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ADDON. Version 1.8.11. Released on 19-Dec-2023. Provides 20 components. Created by David Mans. Features 0 video tutorials.
This plugin for Grasshopper makes it incredibly easy to create graphically rich SVG files, bitmaps, and canvas previews from simple geometry inputs. Just plug geometry Curves, Breps, and Meshes into the drawing component to render them to a frame. Then preview this frame in canvas, export to an SVG file or bitmap with variable resolution. Pass geometry through graphic components to add strokes, solid fills, gradient fills, and effects to layer graphics onto the geometry. Drawings are automatically centered unless a custom frame is applied and geometry can be scaled independently of stroke and fill properties for better control of the final vector or raster visualizations.


Shape Preview Beta (ShpPrev)
A beta fill and stroke preview in Rhino.
Gradient Linear Fill (Linear Gradient)
Applies a Linear Gradient Fill to a Shape
Gradient Radial Fill (Radial Gradient)
Applies a Radial Gradient Fill to a Shape
Solid Fill (Solid)
Applies a Solid Fill color to a Shape
Applies Stroke properties to a Shape
Applies a Font to a Text Shape
Text Shape (Text)
Construct a Text Shape
Applies a Blur Effect to a Shape
Applies an Inner or Outer Glow Effect to a Shape
Drop Shadow (Shadow)
Applies a Drop Shadow Effect to a Shape
Construct Drawing (Drawing)
Constructs a Drawing from a list of Shapes
SVG Text (SVGtxt)
Converts a Drawing to SVG txt
Save Bitmap (SaveBmp)
Save a Bitmap file of a Drawing.
Drawing Viewer (View)
Preview a Drawing in canvas.
Save Svg (SaveSvg)
Save a SVG file of a Drawing.
Drawing to Bitmap (DrawingToBmp)
Create a Bitmap file of a Drawing.
Shape Data (Data)
Optionally override Id and add a series of data items to a Shape.
Shape Link (Link)
A hyperlink to open when the element is clicked.
Shape Settings (Settings)
Optionally override Id and set a group / layer.
Shape Tooltip (Tooltip)
Add a tooltip description to a shape

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   GraphicPlus and associated data © 2024 David Mans.  
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