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0. Utilities
1. Load-conversions
1. Project
2. CreateProject
3. Project utilities
4. Analytical Templates
5. IDEA Templates
6. IDEA Connection
6. IDEA utilities
7. Cost calculation

Reference Connection

Reference an existing connection which has been created manually by a filepath


PathPFilepath of existing connection file to import (.ideaCon)Text
NameNName/s of the Connection in the Connection Project File to Reference. If No Name is provided the First connection will be Used. If multiple is provided a seperate connection reference will be created for each item.Text
Load InfoLXXX Not Yet Implemented XXX. Attempt to Load as much information as possible from the Connection file including Parameters, Project Items, Costs. Note: This requires an avaliable IdeaStatiCa LicenseBoolean


ConnectionCReferenced connection which can be put into Calculate ComponentGeneric

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