appearance of individual elements. | |
Make Child Window (ChildWin) Make one window a child of another | |
Capture Window or Element to File (Capture) Capture a HUI Window or individual element to an image | |
Hide/Show Element (HideShow) Allows you to hide or show an element | |
Launch Transparent Window (LaunchXPWin) This component launches a new blank, transparent control window. | |
Add Elements (AddElems) Add WPF Controls to a window | |
Adjust Element Positioning (AdjustPos) Adjust the margins, sizing, and other positioning information of an element. Absolute positioning can get a little wonky, use at your own risk. | |
Get Screen Dimensions (GetScreen) Gets the dimensions of the current screen | |
Launch Window (LaunchWin) This component launches a new blank control window. | |
Restore Element States (Restore) Restore the saved states of UI elements | |
Save Element States (SaveStates) This component lets you save the states of selected elements for later retrieval |
Create Border (Border) Wrap Elements with a border. | |
Create Expander (Expander) A collapsible expander for content | |
Create Scroll Viewer (ScrollViewer) Allows an element to scroll independently of the rest of the window | |
Create Simple Grid (SimpleGrid) Create a container with elements in a grid according to the path structure provided | |
Create WrapPanel (WrapPanel) Creates a group of UI elements WrapPaneled vertically or horizontally. | |
Create Grid (Grid) Create a container with absolutely positioned elements | |
Create Stack (Stack) Creates a group of UI elements stacked vertically or horizontally. | |
Create View Box (ViewBox) Scale a group of UI Elements by placing them in a ViewBox. | |
Tabbed View (Tabs) Creates a series of tabbed views that can contain UI element layouts |
Create Multi Chart (MultiChart) Creates a Multi Chart from sets of Data and Categories. | |
Create Chart (Chart) Creates a Chart from Data and Categories. | |
Chart Appearance (ChartAppearance) Use this to set the appearance of a Chart | |
Set Chart Contents (SetChart) Use this to set the contents of a Chart | |
Set Multi Chart Contents (SetMultiChart) Use this to set the contents of a MultiChart |
Adap Comps (AdapComps) Add Revit Adaptive Components | |
Beams Add Revit Beams | |
Columns Add Revit Columns | |
Curt Grids (CurtGrids) Create Grids/Mullions for input to CurtWall component | |
Curt Walls (CurtWalls) Add Revit Curtain Walls | |
Families Add Revit Families | |
Filled Regions (FilledRegions) Add Revit FilledRegions | |
Floors Add Revit Floors | |
Grids Add Revit Grid Lines | |
Input Read Revit Data Into Rhino | |
Levels Add Revit Levels | |
Lines Add Revit Lines | |
Loft Forms (LoftForms) Add LoftForm from Reference Points | |
Mass Families (MassFamilies) Add Mass Family Extrusion | |
Rooms/Areas Add Revit Rooms & Areas | |
Topo Surface (TopoSurface) Add Revit Topo Surface | |
Walls Add Revit Walls |
Construct Element (ConElem) Construct a Hypar element | |
Deconstruct Element (DeElement) Use this component to deconstruct the properties of any element. | |
Elements By Type (ElemsByType) Separate out elements by their type | |
Output Messages (Msg) Pass errors and warnings out to the Hypar interface | |
Outputs and Models (Outputs) Everything your function passes on to Hypar and subsequent functions. | |
Inputs and Model Dependencies (Inputs) Everything your function depends on. | |
Construct Element Instance (Instance) Construct an Element Instance from another element | |
Deconstruct Element Instance (DeInstance) Deconstruct an Element Instance |
Create Extrude (Extrude) Create an extruded solid | |
Create Lamina (Lamina) Create a Lamina -- a flat surface with two faces (one pointing each way.) | |
Create Sweep (Sweep) Create a Sweep solid |
Hypar Element (E) Contains a collection of Hypar Elements | |
Hypar Solid (S) Contains a Hypar Solid Operation |
Vertex Normal (igNormals_V) Compute per-vertex normals of the given mesh. | |
Face Normal (igNormals_F) Compute per-face normals of the given mesh. | |
Edge Normal (iNormals_E) Compute per-edge normals for a triangle mesh by weighted face normals based on different weighting schemes. | |
Corner Normal (igNormals_C) Compute per-corner normals for a triangle mesh by computing the area-weighted average of normals at incident faces whose normals deviate less than the provided threshold. | |
Barycenter (igBarycenter) compute the barycenter of each triangle of the given mesh. |
Principal Curvature (igCurvaturePrincipal) Compute the principal curvature directions and magnitude of the given triangle mesh. | |
Gaussian Curvature (igCurvatureGaussian) Compute integral of gaussian curvature of the given mesh. | |
HeatGeo Distance (igGeoDist) Compute geodesic distance of multiple sources on a mesh using the heat-transfer-inspired fast approximation method. | |
Signed Distance (igSignedDist) Compute the signed distance for the query pts to the given mesh. | |
Winding Number (igWindingNum) Compute the winding number for the query pts to the given mesh. |
Vertex-Vertex Adjacency (iAdjVV) Compute the vertex-vertex adjacency relationship of the given mesh. | |
Vertex-Triangle Adjacency (igAdjVT) Compute the vertex-triangle adjacency relationship of the given mesh. | |
Triangle-Triangle Adjacency (igAdjTT) Compute the triangle-triangle adjacency relationship of the given mesh. | |
Boundary Loop Points (igBoundLoop) compute the boundary loop of the given mesh. | |
Boundary Edge (igBoundEdge) compute the boundary edges the given mesh. |
Quad Mesh Planarity (igQuadPlanarity) Compute the planarity of the quad faces in a quad mesh. | |
Quad Mesh Planarize (igQuadPlanarize) Planarize the quad faces in a quad mesh. | |
Random Pt On Mesh (igRndPt) Randomly sample N points on surface of the given mesh with random/uniform distribution. | |
Isoline (igIsoline) Extract the isolines of a given mesh from its scalar field. | |
Constrained Scalar (igConstrainedScalar) Compute a scalar field based on any vertex-based constraints. |
Load TriMesh (igLoadMsh) Load a triangle mesh directly from disk. Format supported: obj, off, stl, wrl, ply, mesh. | |
Save TriMesh (igSaveMsh) Save a triangle mesh directly to disk. format supported: obj, off, stl, wrl, ply, mesh. | |
Mesh Info (igMeshInfo) Provide various mesh info: V, F, centroid, volume. |
Mesh Colours ~ Face (igMeshColourFace) Map a list of face color to mesh faces. | |
Remap Vertices To Faces (igRemapVF) Move a scalar field defined on vertices to faces by averaging. | |
Remap Faces To Vertices (igRemapFV) Move a scalar field defined on faces to vertices by averaging. |
Quick Abs (qAbs) Absolute value of a number. | |
Quick Add (qAdd) Adds two numbers or integers together. | |
Quick AEQ (qAEQ) Checks two numbers for equality in tolerance | |
Quick Avg (qAvg) Averages a list of numbers. | |
Quick Bounds (qBounds) Gets 1D bounds for a list of numbers | |
Quick Divide (qDiv) Divides two numbers or integers. | |
Quick Eq (qEq) Checks two numbers for equality | |
Quick GT (qGT) Test two numbers within a tolerance | |
Quick LT (qLT) Tests two numbers within a tolerance | |
Quick Mod (qMod) Modulus of two numbers | |
Quick Multiply (qMult) Multiplies two numbers or integers together. | |
Quick Neg (qNeg) Negative of a number | |
Quick Subtract (qSub) Subtract two numbers or integers. | |
Vector Avg (vAvg) Averages a list of vectors of points. | |
Vec Add (vAdd) Add two points or vectors. | |
Vector Bounds (vBounds) Gets 2D bounds for a list of Points or Vectors | |
Vec Subtract (vSub) Subtract two points or vectors. |
Par Closest Curve CP (ParCCCP) Finds the closest point on a curve in a set of curves. | |
Par Curve CP (ParCurveCP) Closest Point on a curve to a sample, within a tolerance. | |
Par Divide Length (ParDivLen) Divide a curve into segments with a preset length. | |
Par Mesh CP (ParMeshCP) Closest point on a mesh to a sample point | |
Par Point CP (ParPointCP) Find the k closest points in a set to a sample point | |
Par Shatter (ParShatter) Shatter the curve along selected parameters. | |
Halton Sequence (PopHalton) Generate random points within a bounding area |
Par Brep Line Intersect (ParBLX) Test whether a line and brep intersect. | |
Par Curve Curve Intersect (ParCCX) Test whether a pair of curves intersect. | |
Par Iso Vist2D (ParIso2D) Shoot a ring of rays at a set of obstacles. | |
Par Iso Vist3D (ParIso3D) Shoot a ring of rays at a set of obstacles. | |
Par Mesh Curve Intersect (ParMCX) Test whether a mesh and a curve intersect. | |
Par Mesh Ray Intersect (ParMeshRay) Shoot a ray at a mesh. |
Par Brep Inc (ParBrepInc) Test whether a point is inside a closed brep. | |
Par MBrep Inc (ParMBrepInc) Test whether a point is inside a closed brep. | |
Par Mesh Inc (ParMeshInc) Test whether a point is inside a closed mesh. | |
Par MMesh Inc (ParMMeshInc) Test whether a point is inside multiple closed meshes. | |
Par Point In Curve (ParPtinCrv) Test whether a point is inside a closed curve. | |
Par Point In Curves (ParPtInCrvs) Test whether a point is inside multiple curves. |
Bench Group (GStopWatch) Returns the runtimes of all components in its group. | |
Bench Component (StopWatch) Returns the runtimes of all its inputs on any recompute. |
Par Mesh Flow (ParMeshFlow) Find flow lines along a mesh according to a gravitational vector | |
Par Visual Center (ParVisCen) Find the visual center of a closed curve. |
Parallel Div (TestDivPar2) Impala Generic testing |
Paint Attribute (Paint) Change the attribute of a Referenced Geometries in rhino. (Apply an attribute partly on an object) and aslo it's able to use double click on component in order to call Reset | |
Explode Attribute (AttExplode) Deconstruct an Obj.Attribute | |
File BlockStatistics (FileStatistics) Get the Instance statistics from a .3dm file | |
Block Decompose (InstanceDecompose) Decompose instance to its components | |
Blocks List (BlockList) List of the instance_definitions in current document | |
Build Attribute (AttBuild) Construct an Obj.Attribute | |
Define Block (DefBlock) Define or modify an instance definition | |
X-Ref Block (XRef) External Block from other .3dm files | |
File Info (FileInfo) Decompose a file info | |
Get User-Dictionary (UserDict) Gets the user dictionary from an attribute | |
PathDirectory Retrieve the list of containing files in a folder | |
Insert Block (BlockInsert) Insert an Instance object | |
Insert Block by Box (BlockBox) Fit and place an instance object into a reference box | |
Insert Block by Transform (BlockTransform) Insert blocks by transform data |
InstantMeshes (IM) Construct a field-aligned mesh. |
Basic Box (BasicBox) Generates a lattice box. | |
Basic Cylinder (BasicCylinder) Generates a conformal lattice cylinder. | |
Conform Surface-Axis (ConformSA) Generates a conforming lattice between a surface and an axis. | |
Conform Surface-Point (ConformSP) Generates a conforming lattice between a surface and a point. | |
Conform Surface-Surface (ConformSS) Generates a conforming lattice between two surfaces. | |
Uniform DS (UniformDS) Generates a uniform lattice within by a design space |
Adjust UV (AdjustUV) Adjusts the UV-map of a surface for proper alignment with other surfaces/axes. | |
Clean Network (CleanNetwork) Removes duplicate curves from a network, within specified tolerance. | |
Mesh Preview (MeshPreview) Generates a preview of the mesh. | |
Mesh Report (MeshReport) Verifies that the mesh represents a solid, and returns a comprehensive report. | |
Preset Gradient (PresetGradient) Generates gradient string (i.e. a spatial math expression) |
Heterogen Custom (HeterogenCustom) Heterogeneous solidification of lattice wireframe | |
Heterogen Gradient (HeterogenGradient) Heterogeneous solidification (thickness gradient) of lattice wireframe | |
Homogen Homogeneous solidification of lattice wireframe |
Custom Cell (CustomCell) Pre-processes a custom unit cell by check validity and outputting topology. | |
Preset Cell (PresetCell) Built-in selection of unit cell topologies. |
Agents Programmed Behavior (AgentPB) Create a series of trees on the given graph that spread out based on the limits imposed and a programed behavior that switches between two characters Explore and Consume | |
Agents Control Random (AgentsCR) Create a series of trees on the given graph that spread out based on the limits imposed and the behavior given as a chance pick between two characters Explore and Consume | |
MST Kruskal Valence (mstKv) Compute the minimum spanning tree for the mesh graph using a modified Kruskal's algorithm with max valence preference | |
Multi Root MST concavity (mrMSTconc) Constructs a set of trees based on the given graph | |
Multi Root MST node weight (mrMSTnode) Constructs a set of trees based on the given graph | |
DFS Edge Weight (dfsEdge) Compute the a tree from the graph using a Depth first search based on edge weight | |
MST Kruskal concavity (mstCon) Compute the minimum spanning tree for the mesh graph including convex, concave and flat region detection. This uses a modified Kruskal algorithm with weight limits | |
MST Djikstra (mstD) Compute the minimum spanning tree for the mesh graph using Djikstra's algorithm | |
MST Kruskal (mstK) Compute the minimum spanning tree for the mesh graph using a modified Kruskal's algorithm | |
MST Prim (mstP) Compute the minimum spanning tree for the mesh graph using Prim's algorithm | |
Multi Root MST edge weight (mrMSTedge) Constructs a set of trees based on the given graph |
Get deepest nodes (DeepestN) Retrieves the deepest nodes in a tree graph. Here the deepest node/nodes are considered the ones that have the longest traceable route to a leaf(edge node) | |
Cull Graph Duplicates (CullGrph) Cull graph duplicates from a graph list. Equality is based on topology | |
Graph Equality (GraphEqual) Test equality between two mesh graphs. Only topological equality is tested | |
Set Node Geometry (setNGeo) Assign geometry (flat curves) to nodes | |
NodeGeo to Graph (Ng2Gr) Insert the node geometry into a MeshGraph | |
Set Tree Root (TreeRoot) Set the root of the graph to the specified mesh node | |
CreaseMesh (CreaseM) Create a set of creases in the faces of the mesh along the edges of the Mesh Graph | |
Weave MGraphs (Weave) Weave two MeshGraph segmentations | |
ThinMesh (Thin) Create a thiner mesh based on the connections in the MeshGraph | |
GraphStructure (GrphStruct) Create a set of lines that approximate the graph and have different offsets from the base mesh according to the number of steps from the root |
Color Edge Weight (ColorWeight) Assign a weight value to graph edges based on the color averaged for an edge. Values will be normalized to the 0...1 interval | |
Face Size Node(mesh face) Weight (fsFaceWeight) Assign weight to graph nodes based on the area of the mesh faces. Largest faces will have the smallest values. | |
Face Midpoint Distance Edge Weight (MDistWeight) Assign a weight value to graph edges based on the distance between the midpoints of the faces the edge conects. Values will be normalized to the 0...1 interval | |
Custom Edge Weight (cEdgeWeight) Assign a custom weight to graph edges - Warning ! If you reference mesh edges, naked edges will not be considered. Values are normalized in the 0..1 interval | |
Custom Face Weight (cFaceWeight) Assign a custom weight to graph nodes (mesh Faces). Values are normalized in the 0..1 interval | |
Face Angle Edge Weight (FAWeight) Assign a weight value to graph edges based on the angle between the faces connected by an edge. Values will be normalized to the 0...1 interval |
Graph Edges (Edges) Outputs the relevant information (geometric and numeric) stored in the MeshGraph object edges | |
Graph Nodes (Nodes) Outputs the relevant information (geometric and numeric) stored in the MeshGraph object nodes | |
Graph from Mesh (GrphMsh) Creates the graph correspondence of a mesh. Faces will be nodes in graph and the mesh topological edges will be the edges in the graph | |
Graph to Mesh (Grph2Msh) Creates the mesh from the graph nodes(faces) and edges. Only the nodes still present in the graph will be referenced back into mesh faces. |
EdgeTypes (mEt) Extracts the edges of the base mesh for the graph based on their use in the graph. Graph Edge or Cut Edge | |
EdgeAngle (eAngle) Extracts the dihedral angle of an edge. Only the edges in the graph are used | |
EdgeTraversal (eTrav) Calculates the traversal distance for an edge of the graph. Here it is the lenght of the polyline connecting the face centers and edge midpoint | |
Orange PEEL Edges (OPE) Gets a set of edges in the MeshGraph that separate peel layers |
Flat Fabrication Multi (FlatFabM) Takes care of the fabrication preparation for the parts. Special version for dealing with complex data structures. Use especially in conjunction with multiple weaved strands | |
SimpleFlap (sFlp) Create a standard simple data flap to use for the unroll component | |
CustomFlap (cFlp) Create a custom data flap to use for the unroll component | |
Flat Fabrication (FlatFab) Takes care of the fabrication preparation for the parts |
Shortest Paths in a weighted mesh graph (SPath) Compute the shortest (Cheapest) path between 2 nodes in a mesh graph using Djikstra's algorithm. Calculation uses edge weight. | |
MeshGraph Visual Unroll (mgUrollViz) Unroll the underlying mesh of a tree graph on the object itself as a from finding technique. | |
MeshGraph Unroll (mgUroll) Unroll the underlying mesh of a tree graph. |
Weight Deviation Split Graph (DevSplit) Splits a mesh graph in subgraphs based on whether edge weight is larger than next edge in tree hierarchy | |
Weight Split Graph (WSplit) Splits a mesh graph in subgraphs based on whether edge weight falls in the supplied interval |
K-Means Clustering (kMeans) Splits a mesh graph (not a tree) in an iterative fashion based on a number of parts specified by the user |
Deserialize Json (DeJson) deserialize it | |
Deserialize Keys and Values (DeJsonKV) Deserializes objects to keys and values | |
JSON to XML (J2X) Convert JSON to XML | |
Merge Json (JMerge) Merge one object into another | |
Serialize Json (ReJson) Serialize it | |
Serialize Keys and Values (ReJsonKV) Serialize to JSON with specified keys and values | |
XML to JSON (X2J) Convert XML to JSON |
Bar Output (BarOutput) Extract the output of the Bar goal | |
Beam Output (BeamOutput) Extract the output of the Beam goal | |
Buckling Analysis (Buckling) Calculate the buckling load factor from a nonlinear load-displacement analysis | |
Displacements (Displ) Calculate the nodal displacements | |
Load Output (LoadOutput) Extract the output of the Load goal | |
Pressure Output (PressureOutput) Extract the output of the pressure goal | |
Rod Output (RodOutput) Extract the output of the Rod goal | |
Shear Calculate the shear values per line segment as the difference in moments at the endpoints [kN] | |
Support6DOFOutput Extract the output of the 6 DOF Support goal | |
Support Output (SupportOutput) Extract the output of the Support goal |
Bar Length (BLength) Calculate the length of bars coming into a node | |
Bar Selfweight (BSelfweight) Calculate the selfweight of bar elements | |
Load A K2 nodal load goal | |
Mesh Selfweight (MSelfweight) Calculate the selfweight of a mesh | |
Mesh Snow Load (MSnow) Calculate the snow load on a mesh | |
Mesh Vertex Area (MVArea) Calculate the voronoi area associated with each vertex of a mesh | |
Mesh Wind Load (MWind) Calculate wind load on a mesh | |
Pressure A pressure load goal following the principle of the Ideal Gas Law and with forces perpendicular to the mesh faces |
Axial Visualisation (AxialDisplay) Visualise the axial forces with colour and line weight (blue=tension, green=neutral, red=compression) | |
Bending Visualisation (BendingDisplay) Visualise the bending stress with colour (blue=low, green=medium, red=high) | |
Bending Visualisation6DOF (BendingDisplay) Visualise the 6 DOF beam forces/moments | |
Displacement Visualisation (DisplVis) Visualise the nodal displacements by colouring the connected bars | |
Load Visualisation (LoadDisplay) Visualise the load on the deformed structure | |
Shear Visualisation (ShearDisplay) Visualise the shear forces with colour (blue=low, green=medium, red=high) |
Beam Orientation (BeamOrientation) Compute the start and end plane orientation of a beam element | |
Circular CS (Circle) Calculate the cross section properties of a circular shape | |
Materials (Mat) List of predefined material properties (use as guidance only) | |
Pretension (PT) Calculate pretension distribution in a cablenet | |
Rectangular CS (Rectangle) Calculate the cross section properties of a rectangular shape | |
Transform Moment (TransformMoment) Transform a moment from one horizontal plane (XY) to another |
Bar A goal that represents a bar element with axial stiffness only. It outputs the extended/shortened line geometry, the axial force and stress value (- compression, + tension) | |
Beam A goal that represents a beam element with biaxial bending and torsion behaviour. WORK IN PROGRESS | |
Cable A K2 cable element with pre-tension option | |
Rod A goal that represents an elastic rod with bending stiffness only. It outputs the bending plane, bending moment [kNm] and the bending stress [MPa] |
Support A support with output of reaction force in kN | |
Support6DOF A 6 DOF support (global coordinate system) with output of reaction force in [kN] and reaction moment in [kNm] |
Refine Divide each quad into 4 quads, and each triangle into 4 triangles | |
Bipartite Attempt to assign a boolean to each vertex of a mesh such that no connected vertices share the same value | |
By Parent (ByParent) Refine a Mesh, separating outputs by parent face | |
Checkerboard Attempt to assign a boolean to each face of a mesh such that no adjacent faces share the same value | |
Diagonalize (Diag) Replace each edge with a new face | |
Face Face Offset (FaceFace) Offset a conical mesh so that corresponding faces are constant distance apart | |
Fold Angle (FoldAngle) Measure the current angle between two triangles about their common edge | |
Hinge Points (HingePoints) Get the 4 points for each internal edge to use in a Hinge Force | |
Combine&Clean (Clean) Combine and Clean a list of meshes, removing unused and duplicate vertices | |
Mesh Corners (MC) Extract corners sharper than some angle | |
Mesh Direction (MD) Sort the face directions of a mesh | |
Mesh Map (MeshMap) Map points from one mesh to another | |
Mesh Turn (Turn) Rotate the vertex order of each face | |
Naked Vertices (NV) Sorts the vertices of a mesh into 2 lists according to whether or not they are surrounded by faces | |
Planarity Analysis (PA) Display face planarity as a coloured mesh | |
Refine Strips (Strips) Directional subdivision, refines quads in one direction only | |
Stripper Divide a mesh into strips | |
Tangent Circles (TC) Generate face incircles, circle packing centred on vertices, or incircular dual | |
Unroller Unroll a strip of quads | |
Vertex Neighbours (VN) Returns the positions of the vertices connected the given vertex by an edge | |
Warp Weft (WarpWeft) Separate the edges of a mesh into 2 lists according to Warp and Weft direction | |
Remesh By Colour (RemeshByColour) Remeshing with edge lengths dependent on the vertex colours of the input mesh | |
remesher Remeshing tool | |
Simple Remesh (SimpleRemesh) Isotropically remesh a Brep or Mesh | |
Simple Simple Target Length |
Conicalize (Conical) Adjust a quad mesh to make vertices conical - so the mesh has a face-face offset (See the paper 'The focal geometry of circular and conical meshes' for details). Use together with Planarize | |
Cyclic Quad (CyclicQuad) Make a quadrilateral have a circumscribed circle | |
Developablize Turn a triangular mesh into developable patches with creases. Based on the paper 'Developability of Triangle Meshes' by Stein, Grinspun & Crane | |
Edge Lengths (EdgeLengths) Set the edge lengths of a mesh | |
Isothermic (Iso) Make a quad mesh S-Isothermic, as described in the paper 'Quasiisothermic Mesh Layout' by Sechelmann, Rörig & Bobenko | |
Live Soap (LS) For generating minimal and CMC (zero and constant mean curvature respectively) meshes which adapt their connectivity during relaxation to maintain triangle quality | |
No Fold Through (NoFoldThrough) To stop the sides of a hinge passing through each other | |
Planarize Planarize | |
Hinge Hinge | |
Plastic Hinge (PH) Like Hinge, except folding beyond the plastic/elastic threshold will alter the rest angle | |
Polygon Area (PolygonArea) PolygonArea | |
Pressure A force normal to each triangle, and proportional to its area | |
Smooth Smooth | |
Soap Film (SG) Area minimizing triangle, for generating zero mean curvature meshes | |
Tangential Smooth (TSmooth) Smooth a mesh only in the local tangent planes. Used in conjunction with SoapFilm | |
Tangent Incircles (TangentIncircles) TangentIncircles | |
Vertex Loads (VertexLoads) Apply equal vertical loads to all vertices of a mesh | |
Volume Set the total volume of a mesh | |
Wind Wind |
Anchor Anchor | |
Anchor XYZ (AnchorXYZ) Fix a point only along chosen world axes. If you need to reset the initial position, disconnect then reconnect the Point input. | |
Bomb (B) Causes an explosion after a given number of iterations | |
Coincident (C) Equivalent to a zero length constraint between a pair of points | |
Floor Floor | |
Floor Friction (Floor) Floor with static friction | |
Magnet Snap (MS) Snap points together according to proximity | |
Plastic Anchor (PlasticAnchor) PlasticAnchor | |
Transform Keep a given transformation between 2 points | |
Load Load |
Clamp Length (ClampLength) Keep length within given bounds | |
Constant Tension (CT) An element which adapts its stiffness to maintain a constant force | |
Direction Align a line segment with a given vector, or if none supplied, the closest of the World XYZ vectors | |
Dynamic Weight1d (DW) A load in the negative Z direction, which updates its magnitude according to the length of the line | |
Equal Length (EqualLength) EqualLength | |
Length Ratio (LengthRatio) Maintain a fixed ratio between the lengths of a pair of lines | |
Length Snap (LengthSnap) Snap length to whole number multiples of a given number | |
Plastic Length (PL) This tries to preserve the length of the line elastically, until it is deformed beyond the limit, then its rest length gets changed | |
Length(Line) Length(Line) |
Align Faces (AlignFaces) Align faces of a pair of rigid bodies | |
Beam Beam resisting bending and torsion | |
Concentric Align axes of a pair of rigid bodies | |
Rigid Body (RigidBody) RigidBody | |
Rigid Point Set (RigidPointSet) A set of points which maintain their relative positions | |
Rigid Body Collide (RigidBodyCollide) Collision between a pair of rigid bodies | |
Solid Plane Collide (SolidPlaneCollide) Collision between a plane and a solid | |
Support Set support conditions for a beam end or rigid body |
Collide2d (C2d) Collisions between closed polygons in a given plane | |
Collider Collisions between thickened line segments and spheres | |
Curve Point Collide (CPC) Keep a set of points outside or inside a given 2d curve | |
Curve Collide (CC) Collisions between closed curves in a given plane | |
Image Circles (ImgCircles) Circle packing with sizes from image colours | |
Soft Body Collide (SoftBodyCollide) Collisions between a collection of deformable meshes | |
Solid Point Collide (SPC) Keep a set of points outside or inside a given Mesh | |
Sphere Collide (SC) Collisions between large numbers of equal sized spheres |
Solver The main component where Goals are combined and applied | |
Soft & Hard Solver (Soft&HardSolver) Solver with separate inputs for soft goals, and hard constraint type goals | |
Bouncy Solver (BouncySolver) Solver with momentum | |
Step Solver (StepSolver) Solver which advances only when input refreshed. Useful for making animations | |
Zombie Solver (ZombieSolver) A version of the solver component which keeps all iterations internal, and outputs the final result | |
Show Show | |
Grab This lets you drag particles in Rhino. Hold Alt key and drag with LMB, or toggle anchors with LMB+RMB |
remove Duplicate Pts (dupPt) Removes similar points from a list | |
interconnect Points (inter) Draws one line between every pair of points in a list | |
Dot Display (Dot) Show points as round dots | |
remove Duplicate Lines (dupLn) Removes similar lines from a list. | |
Möbius Transformation (MB) 3d Möbius Transformations of any geometry using 4d rotation | |
Split At Corners (SplitAtCorners) Break a polyline into multiple parts based on angle |
Angle Angle | |
Angle Snap (AS) Snap the angle between 2 lines to the closest whole number multiple of a given value | |
Clamp Angle (ClampAngle) Keep an angle between 2 lines within a given range | |
Equal Angle (EA) Equalize angles between multiple pairs of lines | |
G2 Maintain curvature continuity between 2 nurbs curves | |
Rod Bending and stretching resistant rod |
Co Circular (CoCircular) CoCircular | |
Co Linear (CoLinear) CoLinear | |
Co Planar (CoPlanar) CoPlanar | |
Co Spherical (CoSpherical) CoSpherical |
On Curve (OnCurve) Keep a point on a given Curve | |
On Mesh (OnMesh) Keep a point on a given Mesh | |
On Plane (OnPlane) Keep a point on a given plane |
Multi Pipe (MP) Create a branching pipe around a network of lines/curves | |
Sub D Fuse (Fuse) Combine 2 SubD objects |
Morph To Mesh (M2M) Morph geometry from reference polygons to offset cells of a tri,quad or ngon mesh |
Tri Remesh (TriRemesh) Convert a Brep or Mesh into a mesh of near equilateral triangles |
Length(Pts) Length(Pts) |
Closest Points (CPs) Connects each node to a given number of nearest neighbor nodes or neighbors within a specified distance. | |
Closest Points Multi-Dimensional (CpsMD) Performs a multidimensional neighborhood search on a set of vectors. | |
Detect Collision (Collisions) Returns number of collisions between given mesh and model. | |
Cross Section Properties (CSProps) Calculates the properties of arbitrary cross sections which are given by their outlines. | |
Cull Curves Remove curves from the branch of a data tree which are closer than LDist to a curve from another branch. | |
Get Cells from Lines (GCFL) Get closed cells from a set of lines | |
Line-Line Intersection (LLInter) Intersects given lines and returns resulting end-points and pieces. | |
LocalVector (LocVec) Transforms a vector from the global to a local coordinate system given by a plane. | |
Mesh Breps Meshes multiple Breps. Allows to include manifold edges and points. | |
Mesh Breps II Meshes breps using mmgtools, surface version. | |
Principal States Transformation (PrincTrans) Transforms given principal vectors of stresses, moments or in-plane forces to an arbitrary direction. | |
Remove Duplicate Lines (RDLines) Eliminates identical lines from the given set of lines. | |
Remove Duplicate Points (RDPoints) Eliminates identical points from the given set of points. | |
Simplify Model (Simplify) Simplifies a model by straightening the connecting elements between nodes that connect to more than two neighbor nodes. | |
User Iso-Lines (UserIsoLines) Returns iso-lines at intersection point of given line with shell based on user supplied values. | |
User Stream-Lines (UserStreamLines) Returns stream lines at intersection point of given line with shell based on user supplied tangent vectors. | |
Interpolate Shapes (InterShape) Interpolates between a base geometry (0.0) and given shape(s) (1.0). | |
Mapper Applies mappings (like Simple Stitch) to a model. | |
Stitches Creates all types of stitches that connect beam sets by a preset number of elements. | |
Element Felting (ElemFelting) Felts elements of a model. |
Support (Supp) Creates supports at nodes of given node-indexes or node-coordinates. Lets you select translations/rotations which should be zero. | |
Select Elements (SelectElems) Select elements based on given criteria. | |
Assemble Model (Assemble) Creates a finite element model from given entities (points, beams, supports, loads, cross sections, materials,... ). | |
Connected Parts (ConParts) Lists the connected parts of the active line elements of a model. | |
Disassemble Model (Disassemble) Decomposes a model into its components | |
Element Activation (Activate) Activates the elements of a model according to the activation list. Uses soft kill approach for inactive elements. | |
Modify Model (Modify) Modifies a finite element model according to given entities (points, beams, supports, loads, cross sections, materials,... ). | |
Connectivity to Beam (ConToBeam) Creates beams with default properties from given connectivity diagram | |
Disassemble Element (Disassemble) Decomposes beams and shells into their components. | |
Dispatch Elements from List of Elements (Dispatch Elements) Dispatches elements from a list of elements according to given criteria to two groups: selected or rejected. | |
Make Element-Set (MkSet) Puts elements designated by their element identifier into a group. | |
Index to Beam (IndToBeam) Creates beams with default properties from given node indexes. | |
Line to Beam (LineToBeam) Geometry is assumed to be given in [m] | |
Mesh to Shell (MeshToShell) Geometry is assumed to be given in [m] | |
Modify Element (ModifyElem) Modifies all types of elements or creates element modifiers that do this when the model is assembled. | |
Orientate Elem (Orientate) Sets the local coordinate system of elements. | |
Point-Mass (PMass) Attaches a point mass to a node of given index or position. Does not result in additional weight, only inertia! |
Principal Strains Approximation (PStrainsApp) Approximates the principal strain directions from the model deformation at arbitrary points. | |
Deformation-Energy (D-Energy) Retrieves deformation energies of the elements of the model. | |
Element Query (ElemQuery) Query element properties for given elements. | |
Nodal Displacements (NodeDisp) Returns nodal displacements: translations/rotations in global x-, y-, and z-direction; rotations about global x-, y- and z-axis. | |
Reaction Forces (React) Returns reaction forces and moments at supports. | |
Utilization of Elements (Utilization) Returns the utilization of beams or shells for each load case according to Eurocode 3 | |
Beam Displacements (BeamDisp) Returns displacements along beams at specified locations: translations/rotations in global x-, y-, and z-direction; rotations about global x-, y- and z-axis. | |
Beam Forces (B-Forces) Retrieves section forces for beam elements of the model at specified positions. | |
Beam Resultant Forces (B-Res-Force) Retrieves maximum resultant section forces for all beam elements of the model. | |
Node Forces (N-Forces) Retrieves section forces and additional information for all beams around a given node. | |
Shell Forces (S-Forces) Retrieves section forces for all shell elements of the model. | |
Line Results on Shells (ShellLineResults) Returns results as lines painted on the shell mesh. The considered load-case is that set at the nearest upstream ModelView-component. | |
Shell Section (S-Forces) Retrieve results for shell elements with respect to a cutting polyplane defined by a polyline and an in-plane direction vector. | |
Result Vectors on Shells (ShellVecResults) Returns results as vectors. The considered load-case is that set at the nearest upstream ModelView-component. | |
Beam View (BeamView) Lets you set the display properties of beams and trusses. Plug it into the definition after a ModelView-component so that you can fine-tune the model display with it. | |
Model View (ModelView) Lets you inspect the current state of the model. Plug it into the data pipeline in front of 'Beam View' or 'Shell View' to control the overall model display. | |
Shell View (ShellView) Lets you inspect the current state of the shells in a model. Plug it into the definition after a ModelView-component so that you can fine-tune the model display with it. |
BESO for Beams (BESOBeam) Bidirectional Evolutionary Structural Optimization for beam structures. | |
BESO for Shells (BESOShell) Bidirectional Evolutionary Structural Optimization for shell structures. | |
Buckling Modes (BModes) Calculates the buckling modes of the given model under a specified load case and the buckling load factors. Returns positive buckling load factors only. | |
Eigen Modes (EModes) Calculates the eigen modes of the given model according to the special eigenvalue problem. | |
Large Deformation Analysis (LaDeform) Does incremental geometrically non-linear analysis for loads in load case zero. | |
Natural Vibrations (NVibes) Calculates the natural vibrations of the given model. | |
Analyze Nonlinear WIP (AnalyzeNonlin WIP) Calculates the nonlinear response of the model. Is work in progress (WIP) | |
Optimize Cross Section (OptiCroSec) Selects optimum cross sections for beams and shells in the model according to EC3 (EN 1993-1-1) for steel structures. For beams the procedure of annex B is applied. | |
Optimize Reinforcement (OptiReinf) Selects optimum reinforcement for shells according to the approach proposed by Marti (see Marti, P | |
Tension/Compression Eliminator (TenComElim) Removes elements under axial tension or compression. By default compression members will be removed. | |
Analyze Calculates the deflections of a given model using first order theory for small deflections. | |
AnalyzeThI Calculates the deflections of a given model using first order theory for small deflections. | |
AnalyzeThII Calculates the deflections of a given model using second order theory for small deflections. |
Eccentricity on Beam (Eccent-Beam) Sets the eccentricity of a cross section relative to the element axis in global coordinates. | |
Cross Section Creates all types of cross sections. | |
Disassemble Cross Section (Disassemble) Retrieves properties of a cross section. | |
Eccentricity on Cross Section (Eccent-CroSec) Sets the eccentricity of a cross section relative to the element axis in local beam coordinates. | |
Cross Section Matcher (CSMatch) Returns for a cross section the best fitting cross section contained in a given list. The matched cross section is equal or better in all mechanical aspects at minimum weight. | |
Modify Cross Section (Modify CroSec) Modifies all types of cross sections. | |
Cross Section Selector (CroSecSelect) Lets you select cross sections by name or regular expression from a list of cross sections. | |
Cross Section Range Selector (CroSecRSelect) Lets you select cross sections by country, shape, family or maximum depth or width. | |
Generate Cross Section Table (GenCSTable) Converts a list of cross sections into a string which can be streamed as a csv-file and used as a cross section table | |
Read Cross Section Table from File (ReadCSTable) Reads cross section data from a csv-file. |
Prescribed Displacement (PreDisp) Prescribes displacements at nodes of given node-indexes or node-coordinates | |
Disassemble Mesh Load (DisMLoad) Converts mesh-loads to point- and element-loads. | |
Loads Creates all types of loads for a structural model. | |
Load-Case Combination (LCCombi) Superimposes load-cases. | |
Beam Loads Creates all types of loads for a beam element. |
Beam View (Karamba3D_PUI) (BeamView_pUI) Lets you set the display properties of beams and trusses. Plug it into the definition after a ModelView-component so that you can fine-tune the model display with it. | |
Model View (Karamba3D_PUI) (ModelView_pUI) Lets you inspect the current state of the model. Plug it into the data pipeline in front of 'Beam View' or 'Shell View' to control the overall model display. | |
Rendered View (Karamba3D_PUI) (Rendered View_pUI) Renders Loads, Supports, Joints as Breps or Curves | |
Shell View (Karamba3D_PUI) (ShellView_pUI) Lets you inspect the current state of the shells in a model. Plug it into the definition after a ModelView-component so that you can fine-tune the model display with it. |
Disassemble Material (Disassemble) Retrieves properties of a material. | |
Material Properties (MatProps) Sets the characteristic parameters of a material. | |
Material Selection (MatSelect) Lets you select a materials by name or regular expression from a list of materials. | |
Read Material Table from File (ReadMatTable) Reads a list of materials from a table given in csv-format. |
Beam-Joints Add hinges at the end-points of beams. | |
Beam-Joint-Agent (Joint-Agent) Sets a hinge at the connection of a beam to another element or node. | |
Line-Joint Add line hinges at shells. |
Export Model to DStV (ExToDStV) Exports model to DStV file. A DStV-file is a STEP-derivative issued by the 'Deutscher Stahlbau-Verband'. Can be imported by e.g. RStab. | |
Export Model to JSON/BSON (ExTo(J|B)SON) Export model to JSON or BSON-file. | |
Import Model from JSON or BSON (ImpFrom(J|B)SON) Import model from JSON- or BSON-file or string. |
Template: Bolted endplate optimizer (T: BEO) Template: Bolted endplate optimizer | |
Template: Bolted endplate connection Template: Bolted endplate connection | |
Template: Weld all members All members in joint will be connected by weld according to the hierarchy | |
Template by Filepath Template by Filepath | |
Import IDEA Template (ImptIDEATemp) Import an IDEA Template by Filepath (.ideatemp) | |
Deconstruct IDEA Template (DecIDEATemp) Deconstruct an Imported IDEA Template into its parts | |
Coded Template: Bolted Endplate Optimizer (T: BEO) Template: Bolted endplate optimizer | |
Coded Template: Bolted Endplate (CTempBoltedEndplate) Coded Template: Bolted endplate connection | |
Coded Template: Weld all Members (CTemp:Welded) All members in joint will be connected by weld according to the hierarchy | |
IDEA Template: Full (IDEATempAssign) Assign a Template by referenced IdeaCon (.ideatemp) Template | |
IDEA Template: Partial (IdeaPartTempAssign) Assign a Partial Template by referenced IdeaCon (.ideatemp) Template and Member Indexs |
Connection Code Setup (ConCodeSetup) JSON string representing the defaults for conneciton set-up | |
Calculate Connection (Calculate IDEA Connection) Calculate IDEA Connection. This is a connection file that has been saved and referenced | |
Modify Con Parameters (ModParams) Provide a list of Parameters to Modify in the Connection Model | |
Connection Costs (ConCosts) Retrieve Connection Productions costs from a connection | |
Connection Results (ConResults) Retrieve Connection Results from a calculated connection | |
Create IDEA Connection (CreateIDEACon) Create IDEA Connection file from the KarambaIDEA Project | |
Deconstruct Connection (ConDeconstruct) Decosntruct Information avaliable from an IDEA Connection Project | |
Deconstruct Cost Item (DecCostItem) Deconstruct a Connection Cost Item | |
Deconstruct Result Item (DecResultItem) Deconstruct a Connection Item Result | |
Reference Connection (RefCon) Reference an existing connection which has been created manually by a filepath | |
Set Param Value (SetParam) Set the Value of a Parameter |
Bolt costs Retrieve bolt costs per joint for cost analysis | |
Cost Calculator (CostCalculator) Calculate total costs | |
Total Weight Generate total weight of elements and plates | |
Transport Elements Generator (Transport Elements generator) Generate 1D internal transport elements | |
Weld volume Retrieve weld volume per joint for cost analysis |
Local Coordinate System (LCS) Local Coordinate System of element | |
Joint Load Equilibrium (JLE) Joint Load Equilibrium per Loadcase | |
Retrieve Connection Properties (RetConProp) Retrieve Connection Properties | |
Retrieve Lines and Points (RetLinPo) Retrieve lines and points of project | |
Visualize Joints (VJ) Visualize all joints in project |
Export to Model BIM (ModelBIM) Export a Project to a ModelBIM file XML file which can be imported directly in IDEA Checkbot Application | |
To IOM XML (IOM) Returns the IOM XML definition of avaliable objects | |
Deconstruct Joint (DJ) Deconstruct a KarambaIDEA Project Joint. | |
Modify Joint (MJ) Modify a KarambaIDEA Project Joint. | |
Deconstruct Project (DP) Deconstruct the KarambaIDEA Project. Currently only Joints and Brand Names are Provided. Contact us to Expand. |
ATemplate Finplate Connection (AT_FPC) ATemplate_FinplateConnection | |
Analytical Template: Moment resisting connection (AT: MRC) Analytical Template: Moment resisting connection | |
Analytical Template: Planar Truss Joint (AT: PTJ) Analytical Template: Planar Truss Joint | |
Analytical Template: Welds all members (AT: WAM) Analytical Template: weld all members |
Cro Sec Class (CroSecClass) Analyse Cross-section Class based on NEN-EN 1993-1-1 Table 5.2 and 5.3 | |
Joint Vector (JV) Define normal vector of the joint | |
SCIA Lines (SL) Create lines from SCIA PointNames |
Create and Calculate IDEA File Create and Calculate IDEA file | |
Create IDEA File Create IDEA file |
Convert Excel Loads from OASYS GSA (CEL) Convert loads from Excel into dataTree format, these loads are imported from a datasheet, where loads at the start and end of each element are separatly defined | |
Convert Excel Loads from SCIA (CEL) Convert loads from Excel into dataTree format, these loads are imported from a datasheet, where loads are defined per mesh-length of the element |
Create Project (CP) Exporting selected joint to IDEA Statica Connection |
Sort Surfaces By Area (SortSrfcArea) Sort surfaces by their areas | |
Sort Surfaces By X (SortSrfcX) Sort surfaces by X component of their centroids | |
Sort Surfaces By Y (SortSrfcY) Sort surfaces by Y component of their centroids | |
Sort Surfaces By Z (SortSrfcZ) Sort surfaces by Z component of their centroids |
Sort Curves By Length (SortCrvLen) Sort curves by their length | |
Sort Curves By X (SortCrvX) Sort curves by X component of their midpoints | |
Sort Curves By Y (SortCrvY) Sort curves by Y component of their midpoints | |
Sort Curves By Z (SortCrvZ) Sort curves by Z component of their midpoints |
Sort Points By X (SortPtsX) Sort selected points by their X component | |
Sort Points By Y (SortPtsY) Sort selected points by their Y component | |
Sort Points By Z (SortPtsZ) Sort selected points by their Z component |
Beam Element Curve to Structural Element Beam | |
Cable Element Curve to Structural Element Cable | |
Connecting Point ... | |
Coupling Point Axis ... | |
Coupling Features Coupling Features | |
Curve Refinement Refinement of Curve Patches | |
Membrane Element Membrane | |
Membrane Settings Advanced Settings for Membrane Element | |
Prestress Properties Beam Prestress Properties for Beam Element | |
Section Axis Orientation of Cross Section Axis | |
Box Section Box Section | |
Pipe Section Pipe Section | |
Sliding Point ... | |
Surface Refinement Refinement for 2D Nurbs IGA Element | |
Material Defaults Material Default Settings | |
Reference Geometry Add a Reference Geometry | |
Section by Numbers Define Section by Numbers | |
Deconstruct Section Deconstruct Section in single values | |
Section from Profile Define Section by Profile | |
Material Material | |
Shell Element Shell |
Control Polygon Displays Control Polygon of NURBS Geometry | |
Duplicate Brep Duplicates breps to use them for several structural elements | |
Duplicate Curve Duplicates curves to use them for several structural elements | |
List Find Line ... | |
Modify Model ... | |
Unit Converter Converts units | |
Licence Licence Information |
1D Element Result View Display of 1D Element Results | |
Deformed Model Displays Deformed Model | |
Support Forces Support Force Display | |
2D Element Result Colour Plot Display of 2D Element Results with Coloured Plot | |
2D Element Results Display of Results Values of 2D Element |
Curve Displacement Forced Displacement of Curve | |
Point Displacement Forced Displacement of Point | |
Support Curve Curve Support | |
Support Edge Edge Support | |
Support Point Point Support |
Load Displ Curve Load-Displacement Curve | |
Curve Load Curve Load | |
Point Load Point Load | |
Surface Load Surface Load | |
Load Case Check Shows the actual loads for a given time step |
Visualize Options Visualize Options for the Analysis Model | |
IGA Solver Solve Isogeometric Analysis Model | |
Deconstruct Model Deconstruct Kiwi Analysis Model | |
Analysis Model Assemble Isogeometric Analysis Model |
Non-Linear Analysis Non-Linear Analysis Task | |
Formfinding Formfinding Task | |
Linear Analysis Linear Analysis Task |
Cybertech KR22 R1610 Robot (KR22 R1610) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Cybertech KR22 R1610 robot. | |
Quantec KR90-KR120 R2900 Robot (KR90-KR120 R2900) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 2900mm reach, such as KR90 R2900, KR120 R2900. | |
Fortec KR480 R3330 MT Robot (KR480 R3330) Kinematic robot model for the Fortec KR480 R3330 MT robot. | |
Cybertech nano KR10 R1420 Robot (KR10 R1420) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Cybertech nano KR10 R1420 robot. | |
Quantec KR120 R3900K Robot (KR120 R3900K) Kinematic robot model for the shelf-mounted KUKA KR120 R3900K robot. | |
KR200 comp Robot (KR200 comp) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR200 comp robot. | |
Agilus KR6-10 R1100-2 Robot (KR6-10 R1100-2) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6-KR10 R1100-2 robot. | |
Agilus KR6-10 R900 Robot (KR6-10 R900) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6-KR10 R900 robot. | |
Quantec KR90-KR270 R2500 Robot (KR90-KR270 R2500) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 2500mm reach, such as KR90 R2500, KR120 R2500, KR150 R2500, KR210 R2500, KR270 R2500. | |
Quantec KR90-KR270 R2700 Robot (KR90-KR270 R2700) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 2700mm reach, such as KR90 R2700, KR120 R2700, KR150 R2700, KR210 R2700, KR270 R2700. | |
Quantec KR90-KR270 R3100 Robot (KR90-KR270 R3100) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 3100mm reach, such as KR90 R3100, KR120 R3100, KR150 R3100, KR210 R3100, KR270 R3100. | |
KR150-240 - 2 L130/210 Robot (KR150-240 L130-210) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA R150-2 L130, KR180-2 L150, KR210-2 L180 and KR240-2 L210 robot variants. | |
KR5 arc HW Robot (KR5 arc HW) Kinematic robot model for the KR5 arc HW robot. | |
KR30/60/HA Robot (KR30-60) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR30, KR60, and HA variants. | |
KR6/16/20-3 Robot (KR6-16-20) Kinematic robot model for the robot models KR6, KR16, and KR20-3. | |
Quantec KR90-KR150 R3700K Robot (KR90-KR150 R3700K) Kinematic robot model for shelf-mounted KUKA Quantec robots with 3700mm reach, such as KR90 R3700K, KR150 R3700K. | |
Agilus KR6-10 R1100 Robot (KR6-10 R1100) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6-KR10 R1100 robot. | |
Fortec KR600 R2830 Robot (KR600 R2830) Kinematic robot model for the Fortec KR600 R2830 robot. | |
KR125/2-200/2 Robot (KR125-200) Kinematic robot model for the for KUKA KR125/2, KR150/2, KR200/2 variants. | |
KR1000 Titan Robot (KR1000) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR1000 Titan robot. | |
KR150-240 - 2 L110/180 Robot (KR150-240 L110-180) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KUKA KR150-2 L110, KR180-2 L130, KR210-2 L150 and KR240-2 L180 robot variants. | |
Agilus KR6 R700 Robot (KR6 R700) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6 R700 robot. | |
KR6/16 Arc Robot (KR6-16 Arc) Kinematic robot model for the KR6/16 Arc robot. | |
KR30L16 Robot (KR30L16) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR30L16 robot. | |
KR360-500-2 Robot (KR360-500-2) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR360-500-2 robot variants. | |
Agilus KR3 R540 Robot (KR3 R540) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR3 R540 robot. | |
Quantec KR120 R1800 nano Robot (KR120 R1800) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR120 R1800 nano robot. | |
KR150-240-2 Robot (KR150-240-2) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR150-2 to 240-2 robot variants. |
Digital Output (DIGITAL OUT) Changes the state of a digital output. | |
3 Points to Plane (3PTS TO PLN) Turns a set of three points into a plane, to be used in a KUKA|prc movement command | |
Group/Ungroup Commands (GROUP) Groups and ungroups commands. | |
Wait For Digital Input (WAIT FOR) Stops the robot until a digital input is triggered. | |
Wait (WAIT) Stops the robot for a time provided in seconds. | |
Command Weaver (CMD WEAVE) This component will weave together KUKA|prc commands | |
Analog Output (ANALOG OUT) Changes the state of an analogue output. | |
Frame (FRAME) Defines a frame, used e.g. for setting the base system without going through the GUI. |
KRL Code (KRL CODE) The KRL Code component will take the provided text and write it at the according position into the KRL file | |
SPLine Movement (SPL MOVE) Robot path interpolated as a spline through a list of planes. The robot will move along the smooth spline. | |
AXIS Movement (AXIS MOVE) Robot movement defined through axis values. The robot will move to the given axis position in the most efficient manner. | |
PTP Movement (PTP MOVE) Robot target defined through a plane. The robot will in the most efficient manner to the provided plane. | |
CIRcular Movement (CIR MOVE) Robot movement defined through an arc. The robot will move along the arc. | |
KUKA|prc CORE (KUKA|prc) KUKA|prc core component containing all core functionality such as simulation and code generation | |
LINear Movement (LIN MOVE) Robot target defined through a plane. The robot will move in a straight line to the provided plane. |
Change Tool (CHANGE TOOL) Changes the currently used tool at the robot. This component will not e.g. intialize a physical toolchange, but instructs the robot to use a different tool number. | |
Generic Spindle (SPINDLE) Tool definition of the standard KUKA spindle by HSD. | |
Multi-State Tool (MS TOOL) Creates a tool with multiple states, e.g. open and closed gripper. Will take XYZABC values from first tool. | |
Custom Tool: Plane (CUSTOM TOOL: PLN) Custom tool defined by a mesh and the tool frame. Either set the tool number and plane (with the plane's Z-vector defining the tool axis) or right-click and switch to direct frame input. | |
Elte Spindle (ELTE) Tool definition of the Elte spindle with custom mount as used at the University for Applied Arts ( | |
Kress 1050 Spindle (KRESS SPINDLE) Tool definition of a Kress 1050 compact milling spindle with custom mount. | |
Custom Tool (CUSTOM TOOL) Defines a custom tool |
Safe Plane (SAFE PLANE) Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The origin of the LINear movement will be projected onto a plane. | |
Tangential Offset (TANGENTIAL OFFSET) Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The LIN movement will be offset tangentially, e.g. to start a toolpath outside of the material. | |
Reduce Toolpath (REDUCE PATH) Reduces a list of LINear movements, similar to 'Reduce Polyline' but also respecting the changing angle values. Only input LINear movements. | |
Tool Axis Offset (TOOL AXIS OFFSET) Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The LIN movement will be offset along the tool axis, e.g. for approach movements. | |
Cartesian Offset (CARTESIAN OFFSET) Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The LIN movement will be offset according to the cartesian XYZ values. | |
Orient Plane (ORIENT PLN) Orients the -X axis of a plane to a given point. |
Cybertech KR22 R1610 Robot (KR22 R1610) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Cybertech KR22 R1610 robot. | |
KMP 200 mobile platform (KMP 200) KMP 200 mobile platform. | |
KR60L30/HA Robot (KR60L30) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR60L30 and KR60L30 HA variant. | |
Quantec KR90-KR120 R2900 Robot (KR90-KR120 R2900) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 2900mm reach, such as KR90 R2900, KR120 R2900. | |
Fortec KR480 R3330 MT Robot (KR480 R3330) Kinematic robot model for the Fortec KR480 R3330 MT robot. | |
iiwa LBR14 R820 Robot (LBR14 R820) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA iiwa LBR14 R820. | |
Cybertech nano KR10 R1420 Robot (KR10 R1420) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Cybertech nano KR10 R1420 robot. | |
Custom Robot (CUSTOM ROBOT) Defines the kinematic and geometric properties of a robot to be used in KUKA|prc | |
Quantec KR120 R3900K Robot (KR120 R3900K) Kinematic robot model for the shelf-mounted KUKA KR120 R3900K robot. | |
KR200 comp Robot (KR200 comp) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR200 comp robot. | |
Agilus KR6-10 R1100-2 Robot (KR6-10 R1100-2) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6-KR10 R1100-2 robot. | |
Agilus KR6-10 R900 Robot (KR6-10 R900) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6-KR10 R900 robot. | |
Quantec KR90-KR270 R2500 Robot (KR90-KR270 R2500) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 2500mm reach, such as KR90 R2500, KR120 R2500, KR150 R2500, KR210 R2500, KR270 R2500. | |
Quantec KR90-KR270 R2700 Robot (KR90-KR270 R2700) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 2700mm reach, such as KR90 R2700, KR120 R2700, KR150 R2700, KR210 R2700, KR270 R2700. | |
Quantec KR90-KR270 R3100 Robot (KR90-KR270 R3100) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec robots with 3100mm reach, such as KR90 R3100, KR120 R3100, KR150 R3100, KR210 R3100, KR270 R3100. | |
KR150-240 - 2 L130/210 Robot (KR150-240 L130-210) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA R150-2 L130, KR180-2 L150, KR210-2 L180 and KR240-2 L210 robot variants. | |
Quantec-2 KR250-KR300 R2700 Robot (KR250-KR300 R2700-2) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec-2 robots with 2700mm reach with the larger flange, such as KR250 R2700, KR300 R2700. | |
KR5 arc HW Robot (KR5 arc HW) Kinematic robot model for the KR5 arc HW robot. | |
KR30/60/HA Robot (KR30-60) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR30, KR60, and HA variants. | |
KR6/16/20-3 Robot (KR6-16-20) Kinematic robot model for the robot models KR6, KR16, and KR20-3. | |
Quantec KR90-KR150 R3700K Robot (KR90-KR150 R3700K) Kinematic robot model for shelf-mounted KUKA Quantec robots with 3700mm reach, such as KR90 R3700K, KR150 R3700K. | |
Robot Cell (ROBOT CELL) Defines a robot cell, where the robot is placed at the global origin. Can also be used just to restrict the robot's preset axis limits. | |
Agilus KR6-10 R1100 Robot (KR6-10 R1100) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6-KR10 R1100 robot. | |
Fortec KR600 R2830 Robot (KR600 R2830) Kinematic robot model for the Fortec KR600 R2830 robot. | |
Turntable by Global Robots (GLOBAL TT) Custom turntable by Global Robots based on used KUKA motors. | |
KR125/2-200/2 Robot (KR125-200) Kinematic robot model for the for KUKA KR125/2, KR150/2, KR200/2 variants. | |
Quantec-2 KR120-KR210 R2700 Robot (KR120-KR210 R2700-2) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec-2 robots with 2700mm reach, such as KR120 R2700, KR150 R2700, KR210 R2700. | |
Cybertech KR12-KR20 R1810 Robot (KR12-KR20 R1810) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Cybertech KR12 and KR20 R1810 robot. | |
Agilus KR6-10 R1100-2 w/ AirSkin Robot (KR6-10 R1100-2 AS) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6-KR10 R1100-2 robot with AirSkin. | |
Quantec-2 KR210 R3100 Robot (KR210 R3100-2) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec-2 KR 210-R3100 with 3100mm reach. | |
Agilus KR6-10 R900-2 Robot (KR6-10 R900-2) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6-KR10 R900-2 robot. | |
Dummy Axis (AXIS) Kinematically not linked or simulated axis. | |
Quantec-2 KR180-KR240 R2900 Robot (KR180-KR240 R2900-2) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec-2 robots with 2900mm reach with the larger flange, such as KR180 R2900, KR240 R2900. | |
KR1000 Titan Robot (KR1000) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR1000 Titan robot. | |
KR150-240 - 2 L110/180 Robot (KR150-240 L110-180) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KUKA KR150-2 L110, KR180-2 L130, KR210-2 L150 and KR240-2 L180 robot variants. | |
KR6/16 Arc Robot (KR6-16 Arc) Kinematic robot model for the KR6/16 Arc robot. | |
KR30L16 Robot (KR30L16) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR30L16 robot. | |
DKP 400 (DKP400) Geometric and kinematic definition of the KUKA DKP400 two-axis positioner | |
KL1500-3 Linear Axis (KL1500-3 RAIL) Parametric geometric and kinematic definition of the KUKA KL1500-3 linear rail | |
Quantec-2 KR120-KR150 R3100 Robot (KR120-KR150 R3100-2) Kinematic robot model for KUKA Quantec-2 robots with 3100mm reach, such as KR120 R3100, KR150 R3100. | |
KR360-500-2 Robot (KR360-500-2) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR360-500-2 robot variants. | |
Custom Turntable (CUSTOM TT) Customizable, vertical turntable. | |
Custom Linear Axis (CUSTOM RAIL) Customizable geometric and kinematic definition of a linear rail | |
Agilus KR3 R540 Robot (KR3 R540) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR3 R540 robot. | |
Quantec KR120 R1800 nano Robot (KR120 R1800) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR120 R1800 nano robot. | |
KR150-240-2 Robot (KR150-240-2) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA KR150-2 to 240-2 robot variants. | |
Agilus KR6 R700 Robot (KR6 R700) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA Agilus KR6 R700 robot. | |
iiwa LBR7 R800 Robot (LBR7 R800 Robot) Kinematic robot model for the KUKA iiwa LBR7 R800 Robot. |
Analysis (ANALYSIS) Analysis data that exposes axis values and other data e.g. for automatic optimization. | |
Digital Output (DIGITAL OUT) Changes the state of a digital output. | |
3 Points to Plane (3PTS TO PLN) Turns a set of three points into a plane, to be used in a KUKA|prc movement command | |
Extract Command - KUKA|prc (EXTRACT CMD) Extracts planes and axis values from KUKA|prc command components. | |
Tag (TAG) Tags a movement component so that you can identify it in the Analysis component, use e.g. for automatic optimization. | |
Wait For Digital Input (WAIT FOR) Stops the robot until a digital input is triggered. | |
Wait (WAIT) Stops the robot for a time provided in seconds. | |
Command Weaver (CMD WEAVE) This component will weave together KUKA|prc commands | |
Transform Command - KUKA|prc (XFORM CMD) Transforms Cartesian movement commands. | |
Group/Ungroup Commands (GROUP) Groups and ungroups commands. | |
Analog Output (ANALOG OUT) Changes the state of an analogue output. | |
Frame (FRAME) Defines a frame, used e.g. for setting the base system without going through the GUI. | |
Synchronize Robots (SYNC) Synchronizes multiple robots. |
Safe Plane (SAFE PLANE) Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The origin of the LINear movement will be projected onto a plane. | |
Tangential Offset (TANGENTIAL OFFSET) Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The LIN movement will be offset tangentially, e.g. to start a toolpath outside of the material. | |
Generic NC Import (IMPORT CAM) Imports 5-Axis NC code. | |
G-Code Import for 3D Printing (IMPORT G-CODE) Imports g-code for 3D Printing. Tested with Netfabb, but should work with most slicers. | |
Reduce Toolpath (REDUCE PATH) Reduces a list of LINear movements, similar to 'Reduce Polyline' but also respecting the changing angle values. Only input LINear movements. | |
Fusion 360 NC Import (IMPORT FUSION CAM) Imports 5-Axis NC code from Fusion 360. Get the postprocessor by right-clicking the component and choosing the relevant option. | |
Sunrise Set Compliance (SR COMP) Experimental: Sets compliant/'soft' mode for robots running Sunrise. Does not yet support all movement commands. | |
KRL Import (IMPORT KRL) Reads a KRL file (either | |
Tool Axis Offset (TOOL AXIS OFFSET) Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The LIN movement will be offset along the tool axis, e.g. for approach movements. | |
Cartesian Offset (CARTESIAN OFFSET) Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The LIN movement will be offset according to the cartesian XYZ values. | |
Orient Plane (ORIENT PLN) Orients the -X axis of a plane to a given point. |
KRL Code (KRL CODE) The KRL Code component will take the provided text and write it at the according position into the KRL file | |
SPLine Movement (SPL MOVE) Robot path interpolated as a spline through a list of planes. The robot will move along the smooth spline. | |
AXIS Movement (AXIS MOVE) Robot movement defined through axis values. The robot will move to the given axis position in the most efficient manner. | |
PTP Movement (PTP MOVE) Robot target defined through a plane. The robot will in the most efficient manner to the provided plane. | |
CIRcular Movement (CIR MOVE) Robot movement defined through an arc. The robot will move along the arc. | |
KUKA|prc CORE (KUKA|prc) KUKA|prc core component containing all core functionality such as simulation and code generation | |
LINear Movement (LIN MOVE) Robot target defined through a plane. The robot will move in a straight line to the provided plane. |
Change Tool (CHANGE TOOL) Changes the currently used tool at the robot. This component will not e.g. intialize a physical toolchange, but instructs the robot to use a different tool number. | |
Generic Spindle (SPINDLE) Tool definition of the standard KUKA spindle by HSD. | |
Multi-State Tool (MS TOOL) Creates a tool with multiple states, e.g. open and closed gripper. Will take XYZABC values from first tool. | |
Custom Tool: Plane (CUSTOM TOOL: PLN) Custom tool defined by a mesh and the tool frame. Either set the tool number and plane (with the plane's Z-vector defining the tool axis) or right-click and switch to direct frame input. | |
Elte Spindle (ELTE) Tool definition of the Elte spindle with custom mount as used at the University for Applied Arts ( | |
Kress 1050 Spindle (KRESS SPINDLE) Tool definition of a Kress 1050 compact milling spindle with custom mount. | |
Custom Tool (CUSTOM TOOL) Defines a custom tool |
mxA Setup (mxA SETUP) Setup component for direct robot control via KUKA mxAutomation | |
mxA Display (mxA DISPLAY) Links the visualization to a mxAutomation component. Can be disconnected afterwards to avoid 'circular' definitions - i.e. the feedback can inform the path planning. | |
Sunrise Communicator (SUNRISE) Experimental: Exchange data with robots running the KUKA Sunrise platform |
Body Characteristics Use this component to calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate, Body Mass Index indices and to create the "bodyCharacterstics_" input for the "Thermal comfort indices" component | |
BTU2Wh Use this component to convert energy values in BTU to Wh or kBTU to kWh | |
True North Use this component to calculate Earth's true north from magnetic north | |
DOY HOY Use this component to calculate the day of the year and hour of the year from an input date with a day of the month, month of the year and hour of the day | |
Set the View Use this component to set the camera location and direction for the Rhino "Perspective" viewport | |
Cfm2M3s Use this component to convert volume flow rate from U | |
Orientation Study Parameters Use this component with the Ladybug "Radiation Analysis", "Sunlight Hours Analysis", or "View Analysis" component to set up the parameters for an Orientation Study | |
ms2mph Convert from m/s to mile/h | |
Activities Met List (ActivitiesList) Provides a list of available activites and outputs the metabolic rate of that activity for use in the Ladybug PMV comfort calculator | |
Passive Strategy List (StrategyList) Provides a list of passive thermal strategies to be plugged into the Ladybug_Psychrometric Chart | |
L2G Use this component to convert the liquid volume from Liters to U | |
Render View Use this component to render Rhino views and save them to your hard drive | |
North Use this component to create a compass sign that indicates the direction of North in the Rhino scene | |
fly (FLY!) Use Fly to cycle through all connected sliders | |
Separate By Normal Select surfaces based on orientation | |
Texture Maker Use this component to generate textures from colored meshes | |
Construct Time Use this component to construct a specific hour from corresponding time in hours, minutes and seconds | |
Orient to Camera Use this component to generate a plane that is oriented perpendicular to the active Rhino viewport camera direction and centered at an input _initPosition point | |
Combine Solar Envelopes Use this component to combine two or more solar envelopes from Ladybug_SolarEnvelope component | |
Generate Mesh Use this component to genrate a mesh with corresponding test points | |
Beaufort Ranges This component outputs conditional statements as per beaufort scale that you can plug in conditionaStatement_ input of wind rose component | |
Clothing List (Ladybug_Clothing List) Provides a list of various clothes and values | |
F2C Use this component to convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celcius | |
Shading Parameters List Use this component to generate shading depths, numbers of shades, horizontal or vertical boolean values, and shade angles for different cardinal directions to be plugged into the "Ladybug_Shading Designer" component or the "Honeybee_EnergyPlus Window Shade Generator" | |
u IP2u SI Use this component to convert U-Values in IP (BTU/h·ft2·°F) to U-Values in SI (W/K·m2) to plug into any of the Honeybee material components | |
C2F Use this component to convert temperatures from Celcius to Fahrenheit | |
Real Time Radiation Analysis Use this component to scroll through the results of a Ladybug Radiation Analysis on an hour-by-hour, day-by-day, or month-by-month basis in real time! The component uses a sky matrix (SkyMxt) from the selectSkyMxt component and the intersection matrix (intersectionMxt) from the Radiation Analysis component to calculate real time radiation results | |
Create Legend Use this component to create a custom legend for any set of data or to create a more flexible legend for any ladybug component with a legend | |
lux2ft-cd Use this component to convert illuminance from lux to foot-candles | |
Capture View Use this component to capture Rhino views and save them to your hard drive as as a | |
Passive Strategy Parameters Use this component to adjust the assumptions of the passive strategies that can be overalid on the Ladybug the Psychrometric Chart | |
Mesh-To-Hatch Use this component to bake a clored mesh into the Rhino scene as a series of colored hatches | |
Image Viewer (Viewer) Preview image files Please find the source code from: https://github | |
Day Month Hour Use this component to calculate date information from an hour of the year | |
Recolor Mesh Use this component to re-color a mesh with new a numerical data set whose length corresponds to the number of faces in the _inputMesh | |
BTUft2Whm Use this component to convert energy values in BTU/ft2 to Wh/m2 (or kBTU/ft2 to kWh/m2) | |
Mesh Threshold Selector Use this component to select out the part of a colored mesh that meets a certain conditional statement | |
Comfort Mannequin Use this component to color a mannequin based on their relation to a comfort temperature | |
Adaptive Comfort Parameters Use this component to set Adaptive comfort parameters for the Adaptive Comfort Calculator or the Adaptive Comfort Chart | |
False Start Toggle (Toggle) Just like a normal Boolean Toggle, except it always reverts to "False" on file open | |
Legend Parameters Use this component to change the colors, numerical range, and/or number of divisions of any Ladybug legend along with the corresponding colored mesh that the legend refers to | |
Wh2BTU Use this component to convert energy values in Wh to BTU (or kWh to kBTU) | |
MRT Calculator Use this component calculate Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT) given a set of temperatures and corresponding view factors | |
M3s2Cfm Use this component to convert volume flow rate from S | |
r IP2r SI Use this component to convert R-Values in IP (h·ft2·°F/BTU) to R-Values in SI (K·m2/W) to plug into any of the Honeybee material components | |
Whm2BTUft Use this component to convert energy values in Wh/m2 to BTU/ft2 (or kWh/m2 to kBTU/ft2) | |
Gradient Library Use this component to access a library of typical gradients useful throughout Ladybug | |
PMV Comfort Parameters Use this component to set PMV comfort parameters for the PMV comfort calculator or the Psychrometric Chart | |
u SI2u IP Use this component to convert U-Values in SI (W/K·m2) to U-Values in IP (BTU/h·ft2·°F) |
Steady State Surface Temperature Use this component to calculate a steady state interior/exterior surface temperature from given given indoor/outdoor air temperatures and surface U-Values | |
Solar Fan Basic Use this component to generate a solar fan with minimumal input data | |
Sun Shades Calculator Use this component to generate shading devices, either surface or pergola, for any glazed surfmyPlaneace or list of glazed surfaces | |
Cone Of Vision Use this component to generate and visualize cones of vision | |
Radiation Analysis This component allows you to calculate the radiation fallin on input _geometry using a sky matrix from the selectSkyMxt component | |
Solar Envelope Basic Use this component to generate a solar envelope for a closed boundary curve with minimum inputs | |
Window Downdraft Use this component to compute the floor-level downdraft air temperature and velocity at a given set of points that are located close to a cold surface such as a window | |
Solar Envelope Use this component to generate a solar envelope for a given test surface, set of solar vectors, and context geometry that you want to ensure solar access to | |
Shading Mask Use this component to see the portion of the sky dome that is masked by context geometry around a given point | |
Surface View Analysis Use this component to calculate view factors from a point or plane to a set of surfaces | |
View Analysis Use this component to evaluate the visibility of input _geometry from a set of key viewing points | |
view Rose Use this component to see the area visible from a given viewpoint across a 2D plane of vision | |
View From Sun Use this component to open a new viewport in Rhino that shows the view from the sun | |
Solar Fan Use this component to generate a solar fan for a given test surface and set of solar vectors | |
Shading Designer Use this component to generate shading breps for any glazed surface or list of glazed surfaces | |
Set Rhino Sun Use this component to set the Rhino sun from grasshopper and coordinate your Rhino visualizations with the Ladybug weatherfile and other solar parameters | |
Forward Raytracing Use this component to get a sense of how sunlight is reflected by a set of context geometries by tracing sun rays forwards through this geometry | |
Sunlight Hours Analysis This component calculates the number of hours of direct sunlight received by input geometry using sun vectors from the sunPath component | |
Comfort Shade Benefit Evaluator This is a component for visualizing the desirability of shade in terms of thermal comfort by using solar vectors, a series of hourly temperatures (usually outdoor temperatures), and an assumed "balance" temperature (or comfort temperature) | |
Bounce from Surface Use this component to get a sense of how direct sunlight is reflected off of an initial _sourceSrf and subsequently to a set of context_ geometries by tracing sun rays forwards through this geometry |
Gen Cumulative Sky Mtx This component uses Radiance's gendaymtx function to calculate the sky's radiation for each hour of the year | |
Design Day Sky Model Use this component to generate a clear sky for a cooling design day, which can then be used to size a HVAC system | |
select Sky Mtx Use this component to select a specific sky matrix (skyMxt) for an hour of the year or for an analysis period | |
3D Chart Use this component to make a 3D chart in the Rhino scene of any climate data or hourly simulation data | |
Colored Sky Visualizer Use this component to visualize a Perez sky as a colored mesh in the Rhino scene using the weather file location, a time and date, and an estimate of turbidity (or amount of particulates in the atmosphere | |
Sky Dome This component allows you to visualize a selected sky matrix from the selectSkyMxt component in order to see the patches of the sky dome where radiation is coming from | |
Psychrometric Chart Use this component to draw a psychrometric chart in the Rhino scene and evaluate a set of temperatures and humidity ratios in terms of indoor comfort | |
Outdoor Solar Temperature Adjustor Use this component to adjust an existing Mean Radiant Temperature for shortwave solar radiation | |
Wind Boundary Profile Use this component to visualize a wind profile curve for a given terrain type | |
Line Chart Use this component to make a line chart in the Rhino scene of any data with a ladybug header on it | |
Import Ground Temp Use this component to visualise ground temperatures throughout the year at specific depths | |
Surface Hourly Solar Use this component to quickly compute the hourly solar radiation or illuminance falling on an unobstructed surface that faces any direction from EPW inputs | |
Monthly Bar Chart Use this component to make a bar chart in the Rhino scene of any monhtly or avrMonthyPerHour climate data or simulation data | |
Radiation Rose Use this component to make a radiation rose in the Rhino scene | |
Bioclimatic Chart This is the Bioclimactic Chart | |
Radiation Calla Dome Use this component to draw Radiation Calla Dome, which shows you how radiation would fall on an object from all directions for a given sky | |
Sun Path Use this component to make a 3D sun-path (aka | |
Wind Rose Use this component to make a windRose in the Rhino scene | |
Adaptive Comfort Chart Use this component to calculate the adaptive comfort for a given set of input conditions |
CDH HDH Calculates heating and cooling degree-hours | |
PMV Comfort Calculator Use this component to calculate comfort metrics of Predicted Mean Vote (PMV), the Percent of People Dissatisfied (PPD), and the Standard Effective Temperature (SET) for a set of climate conditions and occupant behavior/clothing | |
Thermal Comfort Indices Use this component to calculate various thermal comfort indices: | |
Wind Speed Calculator Use this component to calculate wind speed at a specific height for a given terrain type | |
Outdoor Comfort Calculator Use this component to calculate the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) for a set of input climate conditions | |
Wet Bulb Temp Use this component to calculate Wet Bulb Temperature and Dew Point Temperature | |
Sunrise Sunset Use this component to get information about the sun | |
Clothing Function Use this component to generate a list of values representing a clothing schedule based on outdoor air temperature | |
Average Data Use this component to select the data out of an annual hourly data stream (from the importEPW component) using the "Analysis Period" component | |
Branch Data Use this component to convert any list of annual data into a data tree branched by day of the year, month of the year, or hour of the day | |
Separate data Use this component to separate the text strings from the numbers in the climate data streams output from the Import EPW component | |
Adaptive Comfort Calculator Use this component to calculate the adaptive comfort for a given set of input conditions | |
Ankle Draft Discomfort Use this component to calculate discomfort from cold drafts at ankle-level | |
Analysis Period Use this component to set an analysis period, which can be used as input for a variety of other Ladybug and Honeybee components | |
CDD HDD Calculates heating and cooling degree-days | |
Radiant Asymmetry Discomfort Use this component to calculate discomfort from radiant assymetry | |
Draft Discomfort Use this component to calculate discomfort from cold drafts on the back of the neck (arguably the most sensitive part of the human body to cold drafts) | |
Humidity Ratio Calculator Calculates the humidity ratio from the ladybug weather file import parameters Conversion formulas are taken from the following publications: Vaisala |
ENVI-Met Grid Use this component to visualize ENVI-Met v4 | |
ENVI-Met Find Output Folder This component let you select output folders from Workspace folder | |
Terrain Generator This component uses Google Maps API to achieve elevation data and satellite images of the terrain generated | |
Countour Mesh Use this component to create contoured visualizations of any analysis mesh and corresponding numerical dataset in Ladybug + Honeybee | |
Location Finder This component uses Google Maps API to generate locations | |
Shading Mask II Use this component to see the portion of the sky dome that is masked by context geometry around a given viewpoint | |
Kmz Generator Use this component to export geometries into an Google Earth file | |
ENVI-Met Soil Plant Source Use this component to generate ENVI-Met inputs for "LB ENVI-Met Spaces" | |
ENVI-Met Building Terrain Use this component to generate inputs for "LB ENVI-Met Spaces" | |
Shadow Study Use this component to generate outline curves representing shadows cast by input _geometry for a given _sunVector | |
ENVI-Met Display Use this component to visualize ENVI-Met v4 | |
Pedestrian Wind Comfort Use this component to analyse pedestrian wind comfort and safety for the present and potential (newly built) urban environments | |
ENVI-Met Manage Workspace Use this component to create a Workspace folder | |
ENVI-Met Results Reader This component generate readable output files of ENVI-Met v4 | |
ENVI-Met Spaces Use this component to generate ENVI-Met v4 | |
Search Use this to look for the components in the Ladybug suite of tools that are most relevant to your query | |
ENVI-Met Read Library This component let you select materials from ENVI-Met library |
Import Sandia Photovoltaics Module Use this component to import Photovoltaics module settings for particular module from "Sandia National Laboratories Modules" library | |
Solar Water Heating System Use this component to define Solar water heating system settings | |
Sunpath Shading This component calculates the shading of: - Photovoltaic modules - Solar Water Heating collectors - any other purpose (shading of points) | |
Photovoltaics Performance Metrics Use this component to calculate various Photovoltaics performance metrics | |
Solar Water Heating Surface Use this component to calculate amount of thermal energy that can be produced by a surface if a certain percentage of it is covered with Solar water heating liquid collectors | |
Solar Water Heating System Detailed Use this component to define a detailed Solar water heating system settings | |
Solar Water Heating Performance Metrics Use this component to calculate various Solar water heating performance metrics | |
Residential Hot Water Use this component to calculate domestic hot water consumption for each hour during a year, for a single family household (house) | |
Photovoltaics Surface Use this component to calculate amount of electrical energy that can be produced by a surface if a certain percentage of it is covered with Photovoltaics | |
Simplified Photovoltaics Module Use this component to define simplified Photovoltaics crystalline silicon (c-Si) module settings | |
Cold Water Temperature Use this component to calculate the cold (inlet, mains) water temperature, if water pipes are burried undeground | |
Commercial Public Apartment Hot Water Use this component to calculate domestic hot water consumption for each hour during a year, for Commercial, Public and Apartment buildings | |
PV SWH System Size Use this component to generate the PVsurface or SWHsurface for "Photovoltaics surface" or "Solar Water Heating surface" components, based on initial PV or SWH system sizes | |
Import CEC Photovoltaics Module Use this component to import Photovoltaics module settings for particular module from "California Energy Commission (CEC) Modules" library | |
Tilt And Orientation Factor This component calculates the Optimal Tilt, Optimal Orientation and TOF (Tilt and Orientation Factor) for PV modules or Solar water heating collectors | |
DC to AC derate factor Use this component to calculate overall DC to AC derate factor for Photovoltaics Surface's "DCtoACderateFactor_" input |
download EPW Weather File Use this component to open the epwmap page in your default web browser and download an | |
Construct Location Use this component if you do not have an | |
Update File Use this component to update ladybug tools components in an old file | |
Open STAT File Use this component to open a | |
Import Location Use this component to import location data from a standard | |
Decompose Location Use this component to separate and exctract the information in the 'location' output of the importEPW or constructLocation component | |
Create LB Header Use this component to generates a Ladybug Header that can be combined with any raw data in order to format it for use with the Ladybug/Honeybee components | |
Import stat Use this component to import climate data found in the | |
Open EPW And STAT Weather Files Use this component to automatically download a | |
Import epw Use this component to import lists of weather data into Grasshopper from a standard | |
Ladybug This component carries all of Ladybug's main classes | |
Open EPW Weather File Use this component to open an |
Update Ladybug Code Developers and Beta Testers of new Ladybug components can use this component to remove old Ladybug components, add new Ladybug components, and update existing Ladybug components from a synced Github folder on their computer | |
Export Ladybug Code Developers of Ladybug and Honeybee can use this component to export Ladybug/Honeybee user objects and source code that they create to the Github folder on their computer |
Deconstruct Plant Deconstruct a plant into its constituent parts. | |
Plant Create a plant from point. | |
Deconstruct Plant Format Options Deconstruct a plant format options into its constituent parts. | |
Plant Format Options Create plant format options from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Plant Options Deconstruct a plant options into its constituent parts. | |
Plant Options Create plant options from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Plant Render Options Deconstruct a plant render options into its constituent parts. | |
Plant Render Options Create plant render options from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Specie Characteristics Deconstruct a specie characteristics into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct Species Deconstruct a species into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct Specie Soil Deconstruct a specie soil into its constituent parts. |
Terrain Boundary Set a terrain boundary. | |
Deconstruct Terrain Deconstruct a terrain into its constituent parts. | |
Terrain Create a terrain from curves or points. | |
Terrain Cut and Fill Add clearings to terrain. | |
Terrain Divide Create subdivisions in terrain. | |
Terrain Earth Moving Calculates the amount of earth. | |
Terrain Explode Extract the terrain contour lines and meshes. | |
Terrain Path Add paths to terrain. | |
Deconstruct Terrain Options Deconstruct a terrain options into its constituent parts. | |
Terrain Options Create terrain options from atomic inputs. |
Deconstruct Forest Deconstruct a forest into its constituent parts. | |
Forest Create a forest from curve. | |
Deconstruct Forest Options Deconstruct a forest options into its constituent parts. | |
Forest Options Create forest options from atomic inputs. |
Deconstruct Groundcover Deconstruct a groundcover into its constituent parts. | |
Groundcover Create a groundcover from curve. | |
Deconstruct Groundcover Options Deconstruct a groundcover options into its constituent parts. | |
Groundcover Options Create groundcover options from atomic inputs. |
Deconstruct Path Deconstruct a path into its constituent parts. | |
Path Create a path from curves. | |
Deconstruct Path Options Deconstruct a path options into its constituent parts. | |
Path Options Create Path options from atomic inputs. |
Deconstruct Plant Row Deconstruct a plant row into its constituent parts. | |
Plant Row Create a plant row from curve. | |
Deconstruct Plant Row Options Deconstruct a plant row options into its constituent parts. | |
Plant Row Options Create plant row options from atomic inputs. |
Deconstruct Shrub Deconstruct a shrub into its constituent parts. | |
Shrub Create a shrub from curve. | |
Deconstruct Shrub Options Deconstruct a shrub options into its constituent parts. | |
Shrub Options Create shrub options from atomic inputs. |
Deconstruct Sprinkler Deconstruct a sprinkler into its constituent parts. | |
Sprinkler Create a sprinkler from position. | |
Deconstruct Sprinkler Options Deconstruct a sprinkler options into its constituent parts. | |
Sprinkler Options Create sprinkler options from atomic inputs. |
Dual Mesh (L DualMesh) Dual Mesh | |
Edge Neighbours (L EdgeNB) Getting Edge Neighbours Data, including face-edge-vertices | |
Edges (L Edges) Edges | |
Face Neighbours (L FaceNB) getting face neighbours information | |
Faces (L Faces) get faces data in plankton sequence | |
Vertices Neighbours (L VerticesN) Getting Vertex Neighbours Data, including face-edge-vertices | |
Vertices (L Vertices) get vertices in plankton sequence |
Select Mesh Edges (L SelEdges) Select Mesh Edges | |
Select Mesh Faces (L SelFaces) Select Mesh Faces | |
Select Geometry (LSelGeo) Select Geometry, Selectable Preview | |
Select Mesh Vertices (L SelVertices) Select Mesh Vertices |
Catmull Clark Subdivision (L CatmullClark) Catmull Clark Subdivision |
Window Frame (L WindowFrame) WindowFrame |
Model Export to Illustrator (animated) (ModelExport) Model export to Adobe Illustrator | |
Model Topology (ModelTopology) Model Topology As Matrix | |
Select Bar (SelectBar) Select a bar | |
Visualize Transformations (VisualizeTransformationations) Visualize an intermediate generation step and animate using t param | |
Construct Model (ConstructModel) Construct an interim model with domain (geometric boundaries) | |
Deconstruct Model (DeconstructModel) Deconstruct the model into its components | |
Model Export to Illustrator (ModelExport) Model export to Adobe Illustrator | |
Model Geometry (ModelGeometry) Extract the model geometry | |
Model History (ModelHistory) Extract transformation history | |
Model Metrics (text) (ModelMetrics) The model metrics as text | |
Model Undo (UndoModel) Undo transformations on model | |
Model Metrics (tabular) (ModelMetricsCsv) Extract infor regarding how the model performs | |
Model Metrics (spider graph) (ModelSpiderGraph) The model metrics represented as spider graph | |
Model History (tabular) (ModelHistoryCsv) Extract transformation history | |
Rebuild Model (RebuildModel) Rebuilds a model from a .csv file | |
Select Force (SelectForce) Retrieves a force from the Form Diagram |
Apply Transformation Policy (Transform) Apply transformation policy onto an interim model | |
Construct Node Placement Rule (NodePRule) Construct a node placement rule | |
Construct Transformation Policy (Policy) Construct a transformation policy | |
Construct Transformation Policy (fast) (PolicyFast) Construct a fast transformation policy | |
Construct Force Indeterminacies Rule (ForceIRule) Construct a force indeterminacies rule | |
Construct Force Selection Rule (ForceSRule) Construct a force selection rule | |
Construct Transformation Constraint (Constraint) Construct a transformation constraint | |
Automatic Placement (AutomaticPlacement) Automatic placement of the necessary components to construct a policy |
Construct Force Set (ConstructForceSet) Select forces and construct a Monomial/Binomial/Trinomial | |
Deconstruct Force Set (DeconstructForceSet) Deconstruct force set | |
Force Set Domains (ForceSetDomains) Get the domains of a force set | |
Visualize Force Set (VisualizeForceSet) Visualize a force set by highlighting its forces |
Construct Domain (ConstructDomain) Construct a domain of any type | |
Deconstruct Domain (DeconstructDomain) Deconstruct a domain of any type | |
Visualize Domain (VisualizeDomain) Visualize a domain |
Convex Hull in 2D (ConvexHull2D) Calculate the convex hull in 2D | |
IsoVist 2D (IsoVist2D) Calculate the isovist polygon |
Design Space Exploration (DSE+IGA) Equilibrium-based Design Space Exploration (DSE) through policies, rules and interactive genetic algorithms(IGA) | |
Design Space Exploration Reader (DSEReader) Design Space Exploration (DSE) Reader component to retrieve every single design candidate that was generated |
Average Perceptron Binary Classifier (Avg Perceptron) The Average Perceptron Binary Classifier is used to train a linear binary classification model trained over boolean label data. | |
Fast Forest Binary Classifier (Fast Forest) The Fast Forest trainer is used for training a decision tree binary classification model using the Fast Forest method. | |
Fast Forest Regression (Fast Forest) The Fast Forest trainer is used for training a decision tree regression model using the Fast Forest method. | |
Fast Tree Binary Classifier (Fast Tree) The Fast Tree trainer is used for training a decision tree regression model using the Fast Tree method. | |
Fast Tree Regression (Fast Tree) The Fast Tree trainer is used for training a decision tree regression model using the Fast Tree method. | |
Fast Tree Tweedie Regression (Fast Tree Tweedie) The Fast Tree Tweedie trainer is used for training a decision tree regression model using the Fast Tree Tweedie method. | |
Field Aware Factorization Machine Binary Classifier (Factorization) The Field Aware Factorization Machine Binary Classifier is used to train a model using a stochastic gradient method. | |
Generalized Additive Models Binary Classifier (GAM) The GAM trainer is used for training a binary classification model with Generalized Additive Models (GAM). | |
Generalized Additive Models Regression (GAM) The GAM trainer is used for training a regression model with Generalized Additive Models (GAM). | |
Lbfgs Logistic Regression Binary Classifier (Lbfgs Logistic Regression) The Lbfgs Logistic Regression Binary Classification trainer is used to train linear logistic regression models trained with the L-BFGS method. | |
Lbfgs Maximum Entropy Multiclass Classifier (Lbfgs Maximum Entropy) The Lbfgs maximum entropy model is a generalization of linear regression | |
Lbfgs Poisson Regression (Lbfgs Poisson) The Lbfgs Poisson trainer is used for training Poisson regression models. | |
Local Deep SVM Binary Classifier (LDSVM) The Local Deep SVM Binary Classification trainer is used to train a non-linear binary classification model using the Local Deep SVM method. | |
Light GBM Binary Classifier (Light GBM) The Light GBM classifier trains a model using a gradient boosting decision tree binary classification method. | |
Light Gbm Multiclass Classifier (Light Gbm) The LightGBM trainer is an open source implementation of gradient boosting decision tree. | |
Light GBM Regression (Light GBM) The Light GBM trains a model using a gradient boosting decision tree regression method. | |
Linear SVM Binary Classifier (Linear SVM) The Linear SVM Binary Classification trainer is used to train a linear binary classification model using the Linear SVM method. | |
Naive Bayes Multiclass Classifier (Naive Bayes) The Naive Bayes trainer is a probabilistic classifier that can be used for multiclass problems | |
Ordinary Least Squares Regression (OLS) The Ordinary Least Squares trainer is used for training a linear regression model using the ordinary least squares (OLS) method for estimating parameters of the linear regression model. | |
Online Gradient Descent Regression (Online Gradient Descent) The Online Gradient Descent Trainer is used to train a linear regression model using the online gradient descent method to estimate the parameters for the linear regression model. | |
SDCA Logistic Regression Binary Classifier (SDCA Logistic Regression) The SDCA Logistic Regression Binary Classification trainer is used to train logistic regression classification models trained with the stochastic dual coordinate ascent method. | |
Sdca Maximum Entropy Multiclass Classifier (Sdca Maximum Entropy) The Sdca maximum entropy model is used to predict a target using a linear multiclass classifier model trained with a coordinate descent method. | |
SDCA Noncalibrated Binary Classifier (SDCA Noncalibrated) The SDCA Noncalibrated Binary Classification trainer is used to train logistic regression classification models trained with the stochastic dual coordinate ascent method. | |
Sdca Noncalibrated Multiclass Classifier (Sdca Noncalibrated) The Sdca noncalibrated model is used to predict a target using a linear multiclass classifier model trained with a coordinate descent method. | |
Sdca Regression (Sdca) The Sdca trainer is used to train a regression model using the stochastic dual coordinate ascent method. | |
SGD Calibrated Binary Classifier (SGD Calibrated) The SGD Calibrated trains a linear classification model using the parallel stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method | |
SGD Noncalibrated Binary Classifier (SGD Noncalibrated) The SGD Noncalibrated trains a linear classification model using the parallel stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method | |
Symbolic SGD Logistic Regression Binary Classifier (Symbolic SGD) The Symbolic SGD Logistic Regression classifier trains a linear binary classification model using the symbolic stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method |
Arc Divide (ArcDivide) Divides a spline curve into tangent arc segments. | |
Deconstruct Wireframe (DeWire) Organizes a wireframe curve structure into nodes and centerlines | |
Flatness Check (Flat) Checks the flatness of a quad panel. | |
Mesh Edges (with Tolerance) (MshEdge) Finds naked mesh edges and edges between faces greater than a specified angle. | |
Mesh Reduce (MshReduce) Reduce mesh polygons to simplify. | |
Patch Surface (Patch) Returns a patch surface using a list of edge curves. (Rhino 5 only) | |
Random Split List (RandomSplit) Randomly splits a list into two lists. | |
Rebuild Surface (RebuildSrf) Rebuilds an untrimmed surface using U and V parameters. | |
Relative Coordinates (Relative) Returns coordinates of a point relative to a plane. | |
Reverse Surface Direction (RevSrf) Reverse the UV directions of a surface. | |
Sort Duplicate Breps (Sort Brep) Sort a list of Breps based on duplicates. | |
Sort Duplicate Curves (Sort Crv) Sort a list of curves based on duplicates using document tolerances. | |
Sort Duplicate Points (Sort Pts) Sort a list of points based on duplicates. | |
Sort Duplicate Values (Sort Val) Sort a list of numbers or strings based on duplicates. | |
Unroll Brep (Unroll) Unroll a brep or surface. | |
RTree Closest Point (RTree CP) Find the closest point in an RTree from search points | |
Create RTree (RTree) Creates a searchable RTree | |
RTree Points in Range (RTree Range) Find points in an RTree within range of search points | |
Brep Join with Tolerance (BrepJoin) Join Brep faces with a tolerance value. | |
Brep Join Progression (BrepJoin) Progressively join Brep faces with a tolerance value. Faces are progressively joined together in the order they are supplied. | |
Sort Adjacent Brep Faces (Adjacent) Returns a sorted structure of Brep faces adjacent to other faces. |
Codify Data Codify data to be used in various classifier models. | |
Load Model Deserialize a model from a saved file (*.bin) | |
Gaussian Mixture (GaussianMix) Solver for Gaussian Mixture models. | |
Confusion Matrix Properties (Confusion Matrix) This component exposes the properties of a General Confusion Matrix | |
Hidden Markov Model (HiddenMark) Solver for Hidden Markov Model problems. | |
K-Means Clustering (K-Means) Solver for K-Means Clustering. | |
Linear Regression (LineReg) Solver for linear regression problems. | |
Logistic Regression (LogReg) Solver for Logistic regression problems. | |
Multivariate Linear Regression (MultiLineReg) Solver for multivariate linear regression problems. | |
Naive Bayes Classification Tester This component tests an adaptive naive bayes classifier. | |
Naive Bayes Classification Trainer This component trains an adaptive naive bayes classifier algorithm based on a training data set. | |
Neural Network Tester Test a solution using a trained neural network solver. | |
Neural Network Trainer This component uses the resilient backpropagation (RProp) learning algorithm to train neural networks. | |
Restricted Boltzmann Machine (ResBoltz) Solver for Restricted Boltzmann machines. | |
Nonlinear Regression (NonlineReg) Solver for nonlinear regression problems using Sequential Minimal Optimization. | |
Kernel SVM Tester (SVM Tester) This component tests an kernel-based Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. | |
Kernel SVM Trainer (SVM Trainer) This component trains a kernel-based Support Vector Machine (SVM) on an input training data set. |
Create Data Set (Create) Create a data set which can be use for training a machine learning algorithm. | |
Text Loader Options (Options) Additional options to control how a data file is loaded. | |
Featurize Text (Featurize) Transforms a text column into a featurized vector of numbers that represents normalized counts of n-grams and char-grams. | |
Filter Data Filter data based on the values of a column. | |
Get Column Label (Column Label) Get the names of the columns in a data set. | |
Load Data From Text File (Load Data) Load a data set from a file. | |
Normalize Data (Normalize) Normalizes the values of a column in a data set. | |
One Hot Encoding (Encoding) Converts one or more input text columns into as many columns of one-hot encoded vectors | |
Peek At Data (Peek Data) Peek at a small sample of the contents of a ML data set | |
Remove Columns Remove columns from a data set. | |
Replace Missing Data (Replace Data) Replace missing data in a column. | |
Select Columns Select columns from a data set. | |
Split Data Split a loaded data set into training and testing subsets of data. | |
Tokenize Into Words (Tokenize) Split one or more text columns into individual words. |
Enneper Surface (Enneper) Create a parametric Enneper surface. | |
Helicoid Surface (Helicoid) Create a parametric Helicoid surface. | |
Klein Surface (Klein) Create a parametric Klein surface. | |
Mobius Surface (Mobius) Create a parametric Mobius surface. | |
Hyperbolic Paraboloid (Paraboloid) Create a parametric paraboloid surface. | |
Conoid Surface (Conoid) Create Plucker's Conoid surface. | |
3D Supershape (3DSupershape) Create a parametric 3D supsershape | |
Torus Surface (Torus) Create a parametric torus surface. | |
Platonic Cube (PlatoCube) Create a parametric cube with a truncation parameter. | |
Platonic Dodecahedron (PlatoDodec) Create a dodecahedron. | |
Platonic Icosahedron (PlatoIcosa) Create a parametric icosahedron with a truncation parameter. | |
Platonic Octahedron (PlatoOcta) Create a parametric octrahedron with a truncation parameter. | |
Platonic Tetrahedron (PlatoTetra) Create a parametric tetrahedron with a truncation parameter. |
Create Chart (Chart) Creates a saveable Winform chart. | |
Create Data Grid (DataGrid) Creates a Data Grid view of data. Data can be saved as CSV file. | |
Create DataSet (DataSet) Create a DataSet | |
Create DataTable (DataTable) Create a DataTable | |
Create CSV (CSV) Create a CSV string | |
Read CSV (CSV) Read a CSV string. (Comma Separated Value) | |
Convert JSON to XML (JSON-XML) Converts a JSON string to XML. | |
Create XML (XML) Create XML from a DataSet | |
Read XML by Tag (XML) Read XML data by tag. | |
Convert XML to JSON (XML-JSON) Converts a XML string to JSON | |
Create JSON (JSON) Create JSON from a DataSet |
Diamond Panels (Diamond) Creates diamond panels on a surface. | |
Diamond Grid (DGrid) Creates a diamond corner point grid on a surface. | |
Hexagon Cells (Hex) Creates hexagonal cells on surface. | |
Quad Panels (Quads) Creates quadrangular panels on a surface | |
Quad Grid (QGrid) Creates a quad corner point grid on a surface. | |
Random Quad Panels (QuadRand) Creates randomly staggered quad panels on a surface | |
Staggered Quad Panels (QuadStag) Creates staggered quad panels on a surface. | |
Skewed Quads (SQuads) Creates 'skewed' quadrangular panels on a surface | |
Triangular Panels A (TriA) Creates triangular panels on a surface. | |
Triangle Panels B (TriB) Creates triangular panels on a surface. | |
Triangle Panels C (TriC) Creates triangular panels on a surface. |
Object Bake (Bake) Bake objects to a layer in the active Rhino document. | |
Create Layers (Layer) Create a list of layers in Rhino. | |
Excel Reader (ExcelRead) Reads an open Excel file. | |
Excel Write (ExcelWrite) Write to an open Excel file. | |
Launch Application (LaunchApp) Launch an external application or file | |
Layer Information (Layer Info) Get layer information from the current document. | |
Layer Reference (Layer Ref) Reference geometry on layers with GUIDs and Names. | |
Rhino Command (RhCOM) Sends a command to the Rhino command-line. | |
Object Save (Save) Saves geometry to a specified file location. |
Braced Grid 1-D Structure (GridBraced1D) Creates a 1-Direction braced grid structure on a surface. | |
Braced Grid 2-D Structure (GridBraced2D) Creates a 2-Direction braced grid structure on a surface. | |
Diagrid Structure (Diagrid) Creates a diagrid structure on a surface. | |
Grid Structure (Grid) Creates a simple grid structure on a surface. | |
Hexagonal Structure (Hex) Creates a hexagonal structure on a surface. | |
Space Truss Structure 1 (SpaceTruss 1) Creates a space truss structure on a surface. | |
Space Truss Structure 2 (SpaceTruss 2) Creates a space truss structure using two driver surfaces | |
2D Truss (Truss) Creates a 2-D Truss using a set of edge curves. |
Load Saved Model (Load Model) Deserialize a model from a saved file (*.zip) | |
Object Detection Using ONNX File (Image Classifier) Use a pre-trained deep learning Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) file for object detection and image segmentation | |
Multiclass Classifier Tester Test a model for multiclass classification problems. | |
Binary Classifier Tester Test a model for binary classification problems. | |
Regression Tester Test a model for regression problems. | |
Multiclass Classifier Trainer Train a model for multiclass classification problems. | |
Binary Classifier Trainer Train a model for binary classification problems. | |
Regression Trainer Train a model for regression problems. |
Attractor (Attract) Generates a attractor values using lists of attractors and targets. | |
Attractor Wave (AttWave) Generates a wave attractor effect using lists of attractors and targets. | |
Constant Quad Subdivide (ConstQuad) Subdivides a triangular panel into quadrangular cells | |
Panel Frame (Frame) Creates an offset frame using a panel. | |
Subdivide Quad (QuadSub) Subdivides a quad into self-similar cells. | |
Subdivide Triangle (TriSub) Subdivides a triangle into self-similar cells. |
Hash Objects (Hash) Use a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) to hash geometry or strings. | |
Create GUID (GUID) Creates a valid GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). | |
Decrypt Text (Decrypt) Decrypt text with a passphrase. | |
Deserialize Geometry (Deserialize) Deserialize string (JSON, XML, or Binary) to Grasshopper geometry. | |
Encrypt Text (Encrypt) Encrypt text with a passphrase. | |
Serialize Geometry (Serialize) Serialize Grasshopper geometry text formats (JSON, XML, or Binary). |
Mesh Extrude (MshExtrude) Extrudes a mesh object along a specified vector. | |
Mesh Offset (MshOffset) Offsets a mesh object using the vertex normals of the source mesh. | |
Mesh to Nurbs (MeshNurbs) Convert the faces of a mesh to Nurbs surfaces. | |
Quad Remesh (Remesh) Remeshes a Brep or Mesh object using Rhino's Quad Remesh feature. | |
Quad Remesh Parameters (Parameters) Parameters to control the output of the Quad Remesh component. |
Airtable Record Fields (Fields) Retrieve a list of Fields of given Airtable Records | |
Delete Airtable Record (Delete) This is a Delete component that Deletes a record with a specific ID in a specific table | |
Replace Airtable Record (Replace) Replace a record with a specific ID in a specific table using provided information | |
Update Airtable Record (Update) Update an Airtable Record in a specified table in a specific base | |
Create Airtable Record (Create) Create an Airtable Record in a specified table in a specific base | |
List Airtable Records (List) Retrieve a list of Airtable Records from a specific Airtable Base, Currently there's a 100 record max | |
Get Airtable Record (Get) This is a Get component that retrieves a specific Airtable Record from a specific Baseand a specific Table |
Mesh Explode (Explode) Decompose a mesh into its faces | |
Mesh Area (Area) Solve mesh Area properties | |
Mesh Volume (Volume) Solve mesh Volume properties | |
Mesh Naked Edge (NakedEdge) Find naked edges | |
Mesh Convert Quads (ConvQuads) Convert non planar quads to triangles | |
Mesh Triangulate (Triangulate) Convert quads to triangles |
Mesh Cull Unused Vertices (cullVertices) Cull (remove) all vertices that are currently not used by the Face list | |
Mesh Flip (Flip) Reverse the direction of the mesh | |
Mesh From Points (FromPoints) Create a mesh from a grid of points. | |
Mesh Unify Normals (UnifyNormals) Attempts to fix inconsistencies in the directions of meshfaces for a mesh |
Frame+0 (m+Frame+0) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating a point from the face's vertex to its center, creating 0 new points along the edge. | |
Frame+1 (m+Frame+1) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating points from the face's vertex and edge midpoint to its center, creating 1 new points along the edge | |
Frame+2 (m+Frame+2) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating a point from the face's vertex to its center, creating 2 new points along the edge. | |
Frame+3 (m+Frame+3) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating points from the face's vertex and edge midpoint to its center, creating 3 new points along the edge | |
T+3 (m+T+3) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating a point from the face's vertex to its center, creating 3 new points along the edge and removing the face's vertex | |
Tri Frame+1 (m+Tri Frame+1) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating a point from the face's vertex to its center, creating 1 new points along the edge. | |
Tri Frame+2 (m+Tri Frame+2) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating a point from the face's vertex to its center, creating 2 new points along the edge and removing the existing face's vertex | |
Tri Frame+3 (m+Tri Frame+3) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating points from the face's vertex and edge midpoint to its center, creating 3 new points along the edge | |
Aperture+0 (m+Aperture+0) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating points from the points along face's edges to its center, creating 0 new points along the edge. | |
Aperture+2 (m+Aperture+2) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating points from points along the face's edge to its center, creating 2 new points along the edge and removing the face's vertex | |
Aperture+3 (m+Aperture+3) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating points from points along the face's edge to its center, creating 3 new points along the edge and removing the face's vertex | |
Center+1 (m+Center+1) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by creating 1 new points along the edge. | |
Center+3 (m+Center+3) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by creating 3 new points along the edge and removes the face's vertex. | |
Dense+1 (m+Dense+1) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by adding a vertex at the face center and creating 1 new point along the edge. | |
Fan+2 (m+Fan+2) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by creating 2 new points along the edge and one at its center, removing the face's vertex. | |
Fan+3 (m+Fan+3) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by creating 3 new points along the edge and removing the face's vertex. | |
Pinwheel+2 (m+Pinwheel+2) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by creating 2 new points along the edge and removing the face's vertex. | |
Snub+0 (m+Snub+0) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating a point from the face's edge midpoint to its center, creating 0 new points along the edge. | |
Snub+1 (m+Snub+1) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating a point from the face's edge midpoint to its center, creating 1 new points along the edge. | |
Snub+2 (m+Snub+2) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating a point from the face's edge midpoint to its center, creating 2 new points along the edge and removing the face's vertex | |
Snub+3 (m+Snub+3) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating a point from the face's edge midpoint to its center, creating 3 new points along the edge and removing the face's vertex | |
Stellate+0 (m+Stellate+0) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by adding a vertex at the face center and creating 0 new points along the edge. | |
X+2 (m+X+2) Replaces selected faces of a mesh or the interior of a curve with a frame around the edge by evaluating a point from the face's edge midpoint to its center, creating 2 new points along the edge. |
Connected Edge Angles (m+V-E Ang) Returns the angle at each vertex normal of a mesh tested against the vector along each connected edge. | |
Connected Edge Lengths (m+VEL) Returns the cumulative length of each edge connected to a given vertex. | |
Connected Faces (m+ConFace) Returns the number of faces connected to each face. | |
Connected Vertex Normal Angle (m+V-V Ang) Returns the angle at each vertex normal of a mesh tested against the connected vertex normals. | |
Edge Lengths (m+EdgeLen) Returns the length for each edge of the mesh. | |
Edge Shared Face Angles (m+EdgeAng) Returns the angle of the faces connected to each edge. | |
Extract Edges (m+Edges) Returns the edge lines and topology vertices in the topology order of the mesh. | |
Face Edge Lengths (m+FEL) Returns the cumulative edge length of each face of a mesh. | |
Face Normal Direction (m+FaceDir) Returns the angle at each face normal of a mesh tested against a vector. | |
Face to Face Angles (m+F-F Ang) Returns the angle at each face normal of a mesh tested against its connected face normals. | |
Face Vertex Angles (m+F-V Ang) Returns the angle at each face normal of a mesh tested the normals at it's vertices. | |
Mesh Face Area (m+FaceArea) Returns the area of each face of a mesh. | |
Topology Vertices (m+Vert) Returns the mesh vertices per earch topology vertex of the mesh. | |
Unitize Mesh Distances (m+Unit) Returns a unitized value for each specifed component of a mesh, vertex, face center, or edge midpoint based on its distance to the closest sample index point relative to the furthest point from all sample points | |
Valence (m+Valence) Returns the valence or number of connected vertices to a given vertex. | |
Vertex Face Angles (m+V-F Ang) Returns the angle at each vertex normal of a mesh tested against the connected vertex normals. | |
Vertex Normal Direction (m+VecDir) Returns the angle at each vertex normal of a mesh tested against a vector. |
Batwing (m+Batwing) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the Batwing adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
Box (m+Box) Creates a mesh which spans two meshes bridging them from either the vertex or edge center | |
CLP (m+CLP) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the Schwarz CLP adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
Cross (m+Cross) Creates a mesh which spans two meshes bridging them from the face center and connecting faces at either the vertex point or edge centers | |
D (m+D) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the Schwarz D adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
F-RD (m+F-RD) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the Schoen F-RD adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
F-RDr (m+F-RDr) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the Schoen F-RDr adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
F-RDr2 (m+F-RDr2) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the Schoen F-RDr with higher vertex count, adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
I-WP (m+I-WP) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the Schoen I-WP adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
I-WPr (m+I-WPr) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the Schoen I-WPr adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
Nevious (m+Nevious) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the Neovious adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
P (m+P) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the Schwarz P adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
Pa (m+Pa) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the Schwarz Pa adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
SS (m+SS) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction based on the topology of the SS adapted with parametric inputs to the geometric proportions within the bounds of each offset pair of mesh faces | |
Switch (m+Switch) Creates a mesh which spans two meshes bridging them from either the vertex or edge center | |
X&T (m+X&T) Creates a volumetric mesh from either a single mesh face and depth or between two parallel meshes of idential construction bridging the vertices to the face center between two mesh faces |
Weighted Catmull Clark Subdivision (m+Catmull Clark) Based off of the implementation of Weaverbird's subdivision, this implementation of Catmull Clark Subdivision introduced the option to modify the weight of smoothing or displacement from origin, of the face, edge, and vertex based vertices | |
Catmull Clark nGon Subdivision (m+CatmullClark) Applies Catmull Clark Subdivision to a list of closed polylines which are treated as the faces and vertices of a nGon mesh. | |
Doo Sabin Subdivision (m+Doo Sabin) Applies Doo Sabin Subdivision to a list of closed polylines which are treated as the faces and vertices of a nGon mesh. | |
Expansion Subdivision (m+Expansion) Applies Expansion Subdivision to a list of closed polylines which are treated as the faces and vertices of a nGon mesh | |
Face Center Subdivision (m+FaceCenter) Applies Face Center Subdivision to a list of closed polylines which are treated as the faces and vertices of a nGon mesh. | |
Mid Edge Subdivision (m+MidEdge) Applies Mid Edge Subdivision to a list of closed polylines which are treated as the faces and vertices of a nGon mesh. | |
Modified Kobbelt Subdivision (m+ModKobbelt) Applies a modified version of Kobbelt Subdivision which creates new quad faces from a list of closed polylines which are treated as the faces and vertices of a nGon mesh. | |
Root 3 Subdivision (m+Root3) Applies Root 3 Subdivision to a list of closed polylines which are treated as the faces and vertices of a nGon mesh. | |
Weighted Butterfly Subdivision (m+Butterfly) Implements the basic form of Butterfly subdivision which maintains the original meshes vertex locations. This method does requires a closed mesh volume with only triangular faces. | |
Weighted Loop Subdivision (m+Loop) Based off of the implementation of Weaverbird's subdivision, this implementation of Loop Subdivision introduced the option to modify the weight of smoothing or displacement from origin, of the edge and vertex based vertices | |
Weighted Root 3 Subdivision (m+Root 3) An implementation of Root 3 Subdivision, this method follows the model established in weaverbird for resolving edge conditions |
Baycentric Mesh Morph (m+Map Mesh to Mesh) Uses Barycentric Mapping to morph meshes from reference boundaries to each face of a target mesh, or pair of meshes with identical topologies. | |
Map Curve to Curve (m+Map Crv to Crv) Uses Barycentric Mapping to morph curves from a reference boundary polyline to a target polyline of the same topology. | |
Map Curves to Mesh (m+Map Crv to Mesh) Uses Barycentric Mapping to morph curves from reference boundaries to each face of a target mesh, or pair of meshes with identical topologies. | |
Map Edge Values (m+Map Edge) Maps and averages unitized values cooresponding to each edge of a mesh to its other constituent elements. | |
Map Face Values (m+Map Face) Maps and averages unitized values cooresponding to each face of a mesh to its other constituent elements. | |
Map Mesh to Curves (m+Map Mesh to Crv) Uses Barycentric Mapping to morph meshes from a reference boundary polyline to a target polyline of the same topology. | |
Map Points to Curve (m+Map Pt to Crv) Uses Barycentric Mapping to morph points from a reference boundary polyline to a target polyline of the same topology. | |
Map Points to Mesh (m+Map Pt to Mesh) Uses Barycentric Mapping to morph points from reference boundaries to each face of a target mesh, or pair of meshes with identical topologies. | |
Map Vertex Values (m+Map Vert) Maps and averages unitized values cooresponding to each vertex of a mesh to its other constituent elements. | |
Mesh Twisted Box (m+Twisted Box) Creates twisted boxes which either span or project off of quad mesh faces creating 8 points which can be used to define a twisted box | |
Wrap Data (WrapData) Converts a list of data into an integer indexed dictionary which is wrapped into a single object |
Cairo Tiling (m+Cairo) Applies a Mesh to a surface based on the Cairo Tiling tesselation covering its domain, recognizing closure in both the U and V directions when the patterning allows. | |
Diamond Tiling (m+Diamond) Applies a Mesh to a surface based on Diamond Tiling tesselation covering its domain, recognizing closure in both the U and V directions when the patterning allows. | |
Elongated Triangle Tiling (m+ElongTri) Applies a Mesh to a surface based on the Elongated Triangle tesselation covering its domain, recognizing closure in both the U and V directions when the patterning allows. | |
Fill Mesh Holes (m+Fill) Creates a simple fan mesh from an input curve with options for introducing vertex colors | |
Mesh Loft (m+Loft) Creates a mesh from the control points of input curves with multiple methods for defining topology | |
ngon Mesh (m+ngon Mesh) This experimental component creates a topology map for mesh comprised of faces of with a vertex count of 3 or higher | |
Patterned Triangulation (m+TriPat) Applies a boolean pattern based Triangular Mesh to a surface covering its domain, recognizing closure in both the U and V directions when the patterning allows. | |
Regular Triangulation (m+RegTriGrid) Applies a Regular Triangular Mesh to a surface covering its domain, recognizing closure in both the U and V directions when the patterning allows. | |
Rhombitrihexagonal Tiling (m+Rhombitrihexagonal) Applies a Mesh to a surface based on the Rhombitrihexagonal tesselation covering its domain, recognizing closure in both the U and V directions when the patterning allows | |
Snub Square Tiling (m+SnubSqr) Applies a Mesh to a surface based on the Snubbed Square tesselation covering its domain, recognizing closure in both the U and V directions when the patterning allows. | |
Truncated Square Tiling (m+TruncatedSqr) Applies a Mesh to a surface based on the Truncated Square tesselation covering its domain, recognizing closure in both the U and V directions when the patterning allows |
Mesh Caps (m+Caps) Caps all naked edges in a mesh by introducing a new point at the averaged volumetric center fanning about it. | |
Explode Unwelded (m+ExpUnweld) Implements Explode Unwelded. "Explode the mesh into submeshes where a submesh is a collection of faces that are contained within a closed loop of "unwelded" edges." | |
Mesh Explode (m+Explode) Explodes each face of a mesh into a new single faced mesh which maintains vertex colors and whose normals can either be rebuilt or retain the existing vertex normals. | |
Mesh Extend (m+Extend) Extends all naked edges of a mesh by a given distance by adding a new row of mesh faces | |
Mesh Offset & Extrude (m+Offset/Extrude) Takes a mesh and offsets along each vertex normal or aligned with input vectors with independent options for closing the top, bottom and edges as well as offseting in both directions. | |
Offset Edges (m+Edges) Takes edge of a mesh and offsets it along the vertex normal or extrudes along a input vector. Output can be toggled between a single mesh or individual meshes per face. | |
Span & Bridge (m+Span & Bridge) Removes multiple pairs of mesh faces at given indices from either one or two meshes and bridges the resulting naked edges | |
Unweld & Explode (m+UWX) Unwelds a mesh at the user specified angle and explodes it into new meshes at unwelded edges. |
Face Bands (m+Bands) Indexes Mesh Faces based on their topological distance from naked edges or selected points. | |
Proximity Vertex Selection (m+ProxSel) Selects vertices based on their closest point distance to sample geometries. | |
Select by Topological Distance (m+TopoSel) Returns a series of unitized values per vertex based on their topological edge's cumulative physical distance, divided by a user specified range for selection. | |
Select by Vertex Angle (m+SelAng) Selects vertices based on an angle tolerance, determined by testing the angle between all edges shared by a vertex about a face and sums the value. | |
Select Mesh Edge (m+SelEdge) Allows for the selection of Grasshopper or Rhino Mesh Edges. Returning the Indices, Mid Point, and Representational Line at each selection. | |
Select Mesh Faces (m+SelFace) Allows for the selection of Grasshopper or Rhino Mesh Faces. Returning the Indices, Face Center, Face, and Face Normal at each selection. | |
Select Mesh Vertices (m+SelVert) Allows for the selection of Grasshopper or Rhino Mesh Vertices. Returning the Indices, Point, and Normal at each selection. | |
Vertex Rings (m+Rings) Indexes Vertices based on their topological distance from naked edges or selected points. |
Hair (m+Hair) Creates an advanced hair effect from a tapered extrusion which can rotate within a pore relief on each face of the mesh outwards along the direction of the face normal | |
Polyp (m+Polyp) Creates an advanced polyp effect from the edge of each face of the mesh outwards along the direction of the face normal | |
Pore (m+Pore) Creates a pore effect with a flat edge and raised facet on each face of the mesh outwards along the direction of the face normal | |
Antisnub (m+Antisnub) Creates an advanced face effect by creating the antiprism extrusion from each face and snubbing the top corner vertex of each new face on each face of the original mesh outwards along the direction of the face normal | |
Node (m+Node) Creates an advanced face effect stellating the face and creating an optional directional pore from each new face on each face of the original mesh outwards along the direction of the face normal | |
Peel (m+Peel) Creates an advanced peeling effect rotating subdivided faes outwards about each edge of each face of the mesh outwards along the direction of the face normal | |
Pinch (m+Pinch) Creates an advanced pinching moving points at the vertex and edge centers independently towards the center of each face of the mesh outwards along the direction of the face normal |
Align Mesh Vertices (m+AlignVert) Collapses vertex positions based on their proximity and the sequence in which they are toplogically ordered. | |
Calculate Vertex Normals (m+VertNorm) Rebuilds vertex normals with a full range of options. | |
Compute Face Normals (m+FaceNorm) Rebuilds the Face Normals for a mesh with a full range of options. | |
Mirror Face Orientation (m+MFO) Mirrors selected face topology. | |
Reverse Face Normal (m+RFN) Reverses selected face normals | |
Shift Face Orientation (m+SFO) Shifts selected face topology, similar to rotating the face. | |
Triangulate Mesh (m+Tri) Triangulates the quad faces of mesh based on natural direction, shortest/ longest length, or greatest or smallest area. |
Continuum (m+Continuum) Creates a series of connections perpendicular and parallel to each meshes face creating a loop from front face to back face. Inspired by the work of Erwin Hauer. | |
Criss Cross (m+CrissCross) Creates a series of connections perpendicular and parallel to each meshes face bridging between every other edge. | |
Link (m+Link) Creates a series of radially arrayed links from each mesh face edge about each face center and back to the same edge | |
Net (m+Net) Creates a series of radially arrayed interlocking ribbons from each mesh face edge about each face center | |
Thatch (m+Thatch) Converts each face into a quad set of thatch woven meshes | |
Weave (m+Weave) Converts each face of a mesh into two interwoven meshes |
Highlight (m+Highlight) Applies a color to all naked edge or non naked vertex points in a mesh | |
Label Edge (m+Edges) Creates point lists of points at each mesh edge at its midpoint | |
Label Face (m+Face) Creates point lists of center points of each mesh face at its center | |
Label Topo Vert (m+TopoVert) Creates point lists of the meshes topology vertex points offset on the face to remove overlap | |
Label Vertex Indices (m+Index) Creates point lists of vertex sequence of each face offset on the face to remove overlap | |
Label Vertex (m+Vertex) Creates point lists of the meshes vertex points offset on the face to remove overlap |
Branch (m+Branch) Recursively branches each mesh face which is parallel to the original mesh faces into a set of new subdivided quad extrusions. | |
Crumple (m+Crumple) Recursively stellates each mesh face into a new mesh offset along the face normal. | |
Crystalize (m+Crystalize) Recursively decomposes each mesh face into a new truncated open mesh pyramid offset along the face normal | |
Expand (m+Expand) Recursively decomposes each mesh face into a new mesh offset along the face normal connected only by the corner vertices. | |
Facet (m+Facet) Recursively stellates a new face made from the midpoints of the edge lines. |
Mesh Pipe (MPipe) Create a mesh pipe. | |
Mesh Sweep (MSweep) Create a mesh sweep with one rail curve. |
Best Practicizer (BestPracticizer) Takes a selected group and inserts input and output params at both edges for any data that goes outside the group. | |
Capture GH Canvas (CanvasCap) Capture a hi-res image of the GH Canvas | |
Wrap List (Wrap) Converts a list of data into a single object | |
Expire Object (Expire) Expire / recompute a component or param | |
Get List Data (ListData) Gets data from the Value List, Item Selector, etc components | |
Get Param Data (ParamData) Get the set of data in a given param | |
Get Slider Properties (SliderInfo) Gets the properties of the slider | |
Instantiate Object (Create) Attempts to create an instance of an object on the canvas | |
Internalize Param Data (Internalize) Internalize data into a param | |
Label Groups (LblGrp) Auto-create a scribble in the upper left corner of a group that matches the group's name | |
Highlight Objects (Hilite) Highlight objects by adding them a new group | |
Relative Path (RelPath) Appends the directory this definition is saved in to a file path. Auto-converts the contents of a text panel containing an absolute path | |
Get Runtime Messages (Msgs) Gets errors and warnings from selected objects | |
Select GH Object (Select) Select objects on the Grasshopper Canvas | |
Set Object Value (SetObj) Tries to set the value of an object. What value it sets varies by type - it sets a slider's numeric value, a panel or scribble's text contents, etc | |
Set Param Data (SetParamData) Set the data in a given param | |
SwapParamType (SwapParam) Switch the type of one param object to another | |
Unwrap List N Levels (UnwrapN) Unwraps data wrappers N levels (or all the way if N=0) | |
Unwrap List (Unwrap) Converts a data wrapper into a list | |
Wrap List N Levels (WrapN) Wraps and Path-shifts a list by N levels | |
AutoSwatch (Swatch) A shortcut for creating color swatches by name |
Bake Object (Bake) Programmatically bake the geometry of specified objects | |
Control Wire Display (WireDisplay) Control the display of wires for parameters and components. | |
Enable/Disable Object (OnOff) Programmatically enable/disable solving for specified objects | |
Move Object (Move) Reposition an object on the GH canvas | |
Rename Object (Rename) Programmatically set the nickname of specified objects | |
Set Group Properties (SetGroup) Set the name, color, and style of a group. | |
Hide/Show Object Preview (HideShow) Programmatically control the preview visibility of specified objects | |
Set Panel Properties (SetPanel) Modify the properties of a panel object | |
Set Scribble Properties (SetScribble) Set the text, size, and font of a Scribble. | |
Set Sketch Modify the form of an existing sketch object. | |
Set Slider Properties (Set Slider) Modify the properties of a slider object | |
Wire Display Toggle (WireToggle) Switch all document wires between hidden and faint. |
Get Connected Objects (Connected) Gets all components and params connected to this component | |
Get Groups (Groups) Get all groups in the document | |
Get Objects in Group (ObjFromGroup) Gets all components and params in the same group as this component (or the specified group if supplied) | |
Get Scribbles (Scribbles) Get all Scribbles in the document | |
Get Objects of Same Library (SameLib) Gets all components and params that are from the same library as the attached. | |
Get Objects of Same Type (SameType) Gets all components and params that are of the same type as the attached. | |
Get Selected Objects (SelObj) Get the objects currently selected on the canvas | |
Get Object By Nickname (ObjByNN) Retrieves all objects matching the specified nickname. Wildcard patterns accepted. |
Assembly Info Gets information about an assembly | |
Component Info Get information about a component object. Retrieve components with Document Info, Get Attached Component, or Get Selected Component. | |
Document Info (DocInfo) Get information about the GH document and its components | |
Object Info Gets basic information from any DocumentObject | |
Param Info Gets information about param objects |
Batch Animator (BAnim) Saves a screenshot of every state of the model in the batch to a folder. | |
BatchDriver Run a batch analysis across a range of variable parameters | |
Batch Variable from List (BVarList) Converts a list of values such as a series or range into a variable input to the Batch Driver | |
BatchSlider (BSlider) Converts a standard GH Slider into a variable input to the Batch Driver |
FEA System Finite Element System [frames and shells] | |
Fe Frame Element (Frame Element) Definition of single Frame Element[beam, column etc...] | |
Fe Quad Shell Element (Quad Element) Definition of single quad element | |
Frame Curves (FCurves) Curves to be converted to frame elements | |
Graph structure Connectivity Graph of structural elements | |
FE Mesh (FEMesh) Meshes to be converted to a colleciton of shell elements | |
FE Point Load (FEPointLoad) Point Load | |
FE Point Supports (FEPointSupports) Point Support | |
Load Region Boundary within which loads are applied | |
Material Properties Region (Material Properties) Boundary within which material properties are applied | |
MSupport Type region (Support Region) Boundary within which support properties are changed | |
Frame Results Frame Results | |
Node Results Node Results | |
Quad Results Quad Results | |
Stress Lines (StressLines) Stress Line Visualization | |
FE Solver Solver For FE Analysis | |
Frame Visualization Frame Visualization | |
Stress Pattern Stress Pattern |
2D boundary Region (Boundary) 2D boundary Region | |
2D density Region (Density) 2D density Region | |
2D Load Region (Load) 2D Load Region | |
2D Support Region (Support) 2D Support Region | |
2D Iso Contour 2D Iso Contour | |
2D Mesh Results 2D Mesh Results | |
2D Node Results 2D Node Results | |
2D Cell Results 2D Cell Results | |
Thickness Thickness | |
Topostruct 2D solver Topostruct 2D solver | |
Topostruct 2D model (Topostruct 2D) Topostruct 2D model |
3D boundary Region (Boundary) 3D boundary Region | |
3D density Region (Density) 3D density Region | |
3D Load Region (Load) 3D Load Region | |
3D Support Region (Support) 3D Support Region | |
3D Cell Results 3D Cell Results | |
3D Iso Mesh 3D Iso Mesh | |
3D Mesh Results 3D Mesh Results | |
3D Node Results 3D Node Results | |
Topostruct 3D solver Topostruct 3D solver | |
Topostruct 3D model (Topostruct 3D) Topostruct 3D model |
Distance Pattern Distance Pattern | |
Image Pattern Image Pattern | |
Reparameterization Mesh Reparameterization | |
Curves Extracts the iso-curves from the reparameterized surface | |
Vector Field Extracts the vector field from the reparameterized surface | |
Mesh Extracts the mesh with the new UV parameters as texture coordinates. Can be used for texture mapping | |
Pattern Given a pattern made of lines and points this components remaps it using the new parameterization of the surface | |
Planes Extracts the planes from the reparameterized surface | |
Quads Extracts a quad mesh fro the reparameterized surface. This mesh might have holes around singularities where the grid collapses |
Displace By Spectrum Displace By Spectrum | |
EigenSystem Builds the EigenSystem of the discrete Laplace Beltrami operator of a given mesh | |
Extract spectrum Extract spectrum | |
Extract EigenVector Extract EigenVector | |
Reconstruct Reconstruct From spectrums | |
Spectral Filter Spectral Filter | |
Mesh Visualization Mesh Visualization |
Discretization Discretization | |
Mesh Contour field (Mesh Contours) Mesh Contour field | |
Minimal Surface (MiniSrf) Mesh Surface Minimizer | |
Minimal Surface From Edges (MiniSrfEdge) Mesh Surface Minimizer From Edges | |
Iso surface (Iso Surface) Iso Surface | |
Geometry Wrapper Geometry Wrapper |
LoadCase LoadCase | |
Cross Section (Csection) Cross Section definition for FEA | |
Isotropic Material (Mat) Custom Material definition for FEA | |
Material (Mat) Material definition for FEA |
Symmetric EigenSystem (EigenSystem) Symmetric EigenSystem | |
FFT Fast Fourier Transform | |
FFT 2D (FFT2D) Fast Fourier Transform in 2D | |
Sparse System Solver (Sparse Solver) Solver for Sparse Linear Systems A X = B |
Minimal Surface (MinSurf 2C) Construct a minimal surface based on 2 boundry curves | |
Minimal Surface Mesh (MinSurf 2C Mesh) Construct a minimal surface based on 2 boundry curves as mesh | |
Mesh Relax Relax a mesh |
Construct Explicit Rule between 2 Lists (RuleExp2Lists) Construct a Monoceros Explicit Rule (connector-to-connector) between all listed Connectors of all listed Modules of two lists | |
Are Rules Equal (AreRulesEq) Returns true if the provided Monoceros Rules are equal. | |
Unwrap Typed Rules (UnwrapRules) Convert Monoceros Typed Rules into Monoceros Explicit Rules and deduplicate. | |
Scan Slots for Rules (RulesScan) Scan Slots and extract Rules describing connections in them. | |
Suggest Rules from Geometry (RuleSuggest) Suggest Rules based on naked geometry at connectors. The two Modules described by the generated Rule can be joined or welded. Supports Curves, BReps and Meshes. | |
Construct Indifferent Rule (RuleIndiff) Selected Connectors of a Monoceros Module connect to any opposite indifferent connector of any Monoceros Module. | |
Construct Rule At Boundary (RuleBound) Rule allowing the Monoceros Module to touch the boundary of the Envelope with a Connector of the given index. All connectors with an Indifferent Rule can automatically touch the boundary. | |
Is Rule Explicit (IsRuleExp) Returns true if the provided Monoceros Rule is Explicit (connector-to-connector). | |
Is Rule Typed (IsRuleTyp) Returns true if the Monoceros Rule is Typed (connector-to-all-same-type-connectors). | |
Deconstruct Typed Rule (DeconRuleTyp) Deconstruct a Monoceros Typed Rule (connector-to-all-same-type-connectors) into Module name, Connector index and Connector type. | |
Deconstruct Explicit Rule (DeconRuleExp) Deconstruct an Monoceros Explicit Rule (connector-to-connector) into Module names and Connector indices. | |
Collect Rules (CollectRules) Collect, convert to Explicit, deduplicate, sort and remove disallowed Monoceros Rules. Automatically generates an Out Module and its Rules. | |
Preview Rules (RulePreview) Preview Monoceros Rules as lines connecting individual Connectors of Monoceros Modules. | |
Indifferent Rules for unused Connectors (RuleIndiffUnused) Unused connectors of Monoceros Modules connect to any opposite indifferent connector of any Monoceros Module. | |
Rule at Boundary from Point (RuleBoundPt) Rule allowing the Monoceros Module to touch the boundary of the Envelope with a Connector marked with a Point. All connectors with an Indifferent Rule can automatically touch the boundary. | |
Indifferent Rule from Point (RuleIndiffPt) Connectors of a Monoceros Module marked with a Point connect to any opposite Indifferent Connector of any Monoceros Module. | |
Typed Rule from Point (RuleTypPt) Create a Monoceros Typed Rule (connector-to-all-same-type-connectors) from a Point tag. The connector Type will be converted to lowercase. | |
Explicit Rule from Curve (RuleExpCrv) Create an Monoceros Explicit Rule (connector-to-connector) from a curve connecting two opposite connectors. | |
Construct Typed Rule (RuleTyp) Construct a Monoceros Typed Rule (connector-to-all-same-type-connectors) from Monoceros Module name, Connector index and Connector Type | |
Construct Explicit Rule (RuleExp) Construct a Monoceros Explicit Rule (connector-to-connector) from Monoceros Module name and connector number |
Assemble Rule into Slots (AssembleRule) Create deterministic Slots that contain Monoceros Modules assembled according to the given Monoceros Rule. | |
Slots from Geometry (SlotsFromGeometry) Identify Module geometry and construct Slots containing it. Ignores connection to boundary. | |
Add Boundary Layer (AddSlotBound) Add one layer of Monoceros Slots around the existing boundaries. | |
Are Slots Boundary (AreSlotsBound) Are Monoceros Slots on the boundary of the world? | |
Slice Geometry (Slice) Populate geometry with points ready to be used as Monoceros Slot and Monoceros Module centers. Supports Point, Curve, Brep, Mesh. | |
Deconstruct Slot (DeconSlot) Deconstruct a Monoceros Slot into its center point, base plane, diagonal and list of allowed Monoceros Modules. | |
Construct Slot with Listed Modules Allowed (SlotModules) Construct a Monoceros Slot with allowed Monoceros Module names. | |
Construct Slot with All Modules Allowed (SlotAll) Construct a Monoceros Slot with all Monoceros Modules allowed. |
Construct Empty Module (ModuleEmpty) Construct an empty Monoceros Module. | |
Construct Module (ConstModule) Construct a Monoceros Module from Slot centers. The specified production geometry will be used in Monoceros Solver result. | |
Deconstruct Module (DeconModule) Deconstruct Monoceros Module into name, base plane, Connector planes, Connector numbers and properties. |
Materialize Slots (Materialize) Materialize Monoceros Modules into Monoceros Slots. | |
Monoceros WFC Solver (WFC) Monoceros Solver for the Wave Function Collapse |
Add Sources Add sources to generate a density field for different voxel channels | |
Construct Function Source (Function Source) Construct a function source for field generation. | |
Construct Geometric Source (Geom Source) Define a geometric source for field generation | |
Construct Bitmap Source (Bitmap Source) Construct a bitmap source for field generation. | |
Construct Bitmap Stack Source (Bitmap Stack) Construct a voxel image from a stack of images. | |
Construct Voxels From File (Read Voxels) Reads voxel data from a Monolith volume (.vol) file | |
Function Presets (Presets) Select from a list of pre-defined implicit functions. | |
Bitmap Blend Blend one or more bitmap sources together along orthographic axes. | |
Bitmap Loft Loft two or more bitmap sources together along the Z-axis. | |
Multiply Sources (Mult Sources) Multiply sources to generate a density field for different voxel channels | |
Construct Base Voxels (Create Voxels) Construct a generic voxel class based on bounding box, resolution, and channel designation. |
Gaussian Blur Filter (Gaussian Blur) Perform 3D Gaussian Blur on a voxel field. | |
Inside Out Filter (Inside Out) Perform 3D Inside Out filter on a voxel field. | |
Blur Filter (Kernel) (Blur) Perform a kernel based blur filter. | |
Laplacian Filter (Laplacian) Perform a laplacian filter. | |
Maximum Filter (Kernel) (Maximum) Perform a kernel based maximum (dilation) filter. | |
Median Filter (Kernel) (Median) Perform a kernel based median filter. | |
Minimum Filter (Kernel) (Minimum) Perform a kernel based minimum (erosion) filter. | |
Symmetry Filter (Symmetry) Ensure voxel field is symmetric about all three major axes. | |
Twist Filter (Twist) Perform 3D twist to a voxel field. |
Channel Remap (Remap Channel) Remap the voxel channel values to a new numeric domain | |
Channel Fill (Fill) Assign a single number to all values in a voxel channel. | |
Channel Invert (Invert) Invert the values of a voxel channel. | |
Channel Noise (Noise) Generate a 3D noise filter for a voxel field. | |
Get Voxel Values (Get Values) Extract the channel values of the voxels stored in a voxel field | |
Channel Histogram (Histogram) Compute a histogram for the values in a voxel channel. | |
Set Voxel Values (Set Values) Set the values of the voxels in a field | |
Channel Swap Swap one voxel channel with another. |
Color Mesh By Ratio (Color Mesh) Colorize a mesh based on the density values of a single channel. | |
Color Mesh By RGB (Color Mesh) Colorize a mesh based on the density values of the RGB channels. | |
Get Channel Names (Get Channels) Extract the channel names stored in a voxel field | |
Get Iso Mesh (Iso Mesh) Extracts a mesh contour of the density field channel | |
Get Mesh Slices (Mesh Slices) Get a series of nested slices using two voxel channels. | |
Get Slice Plane (Slice Plane) Extract a horizontal slice through a voxel field. | |
Get Voxel Points Extract the location points of the voxels stored in a voxel field |
Get Millipede Field Convert a topostruct3d system from Millipede into a voxel field | |
Set Millipede Densities Set Millipede densities for a topostruct3d model transferring values from an input voxel field |
3d Viewport Visualize the current voxel field. |
GEO Project (Project) Projects coordinates from WGS84 to a state-plane) - by Carson Smuts 2015 | |
Vector Maps Extracts Vector maps of cities from OSM. Roads, Buildings etc (Building Heights are not available for all locations) - by Carson Smuts 2015 | |
MapPlaces (Places API Data) Extracts Google Places data (Requires GooglePlaces APIKey. Visit the Google APIs Console at - by Carson Smuts 2015 | |
MapProject (Project Points) Projects point data to and from lon/lat - by Carson Smuts 2015 | |
Mosquito-Direct (GDirect) Returns routes, times, and directions - Carson Smuts 2015 | |
MosquitoStep (GStep) Map Step (use with Mosquito Direct) - Carson Smuts 2015 | |
MosquitoLocation (Location) Location and reverse geo-coding hack - Carson Smuts 2015 | |
GoogleMap (GMaps) Google Map Hack -still in development, use with caution - Carson Smuts 2015 |
Flow Calculates Flow Paths On Surface by Carson | |
Refraction (Refract) A plugin that calculates refaction of rays through a material by Carson | |
SonicRoot (Root) Fast-Square Root Calculation by Carson | |
SurfaceRays Calculates Reflections Off Surfaces From Source Pnt by Carson | |
TargetRays Calculates Reflections From Target Points by Carson | |
Vasari CSV (VasariCSV) Import CSV file from Vasari by Carson |
Audio Play (Play) Play the audio wave from an MP3 by Carson | |
Audio Scrub (AudioScrub) Scrub through audio from an MP3 by Carson | |
Audio Wave (AudioWave) Extract the audio wave from an MP3 by Carson | |
Levels Metering levels for Audio Samples and Other cool stuff by Carson |
MosquitoFlicker (Flicker) Flicker API tap by Carson | |
GoogleStock (Stock) Stock Market values from Google - concept by Mia Zinni + Carson Smuts | |
SonicTweet (Twitter) Access Twitter API by Carson | |
SonicTweet User (tUser) GH Twitter API User Info by Carson |
EXIF Extract EXIF data from Photos by Carson | |
Download Images (ImageDL) Downloads images to a directory by Carson | |
Material (Mat) Applies a material to a Surface by Carson |
String Recorder (Recorder) Record strings over time and cull duplicates by Carson | |
StringDuplicates (StringDup) Search for Duplicate Strings by Carson | |
SonicStringSearch (FindString) Search for words in a body of text by Carson |
Branch Count (Bs) Returns the number of branches in a list by Carson | |
Sub Graft (SubGraft) Graft A flat Tree into grouped Branches by Carson |
Blending Delaunay and Voronoi : Lines (CrochetLine) Crochet-blending-between-delaunay-and-voronoi, Idea from Entagma https://entagma | |
Blending Delaunay and Voronoi : Mesh (CrochetMesh) Crochet-blending-between-delaunay-and-voronoi, Idea from Entagma https://entagma | |
Cluster Mesh (ClusterMesh) Cluster a mesh in differents meshes | |
Color Dual Mesh (CDM) With the colors assigned to each vertex of a mesh, color the faces of the dual mesh. Use the mesh colors or the colors on a list | |
Color Mesh Vertices with Gradiant (ColorMeshGradiant) Color vertices of a mesh with a Gradiant | |
Color Mesh Vertices Random (CMRnd) Color randomly the vertices of the mesh | |
Color Mesh Reaction Diffusion (CMRD) Color the vertices of a mesh in order to be used by reaction diffusion | |
Color Mesh Weights (ColorMesh) Color a mesh with a weights associated to the vertices. If just one list, it will be black and white | |
Color Objects (ColorObjects) Color Objects with Random System Colors, output objects are viewed as meshes | |
3D Convex Hull (ConvexHull) 3D convex hull of a list of geometries, translation of unity-quickhull from Oskar Sigvardsson | |
Cut Mesh And Rotate (CMR) Cut a mesh with one or more planes, then rotate each part and connect it with a round or angled elbow | |
Cut mesh with polylines (CutMeshPl) Cut mesh with polylines that are near the mesh, polylines will be used to make mesh ribbons | |
Cut Mesh With Meshes (CMWM) Cut a mesh with a list of meshes | |
Delaunay2D (DelaunayBW) Create a mesh using Delaunay triangulation Bowyer–Watson algorithm | |
Ellipsoid from Polyline (Ellipsoid) Make ellipsoids from polylines, project them on a mesh | |
Heal And Orient a Mesh (HealOrientMesh) This tools suppress the degerated faces which cause the "Invalid Mesh", it also orients the mesh with the help of a master object | |
Import Image Color On Face (IMGf) Import image data from bmp, jpg or png files and transform it to a mesh with colored faces. If image too big it will be resized | |
Maze Kruskal Extended (KruskalMazeEx) Make simple maze using Kruskal algorithm | |
Kruskal Maze (KruskalMaze) Make simple perfect maze using Kruskal algorithm | |
MeshBump (Bump) Move each vertex of a mesh | |
Mesh Cage (MeshCage) Create a cage that could be used to morph object | |
Mesh Groove (Groove) Wave-Like Creases/grooves on mesh, | |
Mesh Iso Splitting to Lines (MeshIsoSplitLines) Output the lines at iso value, for each iso value, lines are put on a branch of a datatree | |
Mesh Iso Splitting to Lines Ext (MeshIsoSplitLinesExt) Output the lines at iso value, for each iso value, lines are put on a branch of a datatree, initial quad faces in initial mesh are splitted in 4 faces | |
Mesh Iso Splitting to Meshes (MeshIsoSplit) Split a mesh in multiples parts | |
Mesh Iso Splitting to Meshes Ext (MeshIsoSplitExt) Split a mesh in multiples parts, initial quad faces in initial mesh are splitted in 4 traingular faces | |
Mesh Map (MeshMap3d) Map points from one triangular mesh to another triangular mesh havaing the same topology, same as MeshMap from Kangaroo but take also the height of the point | |
Mesh Remove Color (NoColor) Remove color on vertex | |
Icosahedron Mesh (IcoMesh) Make a mesh sphere based on subdivided Icosahedron | |
Icosahedron Mesh Precision (IcoMesh) Make a mesh sphere based on subdivided Icosahedron with a specified precision, no less than the 1e-5/radius | |
MeshSteppedBump (StepBump) Description | |
Twisted Torus (TwistedTorus) Mesh torus that could be twisted and deformed | |
Noise on Mesh (MeshNoise) Noise like the one in blender applied on each vertex of a mesh | |
Polyline Extrude Both Side of Mesh (PolExtMesh) Extrude a polyline both side of a mesh using a normal a distance, the polyline must be at a distance less than the distance of the mesh | |
Polyline Extrude Both Side (PolExt) Extrude a polyline both side using a normal and a distance | |
Polyline Slab (Slab) Polyline extrusion with thickening on the side | |
Quad Mesh Stripper (Strip) Cluster a mesh by makin strips i Z direction | |
Reaction Belousov (RB) Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction on a mesh | |
Reaction Diffusion On mesh (ReactionDiffusion) Directional reaction diffusion on triangular mesh | |
Reaction Diffusion Extended (RDext) Directional reaction diffusion on triangular mesh | |
Snow Flake (SnowFlake) Simulate snow flake growth on a mesh | |
Region To Mesh (MeshRegion) Group curves by border and holes then transform them to polyline and mesh them | |
Smooth Weights On Mesh (Smooth1) Laplacian Smoothing of weights associated to vertices of a mesh, this algorithm uses Rodolphe Vaillant and Daniel Piker tools http://rodolphe-vaillant | |
Catmull-Clark Subdivision (Subdivide) Subdivide with quads a mesh and weights on each vertex using Catmull - Clark Subdivision, don't forget to weld vertices | |
Vector from curves on mesh (VecOnMesh) Put vector on each vertex of a mesh, depending on guide curves | |
Weld the Vertices of a Mesh (WeldMesh) Weld the vertices that are near |
Bend and blur lines (BendLines) Bend and blur lines and transform them to polylines, see | |
Convex Hull Circles (CirclesConvexHull) Outputs the convex hull of circles, if circles are not on a plane convex hull will be put on a plane | |
Curve Divide Distances (CDD) Divide Distance using multiple distances, it is a recursive calculation so the tolerance matters for the precision of result | |
CurveToArches (PolToArch) Put arches on each segment of the curve and then add arches on previous arches ... | |
Curve To Raster (C2R) Component to get a simplified version of a Polyline, for example for use in OpenNest | |
Dubins CSC (DubinsCSC) Calculate the shortest and 4 possible Dubins Path using Circular Straight Circular (CSC), paths will be on a plane containing start and arrival, | |
Dubins Path CSC (DubinsCSC) Calculate the shortest and 4 possible Dubins Path using Circular Straight Circular (CSC), paths will be on a plane containing start and arrival, | |
Dubins Path From Points (DubinsPath) Create a Dubin's path from a list of point, From this Paper "Three-Dimensional Dubins-Path-Guided Continuous Curvature Path Smoothing" | |
Equal Area Cells (EqualAreaCells) generate equal area cells along a tween curve that is generated using the ribs (quasi parallel lines) | |
Fern Spores (FernSpores) Put circles along a tween curve that is generated using the ribs (quasi parallel lines) | |
Geodesic Curve From Point (Geodesic2) Trace a geodesic path on mesh from a point with a direction and a length | |
Geodesic Point To Point (GeodesicPtToPt) Calculate a geodesic from a point to another point with a naive method, output only one geodesic that is not always the shortest. This algorithm stops at naked edges | |
Geodesics Point To Point (GeodesicPtToPt) Calculate multiple geodesics from a point to another point. This algorithm stops at naked edges | |
Gilbert Tessellation 3D (GT3D) Gilbert Tessellation with curves on 3d | |
Gilbert Tessellation Fans On Mesh (GTFM) Make Gilbert Tesselations Fans starting at points and irradiating in multiple directions | |
Gilbert Tessellation Stars On Mesh (GTSM) Make Gilbert Tesselations starting at points and irradiating in multiple directions | |
Gilbert Tessellation (GT) Gilbert Tessellation on the plane | |
Group Curves By Plane (GroupByPlane) Group curves that are on similar plane, if center of plane projection of this center on another plane is less than distance tolerance and angles between Z vector is less than Angle Tolerance, plane are similar | |
Curves Region Offset (PolyOffset) Group curves by plane, then by region (contour and holes) then offset in 2 directions. Curves are transformed to polylines | |
Group Curves by Region (GroupRegion) Group curves by border and holes, first curve in list will be the border and if others curves they will be holes | |
Hexagon On Surface (HexaSurf) Map hexagons on a surface that has a seam, limit of 1000 rings and 500 per ring, | |
Medial Axis From Curves (MedialAxis) Extract the medial axis from planar curves | |
Medial Axis From One Curve (MedialAxis) Extract the medial axis from a planar curve | |
Medial Axis From Region (MedialAxisRegion) Extract the medial axis from Region => planar curves that contains holes, curves will be sorted | |
Planks In Region (PlanksInRegion) Generate planks (infinite length) in planar region defined by planar closed curve, if there is a line it will be used for the plank direction | |
Polyline Divide Divide a polyline with a specified maximum length | |
Polyline to Lines and Arcs (PlToLineArc) Given a tolerance, convert a polyline to a polycurve made with lines and arcs | |
Random Growth Of Lines (LineGrowth) Randomly growth the lines using them as starter for the direction an length | |
Remove Dead Ends (DelDeadEnds) Remove dead end on a network of lines, dead end are end of a line that is not linked to anthor line | |
Remove Duplicate Lines (dupLines) Remove duplicates lines | |
Remove Overlapping Circles (RemOverCircles) Delete circles that are overlapping another circle in XY plane, list of circles is sorted or not, first circle in the list is always in the output, | |
Clean Overlapping Curves (CleanOverlapCurves) Remove overlapping part of curves with specified minimum distance between curves | |
Remove Short Segments (RemoveShortSegments) Rhinocommon Method RemoveShortSegments : Looks for segments that are shorter than tolerance that can be removed. Does not change the domain, but it will change the relative parameterization. | |
Rubber Band 2 (RubberBand2) Make a rubber band around circles using Riccardo Majewski method | |
Rubber Band 1 (RubberBand1) Make a rubber band around circles | |
Smooth Network Of Curves (SmoothNetwork) Smooth a network of curves | |
Smooth Network Of Lines by Daniel Piker (SmoothNetwork) Smooth a network of lines using Daniel Piker tool | |
String Of Pearls On Curve (StringOfPearls) Place spheres on a curve | |
String Of Pearls On Curve using Image (StringOfPearls) Make a string of pearls with radiuses depending on the brightness of the mesh color | |
TSP From Mesh (TspMesh) Hamiltonian Cycle using a mesh to convey the topology, the algorithm tries to go through all points using the mesh edges | |
TSP from Topology (TspTopo) Hamiltonian Cycle using a topology made by points and edges, the algorithm tries to go through all points using the edges | |
Voronoi from 2D points (Voronoi2D) Voronoi using Delaunay Bowyer–Watson algorithm |
Planar Points Bounding Ellipse (BoundingEllipse) Construct the minimum bounding ellipse from coplanar points | |
Explode Positions (ExplodePositions) Explode positions of geometries, it works like ScalePositions command of Rhinoceros but just in 3D | |
Nautilus Licence Information (LicInfo) Nautilus licence information, level of licence and date of validity and information to buy a licence | |
NoiseBlender3D (NoiseBlender) Noise in 3D like the one in blender | |
Pack Geometries on Grid (GridPack) Simple tool to pack geometries on a rectangular 2D grid, | |
Pack Geometries on Unit Grid (GridUnitPack) Simple tool to pack scaled geometries on a rectangular 2D grid with unit size, replaced by Pack Geometries on a Sized Grid | |
PlaneInsideObject (PIO) Make a plane inside an object | |
Read STL (ReadSTL) Read a binary or ASCII STL file and outputs one or more meshes with their names | |
Extrude Sheet (ExtrudeSheet) Extrude both side of a planar curve | |
Inverse Saw Function (InvSaw) Inverse Saw Function | |
Noise1D Noise in 1D like the one in blender | |
Pack Geometries on a Sized Grid (SizedGridPack) Simple tool to pack scaled geometries on a square 2D grid with a defined size, replace Pack On Unit Grid | |
Region Slits Ext (RegionSlitsExt) This tool outputs paired slits into planar regions so that they can be inserted into each other | |
Saw Function (Saw) Saw Function | |
Square Function (Square) Transform double like the sinus function but with a square pattern | |
Stable Positions (Stable) Outputs transforms that allows the object to be stable on XY plane | |
Change Radius of Circles In Rhino (ChangeRadius) Transform a circle of a given radius in Rhinoceros to another Circle Radius | |
Transform Geometry In Rhino (TransformGeom) Transform a geometry in Rhinoceros, it could be used to change the size of circles for example | |
ZigZag or Triangle Wave Function (ZigZag) Transform double like the sinus function but with a triangle wave/ZigZag pattern |
Helix//Spiral on Curve (Helix) Rhinocommon Method : Create a C2 non-rational uniform cubic NURBS approximation of a swept helix or spiral | |
Loxodrome Create a Loxodrome or Rhumb line on a sphere, based old Grasshopper file | |
Loxodrome Piped (Loxodrome) Create a Loxodrome or Rhumb line on a sphere, based http://en | |
Polyline Spiral (PolylineSpiral) Generate a spiral with lines | |
Hyper Spiral (4dSpiral) Implementation of Spektre from StackOverFlow question : How to distribute points evenly on the surface of hyperspheres in higher dimensions? https://stackoverflow | |
Archimedean Spiral (Spiral) Generate Archimedean spiral using RhinoCommon NurbsCurve.CreateSpiral | |
Spiral Constan Angle (SpiralSphere) Spherical spiral with a constant angular increase | |
Fermat Spiral (FermatSpiral) Fermat Spiral | |
Spiral From Polyline (SpiralPl) Generate a sort of segmented spiral from a polyline or curve | |
Spiral From Polyline GraphMapper (Spiral) Generate a sort of segmented spiral from a polyline or curve | |
Logarithmic Spiral Turns (LogSpiralT) Generate a logarithmic spiral, equiangular spiral, or growth spiral, based on external radius, number of turns and slope angle | |
Logarithmic Spiral Radiuses (LogSpiralR) Generate a logarithmic spiral, equiangular spiral, or growth spiral, based on radiuses and slope angle | |
Spiral Of Theodorus (SpiralTh) Spiral of Theodorus (also called square root spiral, Einstein spiral, Pythagorean spiral, or Pythagoras's snail) is a spiral composed of right triangles, placed edge-to-edge | |
Archimedian Spiral Plane (SpiralPlane) Generate Archimedian spiral using RhinoCommon NurbsCurve.CreateSpiral | |
Polygonal Spiral (PolygonalSpiral) Generate a Polygonal spiral | |
Spirals From Curve (SpiralsCurve) Fill a planar closed curve with spirals |
Brep Faces Topology (BrepFacesTopo) Output the connections between faces of a Brep | |
LinesTopology Lines Topology | |
Mesh Faces Topology (MeshFacTopo) For all faces of a mesh return the adjacent faces index that share an edge | |
nColor Try to color each face with a color that is different from its neighbours | |
Topology of Cells From curve (CellsTopo) Output the relations between cells, for example 2D Voronoi, same edges or same points | |
Topology From Brep Cells Component (BrepCellsTopo) Relations between individual Brep cells, for example 3D Voronoi cells, face center is always taken into account, you can add edge and vertex/point | |
Topology From Connected Closed Polycurves (TopoCells) Output the topology of connected cells, don't use it with more than 10 000 cells, use the Topology Of Dual Mesh | |
Index To Black&White (IndexToB&W) From a list of integer, output black for 0, white for 1 and transparent purple for others integers | |
Index To Color (IndexToColor) From a list of integers, output some colours like on a map, transparent for negative index, | |
Topology Of Dual Mesh (TopoDualMesh) Output the topology of connected cells of the Dual Mesh. Could be very long with more than 25 000 points |
Join Closed Curves Stacked (JoinClosedCurves) Join closed stacked curves in order to make one openend curve | |
Single Path Fill with Lines (SinglePathLines) Fill closed curves with lines | |
Single Line Fill with Offsets (SingleLineOffset) Fill closed curves with offseted curves (sort of Fermat Spiral) | |
Single Line Fill with Sinus (SingleLineSinus) Fill closed curves with single line sinus | |
Single Line Fill with Spiral (SingleLineSpiral) Fill closed curves with spiral | |
Single Line Fill with Zigzags (SingleLineZigzag) Fill closed curves with zigzags curves | |
Suppress Self Intersections (SuSelfInt) Try to suppress all self-intersection of a curve |
Egg0 Egg equation from | |
Egg1 Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation : A universal formula for avian egg shape, Equation 1 | |
Egg3 Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation : A universal formula for avian egg shape, Equation 3 | |
Egg5 Narushin-Romanov-Griffin Equation : A universal formula for avian egg shape, Equation 5 | |
Four Curves To Bulb (CuToBulb) Convert 4 curves to a bulb surface | |
Four Curves To Dome (CuToDome) Convert 4 curves to a dome surface | |
Region To Roof (RegionToRoof) Transform a planar region to a roof |
Populate a box (PopBox) Populate a box randomly with points using the .NET Random, more random and faster than GH component | |
Populate Box Uniformly (PopBoxU) Populate a box with a uniform distribution of points | |
Populate an Image (PopImg) Populate an image with points depending on a radius for the black and a radius for the white | |
Over Populate an Image (OverPopImg) Populate an image with points depending on a radius for the black and a radius for the white | |
Populate Mesh Randomly (FastPopRnd) Populate a mesh randomly with points | |
Wordle Place randomly different object on sheet represented by an the projection on XY plane of an object |
Image Thinner 1 (ImgThinner1) Draw a 1 pixel wide skeleton of an image while retaining the shape and structure of the full image | |
Image Thinner 2 (ImgThinner2) Draw a 1 pixel wide skeleton of an image while retaining the shape and structure of the full image | |
Object to Image (ObjToImg) Open an image, transform a colored mesh to an image | |
RGB To CMYK (RGBToCMYK) Transform a list of RGB color to CMYK values using Hyungsoo Kim equations | |
RGB To CMYK GreyColor (RGBToCMYK) Transform a list of RGB color to CMYK as Grey Color values using Hyungsoo Kim equations |
Envelop Lines (EnvelopLines) Envelop lines network with meshes | |
Radius Interpolate (RadiusInterpolate) Interpolate radiuses on a network of curves | |
Tree From Network Of Curves (TreeRadiusTop) Calculate the radiuses from a network of curves, output the topology | |
Tree Ribs (TreeRibs) Make ribs betweens the branches |
Cistercian Notation (Cistercian) Output curves representing an integer with Cistercian notation, if integer is bigger than 9999 integer will be divided by group of 4 integers | |
Text Output text as curve, surface and extrusion | |
Fonts Outputs the list of installed fonts |
Hull Coefficients Hull Hydrostatics Coefficients Preview of MT, ML and AP-FP Line > Nemo License required (Lv1) - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Hull Hydrostatics Hull Hydrostatics Data Preview of B, F, FP, AP Points, AxWet, Ax, Waterline, Areas and Perimeters Curves > Nemo License required (Lv1) - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Nemo Logfile Export Nemo Log File (.json) > Nemo License required (Lv1) - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Nemo Search Search specific values in Nemo's results - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Ship Ends Ship Bulb and Transom Preview of ANEN, BETA, AB and AT Points > Nemo License required (Lv1) - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Ship Silhouette Ship Windage and Resistance Preview of AC, HC Points, XZ and YZ Silhouette Curve with Flotation line > Nemo License required (Lv1) - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Ship Speed Create ship's speeds list, comma separated (in Knots) - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Water Properties Freshwater and Seawater Properties (ITTC 2011) - - - 1.1 Beta |
Blade Propeller Blade Propeller Generator from Laurent Delrieu Preview of Propeller Brep - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Foil Appendage Foil Appendage Generator Preview of Foil, Bulb Breps and A point - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Main Rigging Main Rigging generator Preview of Mast, Boom, Spreaders Breps, and R point - - - 1.1 Beta | |
NACA Section NACA Airfoil Section Generator Preview of NACA Curve - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Sail Inflate Sail Inflate using Kangaroo plugin Preview of Inflate Mesh, Foot Curve and Anchors Points - - - 1.1 Beta |
Clipping Planes Get clippping planes from Rhino (XY, XZ and YZ directions only) Preview of Make2D viewports and clipping planes > Nemo License required (Lv1) - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Layout Arrangement Arrange Make2D details and bake to Rhino Preview of Make2D curves > Nemo License required (Lv1) - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Projection Defaults Create Make2D defaults viewports (Top, Front and Right) Preview of Make2D viewports > Nemo License required (Lv1) - - - 1.1 Beta |
Hull Sections Section hull into stations, buttocks and waterlines Preview of Stations, Buttocks, WaterlinesWet and WaterlinesDry Curves > Nemo License required (Lv1) - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Offset Table Generate Nemo Offset Table File (.csv) Preview of Custom, Stations, Buttocks, WaterlinesWet, WaterlinesDry Curves and Intersection Points > Nemo License required (Lv1) - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Ship Cross-Section Cross-Section ship into points Preview of HullCS, SupCS, AppCS Points and Cross-Section Curve > Nemo License required (Lv1) - - - 1.1 Beta |
Float Plane Custom flotation plane Preview of Rotation Point and Float Plane - - - 1.1 Beta | |
Ship Import Import ship and perform or not symmetry Preview of Hull, Sup, App and Transom Breps - - - 1.1 Beta |
Holtrop Prediction Run Holtrop Resistance Analysis > Nemo License required (Lv2) - - - 1.1 Beta | |
NavCad Export Export NavCad Project File (.hcnc) > Nemo License required (Lv2) - - - 1.1 Beta |
Hull Mesh Hull Mesh using Plankton library Preview of HullCut Mesh, Transom IDs and Remap Points - - - 1.1 Beta |
Nemo License Nemo 1 |
Boundary First Flatenning (BoundaryFirstFlatenning) BoundaryFirstFlatenning | |
Text Text for LaserCutting or Milling | |
Chamfer Cut an open Curve with Closed Curve | |
Curve Cut (CurveCut) Cut an open Curve with Closed Curve | |
Curve Ends (CurveEnds) Fix Curve Ends | |
Curve Preview (Display) CurvePreview | |
Curve Shatter (CurveShatter) Shatter Curves by Points | |
Curve Sort (CurveSort) Sort a list of curve by other curves | |
Explode Mesh (ExplodeMesh) Explodes mesh and assigns average color to each vertex of a face | |
Mesh Prop (MeshProp) MeshProp | |
Boolean Polyline boolean | |
Polyline Center (PCenter) Gets center,normal and plane for polylines | |
Polyline Difference (Difference) Polyline Difference | |
Intersection Polyline intersection | |
Map Crv (MapCrv) Maps a list of curve from one polyline to another | |
Map Mesh (MapMesh) Polyline Map Mesh | |
Map Srf (MapSrf) Polyline Map Surface | |
Polyline Offset (Offset) Polyline Offset | |
Simplify Simplify Polyline | |
Remesh Remesh | |
Curve Loft (CurveLoft) Loft curves into a quad mesh. If V paremeter is not supplied, default division in V direction is based on C0 input: end points for a curve/ control points for a polyline | |
Mesh Curvature Mesh Curvature | |
Preview Edges (PreviewEdges) Find edges that are within the certain angle of adjacent mesh faces normals | |
Mesh Pipe (MeshPipe) Create mesh pipe from curves | |
Presets Presets | |
Smooth Smooth | |
Voxels Voxels Mesh from Points | |
Weld Mesh (Weld) Description |
Joints VDA (JointsVDA) JointsVDA | |
Adjust Mesh Vertices (MatchMesh) Takes one mesh vertices and adjusts other mesh vertices by former positions | |
Dual Dual | |
Extrude Edges Extrude NGon edges by normals | |
Lattice From Two Meshes (MatchMesh) Takes one mesh vertices and adjusts other mesh vertices by former positions | |
Loft Polylines (Loft) Loft two polylines, must contain equal number of points | |
NGon Frame (NGonFrame) NGonFrame | |
Offset Mesh (OffsetMesh) Offset mesh | |
Offset Mesh VDA (OffsetMeshVDA) Offset mesh using mesh offset or mesh plane intersections | |
Offset Triangle Mesh (OffsetTriangleMesh) OffsetTriangleMesh mesh | |
Unify Windings (Unify) UnifyWindings |
BFS BreathFirstSearch from mesh | |
Coloring Coloring Edges by n colors | |
Convex Hull (ConvexHull) ConvexHull from points | |
Line Graph (LineGraph) LineGraph | |
KMeans KMeans | |
Mesh Curve (MeshCurve) MeshCurve | |
Mesh Skeleton (MeshSkeleton) MeshSkeleton | |
Walker Walker |
Reciprical Edges (RecipricalEdges) Rotate mesh edge by average normal | |
Reciprical Extend (RecipricalExtend) Rotate mesh edge and extend to the next line | |
Reciprical Thickness (RecipricalThickness) Rotate mesh edge by average normal and give thickness | |
Reci Move (ReciMove) Translation of Edges, forming nexorade | |
Reci Move Vol (ReciMoveVol) Adding volumetric elements to translation reciprocal | |
Reciprical Volume (RecipricalVolume) Volumetric elements |
From Mesh Takes a mesh and add ngons that has outline of naked mesh edge and collection of all mesh faces | |
Get Polylines (ToP) Checks if there are ngons in a mesh and extracts ngons | |
From Brep Create Mesh from polygonal brep | |
From Polylines (FromP) Create Mesh from polylines and adds NGons properties | |
Delaunay Delaunay with holes | |
NGon Preview (NGonPreview) NGonPreview |
NGon Face Edges by NGon Pairs (EdgeByFP) Get NGon Face Edges by NGon Pairs | |
NGons Connected To NGon Edge (EdgeNGon) Gets ngons connected to ngons edges, -1 is added to beggining of the list edge is naked (left / right property for clean meshes) | |
Scale NGon Face Edges by NGon Pairs (SEdge) Scale Get NGon Face Edges by NGon Pairs | |
NGon Edges (Edges) Get All Ngon edges id and lines | |
NGon Face Edges (Face Edges) Get Ngon faces edges id and lines |
NGons Edges Around Vertices (VEdge Ngons) Get Ngons that are around mesh topology vertices | |
NGons Around Vertices (Vertex Ngons) Get Ngons that are around mesh topology vertices | |
Mesh Vertices Mesh Vertices | |
NGon Face Vertices (NGFaceVertices) Get Ngon vertices and topology vertices | |
NGon Vertices (Vertices) Get All Ngon vertices and their connected vertices in ngons |
Chebyshev Chebyshev Nets | |
Diamond Divide (DiamondDivide) Divide nurbs surface into diamond shapes | |
Hex Divide (HexDivide) Divide nurbs surface into hexagons | |
Hex Quad Divide (HexQuadDivide) Divide nurbs surface into hexagons based on quad tiles | |
Quad Divide (QuadDivide) Divide NurbsSurface into quads |
Planarize2 Planarize2 | |
Planarize Planarize | |
Project Pairs (ProjectPairs) ProjectPairs | |
Project NGons (Project) Project ngons to their average planes |
NGon To NGons (NGonToNgons) Get adjancent NGons to current NGon | |
NGon Centers (NGonCenters) GetNGonCenter | |
NGon Faces (NGonFaces) Get Mesh Faces in NGons |
NelderMead (NM Opti) Nelder-Mead optimisation is a local search method good for when computation is slightly slower and a reasonable starting point is available |
Voxel Selection Intersection Perform Intersection on Voxel Selection (AND) | |
Voxel Selection Difference Perform Difference on Voxel Selection (AND NOT): V1 - V2 | |
Voxel Selection Union Perform Union on Two or More Voxel Values (OR) | |
Curve Attractor for Voxels (Curve Attractor) Use Curves as Attractors for Voxel Centers | |
Mesh Attractor for Voxel (Mesh Attractor) Use Meshes as Attractors for Voxel Centers | |
Extract Voxel Bounding Box (Voxel Box) Extract Voxel Design Space Bounding Box | |
Voxel Inclusion in Mesh (Mesh Inclusion) Test if a Voxel Center is Inside a Mesh | |
Extract Voxel Values (Voxel Values) Extract Voxel Values | |
Extract Voxel Positions (Voxel Centers) Extract Voxel Positions | |
Extract Voxel Vector (Voxel Vectors) Extract Voxel Vectorfield | |
Point Attractor for Voxels (Point Attractor) Use Points as Attractors for Voxel Centers | |
Voxel Settings Sets Up How The Environment Data Is Interpreted | |
Define Voxel Values (Voxel Values) Define Voxel Differentiated Values | |
Construct Voxels Construct Empty Voxel Field Environment | |
Voxel Values Blend (Blend Values) Blend All Values | |
Define Voxel Vectors (Voxel Vectors) Define Voxel Vector Field | |
Voxel Vectors Blend (Blend Vectorfield) Blend All Vectors By Averaging Their Neighbours |
Particle Settings Sets Up Particle Settings | |
Particle Death Settings (Death Settings) Sets Up Dynamic Population Death Settings. Dies if Neighbour Count is OUTSIDE Range | |
Particle Division Settings (Division Settings) Sets Up Dynamic Population Division Settings. Divides if Neighbour Count is INSIDE Range | |
Extract Particle Positions (Particle Positions) Extract Particle Positions | |
Extract Particle Trails (Trail Points) Extract Particle Trail Points | |
Extract Particle Vectors (Particle Vectors) Extract Particle Directions | |
Particle Population Settings (Population Settings) Sets Up Population Settings | |
Particle Trail Settings (Trail Settings) Sets Up Dynamic Trail Settings | |
Construct Particles (Particles) Define Particle Properties |
Preview Voxel Density Faster Preview For Voxel Density |
Nuclei2 Solver (Solver) Where the magic happens |
Attractor Values (AttValues) Generates numerical values for any given pointlist, being affected by a certain number of point attractors. | |
Bundle Attractor (Bundle) Generates an iteratively bundled pointlist for any given datatree population of points. | |
Curve Attractor (CrvAttractor) Generates an iteratively defined new point/vector list for any given, curve attractor affected, population of points. | |
Curve Ravel (CrvRavel) Generates distance raveled numerical values for any given pointlist, being affected by any number of curve attractors. | |
Curve Values (CrvValues) Generates numerical values for any given pointlist, being affected by any number of curve attractors. | |
Point Attractor (PtAttractor) Generates an iteratively defined new point/vector list for any given ,attractor affected, population of points. | |
Point Ravel (PtRavel) Generates distance raveled numerical values for any given pointlist, being affected by any number of point attractors. | |
Twirl Attractor (Twirl) Generates an iteratively defined new point/vector list for any given ,twirl attractor affected, population of points. |
Bouncers Generates and animates particles moving within a user defined box (Timer defined). | |
Railway Generates and animates random points on any given curve (Timer defined). | |
Satellite Generates and animates satellite-like points around any collection of objects (Timer defined). | |
Walkers Generates and animates particles attached on a surface (Timer defined). | |
Slicer Generates and animates a Rhino clipping plane on any given curve (Timer defined). |
Climber Generates the gradient descent or ascent paths on a surface for any provided point list. | |
Mesh Climber (MeshClimber) Generates the gradient descent or ascent paths on a Mesh object for any provided point list. | |
Curve Hicking (HickingCrv) Generates the surface paths for any given ,curve attractor affected, population of points. | |
Point Hicking (HickingPt) Generates the surface paths for any given ,point attractor affected, population of points. | |
Point Patrolling (PatrolPt) Generates the surface paths for any given ,twirl attractor affected, population of points. |
Frame Grid (FrGrid) Generates a 2-dimensional grid of points distributed as a row/column structure for any given 3dRectangle | |
Box3d Grid (BoxGrid) Generates a 3-dimensional grid of points distributed as a row/flippedrow/column structure for any given Box |
Analyse Model (Analyse) Assemble and Analyse a GSA Model | |
Analysis Case Info (CaseInfo) Get information about the properties of a GSA Analysis Case (Load Case or Combination) | |
Annotate (An) Show the ID of a Node, Element, or Member parameters, or get Result or Diagram values | |
Annotate Detailed (An+) Show the detailed information of Element or Member parameters | |
Beam Derived Stresses (vonMises) Element1D Derived Stress results like von Mises | |
Beam Displacements (BeamDisp) Element1D Translation and Rotation result values | |
Beam Forces and Moments (BeamForces) Element1D Force and Moment result values | |
Beam Strain Energy Density (StrainEnergy) Element1D Strain Energy Density result values | |
Beam Stresses (BeamStress) Element1D Stress result values | |
Combination Case Info (CombinationInfo) Get information of a GSA Combination Case | |
Contour 1D Results (Contour1d) Displays GSA 1D Element Results as Contour | |
Contour 2D Results (Contour2d) Displays GSA 2D Element Results as Contour | |
Contour 3D Results (Contour3D) Displays GSA 3D Element Results as Contour | |
Contour Node Results (NodeContour) Diplays GSA Node Results as Contours | |
Create 1D Element (Elem1D) Create GSA 1D Element | |
Create 1D Member (Mem1D) Create GSA 1D Member | |
Create 2D Element (Elem2D) Create GSA 2D Element | |
Create 2D Elements from Brep (Elem2dFromBrep) Mesh a non-planar Brep | |
Create 2D Member (Mem2D) Create GSA Member 2D | |
Create 2D Property (Prop2d) Create a GSA 2D Property | |
Create 2D Property Modifier (Prop2dModifier) Create GSA 2D Property Modifier | |
Create 3D Member (Mem3D) Create GSA Member 3D | |
Create 3D Property (Prop3d) Create GSA 3D Property | |
Create () Create a | |
Create () Create a | |
Create Beam Load (BeamLoad) Create GSA Beam Load | |
Create Beam Thermal Load (BeamThermalLoad) Create GSA Beam Thermal Load | |
Create () Create a | |
Create Combination Case (CreateCombination) Create a new GSA Combination Case | |
Create Custom Material (Material) Create a Custom GSA Analysis Material | |
Create Effective Length Options (EffectiveLengthOptions) Create 1D Member Design Options for Effective Length, Restraints and Buckling Factors | |
Create Elements from Members (ElemFromMem) Create Elements from Members | |
Create Face Load (FaceLoad) Create GSA Face Load | |
Create Face Thermal Load (FaceLoad) Create GSA Face Thermal Load | |
Create Gravity Load (GravityLoad) Create GSA Gravity Load | |
Create Grid Area Load (AreaLoad) Create GSA Grid Area Load | |
Create Grid Line (CreateGridLine) Create a GSA Grid Line from a line or arc. | |
Create Grid Line Load (LineLoad) Create GSA Grid Line Load | |
Create Grid Plane (GridPlane) Create GSA Grid Plane | |
Create Grid Point Load (PointLoad) Create GSA Grid Point Load | |
Create Grid Surface (GridSurface) Create GSA Grid Surface | |
Create List (CreateList) Create a GSA List with Name, Type and Definition or reference objects (Nodes, Elements, Members). You can add a GSA List to a model through the 'GSA' input. | |
Create Load Case (LoadCase) Create GSA Load Case | |
Create (Create a) for a GSA Section, Prop2d or Prop3d | |
Create Member End Restraint (EndRestraint) Create Member End Restraint Settings for Effective Length Properties | |
Create Model (Model) Assemble a GSA Model | |
Create Node Load (NodeLoad) Create GSA Node Load | |
Create Offset (Offset) Create an GSA Offset | |
Create Profile (Profile) Create Profile text-string for a GSA Section | |
Create Section (Section) Create a GSA Section | |
Create Section Modifier (SectionModifier) Create a GSA Section Modifier | |
Create Spring Property (Spring) Create a GSA Spring Property | |
Create Support (Support) Create GSA Node Support | |
Edit 1D Element (Elem1dEdit) Modify GSA 1D Element | |
Edit 1D Member (Mem1dEdit) Modify GSA 1D Member | |
Edit 2D Element (Elem2dEdit) Modify GSA 2D Element | |
Edit 2D Member (Mem2dEdit) Modify GSA 2D Member | |
Edit 2D Property (EditPA) Modify GSA 2D Property | |
Edit 3D Element (Elem3dEdit) Modify GSA 3D Element | |
Edit 3D Member (Mem3dEdit) Modify GSA 3D Member | |
Edit 3D Property (EditPV) Modify a GSA 3D Property | |
Edit Analysis Task (EditTask) Modify GSA Analysis Tasks | |
Edit Bool6 (EditB6) Modify a GSA Bool6 or just get information about existing | |
Edit Material (EditMat) Modify a GSA Material | |
Edit Node (NodeEdit) Modify GSA Node | |
Edit Offset (EditOff) Modify GSA Offset or just get information about existing | |
Edit Profile (EditPf) Transform a Profile by rotation or reflection. | |
Edit Section (EditPB) Modify GSA Section | |
Element 2D Displacements (Disp2D) 2D Translation and Rotation result values | |
Element 2D Forces and Moments (Forces2D) 2D Projected Force and Moment result values | |
Element 2D Stresses (Stress2D) 2D Projected Stress result values | |
Element 3D Displacements (Disp3D) 3D Translation and Rotation result values | |
Element 3D Stresses (Stress3D) 3D Element Stress result values | |
Expand Beam to Shell (B2S) Expand 1D Entities to 2D Entities from profile, orientation and offset | |
Footfall Results (Footfall) Node Resonant or Transient Footfall result values | |
Get 2D Property Modifier (GetP2M) Get GSA 2D Property Modifier | |
Get Effective Length Options (EffectiveLengthOptions) Get information of a 1D Member's Design Options for Effective Length, Restraints and Buckling Factors | |
Get Model Analysis (GetAnalysis) Get Analysis Tasks and their Cases from GSA model | |
Get Model Grid Lines (GetGridLines) Get Grid Lines from a GSA model. | |
Get Model Lists (GetLists) Get Entity Lists from GSA model | |
Get Model Loads (GetLoads) Get Loads and Grid Planes/Surfaces from GSA model | |
Get Model Materials (GetMats) Get Standard and Custom Materials from a GSA model | |
Get Model Properties (GetProps) Get Sections, 2D, 3D and Spring Properties from a GSA model | |
Get Result (GetRes) Get AnalysisCase or Combination Result from an analysed GSA model | |
Get Result Cases (GetCases) Get Analysis or Combination Case IDs from a GSA model with Results | |
Get Section Modifier (GetPBM) Get GSA Section Modifier | |
Get Spring Property (GetPS) Get GSA Spring Property | |
Global Performance Results (GlobalPerformance) Get Global Performance (Dynamic, Model Stability, and Buckling) Results from a GSA model | |
Grid Line Info (GridLineInfo) Get the information of a GSA Grid Line | |
Grid Plane Surface Properties (GridPlaneSurfaceProp) Get GSA Grid Plane Surface Properties | |
GWA Command (GWA) Create a model from a GWA string, inject data into a model using GWA command, or retrieve model data or results through a GWA command. | |
Line Result Info (LnResInfo) Get Element 1D Contour Result values | |
List Info (ListInfo) Get information of like ID, Name, Type and Definition, as well as all objects (Nodes, Elements, Members or Cases) from a GSA List | |
Load Case Info (LCInfo) Get the parameters of a Load Case | |
Load Diagrams (LoadDiagram) Displays GSA Load Diagram | |
Load Properties (LoadProp) Get properties of a GSA Load | |
Local Axes (Axes) Get the local axes from a 1D Element or Member | |
Material Properties (PropMat) Get GSA Material Properties for Elastic Isotropic material type | |
Member 1D Displacements (Mem1dDisp) 1D Member Translation and Rotation result values | |
Member 1D Forces and Moments (Mem1dForces) 1D Member Force and Moment result values | |
Member End Restraint Info (MemberEndRestraintInfo) Get information of a 1D Member's End Restraint settings for Effective Length Properties | |
Mesh Result Info (MeshResInfo) Get Element 2D or Element 3D Contour Result values | |
Model Titles (Titles) Get or set the titles in a GSA Model | |
Model Units (Units) Get or set the units used by GSA when opening this GSA Model | |
Node Displacements (NodeDisp) Node Translation and Rotation result values | |
Open Model (Open) Open an existing GSA model | |
Point Result Info (PtResInfo) Get Node Contour Result values | |
Preview 3D Sections (Preview3d) Show the 3D cross-section of 1D/2D GSA Elements and Members in a GSA model. | |
Preview Deformed 3D Sections (DeformedPreview3d) Show the deformed 3D cross-section of 1D/2D GSA Elements and Members from a GSA Result. | |
Profile Dimensions (PfDims) Get GSA Section Dimensions | |
Reaction Force Diagrams (ReactionForce) Diplays GSA Node Reaction Force Results as Vector Diagrams | |
Reaction Forces (ReactForce) Reaction Force result values | |
Result Diagrams (ResultDiagram) Displays GSA 1D Element Result Diagram | |
Save GSA Model (Save) Saves your GSA model from this parametric nightmare | |
Section Alignment (Align) Automatically create Offset based on desired Alignment and Section profile | |
Section Properties (PropPB) Get GSA Section Properties | |
Select Result (SelRes) Select AnalysisCase or Combination Result from an analysed GSA model | |
Spring Reaction Forces (SpringForce) Spring Reaction Force result values | |
Taper Profile (TaperPf) Create a Profile that tapers along its length from start and end profiles | |
Total Loads and Reactions (TotalResults) Get Total Loads and Reaction Results from a GSA model |
Add Or Change Properties (Add/Change) Change the value of a particular property, or add a new property | |
Create Object (Object) Encapsulate multiple kinds of data within a single object | |
Get Object Properties (Object.) Retrieve stored properties of an Objectivism object | |
Inherit (NewTypeName) Create a new object from a template. Add or change properties as required | |
Filter By Type (Filter) Filter objects by their type name | |
Implements Tests if an object implements all the properties of a template object. An object implements the template if it has all the properties of the template, with name and access level matching | |
Object To Tree (ToTree) Turn an objectivism object into a tree. Also returns a mirror tree of the property names |
Check Pareto Dominance Takes two individuals and returns the dominance relation, assuming a minimization problem. | |
Compute Diversity Computes the paremetric diversity of each solution in the list and adds it as an objective | |
Construct Solution Takes a lists of numbers for parameters and/or objectives to wrap them in a single object for better handling of pools of solutions [generations etc.] | |
Cull Duplicate Solutions Removes duplicate solutions | |
Deconstruct Solution Takes an OctopusSolution object and explodes it into parameters and objectives | |
Cull Elite Selects an elite of best multi-objective solutions, assuming a minimization problem. | |
Cull Pareto Fronts (Pareto Fronts) Divides a set of solutions into pareto-fronts, assuming a minimization problem. | |
Hypervolume Contributions (HV+) Calculates the Hypervolume contributions of a multi-dimensional set of points in relation to a reference point | |
Hypervolume Calculates the Hypervolume of the ParetoFront of a multi-dimensional set of points; exact algorithm; normalizes the pareto front to objectives between 0 and 1 | |
Mutate (Mutate an Octopus Solution) Mutate a solution's parameter values | |
Remap Objectives Remaps the objective values of a set of solutions, assuming a minimization problem when taking the pareto fron as a start domain. | |
Crossover (Simulated Binary Crossover) Takes two individuals and exchanges parameters between them - after 'SBX - Simulated Binary Crossover' | |
Tournament Selection (TS) Tournament Selection for single or multi objective solutions, assuming a minimization problem. |
Breeder Settings - All (oEL) (SetAll (octEvoLearn)) Settings for the NEAT Algorithm to evolve an ANN | |
Breeder Settings - Basics (oEL) (SetBase (octEvoLearn)) Basic Settings for the NEAT Algorithm to evolve an ANN. These will override any changes made to the properties in the All-Settings Component. | |
Construct Network (oEL) (ConsN (octEvoLearn)) Create a Network by node-points, connection-indices and weights. | |
Deconstruct Network (oEL) (DeconN (octEvoLearn)) Deconstruct a network into its nodes, connections, weights, functions and metadata like performance data. | |
Deconstruct Network Obj (oEL) (DeconNObj (octEvoLearn)) Gives the Network's Objective and Fitness Values | |
Evaluate Network (oEL) (EvalN (octEvoLearn)) Forward-Pass through the Network: Takes values for the input nodes and calculates the outputs. | |
Field Curve (oEL) (FC (octEvoLearn)) Draws a curve following the direction field defined by a Network. Integration with Runge-Kutta 4th order. | |
Modify Weights (oEL) (Crossover (octEvoLearn)) Takes a pool of Networks and produces offspring by crossover mating | |
Mutate Weights (oEL) (MutW (octEvoLearn)) Mutate connection weights of a Network | |
Breeder (oEL) (NEAT (octEvoLearn)) Evolves artificial neural networks with the NEAT algorithm, using SharpNeatLib by Sebastian Risi | |
Random Network (oEL) (RN (octEvoLearn)) Generate a random network | |
Show Network (oEL) (SN (octEvoLearn)) Opens a window to show the Network |
Network Training Settings (oSL) (NTS (octSupervLearn)) Settings for RPROP Supervised Learning of an ANN | |
Network Evaluate (oSL) (EvalN (octSupervLearn)) Evaluate a network for some input values | |
Network Learning (oSL) (NetLearn (octSupervLearn)) Supervised example training of a Network by multi-core resilient propagation algorithm, using the Encog library by Jeff Heaton | |
SVM Evaluate (oSL) (SVMEval (octSupervLearn)) Evaluate the learnt SVM function | |
SVM Learning (oSL) (SVMLearn (octSupervLearn)) Train SVM and optionally estimate parameters using grid search and cross validation |
Octopus Loop Octopus Loop | |
Octopus Evaluator (Octopus Eval) Octopus Evaluator |
MD NearestNeighbors (MD NearN) Neighbourhood search of multi-dimensional points (euclidean kd-tree) |
Select Solutions Takes octopus solutions or networks with saved phenotype meshes to show them for selection |
Octopus Multi-objective seach and optimzation |
OpenNest OpenNest |
Opossum 2.0 (Optimization Solver with Surrogate Models) Opossum provides model-based, gradient-free, and global optimization | |
Opossum Params | |
Performance Explorer (MOVOpossum 3.0.0 Performance Explorer) This component provides an interactive and intuitive user control for the fitness landscape |
Add Noise (Noise) Add Noise to a TensorSet | |
Average TSet (Average) Get TensorSet average. | |
Bounds TSet (Bounds) Get TensorSet bounds. | |
Interpolate TSet (Intrp) Interpolate a TensorSet. | |
Merge TSet (MergeTS) Merge multiple TensorSets into one. | |
Pick Tensor (Pick) Pick single Tensors out of the TensorSet. | |
Subsample TSet (Subsample) Subsample TensorSet. | |
Remap TSet (Remap) Remap TensorSet. | |
Shuffle TSet (Shuffle) Shuffle TensorSet. | |
Split TSet (SplitTS) Split TensorSet. | |
TensorSet Stats (Stats) Get various information about the TensorSet. | |
Trim TSet (TrimTS) Trim TensorSet values. |
Construct Network (Network) Construct Owl.Accord Network | |
Load Network (Network) Load Activation Network | |
Save Network (Network) Save Activation Network | |
Construct Tensor (Tensor) Construct Owl Tensor | |
Construct TensorSet (TensorSet) Construct Owl TensorSet | |
Deconstruct Tensor (DeTensor) Deconstruct Owl Tensor | |
Deconstruct TensorSet (DeTSet) Deconstruct Owl TensorSet | |
Deconstruct Trigger (DeTrigger) Deconstruct Trigger |
Display Compute (DComp) Computes the network output | |
List Devices (Devices) Image capturing devices | |
Network Preview (2DPreview) 2D network preview | |
WebCamCapture (Capture) Capture a single frame from a webcam | |
Preview Classes (CPreview) Quick Class preview | |
Tensor2D Preview (2DPreview) Tensor2D preview | |
TensorSet Display (TSView) Plot a TensorSet | |
TensorSet Polylines (TSPoly) Plot a TensorSet as a set of polylines |
Reshape Reshape a Tensor. | |
Highest Activation (High) Indicates which dimension of the Tensor has the greatest value. | |
Tensor Addition (Add) Tensor Addition. | |
Tensor Crop (Crop) Tensor Crop. | |
Tensor Split (SplitT) Splits Tensor by it's leftmost dimension. | |
Tensor Stats (Stats) Get various information about the Tensor. | |
Tensor Subtraction (Subtract) Tensor Subtraction. | |
Threshold (T) Apply threshold filter on the Tensor |
t-SNE Laurens van der Maaten's dimensionality reduction method. | |
t-SNE Ex (t-SNE) Laurens van der Maaten's dimensionality reduction method. | |
Cluster Lines (ClusterL) Cluster lines | |
KMeans Clustering (KMeans) A KMeans clustering component | |
KMeans Clustering Ex (KMeansEx) A KMeans clustering component | |
Markov Chain (MChain) Markov Chain series generator |
Choose Action (Action) Choose agent next action | |
Construct QAgent (QAgent) Construct QAgent | |
Construct QMatrix (QMatrix) Construct QMatrix | |
Deconstruct QAgent (DeQAgent) Deconstruct QAgent | |
Matrix2QMatrix (M2Q) Convert a spare adjacency matrix to QMatrix. | |
UpdateQ Update QAgent values |
Assign Values (SetNet) Assing network weights and biases directly. | |
Compute Compute the output values for the given input TensorSet | |
Layer Compute (ComputeL) Compute the output values for each layer, given the input Tensor | |
Extract Values (GetNet) Get network weights and biases as Tensors | |
Trim Network (Trim) Trim the network |
Load Bitmap (LoadBmp) Loads a bitmap as a Tensor. | |
Load TensorSet (LoadTSet) Loads the TensorSet from a file. | |
Save IDX TensorSet (ToIDX) Saves the TensorSet in an IDX file. | |
Save TBIN TensorSet (ToTBIN) Saves the TensorSet to a binary TBIN file. | |
Save TensorSet (ToTTXT) Saves the TensorSet to a text file. |
DataTree to TensorSet (DT->TS) Convert a DataTree of Numbers into a TensorSet | |
Feature TensorSet (FeatureTS) Convert multiple types of data into a TensorSet | |
OneHot TensorSet (OneHot) Construct a OneHot TensorSet | |
TensorSet to DataTree (TS->DT) Deconstruct Owl TensorSet into a DataTree |
Evaluate 2D (Eval2D) Evaluate 2D Tensor | |
Resize Resize a 2D Tensor | |
Samples Create sampling frames | |
Mesh T2 (MT2) Preview 2D Tensor as a mesh |
BackpropagationEx (BackEx) Backpropagation, threaded. | |
Backpropagation (BackProp) Teach the Network with backpropagation |
Deconstruct Network (DeNetwork) Deconstruct Owl.Learning Network | |
Construct Network Ex (NetworkEx) Construct Owl.Learning Network from the atomic data. Use this component when importing already trained models from other frameworks. |
File Watch (Watcher) Watch file for changes | |
Run Process (RunProcess) Run any application. |
TensorSet Cloud (TSCloud) Plot a TensorSet as a point cloud |
Unwrap List (pcUnwrapList) Unwrapped an atom list to its original content. | |
Multi Sort (pcMultiSort) Sort data by non-numeric or multiple keys. If first keys of two entries are same, the second keys are compared, and so on. This component uses stable sort. | |
Key-values to Assoc (pcKvToAssoc) Construct or adjust an associative array by key and values. | |
Deconstruct Assoc (pcDeconAssoc) Decompose an associative array into items. | |
Wrap List (pcWrapList) Wrap a list to an atom list, which is a list but being treated as one single element. | |
Assoc to Key-values (pcAssocToKv) Deconstruct an associative array into list of key paths and values. | |
Merge Assoc (pcMergeAssoc) Merge two or more associative arrays. | |
Construct Assoc (pcConAssoc) Create an associative array from a list of items. | |
Assoc to XML (pcAssocToXml) Export an Assoc to XML. See example for more information. | |
Assoc to String (pcAssocToString) Convert an associative array to a string of certain style, such as Json, Python, etc. Right-click the component to choose style. | |
Get Metadata (pcGetMetadata) Retrieve metadata from an object. | |
Shuffle (pcShuffle) Use Fisher-Yates algorithm to shuffle a list. | |
Categorize By Index (pcCategorizeByInd) Categorize values by integer keys. Compared to the generic version, this component has better performance. | |
Categorize (pcCategorize) Categorize values by keys. | |
Count Unique (pcCountUnique) Extract all unique values from a list and count their occurences. | |
CSV to Assoc (pcCsvToAssoc) Create a list of associative arrays from CSV lines. See example for more information. | |
Set Metadata (pcSetMetadata) Assign metadata to an object. The output is still a geometric object and metadata will be preserved after many injective operations, such as Move. | |
Set Principle Value (pcSetAssocPVal) Set the principle value of an associative array | |
Extract from Assoc (pcExtractFromAssoc) Extract data from an associative array by key paths. | |
Assoc to Datatable (pcAssocToDatatable) Create a datatable (a set of headers and values), so that data can be used by LunchBox, Human UI, etc, or exported | |
Assoc To CSV (pcAssocToCsv) Convert a number of Assocs into CSV content. You may use 'Export TXT' component to write the CSV content into file. | |
XML to Assoc (pcXmlToAssoc) Read XML file into Assoc. You may need 'Assoc to Key-values' to convert the result so that it can be more easily processed. See example for more information. |
Export 3DM (pcExport3DM) This component exports geometries from GH to 3DM file directly This component doesn't rely on user interface operation in Rhino, therefore is faster and more reliable | |
Export TXT (pcExportTXT) This component exports text to a file. | |
Export IGES (pcExportIGES) This component exports geometries from GH to IGES file directly This component doesn't rely on Export command. | |
Definition Path (pcGhFilePath) Get the path of current Grasshopper definition/file, so that you can reference files wherever they are. | |
FBX Export Option (pcecFBX) Template of export options for FBX | |
Export STL (pcExportStl) This component exports geometries from GH to STL file directly This component doesn't rely on any user interface operation in Rhino. | |
IGES Export Option (pcecIGES) Template of export options for IGES | |
AutoCAD Export Option (pcecDWG) Template of export options for AutoCAD | |
Serialize (pcSerialize) Serialize a serializable object into string. | |
Export KMZ (pcExportKMZ) This component exports geometries from GH to KMZ file directly This component doesn't rely on Export command. | |
Export DAE (pcExportDAE) This component exports geometries from GH to DAE file directly This component doesn't rely on Export command. | |
DXF Export Option (pcecDXF) Template of export options for DXF | |
Rhino Export Option (pcec3DM) Template of export options for Rhino | |
SketchUp Export Option (pcecSKP) Template of export options for SketchUp | |
SAT Export Option (pcecSAT) Template of export options for SAT | |
Export As (pcExportAs) Exports geometries from GH to any format supported by Rhino | |
STEP Export Option (pcecSTEP) Template of export options for STEP | |
Filepath Series (pcFileSeries) Calculate the next filename in a filepath series. |
To Decimal Length (pcToDecimalLen) Convert a quantity to a decimal length with designated unit. | |
Construct Quantity (pcConQty) Add unit to a number to convert it into a quantity. When the unit is not supplied, document unit is used. Use 'Parse String' component to create a feet & inch length quantity. | |
Quantity Operator (pcQtyOp) Fulfill arithmetic operator on quantities and numbers | |
Null Values (pcNull) Provide special values such as null, NaN, +/-Infinity. | |
To Feet & Inch Length (pcToFtInLen) Convert a quantity to a feet-inch length with designated unit. | |
Quantity (Qty) Represent an amount and its associated length unit. | |
Deconstruct Quantity (pcDeconQty) Deconstruct quantity to its inside amount, unit and unit type. Feet and inch length will become a decimal amount in feet. Otherwise the amount is not converted. | |
Deconstruct Feet-Inch Length (pcDeconFeetInch) Deconstruct a feet-inch length quantity to its components. | |
Set Precision (pcSetPrecision) Set the precision of a quantity. Precision may have different meanings on different quantities. See manual or example for more information. |
Import AMF (pcImportAMF) This component imports geometries directly into GH. | |
Import SVG (pcImportSVG) This component imports geometries directly into GH. | |
Deserialize (pcDeserialize) Deserialize a string into its original object. | |
Import TXT (pcImportTXT) Read text file, possibly with a specific encoding. | |
Parse String (pcParseString) Parse formatted string to its correct type | |
Import OBJ (pcImportOBJ) This component imports geometries directly into GH. | |
Import From (pcImportFrom) Import geometries from a Rhino-supported format. This component relys on Rhino's import command. | |
Import To Document (pcImportToDoc) Import geometries to the current Rhino document. This component relys on Rhino's import command. |
Wait Until (pcWaitUntil) Postpone data until signal is received | |
Maintain Visual Appearance (pcMaintainVisApp) Maintain the same visual appearance of your definition across computers with different Dpi settings. Put the component into the definition and it would work. | |
Show Assoc (ShowAssoc) When clicked, the button object only raises recomputation one time. | |
Default Value (pcDefVal) Outputs default value (D), if value (V) is not provided, such as an empty cluster input. Outputs the provided value otherwise. The component acts as a filter for optional cluster input. | |
True Only Button (TrueButton) When clicked, the button object only raises recomputation one time. | |
Current Layer (pcCurrentLayer) Retrieve the name and fullpath of the current layer. Raise re-computation if the current layer changes. |
Center Grid (ptCenter) Extract center grid | |
Clean Grid (ptClean) Remove null rows and null columns | |
Wrap Grids (ptWrap) Wrap grids in x or v direction | |
Convert to Diamond (ptToDiamond) Convert a rectangular grid to a diamond grid | |
Extract Column (ptCol) Extract column from a grid | |
Extract Grid Indices (ptIndices) Extract grid indices (i and j location) | |
Extract Item (ptItem) Extract grid item using i & j index | |
Extract Row (ptRow) Extract row from a grid | |
Flatten 3D Grids (ptFlatten3D) Flatten two grids to a linear list of corresponding cells | |
Flatten Grids (ptFlatten) Flatten grids to a linear list of cells | |
Coordinates (ptCoordinate) Calculate x, y and z vectors for each grid point | |
Coordinates 3D (ptCoordinate3D) Calculate x, y and z vectors for each 3D cell | |
Grid Density (ptDense) Change grid density | |
Grid Dir (ptDir) Reverse grid i and j directions | |
Replace (ptReplace) Replace list of points using i and j locations | |
Square Grid (ptSquare) Make all grid rows have equal number of points | |
Surface from Grid (ptGridSrf) Calculate surface from grid | |
Sub Grid (ptSubGrid) Extract sub grid | |
Trim Grid (ptTrim) Trim grids | |
Offset Grid (ptOffsetGrid) Offset a grid by a fixed or variable distance |
Compose Grid (ptCompose) Compose a grid from points and their ij indices | |
Compose Grid Number (ptComposeNum) Compose a grid from points and number of rows | |
Planar Grid (ptPlanar) Create planar grid | |
Surface Distance (ptSrfDis) Divide surface by distance | |
Surface Parameter (ptSrfParam) Divide surface by normalized parameter list | |
Planar Extrude (ptPlanarExtrude) Create grid from planar extrude | |
Polar Extrude (ptPolarExtrude) Create grid from polar extrude | |
Polar Grid (ptPolar2D) Create polar grid | |
Polar 3D Grid (ptPolar3D) Create 3D polar grid | |
Surface Domain Chord Distance (ptSrfDomChord) Create grid from surface domain by chord or direct distance | |
Surface Domain Length (ptSrfDomLen) Create grid from surface domain by length on surface | |
Surface Domain Number (ptSrfDomNum) Create grid that from surface domain by number | |
Intersect Curves (ptUVCrvs) Create from intersections of u and v curves |
Cellulate (ptCell) Generate individual cells and wires | |
Panel Connections (ptMPanel) Panel using connection strings | |
Morph 2D (ptMorph2D) Morph curves to grid cells | |
Morph 2D List (ptMorph2DList) Morph curves to grid cells with list variation | |
Morph 2D Map (ptMorph2DMap) Morph list of curves to the corresponding grid cells | |
Morph 2D Mean (ptMorph2DMean) Morph curves to grid cells with mean variation | |
Generate Borders (ptBorders) Generate cells borders | |
Generate Faces (ptFaces) Generate faces for grid cells | |
Generate Flat Faces (ptFlatFaces) Generate cells flat faces |
Curve Attraction (ptCrvAtts) Shuffle grid using curve attractors | |
Direction Attraction (ptDirAtts) Shuffle grid using a direction attractor | |
Draft Angle Attraction (ptSlopeAtts) Shuffle grid using a draft angle attractor | |
Gaussian Curvature (ptGauss) Shuffle grid using surface Gaussian curvature | |
Mean Curvature (ptMean) Shuffle grid using surface Mean curvature | |
Point Attraction (ptPointAtts) Shuffle grid using point attractors | |
Random Attraction (ptRandAtts) Shuffle grid rendomly | |
Weight Attraction (ptWeight) Shuffle grid using weight map |
Cellulate 3D Grid (pt3DCell) Generate boxes between two bounding grids | |
Panel 3D Connections (ptMPanel3D) Panel 3D using connection strings | |
Morph 3D (ptMorph3D) Morph objects between 2 bounding grids | |
Morph 3D List (ptMorph3DList) Morph objects between 2 bounding grids with list variation | |
Morph 3D Map (ptMorph3DMap) Morph list of objects to the corresponding grid cells | |
Orient to Grid (ptOrient) Orient objects to a grid | |
Morph 3D Mean (ptMorph3DMean) Morph objects between 2 bounding grids using tween variations |
Divide Distance (ptDivideDis) Divide curve by distance | |
Divide Distance with Reference (ptDivideDisRef) Divide by chord or direct distance with reference point | |
Divide Length (ptDivideLen) Divide curve by length | |
Divide Length with Reference (ptDivideLenRef) Divide by length on curve with reference point | |
Divide Number (ptDivideNum) Divide curve by number | |
Divide Parameter (ptDivideParam) Divide curve by normalized parameter list |
Iso Edges (ptIsoE) Extract iso-edges on surface from linear edges | |
Pull Edges (ptPullE) Pull linear edges to surface | |
Short Edges (ptShortE) Extract shortest path on surface from linear edges |
Pentagonal Tiling 07 (PTiling 07) Creates a Euclidean Iregular Pentagonal tiling | |
Pentagonal Tiling 10 (PTiling 10) Creates a Euclidean Iregular Pentagonal tiling | |
2-Uniform Tiling E (2TilingE) Creates a Euclidean 2-Uniform tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of ([; 12.12.3]) | |
2-Uniform Tiling A (2TilingA) Creates a Euclidean 2-Uniform tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of ([ ; 3^]) | |
Pentagonal Tiling 15 (PTiling 15) Creates a Euclidean Iregular Pentagonal tiling | |
Pentagonal Tiling 02_A (PTiling 02A) Creates a Euclidean Iregular Pentagonal tiling | |
Snub square (Tiling B sr) Creates a Euclidean semi-regular tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of (, also known as Snub square Tiling | |
Pentagonal Tiling 01_A (PTiling 01A) Creates a Euclidean Iregular Pentagonal tiling | |
Brick Type H (Brick H) Creates Bricks as closed polylines (Cell) on a Surface | |
Trihexagonal (Tiling G sr) Creates a Euclidean semi-regular tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of (3.6.6), also known as Trihexagonal tiling | |
Pentagonal Tiling 13 (PTiling 13) Creates a Euclidean Iregular Pentagonal tiling | |
Brick Type I (Brick I) Creates Bricks as closed polylines (Cell) on a Surface | |
Truncated hexagonal (Tiling E sr) Creates a Euclidean semi-regular tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of (3.12.12), also known as Truncated hexagonal tiling | |
Snub Trihexagonal (Tiling A sr) Creates a Euclidean semi-regular tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of (, also known as Snub Trihexagonal tiling. | |
2-Uniform Tiling B (2TilingB) Creates a Euclidean 2-Uniform tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of ([4.6.12 ;]) | |
2-Uniform Tiling F (2TilingF) Creates a Euclidean 2-Uniform tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of ([3^6; 3^2.4.12]) | |
Trilateral Tiling I (TriTiling I) Generates a Tiling (Grid) based on any irregular/regular Trilateral Curve (any Closed Polyline with 3 points and 3 edges) | |
Trilateral Tiling II (TriTiling II) Generates a Tiling (Grid) based on any irregular/regular Trilateral Curve (any Closed Polyline with 3 points and 3 edges) | |
Truncated square (Tiling D sr) Creates a Euclidean semi-regular tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of (4.8.8), also known as Truncated square tiling | |
Pentagonal Tiling 06 (PTiling 06) Creates a Euclidean Iregular Pentagonal tiling | |
Quadrilateral Tiling (QuadTiling) Generates a Tiling (Grid) based on any irregular/regular Quadrilateral Curve (any Closed Polyline with 4 points and 4 edges) | |
Truncated trihexagonal (Tiling F sr) Creates a Euclidean semi-regular tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of (4.6.12), also known as Truncated trihexagonal tiling | |
2-Uniform Tiling D (2TilingD) Creates a Euclidean 2-Uniform tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of ([;]) | |
Brick Type G (Brick G) Creates Bricks as closed polylines (Cell) on a Surface | |
Pentagonal Tiling 01_B (PTiling 01B) Creates a Euclidean Iregular Pentagonal tiling | |
Brick Type J (Brick J) Creates Bricks as closed polylines (Cell) on a Surface | |
Pentagonal Tiling 09 (PTiling 09) Creates a Euclidean Iregular Pentagonal tiling | |
Pentagonal Tiling 02_B (PTiling 02B) Creates a Euclidean Iregular Pentagonal tiling | |
Brick Type D (Brick D) Creates Bricks as closed polylines (Cell) on a Surface | |
Rhombitrihexagonal (Tiling C sr) Creates a Euclidean semi-regular tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of (, also known as Rhombitrihexagonal tiling | |
Brick Type C (Brick C) Creates Bricks as closed polylines (Cell) on a Surface | |
Brick Type B (Brick B) Creates Bricks as closed polylines (Cell) on a Surface | |
Elongated triangular (Tiling H sr) Creates a Euclidean semi-regular tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of (, also known as Elongated triangular tiling | |
2-Uniform Tiling C (2TilingC) Creates a Euclidean 2-Uniform tiling consisting of convex polygons with vertex configuration of ([;]) | |
Penrose Creates a Penrose Tiling(Penrose of Type 2) Consisting of Quadrilateral Polygons | |
Brick Type E (Brick E) Creates Bricks as closed polylines (Cell) on a Surface | |
Brick Type A (Brick A) Creates Bricks as closed polylines (Cell) on a Surface | |
Brick Type F (Brick F) Creates Bricks as closed polylines (Cell) on a Surface |
Pattern Genotype E (PatternGenE) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) [Based on Esmaeil Mottaghi’s Dissertation [See https://www | |
Tileable Pattern (p4) (Tilep4) A Method for Generating Tileable Patterns. | |
Tileable Pattern (pmg) (Tilepmg) A Method for Generating Tileable Patterns. | |
Pattern Genotype N (TA) (PatternGenN) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) [Shared under Creative Common License “Attribution-ShareAlike” (CC BY-SA)] | |
2D Aggregation Generates an aggregated system consist of an arbitrary base curve | |
Cymatic Pattern (Cymatics) [Experimental Component] Creates Cymatic patterns (Also Known as Chladni Plates; | |
Pattern Statistics (PatternStat) Retrieves some statistics regarding a Pattern (Network of Lines/Curves) | |
Gilbert Tesselation C (GilbertC) Generates a Pattern Based on a re-envision of Gilbert Tessellation. Shared under Attribution-NonCommercial license (CC BY-NC), Contact Support Email for Commercial use | |
Pattern Genotype G (PatternGenG) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) | |
Pattern Genotype K (PatternGenK) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) [Based on Esmaeil Mottaghi’s Dissertation [See https://www | |
Star Pattern II (StarPatternII) a Geometrical method for designing Islamic Patterns (Based on a method presented by Hankin Lee & Craig S | |
Pattern Genotype I (PatternGenI) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) | |
Pattern Genotype M (PT) (PatternGenM (PT)) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) | This Genotype returens Pentognal Tilings (Known as Pentagonal Tilings of Type 3) [Based on Esmaeil Mottaghi’s Dissertation [See https://www | |
Tileable Pattern (pmm) (Tilepmm) A Method for Generating Tileable Patterns. | |
Pattern Genotype L (PT) (PatternGenL (PT)) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) | This Genotype returens Pentognal Tilings (Known as Pentagonal Tilings of Type 4 and 5) [Based on Esmaeil Mottaghi’s Dissertation [See https://www | |
Star Pattern I (StarPatternI) a Geometrical method for designing Islamic Patterns (Based on a method presented by Craig S | |
Pattern Genotype J (PatternGenJ) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) | |
Pattern Genotype C (PatternGenC) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) [Based on Esmaeil Mottaghi’s Dissertation [See https://www | |
Tileable Pattern (p4m) (Tilep4m) A Method for Generating Tileable Patterns. | |
Pattern Genotype H (PatternGenH) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) [Based on Esmaeil Mottaghi’s Dissertation [See https://www | |
Venation Generates a Venetaion [Branching] Network of Curves among a List of Points | |
Pattern Genotype B (PatternGenB) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) [Based on Esmaeil Mottaghi’s Dissertation [See https://www | |
Pattern Genotype F (PatternGenF) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) [Based on Esmaeil Mottaghi’s Dissertation [See https://www | |
Tileable Pattern (p4g) (Tilep4g) A Method for Generating Tileable Patterns. | |
Flow Path (Flow) Generates a [Discrete] Fluid Flow Path on a Mesh | |
Fractal Polyline (Fractal) Generates a Fractal Polyline | |
Growth (GrowthA) Generates a Single-Polyline Pattern, resembling Natural Growth of Cells and Organs [also Known by name of ‘Differential Growth’] Connect a Grasshopper Timer to refresh the Component | |
Maze Generates a Perfect Maze (Based on Backtracking Algorithm) Based on a Given Mesh | |
Pattern Genotype A (PatternGenA) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) [Based on Esmaeil Mottaghi’s Dissertation [See https://www | |
Gilbert Tesselation B (GilbertB) Generates a Pattern Based on a re-envision of Gilbert Tessellation. Shared under Attribution-NonCommercial license (CC BY-NC), Contact Support Email for Commercial use | |
Pattern Genotype D (PatternGenD) a Method of Generating Patterns on Custom Cells (Hint: Works Best with Cells from Parakeet’s “Tiling” Category) [Based on Esmaeil Mottaghi’s Dissertation [See https://www | |
Tileable Pattern (pgg) (Tilepgg) A Method for Generating Tileable Patterns. | |
Gilbert Tesselation A (GilbertA) Generates a Pattern Based on a re-envision of Gilbert Tessellation. Shared under Attribution-NonCommercial license (CC BY-NC), Contact Support Email for Commercial use | |
Knit Generates a Knitted Pattern on a Surface | |
Kelidoscope Generates a Pattern based on ‘kaleidoscope’ Mechanism. Shared under Attribution-NonCommercial license (CC BY-NC), Contact Support Email for Commercial use | |
3D Aggregation Generates an aggregated system consist of an arbitrary base mesh |
RemoveDuplicateSurface (RemoveDupSrf) Removes identical Surfaces from a List | |
Map To Surface (MapToSrf) map a Curve onto a Surface | |
Panelized Sum Surface (PQSumSrf) Creates a Planar Quad panelization on a surface, generated by two profile curves(based on a method by Mr.Tang | |
Extend Surface (ExtendSrf) Extends a surface by specified edge and distance | |
Voronoi On Surface (VoronoiSrf) Generates a Voroni pattern on given Nurbs surface | |
Offset Brep (BrepOffset) Offset a Brep with variable parameters | |
CreateSolid Creates a Solid (Closed Brep) Enclosed by Intersecting Surfaces and PolySurfaces | |
Reverse Surface (ReverseSrf) Reverses U and V direction (domain) of a surface | |
Brep Topology Retrieves full topology of Brep | |
Brep Remove Holes (BrepRemoveHoles) Removes Holes of a B-rep (Works with both Trimmed and Untrimmed Nurbs Surface(s)) | |
BooleanSplit Splits a Brep with Other Brep(s) [Brep|Brep Split] |
Reflection Point (ReflectP) Returnes Reflection of a [List of] Points from a Plane | |
Clean Number (CleanNumber) Converts scientific format (and other numercial formats) to plain numbers | |
Mouse Retrieves cursor coordinates and status of mouse buttons | |
FaceMe Plane (FaceMe) Generates a Plane facing the active camera (a 'Timer' Should be connected ro rerun the component) | |
Golden Point (GoldenPt) Creates a Point [C] on a Given Line [AB] where AC/BC=φ (Golden Ratio ≈ 2.618) | |
Interpolate Color Interpolates a Collection of Colors | |
Zoom to (Zoom) Sets Camera to a certain Distance Targeting a Point | |
Custom Round Rounds a Number by custom scope | |
Scissors (Scissor) Simulates Deployable Circular Scissor Structure |
Mirrored Subdivide Quad (QuadSubM) Subdivides Closed Polygon into Quad Cells and mirrors the pieces alternately (Usefull for Generating Geometrical Patterns) | |
Network Topology Retrieves full topology of a network of Lines | |
Polygon by Area (Polygon Area) Creates a Polygon based on specified area | |
Random Seam Randomly adjusts the seam of given curves (and Polylines) | |
Dual Garph (Dual) Generates the Dual graph for a List of Polygons | |
Align Curves (AlignCrv) Aligns a List of Curves Based on a Guide Curve by Adjusting Both Curve Seam and Direction | |
Divide Curve Variable (DivideVar) Divides a curve based on Curvature with variable parameters | |
Loop Trancate (Trancate) Truncates a Pattern (2D or 3D Network of Lines/Curves) recursivly | |
Map Curves (MapCrv2Crv) Maps a Collaction of Polylines and Curves from one Polyline to another Polyline. Source and Target Polylines must have same number of Vertices (or Segments). |
Meta Escher Trilateral (MetaEscherTri) Generates a Heterogeneous Tiling (Deformation Parquet) of Custom Curves Based on a Trilateral (Triangular) Grid [Best Known from Drawings of M.C.Escher (1898-1972)] | |
Escher Hexagonal B (EscherHexB) Generates a Tiling of Custom Curves Based on a Square Grid [Best Known from Drawings of M. C. Escher (1898-1972)] | |
Meta Escher Hexagonal A (MetaEscherHexA) Generates a Heterogeneous Tiling (Deformation Parquet) of Custom Curves Based on a Hexagonal Grid [Best Known from Drawings of M.C.Escher (1898-1972)] | |
Escher Quadriladeral A (EscherQuadA) Generates a Tiling of Custom Curves Based on a Square Grid [Best Known from Drawings of M. C. Escher (1898-1972)] | |
Escher Hexagonal A (EscherHexA) Generates a Tiling of Custom Curves Based on a Square Grid [Best Known from Drawings of M. C. Escher (1898-1972)] | |
Meta Escher Quadriladeral (MetaEscherQuad) Generates a Heterogeneous Tiling (Deformation Parquet) of Custom Curves Based on a Quadriladeral (Square) Grid [Best Known from Drawings of M.C.Escher (1898-1972)] | |
Meta Escher Hexagonal B (MetaEscherHexB) Generates a Heterogeneous Tiling (Deformation Parquet) of Custom Curves Based on a Hexagonal Grid [Best Known from Drawings of M.C.Escher (1898-1972)] | |
Escher Trilateral A (EscherTriA) Generates a Tiling of Custom Curves Based on a Square Grid [Best Known from Drawings of M. C. Escher (1898-1972)] |
Klein Surface Creates a Klien Nurbs surface | |
Klein Bottle Creates a Klien bottle as a Nurbs surface | |
Geodesic Dome Generates a Geodesic Dome based on a Icosahedron | |
PlukerSurface (PlukerSrf) Creates a Plucker surface with variable parameters | |
Mobius Surface (Mobius) Creates a Mobius surface with variable parameters |
MeshCap Caps all holes by covering Naked Edges | |
Mesh Surface Variable (MeshSrfVar) Creates a Mesh based on curvature of base surface (Larger mesh faces in flat areas) | |
Mesh Topology Retrieves full topology of Mesh |
Calculate Model (Calculate) Calculate RFEM Model. | |
Get Results Gets Results from the RFEM Model. | |
Extrude Members (Extrude) Extrude members using the geometry of the cross sections assigned to them. | |
Input for LCA (LCA) Get Model masses groupes by material for Life Cycle Analysis | |
RF Partial Activity (RFActivity) Creates a diagram to define partial activity behavior. | |
RF Diagram (RFDiagram) Creates a diagram to define a non-linear behavior. | |
Line Support Forces (LSForces) Get Line Support Forces from Calculation Results. | |
Nodal Support Forces (NSForces) Get Nodal Support Forces from Calculation Results. | |
Surface Forces (SForces) Get Surface Forces from Calculation Results. | |
Member Forces (MForces) Get Member Forces from Calculation Results. | |
RF Free Line Load (RFLLoad) Assembles and Disassembles RFFLineLoad objects. | |
RF Free Rectangular Load (RFRectLoad) Assembles and Disassembles RFFreeRectangularLoad objects. | |
RF Line Release Type (RFLineReleaseType) Assembles and Disassembles RFLineReleaseType objects. | |
RF Member Eccentricity (RFMemberEccentricity) Assembles and Disassembles RFMemberEccentricity objects. | |
RF Line Release (RFLineRelease) Assembles and Disassembles RFLineRelease objects. | |
RF Nodal Release (RFNodalRelease) Assembles and Disassembles RFNodalRelease objects. | |
RF Member Hinge (RFMemberHinge) Assembles and Disassembles RFMemberHinge objects. | |
RF Surface Support (RFSrfcSupport) Assembles and Disassembles RFSrfcSupport objects. | |
RF Result Combination (RFResultCombo) Assembles and Disassembles RFResultCombo objects. | |
RF Load Combination (RFLoadCombo) Assembles and Disassembles RFLoadCombo objects. | |
RF Load Case (RFLoadCase) Assembles and Disassembles RFLoadCase objects. | |
RF Free Polygon Load (RFPolyLoad) Assembles and Disassembles RFFreePolygonLoad objects. | |
RF Surface Load (RFSurfaceLoad) Assembles and Disassembles RFSurfaceLoad objects. | |
RF Member Load (RFMemberLoad) Assembles and Disassembles RFMemberLoad objects. | |
RF Material (RFMaterial) Assembles and Disassembles RFMaterial objects. | |
RF Cross Section (RFCroSec) Assembles and Disassembles RFCroSec objects. | |
RF Line Hinge (RFLineHinge) Assembles and Disassembles RFLineHinge objects. | |
RF Line Support (RFLineSupport) Assembles and Disassembles RFLineSupport objects. | |
RF Line Load (RFLineLoad) Assembles and Disassembles RFLineLoad objects. | |
RF Nodal Support (RFNodalSupport) Assembles and Disassembles RFNodalSupport objects. | |
RF Opening (RFOpening) Assembles and Disassembles RFOpening objects. | |
RF Surface (RFSurface) Assembles and Disassembles RFSurface objects. | |
RF Member (RFMember) Assembles and Disassembles RFMember objects. | |
RF Line (RFLine) Assembles and Disassembles RFLine objects. | |
RF Node (RFNode) Assembles and Disassembles RFNode objects. | |
RF Nodal Load (RFNodLoad) Assembles and Disassembles RFNodalLoad objects. | |
List Data Converts a string-format RF-List into an integer list | |
Filter Data Filter RFEM Objects from the Model. | |
Optimize Cross Sections (Optimize CroSec) Performs a Cross Section Optimization with the EC3 Module. | |
Set Data Sets Data in the RFEM Model. | |
Get Data Gets Data from the RFEM Model. | |
RF Node Properties (RFNodeProp) Gets the properties of RFNode objects. |
Brep closest point (BrepCP) Find the closest point on a brep | |
Brep topology (Topology) Get the complete topology of a brep | |
Cap custom Cover a closed curve | |
Closest geometry Find the geometry closest to a point | |
Curve array 2d Create an array 2d of geometry along a curve | |
Curve Discontinuities Find all discontinuities along a curve above an angle of tolerance | |
Extend surface (ExtendSrf) Extend a edge of a surface | |
Extrude from point (ExtFromPt) Extrude a curve from a point | |
Extrusion both sides Extrude a curve or surface in both sides along a vector | |
Fillet polyline Round the corners of a polyline | |
Fit curves Match multiple curves by adjusting their direction and seam | |
Flip plane Flip a plane by reversing the Z axis | |
Flow along curve (Flow) Re-aligns objects from a base curve to a target curve. | |
Flow along surface (FlowSrf) Deforms an object from a source surface to a target surface. | |
Frames Divide a curve into planes oriented from a geometry | |
Grid On Surface (GridOnSrf) Place a grid on a surface | |
Hollow thickness (HollowThk) Subtracts a hollow specifying the thickness | |
Interpolate frames Interpolate a collection of frames over a curve | |
Interpolate planes (IntPlns) Interpolate a collection of planes | |
IsoCurve Extracts an isocurve from a surface specifying position and direction | |
Isotrim Extract an isoparametric subset of a surface from the middle of the trim | |
Like an emboss (Emboss) Make a embossment on a surface | |
Mesh topology Get the complete topology of a mesh | |
Move from geometry Move a collection of points from the nearest projection in a geometry | |
Offset On Surface Variable (OffsetOnSrfVariable) Offset a curve on a surface with variable distances | |
Offset Variable Offsets a curve with a range of values | |
Rasterize (Raster) Rasterize an image transforming black pixels in curve regions | |
Rebuild surface Rebuild a surface proportionally to its size | |
Resize Resize a geometry | |
Reverse Surface (ReverseSrf) Reverse parameter's domain of a surface | |
Seam from point Adjust the seam of a closed curve from a point | |
Shatter Variable Shatter a curve into segments of given size | |
Shell curve (Shell) Creates a solid with the interior subtracted from a closed planar curve | |
Size Measures the size of the bounding box of a geometry | |
Split & mirror (Split&Mirror) Split and mirror a brep with a plane | |
Surface Offset Solid (SrfOffsetSolid) Offsets a surface creating a closed brep | |
Text by curve Draw text as surfaces over a rail curve | |
Texture Creates a texture with an image on a surface | |
Trim from middle Trim a curve from the middle position of the trim and its length | |
Try get circle (Get circle) Try to convert a curve into a circle | |
Tween multiple curves (TweenMulti) Tween between multiple curves | |
Unroller Represents the operation of Rhino's unrolling. |
Bezel Create a bezel for a gem | |
Brilliant Create a brilliant gem from a circle | |
Cabuchon studio (Cabuchon) Creator of cabuchons | |
Channel On Surface (ChannelSrf) Create a channel on a surface | |
Channel Creates a channel for gems from a curve on a surface | |
Cutter soft Create a simple seamless cutter | |
Cutter Create a cutter on a gem | |
Cutters In Line 0 Create a cutter through a list of gems | |
Cutters In Line 1 Create cross cutters to a line of gems | |
Cutters In Line 2 Create cross cutters between gems | |
Gallery rails Create gallery rails in a gem | |
Gems by 2 curves (Gems2Curves) Create gems between two curves | |
Gems by curve (GemsByCurve) Create gems in a rail curve | |
Gems studio (Gems) Creator of gems | |
Pave random (PaveRnd) Creates a brilliant cut pave on a surface (Kangaroo 0.99 required) | |
Prong simple Create a simple prong from a plane | |
Prongs along gems rail Create prongs between gems on rail | |
Prongs Create vertical prongs around a gem |
Constrain Constrain a number within a domain | |
Dispatch Indices Dispatch the items of a list into two target list using indices | |
Insert in Tree Inserts elements in a tree branch | |
MapToSum Remaps a list of values where their sum total is a given value | |
NearestNumber Find the nearest number under or above a given value comparing it with a list of allowed values | |
Next item Shift a list to operate with the next item | |
Normalize Normalize a list of numbers | |
Range Arc Creates a range of numbers in the arc function | |
Range Gaussian Creates a range of numbers in the Gaussian function | |
Range Random Creates a range of numbers in the Random midpoint displacement algorithm | |
Range Sigmoid Creates a range of numbers in the Sigmoid function. | |
Range Sine Creates a range of numbers in the composite sine function | |
Shift paths Shift -1 in all data tree paths | |
Split domain Split a domain using numbers | |
Split domain² Split an UV domain using numbers | |
Symmetry numbers Create a list of numbers that is symmetrical to another from a given value |
Arm gauge (Arm) Create half gauge for ring creation | |
Gauge Create a circle using a size of a regional system of gauge | |
Resize ring Adjust the finger size of a ring | |
Ring base Create a basic ring | |
Ring by curves (Ring curves) Creates a ring with a frontal and side curves | |
Ring half round (Half Ring) Creates a half round ring | |
Ring Profile Create a ring using a profile curve | |
Ring Signet Create a ring with a curve for the signet | |
Size to radius (SizeToRadius) Converts the size of a regional system to his radius. | |
Size to size (SizeToSize) Converts the size in a regional system to another regional system |
Profile 2Arcs Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Profile Gem Extract a gem profile and add useful openings as a cutter | |
Profile Grooves Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Profile HalfRound Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Profile HalfRoundTruncated Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Profile n-Bezier Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Profile Ovoid Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Profile Track Create a profile of track and edges |
Arm Organic model of an arm | |
Bust Organic model of a bust | |
Display sizes Displays the size of gems | |
Ear Organic model of an ear | |
Finger Contains a collection of polygon meshes | |
Gem preview Preview gems choosing the color. | |
Metal preview Preview metals |
Costs Calculate the cost of your production You can open the cluster for editing | |
genRandom Generates pseudo-random values in a domain and writes on a branch with a path value of the seed | |
Market price (Market) Daily price of gold, silver, platinum and palladium in euro / gram in the London market (LBMA) | |
Organize Organize the distribution of geometry in a base rectangle | |
Timekeeper (Time) Time counter. Requires Timer component (1 second interval). | |
Tree wax Create a tree and place geometry at the ends of branches | |
Weight Calculates the weight in grams selecting a metal alloy |
Animation Create a simple animation from a guide curve. | |
Curvature analysis (Curvature) Analyzes surface curvature | |
Direction analysis (Direction) Analyzes the direction of geometry | |
Slicer Slice a geometry to get a section | |
Thickness analysis (Thickness) Analyzes the thickness of a mesh | |
Thickness dynamic (Thk dynamic) Measures the thickness manually using points |
Calotte Creates a calotte to pearl | |
Chain Creates a chain from a link and guide curves | |
Filigree Creates a filigree with guide and profile curves | |
Milgrain Creates a milgrain with a geometry through a curve | |
Pipe Custom Create a pipe with multiple sections |
Create crossover Create crossover nodes | |
Filter Filter small members (it may reposition nodes to restore equilibrium) | |
Merge Node Merge nodes | |
Reduce complexity Reduce complexity | |
Rationalization Rationalization using Geometry Optimization | |
Simplification Simplification using smooth Heaviside function |
Directional support Support that restricts only specified direction | |
Plane support Plane support in direction(s) | |
Plane supportXYZ Plane support in direction(s) | |
Point support Point support in X and(or) Y and(or) Z direction | |
Supports Supports in the design problem |
Line load Line load | |
Point load Point load | |
Load case Load case (scenario) | |
Surface load Surface load |
Line structure A discretized line structure | |
Surface net structure A discretized surface net structure | |
Construct Topology Construct a topology from lines |
Gallery Setting Gallery settings for solution viewer | |
Solution Viewer Visualize a solution | |
Structural Details Show structural details |
Design domain Design domain enclosed by triangulated mesh | |
Material Define the properties of the material used in the optimization |
Problem specification Problem specification | |
LPSolver Solve layout optimization problem |
version: Project website: https://limitstate3d |
Unique solution Find unique solutions |
Fonts Fonts | |
PersianCat (PC) Fixing the Persian text letters | |
Text3D (Text) Text 3D | |
TextExplode (Explode) Explode Text | |
Text Tag (Tag) Represents a list of text tags in a Rhino viewport |
Bezier Curve (BezierCurve) Quickly creates a Bezier curve from a mesh face | |
Branch Extrude a mesh face controlling their subdivisions | |
Explode Mesh Decompose a mesh into its faces | |
i Fibonacci (iFib) Returns a Fibonacci number from its index | |
Join Mesh Join & combine several meshes | |
Move Face (MoveFace) Moves and scale a face on normal vector | |
Move Vertex (MoveVertex) Move a list of vertices of a mesh | |
Offset Mesh (OffsetMesh) Offsets a mesh | |
Petal Model a petal or a leaf from one face and a curve | |
Phyllo Branch (PhylloBranch) Wrap a curve patterned on phyllotaxis and repositions the beginning on a mesh face | |
Phyllo Cap (PhylloCap) Forms a PhylloMesh on a naked edge | |
Phyllo Machine (PhylloMachine) Creates a mesh wrapping a curve forming the pattern of phyllotaxis | |
Phyllo Mesh (PhylloMesh) Wrap a curve to create a mesh whose vertices form the pattern of phyllotaxis | |
Phyllo Surface (PhylloSurf) Creates a PhylloMesh over a surface from a cylindrical mapping. | |
Ratio Box (RatioBox) Search proportions visually using boxes | |
Rnd Range (RndRange) Create a range of random values within a domain with interpolation option |
PX Box Generate PhysX Box from GH Box | |
PX CompoConvexMesh (PX CCxMesh) Input ConvexMesh or PhysX will automatically convert it to convex and the result won't be as expected | |
PX ConvexMesh (PX CxMesh) Input ConvexMesh or PhysX will automatically convert it to convex and the result won't be as expected | |
PX Sphere Generate PhysX Shpere like mesh sphere |
PX Material (PX Mat) PhysX Material |
PX Simulate PhysX Simulation Solver |
Deconstruct Plankton (DeconstructPlankton) Decompose a plankton mesh into its topology information | |
Create Plankton (CreatePlankton) Create a new Plankton halfedge mesh from a Grasshopper Mesh | |
Plankton From Points (PlanktonFromPoints) Create a new Plankton mesh from an existing Plankton mesh and a list of points |
Child Gear (CGear) Create a gear that is connected to another gear | |
Construct Gear (Gear) Create an involute gear | |
Deconstruct Gear (DeGear) Deconstruct a gear | |
Planetary Gear Set (PGear) Create a planetary gear set | |
Counter Counter |
AnalysisMesh Create a mesh from a surface, which can be used for analyses | |
Legend Create a legend. | |
SliceDomain Create an analysis mesh by slicing a domain box | |
Get Names Get the Compute Name of Meshes | |
Load Mesh Load a mesh into Grasshopper from a local file | |
Recolor Mesh Recoloring mesh with parallel threading | |
Save Mesh Save a mesh to a local file. | |
Set Names Set the Compute Name of Objects |
CFD setSet (setSet) Description | |
Facade Pressure Calculate pressure coefficients to use in fx. EnergyPlus airflow networks | |
Wind Thresholds Compute the Lawson criteria for a CFD case. | |
CFD Boundary Condition (CFD BC) Defines a CFD Boundary Condition | |
Probe Points Probe the CFD case to get the results in the desired points | |
Load Probe Results Loads the probe results from a file | |
Wind Threshold Results Loads wind threshold results from a file(s). | |
CFD Solution Create the Solution Parameters for a CFD Case |
Daylight Metrics Create a task to compute Daylight Metrics, such as cDA, sDA, DA or UDI | |
Radiance Material (Material) Define and apply a Radiance material to the construction | |
Probe Radiation Probe radiation case to get the results in the desired points | |
Radiation Probe Results (Radiation Results) Loads the probe results from a file | |
Radiation Solution Create the Solution Parameters for a Radiation Case | |
Outdoor Comfort Results (Comfort Results) Loads the outdoor comfort results from a file(s). | |
Outdoor Comfort Compute outdoor comfort, such as UTCI. |
CFD Domain (Domain) Create a CFD Domain | |
CFD Mesh Level (Mesh Level) Defines a CFD Mesh Level for the resolution on the surface of the meshes. | |
Radial Refinement Region (Radial Refinement) Defines a radial CFD Refinement Region that grows. | |
Refinement Region Defines a CFD Refinement Region | |
Compute Mesh (Mesh) Create the Mesh Parameters for a CFD Case |
Download EPW Download an EPW file from EnergyPlus' website. This component will open your web browser directly to EnergyPlus' website so you can download an EPW file. | |
File List Get a list of the files from a certain task on Compute. | |
List Project Tasks (List Tasks) List the tasks under a specific project on Procedural Compute | |
Upload File Upload a file to Compute |
Compute Upload and compute the CFD Case | |
Download Download files or folders from Compute | |
Compute Login (Login) Login to Procedural Compute | |
Get or Create Project and Task (Project and Task) Get or Create a project and/or a parent Task on Procedural Compute |
Align Curve Seams (AliCrvSeams) Iteratively or non-iteratively align the seams for a set of closed curves starting from the first curve in the set (or optionally from a guide start point) with the option of snapping to corners, if curve is not closed it will output with no change | |
Arc/Circle/Ellipse (ACE) Get the arc, circle, or ellipse representation of a curve. | |
Average Curve (AvrCrv) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of curves. | |
Bounding Rectangle (BRec) Create a plane oriented union bounding rectangle or separate bounding rectangles for geometry. | |
Close Curve (ClsCrv) Close an open curve in a variety of ways, if curve is already closed or linear it will output with no change. | |
Compatibilize Polylines (ComPLines) Make a set of polylines compatible(equal) in control point count without changing their shapes. | |
Constrained Area Ellipse (ConsAreaEli) Create an ellipse or circle the size of a specified area with {x} and {y} proportion factors, centered on a plane. | |
Constrained Area Polygon (ConsAreaPly) Create an irregular or regular polygon the size of a specified area with {x} and {y} proportion factors, centered on a plane. | |
Constrained Area Rectangle (ConsAreaRec) Create a rectangle or square the size of a specified area with {x} and {y} proportion factors, centered on a plane. | |
Curve Align Curve Seams (CrvAliCrvSeams) Align the seams for a set of closed curves along a guide curve with the option of snapping to corners, if curve is not closed it will output with no change. | |
Curve Degree (CrvDeg) Get the degree value of a curve. | |
Curve Length At (CrvLenAt) Get the length along a curve from its start to a point on the curve (or optionally to a parameter on the curve), if point is not on the curve it will be pulled to it. | |
Curve Length Between (CrvLenBtwn) Get the lengths along a curve between points on the curve (or optionally parameters on the curve), if points are not on the curve they will be pulled to it. | |
Curve Spans (CrvSpans) Gets the curve sub-domain for each span in a curve and gets information about the spans such as, amount of spans, length of each span, degree of each span, and curve parameters at the span ends. | |
Curve Statistics (CrvStats) Get statistics about a curve such as control point count, edit point count, kink point count, segment count, span count, and knot vector count. | |
Discrete Polyline (DPLine) Create a polyline made of target vector oriented segments by finding the closest target vector by angle to each vector between the reference vertices. | |
Is Arc/Circle/Ellipse (IsACE) Test if a curve is an arc, circle, or ellipse as defined by Rhino. Curves can be multiple types. | |
Is Curve Kinky (CrvKinky) Test if a curve has kinks, and gets information about the kinks such as, amount of kinks and the length along curve where each kink exists. | |
Is Curve Linear (CrvLinr) Test a curve for linearity. | |
Is Curve Segmented (CrvSegs) Test if a curve has segments, and gets information about the segments such as, amount of segments, length of each segment, and degree of each segment. | |
Mesh Loop Edges (MshLoopEdgs) Extract the egde loop polylines of a quad mesh at a specified mesh vertice index. -base methods by Mateusz Zwierzycki | |
Mesh Naked Edges (MshNakedEdgs) Extract the naked edge polylines of a mesh if any exist. | |
Mirror Cut Curve (MirCutCrv) Cut a curve with a plane, mirror the kept side of the cut across a mirror plane, and combine it with the kept side. | |
Net On Surface (NetSrf) Create a net of interpolated curves on a surface. | |
Offset Curve (OffCrv) Offset a curve with the option of offsetting both sides at different distances and capping the ends. | |
Offset Curve From Surface (OffCrvFromSrf) Offset a curve away from a surface by the surface normal directions with the option of offsetting both sides at different distances and capping the ends. | |
Parameter Curve Divide Rectangle (ParamCrvDivRec) Generate a grid of curves on a rectangle from domain dividing {x} and {y} parameters, or generate a rectangle isocurve. | |
Parameter Curve Divide Surface (ParamCrvDivSrf) Generate a grid of curves on a surface from domain dividing {u} and {v} parameters, or generate a surface isocurve. | |
Parameter Rectangle Grid (ParamRecGrid) Generate a grid of rectangular cells in a rectangle from domain dividing {x} and {y} parameters. | |
Parameter Rectangle Isocurve (ParamRecIso) Generate an isocurve on a rectangle from a domain dividing {x} or {y} parameter. | |
Parameter Surface Grid (ParamSrfGrid) Generate a grid of rectangular cells on a surface from domain dividing {u} and {v} parameters. | |
Parameter Surface Isocurve (ParamSrfIso) Generate an isocurve on a surface from a domain dividing {u} or {v} parameter. | |
Plane Trim Curve (PlnTrimCrv) Trim (remove) the parts of a curve on one side of a plane. | |
Point Fit Rectangle (PtFitRec) Fit a rectangle through a set of points. | |
Points Trim Curve (PtsTrimCrv) Trim a curve with a set of points (or optionally a set of parameters) like a dash pattern, if points are not on the curve they will be pulled to it. | |
Rebuild Curve (RebCrv) Rebuild a curve to a given point count, degree, and domain. | |
Rebuild Curve Segments (RebCrvSegs) Search a curve for segments at specified degrees and rebuild them to a specified degree and control point count. | |
Relocate Curve Ends (ReCrvEnds) Relocate a curves ends to new start and end point locations without having to rebuild the curve. | |
Remap Curve Domain (ReCrvDom) Remap a curves {t} domain range to an input domain range with the option of matching the {t} domain range of a guide curve. | |
Reparameterize Curve (ReparamCrv) Reparameterize a curve to have a (t) domain range from 0 to 1. | |
Seam To Curve Corner (Seam2CrvCorn) Adjust the seam of a closed curve with corners so that the seam is on the closest corner from the initial seam location (or optionally from a guide point), if curve is not closed or has no corners it will output with no change | |
Slide Curve Along Curve (SlideCrvCrv) Slide a curve along a guide curve (or optionally along two guide curves). | |
Smooth Curve (SmoCrv) Smooth a curve recursively by fairing, without changing its control point count. | |
Superimpose Curve (SuperCrv) Superimpose the control point count, degree, and domain properties of a reference curve onto a target curve. | |
Tween Consecutive Curves (TwnConCrvs) Tween consecutively between a set of curves. | |
Tween Consecutive Curves Along Curve (TwnConCrvsCrv) Tween consecutively between a set of curves along a guide curve (or optionally along two guide curves). | |
Tween Consecutive Curves On Surface (TwnConCrvsSrf) Tween consecutively between a set of curves on a surface, if curves are not on the surface they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Through Curves (TwnThruCrvs) Tween through a set of curves. | |
Tween Through Curves Along Curve (TwnThruCrvsCrv) Tween through a set of curves along a guide curve (or optionally along two guide curves). | |
Tween Through Curves On Surface (TwnThruCrvsSrf) Tween through a set of curves on a surface, if curves are not on the surface they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Two Curves (Twn2Crvs) Tween between two curves. | |
Tween Two Curves Along Curve (Twn2CrvsCrv) Tween between two curves along a guide curve (or optionally along two guide curves). | |
Tween Two Curves On Surface (Twn2CrvsSrf) Tween between two curves on a surface, if curves are not on the surface they will be pulled to it. | |
Weighted Average Curve (WavCrv) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of curves. | |
Fit Curve Segments (FitCrvSegs) Search a curve for segments at specified degrees and fit new curve segments through them to a specified degree, without changing the general shape. | |
Fit Curve Smooth (FitCrvSmo) Fit a new curve through an existing curve with kink angle smoothing, without changing the general shape. | |
Open Curve (OpnCrv) Open a closed curve from its seam, or shorten an open curve from its ends. | |
Prude Curve (PrudeCrv) Removes the kinky parts of a curve (discontinuities) by blending the curve segments togther, if curve already has no kinks it will output with no change. |
2Pt Twisted Box (2PtTBox) Create a twisted box defined by 2 points. | |
Average Twisted Box (AvrTBox) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of twisted boxes. | |
Center Twisted Box (CenTBox) Create a twisted box centered on a plane. | |
Construct Twisted Box (CoTBox) Construct a twisted box from a set of 8 corner points. | |
Deconstruct Twisted Box (DeTBox) Deconstruct a twisted box into sets of its 8 corner points, 12 edge lines, or 6 face polylines. | |
Deform Twisted Box (DeformTBox) Deform a twisted box by moving corner points with motion vectors. | |
Domain Twisted Box (DomTBox) Create a twisted box defined by a base plane and size domains. | |
Evaluate Twisted Box (EvalTBox) Locate a point inside or on a twisted box, evaluated in normalized {uvw} space. | |
Mesh Boolean Twisted Boxes (MshBoolTBoxs) Trim (remove) a set of twisted boxes by a boolean intersection or difference with one or multiple closed meshes | |
Mesh Trim Twisted Boxes (MshTrimTBoxs) Trim (remove) the parts of a twisted box set on one side of a mesh. [Multi-Threaded] | |
Plane Trim Twisted Boxes (PlnTrimTBoxs) Trim (remove) the parts of a twisted box set on one side of a plane. [Multi-Threaded] | |
Polysurface Boolean Twisted Boxes (PsrfBoolTBoxs) Trim (remove) a set of twisted boxes by a boolean intersection or difference with one or multiple closed polysurfaces(Breps) | |
Reference Twisted Box (RefTBox) Create a twisted box from a Rhino referenced box like Polysurface (Brep) that has 6 faces and 8 corners | |
Subdivide Twisted Box (SubDivTBox) Recursively subdivide a twisted box into smaller twisted boxes. | |
Surface Trim Twisted Boxes (SrfTrimTBoxs) Trim (remove) the parts of a twisted box set on one side of a surface. [Multi-Threaded] | |
Thicken Twisted Box (ThickTBox) Thicken a twisted box with layers of twisted boxes from thickness domain dividing parameters. | |
Tween Consecutive Twisted Boxes (TwnConTBoxs) Tween consecutively between a set of twisted boxes. | |
Tween Through Twisted Boxes (TwnThruTBoxs) Tween through a set of twisted boxes. | |
Tween Two Twisted Boxes (Twn2TBoxs) Tween between two twisted boxes. | |
Twisted Box Centers (TBoxCents) Find the center point (average) of a twisted boxes corner points, edge lines, or face polylines. | |
Twisted Box Consecutive Curves (TBoxConCrvs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes consecutively between curves from a thickness and domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Consecutive Meshes (TBoxConMshs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes consecutively between a set of meshes from the faces, works on quad and triangle faces. Meshes must have the same topology. | |
Twisted Box Consecutive Surfaces (TBoxConSrfs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes consecutively between a set of surfaces from domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Corners (TBox Corners) Get all 8 corners of a twisted box. | |
Twisted Box Curve (TBoxCrv) Create connected twisted boxes along a curve from domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Curve Variable (TBoxCrvVar) Create connected twisted boxes along a curve from domain dividing parameters, with variable sizes and rotations. | |
Twisted Box Extrude (TBoxExtr) Create connected twisted boxes from a profile curve or surface along a vector, curve, or to a point from domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Loft (TBoxLoft) Create twisted boxes between section curves or surfaces | |
Twisted Box Mesh (TBoxMsh) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes on a mesh from the faces and a parameter domain divided thickness, works on quad and triangle faces. | |
Twisted Box Pipe (TBoxPipe) Create connected twisted boxes along the inside of a pipe-like surface from domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Pipe Variable (TBoxPipeVar) Create connected twisted boxes along the inside of a pipe-like surface from a separate set of {u} domain dividing parameters for each {v} parameter. | |
Twisted Box Strip (TBoxStrip) Create connected twisted boxes along two rail curves from domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Strips (TBoxStrips) Create connected twisted boxes along a set of rail curves from domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Strip Variable (TTBoxStripVar) Create connected twisted boxes along two rail curves from a separate set of domain dividing parameters for each rail curve. | |
Twisted Box Surface (TBoxSrf) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes on a surface from a thickness and domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Sweep (TBoxSweep) Create connected twisted boxes along four rail curves from domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Sweep Variable (TBoxSweepVar) Create connected twisted boxes along four rail curves from a separate set of domain dividing parameters for each rail curve. | |
Twisted Box Through Curves (TBoxThruCrvs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes through a set of curves from a thickness and domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Through Meshes (TBoxThruMshs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes through a set of meshes from the faces, works on quad and triangle faces. Meshes must have the same topology. | |
Twisted Box Through Surfaces (TBoxThruSrfs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes through a set of surfaces from domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Tube (TBoxTube) Create a layered tube array of connected twisted boxes along a curve from domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Tube Variable (TBoxTubeVar) Create a layered tube array of connected twisted boxes along a curve from domain dividing parameters, with variable diameters, thicknesses, and rotations. | |
Twisted Box Two Curves (TBox2Crvs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes between curves from a thickness and domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Two Meshes (TBox2Mshs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes between meshes from the faces, works on quad and triangle faces. Meshes must have the same topology. | |
Twisted Box Two Surfaces (TBox2Srfs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes between surfaces from domain dividing parameters. | |
Twisted Box Volume (TBoxVol) Solve volume properties for a twisted box. | |
Weighted Average Twisted Box (WavTBox) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of twisted boxes. | |
Twisted Box Array (TBoxArray) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes in a box from domain dividing parameters. |
Append Polysurfaces (AppPsrfs) Append a set of polysurfaces (Breps) which are disjoint to become a single polysurface (Brep) even though they are not touching or joined. Can also append surfaces. | |
Automatic Edge Surface (AutoEdgSrf) Create a surface between 2, 3, or 4 auto sorted edge curves. | |
Automatic Network Surface (AutoNetSrf) Create a surface from an auto sorted curve network. | |
Average Surface (AvrSrf) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of surfaces, trimmed surfaces will be treated as untrimmed. | |
Constrained Volume Box (ConsVolBox) Create a rectangular or regular box the size of a specified volume with {x}, {y}, and {z} proportion factors, centered on a plane. | |
Constrained Volume Ellipsoid (ConsVolEli) Create an ellipsoid or sphere the size of a specified volume with {x}, {y}, and {z} proportion factors, centered on a plane. | |
Extrude Tapered Polysurface (ExtrTaper) Extrude a profile with a taper from draft angle. | |
Flip Polysurface (FlipPsrf) Flip the normals of a polysurface (Brep), closed polysurfaces (Breps) cannot be flipped and will output with no change. | |
Is Polysurface Closed (PsrfClsd) Test if a polysurface (Brep) is closed. | |
Is Surface Closed (SrfClsd) Test if a surface is closed and if its edges are closed in the {u} or {v} directions. | |
Is Surface Collapsed (SrfCollapsed) Test if a surface has edges collapsed to a point (singularities). | |
Is Surface Trimmed (SrfTrimd) Test if a surface is trimmed, can also test a polysurface (Brep) for trimmed faces. | |
Mesh To Polysurface (Msh2Psrf) Convert a mesh into a nurbs polysurface (Brep). | |
Mirror Cut Polysurface (MirCutPsrf) Cut a polysurface(Brep) with a plane, mirror the kept side of the cut across a mirror plane, and combine it with the kept side. Can also mirror cut surfaces. | |
Mirror Cut Surface (MirCutSrf) Cut a surface with a plane, mirror the kept side of the cut across a mirror plane, and combine it with the kept side (for trimmed surfaces use Mirror Cut Polysurface). | |
Offset Surface (OffSrf) Offset a surface with the option of offsetting both sides at different distances and creating a solid, also works with trimmed surfaces and polysurface (Brep) faces as separated offsets. | |
Parameter Subdivide Surface (ParamSubDivSrf) Generate a grid of subdivision surfaces on a surface from domain dividing {u} and {v} parameters. | |
Plane Trim Surface (PlnTrimSrf) Trim (remove) the parts of a surface on one side of a plane, also works with trimmed surfaces and polysurfaces (Breps). | |
Rebuild Surface (RebSrf) Rebuild a surface to a given point count, degree, and domain in the {u} and {v} directions, also works with trimmed surfaces. | |
Remap Surface Domain² (ReSrfDom²) Remap a surfaces {uv} domain² range to an input domain² range with the option of matching the {uv} domain² range of a guide surface, also works with trimmed surfaces. | |
Reparameterize Surface (ReparamSrf) Reparameterize a surface to have a (uv) domain² range from 0 to 1, also works with trimmed surfaces. | |
Shell Polysurface (ShellPsrf) Creates a hallowed out thickened shell from a closed polysurface (Brep). | |
Shrink Trimmed Surface (ShrinkTrimSrf) Shrinks the underlying untrimmed surface of a trimmed surface to be as close as possible to the trimmed surface edges, can also shrink trimmed polysurface (Brep) faces. | |
Split Kinky Surface (SplitKinkySrf) Split the output surface from an unsplit surface component into a polysurface(Brep) if it has kinks, if surface has no kinks it will output with no change. | |
Superimpose Surface (SuperSrf) Superimpose the {uv} control point count, {uv} degree, {uv} domain, and trims of a reference surface onto a target surface, also works with trimmed surfaces. | |
Surface Degree (SrfDeg) Get the degree value of a surface for its {u} and {v} directions. | |
Surface Spans (Srfpans) Gets the surface sub-domain²s for each span in a surface and gets information about the spans such as, sub-domains of each span, amount of spans in each direction, lengths of each span, degrees of each span, isocurve span parameters, and surface parameter coordinates at the span ends | |
Surface Statistics (SrfStats) Get statistics about a surface or polysurface (Brep) such as face count, untrimmed face count, trimmed face count, edge count, vertex count, and countrol point count. | |
Swap Surface Directions (SwapSrfDir) Swap or reverse the {u} and {v} directions of a surface, also works with trimmed surfaces but trims will swap as well. | |
Tween Consecutive Surfaces (TwnConSrfs) Tween consecutively between a set of surfaces, trimmed surfaces will be treated as untrimmed. | |
Tween Through Surfaces (TwnThruSrfs) Tween through a set of surfaces, trimmed surfaces will be treated as untrimmed. | |
Tween Two Surfaces (Twn2Srfs) Tween between two surfaces, trimmed surfaces will be treated as untrimmed. | |
Tween Two Surfaces Along Curve (Twn2SrfsCrv) Tween between two surfaces along a guide curve (or optionally along two guide curves), trimmed surfaces will be treated as untrimmed. | |
Unroll Polysurface (UnrollPsrf) Unroll a polysurface (Brep) so its faces lay flat on a plane, with the options to unroll points and curves along with the polysurface (Brep) faces. Can also unroll surfaces. | |
Unsplit Edge Surface (UnsplitEdge) Create an untrimmed edge surface between 2, 3, or 4 edge curves which doesn't split into a polysurface(Brep) at kinks. | |
Unsplit Extrude Surface (UnsplitExtr) Create an untrimmed extruded surface from a profile curve or surface along a vector, curve, or to a point, which doesn't split into a polysurface(Brep) at kinks. | |
Unsplit Loft Surface (UnsplitLoft) Create an untrimmed lofted surface through a set of section curves or surfaces which doesn't split into a polysurface(Brep) at kinks. | |
Unsplit Rail Revolve Surface (UnsplitRailRev) Create an untrimmed revolved surface from a profile curve or surface guided by a rail curve around an axis line which doesn't split into a polysurface(Brep) at kinks. | |
Unsplit Revolve Surface (UnsplitRev) Create an untrimmed revolved surface from a profile curve or surface around an axis line which doesn't split into a polysurface(Brep) at kinks. | |
Unsplit Sum Surface (UnsplitSum) Create an untrimmed sum surface from two edge curves which doesn't split into a polysurface(Brep) at kinks. | |
Unsplit Sweep Surface (UnsplitSwp) Create an untrimmed swept surface through a set of section curves or surfaces along a rail curve (or optionally along two rail curves) which doesn't split into a polysurface(Brep) at kinks. | |
Weighted Average Surface (WavSrf) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of surfaces, trimmed surfaces will be treated as untrimmed. | |
Fit Surface (FitSrf) Fit a new surface through an existing surface when possible without changing the general shape, also works with trimmed surfaces. |
Are Points Collinear (PtsCoLinr) Test a set of points for collinearity. | |
Are Points Coplanar (PtsCoPlnr) Test a set of points for coplanarity. | |
Curve Coil Points (CrvCoilPts) Create a series of points which coil along a curve. | |
Curve Edit Points (CrvEditPts) Extract the edit points on a curve at knot averages, the points an interpolated curve interpolated through. | |
Curve Middle Point (CrvMidPt) Get the point at the middle of a curves length or domain. | |
Curve Wave Points (CrvWavePts) Create a series of points which wave along a curve. | |
Map Point To Surface (MapPt2Srf) Map point to a target surface space from its location relative to a source surface space. | |
Mirror Cut Points (MirCutPts) Cut a set of points with a plane, mirror the kept side of the cut across a mirror plane, and combine it with the kept side. | |
Parameter Point Divide Surface (ParamPtDivSrf) Generate a grid of points on a surface from domain dividing {u} and {v} parameters. | |
Parameter Point In Rectangle (ParamPtInRec) Locate a point in a rectangle from a domain dividing {x} and {y} parameter. | |
Parameter Point On Surface (ParamPtOnSrf) Locate a point on a surface from a domain dividing {u} and {v} parameter. | |
Pinch'n'Spread Points (P'n'S) Pinch & Spread a set of points by radius, strength, and falloff values at each location point. Positive strengths Pinch, Negative strengths Spread. | |
Plane Trim Points (PlnTrimPts) Trim (remove) the parts of a point set on one side of a plane. | |
Point Divide Curve Segments (PtDivCrvSegs) Divide each segment of a curve into equal lengths. | |
Point Divide Curve Target Length (PtDivCrvTarg) Divide a curve into equal lengths that are as close as possible to a target length. | |
Point Mesh Side (PtMshSide) Find on which side of a mesh a point exists. | |
Point Plane Side (PtPlnSide) Find on which side of a plane a point exists. | |
Point Surface Edge (PtSrfEdge) Find the surface edge which is closest to a point. | |
Point Surface Side (PtSrfSide) Find on which side of a surface a point exists. | |
Reparameterize Points (ReparamPts) Reparameterize a set of points to have {x}, {y}, {z} coordinates which range from 0 to 1, or an inverted coordinate range from 1 to 0. | |
Surface Edit Points (SrfEditPts) Extract the edit points on a surface at knot averages, the points an interpolated surface interpolated through. | |
Tween Consecutive Points (TwnConPts) Tween consecutively between a set of points. | |
Tween Consecutive Points On Curve (TwnConPtsCrv) Tween consecutively between a set of points on a curve, if points are not on the curve they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Consecutive Points On Surface (TwnConPtsSrf) Tween consecutively between a set of points on a surface, if points are not on the surface they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Through Points (TwnThruPts) Tween through a set of points. | |
Tween Through Points On Curve (TwnThruPtsCrv) Tween through a set of points on a curve, if points are not on the curve they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Through Points On Surface (TwnThruPtsSrf) Tween through a set of points on a surface, if points are not on the surface they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Two Points (Twn2Pts) Tween between two points. | |
Tween Two Points On Curve (Twn2PtsCrv) Tween between two points on a curve, if points are not on the curve they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Two Points On Surface (Twn2PtsSrf) Tween between two points on a surface, if points are not on the surface they will be pulled to it. |
Curve Graph Mapper (CrvGraphMap) Remap values with a custom graph using input curves. | |
Deconstruct Number (DeNum) Deconstruct a number into its whole integer and decimal remainder. | |
Default Angle Tolerance (DefAt) Outputs the RhinoMath default angle tolerance value (1 deg | 0.017453 rad ). | |
Document Angle Tolerance (DocAt) Outputs the Rhino documents angle tolerance value (Document Properties > Units > Model > Angle tolerance). | |
Document Distance Tolerance (DocDt) Outputs the Rhino documents absolute distance tolerance value (Document Properties > Units > Model > Absolute tolerance). | |
Highest & Lowest Numbers (HiLoNums) Get the highest and lowest values from a set of numbers. | |
Invert Boolean (InvBool) Invert a boolean by making a true boolean false or a false boolean true. | |
Last Index Range (LastRange) Create a range of numbers between 0 and the last index of a list (list length -1). | |
Linearize Numbers (LinearNums) Linearize a set of numbers so a repeating wave type number set is remapped to increasing increments between a domain bounds, while maintaining the interval proportions between numbers. | |
List Length Range (LengRange) Create a range of numbers between 0 and the length of a list. | |
Mass Division (MDiv) Perform mass division on a set of numbers. | |
Mass Subtraction (MSub) Perform mass subtraction on a set of numbers. | |
Mirror Combine Numbers (MirComNums) Mirror a set of numbers across its end or start and combine it with the original set. | |
Mirror Cut Numbers (MirCutNums) Cut a set of numbers at an index, mirror the kept side of the cut across the index, and combine it with the kept side. | |
Odd & Even Numbers (OddEveNums) Split a set of numbers into odd and even number sets with the option of using null placeholders in the split number sets. | |
Partition Number (PartNum) Partition a number as equally as possible by a specified amount of divisions. | |
Percentage (Pcent) Calculate the percentage of a number. | |
Reparameterized Range (RepaRange) Create a range of numbers between 0 and 1. | |
Reparameterize Numbers (ReparamNums) Reparameterize a set of numbers to have a domain range from 0 to 1, or an inverted domain range from 1 to 0. | |
Round To Decimal Place (RoundD) Round a number to a decimal place or truncate a number at a decimal place. | |
Round To Factor (RoundF) Round a number to a multiplication factor. | |
Round To Nearest (RoundN) Round numbers in x to the nearest numbers in y with the option of remapping number set x to the domain bounds of number set y. | |
Tween Consecutive Numbers (TwnConNums) Tween consecutively between a set of numbers. | |
Tween Through Numbers (TwnThruNums) Tween through a set of numbers. | |
Tween Two Numbers (Twn2Nums) Tween between two numbers. | |
X Minus One (x-1) Subtract one from x. | |
X Plus One (x+1) Add one to x. | |
Zero Distance Tolerance (ZeroDt) Outputs the RhinoMath zero distance tolerance value (1.0e-12). | |
Equality Within Tolerance (EqualsT) Test for equality of two numbers within a tolerance (|A - B| <= t). |
Angle Split Mesh (AngSplitMsh) Split a mesh into separate meshes by measuring an angle tolerance between adjacent mesh face normals, if angle tolerance does not split the mesh it will output with no change | |
Average Mesh (AvrMsh) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of meshes, meshes must have the same topology. Can also average mesh vertex colors. | |
Blend Consecutive Meshes (BlndConMshs) Blend consecutively between a set of meshes by their vertices with a set of blend factors where each factor controls the blend amount between each set of vertices which share the same vertex index from mesh to mesh, meshes must have the same topology | |
Blend Through Meshes (BlndThruMshs) Blend through a set of meshes by their vertices with a set of blend factors where each factor controls the blend amount through each set of vertices which share the same vertex index across the meshes, meshes must have the same topology | |
Blend Two Meshes (Blnd2Mshs) Blend between two meshes by their vertices with a set of blend factors where each factor controls the blend amount between each pair of vertices which share the same vertex index from one mesh to the other, meshes must have the same topology | |
Close Mesh (ClsMsh) Close an open mesh by filling its openings with new mesh faces, if mesh is already closed it will output with no change. | |
Displace Mesh (DisMsh) Displace a mesh by its vertices with a set of displacement distances where each distance controls the displacement amount of each vertex along its normal direction. | |
Is Mesh Closed (MshClsd) Test if a mesh is closed. | |
Is Mesh Disjoint (MshDisjn) Test if a mesh has disjoint pieces. | |
Mesh Statistics (MshStats) Get statistics about a mesh such as vertex count, face count, quad face count, triangle face count, color count, and piece count. | |
Mirror Cut Mesh (MirCutMsh) Cut a mesh with a plane, mirror the kept side of the cut across a mirror plane, and combine it with the kept side. | |
Offset Mesh (OffMsh) Offset a mesh with the option of offsetting both sides at different distances and creating a solid. | |
Parameter Extrude Mesh (ParamExtrMsh) Create an extruded mesh from a profile curve along a vector, curve, or to a point from domain dividing {u} and {v} parameters, or by lengths between control points, or by angle accuracy, with the option of capping closed profile mesh extrusions | |
Parameter Loft Mesh (ParamLoftMsh) Create a lofted mesh through a set of section curves from domain dividing {u} and {v} parameters, or by lengths between control points, or by angle accuracy, with optional start and end points to loft to | |
Parameter Pipe Mesh (ParamPipeMsh) Create a piped mesh along a curve from domain dividing {u} and {v} parameters, or by lengths between control points, or by angle accuracy, with various end types | |
Parameter Plane Mesh (ParamPlnMsh) Generate a planar mesh in a rectangle from domain dividing {x} and {y} parameters. | |
Parameter Surface Mesh (ParamSrfMsh) Generate a mesh on a surface from domain dividing {u} and {v} parameters. | |
Plane Trim Mesh (PlnTrimMsh) Trim (remove) the parts of a mesh on one side of a plane. | |
Polyline To Mesh (PLine2Msh) Create a mesh from a closed or open polyline boundary. | |
Rebuild Mesh (RebMsh) Rebuild a mesh with options for recomputing normals, removing unused faces and vertices, combining duplicate vertices, unifying normals, flipping normals, and welding vertices within proximity of eachother | |
Recursive Morph Mesh (ReMorphMsh) Recursively morph mesh geometries onto mesh faces starting from morphing onto a base mesh, the resulting mesh of each recursive morphing step becomes the new base mesh for the next steps mesh geometry to morph onto its faces | |
Reduce Mesh (ReduMsh) Reduce the face count of a mesh to a target amount (look at Rhino command line to see progress % of operation). | |
Tween Consecutive Meshes (TwnConMshs) Tween consecutively between a set of meshes, meshes must have the same topology. Can also tween mesh vertex colors. | |
Tween Through Meshes (TwnThruMshs) Tween through a set of meshes, meshes must have the same topology. Can also tween mesh vertex colors. | |
Tween Two Meshes (Twn2Mshs) Tween between two meshes, meshes must have the same topology. Can also tween mesh vertex colors. | |
Voxel Mesh (VoxMsh) Create a plane oriented voxelization of a set of points as a mesh without interior faces, defined by an {x}, {y}, and {z} voxel size. -base methods by Mateusz Zwierzycki | |
Weighted Average Mesh (WavMsh) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of meshes, meshes must have the same topology. Can also average mesh vertex colors. |
Average Domain (AvrDom) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of domains. | |
Average Domain² (AvrDom²) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of domain²s. | |
Mirror Combine Domains (MirComDoms) Mirror a set of domains across its end or start and combine it with the original set. | |
Mirror Combine Domains² (MirComDoms²) Mirror a set of domain²s across its end or start and combine it with the original set. | |
Mirror Cut Domains (MirCutDoms) Cut a set of domains at an index, mirror the kept side of the cut across the index, and combine it with the kept side. | |
Mirror Cut Domains² (MirCutDoms²) Cut a set of domain²s at an index, mirror the kept side of the cut across the index, and combine it with the kept side. | |
Reparameterize Domains (ReparamDoms) Reparameterize a set of domains to have a start and end value range from 0 to 1, or an inverted start and end value range from 1 to 0. | |
Reparameterize Domains² (ReparamDoms²) Reparameterize a set of domain²s to have a start and end value range from 0 to 1 for their {u} and {v} domains, or an inverted start and end value range from 1 to 0. | |
Slide Within Domain (SlideInDom) Slide within the start and end of a domain to get a number from inside the domain. | |
Slide Within Domain² (SlideInDom²) Slide within the start and end of a domain² to get a {u} and {v} domain number from inside the domain². | |
Tween Consecutive Domains (TwnConDoms) Tween consecutively between a set of domains. | |
Tween Consecutive Domains² (TwnConDoms²) Tween consecutively between a set of domain²s. | |
Tween Through Domains (TwnThruDoms) Tween through a set of domains. | |
Tween Through Domains² (TwnThruDoms²) Tween through a set of domain²s. | |
Tween Two Domains (Twn2Doms) Tween between two domains. | |
Tween Two Domains² (Twn2Doms²) Tween between two domain²s. | |
Two Way Domain (2WayDom) Construct a domain from one number that becomes the negative and positive extents of the domain from zero. | |
Two Way Domain² (2WayDom²) Construct a domain² from one {u} number and one {v} number that becomes the negative and positive extents for each direction of the domain² from zero. | |
Weighted Average Domain (WavDom) Solve the weighted arithmetic average for a set of domains. | |
Weighted Average Domain² (WavDom²) Solve the weighted arithmetic average for a set of domain²s. |
Average Transform (AvrTran) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of transforms. | |
Mass Transform (MTran) Create a single mass transform by compounding a set of transforms, like Grasshopper's Compound component but with access to partial results (each step of the mass transformation). | |
Mirror Combine Transforms (MirComTrans) Mirror a set of transforms across its end or start and combine it with the original set. | |
Mirror Cut Transforms (MirCutTrans) Cut a set of transforms at an index, mirror the kept side of the cut across the index, and combine it with the kept side. | |
Morph To Twisted Box (Morph2Tbox) Morph geometries from reference boxes to target twisted boxes. (*Rhino 6 only, for Rhino 5 use Grasshopper's Box Morph component.) [Multi-Threaded] | |
Move To Point (Move2Pt) Move (translate) an object from one point to another. | |
Recursive Transform (ReTrans) Recursively transform geometry to get a self-referential step sequence of transformed geometry. | |
Rotate Euler (RotEuler) Rotate an object by three plane axes and three angles in degrees, each axis derived from the plane previous. | |
Rotate Quaternion (RotQuat) Rotate an object from one plane to another by a rotation factor, derived from quaternion rotation. | |
Rotate World (RotWorld) Rotate an object by three plane axes and three angles in degrees, each axis derived from the initial base planes world. | |
Scale To Area (Scale2Area) Scale geometry to a specified area with {x}, {y}, and {z} proportion factors. | |
Scale To Length (Scale2Len) Scale a curve to a specified length with {x}, {y}, and {z} proportion factors. | |
Scale To Volume (Scale2Vol) Scale geometry to a specified volume with {x}, {y}, and {z} proportion factors. | |
Slide Within Transform (SlideInTran) Slide within the start and end of a transform to get a transformation state from inside the transform. | |
Transform Twisted Box (TranTBox) Transform a twisted box (because twisted boxes do not work with regular transform components like Move, Scale, Rotate, etc). | |
Tween Consecutive Transforms (TwnConTrans) Tween consecutively between a set of transforms. | |
Tween Through Transforms (TwnThruTrans) Tween through a set of transforms. | |
Tween Two Transforms (Twn2Trans) Tween between two transforms. | |
Weighted Average Transform (WavTran) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of transforms. | |
Zeroed Transform (ZeroTran) Outputs a zeroed out transform which represents no transformation or the state before any transforming occured, also known as an identity transform matrix. |
Average Plane (AvrPln) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of planes. | |
Closest Plane Orientation (CPlnOri) Find the closest target plane by axis or axes orientation to a reference plane. | |
Flip Plane (FlipPln) Flip a plane by specified axes with the option of using a guide plane. | |
Mirror Cut Planes (MirCutPlns) Cut a set of planes with a plane, mirror the kept side of the cut across a mirror plane, and combine it with the kept side. | |
Offset Plane (OffPln) Offset a plane by specified axes with the option of offsetting both sides at different distances. | |
Parameter Plane Divide Surface (ParamPlnDivSrf) Generate a grid of surface normal oriented planes on a surface from domain dividing {u} and {v} parameters. | |
Parameter Plane In Rectangle (ParamPlnInRec) Locate a rectangle normal oriented plane in a rectangle from a domain dividing {x} and {y} parameter. | |
Parameter Plane On Surface (ParamPlnOnSrf) Locate a surface normal oriented plane on a surface from a domain dividing {u} and {v} parameter. | |
Plane Trim Planes (PlnTrimPlns) Trim (remove) the parts of a plane set on one side of a plane. | |
Tween Consecutive Planes (TwnConPlns) Tween consecutively between a set of planes. | |
Tween Consecutive Planes On Curve (TwnConPlnsCrv) Tween consecutively between a set of planes on a curve, if plane origins are not on the curve they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Consecutive Planes On Surface (TwnConPlnsSrf) Tween consecutively between a set of planes on a surface, if plane origins are not on the surface they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Through Planes (TwnThruPlns) Tween through a set of planes. | |
Tween Through Planes On Curve (TwnThruPlnsCrv) Tween through a set of planes on a curve, if plane origins are not on the curve they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Through Planes On Surface (TwnThruPlnsSrf) Tween through a set of planes on a surface, if plane origins are not on the surface they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Two Planes (Twn2Plns) Tween between two planes. | |
Tween Two Planes On Curve (Twn2PlnsCrv) Tween between two planes on a curve, if plane origins are not on the curve they will be pulled to it. | |
Tween Two Planes On Surface (Twn2PlnsSrf) Tween between two planes on a surface, if plane origins are not on the surface they will be pulled to it. | |
Weighted Average Plane (WavPln) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of planes. |
Average SubD (AvrSubD) Solve the arithmetic average for a set of SubDs, SubDs must have the same topology. (*Rhino 7 only) | |
Mirror Cut SubD (MirCutSubD) Cut a SubD with a plane, mirror the kept side of the cut across a mirror plane, and combine it with the kept side. (*Rhino 7 only) | |
Tween Consecutive SubDs (TwnConSubDs) Tween consecutively between a set of SubDs, SubDs must have the same topology. (*Rhino 7 only) | |
Tween Through SubDs (TwnThruSubDs) Tween through a set of SubDs, SubDs must have the same topology. (*Rhino 7 only) | |
Tween Two SubDs (Twn2SubDs) Tween between two SubDs, SubDs must have the same topology. (*Rhino 7 only) | |
Twisted Box Consecutive SubDs (TBoxConSubDs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes consecutively between a set of SubDs from the faces, SubDs must have the same topology. (*Rhino 7 only) | |
Twisted Box SubD (TBoxSubD) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes on a SubD from the faces and a parameter domain divided thickness. (*Rhino 7 only) | |
Twisted Box Through SubDs (TBoxThruSubDs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes through a set of SubDs from the faces, SubDs must have the same topology. (*Rhino 7 only) | |
Twisted Box Two SubDs (TBox2SubDs) Create a layered array of connected twisted boxes between SubDs from the faces, SubDs must have the same topology. (*Rhino 7 only) | |
Weighted Average SubD (WavSubD) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of SubDs, SubDs must have the same topology. (*Rhino 7 only) |
Closest Vector (CVec) Find the closest target vector by angle to a reference vector. | |
Mirror Combine Vectors (MirComVecs) Mirror a set of vectors across its end or start and combine it with the original set. | |
Mirror Cut Vectors (MirCutVecs) Cut a set of vectors at an index, mirror the kept side of the cut across the index, and combine it with the kept side. | |
Reparameterize Vectors (ReparamVecs) Reparameterize a set of vectors to have a length (amplitude) range from 0 to 1, or an inverted length range from 1 to 0. | |
Tween Consecutive Vectors (TwnConVecs) Tween consecutively between a set of vectors. | |
Tween Through Vectors (TwnThruVecs) Tween through a set of vectors. | |
Tween Two Vectors (Twn2Vecs) Tween between two vectors. | |
Vector Star (VecStar) Create a plane oriented recursive spatial subdivision of vectors outward from a base planes origin | |
Vector World (VecWorld) Create plane axis aligned vectors outward from a base planes origin |
Color To Point (Col2Pt) Convert a color to a point by using the colors RGB values for the points XYZ values. | |
Grayscale Color (GrayCol) Convert a color to grayscale by a variety of common luminosity weighting schemes. | |
Invert Color (InvCol) Invert a color. | |
Mirror Combine Colors (MirComCols) Mirror a set of colors across its end or start and combine it with the original set. | |
Mirror Cut Colors (MirCutCols) Cut a set of colors at an index, mirror the kept side of the cut across the index, and combine it with the kept side. | |
Point To Color (Pt2Col) Convert a point to a color by using the points XYZ values for the colors RGB values. | |
Tween Consecutive Colors (TwnConCols) Tween consecutively between a set of colors. | |
Tween Through Colors (TwnThruCols) Tween through a set of colors. | |
Tween Two Colors (Twn2Cols) Tween between two colors. |
Dispatch Indices (DispDexs) Dispatch a list of items into two lists based on a set of indices, those that are at the indices and those which are not | |
Last Index (LastDex) Get the last index of a list (list length -1). | |
List Indices (ListDexs) Get a list of the indices from a list of items. | |
Mirror Combine Items (MirComItems) Mirror a set of list items across its end or start and combine it with the original set. | |
Mirror Cut Items (MirCutItems) Cut a set of list items at an index, mirror the kept side of the cut across the index, and combine it with the kept side. | |
Null Placeholder (Null) Outputs a null item which can be used as a placeholder in lists. | |
Point Sort Items (PtSortItems) Sort a set of list items synchronously by the iterative closest point sorting of a set of points sequentially from a start point. | |
Sift Indices (SiftDexs) Sift a list of items into two lists based on a set of indices, those that are at the indices and those which are not |
Puma (CityEngine Puma) Puma runs CityEngine CGA rules on input shapes and returns the generated models. (Version | |
PumaReportsDisplay (Puma Reports Display) Filters and prepares Puma CGA reports for display in the viewport. (Version | |
PumaReportsUnpacker (Puma Reports Unpacker) Unpacks Puma CGA reports into report names and values per input shape. (Version |
Decompose Agent | |
Compose Isovist-Environment (CompIsoVistEnv) | |
Centrality Centrality from all-pairs-path | |
Compose Agent | |
Find Cycles (FC) | |
All Pair Path Get Path (APP_get) All pairs path get | |
Strongly Connected (QSTR) | |
Compose Tensor Agent | |
Salesman Path (SalePath) | |
Max Flow (maxF) maximal flow from source to target (Preflow-Push) | |
Compose Point Visibility-Environment (CompPointVisEnv) | |
Compose Tensor Field-Environment (CompTensorFieldEnv) | |
Single Source Path Trough (SSPt) | |
Single Source Path Set Goal (SSPsetGoal) Set the goal of a SingleSourcePath | |
Compose Agent OLD | |
Decompose Environment | |
Path Agent Search (AgSe) Algorithm to solve Path-Problems | |
Spanning Forest (SF) SpanningForest for given mesh | |
Source Goal Path (SGP) Source-Goal-Algorithm to solve Path-Problems | |
Source Path (SP) Source-Algorithm to solve Path-Problems | |
Single Source Path Decompose (DeSSP) Decompose a SingleSourcePath | |
First Search (FS) FirstSearch-Algorithm to solve Connectivity-Problems | |
Compose Fun-Environment (CompFunEnv) | |
Group Agent | |
Un Group Agent (UnGroup Agent) | |
All Pair Path (APP) All pairs path | |
Spanning Tree (ST) SpanningTree for given mesh | |
Compose Field-Environment (CompFieldEnv) | |
Coloring (QCol) assigns 'colors' to nodes according to the neighbourhood | |
Merge Environments (MergeEnv's) |
Splice (QSplice) Splice master slave | |
Flip (QFlip) Flips the orientation of the mesh | |
QNode (QE) Dependices of a QNode | |
Truncate (QTR) | |
Tessellation (QTess) Tessellate a QMesh with triangles from nearly same edge-length | |
Make Edge (MakeEdge) | |
Get Topology Changed Result (gTCR) | |
Remove Edge (remove) Remove edges | |
Frame Frame faces | |
QEdge (QE) Dependices of a QEdge | |
QJoin | |
Remove Leafs (RemLea) Remove all leafs | |
Make Edge Master (MakeEdgeMaster) | |
Make Poly Edge Master Slave (QMPEms) Creates a Polyline hanging on the QEdges given as A and B. | |
Collapse Edge (collapse) Collapse edges | |
QDisjoint | |
Make Edge Master Slave (MakeEdgeMasterSlave) | |
Decompose Topology Changed (gTCR) | |
Make Poly Edge Master (QMPEm) Creates a open Polyline hanging on QEdge given as world. | |
Triangulate (Trian) Triangulate the given QMesh | |
Approximate (Approx) Approximates the given QMesh | |
Split Node (QSplitNode) Split master slave | |
Subdivide (SDiv) Subdivides the given QMesh | |
QMesh Info (QMi) infos about the mesh | |
Extrude (Extr) Extrude the given QMesh | |
Split Edge (QSpE) Split given Edge and insert 'n' Nodes/Edges Added/Removed: + 'n' quads of Edges + 'n' primal Nodes | |
Shift Edge (shift) shift edges | |
Dual Swap (QDualSwap) Swaps the dimension of the QMesh (Dual-Mesh) |
Grids Used to create Grids | |
Prism (QPri) Creates a Prism. | |
Super Formula (QSf) Creates a closed Polygon using Super-Formula. | |
Pipe Grids (PipeGrids) Used to create Grids on a surface | |
Platonic Solids (Platonic) Used to create platonic solids | |
Box Used to create a Box | |
Poly Edge (QMPE) Creates a open or closed Polyline/Polygon. | |
Pyramid (QPyr) Creates a Pyramid. | |
Pipe (QPipe) Creates a Pipe. | |
Polygon (QPg) Creates a closed Polygon. | |
Di Pyramid (QDiPyr) Creates a DiPyramid. | |
Torus (QTor) Creates a Torus. | |
Srf Grids (SrfGrids) Used to create Grids on a surface | |
Sphere Used to create a sphere |
element-key-value (ekv) primitiv data to set the dicitionary of the element | |
heuristik Expression (hEx) An heuristik-expression against a node | |
De Compose Element (DeCompEl) deCompose a QuadElement to primitiv data | |
element (elem) either a node OR an edge, described by primitiv data | |
single Source Path (ssp) A path from a single source | |
node Expression (nEx) An expression against a node | |
Environment (env) agent for path-algorithm | |
edge Expression (eEx) An expression against an edge | |
Compose Element (CompEl) Compose a QuadElement of primitiv data | |
QMesh (qm) n-gonal mesh composed by QuadEdgeDataStructure | |
all Pairs Path (all) matrix holding Paths to each other nodes |
World-Clear (QWCl) clear all worldness | |
World-Getter (QWGet) World-Modifier | |
Naked-Edges (QNkE) World-Modifier | |
Set Data (SD) Set Data | |
Clear Data (CD) Clear all Data | |
QNode Value (QNv) Value of a QNode | |
Compose Setter (compSet) compose a setter | |
QEdge Value (QEv) Value of a QEdge | |
World-Setter (QWSet) World-Modifier |
From Lines (FromLines) converse lines to a QMesh | |
To Data Tree (QTDt) Converts a QMesh-Topology to a 'Vertex-Vertex' OR 'Face-Vertex'-Connection-table | |
To Curves (ToCurves) converse a QMesh to closed polylines | |
From Obj (FromObj) converse a obj-string to a QMesh | |
To Obj (ToObj) converse a mesh to a obj-string | |
From Data Tree (QFDt) Converts a 'Vertex-Vertex' OR 'Face-Vertex'-Connection-table to a QMesh-Topology | |
From Curves (FromCurves) converse closed polylines to a QMesh | |
To Matrix (QTM) Converts the QMesh-Topology to a 'Matrix' |
QDispatch (QD) | |
First Per Quad (QFPQ) | |
Element2Edge-List (E2EdL) Element-List* to Edge-List | |
Group Nodes (GroupNodes) | |
QEqual (Q=) | |
QSet | |
Reindex Reindex all elements in the mesh |
Smoothing (Smooth) Smooth the mesh displacing vertices | |
Is Planar (IsPlanar) Checks if a node is planar | |
Transform with Field (transF) Transform a Mesh with a field | |
Set Location (SL) Set Location | |
Get Vector Data (GVd) Get vector-data Node => Location/Normal Edge => OriginLocation/Vector | |
Transform Element (tranEl) Transform an element | |
Get Location (GL) Get Location |
QMesh Preview (QMesh) extended preview for a QMesh | |
QNode Preview (QNode) extended preview for a QNode | |
QEdge Preview (QEdge) extended preview for a QEdge | |
Selectable Edges (SelEdge) | |
Selectable Nodes (SelNode) |
Intersect Point Chain (IntPoiCh) Try to intersect and insert a Point-Chain | |
Intersect Curve (IntCrv) Try to intersect and insert a Curve |
Unroll |
Quadri Model Info Gets model info from the current active Quadri model. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Feature Selector Gets Quadri Features from the input Quadri Design Task. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Multipoint Selector Converts Quadri Multipoints to Rhino points. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Solid Selector Converts Quadri Solid geometry to Rhino mesh. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Alignment Selector Deconstructs Quadri Alignments. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Point Selector Converts Quadri Points to Rhino points. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Line Selector Deconstructs Quadri Lines into its vertices. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Surface Selector Converts Quadri Surface geometry to Rhino mesh. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Design Task Selector Gets valid Design Tasks from an open Quadri model |
Quadri Elevation Task Returns the top most elevation resulting from the computation. Returns -99999 if no elevation is found. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Compute Chainage Computes the chainage of the input points projected onto the input alignment. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Chainage Query Gets 3d points and corresponding tangents from the input Chainage Point List and chainage values. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Chainage Interval Gets the 3d points of the corresponding chainage interval input. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Extrusion Creates a Solid Quadri Extrusion from an input cross section. Local section coordinate system is equal to the global XY plane. v0.0.22 | |
Quadri Hollow Extrusion Creates a Hollow Quadri Extrusion from two input cross sections. Local section coordinate system is equal to the global XY plane. v0.0.22 | |
Construct Quadri Texture Creates a texture which is possible to render in Rhino and transfer to the Quadri model v0.0.22 |
Export Quadri Geometry Exports input Quadri geometry to the input Design Task. v0.0.22 | |
Construct Quadri Export Properties Constructs Quadri export properties. Additional properties can be added as two separate lists of corresponding name-value pairs, which this component will merge together. v0.0.22 | |
Construct Quadri Point Constructs a Quadri Surface ready for export to a Quadri Model based on input point. v0.0.22 | |
Construct Quadri Solid Constructs a Quadri Solid ready for export to a Quadri Model based on input mesh or brep. v0.0.22 | |
Construct Quadri Line Constructs a Quadri Line ready for export to a Quadri Model based on input vertices. v0.0.22 | |
Construct Quadri Multipoint Constructs Quadri Multipoint ready for export to a Quadri Model based on input list of 3d points. v0.0.22 | |
Construct Quadri Surface Constructs a Quadri Surface ready for export to a Quadri Model based on input mesh or brep. v0.0.22 |
Construct Agent Constructs the settings for an Agent. | |
Deconstruct Agent Deconstructs a Agent to expose its fields such as max speed, max force, and vision radius. Use Deconstruct Particle to expose particle fields such as position. | |
Deconstruct Particle Deconstructs a Particle to expose its fields such as position, velocity, and acceleration. | |
Deconstruct Vehicle Deconstructs a Vehicle to expose its fields such as orientation and wheel fields. Use Deconstruct Particle to expose particle fields such as position. | |
Engine Engine that runs the simulation. | |
Get Orientation Gets the position of a quelea. | |
Get Particle Position Gets the position of anything that inherits from Particle. | |
Get Particle Position History Gets the position history of anything that inherits from Particle. | |
Get Particle Velocity Gets the velocity of anything that inherits from Particle. | |
Construct Particle Constructs the settings for a particle. | |
System Represents a self-contained System of Quelea and Emitters. | |
Construct Vehicle Constructs settings for a Vehicle |
Align Force Steer towards the average heading of Neighbors. | |
Arrive Force Applies a force to steer the Agent towards a target point and slow down to a stop is it approaches the target point. | |
Avoid Obstacle Force Applied a force to steer the Agent away if it is about to intersect with an obstacle. | |
Avoid Unaligned Collision Force Applied a force to steer the Agent away from a predicted potential collision. | |
Cohese Force Steer to move toward the average position of neighbors | |
Contain Force Applies a force to keep Agents away from Environment boundaries. | |
Eat Behavior Kills particles that are within its neighborhood. Try setting the neighborhood radius to the Predator's Body Size and the angle to be low, mimicing a mouth on the front of the Predator. | |
Follow Path Force Applies a Force to an Agent to move along and stay within a specified radius of a curve. | |
Seek Force Applies a force to steer the Agent towards the point. | |
Separate Force Applies a force to steer to avoid neighbors. | |
View Force Applies a force to move the Agent laterally away from any Agent that blocks its view. | |
Wander Force Applies a force that causes the agent to randomly steer in a direction that is based off of its previous direction |
Apply Custom Force Applied a user specified force vector to the Agent. | |
Attract Force Attracts a Quelea within the radius of the pt. | |
Bounce Contain Behavior Causes Particles to bounce off Environment boundaries. | |
Initial Velocity Applys a one-time force to the Agent when it is first emitted. | |
Kill Contain Behavior Kills the particle when it leaves the environment boundaries. | |
Set Velocity Sets the particle's velocity to the desired velocity. | |
Surface Flow Force Applies a force to simulate water flowing over the surface. |
Axis Aligned Box Environment A world Axis Aligned Box Environment. | |
Brep Environment A closed Brep Environment which the particles will interact with. | |
Polysurface Environment A 3D Polysurface Environment. | |
Surface Environment A Surface Environment upon which the Quelea will map their position for the calculation of Forces. |
Box Emitter Emit Quelea from a box. | |
Curve Emitter A curve from which Quelea can be emitted. | |
Point Emitter A point from which Quelea can be emitted. | |
Surface Emitter A surface from which a quelea can be emitted. |
Deconstruct Quelea Network Deconstructs a Quelea Network into a list of Quelea | |
Load Image Loads a bitmap image from a filepath. | |
Get Neighbors in Radius Gets the Neighbors of an Agent within a specified radius. |
Sense Image Force Sense Image Force | |
Sense Point Force Sense Point Force |
Milling Milling | |
SawBlade SawBlade | |
Drilling Lathe (Drill Holes Lathe) For drilling holes either 2D and 3D using BAxis in continuous rotation | |
Drilling (Drill Holes) For drilling holes either 2D and 3D | |
Two Polys Cutting Two Polylines | |
Circle Holes One curve is cutting line, other curve is followed as normal (takes only control points of polyline) | |
Open Polys One curve is cutting line, other curve is followed as normal (takes only control points of polyline) | |
Cut Cut | |
Probe Probe |
Simulate Convert GCode to simulation | |
SimulateCardan Convert GCode to simulation | |
BAxis BAxis | |
Maka 3D model Maka 3D model | |
Maka (Table) Maka table |
Tools Set Tools from Text file |
Merge Merge several G-Codes into one |
Element Angle (EA) Detail search by checking the angle of all neighbouring elements. Returns details with elements inside the range | |
Detail typology (T) Detail search based on typical detail toplogies or shapes, like an L, T or X detail. | |
Element Tag Rule (T) Detail search checking the tag of its elements. Several tags can be inputted for different modes. | |
Drill (D) Define the Drill process | |
Pocket Parallelogram (P) Define the Pocket process from parallelogram | |
Pocket Element (P) Define the Pocket process from other element. NBNB!!! The component only works for rectangular composites! | |
Tenon (T) Define Tenon process | |
Custom Subtraction (CS) Add a Brep here to subtract material from the element. NB!! This subtractive operation does not export to BTL!!!! | |
Detail Plane Normal From Element Average (DetNorElem) Sets the detail z-axis to surface normal at the closest point to the detail node. Optional Align X-axis along an element. | |
Detail Plane Normal From Mesh (DetNorMsh) Sets the detail z-axis to Mesh normal at the closest point to the detail node. Optional Align X-axis along an element. | |
Detail Plane Normal From Vector (DetNorVec) Sets the Detail Plane Z-axis to a Vector. Optional Align X-axis along an element. | |
Detail Plane Normal Along Element (DetNorElm) Sets the Detail Plane Z-axis parallel to an element. Optional Align X-axis along an element. | |
Detail Plane Normal From Surface (DetNorSrf) Sets the detail z-axis to surface normal at the closest point to the detail node. Optional Align X-axis along an element. | |
Align From Plane (Pl) Align element Z-vectors to plane | |
Align From Points (P) Aligns element Z-vector from point(s). Closest point is used when several points are inserted. | |
Align To Surface (S) Aligns the element Z-vector to a surface normal at closest point from middle of element | |
Align To Vector (V) Aligns element Z-vectors from a surface | |
Mortise (M) Makes a mortise | |
BTLx Settings (X) BTLx project settings | |
Process Model (PM) This component lets process the timber processings(cut/drill/custom/etc) and output NURBS. Additonally, A BTLX file is saved. This file can be used by most manufacturers | |
Detail Search (DS) Search For A Detail different search rules | |
Deconstruct Subelement (SE) Deconstructs a SubeElement | |
Reindeer Assembly (Assembly) Assemble all elements in this component. | |
Cut Define the Cut process | |
Circular Cross Section (CirCroSec) CrossSection is being generated based on width, height, alignment and height-direction | |
Composite Cross Section (Composite) creates a sub element | |
Element creates a beam element. | |
Deconstruct Assembly (DA) Deconstructs an assembly into elements, nodes and details | |
Deconstruct Element (DE) Deconstruct an element into its properties | |
Deconstruct Node (DN) Deconstructs a node into its properties. 0.5 Version has limited options | |
Load Structural Material Prop (Load SMP) Loads structural material properties. | |
Material (Mat) Creates a Material | |
Preview Element (PrevElem) Preview Element | |
Rectangular Cross Section (RectSec) CrossSection is being generated based on width, height, alignment and height-direction. GL26 as default material. | |
Element Amount Rule (A) Detail search based on amount of elements at the detail | |
Element Length Rule (L) Detail search based on the length of the elements | |
Node In Region (NodeInRegion) Detail search checking if the details node is within one of the regions. | |
Local Alignment (LA) LocalAlignment of crossSection. | |
Material Structural Prop (MatStrProp) Creates Structural Material Properties |
Disassemble Pareto Solution (DisassPareto) Description | |
Genetic Algorithm Optimization (GA) Component that performs single-objective optimization using genetic algorithm | |
Parallel Coordinates Viewer (ParaCoorView) ParallelCoordinatesViewer | |
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Component for multi-objective optimization with particle swarm optimization |
Mesh Face Center (rmMeshFaceCenter) Outputs a list of centroid points for mesh faces | |
Mesh Edge (rmmeshEdge) Extract mesh naked edges | |
Join Surface (JoinSurface) Join surfaces into a Brep | |
Split Curve (SplitCurve) Split curves | |
Filter Geometry (Filter) Filter curves on plane | |
Filter Pipe (PipeFilter) Filter curves included in pipe |
Ext Link (ExtendedLink) A link with attributes | |
Ext Mesh Var (ExtMeshVar) Mesh with Attributes and variable pre-stress | |
Ext Mesh (ExtMesh) Mesh with Attributes | |
Ext Point (extPoint) A point with restraints |
Relax Multi (RmRelaxMulti) Relax one or more meshes | |
FDM Solver (FD) Force Density Solver | |
Relax Cablenet (RelaxCablenet) Relax one or more cables |
File 2 Robot (File2Rob) Load an NC file in RoboDK made for 5-axis operations, such as robot machining (APT or G-Code). |
Points 2 Robot (Pts2Rob) Set up a list of points in RoboDK. |
Curve(s) 2 Robot (Crv2Rob) Set up a curve from Rhino in RoboDK. |
Load Data (LoDa) Defines load data. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Robot Preset (RobPres) Defines a robot which is needed for Code Generation and Simulation Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
External Rotational Axis Defines an External Rotational Axis. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Work Object (WorkObj) Defines a new work object. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
External Linear Axis Defines an External Linear Axis for any Robot. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Robot (Rob) Defines a robot which is needed for Code Generation and Simulation Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Robot Tool (RobTool) Generates a robot tool based on attachment and effector planes. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1010-1.5/0.37 (IRB1010) An ABB IRB1010-1.5/0.37 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1520ID-4/1.5 (IRB1520ID) An ABB IRB1520ID-4/1.5 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1100-4/0.475 (IRB1100) An ABB IRB1100-4/0.475 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1100-4/0.58 (IRB1100) An ABB IRB1100-4/0.58 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1300-11/0.9 (IRB1300) An ABB IRB 1300-11/0.9 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1300-10/1.15 (IRB1300) An ABB IRB 1300-10/1.15 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1300-7/1.4 (IRB1300) An ABB IRB 1300-7/1.4 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6640-185/2.8 (IRB6640) An ABB IRB6640-185/2.8 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6650S-200/3.0 (IRB6650S) An ABB IRB6650S-200/3.0 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6650S-125/3.5 (IRB6650S) An ABB IRB6650S-125/3.5 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6700-300/2.7 (IRB6700) An ABB IRB6700-300/2.7 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6700-245/3.0 (IRB6700) An ABB IRB6700-245/3.0 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6700-205/2.8 (IRB6700) An ABB IRB6700-205/2.8 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6700-200/2.6 (IRB6700) An ABB IRB6700-200/2.6 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6700-175/3.05 (IRB6700) An ABB IRB6700-175/3.05 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6700-155/2.85 (IRB6700) An ABB IRB6700-155/2.85 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6700-150/3.2 (IRB6700) An ABB IRB6700-150/3.2 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6790-205/2.8 (IRB6790) An ABB IRB6790-205/2.8 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6700-235/2.65 (IRB6700) An ABB IRB6700-235/2.65 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB7600-150/3.5 (IRB7600) An ABB IRB7600-150/3.5 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB7600-340/2.8 (IRB7600) An ABB IRB7600-340/2.8 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6790-235/2.65 (IRB6790) An ABB IRB6790-235/2.65 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB7600-500/2.55 (IRB7600) An ABB IRB7600-500/2.55 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB7600-400/2.55 (IRB7600) An ABB IRB7600-400/2.55 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB7600-325/3.1 (IRB7600) An ABB IRB7600-325/3.1 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6650S-90/3.9 (IRB6650S) An ABB IRB6650S-90/3.9 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6640-235/2.55 (IRB6640) An ABB IRB6640-235/2.55 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6620-150/2.20 (IRB6620) An ABB IRB6620-150/2.20 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6650-200/2.75 (IRB6650) An ABB IRB6650-200/2.75 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1200-5/0.9 (IRB1200) An ABB IRB 1200-5/0.9 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1200-7/0.7 (IRB1200) An ABB IRB 1200-7/0.7 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB120-3/0.58 (IRB120) An ABB IRB120-3/0.58 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB140-6/0.81 (IRB140) An ABB IRB140-6/0.81 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1600-X/1.2 (IRB1600) An ABB IRB1600-X/1.2 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1600-X/1.45 (IRB1600) An ABB IRB1600-X/1.45 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB1660ID-X/1.55 (IRB1660ID) An ABB IRB1660ID-x/1.55 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB2600ID-15/1.85 (IRB2600) An ABB IRB2600ID-15/1.85 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB2600ID-8/2.0 (IRB2600) An ABB IRB2600ID-8/2.0 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB2600-12/1.85 (IRB2600) An ABB IRB2600-12/1.85 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB2600-X/1.65 (IRB2600) An ABB IRB2600-X/1.65 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB4600-20/2.5 (IRB4600) An ABB IRB4600-20/2.5 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB4600-40/2.55 (IRB4600) An ABB IRB4600-40/2.55 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB4600-X/2.05 (IRB4600) An ABB IRB4600-X/2.05 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
ABB IRB6650-125/3.2 (IRB6650) An ABB IRB6650-125/3.2 Robot preset component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 |
External Joint Position (EJ) Defines an External Joint Position for a Robot Target or Joint Target declaration. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Joint Target (JT) Defines a Joint Target for a Move instruction. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Configuration Data (CD) Defines a configuration data declaration for robot targets. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Pulse Digital Output (PDO) Defines an instruction to pulse a digital ouput signal. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Circle Path Mode (CPM) Defines the Circle Path Mode for all following MoveC instructions. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Robot Joint Position (RJ) Defines a Robot Joint Position for a Joint Target declaration. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Robot Target (RT) Defines a Robot Target declaration for an Instruction : Movement or Inverse Kinematics component. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Speed Data (SD) Defines a speed data declaration for Move components. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Zone Data (ZD) Defines a zone data declaration for robot movements in RAPID program code generation. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Wait for Analog Input (WAI) Defines an instruction to wait for the signal of a Analog Input from the ABB robot controller. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Linear Configuration Control (LCC) Defines an instruction to activate or deactivate linear configuration control for all following MoveL instructions. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Joint Configuration Control (JCC) Defines an instruction to activate or deactivate joint configuration control for all following MoveJ instructions. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Code (C) Defines manually an instruction or declaration. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Comment (C) Defines a single comment line. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Move (M) Defines a joint, linear or circular movement instruction. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Override Robot Tool (Overrides the current Robot Tool) Defines an instruction to change the current robot tool of the ABB robot. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
RAPID Generator (RG) Generates the RAPID module for the ABB robot controller. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Wait Time (WT) Defines an instruction to wait a given amount of time between two other RAPID instructions. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Wait for Digital Input (WDI) Defines an instruction to wait for the signal of a Digital Input from the ABB robot controller. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Circle Path Modes (CPM) Defines a value list with circle path modes Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Inequality Symbols (IS) Defines a value list with inequality symbols. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Code Types (CT) Defines a value list with code types Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Movement Types (MT) Defines a value list with movement types Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Predefined Zone Data (PZD) Defines a value list with predefined zone data Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Predefined Speed Data (PSD) Defines a value list with predefined speed data Robot Components: v2.2.2 |
Get Joint Targets (GetJT) Gets the current joint targets from an ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Robot Targets (GetRT) Gets the current robot targets from an ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Read Rapid Domain (ReadRapid) Connects to a real or virtual ABB controller and extracts data from the rapid domain. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Analog Input (GetAI) Gets the signal of a defined analog input from an ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Analog Output (GetAO) Gets the signal of a defined analog output from an ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Controller (GetCont) Connects to a real or virtual ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Digital Input (GetDI) Gets the signal of a defined digital input from an ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Digital Output (GetDO) Gets the signal of a defined digital output from an ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get External Joint Positions (GetEJ) Gets the current external joint position from an ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Log (GL) Connects to a real or virtual ABB controller and extracts the log messages from it. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Task Names (GTN) Gets the task names from an ABB robot controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Robot Base Frames (GetBF) Gets the robot base frame from an ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Robot Joint Positions (GetJP) Gets the current robot joint position from an ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get External Axis Planes (GetEAP) Gets the current external planes from an ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Robot Tool Planes (GetEP) Gets the current robot tool planes from an ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Read Configuration Domain (ReadConf) Connects to a real or virtual ABB controller and extracts data from the configuration domain. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Run Program (RP) Starts and stops RAPID programs directly on a real or virtual ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Set Analog Input (SetAI) Changes the state of a defined analog input from an ABB controller in realtime. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Set Analog Output (SetAO) Changes the state of a defined analog output from an ABB controller in realtime. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Set Digital Input (SetDI) Changes the state of a defined digital input from an ABB controller in realtime. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Set Digital Output (SetDO) Changes the state of a defined digital output from an ABB controller in realtime. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Upload Program (UP) Uploads RAPID modules directly to a real or virtual ABB controller. This component uses the ABB PC SDK. Robot Components: v2.2.2 |
Deconstruct Load Data (DeLoDa) Deconstructs a Load Data component into its parameters. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct External Rotational Axis (DeConERA) Deconstructs an External Rotational Axis component into its parameters. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct Work Object (DeConWobj) Deconstructs a Work Object into its parameters. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct External Linear Axis (DeConELA) Deconstructs an External Linear Axis component into its parameters. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct Robot (DeRob) Deconstructs a Robot component into its parameters Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct Robot Tool (DeRobTool) Deconstructs a Robot Tool component into its parameters. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct Configuration Data (DeConConf) Deconstructs a Configuration Data component into its parameters. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct External Joint Position (DeConExtJoint) Deconstructs an External Joint Position Component into its parameters. Robot Components : v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct Joint Target (DeConJointTar) Deconstructs a Joint Target Component into its parameters. Robot Components : v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct Robot Joint Position (DeConRobJoint) Deconstructs a Robot Joint Position Component into its parameters. Robot Components : v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct Robot Target (DeConRobTar) Deconstructs a Robot Target into its parameters. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct Zone Data (DeConZone) Deconstructs a Zone Data component into its parameters. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct Move (DeConMove) Deconstructs a Move component into its parameters. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Deconstruct Speed Data (DeConSpeed) Deconstructs a Speed Data component into its parameters. Robot Components: v2.2.2 |
Ungroup Actions (Ungroup) Ungroup a set of Actions. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Group Actions (Group) Groups a set of Actions. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Robot Tool Calibration (ToolCal) EXPERIMENTAL: Calculates the robot tool TCP from given joint positions. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Get Object Manager Gets the Robot Components object manager of this Grasshopper document. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Quaternion to Plane (QtoP) Converts quaternion values to a plane | |
Flip Plane X Flips the plane to the oposite direction by setting it's x-axis negative. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Flip Plane Y Flips the plane to the oposite direction by setting it's y-axis negative. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Info (I) Gives info about the plugin. | |
Plane to Quaternion (PtoQ) Converts a plane to quaternion values | |
Plane Visualizer (PV) Visualizes the orientation vectors of a plane. Robot Components: v2.2.2 |
Sync Move Off (SMOFF) Defines a Sync Move Off synchronization point for Multi Move programming. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Sync Move On (SMON) Defines a Sync Move On synchronization point for Multi Move programming. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Wait Sync Task (WST) Defines a Wait Sync Task synchronization point for Multi Move programming. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Task List (TL) Defines a collection of RAPID program tasks for a Task List declaration for Multi Move programming. Robot Components: v2.2.2 |
Forward Kinematics (FK) Computes the position of the end-effector of a defined ABB robot based on a set of given axis values. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Path Generator (PG) Generates and displays an approximation of the movement path for a defined ABB robot based on a list of Actions. Robot Components: v2.2.2 | |
Inverse Kinematics (IK) Computes the axis values for a defined ABB robot based on an Action: Movement. Robot Components: v2.2.2 |
Check collisions (Collisions) Checks for possible collisions. Will test if any object from group A collide with any objects from group B. | |
Create program (Program) Creates a program, checks for possible issues and fixes common mistakes. | |
Custom code (Custom) Creates a program using manufacturer specific custom code. This program cannot be simulated | |
Remote connection (Remote) Upload and run programs to UR or ABB controllers through a network. For ABB controllers you must install the 'ABB Robot Communication Runtime'. | |
Save program (SaveProg) Saves a program to a text file. | |
Program simulation (Sim) Rough simulation of the robot program, right click for playback controls | |
Kinematics (K) Inverse and forward kinematics for a single target, or list of targets when using a robot system with coordinated robots. | |
Load frame (LoadFrame) Loads a frame from the library. | |
Load robot system (LoadRobot) Loads a robot system from the library. | |
Load tool (LoadTool) Loads a tool from the library. | |
Create frame (Frame) Creates a frame or work plane. | |
Create speed (Speed) Creates a target speed. | |
Create target (Target) Creates or modifies a target. Right click for additional inputs. | |
Create tool (Tool) Creates a tool or end effector. | |
Deconstruct target (DeTarget) Deconstructs a target. Right click for additional outputs. |
Custom command (CustomCmd) Custom command written in the manufacturer specific language | |
Group command (GroupCmd) Group of commands | |
Message Sends a text message to the teach pendant | |
Pulse DO (PulseDO) Send a pulse to a digital output | |
Set AO (SetAO) Set analog output | |
Set DO (SetDO) Set digital output | |
Stop program (Stop) Stops the program until an operator starts it again | |
Wait Stops the program for a specific amount of time | |
Wait DI (WaitDI) Stops the program until a digital input is turned on |
Deconstruct program targets (DecProgTarg) Exposes the calculated simulation data for all targets. | |
Degrees to radians (DegToRad) Manufacturer dependent degrees to radians conversion. | |
From plane (FromPlane) Returns a list of numbers from a plane | |
Get plane (GetPlane) Get a plane from a point in space and a 3D rotation. The input has to be a list of 6 or 7 numbers. | |
Simple trail (Trail) Draws a trail behind the TCP. To be used with the simulation component. |
Program parameter (Program) This is a robot program | |
RobotSystem parameter (RobotSystem) This is a robot system |
Deconstruct Tool (DeTool) Retrieves properties of an exsisting tool | |
Define Joints (DefJoints) Define joint angle of each axis of the robot in degrees and outputs it as string of radians | |
Render Colour (Colour) Adds render colour to robot mesh | |
Update Frame (newBase) Update frame info | |
Update Tool (newTCP) Update the TCP of an exsisting tool |
Merge KRL (KRL) Merges robots codes into a single KRL file | |
Remote KUKA (Remote) KukaVarProxy Client. [Requires KukaVarProxy] |
Rotate Euler (RotEuler) Rotate an object with (KUKA) Euler notation |
Speed Approximation (CVEL) Commands the robot to maintain defined speed percentage by zoning (Custom Command) Should be the first command if in a command group |
Level Create a new level | |
Assign Build-Up (AssignBuildUp) Assign panel element build-up families | |
Create Panel Element In Curve (PanelInCrv) Create a new Panel Element from a border curve | |
Create Column (Column) Create a new vertical linear element. | |
Assign Section (AssignSect) Assign element sections | |
Merge Nodes (Merge) Merge a collection of Nodes together into one node with melded properties. | |
Split Node (Split) Split a node into several nodes, one for each connected element. | |
Set Releases (Release) Set the end releases of a linear element | |
Preview Linear Element (ElementPreview) Preview the geometry of linear element as a mesh without creating it in either the main or backing model. | |
Get Nodes (Nodes) Extract the nodes from an element | |
Restrain Node (Restrain) Set the restraint conditions on a node | |
Generate Beam Framing (GenBeamFraming) Automatically generate a 'sensible' quadrangular beam framing arrangement between an unordered set of support positions in plan. Work in progress! | |
Create Wall (Wall) Create a new vertical Panel Element. | |
Generate Pratt Truss (Pratt) Generate a 2D Pratt Truss between two curves | |
Create Linear Element (Element) Create a new linear element along a straight line. | |
Convert to Elements (Convert) Convert 'dumb' curve, surface and mesh geometry into Salamander elements. | |
Generate Simple Frame (Frame) Generate a simple orthogonal building frame with regular column spacing | |
Create Node (Node) Create a new node at a specified position | |
Create Panel Element (Panel) Create a new Panel Element from a set of edge vertices. | |
Orientate Towards (Orientate) Set element orientation such that the relevant local axis of the element (Z-axis for linear elements, X-axis for panels) will align as closely as possible with a given vector. |
Salamander Auto-Bake (AutoBake) Toggle for controlling the Salamander auto-bake global setting | |
Direction A selector to choose between translational and rotational degrees of freedom in the X, Y, Z, XX, YY and ZZ directions. | |
Bool6D A selector to toggle translational and rotational degrees of freedom in the X, Y, Z, XX, YY and ZZ directions. | |
Get All Panel Elements (AllPanels) Retrieve all panel elements in the current model | |
Linear Element A Salamander Linear Element | |
Clean Model (Clean) Clean the model by removing references to deleted objects. Those objects will then no longer be available for undeletion. Can improve performance when many objects have been created and deleted. | |
Element Salamander Element | |
Panel Element A Salamander Panel Element | |
Load Case Types (Load Case Type) A selector to choose between different load nature types. | |
Section Family (Section) Salamander Section Family | |
Node A Salamander Node | |
Build-Up Family (BuildUp) Salamander Build-Up Family | |
Material Salamander Material | |
Coordinate System References (CSRef) A selector to choose between standard coordinate system references. Useful when specifying load application axes. | |
Get All Linear Elements (AllLinear) Retrieve all linear elements in the current model |
CHS-Profiles Catalogue (CHS-Profiles) A selector to choose standard circular hollow section profile descriptions from the catalogue. Combine this with a 'Text to Section' component to generate a section family with this profile. | |
I-Profiles Catalogue (I-Profiles) A selector to choose standard I-shaped section profile descriptions from the catalogue. Combine this with a 'Text to Section' component to generate a section family with this profile. | |
Circular Hollow Section (CHS) Create a new section property with a circular hollow profile | |
Angle Profiles Catalogue (Angle Profiles) A selector to choose standard angle section profile descriptions from the catalogue. Combine this with a 'Text to Section' component to generate a section family with this profile. | |
I Section (IS) Create a new section property with a symmetric I-shaped profile | |
Circular Section (CS) Create a new section property with a circular profile | |
Channel Section (CS) Create a new section property with a channel profile | |
Text To Section (Text2Sect) Create a new section property from a catalogue name or textual section description | |
Angle Section (Angle) Create a new section property with a L-shaped profile | |
RHS-Profiles Catalogue (RHS-Profiles) A selector to choose standard rectangular (and square) hollow section profile descriptions from the catalogue | |
Get Section (Section) Retrieve an existing Section Family by name. | |
Rectangular Section (RS) Create a new section property with a rectangular profile | |
Channel Profiles Catalogue (Channel Profiles) A selector to choose standard channel section profile descriptions from the catalogue. Combine this with a 'Text to Section' component to generate a section family with this profile. | |
Rectangular Hollow Section (RHS) Create a new section property with a rectangular hollow profile |
Vector Node Load (VectNLoad) Create a point load described as a vector applied directly to a set of nodes | |
Node Load (NLoad) Create a point load applied directly to a set of nodes | |
Panel Load (Pressure) Create an area load applied accross a panel element | |
Load Case (LoadCase) Create a new load case | |
Linear Element Load (UDL) Create a line load applied along a linear element | |
Linear Element Point Load (Point Load) Create a point load applied somewhere along a linear element | |
Gravity Load (Gravity) Create a gravity load applied to a set of elements | |
Thermal Load Create a thermal load applied to a set of elements |
Export ETABS (ETABS) Export the Salamander model to CSI ETABS via the COM interface. Requires ETABS to be installed. | |
Robot Update Options (Options) Specify Robot update options | |
Export GWA (GWA) Export the Salamander model to a text GWA format for import to Oasys GSA | |
Save Salamander 3 File (SaveS3b) Save the model as a Salamander .s3b file | |
Export Robot (Robot) Export the Salamander model to Autodesk Robot via the COM interface. Requires Robot to be installed. | |
Update Robot (UpdateRobo) Sync an existing Robot model to include updates made in Salamander via the COM interface. Requires Robot to be installed. |
Get Element Selection (GetElements) Get the selection of elements in a saved set | |
Save Node Selection (NodeSet) Save a selection of nodes as a named node set | |
Save Element Selection (ElementSet) Save a selection of elements as a named element set | |
Get Node Selection (GetNodes) Get the selection of nodes in a saved set |
Get Build-Up (GetBuildUp) Retrieve an existing Panel Build-Up by name. | |
Create Build-Up (BuildUp) Create a new single-layer panel build-up family |
Create Material (Material) Create a new material | |
Get All Materials (GetMaterials) Retrieve all materials in the current model |
Geometric Properties (Geo) Calculate the geometric properties of a profile |
Brep Topology Edge (Brep Topo Edge) Analyses the edge topology of a Brep | |
Brep Topology Edge Filter (Brep Topo Edge Filter) Filter the edges of a brep based on their valency | |
Brep Topology Vertex (Brep Topo Vertex) Analyses the vertex topology of a Brep | |
Brep Topology Vertex Filter (Brep Topo Vertex Filter) Filter the vertices of a brep based on their connectivity | |
Line Topology (Line Topo) Analyses the topology of a network consisting of lines | |
Line Topology Filter (Line Filter) Filters a network of lines based on connectivity | |
Mesh Topology Edge (Mesh Topo Edge) Analyses the edge topology of a Mesh | |
Mesh Topology Edge Filter (Mesh Topo Edge Filter) Filter the edges of a mesh based on their valency | |
Mesh Topology Vertex (Mesh Topo Vertex) Analyses the vertex topology of a Mesh | |
Mesh Topology Vertex Filter (Mesh Topo Vertex Filter) Filter the vertices of a mesh based on their connectivity | |
Polygon Topology Edge (Poly Topo Edge) Analyses the edge topology of a curve network consisting of closed polylines | |
Polygon Topology Edge Filter (Poly Topo Edge Filter) Filter the edges in a polygon network based on their valency | |
Polygon Topology Point (Poly Topo Point) Analyses the point topology of a network consisting of closed polylines | |
Polygon Topology Point Filter (Poly Topo Point Filter) Filter the points in a polygon network based on their connectivity |
Document Angle Tolerance (DocAngleTol) Retrieves the active Rhino document's angle tolerance in radians. | |
Document Tolerance (DocTol) Retrieves the active Rhino document's absolute tolerance. | |
Document Units (DocUnit) Retrieves the active Rhino document's model units | |
Remove First Item (ReFirst) Removes the first items from a list | |
Remove Last Item (ReLast) Removes the last items from a list | |
Find All Items (FindAll) Returns the index of all items matching an item being searched for in a list. | |
Print To PDF (PrintPDF) Prints a viewport to PDF. Work In Progress. | |
Replace Text List (FindReplace) A list compatible componet for finding and replacing text | |
Group Document Objects (GroupObjs) Groups lists of geometry within the document if the geometry is referenced geometry. | |
Null Generates a null item or list of null items | |
Record Data (Record) Records Data | |
Rename Block (RenameBlk) Renames blocks inside the active document. | |
Select In Document (Select) Selects objects in Rhino Document if they are referenced objects. | |
View Capture (ViewCap) Capture viewport to file | |
Text Regex Split (RegexSplit) Split text with a text pattern. |
Shrink Trimmed Faces (ShrinkFaces) Shrinks underlying surfaces of each face of a brep or surface as much as possible to match the size of the face's trim. | |
Fillet Edges Variable (FilEdgeVar) Multi-Threaded Variable Edge Fillet | |
Closest Brep (ClosestB) Find the closest Brep to a Point | |
Extrude to Plane (ExtrudePl) Extrude a curve or surface along vector until it reaches a plane. | |
Fast Solid Difference (FastSDiff) Multi-threaded boolean difference with inside-outside check | |
3D Convex Hull From Planes (ConvHullPlMulti) Brep convex hull from a collection of Planes | |
Brep is Solid (IsSolid) Checks if brep is a closed solid | |
Fast Solid Intersect (FastSInt) Multi-Threaded Boolean Intersection with bounding box check. Properly intersects sets of multiple Breps. Multi-threading benefits when grafted lists or multiple lists are input. | |
Fast Solid Union (FastSUnion) Multi-Threaded Boolean Union with bounding box check. Multi-treading benefits when multiple lists are input. | |
Brep is Surface (IsSrf) Checks to see if a brep is a surface and if it is trimmed | |
Offset Brep (OffsetBrep) Offsets a brep into an open or solid shell. | |
Surface Border (Border) Gets the exterior border and all interior borders of a trimmed or untrimmed surface. | |
Surface Is Planar Tolerance (IsPlanar) Surface planarity check with a user-controlable tolerance. | |
Trim With Plane (TrimPl) Trim breps using a plane | |
Trim With Many Planes (TrimPlMany) Trim breps using a set of planes |
Trim Curve with Many Planes (TrimCrvPlMany) Trims a curve using a set of planes | |
Trim Curve with Plane (TrimCrvPl) Trims a curve using a planes | |
Bisect Curve Corners (Bisect) Bisects all corners of a curve at its vertices | |
Connect Curve Ends (ConnectEnds) Connects the start points and end points of a pair of curves with a straight line, creating a closed curve. | |
Fast Trim Curve with Breps (TrimCrv) Splits and Trims a curve with a collection of breps. Multithreaded with bounding box check. | |
2D Convex Hull From Planes (2DConvexHullPl) 2D convex hull bounded by planes | |
Curve Is Planar Tolerance (IsPlanar) Surface planarity check with a user-controlable tolerance. | |
Flip Curve Clockwise (Clockwise) Flips curves clockwise or counterclockwise relative to a base plane |
Co-Planar (CoPln) Checks if two planes are co-planar. | |
Are Planes Parallel (Parallel) Checks if two planes are parallel | |
Are Vectors Parallel (Parallel) Checks if two vectors are parallel | |
Fast Mesh-Ray Intersect (FastMeshRay) Multi-threaded mesh-ray intersection with bounding box check | |
Sort Points Polar (SortPtPolar) Sort points by polar angle relative to a plane. |
Polygon (shrimp_polygon) Construct a ShrimpGIS Polygon. | |
Field (shrimp_field) Construct a ShrimpGIS Field. - Try to export data from other plugin, such as Ladybug and Gismo! | |
Curve (shrimp_curve) Construct a ShrimpGIS Curve. | |
Point (shrimp_point) Construct a ShrimpGIS Point. | |
Location (shrimp_location) Construct a ShrimpGIS Location. | |
Mesh (shrimp_mesh) Construct a ShrimpGIS Mesh. - If you connect complex meshes exportation will look not really perfect. |
Read Shp (shrimp_read_shp) Use this component to read shapefiles | |
Decompose Field (shrimp_dec_field) Use this component to decompose ShrimpGIS Field and extract values. | |
Write Shp (shrimp_write_shp) It writes ESRI Shapefiles WGS84. |
Data Generator Distance Use this component to generate data through a distance-based algorithm to be used in the Panel Controller Legacy version | |
Layout Controller Use this component to specify a layout pattern to a skin solution. | |
Layout Type Pattern Use this component to apply a specific pattern panel layout algorithm to a Design Function. | |
Layout Type Pattern By Row Use this component to apply a specific pattern layout algorithm to a Layout Controller | |
Layout Type Random Use this component to apply a random panel layout algorithm to a Layout Controller. | |
PP-LBHB Output Use this component to apply a post-processing function(representation properties of the skin) to a SkinGenerator component | |
Systems Panel Controller Use this component to modify panel systems parameters of system panels by assigning numerical values in sequential order to the panels generated by the SkinGenerator component | |
Systems Panel Controller Legacy Use this component to modify panel systems parameters of specifc system panels (connect to a SkinGenerator component). This is a legacy version, use SystemsPanelController for latest version. | |
Skin Desinger Custom Geometry Panel Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00 (SkinDesinger Custom Geometry Panel Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00) Provides a list of valid DynamiGeometry paramters to use with Panel Controller | |
Skin Desinger Louver Shading Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00 (SkinDesinger Louver Shading Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00) Provides a list of valid Louver Shading Paramters to use with the Panel Contoller Component | |
Skin Desinger Mullion Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00 (SkinDesinger Mullion Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00) Provides a list of panel mullion properties to use with the Panel Controller component | |
Skin Desinger Shading Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00 (SkinDesinger Shading Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00) Provides a list of panel shading properties to use with the Panel Controller component | |
Skin Desinger Window Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00 (SkinDesinger Window Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00) Provides a list of valid Window parameters to use with the Panel Controller component |
Custom Geometry Use this component to generate a custom geometry system to plug in Panel component. - | |
Shading Use this component to generate a shade object to be added to a panel | |
Shading Box Use this component to generate four shade objects placed around the window to be added to a panel component. | |
Shading Louver Use this component to generate a shade louver to be added to a panel | |
System-Curtain Wall Use this component to generate a curtain-wall system to be added to a Panel component | |
System-Wall Use this component to generate a Wall system to be added to a Panel component. | |
Window Use this component to generate a window to be input to a Panel component. - Refer to PanelLib API for Definition input functions |
Panel Bay Panel Bay Use this component to create a panel bay (group of panels) To add more panels in the construction, simply zoom into the component and hit the lowest "+" sign that shows up on the input side | |
Skin Designer This is the main SkinDesigner component which contains the Panel, Skin and BaseDesignFunction APIs. - | |
Skin Generator Use this component to generate a panelized design solution in the scene | |
Skin Parameters Use this component to load skin-specific parameters to skinGenerator | |
Skin Parameters List v0.50 (SkinDesigner Skin Parameters v0.50) Provides a list of valid parameters to plug in to the SkinParameters component | |
Surface-Panel Mode Orientations v0.50 (SkinDesigner Surface-Panel Mode Orientations v0.50) Provides a list of valid orientation values to use with the Surface Panel Mode parameter | |
Systems Panel Use this component to generate a panel type to be used by the SkinGenerator component to generate a panelized skin. |
Panel Inventory Use this component to display all panel types generated to develop the skin solution with a count of haw many panels are panel On bold are displayed the panels types that have standard dimensiosn (not custom sized) | |
Panel Viewer Use this component to display a panel or panel bay in the scene and/or generate grasshopper breps of the panel elements. | |
Skin Data Viewer Use this component to extract from a SkinGenerator solution overall panel Ids and their locations as well as a range of panel properties as breps. | |
Skin Elements Viewer Use this component _ _ - | |
Skin Panel Index Viewer Use this component to display all panel types used to generate the skin |
Export Skin Designer Developers of skin generator can use this to export new userobjects to the master folder. This component was written thanks to Giulio Piacentino a really helpful example. - | |
Update File Use this component to update SkinDesigner tools components in an old file | |
Update Skin Designer Code Developers and Beta Testers of new SkinDesigner components can use this component to remove old SkinDesigner components, add new SkinDesigner components, and update existing SkinDesigner components from a synced Github folder on their computer |
SQL Create Database (CreateDB) A SQL command string used to create a database. | |
SQL Insert Command (Insert) A SQL command string to Insert (or Update) data into a SQL table. | |
SQL Create Table (CreateTB) A SQL command string used to create a table. | |
SQL Database List (DBList) A SQL query string to get a list of available databases. | |
SQL Create Genome Database (GeneDB) Create a special database for storing design genomes | |
SQL SELECT String (QuerySFW) Formats a SQL SELECT FROM WHERE query string. | |
SQL Table List (TableList) A SQL query string to get a list of available tables. | |
SQL Truncate Table (TruncTable) A SQL command string to truncate (delete) data in a SQL database table | |
SQL Create Line Database (LineDB) Create a special database for storing line data. | |
SQL Create Sensor Database (SensorDB) Create a special database for storing node sensor data. | |
SQL Column List (ColumnList) A SQL query string to get a list of available columns. | |
SQL Create Point Database (PtsDB) Create a special database for storing point data. | |
SQL Create Mesh Database (MeshDB) Create a special database for storing mesh data. |
SQL Format Rows (SQLFormatRows) Formats data into rows for a SQL table. | |
Rhino Pack (Pack) Packages serialized Rhino geometry into a SQLite database file. | |
SQL Column Parameters (ColumnParam) Formats a SQL column parameter string. | |
Deserialize Object (DSerial) Deserialize objects such as Points, Curves, Surfaces, BReps, and Meshes from serialized XML strings | |
Rhino Unpack (UnPack) Unpacks serialized Rhino geometry from a SQLite database file. | |
Serialize Object (Serial) Serialize Points, Curves, Surfaces, BReps, and Meshes as XML strings. |
RDB File Command (Command) Send a command to a Relational Database File | |
RDBMS Query (Query) Send a query to a Relational Database Management System | |
RDB File Query (Query) Send a query to a Relational Database File | |
Connection String (CString) Formats a connection string. (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server 2012) | |
RDBMS Command (Command) Send a command to a Relational Database Management System |
Lines to SmartMesh (Ln to SMesh) Converts a list of Rhino Lines into a SmartMesh | |
Mesh to SmartMesh (Mesh to SMesh) Converts a Rhino Mesh into a SmartMes | |
SmartGrids Generate multiple different gridtypes from a surface | |
Surface to SmartMesh (Srf to SMesh) Converts a Rhino Surface into a SmartMesh |
SmartMesh to Lines (SMesh to Ln) Converts a SmartMesh into a list of Rhino Lines | |
SmartMesh to Mesh (SMesh to Mesh) Converts a SmartMesh into a Rhino Mesh. |
SmartClustering (Smart Clustering) Clusters a set of panels or nodes | |
SmartForm Relax a SmartMesh |
SmartFormAnalyser Smart Analyse tool. Analyse and display various SmartMesh data |
Data Tree To Graph (DTG) parse a DataTree | |
Dual Graph (dualG) Dual Graph | |
graph From Cells (gFC) Create a Graph From a Set of Ajoining Cells | |
graph From Lines (gFL) create a graph from a set of connected lines | |
graph From Mesh (gFM) Create a directed Graph From a Mesh | |
graph From Points (gFP) Create a Graph From a Set of Points and a Connection Distance | |
graph Matrix (gM) Creates a graphMatrix from a graph | |
Graph To Data Tree (GDT) convert a Graph to a DataTree | |
visual Graph Grid (vGG) Create a visualGraphGrid from obstacles and a boundary area |
Eulerian Path (EulerianPath) Checks if the Given Graph Has an Eulerian Path and Eeturns All Possible Starting Points | |
Breadth-first Search (BFS) Breadth-first Search | |
Min ST (MinST) Mininmal Spanning Tree | |
Shortest Path Between Points (SPBP) Callculates the shortest path between points | |
randomized Sequential Graph Coloring (rndSGC) Randomized Sequential Graph Coloring | |
recursive Shadow Casting (RSC) preformes recursive shadow casting on a visualGraph | |
Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP) Solves the Single Source Shortest Path Problem |
Display Graph (DG) Display Graph | |
Display graph Edge (DE) Display graphEdge | |
Display graph Vertex (DV) Display graphVertex | |
Display visual Graph (dVG) Display visualGraph | |
Graph Style (gS) Greate New Style for Displaying a Graph |
find Edges (fE) get the index of a graphEdge within a Graph | |
manipulate Edges (mE) Merge, Delete, Insert Edges | |
manipulate Vertices (mV) Merge, Delete Insert Vertices | |
Split (S) Split a graph at a given Distance |
agglomerative Clustering (aC) Preforms a bottom up distance clustering. | |
distance Clustering (dC) Preforms a top down distance clustering. |
Eigensystem (ESYS) Computes the Eigensystem of graphMatrix | |
Spectral Matching (SM) computes n-dimensional vectors for spectralGraphMatching |
Image-Graph Filter (IGF) Iamge based Filters on Graphs | |
Points of Interest (POI) Points of Interest |
Alignment (Aln) Creates a desire for integration vectors to align to neighbours | |
Cohesion (Coh) Creates a desire for integration points to gather together | |
Gravity Dynamic (Grav) Creates gravity sink/sources at specified points | |
Scale Scales the vectors logarithmically as a post-process step | |
Separation (Sep) Creates a desire for integration points to maintain a particular distance from each other | |
Surface Attraction (SAtt) A post-processing dynamic which causes integration to be attracted (or repulsed) from surfaces | |
Surface Bounce (SBnc) A post-processing dynamic which allows the integration to bounce off of surfaces during a collision | |
Surface Flow (SFlow) A post-processing dynamic which allows integration to flow along a list of surfaces | |
Vector Addition (VAdd) Adds a vector to each vector in a vector field | |
Vortex Dynamic (Vortex) Creates vortices inside a vector field at specified points (at the origins of the planar inputs) |
Counter A persistent counter that increases its count each iteration | |
Distance Binning (DB) Allows faster processing of dynamics that reference the entire field of particles (Cohesion, Alignment, Separation) by processing only points in a local area (Bin) at a time | |
Point/Vector Interpolation (Pt Interp) Interpolate an N-dimensional point based on surrounding M-dimensional vectors | |
Dynamic Keyframe (DKf) Keyframes a list of dynamics to only trigger at specified step ranges | |
Number Interpolation (Num Interp) Interpolates N-dimensional points based on surrounding M-dimensional vectors | |
Open/Closed Curve Sorter (CrvSt) Sorts a list of points representing curves into open and closed lists | |
Tensor A Tensor component represents a 3d frame or basis, such as a plane | |
Vector Field Creator (VFC) Modifies or creates a new vector field |
SPM Boundary Settings (BndS) Settings to control boundaries during an integration | |
SPM Vector Field Integration (SPM Integration) Statically or dynamically integrates points travelling through a vector field | |
SPM Integration Settings (IntegrationS) Settings to configure a SPM vector field integration component | |
SPM Orbit Settings (OrS) Settings to control the orbit parameters | |
SPM Particle Life Time Settings (PrtS) Settings to control the lifetime behaviour of particles | |
SPM Tensor Settings (TenS) Settings to work with tensor fields during integration |
Fill Solid (FillS) Create a solid fill | |
Fill Linear (FillL) Create a linear gradient fill | |
Fill Path (FillP) Create a gradient fill based on a curve | |
Fill Radial (FillR) Create a radial gradient fill | |
Fill Texture (FillT) Create a texture fill | |
Font Create font | |
Outline Create an outline | |
OutlineEx Create a complex outline | |
Paragraph Define paragraph formatting |
Alpha Alters the alpha channel of the underlying image. White=opaque, black=transparent. | |
Clear Fill the picture using one color | |
Draw Draw any type of curve using fill and/or outline | |
DrawEx Draw complex shapes using fill and/or outline | |
Image Draw an image | |
Save Create a Save File instruction | |
Text Draw text |
Divide Curve (Divide) Use this component as an alternative to the default Draw and DrawEx curve division. | |
Font List (FontList) Lists all installed fonts | |
Quick Preview (QPreview) Quick bitmap preview | |
Read Read a bitmap from file, then use it as Squid bitmap. | |
Screen Map (Map) Maps the points to an active viewport coordinates. Update by double clicking OR boolean input change OR the timer. | |
Text Curves (TextC) Text to curves. |
Flip Order (Flip) Draw fill over outline | |
Overwrite (Over) Overwrites color |
Squid Draws the picture |
Close Curve (CC) Close open curves | |
Get Directions (GetDir) This component will generate a list of faces' directions for polylines that weren't created with Starfish 'Tessellation' component. | |
Line Mid Pt (LnMid) Create a line from midpoint and vector | |
Map2d To Surface (2dToSrf) Maps 2D curves onto a surface. | |
Offset Curve (OffsetCrv) Offset curves | |
Set Graph Domain (GraphDomain) Sets X and Y domains of Graph Mapper | |
Sketch This component allows adding custom sketch objects to the GH canvas | |
Dual Preview (DualPrev) Custom preview for brep surfaces and wireframe |
Tessellation Use this component to generate a two-dimensional pattern using vertex configuration input. | |
Sharp Block (SharpBlock) Use this component to generate structural units based on topological interlocking principle. | |
TISrf Use this component to generate Topological Interlocking blocks along a surface. | |
TI Block2 (TI_Block2) Use this component to generate structural units based on topological interlocking principle. | |
Curved Block (CrvdBlock) Use this component to generate curved structural units based on topological interlocking principle. | |
Custom TIBlock (CustomTI) Use this component to generate a TI structure based on a custom edge curve. |
Maze Use this component to generate a maze-like pattern. | |
Ornament Use this component to generate a maze pattern. | |
Custom Pattern (CustomPtrn) Use this component to create a pattern based on a custom edge curve | |
Tunnel Use this component to generate a polyline spiral from curves. |
pm Adjacent Faces (pmAdjacent) Generates DataTree of faces adjacent to each face | |
pm Create Polylines (pmCreate) Create polylines from pMesh data. Works same as List item + polyline when one pMesh data is provided | |
pm Connected Faces (pmConnFace) Generates DataTree of faces connected to each vertice | |
pm Decompose (pmComp) Create pMesh topology using polylines | |
pm Dual (pmDual) Dual pMesh operation | |
pm Laplacian Smooth (pmLaplace) Laplacian smoothing/Weighted laplacian smoothing (when number of input weights is equal to number of vertices) | |
pm Naked Vertices (pmNaked) Outputs list of booleans and naked vertices themself (true = naked) | |
pm Connected Vertices (pmConnVert) Generates DataTree of vertices connected to each vertice | |
pm Offset (pmOffset) pMesh offset | |
pm Truncate (pmTrun) pMesh truncation | |
pm Unique Edges (pmEdges) Finds unique topology edges |
sl Fast Mesh (slFastMesh) Makes Sl compatible mesh with multiple BReps | |
sl Hull3D (slHull3D) Incremental 3d convex hull | |
sl Source Mesh (slSourceMesh) Create mesh with polyline | |
sl Star Mesh (slStarMesh) Create mesh with polyline | |
sl Topo Disk (slTopoDisk) Make mesh a topological disk (by adding faces) | |
sl Topo Sphere (slTopoSphere) Make mesh a topological sphere (by adding faces) |
sl Chord (slChord) Preserve chord length disk embedding | |
sl Sphere (slSphere) Topological sphere embedding | |
sl Tutte (slTutte) Tutte barycentric disk embedding |
sl Guide2D (slGuide2D) Remap points onto mesh | |
sl Guide3D (slGuide3D) Remap points onto mesh |
sl Relax (slRelax) Relax mesh |
rc loose bar loose bar config | |
rc member layout rc member layout | |
rc sketcher ALL (ALL RC (explode)) All RC components | |
rc sketcher Draw reinforced members quickly in 3D based on parametric inputs | |
rc slab-footing layout rc slab/footing layout | |
rc wall layout rc wall layout | |
rebar shapes (shapes) Rebar Shape Codes |
Auto Wind (auto wind) A script to automatically determine how wind load will distribute on a building. | |
composite designer A script to design composite steel beams straight from a model in real-time | |
resi framer Get a structural design for your residential project | |
Timber Designer Reference Timber Designer Reference | |
timber designer A script to design timber floors straight from a model in real-time | |
truss analysis Displays truss analysis including deflection and axial loads for a tension-compression only truss |
autoframe Generate a structural beam layout for any building shape. | |
frame crafter Turns architectural models or CAD into structural analysis models |
enable key for all Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Struc Script Info (info) Info for struc scripts |
ETABS to GH (ETABS to gh) Create Grasshopper framing from an ETABS .e2k text file | |
spacegass to GH (sg to gh) Create Grasshopper framing from a Spacegass text export |
Skylight (S) Skylight | |
Shades of sunshine (Shades) Real sun shaded area | |
Solar analysis PLane (S) Solar analysis Points | |
Solar analysis points (S) Solar analysis Points | |
Render Mode (S) Rendering Current Active Viewport with Pixels | |
Solar Analysis MeshFace (S) Solar analysis MeshFace |
Display Screen Text (T) Display Screen Text | |
Display Legend (L) Display Legend | |
Single Line Font (T) Single Line Font | |
Display Points (P) Display Points | |
SunTool (S) SunsTool |
Location (L) Set latitude and longitude | |
Location_Coordinate (L) The coordinate convert to Number | |
DateTimes (Times) Select a time period | |
DateTime (D) Set a time period | |
Grid (G) Grid |
Object Attributes (ObjAtts) Access the individual attributes of a RhinoObject or an ObjectAttributes type. | |
Dynamic Selection RhinoObjects (D) Dynamic Selection RhinoObjects from Rhino to Grasshopper, with variable filters for layer, object type, and name. |
Sunflower (S) Open Sunflower Web Site |
Base64 to Byte Array (B64BA) Converts a Base64 encoded string to a byte array | |
Bitmap to Byte Array (BTBA) Converts a bitmap to a byte array | |
Generate QR code (QR) Generates a QR code from a string | |
Bitmap to Mesh (BTM) Converts a bitmap to a Rhino mesh | |
Byte Array To Bitmap (BATBMP) Converts a byte array to a bitmap | |
Byte Array To Base64 (BAB64) Converts a Byte Array to a Base64 encoded string | |
URL encode (URLE) URL-encodes a string to make it URL-safe | |
Byte Array To List (BAL) Converts a byte array into a list of integers | |
Color to Hex (CTH) Converts a Color value to a hex code | |
Generate GUID (GGUID) Generates a random GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) This is useful if you need a quick way to reliably generate unique IDs | |
Split Text Into Lines (STIL) Takes a block of text and splits it into individual lines by the newline character | |
Read CSV Line (RCSVL) Extracts individual values from a delimeter-separated line | |
Decompress Data (UGZIP) Un-GZIP byte array data | |
Compress Data (GZIP) GZIP byte array data | |
Create CSV Line (CSVL) Formats multiple strings as a single line of delimeter-separated values | |
Byte Array to File (BAF) Save a byte array to a local file | |
Save Text (ST) Save text to disk | |
Save Web Response (SWR) Save Web Response to disk | |
Byte Array To Text (BATXT) Converts a byte array to text | |
File To Byte Array (FBA) Read a file into a byte array | |
Base64 to Text (B64T) Converts a Base64 encoded string to cleartext | |
Hex to Color (HTC) Parses a hex code into a color value | |
Text To Base64 (TB64) Converts text to a Base64 encoded string | |
List To Byte Array (LBA) Converts a list of integers into a byte array | |
Replace Empty Branches (REB) Substitutes all empty branches in a tree with a provided list of values. Useful for padding missing values in a web scraping scenario | |
Text To Byte Array (TXTBA) Converts text to a byte array | |
Save CSV (CSV) Save formatted CSV Lines as a CSV file | |
Bitmap (BMP) Collection of Bitmaps | |
Byte Array (BA) Collection of Byte Arrays |
Create Byte Array Body (CBAB) Create a Request Body that supports Byte Array content | |
Create Http Header (CH) Create a new Http Header | |
Create JSON Array (CJA) Combine a list of JTokens into a JArray | |
Create JSON Object (CJO) Create a JObject from keys and values | |
Create JSON Value (CJV) Turn a Grasshopper value into a JSON value | |
Create Multipart Form Body Unnamed (CMFBU) Create a Request Body that supports the multipart/form-data Content-Type with unnamed fields | |
Create Query Param (CQP) Create an Http Query Param | |
Create Byte Array Body from File (BABFF) Create a Request Body that supports Byte Array content by providing a filepath | |
Create Multipart Form Body Named (CMFBN) Create a Request Body that supports the multipart/form-data Content-Type with named fields | |
Create Text Body Custom (CTBC) Create a Request Body that supports text formats with a custom Content-Type header | |
Create Text Body (CTB) Create a Request Body that supports text formats | |
Create URL (CURL) Construct a URL from its constituent parts | |
Remove JSON Key (RJK) Remove a key from JObject | |
Set JSON Key (SJK) Add or modify a JObject key | |
Http Header (H) A collection of Http Headers | |
Http Response (HR) Http Web Response | |
Query Param (QP) Container for Http Query Params | |
Request Body (RB) Collection of Request Body objects |
Get JSON Object Key (GJOK) Get a specific key from JObject | |
Parse JSON String (PJS) Parse a string into a searchable JSON Object | |
Read JSON Array (RJA) Read a JSON Array into a series of searchable JSON objects | |
Read JSON Object (RJO) Get all keys and values from JObject | |
Read JSON Value (RJV) Read JSON Value | |
Stringify JSON Token (SJT) Convert any abstract JToken to an indented JSON string | |
Format Json String (FJS) Prettify a JSON string by formatting it with proper indentations | |
Separate JSON Tokens (SJT) Separate tokens into JObjects, JArrays and JValues | |
JArray (JA) Collection of JSON Arrays | |
JObject (JO) Collection of JSON Objects | |
JToken (JT) Collection of JSON Tokens | |
JValue (JV) Collection of JSON Values |
Get Attribute Value (GATTR) Get the value of an HTML attribute | |
Get Element By Id (BYID) Get an HTML element by ID | |
Get Elements By Attribute Value (BYATTR) Get all HTML elements where a certain attribute is equal to a certain value | |
Get Elements By Class Name (BYCLASS) Get all HTML elements by a specific class name | |
Get Elements By Tag Name (BYTAG) Get HTML Elements by Tag Name | |
Get Elements By XPATH (BYXPATH) Get HTML elements via an XPATH expression | |
Get Child Nodes (GCH) Get all child nodes of an HTML node | |
Get Inner HTML (INNER) Get the inner HTML of an element | |
Read HTML (HTML) Read HTML Markup | |
Stringify HTML Node (SHTML) Convert an HTML Node to cleartext | |
Get Html Attributes (GATTRS) Get all attributes and values of an HTML element | |
Html Node (HTML) Collection of Html Nodes |
Deconstruct Http Header (DHH) Deconstruct a Header into its constituent parts | |
Deconstruct Query Param (DQP) Deconstruct a Query Param into its constituent parts | |
Throttle (THRTL) This is a simple passthrough component that lets you add a delay. Useful when sending multiple calls to APIs with limitations on maximum number of requests per minute | |
Deconstruct URL (DURL) Deconstruct a URL into its constituent parts | |
Deconstruct Response (DR) Deconstruct Http Response | |
DELETE Request (DELETE) Send a DELETE request | |
HTTP Request (REQ) A multithreaded component that supports all HTTP methods | |
GET Request (GET) Send a GET request | |
PATCH Request (PATCH) Send a PATCH request | |
PUT Request (PUT) Send a PUT request | |
POST Request (POST) Send a POST request |
API Key (API) Create a header and a query param (you'll likely need one or the other, not both) for API key auth | |
Basic Auth (BASIC) Creates an Authorization header for your Basic auth | |
Bearer Token Auth (BEARER) Creates an Authorization header for your Bearer token |
HTTP Listener (L) A simple HTTP listener component that can receive HTTP requests. This component is VERY ALPHA. Use at your own risk. | |
Socket Listener (SOCKET) A simple socket listener component |
SnpNumUpDnGH (SUDGH) numeric up down control from a Grasshopper slider | |
SynapseGridView (SGV) column and rows of items | |
SnpButton (SBtn) button | |
SnpCheckBox (SCB) checkbox object | |
SnpComboBox (SCombo) combo box allows text input or select from drop down | |
SnpDropMenu (SDM) dropdown menu | |
SnpTextLabel (SLabel) label object, just a plain text tag | |
SnpListBox (SLB) list of items to choose from | |
SnpMaskedTxtBox (STBm) masked text box | |
SnpMultiTxts (SMT) text area to input multiple lines of text | |
SnpSingleSelect (SOne) radio buttons | |
SnpSlider (SSl) slider with label | |
SnpNumUpDn (STicker) numeric up-down control | |
SnpIntSlider (SIntSl) simple integer slider | |
SnpTextBox (STB) text box | |
SnpDomSlider (SDomSl) domain slider | |
SnpSampler (Sampler) similar to a UV slider | |
SnpeSliderGH (SSlGH) Synapse slider from a Grasshopper slider |
SnpDynaLayout (SDyLO) dynamic layout, somewhat autosized to controls | |
SnpExpander (SXpdr) expand/collapse controls | |
RemotePanel (RCP) Rhino remote control panel for Synapse elements | |
SnpScroll (SScroll) scrollable container | |
SnpTableLayout (STable) table layout of synapse controls | |
SnpTabbedView (STabs) tabbed view | |
SnpStack (SStack) stack layout | |
SnpWindow (SWin) main window | |
SnpGroup (SGr) group box container |
SnpIcon (SIcon) image icon that can be used by Synapse controls | |
SnpColor (SClr) color object for synapse controls | |
SnpFont (SFont) font object for Synapse controls | |
SnpWinStyle (WS) windows style | |
SnpSize (SSize) size object (width and height) | |
SnpTableXY (STxy) arrange controls into a TableLayout and produces coordinates text strings controls are placed from top to bottom, left to right | |
SnpOverride (SSetVal) override control values this lets you set the primary value of a control without re-instantiating the entire window | |
SnpValueQuery (SValQ) queries a Synapse component for its value |
SnpHistogram (SHisto) histograms/bar chart | |
SnpPieChart (SPie) pie chart | |
SnpHierarchy (SHrch) rectangular areas showing proportions | |
SnpTrends (STrends) line graph | |
SnpLegend (SLegend) chart legend |
Frames-to-Frames (Frames-Frames) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg frames-to-frames conversion | |
Frames-to-GIF (Frames-GIF) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg frames-to-GIF conversion | |
Frames-to-Video (Frames-Video) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg frames-to-video conversion | |
GIF-to-Video (GIF-Video) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg GIF-to-video conversion | |
Video-to-GIF (Video-GIF) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg video-to-GIF conversion | |
VidGIF-to-Frames (VidGIF-Frames) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg Video/GIF-to-frames conversion |
Batch Rename (BatchRename) Configures a set of instructions for a Batch Renaming operation | |
FFmpeg Remote (Remote) Main Tapeworm component that remotely communicates with FFmpeg |
Input-Output Information (I/O) Configures Tapeworm input/output information for file handling |
Construct Point Cloud (Construct) Constructs a point cloud from a list of points and colours. | |
Fill Mesh (FillMesh) Fills a mesh volume with random points. | |
Fill Box (FillBox) Fills a box with random points. | |
Random Vectors (RandVec) Generates a set of random vectors between (-1,-1,-1) and (1,1,1) . | |
Deconstruct Point Cloud (Deconstruct) Retreives information from a point cloud. | |
Populate Mesh (PopMesh) Populates a mesh with random points. |
Filter Point Cloud (Filter) Filters a point cloud by removing values similar to a given colour. | |
Merge Point Clouds (Merge) Merges multiple point clouds into one. | |
Voxellize Point Cloud (Voxellize) Snaps a point cloud to a voxel grid, allowing for decay over time. | |
Reduce Point Cloud (Cloud Reduce) Reduces the number of points in a cloud. | |
Point Cloud Subset (Cloud Subset) Extracts a subset of a point cloud based on indices. | |
Clip Point Cloud (Clip) Clips a point cloud with a given box. |
Kinect 2 Depth Reader (Depth) Reads data from a kinect when prompted. | |
OpenNI2 Depth Reader (NI2) Reads data from an OpenNI2 device. | |
Kinect 2 Burst (Burst) Captures a burst of frames at maximum rate, releasing after the allotted timeframe | |
Kinect 1 Depth Reader (Depth) Reads data from a kinect when prompted. |
Construct KDTree (KDConstruct) Builds a KDTree representation of a point cloud. | |
Field Of Vision (FOV) Checks whether points are within the field of vision of a point and vector. | |
Sample KDTree (KDSample) Builds and/or samples a KDTree representation of a point cloud. |
Preview Point Cloud (Preview) Displays a point cloud with a specified point size. |
Topology.AddApertures Adds Apertures to a Topology. | |
Topology.AddContent Adds this Topology as a content (non-constituent member) to another Topology of a specific type | |
Topology.AddContents Adds this Topology as a content (non-constituent member) to another Topology of a specific type | |
Topology.Analyze Prints the topological information of a Topology. | |
Topology.Apertures Returns the Apertures of the input Topology. | |
Topology.ByGeometry Creates a Topology by geometry. | |
Topology.ByImportedBRep Imports a Topology from a BRep file (.brep). | |
Topology.ByVerticesIndices Creates a Topology by a list of Vertices and a 2D list of indices of the Vertices in the first argument | |
Topology.CellComplexes Returns the CellComplexes constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.Cells Returns the Cells constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.CenterOfMass Returns the center of mass of any Topology. | |
Topology.Centroid Returns the centroid of any Topology. | |
Topology.ClosestSimplestSubshape Returns the sub-topology that is the closest and the simplest (i.e. has the lowest dimensionality) to the selector. | |
Topology.Contents Returns the non-constituent members of the input Topology. | |
Topology.Contexts Returns the Topologies containing the input topology as a content. | |
Topology.Dictionary Returns the dictionary of a Topology. | |
Topology.Difference Performs the Difference operation between the input Topology and another Topology. | |
Topology.Dimensionality Returns the dimensionality of the Topology. | |
Topology.Divide Divides the input Topology with another Topology. | |
Topology.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.ExportToBRep Exports a Topology to a BRep file (.brep). | |
Topology.Faces Returns the Faces constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.Filter Filter a list of topologies by type. This methods returns a list of topologies of the type specified in the typefilter. | |
Topology.Geometry Creates a geometry from the Topology. | |
Topology.Impose Imposes another Topology on the input Topology. | |
Topology.Imprint Imprints another Topology on the input Topology. | |
Topology.Intersect Performs the Intersection operation between the input Topology and another Topology. | |
Topology.IsSame Checks if two Topologies are the same. | |
Topology.Merge Merges the input Topology and another Topology. | |
Topology.RemoveContents Removes contents (non-constituent members) from a Topology. | |
Topology.SelfMerge Merges the sub-topologies of the input Topology. | |
Topology.SetDictionaries Sets a list of dictionaries for a Topology. | |
Topology.SetDictionary Sets a dictionary for a Topology. | |
Topology.ShallowCopy Copies a Topology without its contents. | |
Topology.Shells Returns the Shells constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.Slice Slices the input Topology with another Topology. | |
Topology.Type Returns the type associated to the Topology. | |
Topology.TypeAsString Returns the instance type as a string. | |
Topology.Union Unions the input Topology and another Topology. | |
Topology.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.XOR Performs an XOR operation between the input Topology and another Topology. |
Graph.AddEdges Adds the list of Edges to the Graph | |
Graph.AddVertices Adds the list of Vertices to the Graph | |
Graph.AdjacentVertices Returns a list of Vertices that are connected to the input Vertex by an Edge. | |
Graph.AllPaths Returns all paths it could find, within the input number of seconds, that connect the two input Vertices. | |
Graph.ByTopology Creates a Graph from any Topology. | |
Graph.Connect Connects the two input Vertices with an Edge. | |
Graph.ContainsEdge Returns True if the input Graph contains the input Edge. Returns False otherwise. | |
Graph.ContainsVertex Returns True if the input Graph contains the input Vertex. Returns False otherwise. | |
Graph.DegreeSequence Returns a list of Vertex degrees in a non-increasing order. | |
Graph.Density Returns the ratio of the number of Edges to the total number of Edges the Graph could have. | |
Graph.Diameter Returns the number of Edges of the shortest path between the most distanced Vertices. | |
Graph.Edge Returns the Edge, if one exists, that connects the two input Vertices. | |
Graph.Edges Returns a list of all the Edges in a Graph. | |
Graph.IsComplete Returns True if the Graph has a density of 1. Returns False otherwise. | |
Graph.IsErdoesGallai Returns True if the input sequence satisfies the Erdoes Gallai theorem. It returns False otherwise. | |
Graph.IsolatedVertices Returns a list of Vertices that are not connected by Edges. | |
Graph.MaximumDelta Returns the maximum Vertex degree in a Graph. | |
Graph.MinimumDelta Returns the minimum Vertex degree in a Graph. | |
Graph.Path Returns the first path found between the input Vertices. | |
Graph.RemoveEdges Removes the input Edges from the Graph. | |
Graph.RemoveVertices Removes the input Vertices from the Graph. | |
Graph.ShortestPath Returns the path with the fewest number of Edges between the two input Vertices. | |
Graph.ShortestPaths Returns all paths with the fewest number of Edges between the two input Vertices. | |
Graph.TopologicalDistance Returns the number of Edges of the shortest path connecting the two input Vertices. | |
Graph.Topology Returns the Topology of the Graph. | |
Graph.VertexDegree Returns the number of Edges connected to the input Vertex. | |
Graph.Vertices Returns a list of all the Vertices in a Graph. | |
Graph.VerticesAtCoordinates Returns a list of Vertices in the Graph located at the input coordinates within the input tolerance distance. |
Face.AddApertureDesign Adds an Aperture design to a Face. | |
Face.AddInternalBoundaries Adds internal boundaries (Wires) to a Face. | |
Face.AdjacentFaces Returns the Faces adjacent to the Face. | |
Face.ByEdges Creates a Face by a list of Edges. | |
Face.ByExternalInternalBoundaries Creates a Face by an external boundary (Wire) and internal boundaries (Wires). | |
Face.ByWire Creates a Face by a closed planar Wire. | |
Face.Cells Returns the Cells incident to the Face. | |
Face.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Face. | |
Face.ExternalBoundary (Face.FaceExternalBoundary) Returns the external boundary (Wire) of the Face. | |
Face.InternalBoundaries Returns the internal boundaries (Wires) of the Face. | |
Face.SharedEdges Returns the shared Edges between two Faces. | |
Face.SharedVertices Returns the shared Vertices between two Faces. | |
Face.Shells Returns the Shells incident to the Face. | |
Face.Type Returns the type associated to Face. | |
Face.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Face. | |
Face.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the Face. |
Cell.AdjacentCells Returns the Cells adjacent to the Cell. | |
Cell.ByFaces Creates a Cell by a set of Faces. | |
Cell.ByShell Creates a Cell from a Shell. The Shell must be closed, otherwise an exception is thrown. | |
Cell.CellComplexes Returns the CellComplexes which contain the Cell. | |
Cell.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Cell. | |
Cell.ExternalBoundary Returns the external boundary (Shell) of the Cell. | |
Cell.Faces Returns the Faces constituent to the Cell. | |
Cell.InternalBoundaries Returns the internal boundaries (Shells) of the Cell. | |
Cell.SharedEdges Return the shared Edges between two Cells. | |
Cell.SharedFaces Return the shared Faces between two Cells. | |
Cell.SharedVertices Return the shared shared Vertices between two Cells. | |
Cell.Shells Returns the Shells constituent to the Cell. | |
Cell.Type Returns the type associated to Cell. | |
Cell.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Cell. | |
Cell.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the Cell. |
FaceUtility.AdjacentCells Returns a list of Cells that are the adjacent to the input Face. | |
FaceUtility.AdjacentShells Returns a list of Shells that are the adjacent to the input Face. | |
FaceUtility.Area Returns the area of a Face. | |
FaceUtility.ByVertices Creates a Face (of any type) by a set of Vertices. | |
FaceUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Face. | |
FaceUtility.IsInside Checks if a Vertex is located inside a Face within a tolerance value. | |
FaceUtility.NormalAtParameters Returns the normal (vector) at a parameter of a Face. | |
FaceUtility.ParametersAtVertex Returns the UV parameters at a given Vertex on a Face. | |
FaceUtility.TrimByWire Trims a Face with a Wire. The portion of the Face inside the Wire will be returned. | |
FaceUtility.VertexAtParameters Returns the Vertex at a given parameter of the Face. | |
FaceUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Face. | |
FaceUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Face. | |
FaceUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Face. |
CellComplex.ByCells Creates a CellComplex by a set of Cells. | |
CellComplex.ByFaces Creates a CellComplex from the space enclosed by a set of Faces. Parts of the Faces which do not enclose any space will be discarded. | |
CellComplex.Cells Returns the Cells constituent to the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.ExternalBoundary Returns the external boundary (Cell) of the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Faces Returns the Faces constituent to the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.InternalBoundaries Returns the internal boundaries (Faces) of the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.NonManifoldFaces Returns the non-manifold Faces of the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Shells Returns the Shells constituent to the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Type Returns the type associated to CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the CellComplex. |
Cluster.ByTopologies Creates a Cluster by a set of Topologies. | |
Cluster.CellComplexes Returns the CellComplexes constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Cells Returns the Cells constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Faces Returns the Faces constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Shells Returns the Shells constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Type Returns the type associated to Cluster. | |
Cluster.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the Cluster. |
Edge.AdjacentEdges Returns the Edges adjacent to the Edge. | |
Edge.ByStartVertexEndVertex Creates a straight Edge by the startVertex and endVertex. | |
Edge.EndVertex Returns the end Vertex of the Edge. | |
Edge.SharedVertices Returns the shared Vertices between two Edges. | |
Edge.StartVertex Returns the start Vertex of the Edge. | |
Edge.Type Returns the type associated to Edge. | |
Edge.Vertices Returns the Vertices at the ends of the Edge. | |
Edge.Wires Returns the Wires incident to the Edge. |
Shell.ByFaces Creates a Shell by a set of connected Faces. | |
Shell.Cells Returns the Cells bounded by the Shell. | |
Shell.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Shell. | |
Shell.Faces Returns the Faces constituent to the Shell. | |
Shell.IsClosed Checks if the Shell is closed. | |
Shell.Type Returns the type associated to Shell. | |
Shell.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Shell. | |
Shell.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the Shell. |
CellUtility.ByLoft Creates a Cell by lofting through a set of Wires. | |
CellUtility.Contains Check if a Vertex is contained in a Cell or not. | |
CellUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Cell. | |
CellUtility.Volume Returns the volume of a Cell. | |
CellUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Cell. | |
CellUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Cell. | |
CellUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Cell. |
Vertex.ByCoordinates Creates a Vertex by XYZ coordinates. | |
Vertex.Coordinates Returns the coordinates of the Vertex. | |
Vertex.Edges Returns the Edges incident to the Vertex. | |
Vertex.Type Returns the type associated to Vertex. | |
Vertex.X Returns the X coordinate of the Vertex. | |
Vertex.Y Returns the Y coordinate of the Vertex. | |
Vertex.Z Returns the Z coordinate of the Vertex. |
Wire.ByEdges Creates a Wire by a set of Edges. | |
Wire.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Wire. | |
Wire.Faces Returns the Faces containing the Wire. | |
Wire.IsClosed Checks if the Wire is closed. | |
Wire.Type Returns the type associated to Wire. | |
Wire.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Wire. |
Bitwise.AND Performs a bitwise AND operation between the arguments (in their binary form). | |
Bitwise.NOT (Bitwise.AND) Performs a bitwise NOT operation between the arguments (in their binary form). | |
Bitwise.OR Performs a bitwise OR operation between the arguments (in their binary form). | |
Bitwise.XOR Performs a bitwise XOR operation between the arguments (in their binary form). | |
Topology.SharedTopologies Performs a bitwise Or operation between the arguments (in their binary form). |
EdgeUtility.AdjacentWires Returns a list of Wires that are the adjacent to the input Edge. | |
EdgeUtility.ByVertices Create an Edge (of any type) by a set of Vertices. | |
EdgeUtility.ParameterAtVertex Returns the parameter at a given Vertex on the Edge. | |
EdgeUtility.VertexAtParameter Returns the Vertex at a given parameter of the Edge. |
TopologyUtility.AdjacentTopologies Returns a list of Topologies that are the adjacent to the input Topology. | |
TopologyUtility.Rotate Rotates a Topology | |
TopologyUtility.Scale Scales a Topology. | |
TopologyUtility.Translate Translates (moves) a Topology a certain distance according to x, y, z values. |
Dictionary.ByKeysValues Create a Dictionary by keys and values | |
Dictionary.SetValueAtKey Sets the value of a Dictionary at a given key | |
Dictionary.ValueAtKey Retrieves the value of a Dictionary at a given key |
WireUtility.AdjacentCells Returns a list of Cells that are the adjacent to the input Wire. | |
WireUtility.AdjacentShells Returns a list of Shells that are the adjacent to the input Wire. | |
WireUtility.RemoveCollinearEdges Remove collinear edges in a Wire. |
Aperture.ByTopologyContext Creates an Aperture by a Topology and a Context. | |
Aperture.Topology Returns the underlying Topology. |
VertexUtility.AdjacentEdges Returns a list of Edges that are the adjacent to the input Vertex. | |
VertexUtility.Distance Returns the distance between two Topologies. |
About.Version Returns the current version of Topologic. |
Context.Topology Returns the associated Topology to the Context. |
ShellUtility.ByLoft Creates a Shell by lofting through a set of Wires. |
Assign Paths Assigns an arbitrary path structure to a flat list of input data | |
Graft By Data (GraftByData) Adds an additional level of path hierarchy according to the specified indices | |
Match Paths Sets a flat list of data to correspond to the tree structure of an input tree | |
Path Description (pd) Produces a single path description for each item in a tree, in the same structure as the original tree. |
Add Unmatched Force empty paths into unmatched data trees | |
Append Element Add a new path index to the end of an existing path | |
Clone Structure (Clone) Attach the structure from one tree onto a flat data set | |
Divide Branches Divide branches into multiple data trees using an index pattern | |
Explode at Index (Explode) Explode a tree at specified index | |
Filter Unmatched Filter unmatched paths from lists | |
Flip Last Flip the last variably valued branch path index with the item indices of its contents | |
Prepend Element Add a new path index to the beginning of an existing path | |
Renumber Paths (Renumber) Renumber the Paths of a data set | |
Shift Paths (Shift) Shift paths safely...will flatten data trees with fewer elements than shifts specified | |
Stack Trees (Stack) Make data structure for inputs consecutive | |
Isolate Unique Paths (Unique Paths) Isolate data for paths unique to each input data set |
Pack Data (Pack) Binary data packer | |
Unpack Data (Unpack) Binary data reader | |
First/Last Get the first and last values from a list | |
List Compare (Compare) Compare each item in a list against all other items | |
Sort Tree (Sort) Sorted renumbering of branches by input value | |
Trim Data Ends (Trim) Trim set numbers of leading list items and paths from a data set | |
Unweave Unweave list into multiple lists using an index pattern |
Cull Multiple Cull (remove) elements in multiple lists using a repeating bit mask |
Add Output (Add_Output) TRNLizard_Add_Output | |
b18to Rhino (b18toRhino) Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Complex Shader (TRNLizard_ComplexShader) Use this cluster to generate complex shading | |
DIN4108 Regime (DIN4108_Regime) Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Gen Matrices (GenMatrices) Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Geometry Shoe Box (TRNLizard_Geometry_Shoe_Box) TRNLizard_Geometry_Shoe_Box | |
Grid Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Install trn PLOT (Install_trnPLOT) The components in this cluster will allow you to automatically download trnPLOT to visualize simulation results | |
Plot Graphs (Plot_Graphs) In order to use this component you will have to install python 2.7.10 plus the package plotly!!!! | |
Radto Rhino (RadtoRhino) Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Surface Info (Surface_Info) TRNLizard_Surface_Info | |
Variants TRNLizard_Variants |
Coupling Coupling | |
Multizone TRNLizard_Multizone | |
Project Definition (Project_Definition) Project_Definition | |
Single Zone (Single_Zone) Single_Zone | |
Template Advanced (Template_Advanced) Template_Advanced | |
Thermal Model (Thermal_Model) Thermal_Model | |
Thermal Simulation (Thermal_Simulation) Thermal_Simulation | |
Zone Regime (Zone_Regime) Zone_Regime |
Constructions Lite (Constructions_Lite) Constructions_Lite | |
Regime Lite (Regime_Lite) Regime_Lite | |
Template Lite (Template_Lite) Template_Lite |
Get Hours and Days (GetDays) Get Hours and Days from Time Range | |
CAD Exporter (CADExporter) Export to CAD | |
Galapagos Listener (GalapList) Creates a data tree of all Galapagos iterations | |
Get Geometry Attributes (GeoAttrib) Gets the name, GUID, and layer of any Rhino object | |
Match Tree Structure (Match) Applies Tree Structure of one Tree to a List of Data. Inspired by cluster by A. Heumann | |
Remove Duplicate Lines (CullDupLines) Removes duplicate lines in a list | |
Remove Duplicate Points (CullDupPoints) Replaces duplicate points in a list with null values, keeping the first instace of the duplicate in place. | |
TT Safe Delete (TTSafeDelete) Delete or highlight selected objects in Rhino which are not referenced in Grasshopper | |
SharedNodes (NodeConn) This component groups curves that share the same nodes | |
Sort Curves Along Crv (SortC) Sorts Curves along a guide curve based on point t along curve. | |
Tree Branch Index (TBI) TT Toolbox: Retrieves all items in specified data tree branch when specifying an index value for the desired branch | |
Tree Item Index (Tii) TT Toolbox: Retrieves an item from a Tree by specifying an index for the branch and item | |
TT Sweep (TTSweep) Draw 3D members given centerlines | |
TT Sweep Names (TTSweepNames) Section name selector for TT Sweep component | |
Unfold (UnFold) Unfolds developable breps (and points and curves on those breps) onto a target plane. | |
Unit Converter (UC) converts between common units and returns Rhino Units. |
Spectacles Colibri_3DObjects (3DObjects) Compiles Spectacles objects into a JSON representation of a THREE.js scene, which can be opened using the Spectacles viewer. | |
Launch Spectacles Viewer (Spectacles_Viewer) Launches the Spectacles Viewer in your web browser. | |
Spectacles_Line Creates a Spectacles line | |
Spectacles_LineBasicMaterial Creates a THREE.js Basic Line Material to use with line geometries | |
Spectacles_Mesh Creates a Spectacles mesh from a grasshopper mesh. | |
Spectacles_MeshBasicMaterial Creates mesh material that will always be the same color in a THREE.js scene - it will not be effected by lighting. | |
Spectacles_MeshColoredFaces Creates a Spectacles mesh and a set of materials from a grasshopper mesh and a list of colors - one color per face | |
Spectacles_MeshColoredVertices Creates a Spectacles mesh and a material from a grasshopper mesh with color data. | |
Spectacles_MeshLambertMaterial Creates a non-shiny mesh material. | |
Spectacles_MeshPhongMaterial Create a shiny material for meshes | |
Spectacles_SceneCompiler Compiles Spectacles objects into a JSON representation of a THREE.js scene, which can be opened using the Spectacles viewer. | |
Spectacles_Views Compiles the views selected to be exported |
Launch Browser Launch in your default web browser. | |
Platypus Connection (Platypus) Connect to and get a session key to use downstream. | |
Pull GH>GH Geometry (PullGH) Pull Grasshopper geometry in from other Grasshopper users in this session. Each user will have their own branch of each output data tree. | |
Push GH>GH Geometry (PushGH) Push Grasshopper geometry to other Grasshopper users in the session. Points, Curves, Breps, and Meshes are supported. | |
Stream Lines (StreamLines) Stream lines to | |
Stream Meshes (StreamMeshes) Stream meshes to 3dplatyp | |
Stream Sliders (StreamSliders) Stream Sliders to |
Colibri Aggregator (Aggregator) Aggregates design data, images & Spectacles models into a data.csv file (and corresponding data set that data.csv links to) that Design Explorer can open. | |
Colibri Parameters (Parameters) Collects design parameters (us engineer types would call these 'performance metrics') to chart in Design Explorer | |
Image Setting (Img Setting) Defines how Colibri generates images during flights. You can specify which viewport[s] to capture, and the resolution of the image. | |
Colibri Iterator (Iterator) Generates design iterations from a collection of sliders, panels, or valueLists. | |
Iteration Selection (Selection) Generates an iteration selection for the Colibri Iterator |
Read Excel Sheet (ReadXL) Read data from an Excel worksheet | |
Write Options (WO) Option settings for writing data to Excel. | |
Write To Excel (WriteXL) Write Data to Excel |
TweenerBrepNCurveExample (TweenBrepNCurveExample) Produces a brep and two curves for consumption in a TweenerStartFromBrepAndCurves component. No inputs. | |
TweenerCurvesExample (TweenCurvesExample) Produces three curves for consumption in a TweenerStartFromPlanarCurves component. No inputs. | |
TweenerCylindricalBrepExample (TweenCylindricalBrepExample) Produces a brep for consumption in a TweenerStartFromCylindricalBrep component. No inputs. | |
TweenerLicenseStatus (License) Manage your license status. | |
TweenerMeshNCurveExample (TweenMeshNCurveExample) Produces a mesh and two curves for consumption in a TweenerStartFromMeshAndCurves component. No inputs. | |
TweenerStartCylindricalMeshExample (TweenCylMeshExample) Produces a cylindrical mesh for consumption in a TweenerStartFromCylMesh component. No inputs. |
TweenerStartFromBrepAndCurves (TweenBrepNCurves) Start a Tweener with a brep and two lists of curves. Produces an abstract "Tweener" object which can be previewed with a TweenerPreview component. | |
TweenerStartFromCylBrep (TweenCylBrep) Start a Tweener from a brep that topologically is a cylinder (a surface with two boundary components each of which is a circle) | |
TweenerStartFromCylMesh (TweenCylMesh) Start a Tweener from a mesh that topologically is a cylinder (a surface mesh with two boundary components each of which is a circle) | |
TweenerStartFromMeshAndCurves (TweenMeshNCurves) Start a Tweener with a mesh and two lists of curves. Produces an abstract "Tweener" object which can be previewed with a TweenerPreview component. | |
TweenerStartFromPlanarCurves (TweenPlanCurv) Start a Tweener from at least two planar curves which don't intersect and one of which contains all others |
TweenerInfo Get the current number of users of this tweener | |
TweenerCurves Export a tweener to curves | |
TweenerTopoFromPlanar Export a planar tweener to topographic curves | |
TweenerPreview Preview the tween region | |
TweenerToMesh Export tweener to a mesh with texture coordinates |
TweenerAddControl Adds a boundary control to a tweener | |
TweenerResetCurves Resets the curves to a tweener | |
TweenerTransform Applies a transform to a tweener |
TweenerCurveDisplay A util to preview a curve with thickness and color | |
TweenerExtractNakedEdges A util that extracts the naked edges of a mesh |
Block Decompose Breaks a Rhino block definition down into its components. | |
Block Definition Create a new block definition. | |
Deconstruct Block Instance Deconstruct a block instance into its constituent parts. | |
Block Instance Create a new block instance. | |
Create Hatch Create a hatch. | |
Hatch Explode Explode a hatch into its constituent geometry. | |
Deconstruct Hatch Options Deconstruct a hatch options into its constituent parts. | |
Hatch Options Create hatch options from atomic inputs. | |
Ifc Tag Set IFC Properties to Rhino Object. | |
Deconstruct Parameter Deconstruct a parameter into its constituent parts. | |
Create Document Parameter Create a VisualARQ document parameter. | |
Get Property Gets a property value from object. | |
Document Parameters Get a list of all document parameters. | |
Property Names Get a list of all object property names. | |
Deconstruct Parameter Options Deconstruct a parameter options into its constituent parts. | |
Parameter Options Create parameter options from atomic inputs. | |
Set Property Sets a property value to object. | |
Update Property Update an object property directly in the document. | |
Deconstruct Text Deconstruct a text into its constituent parts. | |
Create Text Create a text. | |
Deconstruct Text Style Deconstruct a text style into its constituent parts. | |
Text Style Create text style from atomic inputs. | |
Add Solids Creates a VisualARQ object by adding solids to an existing one. | |
VisualARQ Explode Breaks a VisualARQ object down into its components. | |
Extract Solids Creates a VisualARQ object by extracting solids from an existing one. | |
VisualARQ Area Calculates the area of a VisualArq object. | |
VisualARQ Thickness Obtain the thickness of a VisualArq object or style. | |
VisualARQ Volume Calculates the volume of a VisualARQ object. | |
Is Kind Of? Marks the elements of a certain class as true. | |
Create Object Parameter Add a new parameter to VisualARQ object. | |
Object Parameter Get an object parameter by name | |
Subtract Solids Creates a VisualARQ object by subtracting solids from an existing one. |
Curtain Wall Fixed Dimension Cell Create a curtain wall cell with fixed size divisions. | |
Deconstruct Curtain Wall Fixed Dimension Cell Deconstruct a curtain wall cell with fixed size divisions into its constituent parts. | |
Curtain Wall Fixed Number Cell Create a curtain wall cell with fixed number of divisions. | |
Deconstruct Curtain Wall Fixed Number Cell Deconstruct a curtain wall cell with fixed number of divisions into its constituent parts. | |
Curtain Wall Horizontal Cell Create a curtain wall cell with horizontal divisions. | |
Deconstruct Curtain Wall Horizontal Cell Deconstruct a curtain wall cell with horizontal divisions into its constituent parts. | |
Curtain Wall None Division Cell Create a curtain wall cell with none divisions. | |
Deconstruct Curtain Wall None Division Cell Deconstruct a curtain wall cell with none divisions into its constituent parts. | |
Curtain Wall Vertical Cell Create a curtain wall cell with vertical divisions. | |
Deconstruct Curtain Wall Vertical Cell Deconstruct a curtain wall cell with vertical divisions into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct Curtain Wall Deconstruct a curtain wall into its constituent parts. | |
Curtain Wall Create a curtain wall from path curve. | |
Curtain Wall Extend Create a curtain wall extending an existing one to a list of geometries. | |
Curtain Wall Frame Create curtain wall frame from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Curtain Wall Frame Deconstruct a curtain wall frame into its constituent parts. | |
Curtain Wall Mullion Create curtain wall mullion from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Curtain Wall Mullion Deconstruct a curtain wall mullion into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct Curtain Wall Options Deconstruct a curtain wall options into its constituent parts. | |
Curtain Wall Options Create curtain wall options from atomic inputs. | |
Curtain Wall Style Create a curtain wall style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Curtain Wall Style Deconstruct a curtain wall style into its constituent parts. | |
Curtain Wall Support Create curtain wall support from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Curtain Wall Support Deconstruct a curtain wall support into its constituent parts. |
Deconstruct PlanView Deconstruct a plan view into its constituent parts. | |
PlanView Create a plan view from boundary curve. | |
Deconstruct PlanView Options Deconstruct a plan view options into its constituent parts. | |
Plan View Options Create plan view options from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Section Deconstruct a section into its constituent parts. | |
Section Create a section from planar curve. | |
Deconstruct Section Options Deconstruct a section options into its constituent parts. | |
Section Options Create section options from atomic inputs. | |
Section Style Create section style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Section Style Deconstruct section style into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct SectionView Deconstruct a section view into its constituent parts. | |
Section View Create a section view from insert point. | |
Deconstruct SectionView Options Deconstruct a section view options into its constituent parts. | |
Section View Options Create section view options from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Annotation Deconstruct an annotation into its constituent parts. | |
Annotation Create an annotation from point. | |
Deconstruct Annotation Options Deconstruct an annotation options into its constituent parts. | |
Annotation Options Create annotation options from atomic inputs. | |
Annotation Style Create annotation style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Annotation Style Deconstruct an annotation style into its constituent parts. |
Deconstruct Window Deconstruct a window into its constituent parts. | |
Window Create a window from insert point. | |
Window Frame Create window frame from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Window Frame Deconstruct a window frame into its constituent parts. | |
Window Leaf Create window leaf from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Window Leaf Deconstruct a window leaf into its constituent parts. | |
Window Leaf Glass Create window leaf glass from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Window Leaf Glass Deconstruct a window leaf glass into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct Window Options Deconstruct a window options into its constituent parts. | |
Window Options Create window options from atomic inputs. | |
Window Sill Create window sill from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Window Sill Deconstruct a window sill into its constituent parts. | |
Window Stop Create window stop from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Window Stop Deconstruct a window stop into its constituent parts. | |
Window Style Create window style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Window Style Deconstruct a window style into its constituent parts. |
Deconstruct Door Deconstruct a door into its constituent parts. | |
Door Create a door from insert point. | |
Door Frame Create a door frame from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Door Frame Deconstruct a door frame into its constituent parts. | |
Door Leaf Create a door leaf from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Door Leaf Deconstruct a door leaf into its constituent parts. | |
Door Leaf Glass Create door leaf glass from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Door Leaf Glass Deconstruct a door leaf glass into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct Door Options Deconstruct a door options into its constituent parts. | |
Door Options Create door options from atomic inputs. | |
Door Stop Create a door stop from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Door Stop Deconstruct a door stop into its constituent parts. | |
Door Style Create a door style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Door Style Deconstruct a door style into its constituent parts. |
I Profile Create a I profile. | |
L Profile Create a L profile. | |
90º Arc Profile Create a 90º arc profile. | |
Circular Profile Create a circular profile from radius. | |
Circular Hollow Profile Create a circular hollow profile. | |
Custom profile Create a custom profile from curve. | |
Decompose Profile Deconstruct a profile into its constituent curves. | |
Gothic Profile Create a gothic profile. | |
Rectangular Profile Create a rectangular profile from width and height. | |
Rectangular Hollow Profile Create a rectangular hollow profile. | |
Romanic Profile Create a romanic profile. | |
T Profile Create a T profile. | |
U Profile Create a U profile. |
Railing Baluster Create a railing baluster from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Railing Baluster Deconstruct a railing baluster into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct Railing Deconstruct a railing into its constituent parts. | |
Railing Create a railing from path curve. | |
Deconstruct Railing Options Deconstruct a railing options into its constituent parts. | |
Railing Options Create railing options from atomic inputs. | |
Railing Post Create a railing post from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Railing Post Deconstruct a railing post into its constituent parts. | |
Railing Rail Create a railing rail from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Railing Rail Deconstruct a railing rail into its constituent parts. | |
Railing Style Create a railing style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Railing Style Deconstruct a railing style into its constituent parts. |
Slab Add Boundary Create a slab adding a closed planar curve to an existing one. | |
Deconstruct Slab Deconstruct a slab into its constituent parts. | |
Slab Create a slab from boundary curve or surface. | |
Slab Layer Create a slab layer from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Slab Layer Deconstruct a slab layer component into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct Slab Options Deconstruct a slab options into its constituent parts. | |
Slab Options Create slab options from atomic inputs. | |
Slab Style Create a slab style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Slab Style Deconstruct a slab style into its constituent parts. | |
Slab Subtract Boundary Create a slab subtracting a closed planar curve to an existing one. | |
Slab Subtract Stair Clearance Create a slab subtracting a stair clearance to an existing one. |
Wall Layer Create a wall layer from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Wall Layer Deconstruct a wall layer component into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct Wall Deconstruct a wall into its constituent parts. | |
Wall Create a wall from path curve. | |
Wall Extend Create a wall extending an existing one to a list of geometries. | |
Wall From Solid Creates a wall from a brep and a path curve. | |
Deconstruct Wall Options Deconstruct a wall options into its constituent parts. | |
Wall Options Create wall options from atomic inputs. | |
Wall Style Create wall style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Wall Style Deconstruct a wall style into its constituent parts. |
Roof Add Boundary Create a roof adding a closed planar curve to an existing one. | |
Deconstruct Roof Deconstruct a roof into its constituent parts. | |
Roof Create a roof from boundary curve or surface. | |
Roof Explode Explode a roof into its constituent slabs. | |
Deconstruct Roof Options Deconstruct a roof options into its constituent parts. | |
Roof Options Create roof options from atomic inputs. | |
Roof Style Create a roof style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Roof Style Deconstruct a roof style into its constituent parts. | |
Roof Subtract Boundary Create a roof subtracting a closed planar curve to an existing one. |
Column Coating Create column coating from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Column Coating Deconstruct a column coating into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct Column Deconstruct a column into its constituent parts. | |
Column Create a column from point. | |
Deconstruct Column Options Deconstruct a column options into its constituent parts. | |
Column Options Create column options from atomic inputs. | |
Column Style Create column style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Column Style Deconstruct a column style into its constituent parts. |
Deconstruct Opening Deconstruct an opening into its constituent parts. | |
Opening Create an opening from insert point. | |
Opening Frame Create opening frame from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Opening Frame Deconstruct opening frame into its constituent parts. | |
Deconstruct Opening Options Deconstruct an opening options into its constituent parts. | |
Openings Options Create opening options from atomic inputs. | |
Opening Style Create opening style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Opening Style Deconstruct opening style into its constituent parts. |
Deconstruct Stair Deconstruct a stair into its constituent parts. | |
Stair Create a stair from shape curve. | |
Deconstruct Stair Options Deconstruct a stair options into its constituent parts. | |
Stair Options Create stair options from atomic inputs. | |
Stair Slab Create a stair slab from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Stair Slab Deconstruct a stair slab into its constituent parts. | |
Stair Style Create stair style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Stair Style Deconstruct a stair style into its constituent parts. |
Deconstruct Beam Deconstruct a beam into its constituent parts. | |
Beam Create a beam from path curve. | |
Deconstruct Beam Options Deconstruct a beam options into its constituent parts. | |
Beam Options Create beam options from atomic inputs. | |
Beam Style Create beam style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Beam Style Deconstruct a beam style into its constituent parts. |
Deconstruct Furniture Deconstruct a furniture into its constituent parts. | |
Furniture Create a furniture from point. | |
Deconstruct Furniture Options Deconstruct a furniture options into its constituent parts. | |
Furniture Options Create furniture options from atomic inputs. | |
Furniture Style Create furniture style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Furniture Style Deconstruct a furniture style into its constituent parts. |
Deconstruct Space Deconstruct a space into its constituent parts. | |
Space Create a space from base curve. | |
Deconstruct Space Options Deconstruct a space options into its constituent parts. | |
Space Options Create space options from atomic inputs. | |
Space Style Create a space style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Space Style Deconstruct a space style into its constituent parts. |
Deconstruct Element Deconstruct a element into its constituent parts. | |
Element Create a element from point. | |
Deconstruct Element Options Deconstruct a element options into its constituent parts. | |
Element Options Create element options from atomic inputs. | |
Element Style Create element style from atomic inputs. | |
Deconstruct Element Style Deconstruct a element style into its constituent parts. |
Deconstruct Building Deconstruct a building into its constituent parts. | |
Building Create a building. | |
Get Level Get the levels associated with an object. | |
Deconstruct Level Deconstruct a level into its constituent parts. | |
Level Create a level. |
Add Data (AddData) Add user data to a cloud. | |
Bounds Get user data bounds. | |
Preview Data (PrevData) Assign colors to cloud according to user data. | |
Cull Cloud (CullC) Cull cloud points according to user data values. | |
Cloud Expression (ExpData) Evaluate an expression and save results as user data. | |
Cloud Script (ScrData) Evaluate values with VB.NET script and save results as user data. | |
Get Data (GetData) Get data set stored in a cloud. | |
Get Value (GetValue) Get data value stored in a cloud. | |
List Keys (KeyList) List all keys stored in a cloud. | |
Mesh Compare (MCompare) Compute distance to a mesh. | |
Remove Data (RemKey) Remove data stored in a cloud. |
Cloud Engine (CloudE) Point Cloud manipulation engine. | |
Cloud EngineX (CloudX) Point Cloud manipulation engine. | |
Box Crop (BCrop) Cull points outside of the box. | |
Load Load cloud within the engine. | |
Plane Clip (PClip) Cull points below the plane. | |
Save E57 Save E57 file within the engine. | |
Save Save XYZ file within the engine. | |
Sphere Crop (SCrop) Cull points outsite of the sphere. | |
Transform Apply transformation to the Point Cloud. | |
Voxel Subsampling (VSub) Apply voxel based spatial subsampling to the Point Cloud. |
Load E57 (LoadE57) Loads selected scans from E57 file. | |
Load E57 Ex (LoadE57Ex) Loads selected scans from E57 file together with all available metadata. | |
E57 Metadata (E57Meta) Read E57 file metadata. | |
Load .xyz (xyzLoad) Loads point cloud from .xyz file. | |
Load .xyz Ex (xyzLoadEx) Loads point cloud from .xyz file. | |
Save E57 Ex (SaveE57Ex) Save E57 file. | |
Save .xyz (xyzSave) Save cloud to .xyz file. | |
Preview .xyz (PreviewXyz) Displays the first 100 lines of a text file. |
Command Line (Command) CloudCompare command line. commands at | |
Command Line .E57 (Command .E57) Cloud Compare command line with E57 file. commands at | |
Random Subsampling (RandomCC) Run CloudCompare E57 random subsampling. | |
Spatial Subsampling (SpatialCC) Run CloudCompare E57 spatial subsampling. | |
Open File (OpenCC) Open file in CloudCompare. | |
Convert .xyz (Convert) CloudCompare convert to XYZ. | |
Command Line .xyz (Command .xyz) Cloud Compare command line with xyz file. commands at |
Cloud Grid (CGrid) Create a point cloud 3d grid. | |
Construct Cloud (Cloud) Construct a Cloud. | |
Deconstruct Cloud (DeCloud) Get points out of Cloud. | |
Get Position (GetPose) Get the scanner position (meaningful only if the position was inherited somehow) | |
Merge Clouds (MCloud) Merge multiple clouds into one. | |
MultiMerge (MMerge) Merge clouds into multiple clouds. | |
Set Position (Set Pose) Set the scanner position. |
Clean Cloud (CleanCloud) Cleans the cloud out of colors. | |
ClippingPlane (ClipPlane) Preview geometry with a clipping plane. | |
Delaunay Colored (CDel) Delaunay triangulation on Point Cloud, with colors. | |
Disjoint Cloud (Disjoint) Disjoint cloud based on voxel topology. | |
Mesh Include (MInclude) Cull points outside/inside of a mesh. | |
Selection Create selection. | |
Voxel Colored (VoxelC) Voxelize a PointCloud with colors. |
Average Get the average point from a cloud. | |
Closest Point (CP) Find closest point in the point cloud. | |
Get Points (GetPoints) Get specific points from a cloud. | |
Sub Cloud (SubCloud) Get a part of a cloud. | |
Cloud | Plane (Sec) Solve intersection events for a Cloud and a Plane. | |
Cloud Statistics (CloudStats) Basic information about cloud. |
About About Volvox |
VoxelGrid To Boxes (VoxBox) Get a list of boxes from a voxelgrid. | |
VoxelGrid To Mesh Hull (VoxMeshHull) Generate a mesh of a Voxelgrid | |
VoxelGrid Dimensions (VGDimensions) Get the dimensions of a voxelgrid | |
Hull from Marching Cubes (MarchingCubes) Generate hull using the marching cubes algorithm | |
VoxelGrid Statistics (VoxGridStat) Get numerical statistics of a voxelgrid | |
VoxelGrid To List (VGList) Decompose a Voxel Grid to a Boolean List | |
PixelGridToList (PGList) Decompose a Voxel Grid to a Boolean List | |
PixelGrid To Mesh Hull (PixMeshHull) Generate a mesh from a pixelgrid |
VoxelateGeometry (VoxGeo) Adds any geometry to a voxelgrid | |
Create VoxelGrid (VoxCreate) Create an empty voxelgrid | |
VoxelGrid From List (VGList) Set the voxel values from a list of booleans | |
PixelateGeometry (PixGeo) Adds any geometry to a PixelGrid | |
Create PixelGrid (PixelCreate) Create an empty pixelgrid |
VoxelGrid Boolean Exclusive (VGExclusive) Join multiple grids: remove overlapping boxes; keep the boxes that are unique to all grids | |
VoxelGrid Boolean Intersect (VGIntersect) Intersection result of two grids | |
VoxelGrid Boolean Invert (VGInvert) Invert a voxel grid | |
VoxelGrid Boolean Union (VGUnion) Join multiple grids | |
VoxelGrid Boolean Subtract (VGSubtract) Subtract grid 1..n from the first grid |
Voxelate Geometry into Scalar Grid (VoxGeoScalar) Adds any geometry to a Scalar Grid | |
Create Scalar Grid (ScaVoxCreate) Create an empty scalarlgrid | |
Visualize Scalar Grid (ScalarGridVis) Show the values of a scalar grid in 3d | |
Marching Cubes Hull (Scalar) (ScalarMarchCubes) Create a mesh hull using the marching cubes algorithm |
VoxelGrid From Hex String (VGFromHex) Convert a voxelgrid from a hexadecimal string | |
VoxelGrid To Hex String (VGToHex) Convert a voxelgrid to a hexadecimal string |
Parallel Coordinate Analysis Analyses the data generated from the 'Wallacei_Parallel Coordinate Plot' component by comparing the fitness values across the different fitness criteria | |
Diamond Fitness Chart (Fitness Chart) Displays the diamond fitness chart along with the fitness ranking for each solution for data exported from Wallacei. | |
Objective Space Displays the objective space of the fitness values of the solutions. | |
Parallel Coordinate Plot (Paralel Coordinate Plot) Evaluates the fitness values for each solution by comparing each fitness criteria to one another in the form of a parallel coordinate plot. | |
Standard Deviation Trend Line (SD Trend Line) Plot the SD factor for each generation and create the trendline for the entire simulation for data exported from Octopus. | |
Pareto Front This component evaluates the data generated by the 'Wallacei_Objective SPace' component and calculates the Pareto Front for a selected generation and plots the front line/mesh as well as outputs the Dominance rank for each solution in the selected generation | |
Mean Values Trend Line (Mean Trend Line) Plot the Mean values for each generation and create the trendline for the entire simulation for data exported from Octopus. | |
Fitness Value Graphs (FV Graph) Plot the Fitness Values for each individual per generation for data exported from Octopus | |
Standard Deviation Graph (SD Graph) Calculates the SD value and draws the Normal distribution graph for each generation for data exported from Octopus. |
Wallacei X Wallacei X is an evolutionary and analytic engine that gives users full control over their evolutionary simulations within one single user interface (purple logo indicates there is stored data within the component) | |
Decode Genome (GDecoder) This component decodes wallacei genomes coming out of the WallaceiX solver and outputs the genes(sliders) values for each solution. | |
Distribute to Grid (Distributor) This component distributes the exported phenotypes and their associated data onto a grid in Rhino scene | |
Decode Phenotype (PDecoder) This component decodes the Wallacei phenotypes outputted by the WallaceiX component into three outputs – Geometry (points/curves/surfaces/breps), Meshes and Numbers. |
Extract Octopus Text Files (Octopus FV) Extract only the fitness values from an Octopus Simulation fitness value export file. | |
Order FVs From WallaceiX (WallaceiX FV) This component orders the Fitness Value list outputted by the WallaceiX component for use with any of the Wallacei_Analytics Components | |
Gene Pool and Slider shuffler (Shuffler) This component shuffles the gene pools and number sliders on the grasshopper canvas that have been renamed with wlc_ prefix |
Attribute Attribute to be attached to a part | |
Collider Generate a collider for a given geometry. | |
Connection From Direction Create a connection on a given part geometry from center and X-asix direction (Z direction is determined based on the normals of the component geometry) | |
Connection From Plane Create a connection from a given plane. It can create connections which cause collisions and overlapping of components | |
Deconstruct Attribute Extract values stored in an atrribute | |
Deconstruct Collider Deconstruct a collider object. | |
Deconstruct Connection Extract information from a Connection. | |
Get Attribute by Name Extract values stored in an atrribute with the given name. | |
Get Valid Smart Attributes Get the valid smart attributes from a given aggregation. | |
Smart Attribute Smart Attribute to be attached to a part |
DisCo Aggregation Setup Setup aggregation information for DisCo | |
DisCo Environment DisCo enviroment data | |
DisCo IO Settings DisCo placement settings | |
DisCo Placement Settings DisCo placement settings | |
DisCo Player DisCo Player settings | |
DisCo Rule Group Export Wasp information for DisCo VR software | |
DisCo Tool Settings DisCo tool settings | |
Export to DisCo Export Wasp information for DisCo VR software | |
Load From DisCo Loads an aggregation from a DisCo-generated .json file (e.g., a saved game session). | |
Save to DisCo Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file, to be imported into DisCo for further aggregation |
Deconstruct Field Generates a scalar field given a grid of points and their relative scalar values | |
Field Iso Voxels Compute a voxel-mesh of the given field at the chosen iso-level. | |
Field Isolines Draws isolines across a field object --> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs! <-- | |
Field Points Generate a 3d point grid to be fed to the field component | |
Field Generates a scalar field given a grid of points and their relative scalar values | |
Load Field from File Loads an aggregation from a previously saved .txt file | |
Orient Field Changes the base plane of the field, with the effect of creating a transformed copy. | |
Save Field to File Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file. |
Advanced Part Create a Wasp Part with additional constraints (supports, additional colliders) | |
Basic Part Create a basic Wasp Part to be used for aggregation | |
Deconstruct Part Extract all information stored in a part. Useful for visualization or for further geometry processing | |
Filter Parts by Name Filter a list of parts according to part names | |
Get Part Geometry Extract the geometry of one part (for visualization or further processing). | |
Parts Catalog Part Catalog. It allows to define a fixed number of each type of part to be used in a stochastic aggregation. | |
Transform Part Applies a geometric transformation to an existing part, returning a transformed copy |
Aggregation Graph Extract the aggregation graph. | |
Field-driven Aggregation Aggregate the given parts according to a given scalar field | |
Graph-Grammar Aggregation Sequential aggregation based on graph-grammars. --> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <-- | |
Load Aggregation from File Loads an aggregation from a previously saved .txt file | |
Save Aggregation to File Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file. | |
Save Graph to File Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file. | |
Stochastic Aggregation Aggregate the given parts in a stochastic process, selecting parts and rules randomly at every step |
Add Parts Add specific parts to an aggregation. --> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <-- | |
Assemble Part Hierarchy Applies a geometric transformation to an existing part, returning a transformed copy | |
Get Parts Hierarchy Access sub-parts stored at different aggregation hierarchy levels --> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <-- | |
Remove Parts Remove specific parts from an aggregation. --> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <-- | |
Serialize Object to File Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file. | |
Update File This component doesn't update the installation |
Deconstruct Rule Extract information from a rule instance. | |
Rule From Text Generate an aggregation rule from a text string description | |
Rule Generate an aggregation rule from part names and connections ids | |
Rules from Aggregation Extract aggregation rules from an aggregation | |
Rules Generator Automated rules generator given a list of parts | |
Rules Visualizer Visualize the provided rules. |
Adjacency Exclusion Constraint Part Adjacencies and Exclusions Constraint. It allows to control if certain connection should be allowed to be in contact with other parts or not. | |
Mesh Constraint Mesh collision global constraint | |
Orientation Constraint Orientation Constraint. It allows to control if the part should be placed according to a custom orientation. | |
Plane Constraint Plane global constraint | |
Support Support definition for constrained parts. Each set of lines defining support locations can be set |
Join Meshes and Weld | |
Dual graph | |
Reroute Faces | |
Reroute Faces by Pattern | |
Unify face windings | |
Vertices Component | |
Face Polylines | |
Mesh Edges | |
Naked boundary |
Offset Mesh | |
Sierpinski Carpet | |
Mesh Window | |
Picture Frame | |
Bevel Edges | |
Stellate/Cumulation | |
Mesh Thicken | |
Bevel Vertices |
Mesh Antiprism | |
Mesh Pyramid | |
Mesh Prism | |
Mesh Dipyramid | |
Mesh Mesh Icosahedron | |
Polylines Dodecahedron |
Laplacian Smoothing | |
Blur Mesh | |
LaplacianHC Smoothing |
Mesh From Lines (Weave Back) | |
Tile |
Backup Data (PlanB) Passes through a data list if that list contains elements; otherwise, passes a "backup" | |
Centered Domain (DomCen) Center a domain about zero from an input size. | |
Data Exists (HasData) Tests for existence of data | |
NaN Object (NaN) Creates a NaN ('not a number') object | |
Construct Path Mask (ConMask) Constructs a data tree path mask from a list of index characters. | |
Cull Ends Separates the first and last item from a list. | |
Divide Domain³ (Divide 3D) Divides a three-dimensional or 'box' domain into equal segments. | |
Empty Object To Empty Branch (Empty) Returns an empty branch when no data is supplied. | |
List Indices (Indices) Provides a list of indices for items in a list. | |
Null Object (Null) Creates a null object. | |
Nulls In Empty Branches (Nulls in Empty) Inserts null objects into empty branches. | |
Shift List Both Ways (ShiftBoth) Shifts a list in both directions |
Adjust Alpha (Alpha) Sets the alpha channel of a color | |
Curve Direction Display (CrvDir) Custom Preview to display curve direction | |
Identity Preview (RainbowID) Displays geometry with random colors assigned so as to differentiate separate items | |
Path Label (PathLbl) Displays the data tree paths of geometry | |
Normal Display (DirDisplay) Displays the two sides of a mesh with different colors for normal checking | |
Display Settings (DispSettings) Set various options for display preview | |
Random Color (RandCol) Generates a random color for every item in a list | |
Surface UV Display (UVDisplay) Displays the U and V axes of surface or polysurface faces | |
Zoom Bounding Box (ZBB) Zoom viewport to fit specified box |
Launch URL (URL) Launches a web page from a specified URL | |
Copy/Move/Rename Files (CopyFile) Allows you to copy or rename/move a file | |
Element ID from FBX Import (FBX ID) Gets the element id from a referenced element brought in from a Revit FBX Export | |
Export File to Path (Export) Exports a set of geometry to a specified file format. | |
File or Directory Exists (Exists) Returns True if supplied file path or directory exists. | |
Directory From File Path (Dir From Path) Returns folder path instead of file path. | |
File Name From File Path (Name From Path) Returns file name with and without file extension from file path. | |
Next Available Filename (NextFile) Chooses the next unused filename in a directory following a pattern | |
Write to Text File (WriteTXT) Writes a list of strings to a text file |
Close Curve (Close) Close a list of curves if they're open | |
FilletTwoCurves FilletTwoCurves | |
Curve-Curve Closest Point (CCCP) Finds the closest point between a pair of curves | |
Divide by Target Length (Divide Target) Divides supplied curves evenly into lengths that match the supplied target lengths as closely as possible. | |
Join Curves With Tolerance (Join T) Joins curves with supplied dimensional tolerance. | |
Midpoint (MP) Evaluates the midpoint of a curve's length. |
Brep Closest Point (Advanced) (Brep CP+) An extended version of the Brep Closest Point component with additional information. | |
Brep Faces By Direction (FBD) Gets brep faces by their normal direction compared to the Z axis | |
Inflate Box (Inflate) Expand a box by a constant dimension on all sides | |
Sub-Box (SubBox) Retrieves an Isoparametric subset of a box | |
Unroll Brep Unrolls brep and optional associated curves and points |
Extend Surface (ExtendSrf) Extend surface from edge | |
Loft Ex (LoftEx) An advanced version of the loft component including more options | |
Shrink Surface (Shrink) Contract underlying untrimmed surface close to trimming boundaries | |
Surface Center (SrfCenter) Returns point, normal, and frame at reparameterized surface center. | |
Surface Direction (SrfDirection) Modify surface u, v, and normal directions |
Foot Inch To Decimal Foot (Ft-In to Decimal Ft) Converts fractional foot-inch notation to decimal foot notation. | |
Canvas Color Alters canvas appearance properties. | |
Decimal Foot To Foot-Inch (Decimal Ft to Ft-In) Converts decimal foot notation to fractional foot-inch notation. | |
Document Units (Doc Units) Returns unit system of active Rhino document. | |
Unit Warning Provides a warning when the Rhino document unit system doesn't match the user-specified unit system. |
Convert Case (Case) Converts text to PascalCase, camelCase, and Title Case | |
Replace Text (Multiple) (RepM) Replace all occurences of any pattern in a list with the corresponding replacement string | |
Text Outlines (Text2Crv) Gets the outline curves from text |
Arrange in Grid (Grid) Arrange a list of geometry in rows | |
Center Geometry at Origin (Recenter) Recenters a geometry object at the origin |
Boundary Mesh (BoundaryM) Create mesh from polyline. | |
Extrude as Mesh (ExtrudeM) Extrude |
FeatureRequest (Request) Request a new Wombat tool |
Center Print on Print Bed (Cntr Prnt) Moves the input geometry to the center of the print bed as determined by the input printer dimesions | |
Config Setting (Setting) If an individual specific setting is input in S, it will be returned | |
Curve Infill (Infill) Take the given curve and creates an infill (based on the extrusion width and infill ratio) of the curve as a polyline | |
Curve to G Code (Crv to GC) Converts a cureve into g code to 3D print with a standard filament based printer | |
Curve with Infill (Crv+Infl) Outputs polyines for W walls and infill at I density | |
Curves with Infill Compound (Crv+Infl Cmpnd) offsets curves by 1/2 the extrusion witdth | |
Offset In (Offset In) Offsets curves inward | |
Offset Out (Offset Out) Offset curves outward | |
Offset Complex (Offset Cmplx) Offset curves, with automatic detection of internal vs | |
Offset Compound (Offset Cmpnd) Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Print Log saves info about the print into a Google Sheet | |
Slice Walls with Infill Compound (Walls+Infl Cmpnd) Slices geometry and offsets perimeters by 1/2 the extrusion witdth | |
Slice Walls with Infill (Walls+Infl) Slices input geometry and outputs polyines for W walls and infill at I density | |
Slice Slice geometry based on layer height ( directly or from a Xylinus Config) |
Black Out () creates a black out surface | |
Config - DLP (Config DLP) This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing with an a DLP projector to do SLA | |
Config - DLP BUGSS (Config DLP BUGSS) Config DLP BUGSS | |
DLP Slice Slice geometry based upon a Xylinus DLP Config | |
G Code Start - DLP (Start GC DLP) G code to begin the 3D print | |
G Code End - DLP (End GC DLP) G code to end a 3D print | |
GC Send Sends G Code to the printer | |
Print DLP (DLP Print) Generate the G Code and synch it with the projected slices | |
Projector Window (Proj Window) Opens a floating viewport, maximizes it to the projector display, and zooms to the supplied calibration geometry | |
Z Move G Code (Move Z GC) Generate the G Code to move the Z platform of the printer |
Config - Filament (Config Filament) This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing on a standard filimant-based printer | |
Config - Filament jimmi PLA (jimmi_F PLA) Double-click to edit this blank starter config | |
Extrusion Rate Calculator (Extr Rate) calculate basic extrusion rate as factored by the cross section area of the filament and that of the print extrusion | |
G Code Start - Filament (Start GC _F) G code to begin the 3D print | |
G Code End - Filament (End GC _F) G code to end a 3D print | |
G Code Merge - Filament (Merge GC _F) Merge gcode with start and end gcode | |
Print Curve - Filament (Print Crv _F) Converts a curve into g code to 3D print with a standard filament based printer | |
Print Curve with Blob and Drool - Filament (Print B&D _F) extrudes a given amount of filament (Blob) at each point and a modified amount of filament (Drool) in between points | |
Print Curve with Infill - Filament (Print Crv+Infl _F) Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density | |
Print 3D - Filament (Print 3D _F) Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density |
Config - Syringe M Codes (M Codes Syringe) This configures the M Codes for pneumatically controlling a syringe | |
Config - Syringe (Config Syringe) This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing on a standard filimant-based printer | |
Config BUGSS_S M Codes (BUGSS_S M) Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components | |
Config BUGSS_S (BUGSS_S) This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing on a standard filimant-based printer | |
G Code Start - Syringe (Start GC _S) G code to begin the 3D print | |
G Code nd - Syringe (End GC _S) G code to end a 3D print | |
Print Curve - Syringe (Print Crv _S) Converts a curve into g code to 3D print with a syringe based printer | |
Print Curve with Infill - Syringe (Print Crv+Infl _S) Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density | |
Print 3D - Syringe (Print 3D _S) Slices input geometry and renerates G Code to print [W] walls and infill at [I] density |
Flock Properties (FProps) Controls agent properties and flocking paramerties to get different movement patterns | |
Attracting Behaviour (Attract) Initiates attractions toward a point or points | |
Attractor Curve Behaviour (AttractorCurve) controls the attracting Curve behaviour for the the flock | |
Box Containment (BoxContainment) controls containment in a box boundary | |
Brep Containment (BrepContainment) controls containment in a brep boundary | |
Contain Outside Mesh (ContainOutsideMesh) Component controls containment outside a boundary, Also used as a precise repeller | |
Flock Agent 2D (FlockAgent2D) controls the flock strating position and velocity in 2d mode | |
Flock Agent 3D (FlockAgent3D) controls the flock strating position and velocity | |
Flock Agent On Surface (FlockAgentSrf) controls the flock starting position and velocity on a surface | |
Follow Curve Behaviour (Follow Curve) controls the Follow Curve behaviour for the the flock | |
Follow Organized Points Component (FollowOrganizedPointsComponent) controls the Follow Points behaviour for the the flock | |
Flocking Engine (Engine) The main engine to control the flock | |
Mesh Containment (MeshContainment) controls containment in a Closed Mesh boundary | |
Plane Containment (PlaneContainment) controls containment in a 2d plane boundary, In case of flocking in 2d mode | |
Repeller Curve Behaviour (RepellerCurve) controls the repelling Curve behaviour for the the flock | |
Repelling Behaviour (RepellingBehaviour) controls the Repelling behaviour for the the flock | |
Surface Containment (SurfaceContainment) controls containment in a surface boundary | |
Wind Behaviour (Nickname) Description |
vertex Topology (Topology) Analyses vertex topology of any given edge network | |
Brep Explode (BrepExplode) Explodes breps while respecting data tree structure | |
Line Topology (Topology) Analyses vertex topology of any given edge network |
Trimmed Srf To Mesh2 (TrimmedSrfToMesh2) Makes a mesh out of trimmed surface quad with it's vertices known | |
Trimmedsrfto Mesh (TrimmedsrftoMesh) Makes a mesh out of trimmed surface quad with it's vertices known | |
Untrimmed Quad To Mesh (UntrimmedToMesh) A remake to the old school componenet Mesh surface but with less parameters |
Partition test (PartTest) partitions a tree to a certain count of items per branch (not yet functional) | |
Resettable Data Recorder (ResettableRecorder) This component records any type of data and outputs list of it, useful for any recursive operation save data from each iteration seperately |
Ratio Rectangle (RatioRect) Makes Rectangle from ratio and area |
Mesh Forming Component (MeshFormingComponent) This component makes a mesh interact with any moving points around it(mainly used with flocks), mesh vertices move if any point approaches it |
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Addon data © by respective authors.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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