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ADDON. Version Released on 2016-Feb-16. Provides 57 components. Created by Stefan Dietze and Jakob Beetz. Features 0 video tutorials.
Volvox - Point Cloud editing plugin. The plugin is developed in the frame of the DURAARK project. It focuses on establishing working practices and links between semantically rich BIM models and unstructured Point Cloud data. It is funded through the European Commision's FP7 Programme.


Add Data (AddData)
Add user data to a cloud.
Get user data bounds.
Preview Data (PrevData)
Assign colors to cloud according to user data.
Cull Cloud (CullC)
Cull cloud points according to user data values.
Cloud Expression (ExpData)
Evaluate an expression and save results as user data.
Cloud Script (ScrData)
Evaluate values with VB.NET script and save results as user data.
Get Data (GetData)
Get data set stored in a cloud.
Get Value (GetValue)
Get data value stored in a cloud.
List Keys (KeyList)
List all keys stored in a cloud.
Mesh Compare (MCompare)
Compute distance to a mesh.
Remove Data (RemKey)
Remove data stored in a cloud.


Cloud Engine (CloudE)
Point Cloud manipulation engine.
Cloud EngineX (CloudX)
Point Cloud manipulation engine.
Box Crop (BCrop)
Cull points outside of the box.
Load cloud within the engine.
Plane Clip (PClip)
Cull points below the plane.
Save E57
Save E57 file within the engine.
Save XYZ file within the engine.
Sphere Crop (SCrop)
Cull points outsite of the sphere.
Apply transformation to the Point Cloud.
Voxel Subsampling (VSub)
Apply voxel based spatial subsampling to the Point Cloud.


Load E57 (LoadE57)
Loads selected scans from E57 file.
Load E57 Ex (LoadE57Ex)
Loads selected scans from E57 file together with all available metadata.
E57 Metadata (E57Meta)
Read E57 file metadata.
Load .xyz (xyzLoad)
Loads point cloud from .xyz file.
Load .xyz Ex (xyzLoadEx)
Loads point cloud from .xyz file.
Save E57 Ex (SaveE57Ex)
Save E57 file.
Save .xyz (xyzSave)
Save cloud to .xyz file.
Preview .xyz (PreviewXyz)
Displays the first 100 lines of a text file.


Command Line (Command)
CloudCompare command line.http://cloudcompare.org/See commands at http://www.danielgm.net/cc/doc/wiki/index.php5?title=CommandLine
Command Line .E57 (Command .E57)
Cloud Compare command line with E57 file.http://cloudcompare.org/See commands at http://www.danielgm.net/cc/doc/wiki/index.php5?title=CommandLine
Random Subsampling (RandomCC)
Run CloudCompare E57 random subsampling.http://cloudcompare.org/
Spatial Subsampling (SpatialCC)
Run CloudCompare E57 spatial subsampling.http://cloudcompare.org/
Open File (OpenCC)
Open file in CloudCompare.http://cloudcompare.org/
Convert .xyz (Convert)
CloudCompare convert to XYZ.http://cloudcompare.org/
Command Line .xyz (Command .xyz)
Cloud Compare command line with xyz file.http://cloudcompare.org/See commands at http://www.danielgm.net/cc/doc/wiki/index.php5?title=CommandLine


Cloud Grid (CGrid)
Create a point cloud 3d grid.
Construct Cloud (Cloud)
Construct a Cloud.
Deconstruct Cloud (DeCloud)
Get points out of Cloud.
Get Position (GetPose)
Get the scanner position (meaningful only if the position was inherited somehow)
Merge Clouds (MCloud)
Merge multiple clouds into one.
MultiMerge (MMerge)
Merge clouds into multiple clouds.
Set Position (Set Pose)
Set the scanner position.


Clean Cloud (CleanCloud)
Cleans the cloud out of colors.
ClippingPlane (ClipPlane)
Preview geometry with a clipping plane.
Delaunay Colored (CDel)
Delaunay triangulation on Point Cloud, with colors.
Disjoint Cloud (Disjoint)
Disjoint cloud based on voxel topology.
Mesh Include (MInclude)
Cull points outside/inside of a mesh.
Create selection.
Voxel Colored (VoxelC)
Voxelize a PointCloud with colors.


Get the average point from a cloud.
Closest Point (CP)
Find closest point in the point cloud.
Get Points (GetPoints)
Get specific points from a cloud.
Sub Cloud (SubCloud)
Get a part of a cloud.
Cloud | Plane (Sec)
Solve intersection events for a Cloud and a Plane.
Cloud Statistics (CloudStats)
Basic information about cloud.

About Volvox

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Volvox and associated data © 2024 Stefan Dietze and Jakob Beetz.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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