Topology.AddApertures Adds Apertures to a Topology. | |
Topology.AddContent Adds this Topology as a content (non-constituent member) to another Topology of a specific type | |
Topology.AddContents Adds this Topology as a content (non-constituent member) to another Topology of a specific type | |
Topology.Analyze Prints the topological information of a Topology. | |
Topology.Apertures Returns the Apertures of the input Topology. | |
Topology.ByGeometry Creates a Topology by geometry. | |
Topology.ByImportedBRep Imports a Topology from a BRep file (.brep). | |
Topology.ByVerticesIndices Creates a Topology by a list of Vertices and a 2D list of indices of the Vertices in the first argument | |
Topology.CellComplexes Returns the CellComplexes constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.Cells Returns the Cells constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.CenterOfMass Returns the center of mass of any Topology. | |
Topology.Centroid Returns the centroid of any Topology. | |
Topology.ClosestSimplestSubshape Returns the sub-topology that is the closest and the simplest (i.e. has the lowest dimensionality) to the selector. | |
Topology.Contents Returns the non-constituent members of the input Topology. | |
Topology.Contexts Returns the Topologies containing the input topology as a content. | |
Topology.Dictionary Returns the dictionary of a Topology. | |
Topology.Difference Performs the Difference operation between the input Topology and another Topology. | |
Topology.Dimensionality Returns the dimensionality of the Topology. | |
Topology.Divide Divides the input Topology with another Topology. | |
Topology.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.ExportToBRep Exports a Topology to a BRep file (.brep). | |
Topology.Faces Returns the Faces constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.Filter Filter a list of topologies by type. This methods returns a list of topologies of the type specified in the typefilter. | |
Topology.Geometry Creates a geometry from the Topology. | |
Topology.Impose Imposes another Topology on the input Topology. | |
Topology.Imprint Imprints another Topology on the input Topology. | |
Topology.Intersect Performs the Intersection operation between the input Topology and another Topology. | |
Topology.IsSame Checks if two Topologies are the same. | |
Topology.Merge Merges the input Topology and another Topology. | |
Topology.RemoveContents Removes contents (non-constituent members) from a Topology. | |
Topology.SelfMerge Merges the sub-topologies of the input Topology. | |
Topology.SetDictionaries Sets a list of dictionaries for a Topology. | |
Topology.SetDictionary Sets a dictionary for a Topology. | |
Topology.ShallowCopy Copies a Topology without its contents. | |
Topology.Shells Returns the Shells constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.Slice Slices the input Topology with another Topology. | |
Topology.Type Returns the type associated to the Topology. | |
Topology.TypeAsString Returns the instance type as a string. | |
Topology.Union Unions the input Topology and another Topology. | |
Topology.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the Topology. | |
Topology.XOR Performs an XOR operation between the input Topology and another Topology. |
Graph.AddEdges Adds the list of Edges to the Graph | |
Graph.AddVertices Adds the list of Vertices to the Graph | |
Graph.AdjacentVertices Returns a list of Vertices that are connected to the input Vertex by an Edge. | |
Graph.AllPaths Returns all paths it could find, within the input number of seconds, that connect the two input Vertices. | |
Graph.ByTopology Creates a Graph from any Topology. | |
Graph.Connect Connects the two input Vertices with an Edge. | |
Graph.ContainsEdge Returns True if the input Graph contains the input Edge. Returns False otherwise. | |
Graph.ContainsVertex Returns True if the input Graph contains the input Vertex. Returns False otherwise. | |
Graph.DegreeSequence Returns a list of Vertex degrees in a non-increasing order. | |
Graph.Density Returns the ratio of the number of Edges to the total number of Edges the Graph could have. | |
Graph.Diameter Returns the number of Edges of the shortest path between the most distanced Vertices. | |
Graph.Edge Returns the Edge, if one exists, that connects the two input Vertices. | |
Graph.Edges Returns a list of all the Edges in a Graph. | |
Graph.IsComplete Returns True if the Graph has a density of 1. Returns False otherwise. | |
Graph.IsErdoesGallai Returns True if the input sequence satisfies the Erdoes Gallai theorem. It returns False otherwise. | |
Graph.IsolatedVertices Returns a list of Vertices that are not connected by Edges. | |
Graph.MaximumDelta Returns the maximum Vertex degree in a Graph. | |
Graph.MinimumDelta Returns the minimum Vertex degree in a Graph. | |
Graph.Path Returns the first path found between the input Vertices. | |
Graph.RemoveEdges Removes the input Edges from the Graph. | |
Graph.RemoveVertices Removes the input Vertices from the Graph. | |
Graph.ShortestPath Returns the path with the fewest number of Edges between the two input Vertices. | |
Graph.ShortestPaths Returns all paths with the fewest number of Edges between the two input Vertices. | |
Graph.TopologicalDistance Returns the number of Edges of the shortest path connecting the two input Vertices. | |
Graph.Topology Returns the Topology of the Graph. | |
Graph.VertexDegree Returns the number of Edges connected to the input Vertex. | |
Graph.Vertices Returns a list of all the Vertices in a Graph. | |
Graph.VerticesAtCoordinates Returns a list of Vertices in the Graph located at the input coordinates within the input tolerance distance. |
Face.AddApertureDesign Adds an Aperture design to a Face. | |
Face.AddInternalBoundaries Adds internal boundaries (Wires) to a Face. | |
Face.AdjacentFaces Returns the Faces adjacent to the Face. | |
Face.ByEdges Creates a Face by a list of Edges. | |
Face.ByExternalInternalBoundaries Creates a Face by an external boundary (Wire) and internal boundaries (Wires). | |
Face.ByWire Creates a Face by a closed planar Wire. | |
Face.Cells Returns the Cells incident to the Face. | |
Face.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Face. | |
Face.ExternalBoundary (Face.FaceExternalBoundary) Returns the external boundary (Wire) of the Face. | |
Face.InternalBoundaries Returns the internal boundaries (Wires) of the Face. | |
Face.SharedEdges Returns the shared Edges between two Faces. | |
Face.SharedVertices Returns the shared Vertices between two Faces. | |
Face.Shells Returns the Shells incident to the Face. | |
Face.Type Returns the type associated to Face. | |
Face.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Face. | |
Face.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the Face. |
Cell.AdjacentCells Returns the Cells adjacent to the Cell. | |
Cell.ByFaces Creates a Cell by a set of Faces. | |
Cell.ByShell Creates a Cell from a Shell. The Shell must be closed, otherwise an exception is thrown. | |
Cell.CellComplexes Returns the CellComplexes which contain the Cell. | |
Cell.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Cell. | |
Cell.ExternalBoundary Returns the external boundary (Shell) of the Cell. | |
Cell.Faces Returns the Faces constituent to the Cell. | |
Cell.InternalBoundaries Returns the internal boundaries (Shells) of the Cell. | |
Cell.SharedEdges Return the shared Edges between two Cells. | |
Cell.SharedFaces Return the shared Faces between two Cells. | |
Cell.SharedVertices Return the shared shared Vertices between two Cells. | |
Cell.Shells Returns the Shells constituent to the Cell. | |
Cell.Type Returns the type associated to Cell. | |
Cell.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Cell. | |
Cell.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the Cell. |
FaceUtility.AdjacentCells Returns a list of Cells that are the adjacent to the input Face. | |
FaceUtility.AdjacentShells Returns a list of Shells that are the adjacent to the input Face. | |
FaceUtility.Area Returns the area of a Face. | |
FaceUtility.ByVertices Creates a Face (of any type) by a set of Vertices. | |
FaceUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Face. | |
FaceUtility.IsInside Checks if a Vertex is located inside a Face within a tolerance value. | |
FaceUtility.NormalAtParameters Returns the normal (vector) at a parameter of a Face. | |
FaceUtility.ParametersAtVertex Returns the UV parameters at a given Vertex on a Face. | |
FaceUtility.TrimByWire Trims a Face with a Wire. The portion of the Face inside the Wire will be returned. | |
FaceUtility.VertexAtParameters Returns the Vertex at a given parameter of the Face. | |
FaceUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Face. | |
FaceUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Face. | |
FaceUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Face. |
CellComplex.ByCells Creates a CellComplex by a set of Cells. | |
CellComplex.ByFaces Creates a CellComplex from the space enclosed by a set of Faces. Parts of the Faces which do not enclose any space will be discarded. | |
CellComplex.Cells Returns the Cells constituent to the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.ExternalBoundary Returns the external boundary (Cell) of the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Faces Returns the Faces constituent to the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.InternalBoundaries Returns the internal boundaries (Faces) of the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.NonManifoldFaces Returns the non-manifold Faces of the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Shells Returns the Shells constituent to the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Type Returns the type associated to CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the CellComplex. | |
CellComplex.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the CellComplex. |
Cluster.ByTopologies Creates a Cluster by a set of Topologies. | |
Cluster.CellComplexes Returns the CellComplexes constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Cells Returns the Cells constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Faces Returns the Faces constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Shells Returns the Shells constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Type Returns the type associated to Cluster. | |
Cluster.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Cluster. | |
Cluster.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the Cluster. |
Edge.AdjacentEdges Returns the Edges adjacent to the Edge. | |
Edge.ByStartVertexEndVertex Creates a straight Edge by the startVertex and endVertex. | |
Edge.EndVertex Returns the end Vertex of the Edge. | |
Edge.SharedVertices Returns the shared Vertices between two Edges. | |
Edge.StartVertex Returns the start Vertex of the Edge. | |
Edge.Type Returns the type associated to Edge. | |
Edge.Vertices Returns the Vertices at the ends of the Edge. | |
Edge.Wires Returns the Wires incident to the Edge. |
Shell.ByFaces Creates a Shell by a set of connected Faces. | |
Shell.Cells Returns the Cells bounded by the Shell. | |
Shell.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Shell. | |
Shell.Faces Returns the Faces constituent to the Shell. | |
Shell.IsClosed Checks if the Shell is closed. | |
Shell.Type Returns the type associated to Shell. | |
Shell.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Shell. | |
Shell.Wires Returns the Wires constituent to the Shell. |
CellUtility.ByLoft Creates a Cell by lofting through a set of Wires. | |
CellUtility.Contains Check if a Vertex is contained in a Cell or not. | |
CellUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Cell. | |
CellUtility.Volume Returns the volume of a Cell. | |
CellUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Cell. | |
CellUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Cell. | |
CellUtility.InternalVertex Returns a Vertex inside the Cell. |
Vertex.ByCoordinates Creates a Vertex by XYZ coordinates. | |
Vertex.Coordinates Returns the coordinates of the Vertex. | |
Vertex.Edges Returns the Edges incident to the Vertex. | |
Vertex.Type Returns the type associated to Vertex. | |
Vertex.X Returns the X coordinate of the Vertex. | |
Vertex.Y Returns the Y coordinate of the Vertex. | |
Vertex.Z Returns the Z coordinate of the Vertex. |
Wire.ByEdges Creates a Wire by a set of Edges. | |
Wire.Edges Returns the Edges constituent to the Wire. | |
Wire.Faces Returns the Faces containing the Wire. | |
Wire.IsClosed Checks if the Wire is closed. | |
Wire.Type Returns the type associated to Wire. | |
Wire.Vertices Returns the Vertices constituent to the Wire. |
Bitwise.AND Performs a bitwise AND operation between the arguments (in their binary form). | |
Bitwise.NOT (Bitwise.AND) Performs a bitwise NOT operation between the arguments (in their binary form). | |
Bitwise.OR Performs a bitwise OR operation between the arguments (in their binary form). | |
Bitwise.XOR Performs a bitwise XOR operation between the arguments (in their binary form). | |
Topology.SharedTopologies Performs a bitwise Or operation between the arguments (in their binary form). |
EdgeUtility.AdjacentWires Returns a list of Wires that are the adjacent to the input Edge. | |
EdgeUtility.ByVertices Create an Edge (of any type) by a set of Vertices. | |
EdgeUtility.ParameterAtVertex Returns the parameter at a given Vertex on the Edge. | |
EdgeUtility.VertexAtParameter Returns the Vertex at a given parameter of the Edge. |
TopologyUtility.AdjacentTopologies Returns a list of Topologies that are the adjacent to the input Topology. | |
TopologyUtility.Rotate Rotates a Topology | |
TopologyUtility.Scale Scales a Topology. | |
TopologyUtility.Translate Translates (moves) a Topology a certain distance according to x, y, z values. |
Dictionary.ByKeysValues Create a Dictionary by keys and values | |
Dictionary.SetValueAtKey Sets the value of a Dictionary at a given key | |
Dictionary.ValueAtKey Retrieves the value of a Dictionary at a given key |
WireUtility.AdjacentCells Returns a list of Cells that are the adjacent to the input Wire. | |
WireUtility.AdjacentShells Returns a list of Shells that are the adjacent to the input Wire. | |
WireUtility.RemoveCollinearEdges Remove collinear edges in a Wire. |
Aperture.ByTopologyContext Creates an Aperture by a Topology and a Context. | |
Aperture.Topology Returns the underlying Topology. |
VertexUtility.AdjacentEdges Returns a list of Edges that are the adjacent to the input Vertex. | |
VertexUtility.Distance Returns the distance between two Topologies. |
About.Version Returns the current version of Topologic. |
Context.Topology Returns the associated Topology to the Context. |
ShellUtility.ByLoft Creates a Shell by lofting through a set of Wires. |
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