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ADDON. Version 1.2.2. Released on 20-Dec-2021. Provides 7 components. Created by Nicholas Cassab-Gheta & Susan Wu. Features 0 video tutorials.
Mallad is a grasshopper plugin to interface with the user-friendly "human-readable" Database tool called Airtable. It facilitates the usage of Airtable APIs without having to worry about interfacing with raw HTTP, the low-level concepts like HTTP status codes and records paging. Users can integrate with Airtable by consuming Airtable public APIs such as List Records, Create Record, Retrieve Record, Update Record, Replace Record, Delete Record.


Airtable Record Fields (Fields)
Retrieve a list of Fields of given Airtable Records
Delete Airtable Record (Delete)
This is a Delete component that Deletes a record with a specific ID in a specific table
Replace Airtable Record (Replace)
Replace a record with a specific ID in a specific table using provided information
Update Airtable Record (Update)
Update an Airtable Record in a specified table in a specific base
Create Airtable Record (Create)
Create an Airtable Record in a specified table in a specific base
List Airtable Records (List)
Retrieve a list of Airtable Records from a specific Airtable Base, Currently there's a 100 record max
Get Airtable Record (Get)
This is a Get component that retrieves a specific Airtable Record from a specific Baseand a specific Table

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Mallard and associated data © 2024 Nicholas Cassab-Gheta & Susan Wu.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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