Fill Solid (FillS) Create a solid fill | |
Fill Linear (FillL) Create a linear gradient fill | |
Fill Path (FillP) Create a gradient fill based on a curve | |
Fill Radial (FillR) Create a radial gradient fill | |
Fill Texture (FillT) Create a texture fill | |
Font Create font | |
Outline Create an outline | |
OutlineEx Create a complex outline | |
Paragraph Define paragraph formatting |
Alpha Alters the alpha channel of the underlying image. White=opaque, black=transparent. | |
Clear Fill the picture using one color | |
Draw Draw any type of curve using fill and/or outline | |
DrawEx Draw complex shapes using fill and/or outline | |
Image Draw an image | |
Save Create a Save File instruction | |
Text Draw text |
Divide Curve (Divide) Use this component as an alternative to the default Draw and DrawEx curve division. | |
Font List (FontList) Lists all installed fonts | |
Quick Preview (QPreview) Quick bitmap preview | |
Read Read a bitmap from file, then use it as Squid bitmap. | |
Screen Map (Map) Maps the points to an active viewport coordinates. Update by double clicking OR boolean input change OR the timer. | |
Text Curves (TextC) Text to curves. |
Flip Order (Flip) Draw fill over outline | |
Overwrite (Over) Overwrites color |
Squid Draws the picture |
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Squid and associated data © 2024 Mateusz Zwierzycki.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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