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Grid Attractors
Grid Utility
Panel 2D
Panel 3D
Panel Utility

Paneling Tools

ADDON. Version 2021.3.2.3446. Released on 2021-Mar-02. Provides 68 components. Created by Rajaa Issa. Features 1 video tutorials.
PanelingTools plugin by Robert McNeel & Associates is closely integrated with Rhino and Grasshopper, and is widely used by designers, architects, and building prefessionals. It supports intuitive design of paneling concepts as well as help rationalize complex geometry into a format that is suitable for analysis and fabrication. PanelingTools for Grasshopper allows parametric use of attractors to manipulate grids and variable morphing of patterns.

Grid Utility

Center Grid (ptCenter)
Extract center grid
Clean Grid (ptClean)
Remove null rows and null columns
Wrap Grids (ptWrap)
Wrap grids in x or v direction
Convert to Diamond (ptToDiamond)
Convert a rectangular grid to a diamond grid
Extract Column (ptCol)
Extract column from a grid
Extract Grid Indices (ptIndices)
Extract grid indices (i and j location)
Extract Item (ptItem)
Extract grid item using i & j index
Extract Row (ptRow)
Extract row from a grid
Flatten 3D Grids (ptFlatten3D)
Flatten two grids to a linear list of corresponding cells
Flatten Grids (ptFlatten)
Flatten grids to a linear list of cells
Coordinates (ptCoordinate)
Calculate x, y and z vectors for each grid point
Coordinates 3D (ptCoordinate3D)
Calculate x, y and z vectors for each 3D cell
Grid Density (ptDense)
Change grid density
Grid Dir (ptDir)
Reverse grid i and j directions
Replace (ptReplace)
Replace list of points using i and j locations
Square Grid (ptSquare)
Make all grid rows have equal number of points
Surface from Grid (ptGridSrf)
Calculate surface from grid
Sub Grid (ptSubGrid)
Extract sub grid
Trim Grid (ptTrim)
Trim grids
Offset Grid (ptOffsetGrid)
Offset a grid by a fixed or variable distance


Compose Grid (ptCompose)
Compose a grid from points and their ij indices
Compose Grid Number (ptComposeNum)
Compose a grid from points and number of rows
Planar Grid (ptPlanar)
Create planar grid
Surface Distance (ptSrfDis)
Divide surface by distance
Surface Parameter (ptSrfParam)
Divide surface by normalized parameter list
Planar Extrude (ptPlanarExtrude)
Create grid from planar extrude
Polar Extrude (ptPolarExtrude)
Create grid from polar extrude
Polar Grid (ptPolar2D)
Create polar grid
Polar 3D Grid (ptPolar3D)
Create 3D polar grid
Surface Domain Chord Distance (ptSrfDomChord)
Create grid from surface domain by chord or direct distance
Surface Domain Length (ptSrfDomLen)
Create grid from surface domain by length on surface
Surface Domain Number (ptSrfDomNum)
Create grid that from surface domain by number
Intersect Curves (ptUVCrvs)
Create from intersections of u and v curves

Panel 2D

Cellulate (ptCell)
Generate individual cells and wires
Panel Connections (ptMPanel)
Panel using connection strings
Morph 2D (ptMorph2D)
Morph curves to grid cells
Morph 2D List (ptMorph2DList)
Morph curves to grid cells with list variation
Morph 2D Map (ptMorph2DMap)
Morph list of curves to the corresponding grid cells
Morph 2D Mean (ptMorph2DMean)
Morph curves to grid cells with mean variation
Generate Borders (ptBorders)
Generate cells borders
Generate Faces (ptFaces)
Generate faces for grid cells
Generate Flat Faces (ptFlatFaces)
Generate cells flat faces

Grid Attractors

Curve Attraction (ptCrvAtts)
Shuffle grid using curve attractors
Direction Attraction (ptDirAtts)
Shuffle grid using a direction attractor
Draft Angle Attraction (ptSlopeAtts)
Shuffle grid using a draft angle attractor
Gaussian Curvature (ptGauss)
Shuffle grid using surface Gaussian curvature
Mean Curvature (ptMean)
Shuffle grid using surface Mean curvature
Point Attraction (ptPointAtts)
Shuffle grid using point attractors
Random Attraction (ptRandAtts)
Shuffle grid rendomly
Weight Attraction (ptWeight)
Shuffle grid using weight map

Panel 3D

Cellulate 3D Grid (pt3DCell)
Generate boxes between two bounding grids
Panel 3D Connections (ptMPanel3D)
Panel 3D using connection strings
Morph 3D (ptMorph3D)
Morph objects between 2 bounding grids
Morph 3D List (ptMorph3DList)
Morph objects between 2 bounding grids with list variation
Morph 3D Map (ptMorph3DMap)
Morph list of objects to the corresponding grid cells
Orient to Grid (ptOrient)
Orient objects to a grid
Morph 3D Mean (ptMorph3DMean)
Morph objects between 2 bounding grids using tween variations


Divide Distance (ptDivideDis)
Divide curve by distance
Divide Distance with Reference (ptDivideDisRef)
Divide by chord or direct distance with reference point
Divide Length (ptDivideLen)
Divide curve by length
Divide Length with Reference (ptDivideLenRef)
Divide by length on curve with reference point
Divide Number (ptDivideNum)
Divide curve by number
Divide Parameter (ptDivideParam)
Divide curve by normalized parameter list

Panel Utility

Iso Edges (ptIsoE)
Extract iso-edges on surface from linear edges
Pull Edges (ptPullE)
Pull linear edges to surface
Short Edges (ptShortE)
Extract shortest path on surface from linear edges


Version (ptVersion)
PanelingTools version information
Bake Grid (ptBake)
Bake paneling grid(s) with serializing

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Paneling Tools and associated data © 2024 Rajaa Issa.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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