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1|Mesh Graph
2|Weight Graph
3|Primary Segmentation
4|Secondary Segmentation
5|Iterative Segmentation
6|Special Segmentation
8|Mesh Info
9|Other Tools

Agents Programmed Behavior

Create a series of trees on the given graph that spread out based on the limits imposed and a programed behavior that switches between two characters Explore and Consume


MeshGraphGThe MGraph object used to perform graph splitMGraph
RootFacesRThe index of mesh faces where clusters will start to growInteger
ConsumeIntervalcIEdges with weight inside this interval will be considered for consumption each cluster can have its own intervalDomain
ExploreIntervaleIEdges with weight inside this interval will be considered for exploration each cluster can have its own intervalDomain
BehaviorbEach agent can have a behavior between explore and consume. False = explore, True = Consume. The pattern repeats itselfBoolean
ShowIterationIView a certain iteration from the agent growthInteger


SubGraphsSThe subgraph objectsMGraph

Video Tutorials

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