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ADDON. Version 0.3.0. Released on 31-Jul-2023. Provides 26 components. Created by Zhao Ma. Features 0 video tutorials.
IG-Mesh is a grasshopper plugin for both low-level and advanced mesh processing. The library features tools for extracting both low-level information (e.g. vertex, edge, face relationship) and high-level properties (e.g. isolines, quad-planarization) that many mesh processing plugins do not provide. IG-Mesh is developed for the general architecture, design, and fabrication community, hoping to fill the gap of mesh operations in any design-to-fabrication pipelines. The goal is to resolve the long-lasting pain of interactive mesh processing on the Rhino & Grasshopper platform.


Vertex Normal (igNormals_V)
Compute per-vertex normals of the given mesh.
Face Normal (igNormals_F)
Compute per-face normals of the given mesh.
Edge Normal (iNormals_E)
Compute per-edge normals for a triangle mesh by weighted face normals based on different weighting schemes.
Corner Normal (igNormals_C)
Compute per-corner normals for a triangle mesh by computing the area-weighted average of normals at incident faces whose normals deviate less than the provided threshold.
Barycenter (igBarycenter)
compute the barycenter of each triangle of the given mesh.


Principal Curvature (igCurvaturePrincipal)
Compute the principal curvature directions and magnitude of the given triangle mesh.
Gaussian Curvature (igCurvatureGaussian)
Compute integral of gaussian curvature of the given mesh.
HeatGeo Distance (igGeoDist)
Compute geodesic distance of multiple sources on a mesh using the heat-transfer-inspired fast approximation method.
Signed Distance (igSignedDist)
Compute the signed distance for the query pts to the given mesh.
Winding Number (igWindingNum)
Compute the winding number for the query pts to the given mesh.


Vertex-Vertex Adjacency (iAdjVV)
Compute the vertex-vertex adjacency relationship of the given mesh.
Vertex-Triangle Adjacency (igAdjVT)
Compute the vertex-triangle adjacency relationship of the given mesh.
Triangle-Triangle Adjacency (igAdjTT)
Compute the triangle-triangle adjacency relationship of the given mesh.
Boundary Loop Points (igBoundLoop)
compute the boundary loop of the given mesh.
Boundary Edge (igBoundEdge)
compute the boundary edges the given mesh.


Quad Mesh Planarity (igQuadPlanarity)
Compute the planarity of the quad faces in a quad mesh.
Quad Mesh Planarize (igQuadPlanarize)
Planarize the quad faces in a quad mesh.
Random Pt On Mesh (igRndPt)
Randomly sample N points on surface of the given mesh with random/uniform distribution.
Isoline (igIsoline)
Extract the isolines of a given mesh from its scalar field.
Constrained Scalar (igConstrainedScalar)
Compute a scalar field based on any vertex-based constraints.


Load TriMesh (igLoadMsh)
Load a triangle mesh directly from disk. Format supported: obj, off, stl, wrl, ply, mesh.
Save TriMesh (igSaveMsh)
Save a triangle mesh directly to disk. format supported: obj, off, stl, wrl, ply, mesh.
Mesh Info (igMeshInfo)
Provide various mesh info: V, F, centroid, volume.


Mesh Colours ~ Face (igMeshColourFace)
Map a list of face color to mesh faces.
Remap Vertices To Faces (igRemapVF)
Move a scalar field defined on vertices to faces by averaging.
Remap Faces To Vertices (igRemapFV)
Move a scalar field defined on faces to vertices by averaging.

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   IG-Mesh and associated data © 2024 Zhao Ma.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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