Add Noise (Noise) Add Noise to a TensorSet | |
Average TSet (Average) Get TensorSet average. | |
Bounds TSet (Bounds) Get TensorSet bounds. | |
Interpolate TSet (Intrp) Interpolate a TensorSet. | |
Merge TSet (MergeTS) Merge multiple TensorSets into one. | |
Pick Tensor (Pick) Pick single Tensors out of the TensorSet. | |
Subsample TSet (Subsample) Subsample TensorSet. | |
Remap TSet (Remap) Remap TensorSet. | |
Shuffle TSet (Shuffle) Shuffle TensorSet. | |
Split TSet (SplitTS) Split TensorSet. | |
TensorSet Stats (Stats) Get various information about the TensorSet. | |
Trim TSet (TrimTS) Trim TensorSet values. |
Construct Network (Network) Construct Owl.Accord Network | |
Load Network (Network) Load Activation Network | |
Save Network (Network) Save Activation Network | |
Construct Tensor (Tensor) Construct Owl Tensor | |
Construct TensorSet (TensorSet) Construct Owl TensorSet | |
Deconstruct Tensor (DeTensor) Deconstruct Owl Tensor | |
Deconstruct TensorSet (DeTSet) Deconstruct Owl TensorSet | |
Deconstruct Trigger (DeTrigger) Deconstruct Trigger |
Display Compute (DComp) Computes the network output | |
List Devices (Devices) Image capturing devices | |
Network Preview (2DPreview) 2D network preview | |
WebCamCapture (Capture) Capture a single frame from a webcam | |
Preview Classes (CPreview) Quick Class preview | |
Tensor2D Preview (2DPreview) Tensor2D preview | |
TensorSet Display (TSView) Plot a TensorSet | |
TensorSet Polylines (TSPoly) Plot a TensorSet as a set of polylines |
Reshape Reshape a Tensor. | |
Highest Activation (High) Indicates which dimension of the Tensor has the greatest value. | |
Tensor Addition (Add) Tensor Addition. | |
Tensor Crop (Crop) Tensor Crop. | |
Tensor Split (SplitT) Splits Tensor by it's leftmost dimension. | |
Tensor Stats (Stats) Get various information about the Tensor. | |
Tensor Subtraction (Subtract) Tensor Subtraction. | |
Threshold (T) Apply threshold filter on the Tensor |
t-SNE Laurens van der Maaten's dimensionality reduction method. | |
t-SNE Ex (t-SNE) Laurens van der Maaten's dimensionality reduction method. | |
Cluster Lines (ClusterL) Cluster lines | |
KMeans Clustering (KMeans) A KMeans clustering component | |
KMeans Clustering Ex (KMeansEx) A KMeans clustering component | |
Markov Chain (MChain) Markov Chain series generator |
Choose Action (Action) Choose agent next action | |
Construct QAgent (QAgent) Construct QAgent | |
Construct QMatrix (QMatrix) Construct QMatrix | |
Deconstruct QAgent (DeQAgent) Deconstruct QAgent | |
Matrix2QMatrix (M2Q) Convert a spare adjacency matrix to QMatrix. | |
UpdateQ Update QAgent values |
Assign Values (SetNet) Assing network weights and biases directly. | |
Compute Compute the output values for the given input TensorSet | |
Layer Compute (ComputeL) Compute the output values for each layer, given the input Tensor | |
Extract Values (GetNet) Get network weights and biases as Tensors | |
Trim Network (Trim) Trim the network |
Load Bitmap (LoadBmp) Loads a bitmap as a Tensor. | |
Load TensorSet (LoadTSet) Loads the TensorSet from a file. | |
Save IDX TensorSet (ToIDX) Saves the TensorSet in an IDX file. | |
Save TBIN TensorSet (ToTBIN) Saves the TensorSet to a binary TBIN file. | |
Save TensorSet (ToTTXT) Saves the TensorSet to a text file. |
DataTree to TensorSet (DT->TS) Convert a DataTree of Numbers into a TensorSet | |
Feature TensorSet (FeatureTS) Convert multiple types of data into a TensorSet | |
OneHot TensorSet (OneHot) Construct a OneHot TensorSet | |
TensorSet to DataTree (TS->DT) Deconstruct Owl TensorSet into a DataTree |
Evaluate 2D (Eval2D) Evaluate 2D Tensor | |
Resize Resize a 2D Tensor | |
Samples Create sampling frames | |
Mesh T2 (MT2) Preview 2D Tensor as a mesh |
BackpropagationEx (BackEx) Backpropagation, threaded. | |
Backpropagation (BackProp) Teach the Network with backpropagation |
Deconstruct Network (DeNetwork) Deconstruct Owl.Learning Network | |
Construct Network Ex (NetworkEx) Construct Owl.Learning Network from the atomic data. Use this component when importing already trained models from other frameworks. |
File Watch (Watcher) Watch file for changes | |
Run Process (RunProcess) Run any application. |
TensorSet Cloud (TSCloud) Plot a TensorSet as a point cloud |
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Owl and associated data © 2024 Mateusz Zwierzycki.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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