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Pavement Parameters

Use this component to generate parameters that describe the pavement of the urban area, which can be plugged into the "DF uwg City" component.
Provided by Dragonfly 0.0.03


albedo_albedo_A number between 0 and 1 that represents the surface albedo (or reflectivity) of the pavement. The default is set to 0.1, which is typical of fresh asphalt.Goo
thickness_thickness_A number that represents the thickness of the pavement material in meters (m). The default is set to 0.5 meters.Goo
conductivity_conductivity_A number representing the conductivity of the pavement material in W/m-K. This is the heat flow in Watts across one meter thick of the material when the temperature difference on either side is 1 Kelvin. The default is set to 1 W/m-K, which is typical of asphalt.Goo
vol_heat_cap_vol_heat_cap_A number representing the volumetric heat capacity of the pavement material in J/m3-K. This is the number of joules needed to raise one cubic meter of the material by 1 degree Kelvin. The default is set to 1,600,000 J/m3-K, which is typical of asphalt.Goo


pavement_parpavement_parPavement parameters that can be plugged into the "DF uwg City" component.Goo

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