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Struc Scripts

ADDON. Version 1.0.5. Released on 2022-Mar-04. Provides 21 components. Created by Structured Parametrics. Features 0 video tutorials.
Struc Scripts are a collection of grasshopper components for automating structural design and modelling. Includes Modeller, Auto-frame, RC sketcher, Auto-wind, Frame Crafter, Resi Framer, Composite Designer, Timber Designer.


rc loose bar
loose bar config
rc member layout
rc member layout
rc sketcher ALL (ALL RC (explode))
All RC components
rc sketcher
Draw reinforced members quickly in 3D based on parametric inputs
rc slab-footing layout
rc slab/footing layout
rc wall layout
rc wall layout
rebar shapes (shapes)
Rebar Shape Codes


Auto Wind (auto wind)
A script to automatically determine how wind load will distribute on a building.
composite designer
A script to design composite steel beams straight from a model in real-time
resi framer
Get a structural design for your residential project
Timber Designer Reference
Timber Designer Reference
timber designer
A script to design timber floors straight from a model in real-time
truss analysis
Displays truss analysis including deflection and axial loads for a tension-compression only truss


Generate a structural beam layout for any building shape.
frame crafter
Turns architectural models or CAD into structural analysis models


enable key for all
Contains a cluster of Grasshopper components
Struc Script Info (info)
Info for struc scripts


ETABS to GH (ETABS to gh)
Create Grasshopper framing from an ETABS .e2k text file
spacegass to GH (sg to gh)
Create Grasshopper framing from a Spacegass text export


Create models from simple lines and section sizes
sections (sections (explode))
section sizes

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Struc Scripts and associated data © 2024 Structured Parametrics.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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