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ADDON. Version 1.1. Released on 2019-Nov-26. Provides 28 components. Created by Youssef Aboualghar (YFA). Features 9 video tutorials.
Zebra is an agent based design plugin that can do the following: Optimized plugin to flock at least 100 agents with no performance issues. Combining behaviours with each dynamically and in the same simulation. Very simple interface that can do everything while keeping a high level of controllability for any parameter. Working in conjunction with environmental design. Can contain agents in any brep or mesh form.


Flock Properties (FProps)
Controls agent properties and flocking paramerties to get different movement patterns
Attracting Behaviour (Attract)
Initiates attractions toward a point or points
Attractor Curve Behaviour (AttractorCurve)
controls the attracting Curve behaviour for the the flock
Box Containment (BoxContainment)
controls containment in a box boundary
Brep Containment (BrepContainment)
controls containment in a brep boundary
Contain Outside Mesh (ContainOutsideMesh)
Component controls containment outside a boundary, Also used as a precise repeller
Flock Agent 2D (FlockAgent2D)
controls the flock strating position and velocity in 2d mode
Flock Agent 3D (FlockAgent3D)
controls the flock strating position and velocity
Flock Agent On Surface (FlockAgentSrf)
controls the flock starting position and velocity on a surface
Follow Curve Behaviour (Follow Curve)
controls the Follow Curve behaviour for the the flock
Follow Organized Points Component (FollowOrganizedPointsComponent)
controls the Follow Points behaviour for the the flock
Flocking Engine (Engine)
The main engine to control the flock
Mesh Containment (MeshContainment)
controls containment in a Closed Mesh boundary
Plane Containment (PlaneContainment)
controls containment in a 2d plane boundary, In case of flocking in 2d mode
Repeller Curve Behaviour (RepellerCurve)
controls the repelling Curve behaviour for the the flock
Repelling Behaviour (RepellingBehaviour)
controls the Repelling behaviour for the the flock
Surface Containment (SurfaceContainment)
controls containment in a surface boundary
Wind Behaviour (Nickname)


vertex Topology (Topology)
Analyses vertex topology of any given edge network
Brep Explode (BrepExplode)
Explodes breps while respecting data tree structure
Line Topology (Topology)
Analyses vertex topology of any given edge network


Trimmed Srf To Mesh2 (TrimmedSrfToMesh2)
Makes a mesh out of trimmed surface quad with it's vertices known
Trimmedsrfto Mesh (TrimmedsrftoMesh)
Makes a mesh out of trimmed surface quad with it's vertices known
Untrimmed Quad To Mesh (UntrimmedToMesh)
A remake to the old school componenet Mesh surface but with less parameters


Partition test (PartTest)
partitions a tree to a certain count of items per branch (not yet functional)
Resettable Data Recorder (ResettableRecorder)
This component records any type of data and outputs list of it, useful for any recursive operation save data from each iteration seperately


Ratio Rectangle (RatioRect)
Makes Rectangle from ratio and area


Mesh Forming Component (MeshFormingComponent)
This component makes a mesh interact with any moving points around it(mainly used with flocks), mesh vertices move if any point approaches it

Video Tutorials

Zebra Tutorial Part 7: Flockinginsurface Zebra Tutorial Part 6: Flockinin2d Zebra Tutorial Part 5: Mesh Forming Zebra Tutorial Part 4: Containers Zebra Tutorial Part 3: Behaviours Zebra Tutorial Part 2: Flockingbehaviours Zebra Tutorial Part 1: Interface Agentbasedsolarcarving - Zebra Grashopper Zebra
Zebra Tutorial Part 7: Flockinginsurface

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Zebra and associated data © 2024 Youssef Aboualghar (YFA).  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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