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0. Utilities
1. Load-conversions
1. Project
2. CreateProject
3. Project utilities
4. Analytical Templates
5. IDEA Templates
6. IDEA Connection
6. IDEA utilities
7. Cost calculation

Convert Excel Loads from SCIA

Convert loads from Excel into dataTree format, these loads are imported from a datasheet, where loads are defined per mesh-length of the element. This component finds the start loads at the start of the element and the endloads based on the length of the element.


Element NameElement NameElement NameText
Element LengthElement LengthLength of element in metersNumber
Entry Element NameEntry Element NameEntry Element NameText
Entry LoadcaseEntry LoadcaseLoadcaseText
Entry LengthEntry LengthLength of element entry in metersNumber
Entry: NEntry: NNormal force [kN]Number
Entry: VzEntry: VzShear force z-direction[kN]Number
Entry: VyEntry: VyShear force y-direction[kN]Number
Entry: MtEntry: MtTorsional force[kNm]Number
Entry: MyEntry: MyMoment force y-direction[kN]Number
Entry: MzEntry: MzMoment force z-direction[kN]Number


#Loadcases found#Loadcases foundNumber of loadcases foundInteger
LoadcaseNamesLoadcaseNamesNames of loadcasesText
NNNormal force [kN]Number
VzVzShear force z-direction[kN]Number
VyVyShear force y-direction[kN]Number
MtMtTorsional force[kNm]Number
MyMyMoment force y-direction[kN]Number
MzMzMoment force z-direction[kN]Number

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