Construct Tensor Field (ConstructTF) Constructs a tensor field | |
Custom Field (CustomField) Generate a user-defined vector field | |
Deconstruct Tensor Field (DeconstructTensField) Deconstruct a tensor field into a connectivity mesh and a list of tensors | |
Discrete Field (DiscrField) Generate a continuous field from a discrete vector set | |
Field From Mesh (FieldFromMesh) Generates a field based on a mesh's principal curvature | |
Field From Surface (FieldFromSurface) Generates a field based on a surface's principal curvature | |
Field Potential (FieldPotential) Provided the field is conservative, this calculates the potential in each pointas the negative of the work done by a particle from the sampling point (A) to the source (B) | |
Image Charge (ImageCharge) Create a field due to an image charge | |
Point Trajectory (IntegFieldPoint) Find the trajectory of a point in a field | |
Integrate Tensor Field (IntegrateTFMesh) Integrate Tensor Field on Mesh | |
Path on Object (PathOnObj) Integrate a field using an object as a constraint | |
Rotate Tensor Field (RotateTF) Description | |
Smoothen Field (Smoothen a field) See html help in the component | |
Iso-Potential Surface (IsoPotSurf) Calculates the iso-potential surfaces of a field | |
Tensor Field - Vector (TFtoVF) Calculate a vector field from a tensor field and a single direction The resulting vector will be V(x) = TF(x) * D, where M is the tensor field in a point and D the direction given | |
Tensor Field - Component (TFtoVF2) Creates a vector field by choosing a component of the Tensor Field. By default it takes the first direction. Right-click on the component to change that. |
Construct Node Value (ConKDNodeVal) Construct a kd-Node with a value associated to it | |
Construct Node (ConKDNode) Construct a kd-Node | |
Construct Tree (ConKDTree) Construct a kd-Tree | |
Deconstruct Node (DeConKDNode) Deconstruct a kd-Node | |
Nearest Neighbours Hypercube (NearKDNCube) Finds kdNodes in a hypercube | |
Nearest Neighbours Distance (NearKDNNum) Finds kdNode within a certain distance from a given one | |
Nearest Neighbours Number (NearKDNNum) Finds n nearest neighbours to the specified kdNode |
Convex Hull 3D (ConvexHull3D) Create a convex hull 3d from a poiont cloud | |
Geodesic (GeodesicMesh) Geodesic on a mesh | |
Integrate Mesh Curvature (IntegrateMshCrv) Integrates the principal directions field of a mesh | |
Iso Mesh (IsoMesh) Creates and Iso Mesh | |
Mesh Curvature (MeshCrv) Find the curvature field of a mesh | |
Umbilic Points (UmbilicPoints) Find umbilc points on a mesh | |
Voxels Samples the field for creating the Voxels |
Dancing Banana (Banana) A funny dancing banana | |
Series from List (SeriesList) Create a series of numbers having the same length of the given list | |
Group Numbers (GroupNums) Group numbers | |
Run Executable (RunExec) Run an executable with attributes | |
Sort Curves (Sort curves) Sort curves along a given curve |
Generate Graph (GenGraph) Create graph from curves | |
Find Path (PathGraph) Visualize the shortest path | |
Graph search (GraphSrch) Find distances in a graph | |
Generate Network (GenGraph) Create graph from curves |
Run Neural Network (RunNN) Run data through a trained neural network | |
Supervised Training NN (SupTrainNN) Supervised training | |
Unsupervised Training NN (UnsupTrainNN) Unsupervised training |
Integrate Curvature Field Integrate Curvature Field |
Statistics (Stats) Calculate statistics for a series of numbers |
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