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ADDON. Version 1.0.5. Released on 10-Dec-2023. Provides 24 components. Created by Arend van Waart. Features 0 video tutorials.
The voxel tools offer ligthweight voxel geometry for Rhino. It allows you to quickly generate and manipulate voxelated geometry from meshes, breps, curves and points, and offers boolean operation between voxelgrids. It can convert voxelgrids to solid mesh hulls.


VoxelGrid To Boxes (VoxBox)
Get a list of boxes from a voxelgrid.
VoxelGrid To Mesh Hull (VoxMeshHull)
Generate a mesh of a Voxelgrid
VoxelGrid Dimensions (VGDimensions)
Get the dimensions of a voxelgrid
Hull from Marching Cubes (MarchingCubes)
Generate hull using the marching cubes algorithm
VoxelGrid Statistics (VoxGridStat)
Get numerical statistics of a voxelgrid
VoxelGrid To List (VGList)
Decompose a Voxel Grid to a Boolean List
PixelGridToList (PGList)
Decompose a Voxel Grid to a Boolean List
PixelGrid To Mesh Hull (PixMeshHull)
Generate a mesh from a pixelgrid


VoxelateGeometry (VoxGeo)
Adds any geometry to a voxelgrid
Create VoxelGrid (VoxCreate)
Create an empty voxelgrid
VoxelGrid From List (VGList)
Set the voxel values from a list of booleans
PixelateGeometry (PixGeo)
Adds any geometry to a PixelGrid
Create PixelGrid (PixelCreate)
Create an empty pixelgrid


VoxelGrid Boolean Exclusive (VGExclusive)
Join multiple grids: remove overlapping boxes; keep the boxes that are unique to all grids
VoxelGrid Boolean Intersect (VGIntersect)
Intersection result of two grids
VoxelGrid Boolean Invert (VGInvert)
Invert a voxel grid
VoxelGrid Boolean Union (VGUnion)
Join multiple grids
VoxelGrid Boolean Subtract (VGSubtract)
Subtract grid 1..n from the first grid


Voxelate Geometry into Scalar Grid (VoxGeoScalar)
Adds any geometry to a Scalar Grid
Create Scalar Grid (ScaVoxCreate)
Create an empty scalarlgrid
Visualize Scalar Grid (ScalarGridVis)
Show the values of a scalar grid in 3d
Marching Cubes Hull (Scalar) (ScalarMarchCubes)
Create a mesh hull using the marching cubes algorithm


VoxelGrid From Hex String (VGFromHex)
Convert a voxelgrid from a hexadecimal string
VoxelGrid To Hex String (VGToHex)
Convert a voxelgrid to a hexadecimal string

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   VoxelTools and associated data © 2024 Arend van Waart.  
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