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ADDON. Version 0.4.0. Released on 05-Aug-2021. Provides 40 components. Created by Will Wang. Features 0 video tutorials.
Grasshopper plugin that makes graphic user interfaces with the help of Eto.Forms. Currently compiled on a Windows machine. This plugin is meant to help not only build more intuitive GUIs with Grasshopper components, but also share scripts between Windows and Mac OS as Eto is a cross-platform tool. At the moment, this is a weekend project for fun so only core functionalities are added incrementally. However any questions and suggestions are welcome.


numeric up down control from a Grasshopper slider
SynapseGridView (SGV)
column and rows of items
SnpButton (SBtn)
SnpCheckBox (SCB)
checkbox object
SnpComboBox (SCombo)
combo box allows text input or select from drop down
SnpDropMenu (SDM)
dropdown menu
SnpTextLabel (SLabel)
label object, just a plain text tag
SnpListBox (SLB)
list of items to choose from
SnpMaskedTxtBox (STBm)
masked text box
SnpMultiTxts (SMT)
text area to input multiple lines of text
SnpSingleSelect (SOne)
radio buttons
SnpSlider (SSl)
slider with label
SnpNumUpDn (STicker)
numeric up-down control
SnpIntSlider (SIntSl)
simple integer slider
SnpTextBox (STB)
text box
SnpDomSlider (SDomSl)
domain slider
SnpSampler (Sampler)
similar to a UV slider
SnpeSliderGH (SSlGH)
Synapse slider from a Grasshopper slider


SnpDynaLayout (SDyLO)
dynamic layout, somewhat autosized to controls
SnpExpander (SXpdr)
expand/collapse controls
RemotePanel (RCP)
Rhino remote control panel for Synapse elements
SnpScroll (SScroll)
scrollable container
SnpTableLayout (STable)
table layout of synapse controls
SnpTabbedView (STabs)
tabbed view
SnpStack (SStack)
stack layout
SnpWindow (SWin)
main window
SnpGroup (SGr)
group box container


SnpIcon (SIcon)
image icon that can be used by Synapse controls
SnpColor (SClr)
color object for synapse controls
SnpFont (SFont)
font object for Synapse controls
SnpWinStyle (WS)
windows style
SnpSize (SSize)
size object (width and height)
SnpTableXY (STxy)
arrange controls into a TableLayout and produces coordinates text strings
controls are placed from top to bottom, left to right
SnpOverride (SSetVal)
override control values
this lets you set the primary value of a control without re-instantiating the entire window
SnpValueQuery (SValQ)
queries a Synapse component for its value


SnpHistogram (SHisto)
histograms/bar chart
SnpPieChart (SPie)
pie chart
SnpHierarchy (SHrch)
rectangular areas showing proportions
SnpTrends (STrends)
line graph
SnpLegend (SLegend)
chart legend

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Synapse and associated data © 2024 Will Wang.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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