Backup Data (PlanB) Passes through a data list if that list contains elements; otherwise, passes a "backup" | |
Centered Domain (DomCen) Center a domain about zero from an input size. | |
Data Exists (HasData) Tests for existence of data | |
NaN Object (NaN) Creates a NaN ('not a number') object | |
Construct Path Mask (ConMask) Constructs a data tree path mask from a list of index characters. | |
Cull Ends Separates the first and last item from a list. | |
Divide Domain³ (Divide 3D) Divides a three-dimensional or 'box' domain into equal segments. | |
Empty Object To Empty Branch (Empty) Returns an empty branch when no data is supplied. | |
List Indices (Indices) Provides a list of indices for items in a list. | |
Null Object (Null) Creates a null object. | |
Nulls In Empty Branches (Nulls in Empty) Inserts null objects into empty branches. | |
Shift List Both Ways (ShiftBoth) Shifts a list in both directions |
Adjust Alpha (Alpha) Sets the alpha channel of a color | |
Curve Direction Display (CrvDir) Custom Preview to display curve direction | |
Identity Preview (RainbowID) Displays geometry with random colors assigned so as to differentiate separate items | |
Path Label (PathLbl) Displays the data tree paths of geometry | |
Normal Display (DirDisplay) Displays the two sides of a mesh with different colors for normal checking | |
Display Settings (DispSettings) Set various options for display preview | |
Random Color (RandCol) Generates a random color for every item in a list | |
Surface UV Display (UVDisplay) Displays the U and V axes of surface or polysurface faces | |
Zoom Bounding Box (ZBB) Zoom viewport to fit specified box |
Launch URL (URL) Launches a web page from a specified URL | |
Copy/Move/Rename Files (CopyFile) Allows you to copy or rename/move a file | |
Element ID from FBX Import (FBX ID) Gets the element id from a referenced element brought in from a Revit FBX Export | |
Export File to Path (Export) Exports a set of geometry to a specified file format. | |
File or Directory Exists (Exists) Returns True if supplied file path or directory exists. | |
Directory From File Path (Dir From Path) Returns folder path instead of file path. | |
File Name From File Path (Name From Path) Returns file name with and without file extension from file path. | |
Next Available Filename (NextFile) Chooses the next unused filename in a directory following a pattern | |
Write to Text File (WriteTXT) Writes a list of strings to a text file |
Close Curve (Close) Close a list of curves if they're open | |
FilletTwoCurves FilletTwoCurves | |
Curve-Curve Closest Point (CCCP) Finds the closest point between a pair of curves | |
Divide by Target Length (Divide Target) Divides supplied curves evenly into lengths that match the supplied target lengths as closely as possible. | |
Join Curves With Tolerance (Join T) Joins curves with supplied dimensional tolerance. | |
Midpoint (MP) Evaluates the midpoint of a curve's length. |
Brep Closest Point (Advanced) (Brep CP+) An extended version of the Brep Closest Point component with additional information. | |
Brep Faces By Direction (FBD) Gets brep faces by their normal direction compared to the Z axis | |
Inflate Box (Inflate) Expand a box by a constant dimension on all sides | |
Sub-Box (SubBox) Retrieves an Isoparametric subset of a box | |
Unroll Brep Unrolls brep and optional associated curves and points |
Extend Surface (ExtendSrf) Extend surface from edge | |
Loft Ex (LoftEx) An advanced version of the loft component including more options | |
Shrink Surface (Shrink) Contract underlying untrimmed surface close to trimming boundaries | |
Surface Center (SrfCenter) Returns point, normal, and frame at reparameterized surface center. | |
Surface Direction (SrfDirection) Modify surface u, v, and normal directions |
Foot Inch To Decimal Foot (Ft-In to Decimal Ft) Converts fractional foot-inch notation to decimal foot notation. | |
Canvas Color Alters canvas appearance properties. | |
Decimal Foot To Foot-Inch (Decimal Ft to Ft-In) Converts decimal foot notation to fractional foot-inch notation. | |
Document Units (Doc Units) Returns unit system of active Rhino document. | |
Unit Warning Provides a warning when the Rhino document unit system doesn't match the user-specified unit system. |
Convert Case (Case) Converts text to PascalCase, camelCase, and Title Case | |
Replace Text (Multiple) (RepM) Replace all occurences of any pattern in a list with the corresponding replacement string | |
Text Outlines (Text2Crv) Gets the outline curves from text |
Arrange in Grid (Grid) Arrange a list of geometry in rows | |
Center Geometry at Origin (Recenter) Recenters a geometry object at the origin |
Boundary Mesh (BoundaryM) Create mesh from polyline. | |
Extrude as Mesh (ExtrudeM) Extrude |
FeatureRequest (Request) Request a new Wombat tool |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
WombatGH and associated data © 2024 Andrew Heumann and Brian Ringley.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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