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02.Plant Row

Lands Design

ADDON. Version RC1. Released on 2019-Nov-4. Provides 45 components. Created by Lands Design (Asuni). Features 12 video tutorials.
Lands Design is a software for Landscape Design and Urban Planning. Professional results from technical planning to photorealistic rendering. Lands includes a variety of tools to distribute plants, trees, shrubs and flower beds, individually, in rows, in forests… To make it easier, Lands has a database with around 1800 plant species. All Lands Design elements and vegetation species can be rendered with any render engine supported by Rhino: Rhino render, V-Ray, Flamingo nXt, etc. Lands can be used to easily draw stairs, fences, paths, walls and other structural elements in both 2-D and 3-D.


Deconstruct Plant
Deconstruct a plant into its constituent parts.
Create a plant from point.
Deconstruct Plant Format Options
Deconstruct a plant format options into its constituent parts.
Plant Format Options
Create plant format options from atomic inputs.
Deconstruct Plant Options
Deconstruct a plant options into its constituent parts.
Plant Options
Create plant options from atomic inputs.
Deconstruct Plant Render Options
Deconstruct a plant render options into its constituent parts.
Plant Render Options
Create plant render options from atomic inputs.
Deconstruct Specie Characteristics
Deconstruct a specie characteristics into its constituent parts.
Deconstruct Species
Deconstruct a species into its constituent parts.
Deconstruct Specie Soil
Deconstruct a specie soil into its constituent parts.


Terrain Boundary
Set a terrain boundary.
Deconstruct Terrain
Deconstruct a terrain into its constituent parts.
Create a terrain from curves or points.
Terrain Cut and Fill
Add clearings to terrain.
Terrain Divide
Create subdivisions in terrain.
Terrain Earth Moving
Calculates the amount of earth.
Terrain Explode
Extract the terrain contour lines and meshes.
Terrain Path
Add paths to terrain.
Deconstruct Terrain Options
Deconstruct a terrain options into its constituent parts.
Terrain Options
Create terrain options from atomic inputs.


Deconstruct Forest
Deconstruct a forest into its constituent parts.
Create a forest from curve.
Deconstruct Forest Options
Deconstruct a forest options into its constituent parts.
Forest Options
Create forest options from atomic inputs.


Deconstruct Groundcover
Deconstruct a groundcover into its constituent parts.
Create a groundcover from curve.
Deconstruct Groundcover Options
Deconstruct a groundcover options into its constituent parts.
Groundcover Options
Create groundcover options from atomic inputs.


Deconstruct Path
Deconstruct a path into its constituent parts.
Create a path from curves.
Deconstruct Path Options
Deconstruct a path options into its constituent parts.
Path Options
Create Path options from atomic inputs.

02.Plant Row

Deconstruct Plant Row
Deconstruct a plant row into its constituent parts.
Plant Row
Create a plant row from curve.
Deconstruct Plant Row Options
Deconstruct a plant row options into its constituent parts.
Plant Row Options
Create plant row options from atomic inputs.


Deconstruct Shrub
Deconstruct a shrub into its constituent parts.
Create a shrub from curve.
Deconstruct Shrub Options
Deconstruct a shrub options into its constituent parts.
Shrub Options
Create shrub options from atomic inputs.


Deconstruct Sprinkler
Deconstruct a sprinkler into its constituent parts.
Create a sprinkler from position.
Deconstruct Sprinkler Options
Deconstruct a sprinkler options into its constituent parts.
Sprinkler Options
Create sprinkler options from atomic inputs.

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   Lands Design and associated data © 2024 Lands Design (Asuni).  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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