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ADDON. Version 0.9.0. Released on 2019-Nov-11. Provides 14 components. Created by ecr labs. Features 0 video tutorials.
Dendro is a volumetric modeling plug-in for Grasshopper built on top of the OpenVDB library. It provides multiple ways to wrap points, curves, and meshes as a volumetric data type, allowing you to then perform various operations on those volumes. Dendro includes components for boolean, smoothing, offsets, and morphing operations. When working with meshes or Breps, these types of operations are often computationally heavy, prone to failures, or cannot handle complex geometry. OpenVDB's volume data structures allow for quicker computation with higher repeatability, enabling you to leverage more complex operations within Grasshopper. The goal was to make Dendro integrate into Grasshopper as seamlessly as possible. Whereas many voxel solutions require you to think of geometry as living with a bounding box, Dendro makes working with volumes no different than handling any other geometry in Grasshopper. Dendro works with many native Grasshopper components, avoiding the 'blocking' found in other plugins, and allowing you to move in and out of volume operations very quickly.


Curve To Volume (vCurve)
Create a volume from a list of curves
Points To Volume (vPoints)
Create a volume from a point set
Mesh to Volume (vMesh)
Create a volume that approximates mesh geometry
Create Settings (vSettings)
Settings for converting different geometry types to and from volumes
Volume to Mesh (mVolume)
Create a mesh that approximates volume geometry


Create Mask (Mask)
Create a mask from a volume to be used in volume filter operations
Volume Blend (vBlend)
Blend between two volumes
Offset Volume (vOffset)
Offset a volume by a fixed amount
Smooth Volume (vSmooth)
Apply smoothing to volume


Volume Difference (vDiff)
Perform a diference operation on a set of volumes
Volume Intersection (vInt)
Perform a intersection operation on a set of volumes
Volume Union (vUnion)
Perform a union operation on a set of volumes


Read Volume (vRead)
Read a volume file and create a volume
Write Volume (vWrite)
Write a Volume to a file

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