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1. Features
2. Utilities
3. Export


ADDON. Version 0.0.22. Released on 26-May-2023. Provides 23 components. Created by Trimble Solutions Norway. Features 0 video tutorials.
A Plug-In which enables interoperability with Quadri

1. Features

Quadri Model Info
Gets model info from the current active Quadri model.
Quadri Feature Selector
Gets Quadri Features from the input Quadri Design Task.
Quadri Multipoint Selector
Converts Quadri Multipoints to Rhino points.
Quadri Solid Selector
Converts Quadri Solid geometry to Rhino mesh.
Quadri Alignment Selector
Deconstructs Quadri Alignments.
Quadri Point Selector
Converts Quadri Points to Rhino points.
Quadri Line Selector
Deconstructs Quadri Lines into its vertices.
Quadri Surface Selector
Converts Quadri Surface geometry to Rhino mesh.
Quadri Design Task Selector
Gets valid Design Tasks from an open Quadri model

2. Utilities

Quadri Elevation Task
Returns the top most elevation resulting from the computation. Returns -99999 if no elevation is found.
Quadri Compute Chainage
Computes the chainage of the input points projected onto the input alignment.
Quadri Chainage Query
Gets 3d points and corresponding tangents from the input Chainage Point List and chainage values.
Quadri Chainage Interval
Gets the 3d points of the corresponding chainage interval input.
Quadri Extrusion
Creates a Solid Quadri Extrusion from an input cross section. Local section coordinate system is equal to the global XY plane.
Quadri Hollow Extrusion
Creates a Hollow Quadri Extrusion from two input cross sections. Local section coordinate system is equal to the global XY plane.
Construct Quadri Texture
Creates a texture which is possible to render in Rhino and transfer to the Quadri model

3. Export

Export Quadri Geometry
Exports input Quadri geometry to the input Design Task.
Construct Quadri Export Properties
Constructs Quadri export properties.
Additional properties can be added as two separate lists of corresponding name-value pairs, which this component will merge together.
Construct Quadri Point
Constructs a Quadri Surface ready for export to a Quadri Model based on input point.
Construct Quadri Solid
Constructs a Quadri Solid ready for export to a Quadri Model based on input mesh or brep.
Construct Quadri Line
Constructs a Quadri Line ready for export to a Quadri Model based on input vertices.
Construct Quadri Multipoint
Constructs Quadri Multipoint ready for export to a Quadri Model based on input list of 3d points.
Construct Quadri Surface
Constructs a Quadri Surface ready for export to a Quadri Model based on input mesh or brep.

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