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Data Sets
Machine Learning
Trainer Types

Text Loader Options

Additional options to control how a data file is loaded.


ColumnsColumnsSpecifies the input column names that should be mapped to the data set columns. If column names are provided, they will override the header input.Text
Trim WhitespaceTrim WhitespaceWheter to remove trailing whitespace from lines.Boolean
Allow QuotingAllow QuotingWhether the input may include double-quoted values. This parameter is used to distinguish separator characters in an input value from actual separators. When true, separators within double quotes are treated as part of the input value. When false, all separators, even those within quotes, are treated as delimiting a new column.Boolean


Text Loader OptionsOptionsText Loader Options.Generic

Video Tutorials

Lunchbox  (space Frame) Tutorial (lunchbox) Lunchbox  Tutorial (diamond Panels) Lunchbox  - Space Truss Lunchbox Tutorial - Hexagon Cells (double Curvature) Lunchbox Tutorial Surface Paneling Lunchbox Tutorial The Beatles Abbey Road Lunchbox Tutorial Lunchbox Tutorial Lunchbox Tutorial Lunchbox Tutorial Lunchbox Loft Tutorial Lunchbox Tutorial Lunchbox Tutorial Lunchbox Tutorial Rhino Luchbox Tutorial Lunch Box Tutorial Paneling Using Lunchbox In  In Rhino | Architutors Create A Parametric Spiral Wall Using Attractor Points, Lunchbox, And Anemone Create A Detailed Parametric Space Frame Truss - Dome Shaped - Using The Lunchbox Plugin Tutorial: Pattern Creation With Attractor Point And Lunchbox 009 - Triangular Folding Structure With Lunchbox 008 - Triangular Folding Structure Without Lunchbox (no Sounds)
Lunchbox (space Frame)

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   LunchBox and associated data © 2024 Nathan Miller.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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