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Hypar Elements

ADDON. Version 2.0.13. Released on 07-Oct-2021. Provides 13 components. Created by Hypar.io. Features 0 video tutorials.
Create Hypar Functions in Grasshopper


Construct Element (ConElem)
Construct a Hypar element
Deconstruct Element (DeElement)
Use this component to deconstruct the properties of any element.
Elements By Type (ElemsByType)
Separate out elements by their type
Output Messages (Msg)
Pass errors and warnings out to the Hypar interface
Outputs and Models (Outputs)
Everything your function passes on to Hypar and subsequent functions.
Inputs and Model Dependencies (Inputs)
Everything your function depends on.
Construct Element Instance (Instance)
Construct an Element Instance from another element
Deconstruct Element Instance (DeInstance)
Deconstruct an Element Instance


Create Extrude (Extrude)
Create an extruded solid
Create Lamina (Lamina)
Create a Lamina -- a flat surface with two faces (one pointing each way.)
Create Sweep (Sweep)
Create a Sweep solid


Hypar Element (E)
Contains a collection of Hypar Elements
Hypar Solid (S)
Contains a Hypar Solid Operation

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Hypar Elements and associated data © 2024 Hypar.io.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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