Agents Programmed Behavior (AgentPB) Create a series of trees on the given graph that spread out based on the limits imposed and a programed behavior that switches between two characters Explore and Consume | |
Agents Control Random (AgentsCR) Create a series of trees on the given graph that spread out based on the limits imposed and the behavior given as a chance pick between two characters Explore and Consume | |
MST Kruskal Valence (mstKv) Compute the minimum spanning tree for the mesh graph using a modified Kruskal's algorithm with max valence preference | |
Multi Root MST concavity (mrMSTconc) Constructs a set of trees based on the given graph | |
Multi Root MST node weight (mrMSTnode) Constructs a set of trees based on the given graph | |
DFS Edge Weight (dfsEdge) Compute the a tree from the graph using a Depth first search based on edge weight | |
MST Kruskal concavity (mstCon) Compute the minimum spanning tree for the mesh graph including convex, concave and flat region detection. This uses a modified Kruskal algorithm with weight limits | |
MST Djikstra (mstD) Compute the minimum spanning tree for the mesh graph using Djikstra's algorithm | |
MST Kruskal (mstK) Compute the minimum spanning tree for the mesh graph using a modified Kruskal's algorithm | |
MST Prim (mstP) Compute the minimum spanning tree for the mesh graph using Prim's algorithm | |
Multi Root MST edge weight (mrMSTedge) Constructs a set of trees based on the given graph |
Get deepest nodes (DeepestN) Retrieves the deepest nodes in a tree graph. Here the deepest node/nodes are considered the ones that have the longest traceable route to a leaf(edge node) | |
Cull Graph Duplicates (CullGrph) Cull graph duplicates from a graph list. Equality is based on topology | |
Graph Equality (GraphEqual) Test equality between two mesh graphs. Only topological equality is tested | |
Set Node Geometry (setNGeo) Assign geometry (flat curves) to nodes | |
NodeGeo to Graph (Ng2Gr) Insert the node geometry into a MeshGraph | |
Set Tree Root (TreeRoot) Set the root of the graph to the specified mesh node | |
CreaseMesh (CreaseM) Create a set of creases in the faces of the mesh along the edges of the Mesh Graph | |
Weave MGraphs (Weave) Weave two MeshGraph segmentations | |
ThinMesh (Thin) Create a thiner mesh based on the connections in the MeshGraph | |
GraphStructure (GrphStruct) Create a set of lines that approximate the graph and have different offsets from the base mesh according to the number of steps from the root |
Color Edge Weight (ColorWeight) Assign a weight value to graph edges based on the color averaged for an edge. Values will be normalized to the 0...1 interval | |
Face Size Node(mesh face) Weight (fsFaceWeight) Assign weight to graph nodes based on the area of the mesh faces. Largest faces will have the smallest values. | |
Face Midpoint Distance Edge Weight (MDistWeight) Assign a weight value to graph edges based on the distance between the midpoints of the faces the edge conects. Values will be normalized to the 0...1 interval | |
Custom Edge Weight (cEdgeWeight) Assign a custom weight to graph edges - Warning ! If you reference mesh edges, naked edges will not be considered. Values are normalized in the 0..1 interval | |
Custom Face Weight (cFaceWeight) Assign a custom weight to graph nodes (mesh Faces). Values are normalized in the 0..1 interval | |
Face Angle Edge Weight (FAWeight) Assign a weight value to graph edges based on the angle between the faces connected by an edge. Values will be normalized to the 0...1 interval |
Graph Edges (Edges) Outputs the relevant information (geometric and numeric) stored in the MeshGraph object edges | |
Graph Nodes (Nodes) Outputs the relevant information (geometric and numeric) stored in the MeshGraph object nodes | |
Graph from Mesh (GrphMsh) Creates the graph correspondence of a mesh. Faces will be nodes in graph and the mesh topological edges will be the edges in the graph | |
Graph to Mesh (Grph2Msh) Creates the mesh from the graph nodes(faces) and edges. Only the nodes still present in the graph will be referenced back into mesh faces. |
EdgeTypes (mEt) Extracts the edges of the base mesh for the graph based on their use in the graph. Graph Edge or Cut Edge | |
EdgeAngle (eAngle) Extracts the dihedral angle of an edge. Only the edges in the graph are used | |
EdgeTraversal (eTrav) Calculates the traversal distance for an edge of the graph. Here it is the lenght of the polyline connecting the face centers and edge midpoint | |
Orange PEEL Edges (OPE) Gets a set of edges in the MeshGraph that separate peel layers |
Flat Fabrication Multi (FlatFabM) Takes care of the fabrication preparation for the parts. Special version for dealing with complex data structures. Use especially in conjunction with multiple weaved strands | |
SimpleFlap (sFlp) Create a standard simple data flap to use for the unroll component | |
CustomFlap (cFlp) Create a custom data flap to use for the unroll component | |
Flat Fabrication (FlatFab) Takes care of the fabrication preparation for the parts |
Shortest Paths in a weighted mesh graph (SPath) Compute the shortest (Cheapest) path between 2 nodes in a mesh graph using Djikstra's algorithm. Calculation uses edge weight. | |
MeshGraph Visual Unroll (mgUrollViz) Unroll the underlying mesh of a tree graph on the object itself as a from finding technique. | |
MeshGraph Unroll (mgUroll) Unroll the underlying mesh of a tree graph. |
Weight Deviation Split Graph (DevSplit) Splits a mesh graph in subgraphs based on whether edge weight is larger than next edge in tree hierarchy | |
Weight Split Graph (WSplit) Splits a mesh graph in subgraphs based on whether edge weight falls in the supplied interval |
K-Means Clustering (kMeans) Splits a mesh graph (not a tree) in an iterative fashion based on a number of parts specified by the user |
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