Frames-to-Frames (Frames-Frames) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg frames-to-frames conversion | |
Frames-to-GIF (Frames-GIF) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg frames-to-GIF conversion | |
Frames-to-Video (Frames-Video) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg frames-to-video conversion | |
GIF-to-Video (GIF-Video) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg GIF-to-video conversion | |
Video-to-GIF (Video-GIF) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg video-to-GIF conversion | |
VidGIF-to-Frames (VidGIF-Frames) Configures a set of instructions for a FFmpeg Video/GIF-to-frames conversion |
Batch Rename (BatchRename) Configures a set of instructions for a Batch Renaming operation | |
FFmpeg Remote (Remote) Main Tapeworm component that remotely communicates with FFmpeg |
Input-Output Information (I/O) Configures Tapeworm input/output information for file handling |
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Tapeworm and associated data © 2024 Marc Differding, Antoine Maes.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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