VoxelGrid To Boxes (VoxBox) Get a list of boxes from a voxelgrid. | |
VoxelGrid To Mesh Hull (VoxMeshHull) Generate a mesh of a Voxelgrid | |
VoxelGrid Dimensions (VGDimensions) Get the dimensions of a voxelgrid | |
Hull from Marching Cubes (MarchingCubes) Generate hull using the marching cubes algorithm | |
VoxelGrid Statistics (VoxGridStat) Get numerical statistics of a voxelgrid | |
VoxelGrid To List (VGList) Decompose a Voxel Grid to a Boolean List | |
PixelGridToList (PGList) Decompose a Voxel Grid to a Boolean List | |
PixelGrid To Mesh Hull (PixMeshHull) Generate a mesh from a pixelgrid |
VoxelateGeometry (VoxGeo) Adds any geometry to a voxelgrid | |
Create VoxelGrid (VoxCreate) Create an empty voxelgrid | |
VoxelGrid From List (VGList) Set the voxel values from a list of booleans | |
PixelateGeometry (PixGeo) Adds any geometry to a PixelGrid | |
Create PixelGrid (PixelCreate) Create an empty pixelgrid |
VoxelGrid Boolean Exclusive (VGExclusive) Join multiple grids: remove overlapping boxes; keep the boxes that are unique to all grids | |
VoxelGrid Boolean Intersect (VGIntersect) Intersection result of two grids | |
VoxelGrid Boolean Invert (VGInvert) Invert a voxel grid | |
VoxelGrid Boolean Union (VGUnion) Join multiple grids | |
VoxelGrid Boolean Subtract (VGSubtract) Subtract grid 1..n from the first grid |
Voxelate Geometry into Scalar Grid (VoxGeoScalar) Adds any geometry to a Scalar Grid | |
Create Scalar Grid (ScaVoxCreate) Create an empty scalarlgrid | |
Visualize Scalar Grid (ScalarGridVis) Show the values of a scalar grid in 3d | |
Marching Cubes Hull (Scalar) (ScalarMarchCubes) Create a mesh hull using the marching cubes algorithm |
VoxelGrid From Hex String (VGFromHex) Convert a voxelgrid from a hexadecimal string | |
VoxelGrid To Hex String (VGToHex) Convert a voxelgrid to a hexadecimal string |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
VoxelTools and associated data © 2024 Arend van Waart.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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