Center Grid (ptCenter) Extract center grid | |
Clean Grid (ptClean) Remove null rows and null columns | |
Wrap Grids (ptWrap) Wrap grids in x or v direction | |
Convert to Diamond (ptToDiamond) Convert a rectangular grid to a diamond grid | |
Extract Column (ptCol) Extract column from a grid | |
Extract Grid Indices (ptIndices) Extract grid indices (i and j location) | |
Extract Item (ptItem) Extract grid item using i & j index | |
Extract Row (ptRow) Extract row from a grid | |
Flatten 3D Grids (ptFlatten3D) Flatten two grids to a linear list of corresponding cells | |
Flatten Grids (ptFlatten) Flatten grids to a linear list of cells | |
Coordinates (ptCoordinate) Calculate x, y and z vectors for each grid point | |
Coordinates 3D (ptCoordinate3D) Calculate x, y and z vectors for each 3D cell | |
Grid Density (ptDense) Change grid density | |
Grid Dir (ptDir) Reverse grid i and j directions | |
Replace (ptReplace) Replace list of points using i and j locations | |
Square Grid (ptSquare) Make all grid rows have equal number of points | |
Surface from Grid (ptGridSrf) Calculate surface from grid | |
Sub Grid (ptSubGrid) Extract sub grid | |
Trim Grid (ptTrim) Trim grids | |
Offset Grid (ptOffsetGrid) Offset a grid by a fixed or variable distance |
Compose Grid (ptCompose) Compose a grid from points and their ij indices | |
Compose Grid Number (ptComposeNum) Compose a grid from points and number of rows | |
Planar Grid (ptPlanar) Create planar grid | |
Surface Distance (ptSrfDis) Divide surface by distance | |
Surface Parameter (ptSrfParam) Divide surface by normalized parameter list | |
Planar Extrude (ptPlanarExtrude) Create grid from planar extrude | |
Polar Extrude (ptPolarExtrude) Create grid from polar extrude | |
Polar Grid (ptPolar2D) Create polar grid | |
Polar 3D Grid (ptPolar3D) Create 3D polar grid | |
Surface Domain Chord Distance (ptSrfDomChord) Create grid from surface domain by chord or direct distance | |
Surface Domain Length (ptSrfDomLen) Create grid from surface domain by length on surface | |
Surface Domain Number (ptSrfDomNum) Create grid that from surface domain by number | |
Intersect Curves (ptUVCrvs) Create from intersections of u and v curves |
Cellulate (ptCell) Generate individual cells and wires | |
Panel Connections (ptMPanel) Panel using connection strings | |
Morph 2D (ptMorph2D) Morph curves to grid cells | |
Morph 2D List (ptMorph2DList) Morph curves to grid cells with list variation | |
Morph 2D Map (ptMorph2DMap) Morph list of curves to the corresponding grid cells | |
Morph 2D Mean (ptMorph2DMean) Morph curves to grid cells with mean variation | |
Generate Borders (ptBorders) Generate cells borders | |
Generate Faces (ptFaces) Generate faces for grid cells | |
Generate Flat Faces (ptFlatFaces) Generate cells flat faces |
Curve Attraction (ptCrvAtts) Shuffle grid using curve attractors | |
Direction Attraction (ptDirAtts) Shuffle grid using a direction attractor | |
Draft Angle Attraction (ptSlopeAtts) Shuffle grid using a draft angle attractor | |
Gaussian Curvature (ptGauss) Shuffle grid using surface Gaussian curvature | |
Mean Curvature (ptMean) Shuffle grid using surface Mean curvature | |
Point Attraction (ptPointAtts) Shuffle grid using point attractors | |
Random Attraction (ptRandAtts) Shuffle grid rendomly | |
Weight Attraction (ptWeight) Shuffle grid using weight map |
Cellulate 3D Grid (pt3DCell) Generate boxes between two bounding grids | |
Panel 3D Connections (ptMPanel3D) Panel 3D using connection strings | |
Morph 3D (ptMorph3D) Morph objects between 2 bounding grids | |
Morph 3D List (ptMorph3DList) Morph objects between 2 bounding grids with list variation | |
Morph 3D Map (ptMorph3DMap) Morph list of objects to the corresponding grid cells | |
Orient to Grid (ptOrient) Orient objects to a grid | |
Morph 3D Mean (ptMorph3DMean) Morph objects between 2 bounding grids using tween variations |
Divide Distance (ptDivideDis) Divide curve by distance | |
Divide Distance with Reference (ptDivideDisRef) Divide by chord or direct distance with reference point | |
Divide Length (ptDivideLen) Divide curve by length | |
Divide Length with Reference (ptDivideLenRef) Divide by length on curve with reference point | |
Divide Number (ptDivideNum) Divide curve by number | |
Divide Parameter (ptDivideParam) Divide curve by normalized parameter list |
Iso Edges (ptIsoE) Extract iso-edges on surface from linear edges | |
Pull Edges (ptPullE) Pull linear edges to surface | |
Short Edges (ptShortE) Extract shortest path on surface from linear edges |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
Paneling Tools and associated data © 2024 Rajaa Issa.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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