Decompose Agent | |
Compose Isovist-Environment (CompIsoVistEnv) | |
Centrality Centrality from all-pairs-path | |
Compose Agent | |
Find Cycles (FC) | |
All Pair Path Get Path (APP_get) All pairs path get | |
Strongly Connected (QSTR) | |
Compose Tensor Agent | |
Salesman Path (SalePath) | |
Max Flow (maxF) maximal flow from source to target (Preflow-Push) | |
Compose Point Visibility-Environment (CompPointVisEnv) | |
Compose Tensor Field-Environment (CompTensorFieldEnv) | |
Single Source Path Trough (SSPt) | |
Single Source Path Set Goal (SSPsetGoal) Set the goal of a SingleSourcePath | |
Compose Agent OLD | |
Decompose Environment | |
Path Agent Search (AgSe) Algorithm to solve Path-Problems | |
Spanning Forest (SF) SpanningForest for given mesh | |
Source Goal Path (SGP) Source-Goal-Algorithm to solve Path-Problems | |
Source Path (SP) Source-Algorithm to solve Path-Problems | |
Single Source Path Decompose (DeSSP) Decompose a SingleSourcePath | |
First Search (FS) FirstSearch-Algorithm to solve Connectivity-Problems | |
Compose Fun-Environment (CompFunEnv) | |
Group Agent | |
Un Group Agent (UnGroup Agent) | |
All Pair Path (APP) All pairs path | |
Spanning Tree (ST) SpanningTree for given mesh | |
Compose Field-Environment (CompFieldEnv) | |
Coloring (QCol) assigns 'colors' to nodes according to the neighbourhood | |
Merge Environments (MergeEnv's) |
Splice (QSplice) Splice master slave | |
Flip (QFlip) Flips the orientation of the mesh | |
QNode (QE) Dependices of a QNode | |
Truncate (QTR) | |
Tessellation (QTess) Tessellate a QMesh with triangles from nearly same edge-length | |
Make Edge (MakeEdge) | |
Get Topology Changed Result (gTCR) | |
Remove Edge (remove) Remove edges | |
Frame Frame faces | |
QEdge (QE) Dependices of a QEdge | |
QJoin | |
Remove Leafs (RemLea) Remove all leafs | |
Make Edge Master (MakeEdgeMaster) | |
Make Poly Edge Master Slave (QMPEms) Creates a Polyline hanging on the QEdges given as A and B. | |
Collapse Edge (collapse) Collapse edges | |
QDisjoint | |
Make Edge Master Slave (MakeEdgeMasterSlave) | |
Decompose Topology Changed (gTCR) | |
Make Poly Edge Master (QMPEm) Creates a open Polyline hanging on QEdge given as world. | |
Triangulate (Trian) Triangulate the given QMesh | |
Approximate (Approx) Approximates the given QMesh | |
Split Node (QSplitNode) Split master slave | |
Subdivide (SDiv) Subdivides the given QMesh | |
QMesh Info (QMi) infos about the mesh | |
Extrude (Extr) Extrude the given QMesh | |
Split Edge (QSpE) Split given Edge and insert 'n' Nodes/Edges Added/Removed: + 'n' quads of Edges + 'n' primal Nodes | |
Shift Edge (shift) shift edges | |
Dual Swap (QDualSwap) Swaps the dimension of the QMesh (Dual-Mesh) |
Grids Used to create Grids | |
Prism (QPri) Creates a Prism. | |
Super Formula (QSf) Creates a closed Polygon using Super-Formula. | |
Pipe Grids (PipeGrids) Used to create Grids on a surface | |
Platonic Solids (Platonic) Used to create platonic solids | |
Box Used to create a Box | |
Poly Edge (QMPE) Creates a open or closed Polyline/Polygon. | |
Pyramid (QPyr) Creates a Pyramid. | |
Pipe (QPipe) Creates a Pipe. | |
Polygon (QPg) Creates a closed Polygon. | |
Di Pyramid (QDiPyr) Creates a DiPyramid. | |
Torus (QTor) Creates a Torus. | |
Srf Grids (SrfGrids) Used to create Grids on a surface | |
Sphere Used to create a sphere |
element-key-value (ekv) primitiv data to set the dicitionary of the element | |
heuristik Expression (hEx) An heuristik-expression against a node | |
De Compose Element (DeCompEl) deCompose a QuadElement to primitiv data | |
element (elem) either a node OR an edge, described by primitiv data | |
single Source Path (ssp) A path from a single source | |
node Expression (nEx) An expression against a node | |
Environment (env) agent for path-algorithm | |
edge Expression (eEx) An expression against an edge | |
Compose Element (CompEl) Compose a QuadElement of primitiv data | |
QMesh (qm) n-gonal mesh composed by QuadEdgeDataStructure | |
all Pairs Path (all) matrix holding Paths to each other nodes |
World-Clear (QWCl) clear all worldness | |
World-Getter (QWGet) World-Modifier | |
Naked-Edges (QNkE) World-Modifier | |
Set Data (SD) Set Data | |
Clear Data (CD) Clear all Data | |
QNode Value (QNv) Value of a QNode | |
Compose Setter (compSet) compose a setter | |
QEdge Value (QEv) Value of a QEdge | |
World-Setter (QWSet) World-Modifier |
From Lines (FromLines) converse lines to a QMesh | |
To Data Tree (QTDt) Converts a QMesh-Topology to a 'Vertex-Vertex' OR 'Face-Vertex'-Connection-table | |
To Curves (ToCurves) converse a QMesh to closed polylines | |
From Obj (FromObj) converse a obj-string to a QMesh | |
To Obj (ToObj) converse a mesh to a obj-string | |
From Data Tree (QFDt) Converts a 'Vertex-Vertex' OR 'Face-Vertex'-Connection-table to a QMesh-Topology | |
From Curves (FromCurves) converse closed polylines to a QMesh | |
To Matrix (QTM) Converts the QMesh-Topology to a 'Matrix' |
QDispatch (QD) | |
First Per Quad (QFPQ) | |
Element2Edge-List (E2EdL) Element-List* to Edge-List | |
Group Nodes (GroupNodes) | |
QEqual (Q=) | |
QSet | |
Reindex Reindex all elements in the mesh |
Smoothing (Smooth) Smooth the mesh displacing vertices | |
Is Planar (IsPlanar) Checks if a node is planar | |
Transform with Field (transF) Transform a Mesh with a field | |
Set Location (SL) Set Location | |
Get Vector Data (GVd) Get vector-data Node => Location/Normal Edge => OriginLocation/Vector | |
Transform Element (tranEl) Transform an element | |
Get Location (GL) Get Location |
QMesh Preview (QMesh) extended preview for a QMesh | |
QNode Preview (QNode) extended preview for a QNode | |
QEdge Preview (QEdge) extended preview for a QEdge | |
Selectable Edges (SelEdge) | |
Selectable Nodes (SelNode) |
Intersect Point Chain (IntPoiCh) Try to intersect and insert a Point-Chain | |
Intersect Curve (IntCrv) Try to intersect and insert a Curve |
Unroll |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.
QuadEdgeDataStructure and associated data © 2024 Ortler Mark.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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