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Export Dragonfly

Code Developers of Dragonfly can use this component to export Dragonfly user objects and source code that they create to the Github folder on their computer.
This eases and automates the steps before commiting new components to the Github.
This component was written thanks to Giulio Piacentino a really helpful example.
Provided by Dragonfly 0.0.03


components_componentsAny output from a new Dragonfly component that you wish to export. Right now, only one component can be connected at a time but you can input a "*" (without quotation marsk) to search all changed Dragonfly components on a grasshopper canvas.Goo
targetFolder_targetFolderA file path on your system which you would like to export the user object and source code to. For most code developers, this file path will lead to their Github folder for Dragonfly (or Honeybee), which is usually installed in "My Documents" by default. Exported source code will be saved at .\src and exported userObjects will be saved at .\userObjects in this _targetFolder.Goo
export_exportSet to "True" to export Dragonfly components to the _targerFolder.Goo



Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   Dragonfly and associated data © 2024 Antonello Di Nunzio & Chris Mackey.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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