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01 | Spawn Types
02 | Initialize
03 | Behaviors
04 | Forces
05 | Engine
06 | Display


ADDON. Version 2.0-Beta. Released on 2017-Dec-11. Provides 32 components. Created by Luis Quinones. Features 1 video tutorials.
Culebra is a 2D & 3D Multi Object Behavior library written in C# (Wrapper around Culebra Java library) focused on hybrid system interactions with custom Visualization, Data, and performance features. It contains a collection of objects and behaviors for creating dynamic multi agent interactions. For more information see the Culebra Java Library.

03 | Behaviors

Controller (BC)
Behavior Merging Controller, you can add/remove/rearrange behaviors. The input order will be the behavior execution stack
Flocking (FL)
Flocking Algorithm
Flocking Mapped (FM)
Flocking Algorithm with image color sampling override for any flocking attributes and remaping of color values
Mesh Crawl II (MC)
Mesh Crawling allows agent to move along a mesh object and is capable of spawning children
Mesh Crawl (MC)
Mesh Crawling allows agent to move along a mesh object
Noise (N)
2D/3D Improved Perlin Noise
Noise Mapped (NM)
2D Improved Perlin Noise with image color sampling override for any behavior attribute
Separation (SB)
Separation Behavior II - avoids crowding neighbors (short range repulsion)
Stigmergy (ST)
2D/3D Trail Chasing Algorithm - Agents will chase agents trails
Weaving Wandering (SW)
Expanded 2D Wandering Algorithm using step triggers to create a weaving type movement 2D Wandering Algorithm, Wandering is a type of random steering which has some long term order
Multi Path Tracking II (TT)
MultiShape Path Following Algorithm capable of spawning children - see example files
Multi Path Tracking (T)
Multi Path Following Algorithm
Multi Path Tracking II Mapped (TT)
MultiShape Path Following Algorithm capable of spawning children with image color sampling override for any path attributes and remaping of color values - see example files
Wandering (WA)
2D Wandering Algorithm, Wandering is a type of random steering which has some long term order. Force Values from Move Settings have a strong effect on behavior
Wandering Mapped (WM)
2D Wandering Algorithm with image color sampling override for any wandering attributes and remaping of color values, Wandering is a type of random steering which has some long term order

06 | Display

Disco_Color (DC)
Controls the Disco Color trail options for the Visual Settings Component
Gradient_Color (GC)
Controls the Gradient Color trail options for the Visual Settings Component
Graphic_Polyline (GP)
Controls the Graphic Polyline Color trail options for the Visual Settings Component
Trail Data (TD)
Controls the Trail Data for the Visual Settings Component
Visual Settings (VS)
Controls the visual settings for the Creeper Engine Outputs

04 | Forces

Attraction Force (AF)
Attracts a object towards a set of targets. Differs from Seek
Bundling (B)
Settings for Self Organization of Curve Networks
Bundling II (BM)
Settings for Self Organization of Curve Networks with image color sampling override for bundling attributes and remaping of color values
Repulsion Force (RF)
Repels a object away from a set of targets

05 | Engine

Bundling_Engine (Nickname)
Engine for Self Organization of Curve Networks
Creeper_Engine_Dual (CED)
Culebra Multi Object Engine
Creeper_Engine (CE)
Culebra Objects Engine
Creeper_ZombieEngine (CZE)
Culebra Object Zombie Engine

02 | Initialize

Move Settings (MS)
Sends the move settings to the Creeper Engine.
Init Settings (IS)
Sends the init settings to the Creeper Engine.

01 | Spawn Types

Box Spawn (BS)
Uses a box to contain the creepers spawn area in 2D or 3D
Point Spawn (PS)
Uses a list of points as starting positions for the creepers in 2D or 3D

Video Tutorials

Attraction And Repulsion In Culebra,
Attraction And Repulsion In Culebra,

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Culebra and associated data © 2024 Luis Quinones.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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