Point Cloud Attributes (Point Cloud) Point Cloud Attributes | |
Point Cloud Closest Point (Point Cloud CP) Find the closest point in a point cloud | |
Reduce Point Cloud (Reduce) Reduce the number of points in a point cloud | |
Project Point (Project) Project a point onto a collection of shapes | |
Construct Point (Pt) Construct a point from {xyz} coordinates. | |
Deconstruct (pDecon) Deconstruct a point into its component parts. | |
Point Polar (Pt) Create a point from polar {phi,theta,offset} coordinates. | |
To Polar (Polar) Convert a 3D point to plane polar coordinates. | |
Point Oriented (Pt) Create a point from plane {u,v,w} coordinates. | |
Point Cylindrical (Pt) Create a point from cylindrical {angle,radius,elevation} coordinates. | |
Barycentric (BCentric) Create a point from barycentric {u,v,w} coordinates | |
Distance (Dist) Compute Euclidean distance between two point coordinates. | |
Closest Point (CP) Find closest point in a point collection. | |
Closest Points (CPs) Find closest points in a point collection. | |
Pull Point (Pull) Pull a point to a variety of geometry. | |
Sort Points (Sort Pt) Sort points by Euclidean coordinates (first x, then y, then z) | |
Sort Along Curve (AlongCrv) Sort points along a curve | |
Points to Numbers (Pt2Num) Convert a list of points to a list of numbers | |
Numbers to Points (Num2Pt) Convert a list of numbers to a list of points | |
Point Groups (PGroups) Create groups from nearby points | |
Cull Duplicates (CullPt) Cull points that are coincident within tolerance |
XY Plane (XY) World XY plane. | |
XZ Plane (XZ) World XZ plane. | |
YZ Plane (YZ) World YZ plane. | |
Deconstruct Plane (DePlane) Deconstruct a plane into its component parts. | |
Construct Plane (Pl) Construct a plane from an origin point and {x}, {y} axes. | |
Plane Origin (Pl Origin) Change the origin point of a plane | |
Plane Offset (Pl Offset) Offset a plane. | |
Plane Normal (Pl) Create a plane perpendicular to a vector. | |
Plane 3Pt (Pl 3Pt) Create a plane through three points. | |
Plane Fit (PlFit) Fit a plane through a set of points. | |
Line + Pt (LnPt) Create a plane from a line and a point. | |
Line + Line (LnLn) Create a plane from two line segments. | |
Plane Closest Point (CP) Find the closest point on a plane. | |
Align Planes (Align) Align planes by minimizing their serial rotation. | |
Align Plane (Align) Perform minimal rotation to align a plane with a guide vector | |
Rotate Plane (PRot) Perform plane rotation around plane z-axis | |
Adjust Plane (PAdjust) Adjust a plane to match a new normal direction | |
Flip Plane (PFlip) Flip or swap the axes of a plane | |
Plane Coordinates (PlCoord) Get the coordinates of a point in a plane axis system. |
Solar Incidence (Solar) Gets the solar incidence vector for a certain time and place | |
Vector XYZ (Vec) Create a vector from {xyz} components. | |
Deconstruct Vector (DeVec) Deconstruct a vector into its component parts. | |
Vector Length (VLen) Compute the length (amplitude) of a vector. | |
Vector 2Pt (Vec2Pt) Create a vector between two points. | |
Unit Vector (Unit) Unitize vector. | |
Reverse (Rev) Reverse a vector (multiply by -1). | |
Multiply (VMul) Perform vector-scalar multiplication. | |
Divide (VDiv) Perform vector-scalar division. | |
Amplitude (Amp) Set the amplitude (length) of a vector. | |
Addition (VAdd) Perform vector-vector addition. | |
Rotate (VRot) Rotate a vector around an axis. | |
Cross Product (XProd) Compute vector cross product. | |
Dot Product (DProd) Compute vector dot product. | |
Angle Compute the angle between two vectors. | |
Unit X (X) Unit vector parallel to the world {x} axis. | |
Unit Y (Y) Unit vector parallel to the world {y} axis. | |
Unit Z (Z) Unit vector parallel to the world {z} axis. |
Break Field (BreakF) Break a field into individual elements | |
Merge Fields (MergeF) Merge a collection of fields into one | |
Point Charge (PCharge) Create a field due to a point charge | |
Line Charge (LCharge) Create a field due to a line charge | |
Vector Force (FVector) Create a field due to a vector force | |
Spin Force (FSpin) Create a field due to a spin force | |
Evaluate Field (EvF) Evaluate a field at a point | |
Field Line (FLine) Compute the field line through a certain point | |
Scalar Display (FScalar) Display the scalar values of a field section | |
Direction Display (FDir) Display the force directions of a field section | |
Perpendicular Display (FPerp) Display the perpendicularity of a field through a section | |
Tensor Display (FTensor) Display the tensor vectors of a field section |
Square (SqGrid) 2D grid with square cells | |
Rectangular (RecGrid) 2D grid with rectangular cells | |
Hexagonal (HexGrid) 2D grid with hexagonal cells | |
Triangular (TriGrid) 2D grid with triangular cells | |
Radial (RadGrid) 2D radial grid | |
Populate 2D (Pop2D) Populate a 2-Dimensional region with points | |
Populate 3D (Pop3D) Populate a 3-Dimensional region with points | |
Populate Geometry (PopGeo) Populate generic geometry with points |
Blend Colours (BlendCol) Interpolate (blend) between two colours. |
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Grasshopper Vector and associated data © 2024 Robert McNeel & Associates.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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