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ADDON. Version Released on 12-Nov-2023. Provides 7 components. Created by Dominic Beer. Features 0 video tutorials.
Objectivism brings object-oriented programming to Grasshopper, enabling users to encapsulate data inside objects as named properties.


Add Or Change Properties (Add/Change)
Change the value of a particular property, or add a new property
Create Object (Object)
Encapsulate multiple kinds of data within a single object
Get Object Properties (Object.)
Retrieve stored properties of an Objectivism object
Inherit (NewTypeName)
Create a new object from a template. Add or change properties as required
Filter By Type (Filter)
Filter objects by their type name
Tests if an object implements all the properties of a template object. An object implements the template if it has all the properties of the template, with name and access level matching
Object To Tree (ToTree)
Turn an objectivism object into a tree. Also returns a mirror tree of the property names

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Objectivism and associated data © 2024 Dominic Beer.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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