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Use this component to define lists of Open Street Map ids.
These lists can be used to define:
1) only those ids which will be included (isolated) when "OSM shapes" component is ran (use "osm_id_Only" and "osm_way_id_Only" inputs for this)
2) ids which will be removed when "OSM shapes" component is ran (use "osm_id_Remove" and "osm_way_id_Remove" inputs for this)
3) you can combine 1) and 2) and both define the: included and removed ids.
Additional info:
Sometimes "OSM shapes" can output invalid or unwanted shapes. In that case the purpose of this component is to remove those shapes by adding their ids to the "osm_id_Remove_" and/or "osm_way_id_Remove_" inputs.
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3


Osm id Onlyosm_id_Only_A list (or a single id) of "osm_id" which will only be included when "OSM shapes" component is ran. - If this input remains empty, then all "osm_id" will be presented.Goo
Osm way id Onlyosm_way_id_Only_A list (or a single id) of "osm_way_id" which will only be included when "OSM shapes" component is ran. - If this input remains empty, then all "osm_way_id" will be presented.Goo
__________________Script variable PythonGoo
Osm id Removeosm_id_Remove_A list (or a single id) of "osm_id" which will be removed when "OSM shapes" component is ran. - If this input remains empty, then none of the "osm_id" will be removed.Goo
Osm way id Removeosm_way_id_Remove_A list (or a single id) of "osm_way_id" which will be removed when "OSM shapes" component is ran. - If this input remains empty, then none of the "osm_way_id" will be removed.Goo


Only Remove IdsonlyRemove_IdsData tree containing "osm_id_Only_, osm_way_id_Only_, osm_id_Remove_, osm_way_id_Remove_" inputs. - Use it for "OSM shapes" component's "onlyRemove_Ids_" input.Goo

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