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ADDON. Version 2020.6.30.0. Released on 2020-Jun-30. Provides 24 components. Created by Nathan Miller. Features 0 video tutorials.
Slingshot is an open source plug-in for which connects Grasshopper to relational databases such as MySQL. The components allow you to create and query databases from within the Grasshopper canvas. Slingshot for Grasshopper has been in development since 2010 and was the first plug-in published by Nathan Miller to enable better interoperability between data sources.


SQL Create Database (CreateDB)
A SQL command string used to create a database.
SQL Insert Command (Insert)
A SQL command string to Insert (or Update) data into a SQL table.
SQL Create Table (CreateTB)
A SQL command string used to create a table.
SQL Database List (DBList)
A SQL query string to get a list of available databases.
SQL Create Genome Database (GeneDB)
Create a special database for storing design genomes
SQL SELECT String (QuerySFW)
Formats a SQL SELECT FROM WHERE query string.
SQL Table List (TableList)
A SQL query string to get a list of available tables.
SQL Truncate Table (TruncTable)
A SQL command string to truncate (delete) data in a SQL database table
SQL Create Line Database (LineDB)
Create a special database for storing line data.
SQL Create Sensor Database (SensorDB)
Create a special database for storing node sensor data.
SQL Column List (ColumnList)
A SQL query string to get a list of available columns.
SQL Create Point Database (PtsDB)
Create a special database for storing point data.
SQL Create Mesh Database (MeshDB)
Create a special database for storing mesh data.


SQL Format Rows (SQLFormatRows)
Formats data into rows for a SQL table.
Rhino Pack (Pack)
Packages serialized Rhino geometry into a SQLite database file.
SQL Column Parameters (ColumnParam)
Formats a SQL column parameter string.
Deserialize Object (DSerial)
Deserialize objects such as Points, Curves, Surfaces, BReps, and Meshes from serialized XML strings
Rhino Unpack (UnPack)
Unpacks serialized Rhino geometry from a SQLite database file.
Serialize Object (Serial)
Serialize Points, Curves, Surfaces, BReps, and Meshes as XML strings.


RDB File Command (Command)
Send a command to a Relational Database File
RDBMS Query (Query)
Send a query to a Relational Database Management System
RDB File Query (Query)
Send a query to a Relational Database File
Connection String (CString)
Formats a connection string. (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server 2012)
RDBMS Command (Command)
Send a command to a Relational Database Management System

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   Slingshot and associated data © 2024 Nathan Miller.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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