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01 | Construction
02 | Parameters
03 | Design Controllers
04 | Display
05 | Update


ADDON. Version 0.5.00. Released on 2018-Sep-14. Provides 35 components. Created by Santiago Garay. Features 17 video tutorials.
SkinDesigner enables the rapid generation of facade geometries from building massing surfaces and repeating, user-defined panels. SkinDesigner has the geometric freedom to create virtually any facade geometry that is composed of similar repeating elements.

03 | Design Controllers

Data Generator Distance
Use this component to generate data through a distance-based algorithm to be used in the Panel Controller Legacy version
Layout Controller
Use this component to specify a layout pattern to a skin solution.
Layout Type Pattern
Use this component to apply a specific pattern panel layout algorithm to a Design Function.
Layout Type Pattern By Row
Use this component to apply a specific pattern layout algorithm to a Layout Controller
Layout Type Random
Use this component to apply a random panel layout algorithm to a Layout Controller.
PP-LBHB Output
Use this component to apply a post-processing function(representation properties of the skin) to a SkinGenerator component
Systems Panel Controller
Use this component to modify panel systems parameters of system panels by assigning numerical values in sequential order to the panels generated by the SkinGenerator component
Systems Panel Controller Legacy
Use this component to modify panel systems parameters of specifc system panels (connect to a SkinGenerator component). This is a legacy version, use SystemsPanelController for latest version.
Skin Desinger Custom Geometry Panel Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00 (SkinDesinger Custom Geometry Panel Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00)
Provides a list of valid DynamiGeometry paramters to use with Panel Controller
Skin Desinger Louver Shading Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00 (SkinDesinger Louver Shading Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00)
Provides a list of valid Louver Shading Paramters to use with the Panel Contoller Component
Skin Desinger Mullion Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00 (SkinDesinger Mullion Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00)
Provides a list of panel mullion properties to use with the Panel Controller component
Skin Desinger Shading Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00 (SkinDesinger Shading Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00)
Provides a list of panel shading properties to use with the Panel Controller component
Skin Desinger Window Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00 (SkinDesinger Window Panel Controller Parameters v0.5.00)
Provides a list of valid Window parameters to use with the Panel Controller component

02 | Parameters

Custom Geometry
Use this component to generate a custom geometry system to plug in Panel component.
Use this component to generate a shade object to be added to a panel
Shading Box
Use this component to generate four shade objects placed around the window to be added to a panel component.
Shading Louver
Use this component to generate a shade louver to be added to a panel
System-Curtain Wall
Use this component to generate a curtain-wall system to be added to a Panel component
Use this component to generate a Wall system to be added to a Panel component.
Use this component to generate a window to be input to a Panel component.
Refer to PanelLib API for Definition input functions

01 | Construction

Panel Bay
Panel Bay
Use this component to create a panel bay (group of panels)
To add more panels in the construction, simply zoom into the component and hit the lowest "+" sign that shows up on the input side
Skin Designer
This is the main SkinDesigner component which contains the Panel, Skin and BaseDesignFunction APIs.
Skin Generator
Use this component to generate a panelized design solution in the scene
Skin Parameters
Use this component to load skin-specific parameters to skinGenerator
Skin Parameters List v0.50 (SkinDesigner Skin Parameters v0.50)
Provides a list of valid parameters to plug in to the SkinParameters component
Surface-Panel Mode Orientations v0.50 (SkinDesigner Surface-Panel Mode Orientations v0.50)
Provides a list of valid orientation values to use with the Surface Panel Mode parameter
Systems Panel
Use this component to generate a panel type to be used by the SkinGenerator component to generate a panelized skin.

04 | Display

Panel Inventory
Use this component to display all panel types generated to develop the skin solution with a count of haw many panels are panel
On bold are displayed the panels types that have standard dimensiosn (not custom sized)
Panel Viewer
Use this component to display a panel or panel bay in the scene and/or generate grasshopper breps of the panel elements.
Skin Data Viewer
Use this component to extract from a SkinGenerator solution overall panel Ids and their locations as well as a range of panel properties as breps.
Skin Elements Viewer
Use this component
Skin Panel Index Viewer
Use this component to display all panel types used to generate the skin

05 | Update

Export Skin Designer
Developers of skin generator can use this to export new userobjects to the master folder.
This component was written thanks to Giulio Piacentino a really helpful example.
Update File
Use this component to update SkinDesigner tools components in an old file
Update Skin Designer
Code Developers and Beta Testers of new SkinDesigner components can use this component to remove old SkinDesigner components, add new SkinDesigner components, and update existing SkinDesigner components from a synced Github folder on their computer

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   SkinDesigner and associated data © 2024 Santiago Garay.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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