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Transform Channels


ADDON. Version 0.3.6415.29557. Released on 2017-Jul-26. Provides 38 components. Created by Andy Payne. Features 0 video tutorials.
Monolith is a voxel-based modeling editor. It is an ongoing research project focusing on the development of new digital representations and design workflows that inhabit the space between traditional computer aided design (CAD) and three dimensional voxel based image processing with the aim of allowing a very fine level of control over volumetric material distributions, especially in light of new multi-material 3D printing technologies. The Monolith plugin for Grasshopper offers a comprehensive suite of tools that give you the ability to quickly construct detailed voxel-based model and visualize them in unique ways using our custom OpenGL rendering pipeline. Check out the video below to see it in action.


Add Sources
Add sources to generate a density field for different voxel channels
Construct Function Source (Function Source)
Construct a function source for field generation.
Construct Geometric Source (Geom Source)
Define a geometric source for field generation
Construct Bitmap Source (Bitmap Source)
Construct a bitmap source for field generation.
Construct Bitmap Stack Source (Bitmap Stack)
Construct a voxel image from a stack of images.
Construct Voxels From File (Read Voxels)
Reads voxel data from a Monolith volume (.vol) file
Function Presets (Presets)
Select from a list of pre-defined implicit functions.
Bitmap Blend
Blend one or more bitmap sources together along orthographic axes.
Bitmap Loft
Loft two or more bitmap sources together along the Z-axis.
Multiply Sources (Mult Sources)
Multiply sources to generate a density field for different voxel channels
Construct Base Voxels (Create Voxels)
Construct a generic voxel class based on bounding box, resolution, and channel designation.


Gaussian Blur Filter (Gaussian Blur)
Perform 3D Gaussian Blur on a voxel field.
Inside Out Filter (Inside Out)
Perform 3D Inside Out filter on a voxel field.
Blur Filter (Kernel) (Blur)
Perform a kernel based blur filter.
Laplacian Filter (Laplacian)
Perform a laplacian filter.
Maximum Filter (Kernel) (Maximum)
Perform a kernel based maximum (dilation) filter.
Median Filter (Kernel) (Median)
Perform a kernel based median filter.
Minimum Filter (Kernel) (Minimum)
Perform a kernel based minimum (erosion) filter.
Symmetry Filter (Symmetry)
Ensure voxel field is symmetric about all three major axes.
Twist Filter (Twist)
Perform 3D twist to a voxel field.

Transform Channels

Channel Remap (Remap Channel)
Remap the voxel channel values to a new numeric domain
Channel Fill (Fill)
Assign a single number to all values in a voxel channel.
Channel Invert (Invert)
Invert the values of a voxel channel.
Channel Noise (Noise)
Generate a 3D noise filter for a voxel field.
Get Voxel Values (Get Values)
Extract the channel values of the voxels stored in a voxel field
Channel Histogram (Histogram)
Compute a histogram for the values in a voxel channel.
Set Voxel Values (Set Values)
Set the values of the voxels in a field
Channel Swap
Swap one voxel channel with another.


Color Mesh By Ratio (Color Mesh)
Colorize a mesh based on the density values of a single channel.
Color Mesh By RGB (Color Mesh)
Colorize a mesh based on the density values of the RGB channels.
Get Channel Names (Get Channels)
Extract the channel names stored in a voxel field
Get Iso Mesh (Iso Mesh)
Extracts a mesh contour of the density field channel
Get Mesh Slices (Mesh Slices)
Get a series of nested slices using two voxel channels.
Get Slice Plane (Slice Plane)
Extract a horizontal slice through a voxel field.
Get Voxel Points
Extract the location points of the voxels stored in a voxel field


Get Millipede Field
Convert a topostruct3d system from Millipede into a voxel field
Set Millipede Densities
Set Millipede densities for a topostruct3d model transferring values from an input voxel field


3d Viewport
Visualize the current voxel field.

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Monolith and associated data © 2024 Andy Payne.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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